[00:21:55] kaseycantwell leaves the room [00:26:30] Amy Wagner leaves the room [02:44:16] kaseycantwell leaves the room [05:14:50] kaseycantwell leaves the room [10:19:57] test [11:23:54] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV powered off [12:23:35] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV Launch [12:31:48] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV on Surface [12:32:17] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV Descending [12:33:01] LAT : 31.529159 , LON : -77.153916 , DEPTH : 8.9943 m, TEMP : 28.89219 C, SAL : 36.28999 PSU, DO : 6.31685 mg/l [12:38:01] LAT : 31.528742 , LON : -77.156044 , DEPTH : 52.7231 m, TEMP : 27.35134 C, SAL : 36.31256 PSU, DO : 6.47013 mg/l [12:43:01] LAT : 31.528328 , LON : -77.158054 , DEPTH : 209.6941 m, TEMP : 21.42891 C, SAL : 36.78656 PSU, DO : 6.25326 mg/l [12:48:02] LAT : 31.528074 , LON : -77.159635 , DEPTH : 362.9661 m, TEMP : 19.19918 C, SAL : 36.6381 PSU, DO : 6.25036 mg/l [12:53:02] LAT : 31.528195 , LON : -77.160083 , DEPTH : 514.7568 m, TEMP : 17.51361 C, SAL : 36.41307 PSU, DO : 5.60874 mg/l [12:58:03] LAT : 31.527986 , LON : -77.160093 , DEPTH : 669.454 m, TEMP : 14.34155 C, SAL : 35.88336 PSU, DO : 5.15564 mg/l [13:03:03] LAT : 31.527731 , LON : -77.160006 , DEPTH : 819.9718 m, TEMP : 7.87789 C, SAL : 35.15723 PSU, DO : 5.55365 mg/l [13:07:40] did we lose video? [13:07:57] are you seeing blue water? [13:08:04] LAT : 31.527338 , LON : -77.160223 , DEPTH : 987.1802 m, TEMP : 4.62616 C, SAL : 35.00505 PSU, DO : 7.95598 mg/l [13:08:18] no I am seeing a Splash NOAA image test board [13:08:35] ok bluse water back again [13:10:35] okay thanks for letting us know [13:11:31] please let us know if the video goes out again [13:12:45] you bet. Only getting a one frame update every couple of minutes so a bit hard to tell [13:13:04] LAT : 31.526978 , LON : -77.160309 , DEPTH : 1140.3937 m, TEMP : 4.2856 C, SAL : 34.9772 PSU, DO : 8.17908 mg/l [13:18:05] LAT : 31.526689 , LON : -77.160306 , DEPTH : 1299.6775 m, TEMP : 4.11112 C, SAL : 34.96985 PSU, DO : 8.241 mg/l [13:22:05] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV on Bottom [13:23:05] LAT : 31.526334 , LON : -77.160436 , DEPTH : 1418.9502 m, TEMP : 4.02165 C, SAL : 34.96615 PSU, DO : 8.69618 mg/l [13:27:21] dhugallindsay leaves the room [13:28:06] LAT : 31.526307 , LON : -77.160803 , DEPTH : 1422.5114 m, TEMP : 4.03885 C, SAL : 34.96469 PSU, DO : 8.63371 mg/l [13:30:07] maybe a halosaur? [13:30:21] dhugallindsay leaves the room [13:33:06] LAT : 31.526259 , LON : -77.160845 , DEPTH : 1424.0788 m, TEMP : 4.03835 C, SAL : 34.96648 PSU, DO : 8.55499 mg/l [13:38:07] LAT : 31.526297 , LON : -77.160951 , DEPTH : 1423.8476 m, TEMP : 4.03819 C, SAL : 34.96715 PSU, DO : 8.50662 mg/l [13:43:07] LAT : 31.526414 , LON : -77.160984 , DEPTH : 1423.0525 m, TEMP : 4.03758 C, SAL : 34.96681 PSU, DO : 8.45395 mg/l [13:46:50] some kind of glass sponge [13:47:07] it's a Hexactinellid [13:47:29] and it seems to be inhabited by some shrimp perhaps? [13:48:08] LAT : 31.526453 , LON : -77.161318 , DEPTH : 1420.7865 m, TEMP : 4.03901 C, SAL : 34.96681 PSU, DO : 8.42531 mg/l [13:50:12] nope. [13:51:00] the nope was in response to Mike. I'm