[00:08:27] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [00:08:58] benjaminfrable leaves the room [00:52:04] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [01:27:15] kaseycantwell leaves the room [02:50:58] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [03:23:30] Amy Wagner leaves the room [03:42:36] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [03:42:57] kaseycantwell leaves the room [06:18:47] johnreed leaves the room [10:03:47] test [11:17:56] morning all - we're on track for an ontime launch and will talk to you all at 8:45 EDT for our dive planning call [11:31:38] kaseycantwell leaves the room [11:38:20] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [11:50:39] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [11:59:37] When you get the chance, could we have someone send some test audio over the streams? We've been having audio issues over at ISC and on the youtube streams [12:01:50] All set, audio good [12:15:21] Amy Wagner leaves the room [12:16:48] robertcarney leaves the room [12:21:00] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV Launch [12:27:24] johnreed leaves the room [12:27:33] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV on Surface [12:28:08] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV Descending [12:29:05] LAT : 30.536859 , LON : -78.213034 , DEPTH : 13.9988 m, TEMP : 28.23633 C, SAL : 36.33657 PSU, DO : 6.36863 mg/l [12:30:39] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [12:34:06] LAT : 30.536939 , LON : -78.212192 , DEPTH : 49.3047 m, TEMP : 25.7207 C, SAL : 36.6159 PSU, DO : 6.76199 mg/l [12:37:08] Amy Wagner leaves the room [12:39:01] kaseycantwell leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [12:39:06] LAT : 30.537077 , LON : -78.211877 , DEPTH : 51.5724 m, TEMP : 25.69861 C, SAL : 36.62578 PSU, DO : 6.78279 mg/l [12:43:31] Good morning all. Test.... [12:43:43] Good morning, Tim :) [12:44:07] LAT : 30.537069 , LON : -78.211657 , DEPTH : 185.5407 m, TEMP : 21.34939 C, SAL : 36.79354 PSU, DO : 6.27602 mg/l [12:44:16] Good morning! [12:47:10] kaseycantwell leaves the room [12:49:07] LAT : 30.537037 , LON : -78.211571 , DEPTH : 333.4776 m, TEMP : 19.2648 C, SAL : 36.64836 PSU, DO : 6.35883 mg/l [12:54:08] LAT : 30.53707 , LON : -78.211749 , DEPTH : 482.511 m, TEMP : 17.40383 C, SAL : 36.40284 PSU, DO : 5.65074 mg/l [12:59:08] LAT : 30.537274 , LON : -78.211953 , DEPTH : 633.5175 m, TEMP : 14.31093 C, SAL : 35.88354 PSU, DO : 5.14975 mg/l [13:04:09] LAT : 30.537484 , LON : -78.212303 , DEPTH : 699.678 m, TEMP : 12.86469 C, SAL : 35.65261 PSU, DO : 4.69592 mg/l [13:07:30] erikcordes leaves the room [13:09:09] LAT : 30.537704 , LON : -78.212764 , DEPTH : 699.609 m, TEMP : 12.84046 C, SAL : 35.65046 PSU, DO : 4.70004 mg/l [13:14:10] LAT : 30.537944 , LON : -78.213157 , DEPTH : 699.5961 m, TEMP : 13.01067 C, SAL : 35.67541 PSU, DO : 4.79392 mg/l [13:19:10] LAT : 30.538197 , LON : -78.21355 , DEPTH : 699.5116 m, TEMP : 13.08807 C, SAL : 36.04165 PSU, DO : 4.78344 mg/l [13:20:55] Good morning! This is Elizabeth (Fraser) Gugliotti from NOAA's Deep Sea Coral Ecology Lab in Charleston annotating corals and sponges in SeaTube. I just wanted to ask if the ROV navigators could call out or put in the chatroom every time we travel another 100 m. Thanks! [13:24:11] LAT : 30.538218 , LON : -78.213555 , DEPTH : 813.9099 m, TEMP : 10.74111 C, SAL : 35.37498 PSU, DO : 4.48507 mg/l [13:26:48] @elizabethfraser we will ask the navigators to do that [13:26:55] thanks for the reminder! [13:27:27] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV on Bottom [13:29:09] Thanks for doing that! [13:29:12] LAT : 30.538139 , LON : -78.214179 , DEPTH : 863.329 m, TEMP : 9.7844 C, SAL : 35.26119 PSU, DO : 4.4491 mg/l [13:31:00] jillbourque leaves the room [13:34:12] LAT : 30.538245 , LON : -78.214204 , DEPTH : 864.7523 m, TEMP : 9.93917 C, SAL : 35.27548 PSU, DO : 4.45036 mg/l [13:39:12] LAT : 30.538103 , LON : -78.214271 , DEPTH : 864.5037 m, TEMP : 9.77701 C, SAL : 35.26231 PSU, DO : 4.47543 mg/l [13:44:13] LAT : 30.538195 , LON : -78.214449 , DEPTH : 864.2143 m, TEMP : 9.87756 C, SAL : 35.27279 PSU, DO : 4.46584 mg/l [13:49:13] LAT : 30.538229 , LON : -78.214574 , DEPTH : 863.3658 m, TEMP : 9.9214 C, SAL : 35.28016 PSU, DO : 4.48444 mg/l [13:54:14] LAT : 30.538096 , LON : -78.214726 , DEPTH : 863.3387 m, TEMP : 9.93666 C, SAL : 35.28099 PSU, DO : 4.47867 mg/l [13:55:09] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [13:59:14] LAT : 30.53813 , LON : -78.214809 , DEPTH : 862.685 m, TEMP : 9.94885 C, SAL : 35.28227 PSU, DO : 4.48425 mg/l [14:01:13] Question from Facebook from Diana Lindloff: Is the white coloring normal for this (Lophelia) kind of coral? [14:04:15] LAT : 30.53809 , LON : -78.214848 , DEPTH : 860.9913 m, TEMP : 9.86967 C, SAL : 35.27283 PSU, DO : 4.47133 mg/l [14:08:34] robertcarney leaves the room [14:09:15] LAT : 30.538056 , LON : -78.214981 , DEPTH : 859.187 m, TEMP : 9.88599 C, SAL : 35.27446 PSU, DO : 4.47642 mg/l [14:11:48] a nice tube worm on the right [14:14:16] LAT : 30.538136 , LON : -78.215195 , DEPTH : 856.8586 m, TEMP : 9.74707 C, SAL : 35.26294 PSU, DO : 4.5 mg/l [14:19:16] LAT : 30.53815 , LON : -78.215255 , DEPTH : 856.1971 m, TEMP : 9.77324 C, SAL : 35.26446 PSU, DO : 4.50523 mg/l [14:24:17] LAT : 30.53811 , LON : -78.215471 , DEPTH : 850.7122 m, TEMP : 9.78722 C, SAL : 35.26621 PSU, DO : 4.48833 mg/l [14:25:11] Amy Wagner leaves the room [14:29:17] LAT : 30.538103 , LON : -78.215585 , DEPTH : 846.9486 m, TEMP : 9.81126 C, SAL : 35.26795 PSU, DO : 4.48 mg/l [14:29:27] elizabethfraser leaves the room [14:32:22] lauraanthony leaves the room [14:32:44] Missed discussion of the yellow organism we were looking at- bryozoan? [14:32:55] yeah brozoan [14:33:03] super cool [14:33:17] bryozoan* [14:33:39] Nice! New one for me [14:34:18] LAT : 30.538211 , LON : -78.21575 , DEPTH : 840.9706 m, TEMP : 9.88102 C, SAL : 35.27415 PSU, DO : 4.47272 mg/l [14:35:21] still a hexactinellid [14:35:45] just not an Euplectella...which is what the vase-like ones are called. [14:36:05] Thanks tara! [14:39:18] LAT : 30.538007 , LON : -78.215911 , DEPTH : 839.6612 m, TEMP : 9.85841 C, SAL : 35.27397 PSU, DO : 4.50097 mg/l [14:39:37] Hello all [14:39:50] Morning Asako [14:39:53] Hello Asako! [14:40:01] Hi Kasey, Alexis! [14:42:31] I think it's an anomuran - they use some legs to hold onto the sponge [14:42:37] The 5th pair of legs are reduced and holding the sponge on [14:42:50] Yes, anomuran hermit [14:43:59] Good strategy to carry a bunch of spicules on his back for protection! [14:44:19] LAT : 30.538179 , LON : -78.216002 , DEPTH : 836.5679 m, TEMP : 9.90533 C, SAL : 35.27871 PSU, DO : 4.47455 mg/l [14:45:31] more traditional housing option [14:46:31] Another 100 meters traveled - 200 m total [14:48:59] lauraanthony leaves the room [14:49:19] LAT : 30.538122 , LON : -78.216208 , DEPTH : 828.4368 m, TEMP : 9.87253 C, SAL : 35.27441 PSU, DO : 4.47688 mg/l [14:50:06] Good eye! I don't think it's a solenogaster aplacophoran. [14:50:21] Thanks Kevin! [14:50:30] I'll keep an eye out for them ;) [14:50:47] often hard to see them until they just happen to come up with a collection [14:51:22] Wonder-Stricken Leo on Facebook asks, How would you age a coral mound? [14:53:27] kaseycantwell leaves the room [14:54:20] LAT : 30.538071 , LON : -78.216252 , DEPTH : 825.7135 m, TEMP : 9.87499 C, SAL : 35.27323 PSU, DO : 4.47526 mg/l [14:54:55] It looks like it just had a big breakfast :) [14:57:53] worth collecting? [14:59:20] LAT : 30.538054 , LON : -78.21629 , DEPTH : 825.5883 m, TEMP : 9.8183 C, SAL : 35.26881 PSU, DO : 4.48038 mg/l [15:01:29] off to a meeting. Back as soon as I can [15:01:32] taraluke leaves the room [15:01:36] arcturid isopods [15:01:51] isopods [15:01:54] arcturidae [15:01:58] or similar [15:02:23] crazy! [15:03:26] What family did Chris say he thought that brittlestar might belong to? [15:03:39] Ophiomixidea [15:03:52] Thanks! [15:04:21] LAT : 30.538192 , LON : -78.21639 , DEPTH : 821.8628 m, TEMP : 9.80503 C, SAL : 35.26779 PSU, DO : 4.49439 mg/l [15:08:09] Diana Lindloff on Facebook asks: Is the white coloring normal for Lophelia coral? [15:09:21] LAT : 30.538171 , LON : -78.216507 , DEPTH : 814.3426 m, TEMP : 9.86791 C, SAL : 35.27203 PSU, DO : 4.48055 mg/l [15:11:18] Related to the white coloration of Lophelia, does anyone know why there is the rarer colormorph of the orange Lophelia we saw yesterday? [15:12:11] lauraanthony leaves the room [15:12:34] Laura is a Hollings intern with the NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program. [15:12:52] Thank you! [15:13:19] orange morph also common in NE Atlantic and one on oil rig in gulf of mexico [15:14:22] LAT : 30.538224 , LON : -78.216603 , DEPTH : 813.5048 m, TEMP : 9.83092 C, SAL : 35.27334 PSU, DO : 4.48261 mg/l [15:19:22] LAT : 30.538195 , LON : -78.216675 , DEPTH : 809.0814 m, TEMP : 10.01365 C, SAL : 35.28466 PSU, DO : 4.42744 mg/l [15:22:01] looks like a little rocket :-) [15:24:23] LAT : 30.538177 , LON : -78.216705 , DEPTH : 807.9221 m, TEMP : 9.96706 C, SAL : 35.28009 PSU, DO : 4.43969 mg/l [15:27:14] I am hoping too. [15:29:23] LAT : 30.538125 , LON : -78.216847 , DEPTH : 807.5648 m, TEMP : 9.92667 C, SAL : 35.27749 PSU, DO : 4.45361 mg/l [15:30:41] StephanieLiefmann leaves the room [15:30:53] lauraanthony leaves the room [15:31:51] adriennecopeland leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [15:34:24] LAT : 30.538132 , LON : -78.217007 , DEPTH : 811.0713 m, TEMP : 9.87746 C, SAL : 35.27038 PSU, DO : 4.4341 mg/l [15:36:53] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [15:39:19] Question from Facebook: Zackary Newman: You were just talking about coring to date the mounds, along those lines how thick are the coral portions of these mounds until you get to inorganic rock? [15:39:24] looks like it is eating a hatchfish [15:39:25] LAT : 30.538142 , LON : -78.216984 , DEPTH : 809.9673 m, TEMP : 9.86449 C, SAL : 35.26915 PSU, DO : 4.43785 mg/l [15:42:25] Facebook