[00:58:56] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:04:30] mashkoormalik leaves the room [01:05:28] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:14:48] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:04:28] garyfabian leaves the room [02:18:23] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [02:42:02] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [10:06:14] test [11:50:04] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV powered off [12:23:31] bernardball leaves the room [12:24:09] bernardball leaves the room [12:34:37] Hi all - we are experiencing some complicated conditions this morning. We are going to reposition and are looking at a 45 min - 1 hour until we are back in position for launch. We will still have the dive planning call for tomorrow's dive (Bloody Marsh archaeology dive) at 8:45 am EDT [12:35:48] For today's dive we are looking at an approximate 2nd launch attempt at ~~ 9:30 am EDT [12:36:11] with our pre-dive brief at 9:45 am EDT. [12:36:15] talk to you all soon [12:37:41] Thanks for the update! [12:48:42] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [13:07:57] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [13:11:34] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV Launch [13:18:14] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV on Surface [13:18:34] Update: we will do the pre-dive brief at 9:30 am EDT. [13:18:37] I'll be in a PhD candidacy exam all morning, but wishing you guys good luck and happy bubble hunting! [13:19:06] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV Descending [13:19:38] LAT : 30.433624 , LON : -79.5825 , DEPTH : 6.5492 m, TEMP : 29.57052 C, SAL : 36.27263 PSU, DO : 6.25322 mg/l [13:21:37] bernardball leaves the room [13:24:39] LAT : 30.436537 , LON : -79.581696 , DEPTH : 54.0202 m, TEMP : 27.73203 C, SAL : 36.24662 PSU, DO : 6.48926 mg/l [13:24:50] Thanks @erikcordes! [13:28:32] michaelvecchione leaves the room [13:29:39] LAT : 30.437774 , LON : -79.579793 , DEPTH : 52.9677 m, TEMP : 27.72847 C, SAL : 36.2363 PSU, DO : 6.47472 mg/l [13:34:40] LAT : 30.438385 , LON : -79.579634 , DEPTH : 155.2721 m, TEMP : 22.80238 C, SAL : 36.96821 PSU, DO : 5.87983 mg/l [13:37:27] Nav: Just a reminder to please call out every 100 meters traveled [13:37:42] Roger @janessyfrometa [13:39:35] erikcordes leaves the room [13:39:40] LAT : 30.438591 , LON : -79.579593 , DEPTH : 283.4414 m, TEMP : 18.45292 C, SAL : 36.54693 PSU, DO : 5.65737 mg/l [13:43:11] taraluke leaves the room [13:44:41] LAT : 30.438672 , LON : -79.579598 , DEPTH : 423.2339 m, TEMP : 14.89121 C, SAL : 35.96668 PSU, DO : 4.49374 mg/l [13:49:41] LAT : 30.438617 , LON : -79.579642 , DEPTH : 572.0766 m, TEMP : 11.34403 C, SAL : 35.43682 PSU, DO : 4.32372 mg/l [13:54:42] LAT : 30.438462 , LON : -79.579663 , DEPTH : 725.9983 m, TEMP : 7.88239 C, SAL : 35.03281 PSU, DO : 4.43171 mg/l [13:55:35] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [13:58:07] Good morning, @nolanbarrett glad to have you join us! [13:59:42] LAT : 30.438064 , LON : -79.579673 , DEPTH : 761.2591 m, TEMP : 7.56975 C, SAL : 35.03208 PSU, DO : 4.66686 mg/l [14:01:23] @Amy Gooooooood morning to yall too! I am excited for today! [14:04:18] taylorheyl leaves the room [14:04:43] LAT : 30.437738 , LON : -79.579678 , DEPTH : 762.1541 m, TEMP : 7.57474 C, SAL : 35.03222 PSU, DO : 5.14989 mg/l [14:09:43] LAT : 30.437509 , LON : -79.579659 , DEPTH : 782.8854 m, TEMP : 7.47495 C, SAL : 35.03682 PSU, DO : 5.21625 mg/l [14:12:08] Looks ;like Ornithoteuthis antillarum [14:12:51] Can't seem to enter into SeaTube [14:14:02] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV on Bottom [14:14:44] LAT : 30.43694 , LON : -79.579923 , DEPTH : 838.7292 m, TEMP : 7.44973 C, SAL : 35.04485 PSU, DO : 5.24869 mg/l [14:16:03] @michaelvecchione thanks for the flag on SeaTube [14:16:52] it took me two tries to get into SeaTube, but it seems okay now [14:17:14] taylorheyl leaves the room [14:19:44] LAT : 30.437033 , LON : -79.580085 , DEPTH : 839.9054 m, TEMP : 7.45244 C, SAL : 35.04476 PSU, DO : 5.2259 mg/l [14:20:19] adriennecopeland leaves the room [14:21:28] cranchiid squid [14:21:43] Genus Megalocranchia [14:22:01] common name = cockatoo squid [14:22:31] Is the dark spot its stomach or its ink sack? [14:22:40] can you get a view from teh other side? [14:23:05] zoom? [14:23:47] got it. [14:24:30] Good dive so far [14:24:45] LAT : 30.436885 , LON : -79.580189 , DEPTH : 836.9081 m, TEMP : 7.45244 C, SAL : 35.04537 PSU, DO : 5.15387 mg/l [14:25:04] @Michael For the watchleads, how would you suggest preserving this little guy? [14:25:32] ROV folks are talking