[00:25:57] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [00:40:00] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [00:46:55] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [00:50:58] kaseycantwell leaves the room [01:04:56] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:22:54] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:40:07] kaseycantwell leaves the room [01:43:57] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:29:28] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:58:14] Amy Wagner leaves the room [06:13:21] chat-admin leaves the room [06:38:08] okexnav leaves the room [06:45:13] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [10:37:46] taraluke leaves the room [11:07:58] Test Message, Dive 15 [11:55:05] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [11:57:05] iscwatch2 leaves the room [12:15:32] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:15:52] Good morning [12:26:52] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:34:24] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:49:35] Good morning @taraluke [12:50:24] We are delayed in the launch due to weather. Just putting the vehicles in the water now. [12:50:53] Dive brief will probably be closer to 10:00am. [12:51:24] You probably saw from the email, the UCH dive planning call for tomorrow will be at 15:30 [12:52:07] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV powered off [12:58:06] Thanks Amy! [13:03:41] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV powered off [13:09:39] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV powered off [13:13:58] Please see the email from @kaseycantwell about the modified schedule for today's dive. [13:14:20] Launch @10:00 and pre-dive brief at 10:45am. [13:14:25] Thank you for your patience! [13:14:43] Amy Wagner leaves the room [13:22:26] Thanks for the updates Amy and Kasey! [13:55:27] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV Launch [13:56:31] yay! [14:02:56] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [14:05:22] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV on Surface [14:06:08] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV Descending [14:07:21] LAT : 36.352087 , LON : -74.626015 , DEPTH : 26.8999 m, TEMP : 20.90571 C, SAL : 35.50999 PSU, DO : 7.67673 mg/l [14:12:22] LAT : 36.351127 , LON : -74.625855 , DEPTH : 52.5155 m, TEMP : 16.32232 C, SAL : 35.6864 PSU, DO : 5.72137 mg/l [14:13:09] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [14:17:22] LAT : 36.350476 , LON : -74.626173 , DEPTH : 165.5381 m, TEMP : 12.97618 C, SAL : 35.67738 PSU, DO : 4.58945 mg/l [14:22:23] LAT : 36.350545 , LON : -74.626122 , DEPTH : 314.9629 m, TEMP : 8.15505 C, SAL : 35.11087 PSU, DO : 4.79647 mg/l [14:27:17] mashkoormalik leaves the room [14:27:23] LAT : 36.350724 , LON : -74.62602 , DEPTH : 466.1194 m, TEMP : 6.1092 C, SAL : 35.06212 PSU, DO : 6.62594 mg/l [14:32:24] LAT : 36.350921 , LON : -74.625995 , DEPTH : 619.9173 m, TEMP : 5.43917 C, SAL : 35.03157 PSU, DO : 7.22293 mg/l [14:37:24] LAT : 36.351202 , LON : -74.626096 , DEPTH : 773.8647 m, TEMP : 4.89966 C, SAL : 35.00081 PSU, DO : 7.73847 mg/l [14:42:25] LAT : 36.351544 , LON : -74.626101 , DEPTH : 926.7431 m, TEMP : 4.55779 C, SAL : 34.98403 PSU, DO : 8.05643 mg/l [14:46:57] That was strange. I attempted to introduce myself on the call [14:47:09] but apparently it didn't go through. So