[00:54:46] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [00:56:40] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:22:28] Amy Wagner leaves the room [02:41:11] kaseycantwell leaves the room [03:11:58] kaseycantwell leaves the room [11:02:14] Testing [11:45:57] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV powered off [12:03:41] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:12:51] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:13:15] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV Launch [12:21:11] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV on Surface [12:21:50] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV Descending [12:23:01] LAT : 35.925002 , LON : -74.767558 , DEPTH : 19.8566 m, TEMP : 24.38026 C, SAL : 35.80619 PSU, DO : 6.54815 mg/l [12:28:02] LAT : 35.925041 , LON : -74.767314 , DEPTH : 50.0 m, TEMP : 10.42742 C, SAL : 33.68989 PSU, DO : 8.65828 mg/l [12:28:10] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [12:33:02] LAT : 35.924689 , LON : -74.767271 , DEPTH : 196.3749 m, TEMP : 12.20482 C, SAL : 35.55568 PSU, DO : 4.35795 mg/l [12:38:03] LAT : 35.924679 , LON : -74.767338 , DEPTH : 343.3929 m, TEMP : 8.52494 C, SAL : 35.16219 PSU, DO : 4.76997 mg/l [12:43:03] LAT : 35.924699 , LON : -74.767275 , DEPTH : 481.5466 m, TEMP : 6.30747 C, SAL : 35.0727 PSU, DO : 6.42666 mg/l [12:48:04] LAT : 35.924595 , LON : -74.766887 , DEPTH : 637.4908 m, TEMP : 5.41863 C, SAL : 35.03289 PSU, DO : 7.23863 mg/l [12:53:04] LAT : 35.9245 , LON : -74.766605 , DEPTH : 788.0619 m, TEMP : 4.92953 C, SAL : 35.00657 PSU, DO : 7.66276 mg/l [12:58:04] LAT : 35.924309 , LON : -74.766529 , DEPTH : 915.2826 m, TEMP : 4.52807 C, SAL : 34.98293 PSU, DO : 8.01252 mg/l [13:00:16] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [13:03:05] LAT : 35.924141 , LON : -74.766407 , DEPTH : 920.3606 m, TEMP : 4.51929 C, SAL : 34.98322 PSU, DO : 8.02151 mg/l [13:08:05] LAT : 35.923914 , LON : -74.766123 , DEPTH : 922.7332 m, TEMP : 4.53805 C, SAL : 34.98388 PSU, DO : 8.00798 mg/l [13:13:06] LAT : 35.923708 , LON : -74.765946 , DEPTH : 920.7536 m, TEMP : 4.54699 C, SAL : 34.98435 PSU, DO : 7.99825 mg/l [13:18:06] LAT : 35.923575 , LON : -74.765773 , DEPTH : 922.2697 m, TEMP : 4.54585 C, SAL : 34.98402 PSU, DO : 7.99389 mg/l [13:23:07] LAT : 35.92358 , LON : -74.765418 , DEPTH : 967.9785 m, TEMP : 4.4763 C, SAL : 34.98119 PSU, DO : 8.03128 mg/l [13:27:33] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV on Bottom [13:28:07] LAT : 35.923563 , LON : -74.765427 , DEPTH : 1041.3697 m, TEMP : 4.38837 C, SAL : 34.9753 PSU, DO : 8.08794 mg/l [13:33:08] LAT : 35.923597 , LON : -74.765333 , DEPTH : 1043.076 m, TEMP : 4.38171 C, SAL : 34.97531 PSU, DO : 8.09436 mg/l [13:34:09] crab [13:34:46] I'm pretty sure these are cutthroat eels [13:38:08] LAT : 35.923508 , LON : -74.765181 , DEPTH : 1043.1785 m, TEMP : 4.38488 C, SAL : 34.97549 PSU, DO : 8.08168 mg/l [13:38:39] I couldn't even begin to guess on that variety of fish [13:40:37] Sorry I'm not much more help....as far as I'm