Question from Karen Blair Yip: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, I might have missed it if discussed "on air" since I can't watch as long as I'd like to, but what is the difference or differentiation between "coral reefs" and "coral mounds"? geography or biology or depth or size? [15:42:46] I couldnt tell from your dive plan the scale of this mound. What is the relief on this thing? Amazing that this is all biologic! [15:44:24] LAT : 30.538124 , LON : -78.217201 , DEPTH : 812.0637 m, TEMP : 9.85233 C, SAL : 35.2677 PSU, DO : 4.42984 mg/l [15:47:21] Do you think that the mound during its growth is usually about this percentage of live to dead corals? in other words, is the amount of living coral here typical? [15:49:25] LAT : 30.538083 , LON : -78.217219 , DEPTH : 816.7306 m, TEMP : 9.76483 C, SAL : 35.25693 PSU, DO : 4.41542 mg/l [15:50:55] adriennecopeland leaves the room [15:51:34] erikcordes leaves the room [15:52:12] I wish I could send you some images of mounds we mapped in the Yucatan. The subbotom profiles were very instructive. Is there a way to send you stuff? [15:52:33] Donna Jarrett on facebook (about an hour ago) asks: You were just talking about what sand looks like when it's magnified and the importance of it's origins. Would there be photographs of these magnifications? [15:54:25] LAT : 30.538045 , LON : -78.217347 , DEPTH : 821.2737 m, TEMP : 9.73111 C, SAL : 35.2531 PSU, DO : 4.41639 mg/l [15:56:16] kelleybrumley leaves the room [15:58:29] @kelleybrumley our internet is pretty limited out here (size) - I've already had to ask for more data today but if there if you could post some pics on a google drive I could view them. my email is amy.wagner@csus.edu. Thanks! [15:59:26] LAT : 30.537776 , LON : -78.217506 , DEPTH : 824.9444 m, TEMP : 9.75447 C, SAL : 35.25571 PSU, DO : 4.42302 mg/l [16:02:34] Amy Wagner leaves the room [16:04:27] LAT : 30.537856 , LON : -78.217486 , DEPTH : 825.3202 m, TEMP : 9.75381 C, SAL : 35.25618 PSU, DO : 4.42097 mg/l [16:07:37] zing end of the siph. [16:07:50] zoom on the swimming end of the siph [16:09:27] LAT : 30.537852 , LON : -78.217595 , DEPTH : 824.3328 m, TEMP : 9.73247 C, SAL : 35.25322 PSU, DO : 4.41524 mg/l [16:10:32] adamskarke leaves the room [16:14:26] Nice Uroptychus squat lobster! [16:14:28] LAT : 30.537725 , LON : -78.217628 , DEPTH : 821.1816 m, TEMP : 9.77389 C, SAL : 35.25478 PSU, DO : 4.39414 mg/l [16:14:32] lauraanthony leaves the room [16:15:28] Thanks for the shout out Alexis! I've been passively watching when I can. [16:15:49] Awesome :) [16:17:35] They are typically observed in chrysogorgiids like the one just imaged, but at least from PIPA they were observed among a variety of hosts, even stony corals. I believe that the genus includes a great number of species, which might explain why that is the case. [16:17:55] Don't think I've seen that star before [16:18:55] Where are you in relation to the nearest HAPC if you aren't in one already? [16:19:28] LAT : 30.537621 , LON : -78.217565 , DEPTH : 816.3836 m, TEMP : 9.85811 C, SAL : 35.26641 PSU, DO : 4.42487 mg/l [16:24:28] LAT : 30.537474 , LON : -78.217532 , DEPTH : 809.4788 m, TEMP : 10.14042 C, SAL : 35.3 PSU, DO : 4.40964 mg/l [16:27:33] Geodia sponge? [16:29:29] LAT : 30.537425 , LON : -78.217588 , DEPTH : 805.3882 m, TEMP : 10.08691 C, SAL : 