[00:01:27] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [00:09:11] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:51:26] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:54:55] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:08:16] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:11:45] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:39:16] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:46:40] Amy Wagner leaves the room [05:38:08] kaseycantwell leaves the room [09:06:16] chat-admin leaves the room [09:42:48] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [10:00:12] okexnav leaves the room [10:19:47] taraluke leaves the room [10:45:24] Testing [10:52:40] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [11:04:23] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [11:42:12] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV powered off [11:45:52] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:14:47] chat-admin leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [12:18:10] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV Launch [12:23:12] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:27:26] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV on Surface [12:28:04] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV Descending [12:30:04] LAT : 37.406257 , LON : -74.414832 , DEPTH : 30.153 m, TEMP : 7.98452 C, SAL : 33.03685 PSU, DO : 9.62473 mg/l [12:35:05] LAT : 37.405854 , LON : -74.415291 , DEPTH : 79.2108 m, TEMP : 10.29975 C, SAL : 34.05353 PSU, DO : 7.5295 mg/l [12:40:05] LAT : 37.40538 , LON : -74.415827 , DEPTH : 236.1909 m, TEMP : 11.7214 C, SAL : 35.49011 PSU, DO : 4.45483 mg/l [12:45:06] LAT : 37.405359 , LON : -74.415865 , DEPTH : 388.5804 m, TEMP : 7.81427 C, SAL : 35.12536 PSU, DO : 5.19239 mg/l [12:47:43] robertcarney leaves the room [12:50:06] LAT : 37.405361 , LON : -74.415811 , DEPTH : 546.1401 m, TEMP : 5.88327 C, SAL : 35.05037 PSU, DO : 6.74187 mg/l [12:50:50] Hi all- Not getting audio on the chat room. [12:51:17] Are you on the planning call audio line? [12:51:26] the audio coming off the ship sounds very bad like you are in a wind tunnel [12:51:36] cant understand shannon at all [12:51:40] Now i hear the audio. [12:51:43] we are getting a lot of feedback [12:53:35] @adriennecopeland any better? [12:55:07] LAT : 37.405337 , LON : -74.415644 , DEPTH : 702.7607 m, TEMP : 4.99777 C, SAL : 35.00815 PSU, DO : 7.56943 mg/l [12:55:11] no [12:55:27] you sound really far away [12:57:23] The pilots audio sound fine. I don't hear any science audio. [12:57:42] we are not broadcasting online yet - just the phone line [12:57:56] im on the conference line and shannon sounds very far away [13:00:07] LAT : 37.405325 , LON : -74.415418 , DEPTH : 862.4833 m, TEMP : 4.58427 C, SAL : 34.98531 PSU, DO : 7.94302 mg/l [13:00:53] We are going to go into public streaming shortly [13:02:14] @johnreed can you hear us now? [13:02:16] Audio has degraded now [13:02:45] Audio is worse for people now? [13:02:48] Audible but nothing like it has been previously....I think we are just have to deal with it for time being. [13:03:00] Audio is fine now-= thx [13:05:08] LAT : 37.405127 , LON : -74.415044 , DEPTH : 908.3567 m, TEMP : 4.48738 C, SAL : 34.97919 PSU, DO : 8.43521 mg/l [13:07:50] Good Morning Okeanos. Looking forward to today's dive. -Ren In Charleston, SC [13:08:04] Thanks [13:08:19] glad to have you Ren! [13:08:50] Audio should be fixed on the phone line now if anyone wants to call back in. [13:10:08] LAT : 37.404934 , LON : -74.414517 , DEPTH : 908.277 m, TEMP : 4.49278 C, SAL : 34.97916 PSU, DO : 8.38099 mg/l [13:12:19] christarabenold leaves the room [13:15:09] LAT : 37.404823 , LON : -74.413985 , DEPTH : 963.0912 m, TEMP : 4.45179 C, SAL : 34.9768 PSU, DO : 8.36079 mg/l [13:18:48] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV on Bottom [13:20:09] LAT : 37.405261 , LON : -74.413645 , DEPTH : 991.6404 m, TEMP : 4.42831 C, SAL : 34.97601 PSU, DO : 8.30379 mg/l [13:25:10] LAT : 37.405327 , LON : -74.413552 , DEPTH : 990.1865 m, TEMP : 4.44289 C, SAL : 34.97559 PSU, DO : 8.2758 mg/l [13:27:52] Is that a snailfish? [13:30:10] LAT : 37.405359 , LON : -74.413408 , DEPTH : 991.6134 m, TEMP : 4.44863 C, SAL : 34.97733 PSU, DO : 8.22781 mg/l [13:30:14] @kevin I think so, but not a fish expert. haven't seen that behavior before [13:31:40] snailfish= passive dispersal in action! [13:35:11] LAT : 37.405406 , LON : -74.413215 , DEPTH : 990.9809 m, TEMP : 4.44448 C, SAL : 34.97633 PSU, DO : 8.19584 mg/l [13:36:23] Are those barnacles on that Chaceon? [13:36:50] scalpellid on crab [13:38:31] carolynruppel leaves the room [13:40:11] LAT : 37.405476 , LON : -74.413226 , DEPTH : 990.7291 m, TEMP : 4.44349 C, SAL : 34.97643 PSU, DO : 8.17562 mg/l [13:40:51] darker sediment excavate adj to burrow [13:42:41] If anyone is available to add fish/animal id's into seatube we could use some help with annotations this morning. Thanks @erineaston for adding the geology notes. :) [13:45:12] LAT : 37.405618 , LON : -74.413033 , DEPTH : 990.5232 m, TEMP : 4.44464 C, SAL : 34.97677 PSU, DO : 8.16062 mg/l [13:46:59] Wow! [13:47:26] That is rough! [13:47:31] It looks like polychaetes attached to the copepod? [13:47:36] Seriously. [13:47:39] yeah..parasites on parasites [13:47:45] That's so meta. [13:48:08] @AmyWagner - no problem [13:50:12] LAT : 37.405648 , LON : -74.412753 , DEPTH : 990.0932 m, TEMP : 4.45037 C, SAL : 34.97626 PSU, DO : 8.13581 mg/l [13:51:10] 100 meters traveled - 100 m total [13:51:25] I'm looking at my screenshot of the copepod on the fish and those worms on the copepod look like leeches?! [13:51:39] That is what i thought! Weird!! [13:54:08] @Alexis My supervisor, Bronwyn Williams (curator of non-molluscan inverts at NCMNS) who does some leech research says they look like fish leeches. But why would they be on the copepod and not the leech?? [13:54:22] and not the fish, whoops [13:54:55] @meganmcculler very strange! [13:55:13] LAT : 37.405839 , LON : -74.412733 , DEPTH : 991.4965 m, TEMP : 4.45212 C, SAL : 34.97652 PSU, DO : 8.12644 mg/l [13:55:44] isopod maybe gravid [14:00:13] LAT : 37.40585 , LON : -74.412455 , DEPTH : 991.7412 m, TEMP : 4.45687 C, SAL : 34.97708 PSU, DO : 8.11451 mg/l [14:05:14] LAT : 37.405833 , LON : -74.412202 , DEPTH : 992.4345 m, TEMP : 4.45965 C, SAL : 34.97729 PSU, DO : 8.105 mg/l [14:10:14] LAT : 37.405983 , LON : -74.412026 , DEPTH : 991.1483 m, TEMP : 4.4721 C, SAL : 34.97805 PSU, DO : 8.08485 mg/l [14:15:15] LAT : 37.406143 , LON : -74.411917 , DEPTH : 991.3365 m, TEMP : 4.49229 C, SAL : 34.97878 PSU, DO : 8.04874 mg/l [14:19:04] antoher 100 meters traveled - 200 meters total [14:20:15] LAT : 37.406192 , LON : -74.411535 , DEPTH : 991.8082 m, TEMP : 4.50675 C, SAL : 34.98167 PSU, DO : 8.02874 mg/l [14:25:15] scottfrance leaves the room [14:25:16] LAT : 37.406392 , LON : -74.411645 , DEPTH : 988.6641 m, TEMP : 4.49513 C, SAL : 34.97919 PSU, DO : 8.03566 mg/l [14:30:16] LAT : 37.406473 , LON : -74.411323 , DEPTH : 984.4119 m, TEMP : 4.49878 C, SAL : 34.98008 PSU, DO : 8.04219 mg/l [14:34:06] robertcarney leaves the room [14:35:16] LAT : 37.406613 , LON : -74.411244 , DEPTH : 980.1503 m, TEMP : 4.49627 C, SAL : 34.97988 PSU, DO : 8.04065 mg/l [14:35:47] I think they may be latern sharks [14:36:26] adriennecopeland leaves the room [14:37:59] *lantern [14:40:17] LAT : 37.406758 , LON : -74.410969 , DEPTH : 973.9154 