concerned, all vertebrates look alike. [13:40:52] @taraluke same same :) [13:41:28] hahaha, yes @taraluke! [13:43:09] LAT : 35.923477 , LON : -74.765127 , DEPTH : 1045.9375 m, TEMP : 4.38548 C, SAL : 34.97558 PSU, DO : 8.06862 mg/l [13:45:08] anem on and under plastic sheet [13:45:28] That fish was likely a cusk eel. [13:45:36] Next to the plastic. [13:47:16] I agree...cusk eel [13:48:09] LAT : 35.923663 , LON : -74.76493 , DEPTH : 1047.0718 m, TEMP : 4.36766 C, SAL : 34.97426 PSU, DO : 8.09434 mg/l [13:52:29] sea cucumbers like many other things are pretty depth distributed...more types found deeper than today's dive [13:53:10] LAT : 35.923669 , LON : -74.764617 , DEPTH : 1049.6938 m, TEMP : 4.36656 C, SAL : 34.97431 PSU, DO : 8.08493 mg/l [13:58:10] LAT : 35.923718 , LON : -74.764566 , DEPTH : 1050.7885 m, TEMP : 4.37023 C, SAL : 34.97393 PSU, DO : 8.08865 mg/l [14:00:23] parasite? [14:00:45] The vertically oriented eels may be nettastomatids (at least they look similar). [14:01:34] 2 parasitic copepods(?) w/ developed gonads trailing [14:03:11] LAT : 35.923849 , LON : -74.764425 , DEPTH : 1051.599 m, TEMP : 4.36973 C, SAL : 34.97365 PSU, DO : 8.08436 mg/l [14:03:37] I've listed most of them as tube anemones ion SeaTube...I'm going to leave them there for now. [14:06:31] @taraluke no worries - these IDs always have to be groundtruthed anyways [14:08:11] LAT : 35.923919 , LON : -74.764121 , DEPTH : 1053.6052 m, TEMP : 4.37547 C, SAL : 34.97563 PSU, DO : 8.08508 mg/l [14:13:12] LAT : 35.924016 , LON : -74.763947 , DEPTH : 1053.5379 m, TEMP : 4.37378 C, SAL : 34.97479 PSU, DO : 8.08483 mg/l [14:15:51] I was just so excited about the octopus that i almost forgot log it! [14:17:49] 100 meters traveled a bit ago [14:18:12] LAT : 35.924007 , LON : -74.763843 , DEPTH : 1053.419 m, TEMP : 4.3787 C, SAL : 34.97498 PSU, DO : 8.08005 mg/l [14:23:13] LAT : 35.924102 , LON : -74.7639 , DEPTH : 1054.2587 m, TEMP : 4.37864 C, SAL : 34.97568 PSU, DO : 8.0735 mg/l [14:28:13] LAT : 35.924263 , LON : -74.763833 , DEPTH : 1050.7439 m, TEMP : 4.38471 C, SAL : 34.97547 PSU, DO : 8.08954 mg/l [14:33:14] LAT : 35.924373 , LON : -74.763881 , DEPTH : 1048.2969 m, TEMP : 4.39061 C, SAL : 34.97604 PSU, DO : 8.06492 mg/l [14:36:47] Another 100 meters traveled - 200 meters total [14:38:14] LAT : 35.924552 , LON : -74.763743 , DEPTH : 1045.4107 m, TEMP : 4.39477 C, SAL : 34.97609 PSU, DO : 8.06766 mg/l [14:43:15] LAT : 35.924693 , LON : -74.763762 , DEPTH : 1040.0731 m, TEMP : 4.40214 C, SAL : 34.97664 PSU, DO : 8.08726 mg/l [14:48:04] Potentially a longfin hake. [14:48:15] Phycis chesteri [14:48:16] LAT : 35.92486 , LON : -74.763716 , DEPTH : 1030.2249 m, TEMP : 4.40198 C, SAL : 34.97641 PSU, DO : 8.08185 mg/l [14:53:16] LAT : 35.924994 , LON : -74.763813 , DEPTH : 1020.9075 m, TEMP : 4.40821 C, SAL : 34.97783 PSU, DO : 8.08336 mg/l [14:58:16] LAT : 35.925139 , LON : -74.763691 , DEPTH : 1009.1655 m, TEMP : 4.44125 C, SAL : 34.97867 PSU, DO : 8.05934 mg/l [14:58:41] britle star limbs? [15:00:03] I think you are thinking of a predatory