[00:00:50] LAT : 36.857838 , LON : -76.300493 , DEPTH : 0.2753 m, TEMP : 21.33366 C, SAL : 0.02354 PSU, DO : 8.84332 mg/l [00:05:50] LAT : 36.858297 , LON : -76.300787 , DEPTH : 0.2903 m, TEMP : 21.23916 C, SAL : 0.02485 PSU, DO : 8.85077 mg/l [00:10:50] LAT : 36.858641 , LON : -76.300714 , DEPTH : 0.358 m, TEMP : 21.17318 C, SAL : 0.02529 PSU, DO : 8.86208 mg/l [00:15:08] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV powered off [12:59:09] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV Launch [12:59:12] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV on Surface [12:59:13] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV Descending [12:59:14] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV on Bottom [13:07:16] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV Ascending [13:07:18] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV on Surface [13:07:19] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV Recovery Complete [13:07:20] EX2103_DIVE00 ROV powered off [14:35:33] okexnav leaves the room [17:32:00] chat-admin leaves the room