hi! [14:47:19] oh weird! [14:47:25] LAT : 36.35192 , LON : -74.625987 , DEPTH : 1087.5149 m, TEMP : 4.38794 C, SAL : 34.97148 PSU, DO : 8.16944 mg/l [14:47:27] Okay thanks for trying tara [14:48:56] Actually, I am on the call, but I can't hear you through the phone line....just via the video broadcast [14:49:18] okay thanks we will relay that to the video team after this brief [14:49:37] Thanks! [14:52:26] LAT : 36.352017 , LON : -74.625917 , DEPTH : 1240.5929 m, TEMP : 4.15398 C, SAL : 34.95581 PSU, DO : 8.31063 mg/l [14:52:27] Also, i could hear the beep saying that I'm connected to the call, but I didn't hear that through the video feed [14:52:42] Can you try to say something on the phone line? [14:53:02] I guess it's better now. :) [14:53:07] Thanks. [14:53:17] Thanks! I think we are set. [14:53:39] great [14:55:10] Has the call started? I can't hear anything [14:55:28] Amy or Alexis, can you say something to see if we can hear it over the phone line? [14:55:39] yep, can hear you [14:56:01] Thanks! [14:56:22] Hi rachelgulbraa. We had some issues at the start but sounds like we are good now. Thanks for checking! [14:57:26] LAT : 36.352233 , LON : -74.625962 , DEPTH : 1397.2271 m, TEMP : 4.08927 C, SAL : 34.955 PSU, DO : 8.3164 mg/l [14:58:51] I just disconnected from the call, and heard the beep this time (in case this feedback helps), but I'll be here in the chat. [14:59:03] Ok, thank you @taraluke [15:02:27] LAT : 36.352345 , LON : -74.625991 , DEPTH : 1558.6515 m, TEMP : 3.95438 C, SAL : 34.95633 PSU, DO : 8.1283 mg/l [15:07:27] LAT : 36.352367 , LON : -74.625746 , DEPTH : 1555.0798 m, TEMP : 3.95549 C, SAL : 34.95587 PSU, DO : 8.17501 mg/l [15:09:18] Just an update, we are in the process of moving to a waypoint a little closer to the base of the steep slope so we have less flat bottom time since we were delayed on the launch. [15:12:28] LAT : 36.352338 , LON : -74.625815 , DEPTH : 1554.8876 m, TEMP : 3.95042 C, SAL : 34.95634 PSU, DO : 8.21913 mg/l [15:17:28] LAT : 36.352636 , LON : -74.625169 , DEPTH : 1554.9458 m, TEMP : 3.97331 C, SAL : 34.95704 PSU, DO : 8.21682 mg/l [15:21:02] Chris Mah leaves the room [15:22:29] LAT : 36.352931 , LON : -74.624955 , DEPTH : 1600.2531 m, TEMP : 3.89504 C, SAL : 34.95587 PSU, DO : 8.23524 mg/l [15:25:44] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [15:27:17] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV on Bottom [15:27:29] LAT : 36.353595 , LON : -74.624589 , DEPTH : 1642.2341 m, TEMP : 3.8573 C, SAL : 34.95452 PSU, DO : 8.24954 mg/l [15:32:23] looks like Umbelulla [15:32:30] LAT : 36.353633 , LON : -74.624712 , DEPTH : 1641.8797 m, TEMP : 3.85747 C, SAL : 34.95414 PSU, DO : 8.26249 mg/l [15:36:57] The story goes that when US Navy first photoed Umbellula, they thought it was a Soviet listening device. [15:37:30] LAT : 36.353635 , LON : -74.624727 , DEPTH : 1641.2953 m, TEMP : 3.85967 C, SAL : 34.955 PSU, DO : 8.27047 mg/l [15:38:04] Halosauropsis macrochir with regenerated tail. Tails get nipped off by the big lizardfish Bathysaurus [15:38:46] sorcerer eel - Venefica procera [15:40:28] halosaur also had a wound under the dorsal fin - encounter with some predator [15:40:47] another sorcerer eel? [15:41:48] I was wondering if this is a halosaur [15:42:31] LAT : 36.353718 , LON : -74.624753 , DEPTH : 1639.8505 m, TEMP : 3.8605 C, SAL : 34.95377 PSU, DO : 8.28251 mg/l [15:43:20] No - this is another halosaur - Aldrovandia affinis. Hovering is a typical mode. Somewhat of a parallel to drifting holothurians that periodically descent to ingest sediment. Just what halosaurs also do - eating any macroinverts in the sediment [15:45:14] thanks, @kennethsulak! Alexis went to lunch and I am NOT close to a fish person so I can use all the help I can get with the fish! [15:45:22] Macrourid with elongate fin filaments = either Gadomus or Bathygadus - a juvenile with interesting partial black pigment pattern [15:46:57] Holothuoid white/mudddy pretty nondescript few small dorsal papillae, short wart-like lateral podia a Synallactid possible Mesothuria [15:47:31] LAT : 36.35388 , LON : -74.624831 , DEPTH : 1637.0019 m, TEMP : 3.85543 C, SAL : 34.9541 PSU, DO : 8.26959 mg/l [15:48:56] Ophiuroid possible Ophiomusium laymani very common species complex [15:49:52] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [15:52:14] rock behind eel looks like a burrow cast [15:52:32] LAT : 36.35395 , LON : -74.624864 , DEPTH : 1634.8801 m, TEMP : 3.8578 C, SAL : 34.9544 PSU, DO : 8.28609 mg/l [15:53:04] Ophidioid cusk eel = Dicrolene intronigra - with finger-like pelvic fin rays used to probe the substrate surface [15:53:15] excavated trace fossils [15:53:57] Hello all [15:54:07] joshuacarlson leaves the room [15:54:08] Thanks for excellent fish zooms - very helpful for ID [15:54:09] Hello asakomatsumoto! [15:54:29] Hi @Amy! [15:55:56] Hi Asako! [15:56:03] Hi Tara! [15:57:32] LAT : 36.354033 , LON : -74.624882 , DEPTH : 1632.4235 m, TEMP : 3.85857 C, SAL : 34.95373 PSU, DO : 8.26959 mg/l [16:02:33] LAT : 36.354038 , LON : -74.624963 , DEPTH : 1631.1537 m, TEMP : 3.86094 C, SAL : 34.95399 PSU, DO : 8.28112 mg/l [16:02:38] Zoarcidae = eelpout Lycodes terraenova Almost always seen sitting curled on bottom. Female will sit this way also to guard her clutch of large benthic eggs [16:04:18] brown snails among urchin spines...focus not sharp enough to be certain [16:07:33] LAT : 36.354097 , LON : -74.625 , DEPTH : 1628.1314 m, TEMP : 3.86441 C, SAL : 34.95395 PSU, DO : 8.29382 mg/l [16:10:58] I just logged it as a cnidarian [16:12:34] LAT : 36.354184 , LON : -74.624924 , DEPTH : 1627.0746 m, TEMP : 3.86204 C, SAL : 34.95521 PSU, DO : 8.2815 mg/l [16:17:34] LAT : 36.354155 , LON : -74.624967 , DEPTH : 1625.6352 m, TEMP : 3.86617 C, SAL : 34.95476 PSU, DO : 8.27728 mg/l [16:17:53] Aldrovandia affinis = halosaur. There are 3 whitish species possible here - thanks for closee-up to confirm ID [16:19:21] gray cod-like active swimming fish is a Moridae - probably genus Lepidion [16:21:16] juvenile? [16:21:20] @asakomatsumoto do you have any ideas about these sea pen IDs? We need Gary Williams :) [16:22:35] LAT : 36.354293 , LON : -74.624979 , DEPTH : 1622.334 m, TEMP : 3.86457 C, SAL : 34.95448 PSU, DO : 8.28045 mg/l [16:23:00] Took another look at the Moridae fish - pointed protruding snout enables re-ID as Antimora rostrata. Adults are often very black [16:23:26] I just thought it may be junenile of sea pen. [16:23:32] @Alexis [16:23:54] okay thanks @asakomatsumoto [16:24:54] @Alexis trying to find the genus... [16:26:35] upasanaganguly leaves the room [16:26:51] @Alexis may be juvenile of Umbellula [16:27:35] LAT : 36.354354 , LON : -74.625001 , DEPTH : 1619.4968 m, TEMP : 3.86364 C, SAL : 34.95511 PSU, DO : 8.27552 mg/l [16:28:04] @asakomatsumoto okay thanks! do you know if they normally