tunicate...not sure if that's one, though [15:00:38] could it be a very gelatinous sea cucumber? [15:00:45] ?? Possible transparent holo with thin mud-filled gut [15:03:17] LAT : 35.92514 , LON : -74.763752 , DEPTH : 1009.6416 m, TEMP : 4.44256 C, SAL : 34.97819 PSU, DO : 8.05792 mg/l [15:05:59] brachiopods, I think [15:06:27] brachs have lophopohores [15:06:59] lophophores are sometimes referred to as lyre- shapes...little harp [15:08:17] LAT : 35.925199 , LON : -74.763756 , DEPTH : 1005.1721 m, TEMP : 4.45196 C, SAL : 34.97975 PSU, DO : 8.05128 mg/l [15:13:17] LAT : 35.925134 , LON : -74.76368 , DEPTH : 1007.0618 m, TEMP : 4.45354 C, SAL : 34.9788 PSU, DO : 8.04585 mg/l [15:17:14] Are you sure that isn't a carnivorous sponge? [15:17:39] Looks ore like a cladorhizid to me - all the side "pinnules" [15:18:06] Very regularly forked branches. [15:18:18] LAT : 35.925261 , LON : -74.763848 , DEPTH : 1001.5366 m, TEMP : 4.46227 C, SAL : 34.97855 PSU, DO : 8.04282 mg/l [15:23:19] LAT : 35.925224 , LON : -74.763743 , DEPTH : 999.7914 m, TEMP : 4.45469 C, SAL : 34.98059 PSU, DO : 8.04373 mg/l [15:24:14] jimmasterson leaves the room [15:25:45] Has Mike suggested if these are sitting on eggs, or just otherwise hanging about? They don't move much when approached. [15:27:22] Hello all [15:28:16] Thx for passing that on. [15:28:20] LAT : 35.925302 , LON : -74.763926 , DEPTH : 998.8588 m, TEMP : 4.46337 C, SAL : 34.98057 PSU, DO : 8.04506 mg/l [15:29:25] Batypolypus bairdii [15:29:37] *Bathypolypus - sorry [15:29:50] I have to go for about an hour or so. See you when I get back [15:30:42] taraluke leaves the room [15:31:20] I think this is a snailfish - Liparidae [15:31:52] @scottfrance I looked up bathypolypus and the closest species I could find to what I thought I heard Mike say was valdiviae [15:32:11] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [15:33:03] any idea what this is?? [15:33:19] LAT : 35.925308 , LON : -74.764027 , DEPTH : 999.4224 m, TEMP : 4.45753 C, SAL : 34.97931 PSU, DO : 8.03745 mg/l [15:33:21] Scott suggested snailfish [15:34:24] @Amy: check out: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=157011 [15:34:59] @Amy: sorry for the delay. I am having connectivity issues working from home. Also having trouble getting annotations into SeaTube. [15:35:13] old vert burrows exposed [15:35:40] has age of exposed strata in this canyon been determined? [15:35:55] @scottfrance thank you! and no worries! We appreciate all the help [15:37:05] hidden ophiuroids still prevalent but maybe less dense here [15:38:20] LAT : 35.925331 , LON : -74.763819 , DEPTH : 989.4599 m, TEMP : 4.46975 C, SAL : 34.9809 PSU, DO : 8.00049 mg/l [15:40:10] long probosis hanging down into oct scene...endolithic sipunculid? [15:40:31] Acanthogorgia? [15:41:14] @robertcarney I don't know offhand the age of these walls [15:42:22] @amy thanks [15:43:20] LAT : 35.925364 , LON : -74.763848 , DEPTH : 986.1353 m, TEMP : 4.47614 C, SAL : 34.97921 PSU, DO : 8.00498 mg/l [15:44:14] crangonid shrimp [15:45:06] actually ophiuroid