[00:01:24] LAT : 55.031203 , LON : -134.516427 , DEPTH : 871.5959 m, TEMP : 3.80824 C, SAL : 34.24178 PSU, DO : 0.45392 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.8852 FTU [00:06:24] LAT : 55.030716 , LON : -134.515855 , DEPTH : 718.9534 m, TEMP : 4.06855 C, SAL : 34.17861 PSU, DO : 0.5688 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.8913 FTU [00:11:25] LAT : 55.030666 , LON : -134.514229 , DEPTH : 562.5779 m, TEMP : 4.53314 C, SAL : 34.07065 PSU, DO : 0.97513 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.8852 FTU [00:16:26] LAT : 55.030731 , LON : -134.512248 , DEPTH : 408.0528 m, TEMP : 4.90261 C, SAL : 33.96793 PSU, DO : 1.64359 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.8852 FTU [00:21:27] LAT : 55.030861 , LON : -134.509911 , DEPTH : 256.392 m, TEMP : 6.03786 C, SAL : 33.89218 PSU, DO : 2.50002 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.9035 FTU [00:26:27] LAT : 55.031148 , LON : -134.50741 , DEPTH : 109.2668 m, TEMP : 7.13855 C, SAL : 33.42655 PSU, DO : 4.33683 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.9096 FTU [00:28:11] dhugallindsay leaves the room [00:31:28] LAT : 55.031438 , LON : -134.504725 , DEPTH : 27.9116 m, TEMP : 10.17643 C, SAL : 31.97662 PSU, DO : 6.83033 mg/l, TURBIDITY : 0.9158 FTU [00:34:03] EX2306_DIVE12 ROV on Surface [00:49:13] EX2306_DIVE12 ROV Recovery Complete [01:01:43] ElainaJorgensen leaves the room [02:50:23] arvindshantharam leaves the room [04:28:07] merlinbest leaves the room [11:35:31] kellymarkello leaves the room [12:49:57] philhartmeyer leaves the room [13:30:07] philhartmeyer leaves the room [13:33:47] EX2306_DIVE12 ROV powered off [14:04:20] EX2306_DIVE13 test [16:01:30] philhartmeyer leaves the room [16:05:39] philhartmeyer leaves the room [16:17:31] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV Launch [16:26:20] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV on Surface [16:27:05] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV Descending [16:30:22] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:30:43] Nice jelly footage [16:40:35] philhartmeyer leaves the room [16:50:01] philhartmeyer leaves the room [16:53:16] going through lots of midwater stuff [16:54:42] philhartmeyer leaves the room [16:54:42] heidigartner leaves the room [16:54:52] larabeckmann leaves the room [16:58:20] squid [16:58:50] philhartmeyer leaves the room [16:59:34] another squid [17:00:56] if there is no wreck, this would be a good place for a midwater dive. [17:03:39] philhartmeyer leaves the room [17:13:47] heidigartner leaves the room [17:15:19] merlinbest leaves the room [17:18:01] caitlinzant leaves the room [17:18:17] good morning and excellent suggestion, i'll be sure to mention it when we talk planning [17:18:57] :) [17:21:35] philhartmeyer leaves the room [17:22:17] just accidentally got a good shot of a medusa [17:23:13] yes i believe i saw it! any tentative ID? [17:23:42] I don't do jellies [17:24:03] ah, me neither [17:24:20] larvacean here maybe? [17:24:31] just left the screen at the top left [17:24:44] I see a couple of chetognaths [17:27:42] philhartmeyer leaves the room [17:28:12] caitlinzant leaves the room [17:29:44] physonect siphonophore [17:30:18] some big copepods here [17:30:43] bristlemouth fish [17:30:46] seanrooney leaves the room [17:30:46] larabeckmann leaves the room [17:30:50] Cyclothone [17:35:03] caitlinzant leaves the room [17:36:35] philhartmeyer leaves the room [17:37:05] samcuellar leaves the room [17:37:38] heidigartner leaves the room [17:38:11] I understand the need to keep the location confidential, but I think in past shipwreck dive, shoreside science has had access to depth, temp, DO, etc. as well as audio from the ship (none of which I seem to have). I have no idea what is gong on. [17:39:13] we're experiencing some issues with the ROV cameras and holding position while we troubleshoot [17:39:26] OK. Thanks. [17:40:13] I just got audio. [17:49:39] heidigartner leaves the room [17:50:09] amandamaxon leaves the room [17:50:21] proceeding with the descent. the camera issue is being closely monitored, we'll be coming up if anything else shows signs of having issues. [17:50:51] seanrooney leaves the room [17:53:38] seanrooney leaves the room [17:54:12] just passing 1600m [17:54:42] ashleymarranzino leaves the room [17:55:12] caitlinzant leaves the room [17:57:01] merlinbest leaves the room [17:59:50] seanrooney leaves the room [18:00:10] jamesconrad leaves the room [18:01:02] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:03:39] heidigartner leaves the room [18:06:50] robertcarney leaves the room [18:07:23] 2000m [18:08:27] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:11:39] seanrooney leaves the room [18:11:50] merlinbest leaves the room [18:12:09] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:14:15] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:14:45] philhartmeyer