[06:29:34] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [11:46:06] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV powered off [12:11:51] ***EX2013 Dive10 - TEST*** [12:14:49] jasonchaytor leaves the room [12:22:42] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Launch [12:31:01] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV on Surface [12:36:52] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Descending [12:37:49] LAT : 39.545358 , LON : -71.791896 , DEPTH : 16.8694 m, TEMP : 21.78895 C, SAL : 35.15889 PSU, DO : 7.36517 mg/l [12:42:50] LAT : 39.544737 , LON : -71.791811 , DEPTH : 64.1523 m, TEMP : 15.12248 C, SAL : 35.75301 PSU, DO : 6.29113 mg/l [12:47:51] LAT : 39.544407 , LON : -71.791915 , DEPTH : 215.8359 m, TEMP : 10.25223 C, SAL : 35.32598 PSU, DO : 4.26374 mg/l [12:52:52] LAT : 39.544238 , LON : -71.79211 , DEPTH : 368.8388 m, TEMP : 6.76958 C, SAL : 35.11498 PSU, DO : 6.02638 mg/l [12:57:53] LAT : 39.544041 , LON : -71.792361 , DEPTH : 523.9849 m, TEMP : 5.35825 C, SAL : 35.04606 PSU, DO : 7.38798 mg/l [12:58:46] noellehelder leaves the room [13:02:53] LAT : 39.543743 , LON : -71.792559 , DEPTH : 679.8424 m, TEMP : 4.89831 C, SAL : 35.0232 PSU, DO : 7.80836 mg/l [13:07:54] LAT : 39.543575 , LON : -71.792896 , DEPTH : 826.4447 m, TEMP : 4.53375 C, SAL : 34.99654 PSU, DO : 8.12437 mg/l [13:12:55] LAT : 39.543407 , LON : -71.792972 , DEPTH : 986.1667 m, TEMP : 4.30978 C, SAL : 34.98587 PSU, DO : 8.23371 mg/l [13:17:55] LAT : 39.543279 , LON : -71.793116 , DEPTH : 1137.1314 m, TEMP : 4.28193 C, SAL : 34.98362 PSU, DO : 8.23519 mg/l [13:22:56] LAT : 39.543239 , LON : -71.793145 , DEPTH : 1269.8755 m, TEMP : 4.18771 C, SAL : 34.97823 PSU, DO : 8.2564 mg/l [13:27:53] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV on Bottom [13:27:58] LAT : 39.542909 , LON : -71.792929 , DEPTH : 1287.0709 m, TEMP : 4.18947 C, SAL : 34.97886 PSU, DO : 8.27419 mg/l [13:30:43] noellehelder leaves the room [13:32:20] lots of Bathocyroe lobate ctenophores on way down, a Ctenoceros cydippid, physonects, a Mesochordeus [13:32:50] mysids associated with urchin [13:32:57] LAT : 39.542857 , LON : -71.792901 , DEPTH : 1288.3326 m, TEMP : 4.21342 C, SAL : 34.98233 PSU, DO : 8.29862 mg/l [13:37:57] LAT : 39.542856 , LON : -71.792933 , DEPTH : 1286.8296 m, TEMP : 4.20032 C, SAL : 34.97933 PSU, DO : 8.28976 mg/l [13:40:52] dhugallindsay leaves the room [13:41:56] That was maybe Chromatonema. Red stomach leptomedusa [13:42:58] LAT : 39.542836 , LON : -71.792952 , DEPTH : 1286.1027 m, TEMP : 4.20037 C, SAL : 34.97366 PSU, DO : 8.27706 mg/l [13:47:58] LAT : 39.542875 , LON : -71.792963 , DEPTH : 1286.3932 m, TEMP : 4.1893 C, SAL : 34.97902 PSU, DO : 8.28048 mg/l [13:50:12] noellehelder leaves the room [13:50:12] kaseycantwell leaves the room [13:52:27] quinngirasek leaves the room [13:52:59] LAT : 39.542797 , LON : -71.792827 , DEPTH : 1285.4964 m, TEMP : 4.19763 C, SAL : 34.97774 