dive! [15:45:59] @Amy: were you able to see the WoRDSS entry I pasted earlier on Bathypolypus bairdii? [15:46:47] line? [15:47:23] @scottfrance yes, thank you! I can put it into seatube? [15:47:47] I made the entry already. [15:48:02] ok, thanks! [15:48:10] @Amy: well, for 1 or the 3. I missed the middle one! [15:48:21] LAT : 35.925429 , LON : -74.76382 , DEPTH : 977.9214 m, TEMP : 4.50037 C, SAL : 34.98237 PSU, DO : 7.97506 mg/l [15:48:30] I mean 2 of the 3. What is wrong with my typoing fingers? [15:48:33] robertcarney leaves the room [15:49:05] another 100 meters, total of 300 m traveled thus far [15:52:41] Body also smooth and scaleless, possibly lends to the common name. [15:53:21] LAT : 35.925514 , LON : -74.763892 , DEPTH : 972.1817 m, TEMP : 4.51231 C, SAL : 34.98302 PSU, DO : 8.00433 mg/l [15:58:22] LAT : 35.925649 , LON : -74.763795 , DEPTH : 962.7116 m, TEMP : 4.51962 C, SAL : 34.98083 PSU, DO : 7.97878 mg/l [16:00:08] ryangasbarro leaves the room [16:00:53] kaseycantwell leaves the room [16:03:22] LAT : 35.925691 , LON : -74.763841 , DEPTH : 959.4557 m, TEMP : 4.5206 C, SAL : 34.98251 PSU, DO : 7.96433 mg/l [16:08:23] LAT : 35.925762 , LON : -74.763798 , DEPTH : 953.922 m, TEMP : 4.53091 C, SAL : 34.98365 PSU, DO : 7.94256 mg/l [16:10:26] Smaller than I thought it was! [16:10:47] Did you ask them to pull rather than cut? [16:11:16] wow! [16:11:39] Awesome observation. [16:13:23] LAT : 35.925774 , LON : -74.763797 , DEPTH : 954.0502 m, TEMP : 4.52044 C, SAL : 34.9833 PSU, DO : 7.95446 mg/l [16:18:24] LAT : 35.925755 , LON : -74.763795 , DEPTH : 951.9388 m, TEMP : 4.53282 C, SAL : 34.98378 PSU, DO : 7.95396 mg/l [16:20:27] Watch out for tat haboob! [16:20:35] *that. argh [16:21:23] EX1902L2_D13_01B into stbd inner biobox - possible seapen [16:23:24] LAT : 35.925874 , LON : -74.763824 , DEPTH : 945.4799 m, TEMP : 4.55561 C, SAL : 34.98991 PSU, DO : 7.92275 mg/l [16:24:12] iscwatch leaves the room [16:28:25] LAT : 35.925905 , LON : -74.763768 , DEPTH : 941.5689 m, TEMP : 4.56133 C, SAL : 34.98408 PSU, DO : 7.92973 mg/l [16:30:39] iscwatch leaves the room [16:30:56] Amy Wagner leaves the room [16:32:21] SeaTube annotation is driving me crazy and slowing down my response. I keep getting "Error 105" and have to restart. [16:32:40] That is by way of apology for being slow on the phone! [16:33:25] LAT : 35.925968 , LON : -74.763827 , DEPTH : 936.6335 m, TEMP : 4.55065 C, SAL : 34.98486 PSU, DO : 7.93275 mg/l [16:38:26] LAT : 35.926128 , LON : -74.763826 , DEPTH : 928.1359 m, TEMP : 4.55146 C, SAL : 34.98536 PSU, DO : 7.95156 mg/l [16:38:54] ryangasbarro leaves the room [16:40:39] lukemccartin leaves the room [16:43:26] LAT : 35.926158 , LON : -74.763807 , DEPTH : 927.3415 m, TEMP : 4.55479 C, SAL : 34.98515 PSU, DO : 7.94539 mg/l [16:45:29] If people in the chat can here the IDs on the audio better than us please feel free to type the name out [16:47:18] Sorry, the audio from shore can be a bit tough sometimes especially for those fun scientific names :) [16:48:27] LAT : 35.926209 , LON : -74.763888 , DEPTH : 929.1144 m, TEMP : 4.56673 C, SAL : 34.97914 PSU, DO : 7.94773 mg/l [16:48:41] The fish Peter Auster called in about were: Pallid sculpin, Cottunculus thomsoni http://www.arctic.uoguelph.ca/cpl/organisms/fish/marine/soft_scul/pallid.htm [16:49:02] and longfin hake http://www.marinespecies.org/carms/photogallery.php?album=1487&pic=33600 [16:49:41] Closeup suggested the white tubes aren't tubes. They are the actual polychaetes — saw segmentation and parapodia/chaetae [16:50:07] @scottfrance thank you for that! [16:50:33] @jimmasterson thanks we will get a closer look at our next closeup [16:53:27] LAT : 35.926275 , LON : -74.763913 , DEPTH : 930.3839 m, TEMP : 4.54923 C, SAL : 34.9852 PSU, DO : 7.93323 mg/l [16:57:37] Couldn't tell if brittlestar arms or naked polychaetes [16:58:28] LAT : 35.926299 , LON : -74.764022 , DEPTH : 930.118 m, TEMP : 4.54383 C, SAL : 34.98541 PSU, DO : 7.94357 mg/l [17:03:12] Passed another 100 meters - 400 meters total [17:03:28] LAT : 35.926305 , LON : -74.764117 , DEPTH : 930.8536 m, TEMP : 4.5368 C, SAL : 34.98357 PSU, DO : 7.94858 mg/l [17:04:40] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [17:08:29] LAT : 35.926429 , LON : -74.764216 , DEPTH : 920.2286 m, TEMP : 4.54176 C, SAL : 34.98481 PSU, DO : 7.93055 mg/l [17:13:29] LAT : 35.926428 , LON : -74.764301 , DEPTH : 920.0254 m, TEMP : 4.55163 C, SAL : 34.98409 PSU, DO : 7.9447 mg/l [17:18:30] LAT : 35.926402 , LON : -74.764325 , DEPTH : 919.8688 m, TEMP : 4.54874 C, SAL : 34.98538 PSU, DO : 7.9153 mg/l [17:22:35] Caprellid? [17:22:49] "skeleton shrimp" amphipod [17:23:30] LAT : 35.926453 , LON : -74.764262 , DEPTH : 920.7355 m, TEMP : 4.54939 C, SAL : 34.98426 PSU, DO : 7.95657 mg/l [17:24:35] it took a little while but I was able to go back on camera 2 and confiirm the ID of Magnoteuthis (formerly Mastigoteuthis) magna. [17:28:31] LAT : 35.926489 , LON : -74.764325 , DEPTH : 919.6661 m, TEMP : 4.55272 C, SAL : 34.98524 PSU, DO : 7.96219 mg/l [17:31:50] Very cool. [17:32:05] Dippin' Dots! [17:32:18] this is the highlight! [17:33:31] LAT : 35.926496 , LON : -74.764269 , DEPTH : 920.3256 m, TEMP : 4.55288 C, SAL : 34.98474 PSU, DO : 7.9488 mg/l [17:35:22] Amazing video. [17:35:33] Wow [17:36:16] If you are slow enough, small enough, or dead enough a crab will eat you. [17:38:32] LAT : 35.926484 , LON : -74.764307 , DEPTH : 920.4452 m, TEMP : 4.55588 C, SAL : 34.98712 PSU, DO : 7.94712 mg/l [17:40:55] maybe it was after the crab, not the eggs [17:43:32] LAT : 35.926488 , LON : -74.764288 , DEPTH : 919.5123 m, TEMP : 4.56624 C, SAL : 34.98558 PSU, DO : 7.94725 mg/l [17:46:01] I asked for a zoom because I wasn't positive this was the pallid sculpin we saw earlier. My memory isn't good enough after all that crabby excitement. [17:46:47] oh gotcha! yeah. I can't be positive either but I think so [17:48:33] LAT : 35.926433 , LON : -74.76424 , DEPTH : 918.6754 m, TEMP : 4.56989 C, SAL : 34.98656 PSU, DO : 7.93498 mg/l [17:48:35] Crabs do regrow lost appendages. That is the biological basis of the traditional FL non-lethal