[11:40:23] EX2103_DIVE08 ROV powered off [11:50:56] EX2103_DIVE09 Test message [12:31:25] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV Launch [12:39:22] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV on Surface [12:39:54] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV Descending [12:40:45] LAT : 39.374274 , LON : -72.083287 , DEPTH : 16.5049 m, TEMP : 21.8463 C, SAL : 35.06418 PSU, DO : 7.36065 mg/l [12:45:45] LAT : 39.374129 , LON : -72.083484 , DEPTH : 87.0664 m, TEMP : 14.09137 C, SAL : 35.71913 PSU, DO : 6.60693 mg/l [12:50:45] LAT : 39.374008 , LON : -72.083726 , DEPTH : 242.2447 m, TEMP : 9.586 C, SAL : 35.24405 PSU, DO : 4.29544 mg/l [12:55:46] LAT : 39.37411 , LON : -72.083617 , DEPTH : 397.6715 m, TEMP : 6.81912 C, SAL : 35.11084 PSU, DO : 6.10671 mg/l [13:00:46] LAT : 39.374021 , LON : -72.083199 , DEPTH : 551.71 m, TEMP : 5.42694 C, SAL : 35.04691 PSU, DO : 7.28721 mg/l [13:05:48] LAT : 39.373955 , LON : -72.082836 , DEPTH : 706.9352 m, TEMP : 4.92281 C, SAL : 35.02213 PSU, DO : 7.74504 mg/l [13:10:48] LAT : 39.373987 , LON : -72.08246 , DEPTH : 866.1134 m, TEMP : 4.65511 C, SAL : 35.00407 PSU, DO : 7.98498 mg/l [13:10:49] That's why the sword boats like to longline in the canyons. [13:15:49] LAT : 39.373987 , LON : -72.082094 , DEPTH : 1021.2159 m, TEMP : 4.48827 C, SAL : 34.99495 PSU, DO : 8.10456 mg/l [13:17:28] For midwater biolum you should add a splat screen in front of the low-light camera and drive forward into the animals [13:20:49] LAT : 39.373915 , LON : -72.081719 , DEPTH : 1180.5333 m, TEMP : 4.34429 C, SAL : 34.98641 PSU, DO : 8.20152 mg/l [13:25:49] LAT : 39.373763 , LON : -72.081365 , DEPTH : 1312.6048 m, TEMP : 4.20733 C, SAL : 34.97777 PSU, DO : 8.27978 mg/l [13:30:50] LAT : 39.373736 , LON : -72.080401 , DEPTH : 1317.889 m, TEMP : 4.18678 C, SAL : 34.97671 PSU, DO : 8.25736 mg/l [13:31:47] michaelvecchione leaves the room [13:35:51] LAT : 39.373871 , LON : -72.08033 , DEPTH : 1362.1698 m, TEMP : 4.15153 C, SAL : 34.97464 PSU, DO : 8.27017 mg/l [13:39:18] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV on Bottom [13:40:01] For others having trouble with chatroom kicking you out, I'm finding Firefox more chat friendly than Chrome. [13:40:10] rattail, blue hake and pancake urchin on bottom [13:40:52] LAT : 39.373879 , LON : -72.08038 , DEPTH : 1403.6556 m, TEMP : 4.06723 C, SAL : 34.97133 PSU, DO : 8.29866 mg/l [13:41:39] michaelvecchione leaves the room [13:43:14] dead jellyfish? [13:43:29] cutthroat eel [13:44:05] kensulak leaves the room [13:45:52] LAT : 39.373912 , LON : -72.080375 , DEPTH : 1402.6361 m, TEMP : 4.06486 C, SAL : 34.96903 PSU, DO : 8.2845 mg/l [13:49:12] 'Blue Hake' = Longnose Codling - Antimora rostrata, family Moridae [13:49:18] Chiroteuthis veranyi [13:50:48] nice closeup of squid [13:50:53] LAT : 39.373923 , LON : -72.080369 , DEPTH : 1402.347 m, TEMP : 4.09715 C, SAL : 34.97588 PSU, DO : 8.31041 mg/l [13:50:54] Really nifty