PSU, DO : 8.28541 mg/l [13:55:59] christarabenold leaves the room [13:56:37] dhugallindsay leaves the room [13:58:00] LAT : 39.542839 , LON : -71.792828 , DEPTH : 1285.5507 m, TEMP : 4.20591 C, SAL : 34.97868 PSU, DO : 8.2549 mg/l [13:58:58] jasonchaytor leaves the room [13:59:03] quinngirasek leaves the room [14:01:52] chat-admin leaves the room [14:03:01] LAT : 39.542857 , LON : -71.792806 , DEPTH : 1285.5875 m, TEMP : 4.20624 C, SAL : 34.97901 PSU, DO : 8.26939 mg/l [14:08:01] LAT : 39.542784 , LON : -71.792981 , DEPTH : 1284.66 m, TEMP : 4.20717 C, SAL : 34.98016 PSU, DO : 8.27429 mg/l [14:13:02] LAT : 39.54289 , LON : -71.793059 , DEPTH : 1283.7657 m, TEMP : 4.21643 C, SAL : 34.97936 PSU, DO : 8.27305 mg/l [14:13:12] quinngirasek leaves the room [14:16:09] mashkoormalik leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [14:17:06] G'day Mike [14:18:03] LAT : 39.542814 , LON : -71.793132 , DEPTH : 1277.8684 m, TEMP : 4.21495 C, SAL : 34.97969 PSU, DO : 8.2996 mg/l [14:18:07] My annotations in Seascribe seem to have the wrong timestamp... Bug? [14:18:11] Hi Dhugal Are you aware that the midwater part of the dive doesn't start for several hours? [14:18:36] Yes. Am considering sleeping soon but keep seeing jellies... [14:18:50] I have always had trouble with Sea Scribe [14:19:21] Just a lot of mud here. I reckon we should do midwater from now ;-) [14:21:15] FYI Yesterday (in another canyon) they were seeing a lot of dead jellyfish on the bottom. Possibly Pelagia noctiluca (but what do I know?). [14:21:28] cool! [14:21:59] There's one rolling in the sed now [14:22:03] speak of the devil! [14:22:58] carbon flow to benthos [14:23:04] LAT : 39.542718 , LON : -71.793165 , DEPTH : 1273.6671 m, TEMP : 4.21501 C, SAL : 34.97964 PSU, DO : 8.27613 mg/l [14:24:28] BTW I am having trouble finding the original citation for the Muusoctopus spawning site on Davidson Seamount. Don't suppose you know it? [14:25:43] not off the top of my head [14:26:53] @Dhugal - I just sent you an email with some information about using correct "Capture Time" in Seatube. Your annotations appear to have incorrect time. [14:27:34] Please switch to Live annotation mode for Capture time to use the current time to associate correct time to real time annotations. [14:28:04] LAT : 39.542771 , LON : -71.793214 , DEPTH : 1271.9488 m, TEMP : 4.21517 C, SAL : 34.98164 PSU, DO : 8.25629 mg/l [14:33:04] LAT : 39.542775 , LON : -71.793401 , DEPTH : 1266.6378 m, TEMP : 4.21627 C, SAL : 34.97994 PSU, DO : 8.2947 mg/l [14:34:58] new Poralia species!!!!! [14:35:12] mashkoormalik leaves the room [14:36:33] @Dhugal Brooding Muusoctopus discussed (with frame grabs) here: https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/21136/noaa_21136_DS1.pdf [14:37:41] Beroe [14:38:05] LAT : 39.542616 , LON : -71.793171 , DEPTH : 1264.72 m, TEMP : 4.22235 C, SAL : 34.97979 PSU, DO : 8.28588 mg/l [14:38:20] another cryptic "cucumis" species [14:39:02] nice! Can see the canal structure [14:41:23] Hi Asako [14:42:11] Hi Dhugal [14:43:05] LAT : 39.542676 , LON : -71.793197 , DEPTH : 1265.4623 m, TEMP : 4.22366 C, SAL : 34.97992 PSU, DO : 8.2501 mg/l [14:43:55] I have struggled with the chatroom problem til now. somwhow it doesn't work on the browser since this morning. [14:44:05] dhugallindsay leaves the room [14:44:57] I have gotten a security error on the chatroom website today, regardless of browser. [14:46:55] I could not connect both chatroom and video from my Chrome at the end of the Dive09 [14:48:06] LAT : 39.542613 , LON : -71.793264 , DEPTH : 1261.1544 m, TEMP : 4.22394 C, SAL : 34.98109 PSU, DO : 8.26175 mg/l [14:48:57] video is OK on the Chrom but cannot connect chatroom from the browser. so I have reinstalled new version pidgen! [14:51:29] There has been a lot of speculation that gouges in the bottom are caused by beaked whales, but it is just speculation. [14:53:07] LAT : 39.542597 , LON : -71.793413 , DEPTH : 1254.3695 m, TEMP : 4.23161 C, SAL : 34.98093 PSU, DO : 8.262 mg/l [14:58:06] it was a physonect siphonophore [14:58:08] LAT : 39.542494 , LON : -71.793627 , DEPTH : 1242.1514 m, TEMP : 4.23829 C, SAL : 34.97925 PSU, DO : 8.25211 mg/l [15:00:42] top right quadrant [15:00:49] floating black thing [15:03:07] dhugal can you tell what the dead rolling jelly was [15:03:08] LAT : 39.542462 , LON : -71.793707 , DEPTH : 1239.8674 m, TEMP : 4.24004 C, SAL : 34.98175 PSU, DO : 8.25266 mg/l [15:03:28] Pelagia [15:03:39] you were spot on [15:03:54] ;-) [15:03:58] Talk about benthic-pelagic coupling in canyons! [15:06:02] zoom on every urchin to see if they all have mysids associated? [15:07:23] There is a type of baby fish that uses the pancake urchins as nursery habitat. Ken Sulak is very interested. [15:08:08] LAT : 39.542448 , LON : -71.793839 , DEPTH : 1233.5266 m, TEMP : 4.24897 C, SAL : 34.9854 PSU, DO : 8.25854 mg/l [15:08:52] daed shrimp [15:11:11] time for me to get some shuteye. See you in a few hours [15:11:43] see you Dhugal! [15:13:08] LAT : 39.542372 , LON : -71.793964 , DEPTH : 1223.8792 m, TEMP : 4.24667 C, SAL : 34.98111 PSU, DO : 8.26516 mg/l [15:14:33] if ou see anything chomping a Pelagia please let me know [15:18:09] LAT : 39.542333 , LON : -71.794154 , DEPTH : 1215.5481 m, TEMP : 4.25428 C, SAL : 34.98145 PSU, DO : 8.25738 mg/l [15:19:04] anything chomping!? what's that? [15:23:10] LAT : 39.542237 , LON : -71.794139 , DEPTH : 1209.5565 m, TEMP : 4.25505 C, SAL : 34.98115 PSU, DO : 8.23623 mg/l [15:24:16] maybe the undescribed Poralia species? [15:25:26] yes! [15:26:05] chomping? [15:26:20] crabs eating jellies maybe? [15:28:11] LAT : 39.542114 , LON : -71.794257 , DEPTH : 1202.9203 m, TEMP : 4.25088 C, SAL : 34.98141 PSU, DO : 8.25424 mg/l [15:30:22] Arctapodema? [15:31:42] dhugallindsay leaves the room [15:33:11] LAT : 39.542163 , LON : -71.794503 , DEPTH : 1195.908 m, TEMP : 4.25154 C, SAL : 34.98187 PSU, DO : 8.22802 mg/l [15:38:12] LAT : 39.541916 , LON : -71.794432 , DEPTH : 1189.622 m, TEMP : 4.25061 C, SAL : 34.98252 PSU, DO : 8.26076 mg/l [15:39:43] emilycrum leaves the room [15:43:13] LAT : 39.541911 , LON : -71.794766 , DEPTH : 1179.6678 m, TEMP : 4.26512 C, SAL : 34.98234 PSU, DO : 8.26345 mg/l [15:46:36] michaelvecchione leaves the room [15:48:13] LAT : 39.541761 , LON : -71.794929 , DEPTH : 1169.5184 m, TEMP : 4.2637 C, SAL : 34.98337 PSU, DO : 8.2833 mg/l [15:50:12] mashkoormalik leaves the room [15:53:13] LAT : 39.541703 , LON : -71.795152 , DEPTH : 1156.1604 m, TEMP : 4.26835 C, SAL : 34.98054 PSU, DO : 8.24303 mg/l [15:58:14] LAT : 39.541571 , LON : -71.795253 , DEPTH : 1147.1202 m, TEMP : 4.26249 C, SAL : 34.98325 PSU, DO : 8.23947 mg/l [16:01:27] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:03:14] LAT : 39.541575 , LON : -71.795295 , DEPTH : 1146.4631 m, TEMP : 4.266 C, SAL : 34.99532 PSU, DO : 8.25553 mg/l [16:08:15] LAT : 39.54148 , LON : -71.795368 , DEPTH : 1136.7091 m, TEMP : 4.26736 C, SAL : 34.98232 PSU, DO : 8.25183 mg/l [16:08:26] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:13:16] LAT : 39.541425 , LON : -71.795581 , DEPTH : 1130.0018 m, TEMP : 4.26205 C, SAL : 34.98322 PSU, DO : 8.23475 mg/l [16:13:23] christarabenold leaves the room [16:16:55] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:18:16] LAT : 39.541244 , LON : -71.795682 , DEPTH : 1121.6857 m, TEMP : 4.2609 C, SAL : 34.98299 PSU, DO : 8.25631 mg/l [16:23:13] kaseycantwell leaves the room [16:23:16] LAT : 39.541167 , LON : -71.795959 , DEPTH : 1113.3396 m, TEMP : 4.2603 C, SAL : 34.98269 PSU, DO : 8.26553 mg/l [16:28:17] LAT : 39.541 , LON : -71.795967 , DEPTH : 1103.6269 m, TEMP : 4.25269 C, SAL : 34.98287 PSU, DO : 8.24764 mg/l [16:33:17] LAT : 39.541009 , LON : -71.796351 , DEPTH : 1094.0644 m, TEMP : 4.26632 C, SAL : 34.98323 PSU, DO : 8.26766 mg/l [16:34:26] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:38:17] LAT : 39.540895 , LON : -71.796459 , DEPTH : 1084.4876 m, TEMP : 4.27087 C, SAL : 34.98364 PSU, DO : 8.22672 mg/l [16:43:18] LAT : 39.540777 , LON : -71.796605 , DEPTH : 1074.5711 m, TEMP : 4.27809 C, SAL : 34.9839 PSU, DO : 8.24287 mg/l [16:48:19] LAT : 39.540692 , LON : -71.796799 , DEPTH : 1066.8499 m, TEMP : 4.28017 C, SAL : 34.98381 PSU, DO : 8.23856 mg/l [16:53:19] LAT : 39.540541 , LON : -71.797114 , DEPTH : 1056.6588 m, TEMP : 4.28406 C, SAL : 34.98515 PSU, DO : 8.24605 mg/l [16:53:29] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:58:20] LAT : 39.540524 , LON : -71.79729 , DEPTH : 1055.0379 m, TEMP : 4.28652 C, SAL : 34.98721 PSU, DO : 8.24967 mg/l [17:03:20] LAT : 39.540658 , LON : -71.79753 , DEPTH : 1053.7968 m, TEMP : 4.27569 C, SAL : 34.98457 PSU, DO : 8.21821 mg/l [17:08:21] LAT : 39.540689 , LON : -71.797712 , DEPTH : 1052.9003 m, TEMP : 4.28318 C, SAL : 34.98457 PSU, DO : 8.23034 mg/l [17:09:42] quinngirasek leaves the