stone crab fishery. [17:52:18] I think these are the pallid sculpin, which look different from the larger one below the ledge... I think? [17:52:57] I would guess the ability to grow back the leg depends where one is in the molt cycle. If there is another molt, likely the limb will be back. [17:53:33] LAT : 35.926564 , LON : -74.764439 , DEPTH : 918.443 m, TEMP : 4.5943 C, SAL : 34.98699 PSU, DO : 7.92042 mg/l [17:57:24] Couple of cool observations there! [17:58:34] LAT : 35.926594 , LON : -74.764481 , DEPTH : 916.7319 m, TEMP : 4.60034 C, SAL : 34.98787 PSU, DO : 7.9248 mg/l [18:01:18] Bathypolypus bairdii [18:03:34] LAT : 35.926667 , LON : -74.764613 , DEPTH : 914.1971 m, TEMP : 4.62806 C, SAL : 34.9894 PSU, DO : 7.88504 mg/l [18:07:59] sea star [18:08:34] LAT : 35.926736 , LON : -74.764655 , DEPTH : 914.2213 m, TEMP : 4.62779 C, SAL : 34.98862 PSU, DO : 7.89158 mg/l [18:10:03] @ scott France .??? Have Echiurans become polychates yet? [18:10:51] @Bob: they are in my Invertebrates class! [18:12:30] robertcarney leaves the room [18:13:13] I'm being torn between this awesome video and an awesome Wimbledon tennis match! Curse you telepresence! [18:13:34] Chiton in front of fish [18:13:36] LAT : 35.926887 , LON : -74.76489 , DEPTH : 911.5233 m, TEMP : 4.65316 C, SAL : 34.99186 PSU, DO : 7.87818 mg/l [18:15:12] as a former college tennis player…. Science > Tennis :) [18:16:07] @Alexis. True. But there is a pretty fascinating match with 15-yr old phenom Cori Gauff just making a stunning comeback to extend the match. [18:17:02] Sunday is going to be rough for me with the World Cup finals...so I can relate @Scott [18:17:14] @Tara: so true. [18:17:50] Is that an enteropneust above arms? [18:18:09] There was a dark purple "thing" back to the upper right (before crab) [18:18:35] LAT : 35.926857 , LON : -74.764997 , DEPTH : 910.8265 m, TEMP : 4.6347 C, SAL : 34.98792 PSU, DO : 7.88122 mg/l [18:18:43] @Alexis: I think you are right about sexes. [18:18:57] Male on top, mate guarding until female molts when she can mate. [18:19:28] @scottfrance that does sound like a good match! [18:20:04] @Alexis: sorry to distract you! But, yes, comeback to force the tie breaker and then two 30+ shot rallies! [18:20:58] Sorry I didn't see the possible enteropneust [18:21:31] I think this is a cerianthid. [18:22:39] Dumbo octopus [18:23:13] What a dive! [18:23:36] LAT : 35.926936 , LON : -74.765093 , DEPTH : 906.1574 m, TEMP : 4.59332 C, SAL : 34.98753 PSU, DO : 7.90921 mg/l [18:24:21] @Mike: is Opisthoteuthidae appropriate ID? [18:24:33] no. working on it. [18:25:50] prob Stauroteuthis syrtensis [18:26:05] Would it be too much to hope for a Vampyroteuthid on the ascent? [18:26:17] see http://tolweb.org/Stauroteuthis/20092 [18:27:14] @Mike, that family is bioluminescent, yes? [18:28:36] LAT : 35.927034 , LON : -74.765235 , DEPTH : 901.4054 m, TEMP : 4.59462 C, SAL : 34.98668 PSU, DO : 7.91682 mg/l [18:29:15] Can't recall the name of this fish with the characteristic posture. [18:29:26] @scottfrance me either! [18:29:32] It on the