definitely not even close to a fish expert. [13:53:08] LAT : 31.526389 , LON : -77.161442 , DEPTH : 1420.7655 m, TEMP : 4.04654 C, SAL : 34.96704 PSU, DO : 8.38141 mg/l [13:55:19] Holo synallactid used to be Pseudostichopus some renaming in last few years pteropod cover typical [13:58:09] LAT : 31.52644 , LON : -77.161443 , DEPTH : 1418.9136 m, TEMP : 4.05363 C, SAL : 34.96612 PSU, DO : 8.35558 mg/l [14:00:17] lack of burrows and lack of mottled sediment notable [14:01:26] urchin looking for lunch [14:03:09] LAT : 31.526467 , LON : -77.161513 , DEPTH : 1419.3496 m, TEMP : 4.05412 C, SAL : 34.96645 PSU, DO : 8.33787 mg/l [14:05:18] fussy chaelae [14:08:10] LAT : 31.526428 , LON : -77.161627 , DEPTH : 1418.7447 m, TEMP : 4.05495 C, SAL : 34.96695 PSU, DO : 8.3259 mg/l [14:08:55] lophophores showing? Brachchipod??? [14:08:58] What are the 3 vertical things on the other little rocks? They look vertical bivalves. [14:10:05] likely brachchipod [14:12:12] Thanks! [14:13:10] LAT : 31.526474 , LON : -77.161574 , DEPTH : 1418.9371 m, TEMP : 4.05605 C, SAL : 34.96714 PSU, DO : 8.278 mg/l [14:13:24] brachs are not molluscs [14:13:30] brachiopods aren't molluscs [14:17:19] hmm...maybe not so much a rock [14:18:11] LAT : 31.526449 , LON : -77.161579 , DEPTH : 1418.8628 m, TEMP : 4.05857 C, SAL : 34.96657 PSU, DO : 8.28298 mg/l [14:21:23] Are the brachipods of interest for collection? If we see them on another rock that we could pick up? [14:23:11] LAT : 31.526456 , LON : -77.161608 , DEPTH : 1418.8385 m, TEMP : 4.05813 C, SAL : 34.96705 PSU, DO : 8.25494 mg/l [14:24:00] EX1903L2_D09_01G rock sample into port rock box [14:28:00] lauraanthony leaves the room [14:28:12] LAT : 31.526449 , LON : -77.161615 , DEPTH : 1418.8102 m, TEMP : 4.06082 C, SAL : 34.9678 PSU, DO : 8.24607 mg/l [14:28:57] Hi all, not sure how but I seem to have missed a really nice sponge observation earlier in the dive (just saw it now on Chris Mah twitter). The white globular sponge with lots of long papillae. It's a Polymastiid and reminds me a lot of Polymastia corticata. I call it the urchin-sponge :) [14:33:12] LAT : 31.526465 , LON : -77.161617 , DEPTH : 1417.8255 m, TEMP : 4.05956 C, SAL : 34.96749 PSU, DO : 8.242 mg/l [14:35:08] fecal material holothuroid [14:35:27] :-D [14:35:42] can definitely see the lophophores [14:36:23] nice image of lophophores BTW these are related to bryozoa [14:37:30] yep, glass sponge, no idea which species it may be though [14:38:13] LAT : 31.526452 , LON : -77.161638 , DEPTH : 1417.8889 m, TEMP : 4.0622 C, SAL : 34.96644 PSU, DO : 8.24605 mg/l [14:39:24] can we zoom in? [14:39:42] ok, we'll probably come across a few of those [14:40:13] Holo with excrement [14:41:30] I agree, looks dead [14:41:49] color contrast excavation [14:42:32] Sorry @joanaxavier we'll be sure o zoom in on the next one we see! [14:43:07] 100 meters traveled [14:43:13] LAT : 31.526449 , LON : -77.161826 , DEPTH : 1415.739 m, TEMP : 4.06033 C, SAL : 34.96771 PSU, DO : 8.25532 mg/l [14:43:37] @Amy, thanks! [14:46:55] I think someone is breathing into their microphone [14:48:14] LAT : 31.52655 , LON : -77.161872 , DEPTH : 1414.9725 m, TEMP : 4.06159 C, SAL : 34.96677 PSU, DO : 8.24658 mg/l [14:50:17] thanks