about it going into a ball-shaped posture. That is a typical defense for that family. [14:25:56] maybe a sponge stalk [14:26:19] might be a sunk mangrove rhizome. [14:27:11] "rubble" appears to be think crust in places [14:27:27] @robertcarney very good point [14:27:31] thankyou [14:28:03] now I'm also having trouble with SeaTube [14:28:12] me too [14:28:18] Bob makes a good point. Has a sample of that "crust" been taken you on this expedition? [14:28:33] will annotate here in the mean time. Synaphobranchid [14:28:37] no, it hasn't yet. Would you like us to grab one? [14:28:56] SeaScribe is frozen for me also [14:29:09] @taraluke and @janessyfrometa Kasey suggests refreshing [14:29:19] They are working on it [14:29:23] @alexis i've tried that twice [14:29:37] please feel free to write annotations in this chat if you need to [14:29:39] I think it might be of interest to the community if you find another exposed edge that looks reasonable to sample [14:29:45] LAT : 30.436752 , LON : -79.580299 , DEPTH : 836.5017 m, TEMP : 7.45165 C, SAL : 35.04606 PSU, DO : 5.14392 mg/l [14:29:55] Stalked sponge is Hyalonematidae glass sponge [14:29:57] @adamskarke will do [14:30:24] we can merge the chat and the annotations post dive [14:30:52] annotation: coarse fine [14:31:06] pancake urchin x2 [14:32:15] Can you collect some of these stalked sponges? [14:32:24] Another Hyalonematidae [14:32:39] Pancake urchins Aerosoma sp. [14:33:27] @nolanbarrett some help with pronunciation? ;) [14:33:30] Nice sized amphipod on the sponge [14:34:34] Hi-al-lo-neem-mat-i-day [14:34:46] LAT : 30.436658 , LON : -79.580335 , DEPTH : 837.5938 m, TEMP : 7.44842 C, SAL : 35.04575 PSU, DO : 5.11471 mg/l [14:34:47] Hi-alo-nem-AAHT-i-day [14:35:00] Hydroids on stalk [14:35:24] euplectelid [14:35:33] Cluster of Euplectellids, maybe Regadrella? [14:36:07] annotation: coarse fine; coral rubble [14:36:21] katerose leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [14:36:41] Synaphobranchid [14:36:49] euplectellid [14:37:15] annotation: coarse rock [14:37:24] carbonate [14:37:50] rock extensively fenestrated ? [14:38:05] annotation: white plexaurid, possible swiftia [14:38:19] can we please sample the white plex? [14:38:29] Some demosponges [14:38:44] ophiuroid [14:38:49] x2 [14:39:10] Flat thing that looked sort of bivalve like is probably a demosponge in the family Pachastrellidae [14:39:17] kelleybrumley leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [14:39:31] Nettenchelys duckbill eel [14:39:41] A bunch of itty-bitty glass sponges [14:39:46] LAT : 30.436768 , LON : -79.580468 , DEPTH : 836.9367 m, TEMP : 7.45066 C, SAL : 35.04511 PSU, DO : 5.07491 mg/l [14:40:23] crinoid [14:40:25] my screen is too tiny, and I just tuned in, but is that authigenic carbonate? [14:40:47] synaphobranchid [14:41:18] @kelleybrumley we've seen some but I don't think that particular rock was [14:41:39] Hyalonematidae [14:41:43] annotation: coarse fine [14:41:54] small depression sediment in bottom [14:42:17] more "crust" [14:43:05] Another Pachastrellid demosponge [14:43:18] E. profunda yellow morph [14:43:33] annotation scleractinia and white plexaurid/possible swiftia [14:44:10] So surprised at amount of rubble here! [14:44:14] rock -mix of morphologies some obvious coral other larger and more complex [14:44:25] Farreidae glass sponge [14:44:47] LAT : 30.436791 , LON : -79.580568 , DEPTH : 836.4736 m, TEMP : 7.45296 C, SAL : 35.04506 PSU, DO : 5.06042 mg/l [14:44:50] ophiuroids [14:45:44] The taller zig-zag glass sponge is Farrea nr occa [14:46:04] coral fragments varnished (dark) exposed "rock" white? [14:46:20] yeah @robertcarney that is what it looks like [14:46:28] looks like authigenic carbonate to me. Is there a slope that "rubble" could roll down from? If not then it developed here. Can you sample it? [14:46:44] annotation: coarse fine, rubble [14:47:13] Hyalonematidae [14:47:30] crinoid [14:47:43] annotation: fine coarse [14:48:23] pancake urchin [14:49:13] 100 meters covered [14:49:31] hyalonematidae [14:49:47] LAT : 30.436599 , LON : -79.580843 , DEPTH : 834.7988 m, TEMP : 7.4515 C, SAL : 35.04535 PSU, DO : 5.04843 mg/l [14:50:06] jelly [14:50:27] annotation: coarse fine, coral rubble [14:50:36] Coronate jelly [14:50:59] tt▸hyalonematidae [14:52:09] synaphobranchid [14:52:25] local depression sediment lined [14:53:23] bioturbation sediment color contrast low ,ound [14:54:48] LAT : 30.436508 , LON : -79.580905 , DEPTH : 834.0532 m, TEMP : 7.44957 C, SAL : 35.04489 PSU, DO : 5.03293 mg/l [14:55:06] hermit crab [14:55:15] Pagurid [14:55:42] pagurid in buccinid-like shell [14:56:53] Rubble coral fragments