grow polyps first and then the stalk? [16:32:36] LAT : 36.354454 , LON : -74.625083 , DEPTH : 1612.9102 m, TEMP : 3.88171 C, SAL : 34.95455 PSU, DO : 8.27503 mg/l [16:32:42] @Alexis not sure what you mean but in octocoral, polyps first... settle and then first polyp comes [16:35:14] Dead cup coral - similar to toppled live one seen earlier. This is a large 'rose coral', one of the few that can survive in very soft flocculent sediment areas. I forget the genus name [16:35:25] upasanaganguly leaves the room [16:37:36] LAT : 36.354479 , LON : -74.625091 , DEPTH : 1611.74 m, TEMP : 3.87884 C, SAL : 34.9557 PSU, DO : 8.26249 mg/l [16:38:57] Thanks @kennethsulak [16:39:40] Memory just kicked in - cup coral genus = Flabellum [16:39:54] @Alexis sorry. was wrong for previous identification. could be Kophobelemnon [16:39:59] upasanaganguly leaves the room [16:40:30] traveled 100 meters [16:41:10] https://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/okeanos-animal-guide/Pennatulacea023.html [16:41:50] thanks @kennethsulak I think you are right [16:41:56] Flabellum cup coral often occurs in close association with brittle star Ophiomusium lymani - I recall a paper dealing with this association [16:42:37] LAT : 36.354539 , LON : -74.625129 , DEPTH : 1608.7719 m, TEMP : 3.8914 C, SAL : 34.95521 PSU, DO : 8.27736 mg/l [16:43:22] second set of synapses clicked in - this happens when you get old - access time gets longer Rose coral here = Flabellum alabastrum - I think [16:43:57] this is juvenile Umbellula sp.? https://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/okeanos-animal-guide/Pennatulacea053.html [16:46:46] okay thanks @asakomatsumoto that is what Estefania Rodriguez from AMNH suggested too (Kophobelemnon) [16:46:50] This is an interesting heterogenous substrate area with lots of soft sediment. Abundance of brittle stars notable. We generally think of them as sediment ingesters - but they are optionally agressive predators that can quickly mass in numbers on an unwary fish or squid sitting on the substrate. In JSL dives, I have seen this several times, the victim becoming embedded in a ball of brittle stars and consumed bit by bit [16:47:18] sounds like a horror movie [16:47:37] LAT : 36.354636 , LON : -74.625186 , DEPTH : 1600.0376 m, TEMP : 3.89344 C, SAL : 34.95484 PSU, DO : 8.27337 mg/l [16:48:22] It gets that way - with hagfish sometimes taking over, embedding victim and brittlestars in a mass of proteinaceous slime [16:49:19] that would be a site!! [16:51:44] benthic ctenophore, definitely [16:52:38] LAT : 36.35476 , LON : -74.625229 , DEPTH : 1592.128 m, TEMP : 3.93276 C, SAL : 34.95276 PSU, DO : 8.27573 mg/l [16:57:38] LAT : 36.354743 , LON : -74.62519 , DEPTH : 1592.01 m, TEMP : 3.91773 C, SAL : 34.95621 PSU, DO : 8.25491 mg/l [17:02:39] LAT : 36.354788 , LON : -74.625201 , DEPTH : 1589.632 m, TEMP : 3.92896 C, SAL : 34.95516 PSU, DO : 8.25545 mg/l [17:07:39] LAT : 36.354813 , LON : -74.625237 , DEPTH : 1586.0296 m, TEMP : 3.93028 C, SAL : 34.95622 PSU, DO : 8.27754 mg/l [17:12:39] LAT : 36.354861 , LON : -74.625332 , DEPTH : 1581.0111 m, TEMP : 3.93534 C, SAL : 34.95655 PSU, DO : 8.26907 mg/l [17:17:40] LAT : 36.354937 , LON : -74.625383 , DEPTH : 1578.1157 m, TEMP : 3.92852 C, SAL : 34.95632 PSU, DO : 8.26463 mg/l [17:22:40] LAT : 36.354946 , LON : -74.625406 , DEPTH : 1573.4866 m, TEMP : 3.93424 C, SAL : 34.95782 PSU, DO : 8.27352 mg/l [17:25:49] macrourid = Nezumia aequalis [17:27:41] LAT : 36.354962 , LON : -74.625448 , DEPTH : 1571.1769 m, TEMP : 3.95593 C, SAL : 34.9567 PSU, DO : 8.25851 mg/l [17:32:41] LAT : 36.355038 , LON : -74.625402 , DEPTH : 1567.4945 m, TEMP : 3.95455 C, SAL : 34.95676 PSU, DO : 8.26152 mg/l [17:35:57] brittle star looks like Ophiomusa lymani (formerly Ophiomusium) [17:37:42] LAT : 36.355043 , LON : -74.62547 , DEPTH : 1564.3827 m, TEMP : 3.95686 C, SAL : 34.95692 PSU, DO : 8.25555 mg/l [17:42:43] LAT : 36.355148 , LON : -74.625478 , DEPTH : 1560.4971 m, TEMP : 3.95648 C, SAL : 34.95642 PSU, DO : 8.26619 mg/l [17:42:59] yes a brisingid. [17:43:19] thanks @Chris Mah [17:45:01] OphioMUSA lymani. :-) [17:45:38] ah thank you!! [17:47:43] LAT : 36.355205 , LON : -74.625494 , DEPTH : 1551.1059 m, TEMP : 3.96203 C, SAL : 34.95732 PSU, DO : 8.25886 mg/l [17:52:43] LAT : 36.355197 , LON : -74.625435 , DEPTH : 1547.7776 m, TEMP : 3.95059 C, SAL : 34.95616 PSU, DO : 8.25515 mg/l [17:56:24] small bivalve was scallop-like [17:57:44] LAT : 36.355187 , LON : -74.625438 , DEPTH : 1547.0545 m, TEMP : 3.96187 C, SAL : 34.95242 PSU, DO : 8.2472 mg/l [17:59:40] Awesome sea spider. Must be a Colossendeis. [18:00:41] There's an entoproct or something on one of the ovigers? [18:01:21] caprellid "inch worm" [18:02:15] kinda looked like a leech [18:02:44] LAT : 36.355236 , LON : -74.62541 , DEPTH : 1545.9787 m, TEMP : 3.95471 C, SAL : 34.95689 PSU, DO : 8.22775 mg/l [18:07:45] LAT : 36.35525 , LON : -74.625352 , DEPTH : 1546.0065 m, TEMP : 3.97298 C, SAL : 34.9579 PSU, DO : 8.23832 mg/l [18:12:45] LAT : 36.355137 , LON : -74.625617 , DEPTH : 1542.9878 m, TEMP : 3.9633 C, SAL : 34.9561 PSU, DO : 8.25564 mg/l [18:16:23] is that an octopus on the right? [18:17:13] ANyone else have SeaTube go down? [18:17:46] LAT : 36.355171 , LON : -74.62564 , DEPTH : 1538.7444 m, TEMP : 3.95978 C, SAL : 34.95763 PSU, DO : 8.26476 mg/l [18:18:28] SeaTube seems fine here [18:22:46] LAT : 36.355145 , LON : -74.625675 , DEPTH : 1539.2563 m, TEMP : 3.9787 C, SAL : 34.95726 PSU, DO : 8.25655 mg/l [18:23:02] laurenwalling leaves the room [18:24:06] laurenwalling leaves the room [18:25:26] I would guess that's a tunicate? [18:25:52] I see the red dots now - yes I think those are 'eyes' around the siphon [18:26:01] probosis from rock? nothing to make it a holothroid such as a gut or 5 muscle bands [18:26:05] So that would be a phlebobranch tunicate [18:26:31] Thank you :) [18:27:47] LAT : 36.355171 , LON : -74.625671 , DEPTH : 1537.5089 m, TEMP : 3.97535 C, SAL : 34.95852 PSU, DO : 8.25356 mg/l [18:28:06] burrow casts? [18:32:47] LAT : 36.35518 , LON : -74.62571 , DEPTH : 1531.7801 m, TEMP : 3.98508 C, SAL : 34.95712 PSU, DO : 8.24993 mg/l [18:33:07] A question from Megan Dobbs on instagram: "What are you all looking for at this site? Or rather, what do you expect to find?" [18:33:53] vertical burrow cast [18:35:50] carolynruppel leaves the room [18:37:48] LAT : 36.355295 , LON : -74.625616 , DEPTH : 1529.815 m, TEMP : 3.98811 C, SAL : 34.95734 PSU, DO : 8.24594 mg/l [18:38:03] Re the question - Plans to renew oil and gas prospecting/development along East Coast require habitat classification [18:39:32] this would not be a great place to drill a hole :) [18:41:29] interesting face...boring/dissolution very superficial [18:42:16] @robertcarney yes, this is really intersting [18:42:48] LAT : 36.355284 , LON : -74.625603 , DEPTH : 1523.0423 m, TEMP : 3.99789 C, SAL : 34.95821 PSU, DO : 8.24634 mg/l [18:43:17] Jason Chaytor USGS has looked at and pondered exposures like this...too bad he's not here [18:43:39] yeah we pinged him last night but didn't hear back :( [18:44:01] I'm sure he will rewatch the video! [18:44:39] and cringe at some of our explanation of what is going on. [18:46:22] burrow cast extending from rock as jelly swam by [18:47:32] another octopus [18:47:49] LAT : 36.355252 , LON : -74.625754 , DEPTH : 1517.6611 m, TEMP : 4.00922 C, SAL : 34.95739 PSU, DO : 8.23997 mg/l [18:50:04] @bob I just texted Jason, who is on annual leave, and sent him some screen shots about 10 min ago. He is logging in now. I just sent him actual lat/long/depth. [18:50:20] I just joined as well and realized where you were... [18:50:28] Thanks @carolynruppel! [18:51:14] Jenna Hill at USGS Santa Cruz (formerly Coastal Carolina) also has published quite a bit on Currituck slide [18:52:31] @Carolyn thanks...looks very familiar, but I haven't kept notes on which dives I've watched. [18:52:49] LAT : 36.35531 , LON : -74.625772 , DEPTH : 1515.4235 m, TEMP : 4.00653 C, SAL : 34.95745 PSU, DO : 8.2388 mg/l [18:52:55] I suspect Jason is watching now, even though he isn't in chat [18:55:04] Chris Mah leaves the room [18:57:50] LAT : 36.355294 , LON : -74.625813 , DEPTH : 1511.5102 m, TEMP : 4.01005 C, SAL : 34.9578 PSU, DO : 8.23683 mg/l [18:59:22] barcode 124100 [18:59:43] fish sheltering under rock, undulating very slowly = cusk eel Diplacanthopoma brachysoma. Behavior very typical [19:00:14] Starbucs coffee drink barcode [19:00:48] I'll bet the paper inside was the label that someone tore off after they drank it [19:00:56] Starbucks Frappuccino Vanilla Chilled Coffee Drink [19:01:00] :-O [19:01:39] @jasonchaytor hi!!! [19:01:52] hi [19:02:33] did someone say landslide? [19:02:36] is there a particular type of rock sample that would be good to get from this area? [19:02:50] LAT : 36.355343 , LON : -74.625784 , DEPTH : 1505.5019 m, TEMP : 4.0129 C, SAL : 34.95776 PSU, DO : 8.22925 mg/l [19:03:07] or just any small piece? [19:03:44] "fresh face" shows surface pitting/burrowing very superficial [19:04:25] anything that you can grab. It will very likely be extremely weak and may break when grabbed [19:04:35] okay cool - thanks [19:06:59] psolid holothuroid ? below coral.to lower right..sessile white mound w/ 2 dorsal bumps [19:07:51] LAT : 36.35548 , LON : -74.625734 , DEPTH : 1503.3537 m, TEMP : 4.01653 C, SAL : 34.95857 PSU, DO : 8.22698 mg/l [19:12:51] LAT : 36.355476 , LON : -74.625807 , DEPTH : 1500.6474 m, TEMP : 4.01763 C, SAL : 34.95799 PSU, DO : 8.216 mg/l [19:13:00] gravity [19:13:26] they are slippery too :-) [19:13:57] :) [19:17:52] LAT : 36.355443 , LON : -74.625784 , DEPTH : 1497.5188 m, TEMP : 4.01367 C, SAL : 34.95807 PSU, DO : 8.22386 mg/l [19:22:52] LAT : 36.355528 , LON : -74.625871 , DEPTH : 1493.346 m, TEMP : 4.02533 C, SAL : 34.95738 PSU, DO : 8.25202 mg/l [19:26:51] Sea star was Neomorphaster.. southern range limit I believe.. [19:27:01] sorry. service went down for awhile. [19:27:49] Always a pleasure! [19:27:53] LAT : 36.355645 , LON : -74.625986 , DEPTH : 1482.377 m, TEMP : 4.0472 C, SAL : 34.95751 PSU, DO : 8.24997 mg/l [19:28:01] :D we appreciate you! [19:30:57] spider crab? [19:31:36] nevermind. King Crab [19:32:53] LAT : 36.355658 , LON : -74.626073 , DEPTH : 1479.5948 m, TEMP : 4.04863 C, SAL : 34.95738 PSU, DO : 8.21145 mg/l [19:33:19] Paralithodes? [19:33:21] carolynruppel leaves the room [19:33:55] relatively fresh exoskeleton [19:35:06] probosis rather complex along distal edge [19:37:54] LAT : 36.355751 , LON : -74.626057 , DEPTH : 1473.8418 m, TEMP : 4.05209 C, SAL : 34.95726 PSU, DO : 8.24733 mg/l [19:38:26] progressive small scale failures of the bigger scarps as they try to re-equilibrate after the large failure [19:39:50] turrid? gastropod [19:40:41] robertcarney leaves the room [19:40:48] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV Ascending [19:41:16] Thanks for a great dive! [19:41:17] kennethsulak leaves the room [19:41:26] taraluke leaves the room [19:41:27] Thank you all! [19:41:29] jasonchaytor leaves the room [19:41:36] meganmcculler leaves the room [19:41:40] an echinothuriid [19:41:49] thanks Chris! [19:42:54] LAT : 36.355493 , LON : -74.625875 , DEPTH : 1475.9144 m, TEMP : 4.05352 C, SAL : 34.95686 PSU, DO : 8.2551 mg/l [19:47:55] LAT : 36.355679 , LON : -74.625463 , DEPTH : 1371.5778 m, TEMP : 4.10942 C, SAL : 34.95649 PSU, DO : 8.26948 mg/l [19:49:14] Chris Mah leaves the room [19:52:55] LAT : 36.355561 , LON : -74.625426 , DEPTH : 1219.4594 m, TEMP : 4.22311 C, SAL : 34.95877 PSU, DO : 8.21819 mg/l [19:57:56] LAT : 36.355577 , LON : -74.625534 , DEPTH : 1066.5873 m, TEMP : 4.44524 C, SAL : 34.97524 PSU, DO : 8.06388 mg/l [20:02:56] LAT : 36.355705 , LON : -74.625515 , DEPTH : 914.0884 m, TEMP : 4.62599 C, SAL : 34.98655 PSU, DO : 7.92031 mg/l [20:07:57] LAT : 36.355786 , LON : -74.625742 , DEPTH : 758.9456 m, TEMP : 4.97861 C, SAL : 35.00804 PSU, DO : 7.61571 mg/l [20:12:57] LAT : 36.355688 , LON : -74.625915 , DEPTH : 602.9036 m, TEMP : 5.50537 C, SAL : 35.03448 PSU, DO : 7.1273 mg/l [20:17:58] LAT : 36.355016 , LON : -74.626459 , DEPTH : 450.5265 m, TEMP : 6.43105 C, SAL : 35.0746 PSU, DO : 6.29404 mg/l [20:22:42] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:22:43] Amy Wagner leaves the room [20:22:58] LAT : 36.354261 , LON : -74.626993 , DEPTH : 295.0575 m, TEMP : 9.05038 C, SAL : 35.18534 PSU, DO : 4.46934 mg/l [20:27:59] LAT : 36.353575 , LON : -74.627282 , DEPTH : 141.1446 m, TEMP : 13.92492 C, SAL : 35.81517 PSU, DO : 5.0339 mg/l [20:32:59] LAT : 36.352823 , LON : -74.627748 , DEPTH : 49.718 m, TEMP : 16.47454 C, SAL : 35.65271 PSU, DO : 5.90395 mg/l [20:38:00] LAT : 36.35198 , LON : -74.627651 , DEPTH : 49.1823 m, TEMP : 16.64313 C, SAL : 35.59043 PSU, DO : 6.443 mg/l [20:41:39] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV on Surface [20:56:40] iscwatch2 leaves the room [20:57:53] EX1903L2_DIVE15 ROV Recovery Complete [21:20:14] kaseycantwell leaves the room [21:55:35] kevinkocot leaves the room [22:04:13] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [22:26:35] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:30:11] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:47:48] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:51:31] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:52:14] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [22:57:15] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [23:06:39] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [23:07:29] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [23:07:48] Amy Wagner leaves the room [23:22:27] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room