tara [14:50:26] hopefully we fixed it? [14:51:01] Yep. I don't hear it any more. Thanks! [14:53:14] LAT : 31.52655 , LON : -77.16197 , DEPTH : 1414.0267 m, TEMP : 4.06286 C, SAL : 34.96735 PSU, DO : 8.24473 mg/l [14:53:25] I'm not even going to guess what this fish is. [14:56:37] you and me both tara :) [14:58:15] LAT : 31.526538 , LON : -77.162329 , DEPTH : 1409.4916 m, TEMP : 4.06522 C, SAL : 34.9678 PSU, DO : 8.23273 mg/l [15:03:15] LAT : 31.526527 , LON : -77.162451 , DEPTH : 1406.966 m, TEMP : 4.06489 C, SAL : 34.96689 PSU, DO : 8.25202 mg/l [15:08:16] LAT : 31.526526 , LON : -77.162571 , DEPTH : 1405.1835 m, TEMP : 4.06808 C, SAL : 34.96731 PSU, DO : 8.24529 mg/l [15:09:37] kaseycantwell leaves the room [15:13:16] LAT : 31.526572 , LON : -77.162687 , DEPTH : 1402.6485 m, TEMP : 4.06769 C, SAL : 34.9679 PSU, DO : 8.22561 mg/l [15:16:18] will have to leave now, hope to still catch the last part of the dive [15:16:21] joanaxavier leaves the room [15:17:16] 100 more meters - 200 total [15:17:38] shrimp [15:17:54] shrimp above the saragassum [15:18:17] LAT : 31.526646 , LON : -77.162968 , DEPTH : 1392.9628 m, TEMP : 4.06884 C, SAL : 34.96724 PSU, DO : 8.24108 mg/l [15:23:17] LAT : 31.526666 , LON : -77.163 , DEPTH : 1392.0138 m, TEMP : 4.0706 C, SAL : 34.96799 PSU, DO : 8.2308 mg/l [15:25:48] goniasterid [15:27:57] Primnoid [15:28:18] LAT : 31.526684 , LON : -77.163053 , DEPTH : 1390.3666 m, TEMP : 4.06972 C, SAL : 34.96775 PSU, DO : 8.24087 mg/l [15:33:18] LAT : 31.526713 , LON : -77.16315 , DEPTH : 1387.3578 m, TEMP : 4.0683 C, SAL : 34.96702 PSU, DO : 8.22778 mg/l [15:35:23] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [15:38:18] LAT : 31.526648 , LON : -77.163289 , DEPTH : 1385.419 m, TEMP : 4.06956 C, SAL : 34.96772 PSU, DO : 8.2315 mg/l [15:43:19] LAT : 31.526567 , LON : -77.1633 , DEPTH : 1383.5147 m, TEMP : 4.0695 C, SAL : 34.96766 PSU, DO : 8.22893 mg/l [15:48:19] LAT : 31.526743 , LON : -77.163485 , DEPTH : 1375.8823 m, TEMP : 4.07044 C, SAL : 34.96728 PSU, DO : 8.22995 mg/l [15:51:31] adriennecopeland leaves the room [15:53:20] LAT : 31.526758 , LON : -77.163567 , DEPTH : 1373.018 m, TEMP : 4.07357 C, SAL : 34.96753 PSU, DO : 8.22158 mg/l [15:58:20] LAT : 31.526723 , LON : -77.163709 , DEPTH : 1370.3568 m, TEMP : 4.07307 C, SAL : 34.96801 PSU, DO : 8.21941 mg/l [15:59:36] Hello all [15:59:53] hello @asakomatsumoto :) [16:00:09] Hi Alexis! :) [16:03:21] LAT : 31.526748 , LON : -77.163712 , DEPTH : 1369.4959 m, TEMP : 4.07263 C, SAL : 34.96806 PSU, DO : 8.21483 mg/l [16:03:24] HI Asako! [16:05:29] Hi Tara!! [16:06:48] Anthomastus? isn't it different? [16:08:07] are you talking about the purple? I think it was a stoloniferan [16:08:15] maybe? [16:08:21] LAT : 31.526787 , LON : -77.163746 , DEPTH : 1366.1335 m, TEMP : 4.07406 C, SAL : 34.96762 PSU, DO : 8.2206 mg/l [16:08:56] @Alexis I thought I heard the name of Anthomastus. yes, I mentioned purple one. [16:10:33] lauraanthony leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [16:10:59] sorry i was saying I *didnt* think it was anthomastus, I was probably mumbling :) [16:11:16] chaunax-like [16:12:50] @Alexis oh!! my bad hearing, sorry! [16:13:22] LAT : 31.526803 , LON : -77.163819 , DEPTH : 1359.1177 m, TEMP : 4.07379 C, SAL : 34.96714 PSU, DO : 8.22638 mg/l [16:18:22] LAT : 31.526775 , LON : -77.163926 , DEPTH : 1353.2999 m, TEMP : 4.07631 C, SAL : 34.96814 PSU, DO : 8.21009 mg/l [16:23:23] LAT : 31.526777 , LON : -77.163973 , DEPTH : 1348.6915 m, TEMP : 4.07977 C, SAL : 34.96892 PSU, DO : 8.21452 mg/l [16:23:32] another 300 meters [16:23:41] sorry another 100 meters - 300 total [16:28:23] LAT : 31.526874 , LON : -77.163936 , DEPTH : 1348.2513 m, TEMP : 4.07835 C, SAL : 34.96775 PSU, DO : 8.22177 mg/l [16:29:17] no one ever wants to leave an octopus! [16:29:22] myself included. :) [16:33:24] LAT : 31.526855 , LON : -77.163968 , DEPTH : 1348.9529 m, TEMP : 4.07884 C, SAL : 34.96832 PSU, DO : 8.2192 mg/l [16:38:24] LAT : 31.526841 , LON : -77.164051 , DEPTH : 1345.1289 m, TEMP : 4.08043 C, SAL : 34.96787 PSU, DO : 8.21456 mg/l [16:39:04] Holothuroid w/ fecal cast.. pretty nondescript a few long thin dorsal papillae [16:43:25] LAT : 31.526879 , LON : -77.164108 , DEPTH : 1342.7386 m, TEMP : 4.07818 C, SAL : 34.96854 PSU, DO : 8.20891 mg/l [16:43:40] Chris Mah posted on twitter concerning that last sea star that we saw. He says it is Neomorphaster, and possibly the southernmost range for this species. [16:44:57] taraluke leaves the room [16:48:25] LAT : 31.526906 , LON : -77.164182 , DEPTH : 1340.8991 m, TEMP : 4.07944 C, SAL : 34.96813 PSU, DO : 8.21307 mg/l [16:53:26] LAT : 31.526926 , LON : -77.164394 , DEPTH : 1335.4119 m, TEMP : 4.08043 C, SAL : 34.96875 PSU, DO : 8.20487 mg/l [16:58:11] lauraanthony leaves the room [16:58:26] LAT : 31.526927 , LON : -77.164497 , DEPTH : 1331.0499 m, TEMP : 4.08087 C, SAL : 34.96803 PSU, DO : 8.20756 mg/l [17:00:48] adriennecopeland leaves the room [17:03:27] LAT : 31.526816 , LON : -77.164678 , DEPTH : 1330.6501 m, TEMP : 4.0817 C, SAL : 34.96805 PSU, DO : 8.21589 mg/l [17:08:27] LAT : 31.526818 , LON : -77.164781 , DEPTH : 1327.0562 m, TEMP : 4.0812 C, SAL : 34.96861 PSU, DO : 8.20624 mg/l [17:10:06] 100 meters covered - 400 meters total [17:13:28] LAT : 31.526708 , LON : -77.164808 , DEPTH : 1326.8685 m, TEMP : 4.0812 C, SAL : 34.96802 PSU, DO : 8.19934 mg/l [17:18:10] robertcarney leaves the room [17:18:28] LAT : 31.52664 , LON : -77.164774 , DEPTH : 1326.5849 m, TEMP : 4.08263 C, SAL : 34.96902 PSU, DO : 8.2085 mg/l [17:23:29] LAT : 31.526537 , LON : -77.164863 , DEPTH : 1327.9998 m, TEMP : 4.08247 C, SAL : 34.96856 PSU, DO : 8.20751 mg/l [17:28:29] LAT : 31.526513 , LON : -77.165009 , DEPTH : 1326.7589 m, TEMP : 4.08247 C, SAL : 34.9688 PSU, DO : 8.20566 mg/l [17:33:30] LAT : 31.526449 , LON : -77.165031 , DEPTH : 1325.3228 m, TEMP : 4.08362 C, SAL : 34.968 PSU, DO : 8.20503 mg/l [17:38:30] LAT : 31.526472 , LON : -77.165136 , DEPTH : 1326.4843 m, TEMP : 4.08378 C, SAL : 34.96831 PSU, DO : 8.17929 mg/l [17:43:31] LAT : 31.526494 , LON : -77.165099 , DEPTH : 1326.4839 m, TEMP : 4.08439 C, SAL : 34.96836 PSU, DO : 8.18089 mg/l [17:44:29] EX1903L2_D09_02B into port outer bio box (black coral with squat lobster) [17:48:31] LAT : 31.52634 , LON : -77.165268 , DEPTH : 1325.3728 m, TEMP : 4.08483 C, SAL : 34.96845 PSU, DO : 8.18827 mg/l [17:53:28] Another 100 meters - 500 m total [17:53:32] LAT : 