m, TEMP : 4.51373 C, SAL : 34.9806 PSU, DO : 8.02468 mg/l [14:45:17] LAT : 37.406828 , LON : -74.410835 , DEPTH : 970.3874 m, TEMP : 4.51215 C, SAL : 34.98049 PSU, DO : 8.02535 mg/l [14:46:52] carolynruppel leaves the room [14:49:50] jaylunden leaves the room [14:49:59] another 100 meters covered - 300 meters total (5 min ago) [14:50:18] LAT : 37.406994 , LON : -74.410747 , DEPTH : 965.5285 m, TEMP : 4.5236 C, SAL : 34.98084 PSU, DO : 8.01885 mg/l [14:54:20] I joined a little while ago. Seeing lots of Illex. Have there been any other cephs this morning besides Illex? [14:55:18] LAT : 37.407196 , LON : -74.410703 , DEPTH : 959.8519 m, TEMP : 4.50342 C, SAL : 34.97986 PSU, DO : 8.03004 mg/l [14:55:35] @michaelvecchione only Illex so far in the D2 cam. There was a cephalopod in the Sierios cam on the descent but we didn't get a great look at it [14:56:04] I can ask the video team for a time stamp if that helps? If you want to go back and look [14:56:55] Alexis -- I will give it a shot. [15:00:19] LAT : 37.407399 , LON : -74.410518 , DEPTH : 955.1435 m, TEMP : 4.53571 C, SAL : 34.98186 PSU, DO : 8.00731 mg/l [15:04:39] awesome video of red deep-sea crab eating a fish [15:05:08] :^) [15:05:19] LAT : 37.407424 , LON : -74.410487 , DEPTH : 953.7043 m, TEMP : 4.53664 C, SAL : 34.9823 PSU, DO : 8.00562 mg/l [15:10:20] LAT : 37.407497 , LON : -74.410375 , DEPTH : 950.6119 m, TEMP : 4.54383 C, SAL : 34.98237 PSU, DO : 7.99361 mg/l [15:15:20] LAT : 37.407654 , LON : -74.410299 , DEPTH : 945.2391 m, TEMP : 4.55125 C, SAL : 34.98215 PSU, DO : 7.99481 mg/l [15:17:26] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [15:17:36] Is there a reason the lasers are not on during the transect? [15:20:21] LAT : 37.407741 , LON : -74.410216 , DEPTH : 940.791 m, TEMP : 4.55146 C, SAL : 34.98206 PSU, DO : 7.97962 mg/l [15:21:25] @erineaston because of the amount of stuff in the water column, the lasers flash off the particulate matter and cause problems with the video. If there is something you want lasers on, just let us know and we can turn them on. [15:21:57] another 100 m; total 400 m [15:23:39] @taraluke welcome! Thanks for joining us! I've been trying to make some notes in SeaTube but my attention is being split and I don't know my fish too well so its a bit lacking thus far. :-$ [15:25:21] LAT : 37.407802 , LON : -74.410237 , DEPTH : 941.9685 m, TEMP : 4.55081 C, SAL : 34.98215 PSU, DO : 7.97675 mg/l [15:28:59] Thanks @Amy! I have a research student in the lab this morning, so I decided to skip the UCH dive today....and failed to read my email earlier! [15:30:22] LAT : 37.408012 , LON : -74.410262 , DEPTH : 939.4847 m, TEMP : 4.55272 C, SAL : 34.9811 PSU, DO : 7.96736 mg/l [15:31:04] @taraluke no worries! I know what its like trying to juggle students. :) Everyone thinks that university "teachers" get the summer off. Ha! [15:31:23] lol. No kidding! [15:32:32] That flatfish was righteyed, not very deep-bodied. Maybe a juvenile witch flounder, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Pleuronectidae). They are a northern species but range as far south as North Carolina, and are cited as abundant on the continental slope off Virginia. [15:33:40] @jimmasterson thank you! I tried to do a quick search but didn't come up with much. Is there a good way to tell the difference between sole and flounder? [15:34:04] I logged it as a flatfish [15:35:22] LAT : 37.408226 , LON : -74.410207 , DEPTH : 934.6861 m, TEMP : 4.57087 C, SAL : 34.98423 PSU, DO : 7.95303 mg/l [15:35:28] Batfish F. Ogcocephalidae [15:36:15] @CherylMorrison thanks! [15:36:36] Sure! Saw at least one on EX1806 [15:37:34] As you guys noted, there's a lot of confusion in the flatfishes. Bothids/paralichthyids