35.29351 PSU, DO : 4.43828 mg/l [16:32:50] Dorid nudibranch? [16:33:00] Yes I think so [16:34:29] LAT : 30.537436 , LON : -78.217592 , DEPTH : 805.2284 m, TEMP : 10.17189 C, SAL : 35.29357 PSU, DO : 4.38395 mg/l [16:38:52] @CherylMorrison do you think the cup corals are Thecapsammia? [16:39:30] LAT : 30.537474 , LON : -78.217576 , DEPTH : 804.9512 m, TEMP : 10.17083 C, SAL : 35.29918 PSU, DO : 4.39368 mg/l [16:43:32] Wow great shot! [16:43:39] On the vertical fish, I calle it a sawtooth eel but was corrected on FB that it is probably a cutlassfish. [16:43:52] iscwatch2 leaves the room [16:44:30] LAT : 30.537515 , LON : -78.217714 , DEPTH : 800.5235 m, TEMP : 10.33388 C, SAL : 35.30932 PSU, DO : 4.31131 mg/l [16:44:43] oh okay thanks @michaelvecchione [16:44:57] рш умукнищвн [16:45:06] sorry) wrong language [16:45:11] haha [16:45:14] hi everybody [16:45:29] Hi tina! [16:45:54] can we zoom at some of these Anthomastus when I am here. I would need a side view [16:46:05] sure thing [16:47:07] anything good collected? [16:47:37] today current is less? [16:48:16] todays current is less and we haven't made any collections yet today [16:49:17] cupcoral [16:49:26] Hi Tina! [16:49:31] LAT : 30.537319 , LON : -78.217733 , DEPTH : 802.3913 m, TEMP : 10.30254 C, SAL : 35.30649 PSU, DO : 4.30806 mg/l [16:49:34] hi asako! [16:50:59] @Tina we saw black coral [16:52:11] @asako, Bathypathes? [16:52:24] lukemccartin leaves the room [16:53:42] Amy Wagner leaves the room [16:53:42] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [16:54:16] @Tina sent now [16:54:31] LAT : 30.53738 , LON : -78.217789 , DEPTH : 800.9597 m, TEMP : 10.27174 C, SAL : 35.30431 PSU, DO : 4.3188 mg/l [16:55:36] it is definitely Pseudoanthomastus [16:56:37] it is mostly... they have well visible white dots - these are siphonozooids [16:56:46] with gonads [16:56:59] big one are feeding polyps [16:57:42] in Pseudoanthomastus siphonozoids are less numerous and clearly visible [16:58:07] in Anthomastus they are smaller and make a continuous layer [16:59:00] And Pseudoanthomastus has distinctive stalk.. and often a symbiotic polychaete leaving under the head [16:59:26] but last thing is optional [16:59:32] LAT : 30.537436 , LON : -78.217724 , DEPTH : 800.1972 m, TEMP : 10.27748 C, SAL : 35.30432 PSU, DO : 4.31692 mg/l [17:00:17] Are we looking at an HAPC? [17:00:41] oh okay thanks @tinamolodtsova that is very helpful! [17:02:19] @lauraanthony I dont believe we are in a HAPC at the moment [17:02:28] a bit too far north west [17:02:43] We have a high school group visiting the Harbor Branch ECC @2pm this afternoon. What time are you off-bottom today? [17:04:06] We will likely be recovery a little early today but we should still be on bottom at 2pm EST [17:04:32] LAT : 30.537503 , LON : -78.217825 , DEPTH : 797.7503 m, TEMP : 10.23817 C, SAL : 35.30432 PSU, DO : 4.34988 mg/l [17:04:51] Thanks Alexis! [17:05:48] Rubicundus lopheliae [17:05:57] aparently.. Bathypathes [17:06:26] and there is a huge hydroid [17:06:40] fotobombing [17:07:02] Coryomorpha-like [17:07:06] Thanks for zooming on the hagfish. It is amazing how much it looks like a nemertean if you can't see the head. [17:07:17] No prob! Recall 1st time I saw one from the Cape Lookout Lophelia mounds. distinctive color! [17:09:33] LAT : 30.537594 , LON : -78.217916 , DEPTH : 