teuthis Whitish 'brotulid' = Dicrolene intronigra [13:54:30] jasonchaytor leaves the room [13:55:54] LAT : 39.373899 , LON : -72.080347 , DEPTH : 1402.6334 m, TEMP : 4.08677 C, SAL : 34.97176 PSU, DO : 8.3388 mg/l [13:58:24] jasonchaytor leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [14:00:55] LAT : 39.373881 , LON : -72.080389 , DEPTH : 1403.5993 m, TEMP : 4.08331 C, SAL : 34.97074 PSU, DO : 8.28214 mg/l [14:04:33] black midwater fish intermittently hovering = Cyclothone [14:05:26] longnose codling - Antimora rostrata [14:05:55] LAT : 39.373958 , LON : -72.080212 , DEPTH : 1400.3831 m, TEMP : 4.10637 C, SAL : 34.97315 PSU, DO : 8.28877 mg/l [14:06:34] Hello [14:07:34] I just tried to call in on teh conf line, as requested by the ROV folks. Didn't work. At first it was busy, then nobody answered. "You are the only one on the conference line". [14:08:45] might be worth zooming in on red-purple pancake urchin - which sometimes has a fish sheltering underneath the spiney armor. Also worth a zoom in look at the withish brotulid, the smaller bottom fish seen several times so far [14:10:55] LAT : 39.373975 , LON : -72.080039 , DEPTH : 1397.4934 m, TEMP : 4.13227 C, SAL : 34.97513 PSU, DO : 8.24779 mg/l [14:11:39] The large purple pancake urchin is Hygrosoma. The small brotulid that shelters underneath of it, peeking out from time to time is Barathrites parri (not seen so far on this dive) [14:12:32] jasonchaytor leaves the room [14:14:50] looks like a jelly [14:14:53] another dead jellyfish [14:15:15] please close up right polyp [14:15:56] LAT : 39.374021 , LON : -72.079865 , DEPTH : 1395.3723 m, TEMP : 4.13485 C, SAL : 34.97396 PSU, DO : 8.26205 mg/l [14:16:21] I don't think the ROV folks are getting feedback from the chat. [14:16:50] seems to have single polyp... [14:16:56] no not this one... [14:19:16] Mike - what is the passcode that you have for the teleconf call. I agree that ROV crew is not cognizant of chat comments [14:20:17] large larvacean swimming [14:20:28] I thought it was single polyp octocoral. [14:20:56] LAT : 39.373981 , LON : -72.079842 , DEPTH : 1393.1037 m, TEMP : 4.14407 C, SAL : 34.97444 PSU, DO : 8.26328 mg/l [14:21:55] Ken -- from the email this morning -- ROV Science Call in number – 401-200-4752 Conference Extension #: 337 Participant Passcode: 337001 [14:22:00] Think that larvacean is Oikopleura sp. - swimming tunicate [14:25:57] LAT : 39.374021 , LON : -72.079615 , DEPTH : 1384.0577 m, TEMP : 4.1603 C, SAL : 34.97439 PSU, DO : 8.26217 mg/l [14:26:34] Hi all - sorry we have not been able to man the back row this morning [14:26:45] I'm here now though if you guys have any requests [14:27:01] Ken -- based on color and size I am not sure that is Oukopleura. [14:27:51] Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) ? [14:28:19] Hi Kasey! [14:30:58] LAT : 39.3741 , LON : -72.079585 , DEPTH : 1378.2515 m, TEMP : 4.16874 C, SAL : 34.97653 PSU, DO : 8.24892 mg/l [14:31:33] hi! [14:31:39] what