and burrow cast fragment? [14:57:39] slime star? [14:57:54] Yup! [14:59:48] LAT : 30.436542 , LON : -79.580984 , DEPTH : 833.8417 m, TEMP : 7.45124 C, SAL : 35.04454 PSU, DO : 5.02032 mg/l [14:59:52] Another sea star [15:00:28] taylorheyl leaves the room [15:00:33] Good eye! I haven't seen that one [15:02:12] Slurp sample? [15:02:39] Baby slime star. You cane see through the puffy flesh to the ossicles of the skeleton. [15:02:55] @Cheryl I'm sure Chris M would LOVE that! [15:03:12] I've sent out the bat star signal [15:03:59] @taraluke :) [15:04:49] LAT : 30.436518 , LON : -79.581116 , DEPTH : 831.8803 m, TEMP : 7.45244 C, SAL : 35.04542 PSU, DO : 5.00738 mg/l [15:07:59] annotation: several white plexaurids [15:09:02] I saw one earlier [15:09:22] crinoid next to yellow sponge [15:09:49] LAT : 30.436537 , LON : -79.58141 , DEPTH : 826.8788 m, TEMP : 7.44774 C, SAL : 35.04474 PSU, DO : 4.99944 mg/l [15:10:31] MAYBE the yellow sponges are Corbitellinae? in the family Euplectellidae [15:11:04] cristianacastellobranco leaves the room [15:11:18] I'm trying to remember what kind of sponge this is... [15:13:28] I'm thinking demosponges in the family Dendoricellidae genus Pyloderma. [15:13:39] seatube appears to be back online [15:14:28] Seatube is working for me too [15:14:50] LAT : 30.436362 , LON : -79.581506 , DEPTH : 825.6906 m, TEMP : 7.45019 C, SAL : 35.044 PSU, DO : 4.99166 mg/l [15:15:14] holothurian [15:16:00] multi-podia elasipode of some type? [15:17:18] large pieces of black stuff more and more curious [15:17:55] @nolan maybe pheronematidae? https://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/okeanos-animal-guide/Pheronematidae044.html [15:19:50] LAT : 30.436243 , LON : -79.581562 , DEPTH : 824.7909 m, TEMP : 7.44973 C, SAL : 35.04439 PSU, DO : 4.98634 mg/l [15:20:44] @tara Pheronematids have fuzzy spicules attach it to the rock, called a lophophytous attachment. From what I could tell, there were no spicules like that. [15:21:18] @nolan thanks. I'm definitely not a sponge expert...it was the concave edge that made me think of that one. [15:23:34] @Tara Me neither, but I've learned a lot from Chris Kelley, Shirley Pomponi, and Joana Xavier! I thought Phero at first but in one of the last few Atlantic/Gulf expeditions a soft pen/quill looking thing was collected and it ws determined to be a colonial tunicate, I think. But it was not a sponge nor a sea pen. [15:24:16] @Tara Then I just madly ran through the animal guide until I found something that looks close!:-D [15:24:51] LAT : 30.436232 , LON : -79.581747 , DEPTH : 822.1825 m, TEMP : 7.45066 C, SAL : 35.04467 PSU, DO : 4.98089 mg/l [15:29:51] LAT : 30.436221 , LON : -79.581764 , DEPTH : 821.8933 m, TEMP : 7.44905 C, SAL : 35.04332 PSU, DO : 4.96605 mg/l [15:30:07] EX1903L2_D06_02G - black possible Mg encrusted carbonate specimen into port forward rock box [15:32:18] @Nolan I agree on all fronts. Including madly looking through the animal guide! [15:32:45] @Tara:-D [15:34:52] LAT : 30.436251 , LON : -79.581843 , DEPTH : 819.3661 m, TEMP : 7.44905 C, SAL : 35.04386 PSU, DO : 4.96691 mg/l [15:35:24] 200 m mark on transect [15:36:11] Goniasteridae [15:38:39] Bedded rock outcrop [15:39:52] LAT : 30.436107 , LON : -79.582 , DEPTH : 814.1949 m, TEMP : 7.44681 C, SAL : 35.04434 PSU, DO : 4.9641 mg/l [15:41:05] Madrepora rubble [15:41:21] Could we please get a zoom on the sponge base? [15:41:35] Especially this branched one [15:41:56] @nolanbarrett this one? [15:42:02] Yes, thank you! [15:43:00] johnreed leaves the room [15:43:25] I'm trying to puzzle out if these are glass sponges or white/translucent demosponges [15:44:53] LAT : 30.436093 , LON : -79.582022 , DEPTH : 813.5543 m, TEMP : 7.44957 C, SAL : 35.04361 PSU, DO : 4.9711 mg/l [15:45:33] kelleybrumley leaves the room [15:45:53] lauraanthony leaves the room [15:47:25] @Kasey Couldn't agree more! [15:49:34] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [15:49:53] LAT : 30.436084 , LON : -79.582129 , DEPTH : 810.346 m, TEMP : 7.44858 C, SAL : 35.04315 PSU, DO : 4.9529 mg/l [15:50:50] CONGRATULATIONS OKEX for 100 missions!!! [15:54:54] LAT : 30.436021 , LON : -79.582251 , DEPTH : 802.9689 m, TEMP : 7.44827 C, SAL : 35.04397 PSU, DO : 4.96658 mg/l [15:55:08] have to go for a while. Back when I can! [15:55:19] @taraluke thank you! [15:55:37] Okay, I'm having a heck of a time trying to ID these large white flatish sponges. Since they seem to be quite common, maybe worth collecting as representative of the area plus use for ID? [15:56:13] urchins [15:57:57] taraluke leaves the room [15:59:12] @nolanbarrett ok, thanks! We will see what we can do [15:59:54] LAT : 30.435997 , LON : -79.582383 , DEPTH : 801.7869 m, TEMP : 7.45019 C, SAL : 35.04368 PSU, DO : 4.95649 mg/l [16:00:30] robertcarney leaves the room [16:01:08] kaseycantwell leaves the room [16:01:30] @Amy Thanks. Not a huge priority, but would be valuable nonetheless. [16:02:12] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [16:04:55] LAT : 30.435861 , LON : -79.582449 , DEPTH : 798.5175 m, TEMP : 7.44774 C, SAL : 35.04384 PSU, DO : 4.95312 mg/l [16:06:20] lauraanthony leaves the room [16:07:40] Internodal branching Isididae [16:09:55] LAT : 30.435938 , LON : -79.58259 , DEPTH : 795.1481 m, TEMP : 7.46057 C, SAL : 35.04893 PSU, DO : 4.96277 mg/l [16:11:08] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [16:12:17] Hello all [16:12:36] @Asako Hello! [16:14:12] @Nolan Hi!! [16:14:56] LAT : 30.43599 , LON : -79.582626 , DEPTH : 794.5117 m, TEMP : 7.44696 C, SAL : 35.0437 PSU, DO : 4.95915 mg/l [16:18:04] yes, looks like a scaleworm (which is a polychaete) [16:19:56] LAT : 30.435805 , LON : -79.582665 , DEPTH : 789.7804 m, TEMP : 7.44743 C, SAL : 35.04408 PSU, DO : 4.94916 mg/l [16:21:00] Cutlass fish; Trichiuridae [16:21:07] Trichiuridae [16:24:57] LAT : 30.435786 , LON : -79.582767 , DEPTH : 787.3335 m, TEMP : 7.44748 C, SAL : 35.04345 PSU, DO : 4.96087 mg/l [16:25:05] traveled another 100 meters - 300 meters total [16:25:43] base zoom please? [16:26:18] Thank you [16:28:03] Hyalonematidae glass sponge. Normally these are seen in very soft sediment. Its interesting that they can weave their spicules through the sediment filled gaps between rubble. [16:28:25] anthropogenic debris— metal cable [16:29:57] LAT : 30.435853 , LON : -79.582923 , DEPTH : 786.7721 m, TEMP : 7.4479 C, SAL : 35.04366 PSU, DO : 4.94811 mg/l [16:30:56] These are cladorhizid demosponges. Likely they are carnivorous. [16:31:57] iscwatch2 leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [16:32:12] Clade-Oh-ri-zid, they feed on small organisms out of the water column. Although, I would LOVE to see a sponge preying on coral [16:32:32] Hertwigia falcifera yes [16:33:31] You're welcome, my pleasure! [16:33:39] cristianacastellobranco leaves the room [16:34:58] LAT : 30.435695 , LON : -79.582902 , DEPTH : 786.706 m, TEMP : 7.44858 C, SAL : 35.04402 PSU, DO : 4.96079 mg/l [16:35:33] lauraanthony leaves the room [16:37:38] iscwatch leaves the room [16:39:58] LAT : 30.43577 , LON : -79.583033 , DEPTH : 787.0353 m, TEMP : 7.44696 C, SAL : 35.04303 PSU, DO : 4.9415 mg/l [16:44:58] LAT : 30.435593 , LON : -79.583125 , DEPTH : 781.376 m, TEMP : 7.44743 C, SAL : 35.04421 PSU, DO : 4.96351 mg/l [16:49:59] LAT : 30.435416 , LON : -79.583 , DEPTH : 780.9299 m, TEMP : 7.44712 C, SAL : 35.04402 PSU, DO : 4.95922 mg/l [16:51:34] erikcordes leaves the room [16:52:19] The very hungry sea star [16:52:27] how does something that thick break so cleanly [16:53:10] @andrewshuler that is a great question! [16:53:32] I was wondering the same thing! Looks like it was sawed off [16:53:51] They break at their nodes, a different material than the white carbonate part. [16:54:23] ahhh that makes sense [16:54:29] Oh so the whole node breaks off and then exposes that white skeletal ring? Makes total sense! [16:54:59] LAT : 30.43537 , LON : -79.583165 , DEPTH : 778.7625 m, TEMP : 7.44759 C, SAL : 35.04392 PSU, DO : 4.94911 mg/l [16:55:15] The skeletons of bamboo coral are made up of calcium carbonate in the form of tree-like branches alternating with joint-like nodes or axes composed of gorgonin protein. [16:56:23] Lancet fish Alepisaurus [16:56:48] Alepisaurus also swim vertically on occasion [16:59:26] Some of these spherical 'hairy' white sponges may be Vazella pourtalesii- the species where I found squid eggs inside [17:00:00] LAT : 30.435222 , LON : -79.583302 , DEPTH : 777.0188 m, TEMP : 7.4467 C, SAL : 35.04353 PSU, DO : 4.95325 mg/l [17:00:16] Could we please get a zoom on the potenital Vasella? [17:00:21] *Vazella [17:03:47] @nolanbarrett the pilots were maneuvering so it wasn't convenient but please point out if you see another [17:04:24] @Amy No worries. Just want to confirm John's observation. Especially since its an ASPIRE sponge. [17:04:54] 400 meter mark [17:05:00] LAT : 30.435198 , LON : -79.583484 , DEPTH : 778.6106 m, TEMP : 7.44681 C, SAL : 35.04405 PSU, DO : 4.95476 mg/l [17:05:35] I think its sitting on a Geodia sponge. another APSIRE sponge [17:06:41] elizabethfraser leaves the room [17:08:41] Internodal branching Isisdidae [17:10:01] LAT : 30.435062 , LON : -79.583512 , DEPTH : 777.5231 m, TEMP : 7.49229 C, SAL : 35.02002 PSU, DO : 4.95207 mg/l [17:10:34] kaseycantwell leaves