796.1999 m, TEMP : 10.20674 C, SAL : 35.30007 PSU, DO : 4.35476 mg/l [17:09:52] @asako. Apparently it was parantipathes or what they call Sibopathes macrospina... but ... [17:10:26] more probably Parantipatehs [17:13:10] another slime star? [17:13:46] I think we lost audio [17:14:03] nevermind. You're back [17:14:33] LAT : 30.53773 , LON : -78.218063 , DEPTH : 802.0793 m, TEMP : 10.18174 C, SAL : 35.29681 PSU, DO : 4.35842 mg/l [17:14:42] kevinkocot leaves the room [17:14:52] it is not slimish... [17:15:04] Chris Mah will call soon [17:15:10] I [17:15:21] It looks like the same one he described earlier [17:19:34] LAT : 30.537872 , LON : -78.218288 , DEPTH : 806.0998 m, TEMP : 9.98221 C, SAL : 35.28076 PSU, DO : 4.42367 mg/l [17:19:42] @johnreed Those sound like bobtail "squid" eggs (Sepiolidae). [17:21:06] Bathypathes numerous [17:21:20] BTW, Liz Shea at the Delaware Museum of Natural History has been looking into occurrence of sepiolid eggs in deep sponges. [17:21:44] It looks like Calliostoma [17:21:55] and .. sea anemone [17:23:08] technically I always have problems with pronouncing geological (and geographical ) names [17:23:43] and I never was able to understand how to tell stones apart ( [17:24:34] LAT : 30.537934 , LON : -78.218496 , DEPTH : 808.0714 m, TEMP : 9.90679 C, SAL : 35.27197 PSU, DO : 4.42149 mg/l [17:24:40] Uroptychus? [17:25:20] rachelgulbraa leaves the room [17:26:37] Yeah! Good collection! [17:27:26] Nav just informed we have traveled 200 meters [17:28:46] adamskarke leaves the room [17:29:35] LAT : 30.537934 , LON : -78.218488 , DEPTH : 808.0872 m, TEMP : 9.94895 C, SAL : 35.27693 PSU, DO : 4.40114 mg/l [17:29:44] in addition to the previous 200 m, so 400 m total? [17:30:01] Yes, sorry about that @elizabethfraser [17:30:33] sometimes if forget to remind them when another navigator comes on shift :-# [17:31:08] You're good! [17:32:29] Great sample of Uroptychus! [17:33:33] @tim, absolutely. i [17:33:47] and a Chrysogorgid :) [17:34:00] Oh that other thing? [17:34:11] haha you're bad [17:34:36] LAT : 30.537944 , LON : -78.218481 , DEPTH : 808.1893 m, TEMP : 9.95442 C, SAL : 35.28152 PSU, DO : 4.41063 mg/l [17:36:55] emilycrum leaves the room [17:37:43] adriennecopeland leaves the room [17:39:36] LAT : 30.53802 , LON : -78.218578 , DEPTH : 809.8738 m, TEMP : 10.07319 C, SAL : 35.28867 PSU, DO : 4.37184 mg/l [17:43:13] Parantipathes or Sibopathes [17:44:37] LAT : 30.538217 , LON : -78.218692 , DEPTH : 809.0327 m, TEMP : 9.89443 C, SAL : 35.27148 PSU, DO : 4.42549 mg/l [17:44:49] Par-Anti-pathes - pathes is general ending for black corals. Antipathes - common name fore.. Par - looking a bit like but bot really [17:45:19] *not really [17:46:01] Great info @tinamolodtsova! [17:46:34] lukemccartin leaves the room [17:49:37] LAT : 30.538591 , LON : -78.218705 , DEPTH : 801.1453 m, TEMP : 10.09587 C, SAL : 35.27335 PSU, DO : 4.36389 mg/l [17:49:41] moved another 100 meters - apparently 600 meters total [17:51:38] so we must have missed 100 meters somewhere in the tracking [17:52:38] Okay, thanks! [17:53:00] woohoo!!! [17:54:26] Madrepora? [17:54:38] LAT : 30.538747 , LON : -78.21866 , DEPTH : 786.1003 m, TEMP : 10.33553 C, SAL : 35.30946 PSU, DO : 4.29756 mg/l [17:55:19] and stalked crinoid is juv? [17:56:10] And somebody wrote that branches with eunicids are grouing faster