a beauty [14:31:43] any desire to collect the jelly? [14:31:44] dogshark probably Centroscyllium fabricii, but the morphology and color of that species and Centroscymnus coelolepis is very similar Small skate may by genus Curiraja [14:32:44] good zoom on jelly [14:32:50] jasonchaytor leaves the room [14:35:00] I want to see the close up of the large polyp when it comes next. [14:35:18] 'Beauty' that can only be beheld - never held. Good example of the fragility of life. [14:35:31] swimming holothurian [14:35:58] LAT : 39.374047 , LON : -72.079266 , DEPTH : 1370.0641 m, TEMP : 4.18196 C, SAL : 34.97735 PSU, DO : 8.27711 mg/l [14:36:40] Kasey - useful to zoom in on large dark red - violet pancake urchin, Hygrosoma, I think the last one just passed was sheltering a commensal ophidioid fish, juvenile Barathrites parri. [14:38:53] I am watching full-res feed 1. there is a substantial lag between video and audio. audio behind video [14:40:51] Graneledone verrucosa [14:40:59] LAT : 39.37411 , LON : -72.079193 , DEPTH : 1364.8662 m, TEMP : 4.18327 C, SAL : 34.97785 PSU, DO : 8.25472 mg/l [14:41:02] Friday is coming within 20 min here! [14:41:09] Mike!! [14:41:13] Not friday, but it is cehalopod week! [14:41:48] cephalopod, sorry [14:42:16] sweet!! [14:43:07] jasonchaytor leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [14:43:12] @Mike - ID? [14:43:18] or want to come on the line to chat? [14:44:05] Graneledone verrucosa [14:44:27] tried calling earlier unsuccessful [14:45:47] ditto for me - tried the conf call number + passcode. Not working [14:45:55] mattdornback leaves the room [14:45:59] LAT : 39.374127 , LON : -72.079055 , DEPTH : 1357.3766 m, TEMP : 4.23779 C, SAL : 34.97846 PSU, DO : 8.21565 mg/l [14:47:07] ok we have the benthic jelly again - what views do you want? [14:47:32] will look into the conference line issue [14:47:36] standby [14:47:47] but feedback after the zoom [14:48:16] Just tried the old call in number. that didn't work either. [14:48:32] we are using a new conference line [14:49:30] other zooms on this? [14:49:41] I don't think that is a benthic jelly. I think it is a die off of pelagic jellyfish. Just a wild guess -- Pelagia notciluca [14:50:02] noctiluca [14:50:15] ahh - would that explain the large number of them [14:50:32] kimberlygalvez leaves the room [14:50:59] LAT : 39.374156 , LON : -72.079007 , DEPTH : 1356.3491 m, TEMP : 4.24771 C, SAL : 34.98003 PSU, DO : 8.18805 mg/l [14:51:25] the new call in (from the e-mail this morning) did not work when I tried several times [14:52:21] the lag of audio behnd video is close to a minute [14:53:28] Interesting that we have seen a fair number of dead and dying jellyfish on the substrate. Do not know that I have seen this phenomenon before [14:55:23] Jellyfish die offs as food for benthos have been reported in other parts of the world. [14:56:00] LAT : 39.37417 , LON : -72.078958 , DEPTH : 1349.0718 m, TEMP : 4.24721 C, SAL : 