the room [17:13:10] That's a Vazella [17:13:15] That one we just went over- Vazella? [17:15:01] LAT : 30.435012 , LON : -79.583721 , DEPTH : 771.7747 m, TEMP : 7.44613 C, SAL : 35.04412 PSU, DO : 4.94936 mg/l [17:15:09] @Watchleads Thank you! [17:15:23] 8-) [17:15:32] Oh wow, and just underneath is a Geodia. [17:15:45] Two ASPIRE in one screen [17:16:50] Its dense and flexible, not too crunchy [17:17:24] adamskarke leaves the room [17:17:33] It will be attached to rubble- grab the base- won't be fragile [17:17:45] Maybe also collect the geodia since we are here??? [17:18:15] There seem to be a lot of these out here- good to verify the id. Look inside for squid eggs too! [17:18:35] Sorry noland - we are only going to be able to get one of the sponge samples today [17:18:54] @Alexis Its okay! I was just excited! [17:19:12] janessyfrometa leaves the room [17:19:53] If it is Vazella- it is Hexactinellida, fam- Rosellidae [17:20:02] LAT : 30.434981 , LON : -79.583692 , DEPTH : 771.5973 m, TEMP : 7.4455 C, SAL : 35.04346 PSU, DO : 4.92997 mg/l [17:21:21] This is not the first Vazella or Geodia we have seen this expedition. This is really good as it represents range data for both species. [17:21:58] Thank you Pilots! [17:22:07] yay. Bonus is great!! [17:22:34] EX1903L2_D06_03B Vazella collected into port outboard bio box [17:23:27] lukemccartin leaves the room [17:25:02] LAT : 30.435109 , LON : -79.583808 , DEPTH : 770.8011 m, TEMP : 7.44832 C, SAL : 35.04412 PSU, DO : 4.95286 mg/l [17:25:17] ..then M I D W A T E R!!!!! [17:26:06] I heard that - fantastic! that was on our list. [17:28:57] mikeford leaves the room [17:30:03] LAT : 30.435032 , LON : -79.583875 , DEPTH : 769.2664 m, TEMP : 7.44743 C, SAL : 35.044 PSU, DO : 4.94957 mg/l [17:31:09] pacificatakataglushkoff leaves the room [17:35:04] LAT : 30.435056 , LON : -79.584029 , DEPTH : 766.963 m, TEMP : 7.44993 C, SAL : 35.04367 PSU, DO : 4.94043 mg/l [17:40:04] LAT : 30.435013 , LON : -79.584174 , DEPTH : 765.8679 m, TEMP : 7.44962 C, SAL : 35.04377 PSU, DO : 4.94376 mg/l [17:44:26] Here's a question from Jennifer Thomas-Bryant on Twitter-- "I've been wondering—is there a way relative laypeople like myself can access information about the samples collected? I'd love to be able follow that sort of thing well after the livestream has ended and the up-close study has begun." [17:45:04] LAT : 30.434987 , LON : -79.584285 , DEPTH : 767.8368 m, TEMP : 7.44873 C, SAL : 35.04446 PSU, DO : 4.94652 mg/l [17:50:05] LAT : 30.434968 , LON : -79.584306 , DEPTH : 767.9414 m, TEMP : 7.44712 C, SAL : 35.04393 PSU, DO : 4.93526 mg/l [17:53:44] EX1903L2_D06_04B cup coral collected into canister 3 [17:55:05] LAT : 30.435023 , LON : -79.584286 , DEPTH : 767.9061 m, TEMP : 7.44774 C, SAL : 35.04433 PSU, DO : 4.92046 mg/l [18:00:06] LAT : 30.434955 , LON : -79.58452 , DEPTH : 756.7829 m, TEMP : 7.4664 C, SAL : 35.03992 PSU, DO : 4.87638 mg/l [18:02:47] next 100 meters covered - 500 meters total [18:05:06] LAT : 30.434884 , LON : -79.584544 , DEPTH : 756.6006 m, TEMP : 7.45827 C, SAL : 35.03904 PSU, DO : 4.8815 mg/l [18:05:12] would you show the CTD profiles on feed 3 when you get a second? [18:10:07] LAT : 30.43484 , LON : -79.584764 , DEPTH : 750.6805 m, TEMP : 7.46202 C, SAL : 35.03924 PSU, DO : 4.8669 mg/l [18:12:59] johnreed leaves the room [18:15:07] LAT : 30.434701 , LON : -79.584789 , DEPTH : 749.3132 m, TEMP : 7.47594 C, SAL : 35.03708 PSU, DO : 4.84046 mg/l [18:20:08] LAT : 30.434683 , LON : -79.5848 , DEPTH : 752.2358 m, TEMP : 7.46202 C, SAL : 35.04089 PSU, DO : 4.90299 mg/l [18:25:08] LAT : 30.434782 , LON : -79.584893 , DEPTH : 750.3969 m, TEMP : 7.45535 C, SAL : 35.04049 PSU, DO : 4.89609 mg/l [18:30:09] LAT : 30.434577 , LON : -79.584858 , DEPTH : 752.1572 m, TEMP : 7.4578 C, SAL : 35.04169 PSU, DO : 4.91957 mg/l [18:33:36] nolanbarrett leaves the room [18:34:35] would you show the CTD profiles on feed 3 when you get a second? [18:35:10] LAT : 30.434393 , LON : -79.584954 , DEPTH : 752.9301 m, TEMP : 7.4664 C, SAL : 35.0403 PSU, DO : 4.9017 mg/l [18:35:50] @mikeford yeah, we will do that soon [18:35:56] let us figure out which computer it is on... [18:36:00] Hello from Harbor Branch ECC. A question from the Pine Jog H2O to Go high school group: What sorts of information are you hoping to learn by studying methane seeps on the seafloor? [18:36:28] thank you [18:38:45] it might be an isopod [18:40:10] LAT : 30.434348 , LON : -79.584902 , DEPTH : 753.5111 m, TEMP : 7.46004 C, SAL : 35.04184 PSU, DO : 4.91078 mg/l [18:43:33] Thanks You! [18:45:10] LAT : 30.434496 , LON : -79.585169 , DEPTH : 752.9432 m, TEMP : 7.4675 C, SAL : 