tip of my brain [18:29:34] I'm looking! [18:30:34] seastar int eh background [18:30:42] in the [18:31:41] Perhaps it was just a Halosaur... [18:33:37] LAT : 35.927088 , LON : -74.76522 , DEPTH : 898.2186 m, TEMP : 4.6648 C, SAL : 34.99236 PSU, DO : 7.85238 mg/l [18:36:04] snail shaggy buccinid? [18:36:13] Nice! [18:37:15] operculum for snail nicely visible [18:38:37] LAT : 35.927118 , LON : -74.76525 , DEPTH : 898.2539 m, TEMP : 4.66431 C, SAL : 34.99218 PSU, DO : 7.84948 mg/l [18:38:49] Nice view of the trail, as well. [18:39:05] We often only see the trails, and not who leaves the trails. [18:40:57] color contrast around burrow oxdized surface and reduced subsurface excavate [18:41:47] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [18:43:20] dense ophiuroid clump [18:43:38] LAT : 35.927257 , LON : -74.765411 , DEPTH : 893.487 m, TEMP : 4.66927 C, SAL : 34.9922 PSU, DO : 7.83495 mg/l [18:45:20] suspect ophiuroid disks are within heavily burrowed rock just under thin sed drape [18:48:38] LAT : 35.927269 , LON : -74.765488 , DEPTH : 890.3851 m, TEMP : 4.68015 C, SAL : 34.99264 PSU, DO : 7.83525 mg/l [18:53:39] LAT : 35.92734 , LON : -74.76557 , DEPTH : 889.7809 m, TEMP : 4.68395 C, SAL : 34.9928 PSU, DO : 7.82562 mg/l [18:58:39] LAT : 35.927439 , LON : -74.765766 , DEPTH : 887.6868 m, TEMP : 4.70571 C, SAL : 34.99364 PSU, DO : 7.81202 mg/l [19:00:46] do they bury when they molt like some other species? [19:01:34] "I'm sure I left those eggs buried here somewhere..." [19:02:13] @scottfrance :-D [19:02:31] not alone in there [19:02:58] closed cerianthid tube? [19:03:21] #Bob: that seems like a good guess! [19:03:40] LAT : 35.927493 , LON : -74.765774 , DEPTH : 888.5227 m, TEMP : 4.70968 C, SAL : 34.99404 PSU, DO : 7.8267 mg/l [19:04:18] robertcarney leaves the room [19:06:31] jimmasterson leaves the room [19:08:40] LAT : 35.927558 , LON : -74.76599 , DEPTH : 888.4789 m, TEMP : 4.718 C, SAL : 34.99485 PSU, DO : 7.81319 mg/l [19:09:34] Video went down here at HBOI ECC, other land-based users still have video? [19:10:25] My video is still running. [19:10:28] video back [19:12:40] also fine here [19:14:53] LAT : 35.927681 , LON : -74.765974 , DEPTH : 881.1053 m, TEMP : 4.7311 C, SAL : 34.99581 PSU, DO : 7.79817 mg/l [19:17:08] santiagoherrera leaves the room [19:19:53] LAT : 35.927689 , LON : -74.766034 , DEPTH : 884.3412 m, TEMP : 4.73768 C, SAL : 34.99467 PSU, DO : 7.78903 mg/l [19:21:28] Okay, upon calming down and checking, it is definitely not a duck-billed eel! :-) [19:24:09] :) thanks Scott [19:24:53] LAT : 35.927741 , LON : -74.766226 , DEPTH : 884.0366 m, TEMP : 4.73333 C, SAL : 34.99342 PSU, DO : 7.80198 mg/l [19:28:04] I would call them a school of squid. [19:29:54] LAT : 35.927763 , LON : -74.766439 , DEPTH : 883.7256 m, TEMP : 4.77512 C, SAL : 34.99772 PSU, DO : 7.76238 mg/l [19:34:55] LAT : 35.92783 , LON : -74.766621 , DEPTH : 882.2933 m, TEMP : 4.78756 C, SAL : 34.99741 PSU, DO : 7.73562 mg/l [19:35:51] Possibly a rattail in the background... didn't get a good look. [19:39:48] another 100 