[00:55:54] iscwatch leaves the room [13:15:04] iscwatch leaves the room [19:12:07] carolynruppel leaves the room [20:10:24] EX2104_DIVE00 ROV Descending [20:10:57] LAT : 35.189519 , LON : -62.333865 , DEPTH : 0.5583 m, TEMP : 29.59357 C, SAL : 0.03524 PSU, DO : 6.70948 mg/l [20:15:57] LAT : 35.178027 , LON : -62.324764 , DEPTH : 0.3107 m, TEMP : 29.63381 C, SAL : 0.03331 PSU, DO : 6.67094 mg/l [20:19:52] EX2104_DIVE00 ROV Recovery Complete [20:49:32] scottfrance leaves the room