35.04173 PSU, DO : 4.88764 mg/l [18:48:35] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [18:50:11] LAT : 30.434464 , LON : -79.585196 , DEPTH : 752.7838 m, TEMP : 7.47885 C, SAL : 35.03945 PSU, DO : 4.8638 mg/l [18:52:11] @mikeford we are working on it. Should be up shortly [18:53:14] jillbourque leaves the room [18:53:41] michaelvecchione leaves the room [18:55:11] LAT : 30.434538 , LON : -79.585401 , DEPTH : 750.5241 m, TEMP : 7.50302 C, SAL : 35.03611 PSU, DO : 4.82179 mg/l [18:56:42] did we collected this white species? [18:57:44] not today - we already have a full sample set (leaving a few slurp chambers open for midwater) [18:58:11] we have collected 2 of the white plexaurids on previous dives this cruise (not 100% sure they are the same but still) [18:58:31] I mean, did we collect this white species during cruise....oh got answer Thank you! [18:58:59] :) [19:00:12] LAT : 30.43457 , LON : -79.585508 , DEPTH : 750.49 m, TEMP : 7.49344 C, SAL : 35.03742 PSU, DO : 4.84458 mg/l [19:01:13] what are the strands called? [19:01:55] Basalia [19:03:31] All set with the CTD profiles. Thank you very much. [19:03:35] Hello Allen! [19:04:06] Hi everyone! Are we still doing midwater transects today? [19:04:13] yep! [19:04:24] Great! [19:04:29] Allen Collins— that's a name i haven't heard in a long time. [19:04:31] wrapping up the bottom exploration in the next 20 mins or so [19:04:45] @heather - we collected a squid this morning [19:04:57] I heard, great job! [19:05:12] LAT : 30.434628 , LON : -79.585493 , DEPTH : 750.1207 m, TEMP : 7.49667 C, SAL : 35.03674 PSU, DO : 4.83353 mg/l [19:08:17] Love that furry sponge! [19:08:37] Of course while I go to eat lunch yall see the unusual sponges. I am not that familiar with demosponges so I will send screenshots of these to Shirley Pomponi and Joana Xavier [19:09:15] what's that fish in the back, behind the synaphobranchid? [19:10:13] LAT : 30.43464 , LON : -79.585521 , DEPTH : 748.2078 m, TEMP : 7.48891 C, SAL : 35.03725 PSU, DO : 4.84572 mg/l [19:11:19] allencollins leaves the room [19:11:33] The white sponge is Nodostrella [19:11:41] How close is D2 to the seep target? [19:11:54] looks like a vase with a folded edge [19:12:28] 17 meters @adamskarke [19:12:39] Copy - thanks [19:12:58] Like sharks [19:13:33] lauraanthony leaves the room [19:13:48] @John Nodastrella asconemaoida, right? [19:14:40] Such a great zoon that you can see the dermal papullae on the sea stars [19:15:13] LAT : 30.434642 , LON : -79.58554 , DEPTH : 748.6309 m, TEMP : 7.48255 C, SAL : 35.03836 PSU, DO : 4.85928 mg/l [19:15:52] wow. 38 from shore is a lot [19:20:14] LAT : 30.434632 , LON : -79.58567 , DEPTH : 748.7164 m, TEMP : 7.47562 C, SAL : 35.03963 PSU, DO : 4.87244 mg/l [19:20:30] :-D [19:22:43] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [19:22:47] Leiopathes [19:22:54] @adamskarke do you want us to try and sample this rock next to the black coral? [19:23:37] I don't think sampling is necessary [19:23:52] @adamskarke okay, thanks [19:24:59] Bathypathes [19:25:14] LAT : 30.434576 , LON : -79.58578 , DEPTH : 749.9183 m, TEMP : 7.47302 C, SAL : 35.03899 PSU, DO : 4.87422 mg/l [19:28:50] Reminds me of sweeper tentacles, which are defensive... [19:29:15] @scottfrance thanks! [19:29:16] But the blob almost looks like a captured siphonophore... [19:29:21] Hi Scott! [19:29:27] @Scott Hi! [19:29:40] Hi Tara! Hi all! Sorry I've been lurking offline. [19:29:53] Too busy to enjoy this awesomeness. [19:30:15] LAT : 30.434538 , LON : -79.585767 , DEPTH : 749.7456 m, TEMP : 7.46979 C, SAL : 35.03949 PSU, DO : 4.86084 mg/l [19:31:48] The base polyps appear to be in the "sweeper trentacle" phase as well. [19:31:53] *tentacle [19:33:28] Here is an interesting observation: I can't recall ever seeing a small Leiopathes... Did they all stop reproducing 100s of years ago...? [19:34:13] that's really interesting Scott [19:34:17] I wish Tina was on [19:35:15] LAT : 30.43456 , LON : -79.585799 , DEPTH : 749.9097 m, TEMP : 7.47609 C, SAL : 35.03837 PSU, DO : 4.84238 mg/l [19:35:37] Perhaps the branches are so small on small colonies they are easy to overlook. - especially on these mounds. [19:39:29] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [19:40:16] LAT : 30.434427 , LON : -79.585722 , DEPTH : 750.4696 m, TEMP : 7.47489 C, SAL : 35.03931 PSU, DO : 4.87164 mg/l [19:42:02] Chris Mah did post on twitter. He had stepped out of the room and missed it, but has identified them as Plinthaster [19:43:11] we've seen lots of little puff ball Leiopathes in the Gulf. they just look like a turf almost [19:43:14] that was for the pile of goniasterids. [19:43:27] weren't