31.526087 , LON : -77.165193 , DEPTH : 1326.4793 m, TEMP : 4.08483 C, SAL : 34.96828 PSU, DO : 8.17924 mg/l [17:58:32] LAT : 31.526048 , LON : -77.165426 , DEPTH : 1326.7847 m, TEMP : 4.08466 C, SAL : 34.9683 PSU, DO : 8.20867 mg/l [18:03:33] LAT : 31.525858 , LON : -77.165418 , DEPTH : 1327.2888 m, TEMP : 4.08499 C, SAL : 34.96861 PSU, DO : 8.19293 mg/l [18:08:33] LAT : 31.525684 , LON : -77.165395 , DEPTH : 1326.3278 m, TEMP : 4.08735 C, SAL : 34.96782 PSU, DO : 8.19188 mg/l [18:10:02] I have to go. Thanks for another great dive. See you tomorrow! [18:10:13] Thanks for joining tara! [18:10:27] See you tomorrow at the Richardson Jellyfish :) [18:10:36] I'm looking forward to it! [18:10:42] taraluke leaves the room [18:13:34] LAT : 31.525422 , LON : -77.165378 , DEPTH : 1328.6231 m, TEMP : 4.08625 C, SAL : 34.96814 PSU, DO : 8.18985 mg/l [18:18:34] LAT : 31.525261 , LON : -77.165434 , DEPTH : 1328.3389 m, TEMP : 4.08581 C, SAL : 34.96912 PSU, DO : 8.19083 mg/l [18:23:17] another 100 meters - 600 meters total [18:23:35] LAT : 31.525217 , LON : -77.165709 , DEPTH : 1326.7545 m, TEMP : 4.08691 C, SAL : 34.96838 PSU, DO : 8.2013 mg/l [18:28:35] LAT : 31.524973 , LON : -77.165612 , DEPTH : 1328.203 m, TEMP : 4.08647 C, SAL : 34.9685 PSU, DO : 8.18798 mg/l [18:33:36] LAT : 31.524854 , LON : -77.165844 , DEPTH : 1328.3696 m, TEMP : 4.08752 C, SAL : 34.968 PSU, DO : 8.18602 mg/l [18:38:23] Good Afternoon everyone! [18:38:36] LAT : 31.524734 , LON : -77.165838 , DEPTH : 1328.1871 m, TEMP : 4.08818 C, SAL : 34.96816 PSU, DO : 8.1864 mg/l [18:41:53] Hi @nolanbarrett! Chill afternoon here on the seafloor. :) [18:42:23] I've looked through the footage and heres a few notes about the sponges: first sponge (the Pokemon one) was a Polymastia demosponge. Then the glass sponge we saw was a Euplectellidae, maybe Heterotella or Regadrella sp. [18:43:14] @Amy Indeed. I'm so glad you saw the octopus! Highlight as usual! [18:43:37] LAT : 31.52464 , LON : -77.16588 , DEPTH : 1329.2569 m, TEMP : 4.08818 C, SAL : 34.96793 PSU, DO : 8.1908 mg/l [18:46:32] Probably glass sponge. Don't know how it got in that position. [18:48:37] LAT : 31.524487 , LON : -77.165865 , DEPTH : 1329.5932 m, TEMP : 4.09032 C, SAL : 34.96862 PSU, DO : 8.19375 mg/l [18:49:10] Cerianthid because it has inner ring of tentacles [18:50:02] Siri-an-thid =tube anemone. I'm surprised we haven't seen more. [18:52:58] Yes, only saw one other the entire dive. [18:53:38] LAT : 31.524585 , LON : -77.165926 , DEPTH : 1328.8107 m, TEMP : 4.09147 C, SAL : 34.96788 PSU, DO : 8.16487 mg/l [18:57:15] A couple notes of the sea stars since it doesn't sound like Chris M chimed in: The first one (6 armed), I have no idea but I bet its something he would get excited about. The next (seen just after the crinoid) is in the family Ophidiasteridae. I believe the cookie star is Plinthaster. Then the star with long tubefeet that was on the soft sediment is in the family Asteropectinidae. The long pointed tubefeet allow it to "run" fast across the soft sediment, relative to other stars. The the slime star is in the family Pterasteridae. [18:58:38] LAT : 31.52457 , LON : -77.165959 , DEPTH : 1328.9133 m, TEMP : 4.09158 C, SAL : 34.96832 PSU, DO : 7.99021 mg/l [19:00:20] EX1903L2_D09_03B in canister 1 (squat lobster and sediment) [19:03:38] LAT : 31.524604 , LON : -77.165954 , DEPTH : 1327.8899 m, TEMP : 4.09032 C, SAL : 34.96818 PSU, DO : 8.04319 mg/l [19:03:43] Potentially Henricia? But we need Chris's input. [19:07:39] Okay so it looks like Chris has been watching and posting to Twitter. The first 6 armed star is Ampheraster alaminos. Then the orange star that I said was Ophidiasteridae, is actually Neomorphaster. [19:07:46] Chiton to the left of the anemone [19:08:39] LAT : 31.524612 , LON : -77.166198 , DEPTH : 1324.7453 m, TEMP : 4.09076 C, SAL : 34.96746 PSU, DO : 8.07704 mg/l [19:08:48] We have seen deep sea chitons with OKEX before. Never collected [19:09:33] Not sure what the sponges are [19:10:19] another 100m traveled - 700 meters total [19:10:23] Its a chiton [19:13:39] LAT : 31.524652 , LON : -77.166434 , DEPTH : 1320.1413 m, TEMP : 4.09048 C, SAL : 34.96792 PSU, DO : 8.08975 mg/l [19:13:45] Halosaur [19:14:11] The ventral view [19:14:58] No scales on head, so I think Aldrovandia genus [19:18:40] LAT : 31.524624 , LON : -77.166546 , DEPTH : 1318.6458 m, TEMP : 4.09109 C, SAL : 34.96803 PSU, DO : 8.1063 mg/l [19:23:40] LAT : 31.524693 , LON : -77.166716 , DEPTH : 1316.4249 m, TEMP : 4.09021 C, SAL : 34.96793 PSU, DO : 8.13054 mg/l [19:26:16] Desmacellidae sponge [19:27:45] Curtain of death! [19:28:41] LAT : 31.524513 , LON : -77.166758 , DEPTH : 1315.6579 m, TEMP : 4.09142 C, SAL : 34.96849 PSU, DO : 8.14157 mg/l [19:30:49] That sea star looked like it was Evoplosoma, a Goniasterid. If that's true, I have no idea why it is here since it is a corallivore. [19:33:41] LAT : 31.524672 , LON : -77.166966 , DEPTH : 1315.0464 m, TEMP : 4.09383 C, SAL : 34.96792 PSU, DO : 8.15391 mg/l [19:34:14] This is the same bobtail squid seen by the R/V Nautilus! [19:34:38] adamskarke leaves the room [19:35:04] If the hyper link works: https://www.sciencealert.com/biologists-just-spotted-the-cutest-stubby-squid-ever-in-the-deep-sea [19:35:36] another 100 meters traveled -800 meters total [19:36:44] Also known as a stubby or dumpling squid, Rossia pacifica is a fairly rare sighting, according to one article. [19:37:47] Polycheate in the genus Swima [19:38:42] LAT : 31.524737 , LON : -77.167211 , DEPTH : 1312.5733 m, TEMP : 4.09433 C, SAL : 34.96803 PSU, DO : 8.14196 mg/l [19:42:00] Hello Everyone! [19:42:09] Hey Mike! [19:42:17] We are off bottom in 8 minutes [19:43:12] Okay, maybe not R. pacifica but definitely Rossia genus [19:43:42] LAT : 31.524713 , LON : -77.167384 , DEPTH : 1311.3309 m, TEMP : 4.09608 C, SAL : 34.96824 PSU, DO : 8.15969 mg/l [19:43:59] yeah, R. pacifica is only found in the Pacific :) [19:44:36] :-D [19:45:51] Turns out there are a few different species that occur in the Atlantic, especially near this area. [19:48:12] that was some ctenophore! [19:48:43] LAT : 31.524801 , LON : -77.167642 , DEPTH : 1310.506 m, TEMP : 4.10069 C, SAL : 34.96836 PSU, DO : 8.13673 mg/l [19:48:54] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV Ascending [19:48:57] adamskarke leaves the room [19:49:13] Thank you for joining us for the benthic portion of today's dive. We are going to start to transit