34.98012 PSU, DO : 8.21069 mg/l [14:56:30] still looking into the issues with the telecon [14:57:36] if you send frame grabs of the dead jellies to Allen Collins, he could give you an ID. [15:00:25] stalked [15:00:38] and Xenophyophore [15:01:01] LAT : 39.374103 , LON : -72.078953 , DEPTH : 1347.8587 m, TEMP : 4.24946 C, SAL : 34.97975 PSU, DO : 8.23916 mg/l [15:02:38] kensulak leaves the room [15:03:19] Friday just comes here! [15:03:29] another Graneledone [15:03:46] haven't seen eggs yet [15:04:19] yey, mashroom coral. [15:04:51] see Pratt, A., S.C. France, and M. Vecchione. 2021. Survey of bathyal incirrate octopods in the western North Atlantic. Mar. Biodi. 51:49 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12526-021-01191-y [15:05:32] kimberlygalvez leaves the room [15:06:02] LAT : 39.374109 , LON : -72.078854 , DEPTH : 1345.1451 m, TEMP : 4.24886 C, SAL : 34.98069 PSU, DO : 8.2221 mg/l [15:08:43] kensulak leaves the room [15:10:26] we're tryign to sample the anthomastus as part of our ASPIRE connectivity priority [15:10:53] kimberlygalvez leaves the room [15:11:03] LAT : 39.374092 , LON : -72.0789 , DEPTH : 1346.2803 m, TEMP : 4.2482 C, SAL : 34.98012 PSU, DO : 8.21806 mg/l [15:12:19] Tina Molodotsova id it perhaps is Pseudoanthomastus [15:12:36] oh [15:12:41] in that case sample or not? [15:13:52] she request the side shot, if possible [15:15:20] @Kasey yes, she mention sampling. [15:16:03] LAT : 39.374115 , LON : -72.078799 , DEPTH : 1344.8695 m, TEMP : 4.2482 C, SAL : 34.97971 PSU, DO : 8.22039 mg/l [15:16:45] side shot copy and will sample [15:17:56] they are going to try [15:18:06] the slope is a little tricky at the moment [15:18:18] but they'll try to get the shot before sampling [15:21:04] LAT : 39.374133 , LON : -72.078806 , DEPTH : 1344.3453 m, TEMP : 4.24919 C, SAL : 34.97859 PSU, DO : 8.21388 mg/l [15:21:11] Thank you! Tina is also trying to log in. [15:23:41] great! [15:26:04] LAT : 39.374159 , LON : -72.078807 , DEPTH : 1345.0787 m, TEMP : 4.247 C, SAL : 34.98122 PSU, DO : 8.23473 mg/l [15:27:13] stepping out for a few minutes to do some troubleshooting [15:28:59] kensulak leaves the room [15:30:16] noellehelder leaves the room [15:30:49] for audio lag - can you please refresh your browsers? [15:31:05] LAT : 39.37409 , LON : -72.0789 , DEPTH : 1345.5121 m, TEMP : 4.29451 C, SAL : 34.98926 PSU, DO : 8.23841 mg/l [15:31:36] I tried refreshing. didn't help. [15:34:41] @Mike are you on the high res page ? [15:36:06] LAT : 39.374104 , LON : -72.078797 , DEPTH : 1345.4625 m, TEMP : 4.25077 C, SAL : 34.97887 PSU, DO : 8.21768 mg/l [15:36:26] yes full-res [15:39:08] FYI, I have not noticed lag to be a problem with low-res [15:39:17] it was me. I just wanted to check audio delay and tried phone call. yes it has delay. [15:40:18] thanks Asako [15:41:06] LAT : 39.374077 , LON : -72.078926 , DEPTH : 1343.9747 m, TEMP : 4.26496 C, SAL : 34.97952 PSU, DO : 8.20869 mg/l [15:44:20] at least, the