sure that they were the same species as these big ones, but they are [19:43:31] Thanks @Erik. All depends where you look, I guess. [19:45:07] thank you! [19:45:16] LAT : 30.434484 , LON : -79.585747 , DEPTH : 751.0977 m, TEMP : 7.46937 C, SAL : 35.03963 PSU, DO : 4.86555 mg/l [19:49:59] bernardball leaves the room [19:50:17] LAT : 30.434527 , LON : -79.585647 , DEPTH : 751.1864 m, TEMP : 7.47224 C, SAL : 35.03939 PSU, DO : 4.85919 mg/l [19:52:18] can we keep the legs for DNA, just incase we don't get the whole thing? [19:53:14] @Tara the leg morphology can also help with describing the species [19:53:29] But I hope we get the whole thing too [19:55:17] LAT : 30.434525 , LON : -79.58574 , DEPTH : 751.1368 m, TEMP : 7.50964 C, SAL : 35.03722 PSU, DO : 4.83214 mg/l [19:57:32] would be interesting to age that coral rubble too. [19:57:51] nolanbarrett leaves the room [19:57:55] erikcordes leaves the room [19:58:02] ryangasbarro leaves the room [19:58:29] Test [19:59:21] @johnreed I was thinking the same thing! I would love to see how old the rubble is. [20:00:18] LAT : 30.434541 , LON : -79.58574 , DEPTH : 751.2604 m, TEMP : 7.49958 C, SAL : 35.03675 PSU, DO : 4.82091 mg/l [20:00:38] So good! [20:00:43] Wow. [20:00:45] Hurray! [20:00:48] These pilots are amazing! [20:00:51] that was an impressive save! [20:02:03] @Amy They never cease to amaze me! [20:04:28] EX1903_D06_05B ophioroid brittle star in port inboard biobox [20:05:18] LAT : 30.434462 , LON : -79.58572 , DEPTH : 749.6342 m, TEMP : 7.52052 C, SAL : 35.03852 PSU, DO : 4.82626 mg/l [20:05:30] off bottom [20:06:07] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV Ascending [20:06:12] Thanks for a great dive! [20:07:01] taraluke leaves the room [20:07:37] Fantastic job! Sorry we did not find a seep but great dive none the less. [20:07:39] Fantastic Benthic Dive! Have a great time with the midwater portion AND taking care of all of the specimens! [20:08:14] andrewshuler leaves the room [20:08:15] Thank you, @adamskarke and @nolanbarrett [20:08:32] janessyfrometa leaves the room [20:08:52] Amy and Alexis, let me know when you would like me to start [20:09:30] ok, thanks Mike. I think we should let the pilots set up first [20:09:57] especially since we will all be on OKEX shortly [20:10:19] LAT : 30.434466 , LON : -79.586054 , DEPTH : 735.096 m, TEMP : 7.55555 C, SAL : 35.03466 PSU, DO : 4.75652 mg/l [20:11:29] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [20:12:14] cristianacastellobranco leaves the room [20:12:36] @mikeford the pilot will let us know when he is ready [20:13:00] sounds good [20:15:19] LAT : 30.434677 , LON : -79.585377 , DEPTH : 699.9133 m, TEMP : 8.10068 C, SAL : 35.00958 PSU, DO : 4.11434 mg/l [20:17:05] nolanbarrett leaves the room [20:19:06] lots of jellies do far [20:20:02] start 700m transect at 20:19 UTC [20:20:20] LAT : 30.434403 , LON : -79.585442 , DEPTH : 698.7568 m, TEMP : 8.10656 C, SAL : 35.01008 PSU, DO : 4.08942 mg/l [20:20:55] katharineegan leaves the room [20:21:25] katerose leaves the room [20:24:02] Hi Mike, this is Tracey. I'm on the call and will stay on mute until we see a fish. [20:25:20] LAT : 30.434396 , LON : -79.585301 , DEPTH : 698.657 m, TEMP : 8.11245 C, SAL : 35.0106 PSU, DO : 4.08188 mg/l [20:26:09] perfect Tracey [20:27:01] I am on as well- muted... [20:28:25] adamskarke leaves the room [20:29:30] Loud where I am. Just on chat for now. [20:29:36] Looking great out there. [20:29:37] Is video freezing often for others? [20:29:58] kaseycantwell leaves the room [20:30:00] Narcomedusae will eat many other kinds of organisms. [20:30:18] No video freezing issues here... [20:30:22] LAT : 30.434257 , LON : -79.585554 , DEPTH : 698.7499 m, TEMP : 8.11002 C, SAL : 35.00909 PSU, DO : 4.09534 mg/l [20:31:28] Would be interesting to see what is in it. [20:31:39] Looks like a partially digested fish... [20:31:59] Can we get it? [20:32:14] going for it [20:32:51] thanks scott! maybe. wow [20:33:37] yes!!!!! [20:35:21] LAT : 30.434188 , LON : -79.585583 , DEPTH : 696.7505 m, TEMP : 8.13127 C, SAL : 35.01602 PSU, DO : 4.09689 mg/l [20:36:48] kevinkocot leaves the room [20:40:21] LAT : 30.433996 , LON : -79.585369 , DEPTH : 697.0627 m, TEMP : 8.11812 C, SAL : 35.01094 PSU, DO : 4.0947 mg/l [20:40:56] 700 m transect ened at 20:40 [20:41:46] kelleybrumley leaves the room [20:45:22] LAT : 30.433861 , LON : -79.585336 , DEPTH : 648.2814 m, TEMP : 8.85594 C, SAL : 35.05354 PSU, DO : 3.8397 mg/l [20:50:22] LAT : 30.433718 , LON : -79.585429 , DEPTH : 585.7797 m, TEMP : 10.33882 C, SAL : 35.24237 PSU, DO : 3.82962 mg/l [20:51:28] lots of little fishies! :) [20:53:40] adamskarke