and less brittle [17:56:33] may be Paul Mortensen mentioned it [17:57:57] alphonsino? [17:58:36] they are good to eat? [17:58:53] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV Ascending [17:59:25] See everyone tomorrow! [17:59:38] LAT : 30.53883 , LON : -78.218412 , DEPTH : 777.1737 m, TEMP : 10.62383 C, SAL : 35.34845 PSU, DO : 4.3271 mg/l [17:59:51] taraluke leaves the room [18:00:00] Thanks for great narration Alexis and Amy! [18:00:14] jaylunden leaves the room [18:00:40] adamskarke leaves the room [18:00:52] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [18:01:14] michaelvecchione leaves the room [18:01:15] Amy Wagner leaves the room [18:01:22] lauraanthony leaves the room [18:02:04] elizabethfraser leaves the room [18:02:09] CherylMorrison leaves the room [18:02:55] jillbourque leaves the room [18:04:39] LAT : 30.538809 , LON : -78.218413 , DEPTH : 636.5536 m, TEMP : 14.199 C, SAL : 35.85404 PSU, DO : 4.67117 mg/l [18:06:32] tinamolodtsova leaves the room [18:06:54] erineaston leaves the room [18:08:56] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [18:09:39] LAT : 30.538806 , LON : -78.218515 , DEPTH : 484.1678 m, TEMP : 17.11116 C, SAL : 36.35788 PSU, DO : 5.57308 mg/l [18:10:30] kevinkocot leaves the room [18:14:40] LAT : 30.538764 , LON : -78.219213 , DEPTH : 337.2718 m, TEMP : 19.06709 C, SAL : 36.62849 PSU, DO : 6.39393 mg/l [18:19:12] iscwatch2 leaves the room [18:19:40] LAT : 30.53896 , LON : -78.220022 , DEPTH : 178.3731 m, TEMP : 20.95532 C, SAL : 37.05185 PSU, DO : 6.13591 mg/l [18:24:41] LAT : 30.539265 , LON : -78.220976 , DEPTH : 48.6793 m, TEMP : 26.32146 C, SAL : 36.63972 PSU, DO : 6.74891 mg/l [18:29:40] ryangasbarro leaves the room [18:29:41] LAT : 30.539454 , LON : -78.221089 , DEPTH : 47.5371 m, TEMP : 26.43761 C, SAL : 36.63996 PSU, DO : 6.72164 mg/l [18:32:10] Hi All - we will not be diving tomorrow (6/26). Standby for additional details via email shortly [18:34:42] LAT : 30.539874 , LON : -78.220765 , DEPTH : 47.9479 m, TEMP : 26.8185 C, SAL : 36.60687 PSU, DO : 6.63342 mg/l [18:39:42] LAT : 30.540448 , LON : -78.220423 , DEPTH : 2.3756 m, TEMP : 28.70355 C, SAL : 36.3131 PSU, DO : 6.36362 mg/l [18:40:39] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV on Surface [18:40:45] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [18:41:10] Amy Wagner leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [18:44:02] Amy Wagner leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [18:44:52] robertcarney leaves the room [18:51:05] Amy Wagner leaves the room [18:55:42] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [18:56:50] EX1903L2_DIVE05 ROV Recovery Complete [19:14:43] johnreed leaves the room [19:14:44] jimmasterson leaves the room [19:30:13] kaseycantwell leaves the room [19:51:44] emilycrum leaves the room [20:22:32] jennahill leaves the room [20:39:44] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [20:57:43] kelleybrumley leaves the room [21:03:53] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [21:45:25] cristianacastellobranco leaves the room [22:04:52] kaseycantwell leaves the room [22:17:19] Amy Wagner leaves the room [22:25:31] timothyshank leaves the room [22:59:13] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room [23:44:58] kaseycantwell leaves the room [23:49:34] Alexis Weinnig leaves the room