to our first mid-water transect depth [19:49:23] robertcarney leaves the room [19:49:38] lauraanthony leaves the room [19:49:48] MIDWATER!!!!! [19:49:59] rachelbassett leaves the room [19:50:32] Thnak you for a great benthic dive! I'll try to stick around for the midwater. [19:50:57] Always great to have you noland! [19:51:04] Nolan* [19:51:49] kaseycantwell leaves the room [19:53:00] morganwill leaves the room [19:53:25] @Alexis Always happy to help and to have others to nerd out about the ocean with! [19:53:43] LAT : 31.524348 , LON : -77.167699 , DEPTH : 1263.3259 m, TEMP : 4.12715 C, SAL : 34.97115 PSU, DO : 8.14928 mg/l [19:58:44] LAT : 31.524382 , LON : -77.167691 , DEPTH : 1116.4651 m, TEMP : 4.31045 C, SAL : 34.98116 PSU, DO : 7.43273 mg/l [20:03:44] LAT : 31.524643 , LON : -77.167623 , DEPTH : 1003.9829 m, TEMP : 4.45529 C, SAL : 34.98771 PSU, DO : 7.4768 mg/l [20:07:13] copy [20:07:31] Mike are you calling in for this? [20:08:04] Beginning of 1000m transect 20:07 UTC [20:08:45] LAT : 31.525014 , LON : -77.16747 , DEPTH : 998.2439 m, TEMP : 4.45736 C, SAL : 34.98737 PSU, DO : 7.58056 mg/l [20:13:45] LAT : 31.525092 , LON : -77.167427 , DEPTH : 998.2989 m, TEMP : 4.46511 C, SAL : 34.98851 PSU, DO : 7.6855 mg/l [20:15:11] nice [20:18:46] LAT : 31.525179 , LON : -77.167292 , DEPTH : 998.3975 m, TEMP : 4.47101 C, SAL : 34.98954 PSU, DO : 7.72361 mg/l [20:23:46] LAT : 31.525332 , LON : -77.167271 , DEPTH : 998.3274 m, TEMP : 4.45933 C, SAL : 34.98769 PSU, DO : 7.76482 mg/l [20:26:22] cool!!! [20:27:15] EX1903L2_D09_05B collected in container 3 [20:28:47] LAT : 31.525394 , LON : -77.167213 , DEPTH : 983.562 m, TEMP : 4.47161 C, SAL : 34.98885 PSU, DO : 7.81856 mg/l [20:29:37] that's a seriously awesome sample!!! [20:32:32] 1000m transect ended at 20:26 UTC [20:33:47] LAT : 31.52555 , LON : -77.167104 , DEPTH : 938.3232 m, TEMP : 4.59315 C, SAL : 34.99869 PSU, DO : 7.75925 mg/l [20:38:48] LAT : 31.525675 , LON : -77.167062 , DEPTH : 889.829 m, TEMP : 4.74746 C, SAL : 35.01355 PSU, DO : 7.6663 mg/l [20:40:37] nolanbarrett leaves the room [20:43:08] mikeford leaves the room [20:43:48] LAT : 31.525833 , LON : -77.167018 , DEPTH : 848.544 m, TEMP : 4.93387 C, SAL : 35.02294 PSU, DO : 7.53474 mg/l [20:48:49] LAT : 31.526057 , LON : -77.167038 , DEPTH : 799.2521 m, TEMP : 9.68694 C, SAL : 35.2495 PSU, DO : 4.43206 mg/l [20:53:49] LAT : 31.525893 , LON : -77.166854 , DEPTH : 751.6071 m, TEMP : 11.59828 C, SAL : 35.45707 PSU, DO : 4.46266 mg/l [20:54:00] Hey Alexis and Amy, did you make a determination earlier today that were were inside the Gulf Stream? [20:54:25] ust wondering your thoughts on the topic [20:54:38] I believe we are just on the eastern edge of the gulf stream [20:55:53] I was just talking to Alexis about this and noticed the change in temperature between 850 and 800 m [20:58:50] LAT : 31.525756 , LON : -77.166981 , DEPTH : 702.1001 m, TEMP : 13.23003 C, SAL : 35.7169 PSU, DO : 4.94577 mg/l [21:01:07] start 700 m transect at 21:00 UTC [21:03:50] LAT : 31.52587 , LON : -77.167066 , DEPTH : 698.1959 m, TEMP : 13.39846 C, SAL : 35.74472 PSU, DO : 4.98315 mg/l [21:04:30] EX1903L2_D09_06B collected into container 4 [21:08:51] LAT : 31.525922 , LON : -77.167085 , DEPTH : 697.9448 m, TEMP : 13.38868 C, SAL : 35.74358 PSU, DO : 4.96648 mg/l [21:11:43] is there a procedure to blow out all the samples from the benthic survey? :) [21:12:10] maybe be really sneaky and say we hit the wrong button? :)\ [21:13:51] LAT : 31.526015 , LON : -77.167 , DEPTH : 698.2438 m, TEMP : 13.35286 C, SAL : 35.73858 PSU, DO : 4.94605 mg/l [21:14:12] lollll @mikeford [21:18:11] end 700m transect at 21:18 [21:18:15] UTC [21:18:52] LAT : 31.526163 , LON : -77.166863 , DEPTH : 698.2475 m, TEMP : 13.31272 C, SAL : 35.73363 PSU, DO : 4.91218 mg/l [21:23:52] LAT : 31.526269 , LON : -77.166766 , DEPTH : 655.513 m, TEMP : 14.31079 C, SAL : 35.85077 PSU, DO : 4.36059 mg/l [21:28:53] LAT : 31.526342 , LON : -77.166603 , DEPTH : 606.956 m, TEMP : 15.81044 C, SAL : 36.13665 PSU, DO : 5.34709 mg/l [21:33:53] LAT : 31.526419 , LON : -77.166598 , DEPTH : 560.7336 m, TEMP : 16.60304 C, SAL : 36.25106 PSU, DO : 5.05177 mg/l [21:37:58] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [21:38:54] LAT : 31.526531 , LON : -77.166627 , DEPTH : 506.3435 m, TEMP : 17.42125 C, SAL : 36.39336 PSU, DO : 5.38458 mg/l [21:40:21] start 500 m transect @ 21:40 UTC [21:43:54] LAT : 31.526685 , LON : -77.16651 , DEPTH : 498.3399 m, TEMP : 17.63525 C, SAL : 36.42349 PSU, DO : 5.40386 mg/l [21:47:47] kaseycantwell leaves the room [21:48:55] LAT : 31.526899 , LON : -77.166361 , DEPTH : 498.2748 m, TEMP : 17.66162 C, SAL : 36.42894 PSU, DO : 5.39186 mg/l [21:53:45] recheck that doliolid nurse annotation... [21:53:55] LAT : 31.527179 , LON : -77.166216 , DEPTH : 498.3217 m, TEMP : 17.68964 C, SAL : 36.43043 PSU, DO : 5.41315 mg/l [21:58:56] LAT : 31.527412 , LON : -77.166054 , DEPTH : 498.3768 m, TEMP : 17.69431 C, SAL : 36.43178 PSU, DO : 5.38466 mg/l [22:01:57] thanks for the effort - not an easy target at all [22:03:56] LAT : 31.527604 , LON : -77.165883 , DEPTH : 498.5528 m, TEMP : 17.67288 C, SAL : 36.43089 PSU, DO : 5.44943 mg/l [22:06:17] end of the 500 meter transect at 22:06 [22:07:12] thank you!! [22:07:46] mikeford leaves the room [22:08:57] LAT : 31.528071 , LON : -77.165495 , DEPTH : 497.9516 m, TEMP : 17.77871 C, SAL : 36.44846 PSU, DO : 5.51024 mg/l [22:09:38] adriennecopeland leaves the room [22:11:51] herbertleavitt leaves the room [22:13:57] LAT : 31.528409 , LON : -77.165181 , DEPTH : 382.3874 m, TEMP : 18.98553 C, SAL : 36.61462 PSU, DO : 6.18299 mg/l [22:18:57] LAT : 31.52819 , LON : -77.165703 , DEPTH : 229.2785 m, TEMP : 20.36484 C, SAL : 36.7287 PSU, DO : 6.40586 mg/l [22:23:58] LAT : 31.527264 , LON : -77.16742 , DEPTH : 76.5691 m, TEMP : 26.24797 C, SAL : 36.50981 PSU, DO : 6.42615 mg/l [22:28:58] LAT : 31.526347 , LON : -77.169336 , DEPTH : 53.9522 m, TEMP : 27.29508 C, SAL : 36.33717 PSU, DO : 6.65299 mg/l [22:33:04] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV on Surface [22:33:59] LAT : 31.525546 , LON : -77.171189 , DEPTH : 1.2916 m, TEMP : 29.02764 C, SAL : 36.29232 PSU, DO : 6.47908 mg/l [22:42:09] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:44:23] Amy Wagner leaves the room [22:48:06] EX1903L2_DIVE09 ROV Recovery Complete [22:48:25] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [22:48:36] iscwatch2 leaves the room