leaves the room [20:55:23] LAT : 30.433577 , LON : -79.585459 , DEPTH : 524.9091 m, TEMP : 12.05053 C, SAL : 35.52417 PSU, DO : 4.29112 mg/l [20:58:48] starting 500 m transect 20:58 UTC [21:00:23] LAT : 30.433493 , LON : -79.585445 , DEPTH : 498.9708 m, TEMP : 13.0828 C, SAL : 35.70257 PSU, DO : 4.773 mg/l [21:05:24] LAT : 30.433669 , LON : -79.585288 , DEPTH : 498.9819 m, TEMP : 13.10952 C, SAL : 35.70507 PSU, DO : 4.84077 mg/l [21:05:26] johnreed leaves the room [21:09:34] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [21:10:05] hey tracey, would you say something about what cyclothone eat [21:10:24] LAT : 30.433927 , LON : -79.585534 , DEPTH : 499.2609 m, TEMP : 13.12178 C, SAL : 35.70332 PSU, DO : 4.83197 mg/l [21:15:25] LAT : 30.434299 , LON : -79.585419 , DEPTH : 498.8046 m, TEMP : 13.1189 C, SAL : 35.70431 PSU, DO : 4.84665 mg/l [21:17:32] There really are so many cyclothone here..... [21:20:25] LAT : 30.434914 , LON : -79.585419 , DEPTH : 499.0479 m, TEMP : 13.09353 C, SAL : 35.70139 PSU, DO : 4.81993 mg/l [21:23:37] end of 500 m transect at 21:23 [21:24:50] CherylMorrison leaves the room [21:25:13] I don't think I have ever seen that dense a layer of midwater fishes on any dive... [21:25:26] LAT : 30.435581 , LON : -79.585571 , DEPTH : 506.8432 m, TEMP : 12.84527 C, SAL : 35.67239 PSU, DO : 4.41484 mg/l [21:30:26] LAT : 30.436038 , LON : -79.585407 , DEPTH : 463.9748 m, TEMP : 13.92946 C, SAL : 35.82345 PSU, DO : 4.51014 mg/l [21:34:48] Amy Wagner leaves the room [21:35:27] LAT : 30.436682 , LON : -79.585406 , DEPTH : 408.998 m, TEMP : 15.99933 C, SAL : 36.16622 PSU, DO : 5.10322 mg/l [21:40:27] LAT : 30.437476 , LON : -79.5855 , DEPTH : 350.3171 m, TEMP : 17.41247 C, SAL : 36.39877 PSU, DO : 5.46792 mg/l [21:45:28] LAT : 30.438469 , LON : -79.585489 , DEPTH : 297.6133 m, TEMP : 18.34698 C, SAL : 36.53544 PSU, DO : 5.6347 mg/l [21:49:48] adriennecopeland leaves the room [21:50:17] starting 300 meter transect at 21:50 UTC [21:50:28] LAT : 30.439674 , LON : -79.585546 , DEPTH : 300.9802 m, TEMP : 18.32677 C, SAL : 36.53311 PSU, DO : 5.66758 mg/l [21:55:29] LAT : 30.441147 , LON : -79.585503 , DEPTH : 299.637 m, TEMP : 18.33988 C, SAL : 36.53471 PSU, DO : 5.69556 mg/l [21:57:40] Any chaetognaths today? Not seeing any in this transect set so far.... [21:58:24] hey - none. huh [22:00:02] thanks for trying that was really close to start [22:00:29] LAT : 30.4429 , LON : -79.585463 , DEPTH : 297.9131 m, TEMP : 18.36461 C, SAL : 36.53727 PSU, DO : 5.70214 mg/l [22:05:30] LAT : 30.444496 , LON : -79.585569 , DEPTH : 299.919 m, TEMP : 18.34036 C, SAL : 36.53456 PSU, DO : 5.72433 mg/l [22:05:43] 10 minutes left [22:08:09] speed log on [22:08:28] no speed log will be turned on after the transect is over [22:09:47] oh cool [22:10:30] LAT : 30.4462 , LON : -79.585677 , DEPTH : 301.0197 m, TEMP : 18.33703 C, SAL : 36.53396 PSU, DO : 5.65206 mg/l [22:15:31] LAT : 30.447976 , LON : -79.585673 , DEPTH : 298.9126 m, TEMP : 18.35147 C, SAL : 36.53474 PSU, DO : 5.65402 mg/l [22:15:37] stop 300 meter transect at 22:15 UTC [22:16:12] thank you [22:16:45] Thanks, everyone! [22:16:55] traceysutton leaves the room [22:18:16] mikeford leaves the room [22:18:25] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [22:18:59] Amy Wagner leaves the room [22:20:31] LAT : 30.450278 , LON : -79.585309 , DEPTH : 241.3339 m, TEMP : 19.28256 C, SAL : 36.64174 PSU, DO : 6.09005 mg/l [22:21:36] allencollins leaves the room [22:24:35] scottfrance leaves the room [22:25:32] LAT : 30.451735 , LON : -79.585368 , DEPTH : 102.3929 m, TEMP : 25.71275 C, SAL : 36.61562 PSU, DO : 5.59671 mg/l [22:27:02] herbertleavitt leaves the room [22:30:32] LAT : 30.453077 , LON : -79.585491 , DEPTH : 88.116 m, TEMP : 26.49474 C, SAL : 36.3577 PSU, DO : 6.07937 mg/l [22:35:33] LAT : 30.454457 , LON : -79.585494 , DEPTH : 88.2502 m, TEMP : 26.54078 C, SAL : 36.34381 PSU, DO : 6.11772 mg/l [22:40:33] LAT : 30.456083 , LON : -79.585832 , DEPTH : 87.9369 m, TEMP : 26.52692 C, SAL : 36.3479 PSU, DO : 6.10924 mg/l [22:45:34] LAT : 30.457139 , LON : -79.585156 , DEPTH : 87.6396 m, TEMP : 26.49525 C, SAL : 36.35774 PSU, DO : 6.08346 mg/l [22:50:35] LAT : 30.460435 , LON : -79.583102 , DEPTH : 49.9063 m, TEMP : 27.94417 C, SAL : 36.16947 PSU, DO : 6.60145 mg/l [22:54:02] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [22:54:51] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV on Surface [22:55:35] LAT : 30.464009 , LON : -79.58071 , DEPTH : 1.3713 m, TEMP : 29.73211 C, SAL : 36.27039 PSU, DO : 6.23559 mg/l [23:11:34] EX1903L2_DIVE06 ROV Recovery Complete [23:15:20] asakomatsumoto leaves the room