leaves the room [18:15:14] Merlin, could we get a depth check please [18:16:44] seanrooney leaves the room [18:21:49] philhartmeyer leaves the room [18:24:50] 2525 m [18:24:59] about to land [18:25:35] philhartmeyer leaves the room [18:25:43] Thank you [18:29:14] christopherkelley leaves the room [18:29:17] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:29:31] seanrooney leaves the room [18:29:44] heidigartner leaves the room [18:32:05] medusa [18:35:02] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:35:30] 2768m on bottom [18:35:43] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV on Bottom [18:35:50] amandamaxon leaves the room [18:42:18] seanrooney leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [18:42:48] heidigartner leaves the room [18:43:01] i know we're looking for a ship so just a note that we're possibly seeing that pyramid-shaped Echinocrepis sp. [18:43:31] caitlinzant leaves the room [18:43:34] yes on pyramid [18:45:04] ericaburton leaves the room [18:45:34] seanrooney leaves the room [18:46:29] Pteraster or Hymenaster. [18:47:21] ericaburton leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [18:48:43] Did you also see a lump on the bathymetry where the backscatter target was? [18:49:22] yes...but it was surrounded by other larger lumps [18:49:35] it was the appropriate size though [18:50:12] Thanks Sam [18:52:35] pyramid urchins seen frequently? [18:52:43] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [18:53:24] not since the 2nd dive, and i'm not sure we saw quite this many [18:54:54] bottom mottled by burrowing [18:56:40] antimora! [18:57:03] heidigartner leaves the room [18:57:10] ElainaJorgensen leaves the room [18:57:25] a few stalked sponges possibly [18:57:37] robertcarney leaves the room [18:59:09] samcandio leaves the room [18:59:28] calycophoran siphonophore [18:59:35] seanrooney leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [19:01:02] seanrooney leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [19:01:04] cusk eel [19:02:07] another cusk eel [19:03:38] seanrooney leaves the room [19:04:36] munnopsid isopod [19:07:09] merlinbest leaves the room [19:07:14] larvacean [19:07:39] robertcarney leaves the room [19:09:11] marywicksten leaves the room [19:19:03] robertcarney leaves the room [19:20:01] Guys, do you have Quimera and FMGT on board and if so, did you check the raw multibeam using that software? [19:20:46] We sure do! [19:21:08] Did your mapping crew bring in the data in those softwares? [19:21:35] cindyvandover leaves the room [19:21:38] robertcarney leaves the room [19:23:14] I've played this game alot and the best way to find anomalys in the bathy is to import points for visualization in 3D. For backscatter, you can get the best resolution by bringing in the raw files into FMGT. [19:24:26] Anyway, just a suggestion if you are going to keep searching for this wreck. [19:24:46] samcuellar leaves the room [19:24:57] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV Ascending [19:25:50] larabeckmann leaves the room [19:26:23] thanks chris! [19:32:11] Good luck. I'm trying to help the Nautilus right now find one of the Japanese carriers sunk in the battle of Midway, which took place in 5400 m of water. It's a very hard game to play particularly at that depth, but it's still posible. I've given them a few targets for the Soryu from a single transit swath of EM 122 data. All of the action report locations for where that carrier sank are located on that swath. They are going to map with their 302 system on those targets to see if they hold up. And both Rene and Derrick, the two mapping leads on board, are familiar with looking for wrecks in Quimera. It's really the only way to do it if you can't get a deep water sidescan towfish to use for a survey. [19:33:19] raymondphipps leaves the room [19:33:41] ericaburton leaves the room [19:35:12] christopherkelley leaves the room [19:35:42] robertcarney leaves the room [19:43:12] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [19:43:20] merlinbest leaves the room [19:44:25] arvindshantharam leaves the room [19:46:07] jamesconrad leaves the room [19:50:38] heidigartner leaves the room [19:58:12] caitlinzant leaves the room [20:00:44] amandamaxon leaves the room [20:05:02] caitlinzant leaves the room [20:08:27] caitlinzant leaves the room [20:08:30] philhartmeyer leaves the room [20:11:02] merlinbest leaves the room [21:01:54] heidigartner leaves the room [21:06:31] michaelvecchione leaves the room [21:25:46] sarahfriedman leaves the room [21:32:28] kevinkocot leaves the room [21:37:31] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [21:38:18] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [21:43:50] christopherkelley leaves the room [21:59:05] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV on Surface [22:14:44] EX2306_DIVE13 ROV Recovery Complete