meters covered - 700 meters total [19:39:55] LAT : 35.927875 , LON : -74.766945 , DEPTH : 880.3092 m, TEMP : 4.78245 C, SAL : 34.99878 PSU, DO : 7.7456 mg/l [19:44:56] LAT : 35.92792 , LON : -74.767098 , DEPTH : 878.3588 m, TEMP : 4.73431 C, SAL : 34.99768 PSU, DO : 7.78559 mg/l [19:49:56] LAT : 35.928044 , LON : -74.767292 , DEPTH : 860.8989 m, TEMP : 4.78386 C, SAL : 34.99771 PSU, DO : 7.75237 mg/l [19:52:06] A cephalodive. [19:52:30] definitely! [19:54:56] LAT : 35.928114 , LON : -74.767363 , DEPTH : 860.3175 m, TEMP : 4.77099 C, SAL : 34.99708 PSU, DO : 7.73521 mg/l [19:59:57] LAT : 35.92812 , LON : -74.767353 , DEPTH : 860.3852 m, TEMP : 4.77142 C, SAL : 34.9969 PSU, DO : 7.74026 mg/l [20:00:12] Thanks for a great dive today. See you tomorrow! [20:00:12] jimmasterson leaves the room [20:00:22] Enjoy finding Vampyroteuthis on the ascent. I've got a good feeling! :-) [20:00:32] taraluke leaves the room [20:01:11] Of course, the spoon worms were the highlight! ;-) [20:01:23] oh yes the spoon worms! [20:02:23] scottfrance leaves the room [20:02:26] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV Ascending [20:02:30] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:04:57] LAT : 35.928393 , LON : -74.767372 , DEPTH : 822.8074 m, TEMP : 4.82942 C, SAL : 35.00094 PSU, DO : 7.70773 mg/l [20:04:59] michaelvecchione leaves the room [20:09:58] LAT : 35.928373 , LON : -74.76717 , DEPTH : 671.5652 m, TEMP : 5.33209 C, SAL : 35.02737 PSU, DO : 7.24923 mg/l [20:14:58] LAT : 35.927986 , LON : -74.767075 , DEPTH : 520.4692 m, TEMP : 5.97147 C, SAL : 35.05614 PSU, DO : 6.69967 mg/l [20:19:59] LAT : 35.927159 , LON : -74.767003 , DEPTH : 363.4818 m, TEMP : 7.74743 C, SAL : 35.06674 PSU, DO : 4.88099 mg/l [20:24:59] LAT : 35.926182 , LON : -74.766886 , DEPTH : 207.9187 m, TEMP : 12.53732 C, SAL : 35.60212 PSU, DO : 4.38557 mg/l [20:29:17] santiagoherrera leaves the room [20:30:00] LAT : 35.925499 , LON : -74.766621 , DEPTH : 49.948 m, TEMP : 10.33683 C, SAL : 33.66284 PSU, DO : 8.6052 mg/l [20:33:58] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:35:00] LAT : 35.924907 , LON : -74.766152 , DEPTH : 26.5846 m, TEMP : 12.94436 C, SAL : 33.03485 PSU, DO : 8.5256 mg/l [20:37:02] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV on Surface [20:46:09] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:51:36] iscwatch leaves the room [20:54:12] EX1903L2_DIVE13 ROV Recovery Complete [20:54:52] Amy Wagner leaves the room [20:56:54] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [21:11:43] Amy Wagner leaves the room [21:13:13] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [21:30:05] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [21:32:13] kaseycantwell leaves the room [21:45:25] janessyfrometa leaves the room [21:59:36] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:24:33] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:40:44] Amy Wagner leaves the room [22:54:00] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [23:39:12] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room