room [17:11:46] noellehelder leaves the room [17:13:21] LAT : 39.540745 , LON : -71.797785 , DEPTH : 1050.8452 m, TEMP : 4.28822 C, SAL : 34.98525 PSU, DO : 8.2412 mg/l [17:14:13] michaelwhite leaves the room [17:16:20] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [17:16:56] gordonrees leaves the room [17:17:39] The squid was Gonatus fabricii (I think). [17:18:21] LAT : 39.540816 , LON : -71.798106 , DEPTH : 1050.2609 m, TEMP : 4.28012 C, SAL : 34.9842 PSU, DO : 8.24162 mg/l [17:21:05] dropstone [17:21:20] I would agree with that [17:21:57] igneous [17:23:22] LAT : 39.540764 , LON : -71.798146 , DEPTH : 1051.0587 m, TEMP : 4.28078 C, SAL : 34.98408 PSU, DO : 8.26258 mg/l [17:25:39] test post [17:25:50] andrewobrien leaves the room [17:26:38] michaelvecchione leaves the room [17:28:22] LAT : 39.540748 , LON : -71.798242 , DEPTH : 1050.1077 m, TEMP : 4.28565 C, SAL : 34.98506 PSU, DO : 8.22419 mg/l [17:33:23] LAT : 39.540777 , LON : -71.798283 , DEPTH : 1049.861 m, TEMP : 4.28176 C, SAL : 34.98407 PSU, DO : 8.23978 mg/l [17:36:26] michaelvecchione leaves the room [17:38:09] noellehelder leaves the room [17:38:23] LAT : 39.540858 , LON : -71.798538 , DEPTH : 1049.6427 m, TEMP : 4.28176 C, SAL : 34.9848 PSU, DO : 8.23313 mg/l [17:43:23] LAT : 39.540751 , LON : -71.798759 , DEPTH : 1049.9748 m, TEMP : 4.2851 C, SAL : 34.98508 PSU, DO : 8.23517 mg/l [17:48:24] LAT : 39.540896 , LON : -71.798941 , DEPTH : 1049.1396 m, TEMP : 4.29101 C, SAL : 34.98526 PSU, DO : 8.25388 mg/l [17:48:33] quinngirasek leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [17:48:51] quinngirasek leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [17:50:58] Hi Mike, Dhugal et al., I just joined as the Etmopterus shark (indeed a dogfish) swam by. I didn't have time to grab a screenshot, though. [17:53:25] LAT : 39.541029 , LON : -71.799061 , DEPTH : 1049.99 m, TEMP : 4.28685 C, SAL : 34.98497 PSU, DO : 8.23572 mg/l [17:54:07] Hi Tracey. SOmeone has posted it on Facebook [17:55:23] Tracey -- try https://www.facebook.com/groups/253354671511754/?multi_permalinks=1793369167510289%2C1792454287601777%2C1792417750938764%2C1792422970938242%2C1792423484271524¬if_id=1624077276116549¬if_t=group_activity&ref=notif [17:56:25] got it - brilliant, thanks, Mike. [17:58:25] LAT : 39.540848 , LON : -71.799054 , DEPTH : 1049.6793 m, TEMP : 4.29583 C, SAL : 34.98576 PSU, DO : 8.21773 mg/l [17:58:41] allencollins leaves the room [17:59:56] shark is back [18:01:18] They just said 15 min until midwater. going to step away for a few. [18:03:25] LAT : 39.540927 , LON : -71.799445 , DEPTH : 1053.1845 m, TEMP : 4.30332 C, SAL : 34.98562 PSU, DO : 8.22256 mg/l [18:05:27] jasonchaytor leaves the room [18:05:37] nemertean worm? [18:05:42] pelagic nemertine [18:06:44] lots of pelagic life here - Cyclothone looks very well oriented to bottom and not just there my mistake [18:08:25] LAT : 39.54092 , LON : -71.799886 , DEPTH : 1054.1145 