are lefteyed and termed "flounders," but pleuronectids are righteyed and also called "flounders". The soleids/achirids are righteyed but called "soles". The common names are not particularly helpful. [15:38:19] Lophius [15:38:26] Monkfish or goosefish, anglerfish- Lophiidae [15:38:59] All Lophiiformes [15:39:20] akward swimmer [15:40:23] LAT : 37.408312 , LON : -74.41023 , DEPTH : 933.2607 m, TEMP : 4.57485 C, SAL : 34.98486 PSU, DO : 7.95987 mg/l [15:40:50] Lophiiformes have lures...some quite reduced [15:41:58] franktamara leaves the room [15:42:00] skate [15:42:13] another 100 m, 500 m total [15:45:23] LAT : 37.408594 , LON : -74.410063 , DEPTH : 925.466 m, TEMP : 4.58362 C, SAL : 34.98452 PSU, DO : 7.95445 mg/l [15:49:37] franktamara leaves the room [15:50:24] LAT : 37.408633 , LON : -74.410115 , DEPTH : 924.8576 m, TEMP : 4.5755 C, SAL : 34.98344 PSU, DO : 7.96845 mg/l [15:54:08] Possibly Long-fin hake (Phycis chesteri) [15:55:24] LAT : 37.408708 , LON : -74.410055 , DEPTH : 923.6095 m, TEMP : 4.58411 C, SAL : 34.98442 PSU, DO : 7.94017 mg/l [15:55:49] Hello all [15:55:58] Hi @asakomatsumoto :) [15:56:05] Desmophyllum cup corals [15:56:13] Hi Alexis!!:) [16:00:25] LAT : 37.408723 , LON : -74.410039 , DEPTH : 920.3453 m, TEMP : 4.57915 C, SAL : 34.98493 PSU, DO : 7.94828 mg/l [16:05:25] LAT : 37.408757 , LON : -74.410129 , DEPTH : 918.4151 m, TEMP : 4.58089 C, SAL : 34.98544 PSU, DO : 7.93713 mg/l [16:08:01] adriennecopeland leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [16:10:26] LAT : 37.408759 , LON : -74.410063 , DEPTH : 919.1964 m, TEMP : 4.5804 C, SAL : 34.98487 PSU, DO : 7.94395 mg/l [16:10:37] blackbelly rose fish [16:12:40] Question from Facebook: Tara L Heflin: If a kiddo wanted to become an ROV pilot, what should a kid start doing to prepare, and what kind of education should they look into getting in college? [16:13:22] I will relay that message to our pilots at the next opportunity :) [16:14:04] thanks! [16:14:25] FYI we trawled this location to 825 m in 2012 and 500 m in 2013 and have a complete species list. Witch flounder, silver hake, blackbelly rosefish were common. I can supply the species list and catch data if desired. [16:14:42] question from facebook: Kimberly Barkley: Hi, I am watching the current live stream, camera 1. I was wondering what all the little white things on the bottom are. Some are upright but most are bent over. I'm guessing some kind of sponge maybe? Would like to know. [16:15:26] LAT : 37.408938 , LON : -74.410022 , DEPTH : 914.2276 m, TEMP : 4.59125 C, SAL : 34.98472 PSU, DO : 7.93367 mg/l [16:15:55] does she mean the ophiuroid arms, or something else? [16:16:17] the ophiuroid arms but the other things as well [16:16:25] I think she is referring to the tubes [16:16:33] i believe they might be tube worms of some sort [16:16:36] @bradleystevens oh that would be great! Might be best to email @kaseycantwell [16:16:50] she was hoping the scientists would answer it live [16:17:52] I agree they look like polychaete tubes. [16:18:36] re question , many if not most marine worms live in some type of tube. Some hard and others just mucus and mud, etc [16:19:25] I will provide cruise reports and data to Kasey [16:19:40] great, thanks @bradleystevens [16:20:27] LAT : 37.409022 , LON : -74.409975 , DEPTH : 911.6134 m, TEMP : 4.59016 C, SAL : 34.98552 PSU, DO : 7.93178 mg/l [16:22:47] adriennecopeland leaves the room [16:23:31] @adriennecopeland we will have chris get on soon to answer the ROV question [16:24:01] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:24:05] thanks! [16:24:32] Agree: squishy anemone [16:24:37] Deeplet sea anemone, Bolocera tuediae ? [16:25:27] LAT : 37.409167 , LON : -74.409907 , DEPTH : 907.6055 m, TEMP : 4.59969 C, SAL : 34.98557 PSU, DO : 7.9261 mg/l [16:30:28] LAT : 37.409077 , LON : -74.409823 , DEPTH : 906.7788 m, TEMP : 4.5986 C, SAL : 34.98607 PSU, DO : 7.91675 mg/l [16:34:37] another 100 meters covered - 600 m total [16:35:28] LAT : 37.40918 , LON : -74.409563 , DEPTH : 894.1626 m, TEMP : 4.61581 C, SAL : 34.98621 PSU, DO : 7.91527 mg/l [16:35:58] red crabs in mating or pre-mating embrace [16:40:29] LAT : 37.409126 , LON : -74.409332 , DEPTH : 882.8606 m, TEMP : 4.62458 C, SAL : 34.98556 PSU, DO : 7.90955 mg/l [16:41:16] Why can't I see it? Is it not on camera 1? [16:41:27] Oh, I see. It isn't! :-) [16:41:35] oh sorry that was on camera 2 [16:41:39] I was searching and searching! [16:43:50] I was across the hall in my lab talking to my students, so I missed it too. [16:45:29] LAT : 37.409168 , LON : -74.409419 , DEPTH : 883.6019 m, TEMP : 4.62523 C, SAL : 34.98729 PSU, DO : 7.90272 mg/l [16:48:09] meganmcculler leaves the room [16:50:30] LAT : 37.40924 , LON : -74.40925 , DEPTH : 873.1773 m, TEMP : 4.62937 C, SAL : 34.98681 PSU, DO : 7.88595 mg/l [16:51:33] crab burrow in semi-consolidated mud/clay [16:53:35] taraluke leaves the room [16:54:32] taraluke leaves the room [16:55:30] LAT : 37.409339 , LON : -74.409143 , DEPTH : 867.8132 m, TEMP : 4.63813 C, SAL : 34.98813 PSU, DO : 7.87992 mg/l [16:56:13] bradleystevens leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [16:58:50] monkfish in the same order as the anglers (Lophiiformes) but the anglers are placed in a couple different families. [17:00:30] LAT : 37.409328 , LON : -74.409084 , DEPTH : 861.5179 m, TEMP : 4.65011 C, SAL : 34.99003 PSU, DO : 7.87623 mg/l [17:00:36] Lophiformes is defined by and named for having the lure [17:01:44] johnreed leaves the room [17:01:46] Big order, includes frogfishes, batfishes, sea toads, etc. [17:04:59] aggregated burrows [17:05:31] LAT : 37.409385 , LON : -74.40901 , DEPTH : 854.5208 m, TEMP : 4.66225 C, SAL : 34.98864 PSU, DO : 7.84829 mg/l [17:06:04] adriennecopeland leaves the room [17:08:56] adriennecopeland leaves the room [17:09:55] Question for everybody....who has actually seen Chaceon for sale or has eaten a commercial one? [17:10:32] LAT : 37.409485 , LON : -74.408879 , DEPTH : 846.9435 m, TEMP : 4.70256 C, SAL : 34.99221 PSU, DO : 7.82378 mg/l [17:12:27] iscwatch2 leaves the room [17:15:32] LAT : 37.409379 , LON : -74.408779 , DEPTH : 843.5458 m, TEMP : 4.71447 C, SAL : 34.99135 PSU, DO : 7.80306 mg/l [17:16:05] I haven't seen Chaceon available or eaten one before. Know it's a very small fishery, but not sure where the crabs are sold [17:17:03] Joining dive now. From earlier video today, fishes seen: all rattails = Nezumia aequalis, a few with parasitic isopod attached behind dorsal, one with large Lohoura copepod with egg strings; cutthroat eels = Synaphobranchus sp., probably all S. affinis at this depth; small dark shark = Centroscymnus coelolepis - and it can glow; long-finned hake = Phycis chesteri; red and white fish sitting on bottom = Blackbelly Rosefish, Helicolenus dactylopterus; large flattened angler = goosefish or monkfish, genus Lophius [17:17:33] chat-admin leaves the room [17:17:39] @cheryl thanks... I think just about all East/Gulf Sea Grants funded Chaceon trials, but I've never seen one for sale myself either. [17:18:01] One S. affinis had a small parasitic copepod attahed to the orbit [17:18:15] We have a pretty good hailstorm going on here [17:18:35] Chaceon red crabs can be purchased occasionally in Norfolk seafood markets [17:19:00] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [17:19:22] iscwatch2 leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [17:19:59] @ken thanks [17:20:36] LAT : 37.409486 , LON : -74.408406 , DEPTH : 795.642 m, TEMP : 4.82317 C, SAL : 34.99493 PSU, DO : 7.67303 mg/l [17:21:52] The golden crab Chaceon fenneri, has a fishery off east Florida and including within the deep coral HAPC where they are allowed to fish within Allowable Crab Fishing Zones. They drop long lines (many Km) with numerous traps. I haven't seen the red crab off eastern Florida. C. fenneri occurs in various habitats from mud bottom, to rock ledges and escarpments and on the Lophelia reefs. [17:22:05] All three streams are down including RTS [17:22:22] jimmasterson leaves the room [17:23:31] 15. Reed, John, Stephanie Farrington, Charles Messing, Andrew David. 2017. Distribution and habitat use of the golden crab Chaceon fenneri off eastern Florida based on insitu submersible and ROV observations and potential for impacts to deep water coral/sponge habitat. Gulf and Caribbean Research Vol. 28:1-14. DOI: 10.18785/gcr.2801.03 [17:23:33] my video also down too. and partly back and down again. [17:24:20] @iscwatch2 and asakomatsumoto we are looking into it [17:24:38] adriennecopeland leaves the room [17:25:33] LAT : 37.409493 , LON : -74.408496 , DEPTH : 808.8738 m, TEMP : 4.75078 C, SAL : 34.99245 PSU, DO : 7.74953 mg/l [17:26:17] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [17:27:58] video back. thank you [17:29:27] @john thanks [17:30:33] LAT : 37.409504 , LON : -74.408536 , DEPTH : 807.5934 m, TEMP : 4.75273 C, SAL : 34.99347 PSU, DO : 7.75116 mg/l [17:30:38] kennethsulak leaves the room [17:32:28] jimmasterson leaves the room [17:32:28] johnreed leaves the room [17:32:28] franktamara leaves the room [17:34:23] Red crabs here are Chaceon quinquedens. From 2011-2016 we studied their depth distribution and reproduction in the area from Norfolk to Hudson canyons (Stevens & Guida, 2016, Fish Bull 114:343-359). [17:35:22] My students have been studying their reproduction in this area, from commercial fishing boats. Fishery is concentrated between Norfolk and Washington canyons at 600-700 m. Most crabs are landed in Newport News or New Bedford, and sold to Asia, but I have eaten them in Portland, OR. [17:35:34] LAT : 37.409563 , LON : -74.408562 , DEPTH : 807.55 m, TEMP : 4.77849 C, SAL : 34.99472 PSU, DO : 7.72972 mg/l [17:36:29] jaylunden leaves the room [17:37:13] FYI we are 50 meters off bottom due to high winds - waiting for dive super to give clearance to go back down and continue [17:39:28] Also, for everyone in the chat - we will be having another dive planning call for tomorrow's dive because we had bad audio this morning. We are expecting that to be around 16:00 EDT (local) when we come off bottom but we will send an email confirming the details soon [17:39:46] Tomorrow we will be on Wilmington Canyon [17:40:31] Thanks for chat update. Am on another OkEx planning call so can't listen to audio. [17:40:35] LAT : 37.409546 , LON : -74.408581 , DEPTH : 807.7962 m, TEMP : 4.77963 C, SAL : 34.99838 PSU, DO : 7.70735 mg/l [17:40:55] Right now, Audio and Video seem to be clear [17:41:51] headed back down [17:45:17] enriquesalgado leaves the room [17:45:35] LAT : 37.409466 , LON : -74.408841 , DEPTH : 825.5257 m, TEMP : 4.73654 C, SAL : 34.99256 PSU, DO : 7.73109 mg/l [17:46:30] we do not have you on the conference line though [17:47:07] nvm we have you now [17:50:19] carolynruppel leaves the room [17:50:35] LAT : 37.409403 , LON : -74.408803 , DEPTH : 844.5681 m, TEMP : 4.6814 C, SAL : 34.98496 PSU, DO : 7.80959 mg/l [17:53:44] christarabenold leaves the room [17:55:36] LAT : 37.40949 , LON : -74.408712 , DEPTH : 840.2043 m, TEMP : 4.69668 C, SAL : 34.99229 PSU, DO : 7.78416 mg/l [17:56:16] another 100 meters covered - 700 meters total [17:58:50] Lycenchelys verrilli (wolf eelpout) [18:00:13] bradleystevens leaves the room [18:00:36] LAT : 37.409676 , LON : -74.408599 , DEPTH : 831.9216 m, TEMP : 4.72007 C, SAL : 34.99486 PSU, DO : 7.77642 mg/l [18:01:52] Inside of stomach is black- have to dissect it. [18:04:08] I have been having trouble with the chat today. I have tried to post a couple of comments that never showed up. Working on the internal netwaork at the Smithsonian's Museum Support Center. [18:04:36] That one posted OK. [18:04:41] okay, thanks @michaelvecchione [18:05:18] If the chat stops working again, you can email one of us [18:05:37] LAT : 37.409876 , LON : -74.408463 , DEPTH : 821.2082 m, TEMP : 4.75985 C, SAL : 34.99605 PSU, DO : 7.71868 mg/l [18:06:29] One that I tried to post earlier was that for anyone interested in the behavior of Illex, see Harrop, J., M. Vecchione, and J.D. Felley. 2014. In-situ observations on the behavior of the ommastrephid squid genus Illex in the northwestern Atlantic. J. Nat. Hist. 48(41-42):2501-2516. online version http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2014.937367 [18:08:46] thanks @michaelvecchione! [18:10:37] LAT : 37.409831 , LON : -74.408428 , DEPTH : 820.4156 m, TEMP : 4.76958 C, SAL : 34.99539 PSU, DO : 7.70719 mg/l [18:11:10] That is some sticky mud. [18:11:28] roux [18:12:13] franktamara leaves the room [18:12:59] off bottom because ship lost DP - ROV team assessing [18:15:38] LAT : 37.410009 , LON : -74.408239 , DEPTH : 795.3795 m, TEMP : 4.82431 C, SAL : 34.99952 PSU, DO : 7.68493 mg/l [18:19:29] Weather conditions are still boarder line so the ROV is going to come up to 500 meters and hang until we get word from the Bridge/Dive Super [18:19:50] robertcarney leaves the room [18:20:09] Thanks for keeping us updated Alexis! [18:20:38] LAT : 37.41001 , LON : -74.408136 , DEPTH : 748.4624 m, TEMP : 4.92812 C, SAL : 35.00607 PSU, DO : 7.57624 mg/l [18:22:45] Vehicles being recovered because of weather [18:23:11] johnreed leaves the room [18:23:32] We are going to do a dive planning call at 1600 EDT - email will be send out in a few minutes [18:23:39] meganmcculler leaves the room [18:24:02] erineaston leaves the room [18:24:08] taraluke leaves the room [18:24:18] jillbourque leaves the room [18:25:39] LAT : 37.410034 , LON : -74.408354 , DEPTH : 603.1 m, TEMP : 5.42148 C, SAL : 35.05008 PSU, DO : 7.18799 mg/l [18:27:40] Copy that all. [18:29:18] emilycrum leaves the room [18:30:39] LAT : 37.409997 , LON : -74.408359 , DEPTH : 463.268 m, TEMP : 6.97706 C, SAL : 35.09967 PSU, DO : 5.82327 mg/l [18:34:43] CherylMorrison leaves the room [18:35:18] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV Ascending [18:35:40] LAT : 37.410073 , LON : -74.408309 , DEPTH : 321.7233 m, TEMP : 8.81011 C, SAL : 35.15705 PSU, DO : 4.4768 mg/l [18:39:41] bradleystevens leaves the room [18:40:06] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [18:40:40] LAT : 37.410095 , LON : -74.408682 , DEPTH : 196.7012 m, TEMP : 12.03833 C, SAL : 35.56883 PSU, DO : 4.44632 mg/l [18:42:21] scottfrance leaves the room [18:45:41] LAT : 37.409608 , LON : -74.408631 , DEPTH : 189.6749 m, TEMP : 12.3082 C, SAL : 35.56289 PSU, DO : 4.52577 mg/l [18:46:45] adriennecopeland leaves the room [18:48:15] michaelvecchione leaves the room [18:50:41] LAT : 37.409973 , LON : -74.407871 , DEPTH : 190.6754 m, TEMP : 12.23005 C, SAL : 35.55641 PSU, DO : 4.50591 mg/l [18:50:57] We might be interested in looking for this: https://uboat.net/allies/merchants/ship/1344.html. It's theoretically on the way to Wilmington Canyon. [18:55:42] LAT : 37.410441 , LON : -74.407228 , DEPTH : 190.9085 m, TEMP : 12.23155 C, SAL : 35.55276 PSU, DO : 4.48034 mg/l [18:57:01] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [18:59:24] alanleonardi leaves the room [19:00:42] LAT : 37.410905 , LON : -74.406597 , DEPTH : 190.8355 m, TEMP : 12.16191 C, SAL : 35.54186 PSU, DO : 4.46407 mg/l [19:01:50] bradleystevens leaves the room [19:02:38] michaelvecchione leaves the room [19:05:18] ryangasbarro leaves the room [19:05:30] ryangasbarro leaves the room [19:05:42] LAT : 37.411289 , LON : -74.40583 , DEPTH : 190.8256 m, TEMP : 12.18109 C, SAL : 35.54784 PSU, DO : 4.45827 mg/l [19:10:43] LAT : 37.411599 , LON : -74.405135 , DEPTH : 190.9226 m, TEMP : 12.199 C, SAL : 35.55143 PSU, DO : 4.47414 mg/l [19:15:43] LAT : 37.411871 , LON : -74.404378 , DEPTH : 191.2032 m, TEMP : 12.21487 C, SAL : 35.49074 PSU, DO : 4.48799 mg/l [19:20:44] LAT : 37.412201 , LON : -74.40361 , DEPTH : 191.1341 m, TEMP : 12.16925 C, SAL : 35.54687 PSU, DO : 4.47416 mg/l [19:23:35] kaseycantwell leaves the room [19:25:44] LAT : 37.412502 , LON : -74.402752 , DEPTH : 189.7118 m, TEMP : 12.19614 C, SAL : 35.55153 PSU, DO : 4.46931 mg/l [19:30:45] LAT : 37.41266 , LON : -74.40196 , DEPTH : 189.9586 m, TEMP : 12.18861 C, SAL : 35.54832 PSU, DO : 4.43595 mg/l [19:33:14] Amy Wagner leaves the room [19:35:45] LAT : 37.412924 , LON : -74.401168 , DEPTH : 189.863 m, TEMP : 12.22273 C, SAL : 35.6111 PSU, DO : 4.45744 mg/l [19:40:46] LAT : 37.413096 , LON : -74.400338 , DEPTH : 189.8193 m, TEMP : 12.24043 C, SAL : 35.55177 PSU, DO : 4.45434 mg/l [19:44:31] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [19:45:46] LAT : 37.41338 , LON : -74.39956 , DEPTH : 189.9001 m, TEMP : 12.28474 C, SAL : 35.56062 PSU, DO : 4.48481 mg/l [19:50:47] LAT : 37.413766 , LON : -74.398755 , DEPTH : 113.0472 m, TEMP : 13.66856 C, SAL : 35.59545 PSU, DO : 5.73991 mg/l [19:55:47] LAT : 37.414147 , LON : -74.397936 , DEPTH : 51.1141 m, TEMP : 9.05231 C, SAL : 33.52903 PSU, DO : 7.93153 mg/l [19:57:28] jackirion leaves the room [20:00:48] LAT : 37.414396 , LON : -74.39728 , DEPTH : 50.7773 m, TEMP : 9.03613 C, SAL : 33.52715 PSU, DO : 7.92782 mg/l [20:03:12] Trying a different audio line [20:04:47] Great. Sounded like we were being visited by an alternate dimension! [20:05:48] LAT : 37.414452 , LON : -74.396761 , DEPTH : 50.6 m, TEMP : 9.08897 C, SAL : 33.54912 PSU, DO : 7.89136 mg/l [20:07:09] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:08:37] Amy Wagner leaves the room [20:10:49] LAT : 37.414204 , LON : -74.396474 , DEPTH : 50.5942 m, TEMP : 9.03629 C, SAL : 33.5314 PSU, DO : 7.90629 mg/l [20:15:49] LAT : 37.414159 , LON : -74.395025 , DEPTH : 18.2551 m, TEMP : 14.88953 C, SAL : 33.63672 PSU, DO : 9.10463 mg/l [20:16:23] kevinkocot leaves the room [20:17:13] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV on Surface [20:19:05] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:27:18] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:30:19] scottfrance leaves the room [20:32:21] jackirion leaves the room [20:37:50] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:45:10] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV Recovery Complete [20:48:11] EX1903L2_DIVE16 ROV powered off [20:50:19] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [21:00:32] jimmasterson leaves the room [22:07:33] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:15:17] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:32:50] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:47:18] kaseycantwell leaves the room [22:51:44] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [23:02:05] Amy Wagner leaves the room [23:26:40] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [23:38:21] kaseycantwell leaves the room [23:40:01] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room