[12:21:17] test [12:21:29] test [13:06:43] lesliesautter leaves the room [14:02:08] Hi All - we will have a dive planning call to discuss dives 1 and 2 today at 1600 EDT/1300 PDT. For this call, please tune in to video stream 3 on the low latency science video feed - https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream-full-res.html , and join us on the science teleconference line: 1- 866-617-5860, passcode: 1233798#. This is the same telecon and video link that you will use to participate in dives during the cruise. Talk to you soon! [14:15:57] jamesrawsthorne leaves the room [14:30:18] jamesrawsthorne leaves the room [14:43:23] iscwatch leaves the room [14:44:55] cherylmorrison leaves the room [14:44:56] jamesrawsthorne leaves the room [16:35:38] kaseycantwell leaves the room [18:52:26] lesliesautter leaves the room [20:16:21] taraluke leaves the room [23:31:12] cherylmorrison leaves the room