m, TEMP : 4.29851 C, SAL : 34.98515 PSU, DO : 8.23383 mg/l [18:11:06] we can hear you from afar [18:11:18] I hear you Matt! [18:13:26] LAT : 39.540838 , LON : -71.799734 , DEPTH : 1055.0588 m, TEMP : 4.30327 C, SAL : 34.98668 PSU, DO : 8.22291 mg/l [18:14:06] quinngirasek leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [18:14:30] coleschmitt leaves the room [18:14:43] hi res coming through very well [18:15:26] Yes, the video feed looks great right now [18:18:27] LAT : 39.541251 , LON : -71.79965 , DEPTH : 1035.3605 m, TEMP : 4.32094 C, SAL : 34.98654 PSU, DO : 8.22367 mg/l [18:19:29] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Ascending [18:22:07] christarabenold leaves the room [18:23:27] LAT : 39.541117 , LON : -71.800032 , DEPTH : 899.7794 m, TEMP : 4.36955 C, SAL : 34.9889 PSU, DO : 8.19795 mg/l [18:25:25] no, just the chat... [18:26:51] I haven't tried to call in, but can try to do so if you would like [18:27:03] when they switch to low light, will that be on camera feed 2 or 3? [18:28:27] LAT : 39.540796 , LON : -71.800195 , DEPTH : 751.8693 m, TEMP : 4.72227 C, SAL : 35.01225 PSU, DO : 7.9829 mg/l [18:31:37] Narco went by. [18:32:50] periphylla [18:33:28] LAT : 39.540662 , LON : -71.800135 , DEPTH : 602.4178 m, TEMP : 5.14249 C, SAL : 35.03703 PSU, DO : 7.62293 mg/l [18:36:31] traceysutton leaves the room [18:37:00] Mike, what are those pteropods going by? [18:37:28] Sorry I didn't see them. screwing with the phone. [18:37:48] christarabenold leaves the room [18:38:29] LAT : 39.540692 , LON : -71.799778 , DEPTH : 505.6828 m, TEMP : 5.53116 C, SAL : 35.05001 PSU, DO : 7.20949 mg/l [18:39:53] lots of little lobate ctenophores [18:40:14] Indeed. With very long lobes [18:40:17] Bathoceroe? [18:40:32] Bathyceroe? [18:41:04] Not sure. [18:41:17] ooh, lanternfish - maybe Benthosema [18:42:08] The swimming of these ctenophores is so cool. [18:42:26] Cyclothone back in the distance [18:42:30] Allen and Tracey -- Are you annotating of SeaTube? [18:42:51] I think Quinn is doing that. But I could log on and help out. [18:42:57] I am on seatube [18:43:04] Or try anyway. Hard to do while watching. [18:43:15] no, I am playing hooky on a Zoom while really more interested in this dive. i'm afraid I am maxed out, bandwidth-wise. Sorry... [18:43:19] I fanally got that working also. [18:43:30] LAT : 39.540986 , LON : -71.799434 , DEPTH : 501.9811 m, TEMP : 5.57683 C, SAL : 35.05036 PSU, DO : 7.14928 mg/l [18:44:35] I think maybe Bathocyroe, as you suggested Mike [18:44:39] cyclothone, probably C. pallida [18:44:44] EX2103_DIVE10 Mid-water Transect Start [18:45:21] Trachymedusa [18:46:35] Cyclothone [18:47:14] Quite a bit of Solmissus were around as well. [18:47:32] lanternfish - wouldn't hold still for further ID [18:48:31] LAT : 39.540931 , LON : -71.799488 , DEPTH : 501.9574 m, TEMP : 5.59276 C, SAL : 35.05352 PSU, DO : 7.1361 mg/l [18:48:58] chaetognath, then Cyclothone [18:49:48] cyclothone [18:50:29] Just got bounced from teh phone line. [18:50:41] might have been a large leptocephalus larvae - wasn't targeted [18:50:56] that was a lepto [18:51:03] this layer is a jelly soup [18:51:14] just passed an eel, maybe Serrivomer [18:51:40] lantern - probably Benthosema [18:52:55] 2 more cyclothone [18:53:32] LAT : 39.54092 , LON : -71.799474 , DEPTH : 501.8842 m, TEMP : 5.57136 C, SAL : 35.05158 PSU, DO : 7.17222 mg/l [18:54:39] Little cydippid ctenophore [18:55:42] Nick Bezio says that ctenophore (cydippid) was Mertensia [18:56:17] 2 chaetognaths, then a lanternfish [18:58:32] LAT : 39.540863 , LON : -71.799571 , DEPTH : 501.9395 m, TEMP : 5.57876 C, SAL : 35.04981 PSU, DO : 7.14756 mg/l [18:59:26] Allen -- they saw some bright red cydippids near bottom during the benthic part of the dive. Also Dhugal said an undecribed Poralia. [18:59:51] Solmundella went by [18:59:59] Narco with two tentacles [19:00:28] Thanks for that info. I think I saw one of the bright red guys [19:03:33] LAT : 39.540765 , LON : -71.79971 , DEPTH : 501.9018 m, TEMP : 5.57409 C, SAL : 35.05399 PSU, DO : 7.15112 mg/l [19:04:15] christarabenold leaves the room [19:04:15] traceysutton leaves the room [19:06:47] EX2103_DIVE10 Mid-water Transect End [19:07:24] huge cyclothone [19:08:17] Somundella out there (center ish) [19:08:34] LAT : 39.540666 , LON : -71.799853 , DEPTH : 501.9138 m, TEMP : 5.58825 C, SAL : 35.05747 PSU, DO : 7.16188 mg/l [19:10:07] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Ascending [19:10:43] chaeto [19:12:23] cyclo [19:13:34] LAT : 39.54053 , LON : -71.799941 , DEPTH : 469.586 m, TEMP : 5.89525 C, SAL : 35.0711 PSU, DO : 6.89869 mg/l [19:14:07] christarabenold leaves the room [19:17:40] EX2103_DIVE10 Mid-water Transect Start [19:18:35] LAT : 39.540297 , LON : -71.799995 , DEPTH : 451.8325 m, TEMP : 6.08536 C, SAL : 35.07976 PSU, DO : 6.67505 mg/l [19:19:15] traceysutton leaves the room [19:19:25] cyclo [19:23:36] LAT : 39.540324 , LON : -71.800154 , DEPTH : 451.734 m, TEMP : 6.06859 C, SAL : 35.07965 PSU, DO : 6.68261 mg/l [19:25:53] cyclo [19:26:42] Siphs now [19:27:12] cyclo swimming down [19:28:37] LAT : 39.540334 , LON : -71.800358 , DEPTH : 451.7982 m, TEMP : 6.04106 C, SAL : 35.07861 PSU, DO : 6.71332 mg/l [19:33:19] traceysutton leaves the room [19:33:37] LAT : 39.540319 , LON : -71.800469 , DEPTH : 451.7685 m, TEMP : 6.05054 C, SAL : 35.07896 PSU, DO : 6.71289 mg/l [19:34:48] christarabenold leaves the room [19:37:50] I guess that close up was on the undescribed ctenophore that S. Haddock mentioned. [19:38:07] EX2103_DIVE10 Mid-water Transect End [19:38:25] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Ascending [19:38:37] LAT : 39.540313 , LON : -71.8007 , DEPTH : 451.5685 m, TEMP : 6.10414 C, SAL : 35.08089 PSU, DO : 6.67426 mg/l [19:39:49] cyclo [19:40:00] another cyclo [19:41:18] 2 more [19:41:44] quite a few here - too many to count [19:43:06] I