teleconference line works correctly for me ) sorry for disturbing. [15:44:48] ;) [15:46:06] LAT : 39.374144 , LON : -72.078867 , DEPTH : 1344.3232 m, TEMP : 4.25094 C, SAL : 34.981 PSU, DO : 8.20303 mg/l [15:47:32] FYI I didn't noticed the delay with high res page until I have compare with telecon line. [15:51:07] LAT : 39.374177 , LON : -72.078846 , DEPTH : 1344.5678 m, TEMP : 4.25411 C, SAL : 34.97685 PSU, DO : 8.18935 mg/l [15:52:18] i believe the telecon line will be closer to real time than the video audio [15:53:07] great collection pilots. Thanks from the shore! [15:56:07] LAT : 39.374099 , LON : -72.07881 , DEPTH : 1344.1581 m, TEMP : 4.26173 C, SAL : 34.97824 PSU, DO : 8.20861 mg/l [15:56:35] agree Matt. telecon line is less time lag than video audio. [15:58:03] seapen! [15:58:53] kensulak leaves the room [16:00:27] stepping away for a bit, but not logging off [16:01:07] LAT : 39.374131 , LON : -72.07875 , DEPTH : 1340.4868 m, TEMP : 4.25461 C, SAL : 34.98078 PSU, DO : 8.18925 mg/l [16:02:01] please close up the small red thing in front of sea pen later [16:02:47] on the rock! [16:03:55] going through shift change, trying to communicate the zoom request [16:04:26] Thanks [16:06:03] they are going to try to fix the dangling suction sampler, then do a zoom [16:06:08] LAT : 39.374138 , LON : -72.078857 , DEPTH : 1340.0309 m, TEMP : 4.25778 C, SAL : 34.98372 PSU, DO : 8.2047 mg/l [16:06:22] ok [16:06:47] Good example of tiny shrimpopods benefitting from the eddy zone on the downcurrent side of the sea pen. Physical habitat plus energy conservation from reduced swimming effort to hold position [16:07:06] yeah! that was great! [16:08:45] @Asako the zoom you want is on the rock directly in front of the large seapen? [16:09:15] noellehelder leaves the room [16:10:41] @matt yes the rock in front of the large seapen. on the right side of rock. [16:10:53] k thx [16:11:09] LAT : 39.374171 , LON : -72.078807 , DEPTH : 1340.2685 m, TEMP : 4.25329 C, SAL : 34.9804 PSU, DO : 8.19918 mg/l [16:15:16] we have plenty thing to see! up up. [16:15:47] there is the polyp! yes it is! [16:16:10] LAT : 39.374139 , LON : -72.078788 , DEPTH : 1340.769 m, TEMP : 4.25587 C, SAL : 34.98078 PSU, DO : 8.21445 mg/l [16:16:14] what is it? [16:16:55] great thanks! this is what I mentioned! [16:17:36] I saw the same single polyp octocoral earlier. [16:20:07] noellehelder leaves the room [16:21:11] LAT : 39.37417 , LON : -72.078785 , DEPTH : 1341.1639 m, TEMP : 4.25948 C, SAL : 34.97992 PSU, DO : 8.20315 mg/l [16:22:18] there is another octocoral species to the left. could you close up later please? [16:24:39] do you think there is a chance of collecting a sample from the large seapen ? [16:25:36] we're in a really tough spot to set down for a sample right now [16:25:42] thank you for close up! [16:25:43] kensulak leaves the room [16:26:12] LAT : 39.374159 , LON : -72.078856 , DEPTH : 1341.1645 m, TEMP : 4.25828 C, SAL : 34.98 PSU, DO : 8.1923 mg/l [16:27:11] I'm not sure the red small single polyp might be juvenile of Anthomastus/Pseudoanthomastus, but it maybe different. [16:27:38] signing off for today's dive [16:28:15] kensulak leaves the room [16:28:25] see you Ken! thank you for your id fishes. [16:30:17] upasanaganguly leaves the room [16:31:13] LAT : 39.374292 , LON : -72.078905 , DEPTH : 1341.3975 m, TEMP : 4.26036 C, SAL : 34.97993 PSU, DO : 8.21872 mg/l [16:33:44] ohh another red thing passed [16:34:41] and just passed red colony [16:35:42] another Graneledone verrucosa [16:35:49] definitely it is octopus Friday [16:36:13] LAT : 39.374091 , LON : -72.078709 , DEPTH : 1329.5277 m, TEMP : 4.28171 C, SAL : 34.98244 PSU, DO : 8.19604 mg/l [16:36:28] I should add octopod in case anybody does a text search [16:41:14] LAT : 39.374062 , LON : -72.078649 , DEPTH : 1325.0526 m, TEMP : 4.2655 C, SAL : 34.98055 PSU, DO : 8.20498 mg/l [16:41:29] Still more G. verrucosa octopod in a den [16:45:53] This is a different one Muusoctopus [16:46:14] LAT : 39.374336 , LON : -72.078651 , DEPTH : 1317.633 m, TEMP : 4.27284 C, SAL : 34.98112 PSU, DO : 8.17272 mg/l [16:47:02] are they brooding? [16:47:26] Muusoctopus johnsonianus [16:50:55] the red colony left side [16:51:12] cannot see the detail though [16:51:16] LAT : 39.3742 , LON : -72.078517 , DEPTH : 1310.3496 m, TEMP : 4.28494 C, SAL : 34.9801 PSU, DO : 8.15481 mg/l [16:51:54] and something under the rock.. [16:52:25] fethers or not? [16:53:36] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:54:09] its more like Acanthogorgiid but.. [16:55:17] too much highlighted... [16:56:16] LAT : 39.374336 , LON : -72.078473 , DEPTH : 1299.7063 m, TEMP : 4.29243 C, SAL : 34.9821 PSU, DO : 8.18502 mg/l [16:56:30] hi everyone, I'll have to step away for an hour to take a meeting, no one on the ship will be monitoring the chat in the meantime [16:56:53] and Anthomastus/Pseudoanthomastus [16:57:28] roger Matt. Thank you for keeping checking the chat. [17:01:16] LAT : 39.374362 , LON : -72.078464 , DEPTH : 1290.7223 m, TEMP : 4.28915 C, SAL : 34.98223 PSU, DO : 8.19412 mg/l [17:01:58] kaseycantwell leaves the room [17:03:27] We are definitely in octopod country [17:04:48] red colony which I could not see the close up yet today... [17:06:17] LAT : 39.374432 , LON : -72.078319 , DEPTH : 1283.4606 m, TEMP : 4.31279 C, SAL : 34.98402 PSU, DO : 8.16635 mg/l [17:11:18] LAT : 39.374412 , LON : -72.078274 , DEPTH : 1280.6216 m, TEMP : 4.30382 C, SAL : 34.98353 PSU, DO : 8.2005 mg/l [17:11:35] stepping away again for a while [17:12:45] nice purple clavulariid [17:16:19] LAT : 39.374453 , LON : -72.078222 , DEPTH : 1275.9423 m, TEMP : 4.31213 C, SAL : 34.98421 PSU, DO : 8.18551 mg/l [17:21:19] LAT : 39.37446 , LON : -72.078109 , DEPTH : 1268.4131 m, TEMP : 4.31995 C, SAL : 34.98502 PSU, DO : 8.16256 mg/l [17:25:01] jasonchaytor leaves the room [17:26:20] LAT : 39.374512 , LON : -72.078086 , DEPTH : 1266.709 m, TEMP : 4.32187 C, SAL : 34.98421 PSU, DO : 8.15929 mg/l [17:31:21] LAT : 39.374496 , LON : -72.078111 , DEPTH : 1264.3996 m, TEMP : 4.32635 C, SAL : 34.98489 PSU, DO : 8.16734 mg/l [17:32:46] kaseycantwell leaves the room [17:36:21] LAT : 39.374492 , LON : -72.07807 , DEPTH : 1266.2136 m, TEMP : 4.32187 C, SAL : 34.98446 PSU, DO : 8.14775 mg/l [17:38:14] cup coral to the left [17:39:28] Back in time to see another C. verrucosa octopod closeup. [17:41:21] LAT : 39.374511 , LON : -72.077996 , DEPTH : 1263.238 m, TEMP : 4.32187 C, SAL : 34.9842 PSU, DO : 8.15658 mg/l [17:42:42] that red one may be Anthomastus? [17:43:37] laser please [17:46:22] LAT : 39.374447 , LON : -72.078033 , DEPTH : 1263.8651 m, TEMP : 4.32504 C, SAL : 34.98542 PSU, DO : 8.15589 mg/l [17:48:35] Acanella? [17:51:22] LAT : 39.374492 , LON : -72.077873 , DEPTH : 1260.1368 m, TEMP : 4.32269 C, SAL : 34.98412 PSU, DO : 8.16405 mg/l [17:52:50] Anthomastus world [17:53:14] purple Clavuliidae, glass sponges [17:53:35] its nice view [17:54:29] cup corals and maybe single stalk isididae? [17:56:23] LAT : 39.374501 , LON : -72.077893 , DEPTH : 1257.2689 m, TEMP : 4.3246 C, SAL : 34.98569 PSU, DO : 8.17146 mg/l [18:01:24] LAT : 39.374504 , LON : -72.077918 , DEPTH : 1257.0404 m, TEMP : 4.33035 C, SAL : 34.9854 PSU, DO : 8.16855 mg/l [18:04:56] hi I'm back, let me know if you are interested in anything [18:06:24] LAT : 39.374505 , LON : -72.07795 , DEPTH : 1255.4429 m, TEMP : 4.33221 C, SAL : 34.98667 PSU, DO : 8.16035 mg/l [18:06:41] welcome back Matt! [18:07:39] it was nice to see various kind of corals in the one frame. [18:11:24] LAT : 39.374559 , LON : -72.077829 , DEPTH : 1250.2358 m, TEMP : 4.33932 C, SAL : 34.98639 PSU, DO : 8.12672 mg/l [18:12:06] upasanaganguly leaves the room [18:12:06] christarabenold leaves the room [18:12:06] jasonchaytor leaves the room [18:12:06] michaelvecchione leaves the room [18:12:06] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [18:16:24] LAT : 39.374598 , LON : -72.077798 , DEPTH : 1248.6817 m, TEMP : 4.37179 C, SAL : 34.98689 PSU, DO : 8.15084 mg/l [18:18:19] mattdornback leaves the room [18:21:24] LAT : 39.374617 , LON : -72.07783 , DEPTH : 1246.833 m, TEMP : 4.37163 C, SAL : 34.98376 PSU, DO : 8.15486 mg/l [18:26:24] LAT : 39.374618 , LON : -72.077832 , DEPTH : 1246.7449 m, TEMP : 4.34511 C, SAL : 34.98628 PSU, DO : 8.14248 mg/l [18:31:25] LAT : 39.374608 , LON : -72.077822 , DEPTH : 1243.7131 m, TEMP : 4.37944 C, SAL : 34.98523 PSU, DO : 8.13029 mg/l [18:36:25] LAT : 39.374583 , LON : -72.077782 , DEPTH : 1241.3166 m, TEMP : 4.37911 C, SAL : 34.9885 PSU, DO : 8.10872 mg/l [18:38:43] mattdornback leaves the room [18:41:26] LAT : 39.374623 , LON : -72.077744 , DEPTH : 1241.5708 m, TEMP : 4.39059 C, SAL : 34.9848 PSU, DO : 8.10352 mg/l [18:46:27] LAT : 39.374617 , LON : -72.077713 , DEPTH : 1237.2958 m, TEMP : 4.38868 C, SAL : 34.98755 PSU, DO : 8.09266 mg/l [18:51:28] LAT : 39.374702 , LON : -72.077617 , DEPTH : 1234.2055 m, TEMP : 4.38644 C, SAL : 34.98824 PSU, DO : 8.15152 mg/l [18:52:47] jasonchaytor leaves the room [18:56:28] LAT : 39.374587 , LON : -72.077655 , DEPTH : 1233.7238 m, TEMP : 4.39201 C, SAL : 34.98826 PSU, DO : 8.11141 mg/l [19:01:28] LAT : 39.374662 , LON : -72.077502 , DEPTH : 1228.9613 m, TEMP : 4.38742 C, SAL : 34.98878 PSU, DO : 8.13848 mg/l [19:06:12] upasanaganguly leaves the room [19:06:29] LAT : 39.374671 , LON : -72.077375 , DEPTH : 1222.2752 m, TEMP : 4.38518 C, SAL : 34.98816 PSU, DO : 8.12733 mg/l [19:11:30] LAT : 39.374716 , LON : -72.077396 , DEPTH : 1221.5901 m, TEMP : 4.38851 C, SAL : 34.98923 PSU, DO : 8.12203 mg/l [19:16:30] LAT : 39.374774 , LON : -72.077184 , DEPTH : 1211.8444 m, TEMP : 4.38354 C, SAL : 34.988 PSU, DO : 8.12078 mg/l [19:21:30] LAT : 39.374755 , LON : -72.077189 , DEPTH : 1208.491 m, TEMP : 4.37862 C, SAL : 34.98852 PSU, DO : 8.14131 mg/l [19:26:31] LAT : 39.374703 , LON : -72.077176 , DEPTH : 1206.1059 m, TEMP : 4.38086 C, SAL : 34.98806 PSU, DO : 8.14055 mg/l [19:31:31] LAT : 39.374787 , LON : -72.076938 , DEPTH : 1200.8776 m, TEMP : 4.38518 C, SAL : 34.98822 PSU, DO : 8.14319 mg/l [19:36:32] LAT : 39.374937 , LON : -72.076898 , DEPTH : 1201.4176 m, TEMP : 4.37655 C, SAL : 34.98785 PSU, DO : 8.12353 mg/l [19:39:32] christarabenold leaves the room [19:41:33] LAT : 39.37515 , LON : -72.076868 , DEPTH : 1198.6147 m, TEMP : 4.37507 C, SAL : 34.98837 PSU, DO : 8.131 mg/l [19:46:33] LAT : 39.375118 , LON : -72.076872 , DEPTH : 1197.3962 m, TEMP : 4.37409 C, SAL : 34.98751 PSU, DO : 8.14487 mg/l [19:47:53] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV Ascending [19:49:08] michaelvecchione leaves the room [19:51:34] LAT : 39.375068 , LON : -72.077154 , DEPTH : 1121.3612 m, TEMP : 4.4137 C, SAL : 34.99041 PSU, DO : 8.15221 mg/l [19:56:35] LAT : 39.375167 , LON : -72.077085 , DEPTH : 971.8959 m, TEMP : 4.54929 C, SAL : 34.99944 PSU, DO : 8.05295 mg/l [20:01:35] LAT : 39.375176 , LON : -72.076988 , DEPTH : 824.3691 m, TEMP : 4.72738 C, SAL : 35.00765 PSU, DO : 7.88424 mg/l [20:06:35] LAT : 39.37512 , LON : -72.076923 , DEPTH : 671.507 m, TEMP : 4.93468 C, SAL : 35.02287 PSU, DO : 7.71861 mg/l [20:11:36] LAT : 39.375015 , LON : -72.076779 , DEPTH : 522.986 m, TEMP : 5.56476 C, SAL : 35.0561 PSU, DO : 7.1445 mg/l [20:13:36] mattdornback leaves the room [20:16:36] LAT : 39.374901 , LON : -72.076329 , DEPTH : 365.6004 m, TEMP : 7.31386 C, SAL : 35.12455 PSU, DO : 5.72789 mg/l [20:21:36] LAT : 39.374959 , LON : -72.075963 , DEPTH : 220.9446 m, TEMP : 9.95744 C, SAL : 35.28723 PSU, DO : 4.33211 mg/l [20:26:51] LAT : 39.374662 , LON : -72.07552 , DEPTH : 68.2796 m, TEMP : 14.41312 C, SAL : 35.72636 PSU, DO : 6.2046 mg/l [20:31:38] LAT : 39.374512 , LON : -72.074498 , DEPTH : 6.8644 m, TEMP : 22.01277 C, SAL : 35.21749 PSU, DO : 7.45277 mg/l [20:31:52] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV on Surface [20:48:54] EX2103_DIVE09 ROV Recovery Complete