have the full-res feed going on one computer and the public feed on another. The "low latency" full-res is actually coming through abot 6 sc behind the public feed. [19:43:38] LAT : 39.540369 , LON : -71.800906 , DEPTH : 402.8316 m, TEMP : 6.73787 C, SAL : 35.10397 PSU, DO : 6.16679 mg/l [19:46:50] EX2103_DIVE10 Mid-water Transect Start [19:47:32] traceysutton leaves the room [19:48:39] LAT : 39.540405 , LON : -71.801006 , DEPTH : 377.2406 m, TEMP : 6.96628 C, SAL : 35.11202 PSU, DO : 5.9744 mg/l [19:48:59] I have to leave, so you all are GUARANTEED to see a fantastic fish... have a good weekend. [19:50:07] have a good weekend, thanks for joining [19:50:45] Nice larvacean house [19:50:49] A quick impression looking at the bottom before this transect is that the majority of the pelagic action appeared to be within 100 m of the bottom. Maybe factor into future midwater transects? [19:53:40] LAT : 39.540147 , LON : -71.80115 , DEPTH : 378.0331 m, TEMP : 6.98628 C, SAL : 35.116 PSU, DO : 5.94754 mg/l [19:54:19] traceysutton leaves the room [19:58:40] LAT : 39.539916 , LON : -71.801344 , DEPTH : 376.8536 m, TEMP : 6.98938 C, SAL : 35.11624 PSU, DO : 5.94572 mg/l [20:00:48] christarabenold leaves the room [20:03:41] LAT : 39.53971 , LON : -71.80152 , DEPTH : 376.8786 m, TEMP : 6.97237 C, SAL : 35.11404 PSU, DO : 5.96781 mg/l [20:03:43] allencollins leaves the room [20:04:33] I really think it needs a splat screen for pelagic work. [20:07:16] squid [20:08:41] LAT : 39.539397 , LON : -71.80178 , DEPTH : 380.9026 m, TEMP : 6.94512 C, SAL : 35.11446 PSU, DO : 5.98566 mg/l [20:08:57] That is a cool squid [20:09:08] EX2103_DIVE10 Mid-water Transect End [20:09:28] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Ascending [20:13:41] LAT : 39.539602 , LON : -71.801975 , DEPTH : 370.5828 m, TEMP : 7.04724 C, SAL : 35.11681 PSU, DO : 5.87835 mg/l [20:15:47] quinngirasek leaves the room [20:18:41] LAT : 39.539581 , LON : -71.802387 , DEPTH : 370.5675 m, TEMP : 7.04048 C, SAL : 35.1178 PSU, DO : 5.88137 mg/l [20:21:19] allencollins leaves the room [20:23:42] LAT : 39.538651 , LON : -71.802346 , DEPTH : 245.1374 m, TEMP : 9.39204 C, SAL : 35.26164 PSU, DO : 4.44511 mg/l [20:28:42] LAT : 39.5373 , LON : -71.802093 , DEPTH : 99.7357 m, TEMP : 14.304 C, SAL : 35.80528 PSU, DO : 5.76177 mg/l [20:33:43] LAT : 39.535925 , LON : -71.802177 , DEPTH : 51.4711 m, TEMP : 15.59791 C, SAL : 35.59029 PSU, DO : 6.97035 mg/l [20:38:06] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV on Surface [20:40:14] michaelvecchione leaves the room [20:52:59] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV Recovery Complete [21:01:09] mattdornback leaves the room [21:29:22] thx for the dive everyobe. Will annotate offline [22:30:45] EX2103_DIVE10 ROV powered off [22:46:07] stevenhaddock leaves the room [22:49:11] kaseycantwell leaves the room [22:58:35] hannahmiller leaves the room [23:02:26] okexnav leaves the room