[01:17:31] laurenjackson leaves the room [01:48:38] nickpawlenko leaves the room [02:45:33] amybowman leaves the room [02:56:35] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [10:56:58] The Okeanos Explorer is currently on location at Perdido Canyon and completing the planned mapping survey. The ROV is scheduled to launch at 8:00 and we will have the pre-dive call at 8:30 CDT. [11:01:01] Link to SeaScribe dive log: https://divelog.oceannetworks.ca/Dive?diveId=1183 [11:04:41] adamskarke leaves the room [12:40:50] EX1803_DIVE05 Test message [12:41:24] chat-admin leaves the room [13:27:35] danielwagner leaves the room [13:32:02] The pre-dive call will start shortly. [13:32:56] We are holding briefly for engineering operations. [13:42:14] I have collected a lot of ROV video from this area using the Oceaneering systems on the Perdido Spar. It's an incredibly interesting area. Notable is the presence of large sleeper sharks that occur within a few meters of the bottom. [13:43:47] Thanks mark. What year was that? Was this an industry dive? [13:46:09] Since 2009 and through 2015. It's part of the Gulf SERPENT Project, a joint industry, BOEM and LSU program that uses industrial ROVs based on deepwater petroleum exploration and production facilities [13:51:00] thanks mark, thatt is very helpful! [13:51:14] I have been compiling an inventory of previous scientific dives from the southeast [13:51:46] u.s. region. Is there any chance to get access to the metadata of those dives? Or is this all propietary information? [13:52:18] We just have general dive info in the inventory (start lat, lon, depth, ship, rov, etc.) [13:52:33] No, it's all available. I can pull it from out database for all dives done from Perdido and the Noble Clyde Boudreau rig. [13:52:55] send me an email mbenfie@lsu.edu [13:53:23] that is great, i will send you an email later today to discuss. [13:53:26] adamskarke leaves the room [14:00:06] @danielwagner: this report has all the metadata though 2012. [14:00:09] https://www.boem.gov/ESPIS/5/5600.pdf [14:19:00] robertcarney leaves the room [14:20:15] rachelbassett leaves the room [14:44:47] ETA on seafloor is ~~1000 CT [14:47:53] adamskarke leaves the room [14:51:09] hello all [14:53:51] welcome asako [14:57:17] Hi daniel [14:58:02] rachelbassett leaves the room [15:00:14] Good morning Asako. Or evening. Or afternoon... so confusing! [15:02:47] I can almost guarantee you'll see some great variety at this site! [15:03:35] good morning [15:03:40] Ren Salgado and Rachel Basset here at the ECC in Charleston, SC. Hello everyone! [15:04:14] We are having some issues with phone line. [15:04:17] @Mark: I'm holding you to that! [15:04:25] Welcome Ren and Rachel! [15:04:32] No problems with the phone line at my end. [15:04:57] Issues are on our end [15:06:36] operating with marginal internet today. [15:07:42] Look - sediments! ... ;-) [15:08:01] @Bob: maybe we'll get more holos today. [15:08:48] "Pentagram" trace of holes [15:11:08] Hi Scott, its midnight...I don't know how to say....good night?? [15:14:22] @Asako: "Good night" if you are saying good bye or going to bed; "Good evening" as the greeting. [15:15:36] adamskarke leaves the room [15:20:01] sound looping (double) via Internet [15:21:31] adamskarke leaves the room [15:21:31] meganmcculler leaves the room [15:22:15] Cavolinia pteropod shell beside sponge. [15:22:17] @Scott: thank you! "good evening" is also possible to use as the greeting during 0:00-3:00 o'clock? we have sentence meaning "good night " as the greeting in Japanese but we don't have "evening" in Japan. [15:23:38] Diacria pteropod shell beside 2nd sponge [15:24:08] My experience between 0:00-3:00 o'clock is people are too tired for proper greetings. [15:28:21] Moving object behind sea pen? [15:29:01] Scott: agree. that is me, right now :) [15:29:57] Dead gorgonian stalk? [15:30:30] I feel it coudl be sponge stalk [15:31:08] It was a glass sponge stalk. You could see the individual silica fibers. [15:38:46] ophidiiform, maybe Dicrolene [15:39:01] nope, not Dicrolene [15:39:17] Bassogigas [15:39:27] roger that [15:40:51] Caudal looked different from Bassogigas [15:42:50] Bathypterois grallator [15:48:25] fewer large burrowing decapods this deep in GoM [15:49:49] adamskarke leaves the room [15:57:42] am bouncing between calls, so didn't get a screen grab of ophidiiform. I think you're right, Mark, looked more like a bythitid (live-bearing brotula) from memory... [15:59:06] Daniel gets great images - we can look again later... [15:59:30] amybowman leaves the room [15:59:34] absolutely, we will compile them and send them out for IDs [16:00:17] I still plan to look at ones you sent earlier (sorry for delay!) [16:00:57] stevenauscavitch leaves the room [16:01:55] no worries tracey, appreciate you looking at them (whenever you can) [16:04:09] completed 100 m transit [16:10:33] robertcarney leaves the room [16:15:24] Bathypterois phenax [16:17:20] great zoom - thanks [16:23:32] sedimentologists should appreciate what they actually study [16:24:28] michaelvecchione leaves the room [16:25:11] Well said Bob! [16:27:15] juvenile ophidiiform - couldn't tell what... [16:27:37] Enypniastes eximia [16:29:23] Kophobelemnon? [16:30:29] @Andrea: could be. Every time we have a lag between expeditions I have to relearn all the sea pens! [16:31:29] i think. makes sense too~~seems to do common in very soft seds [16:31:44] @Dan, Adam, or Nick: Can we make an announcement about the Facebook Live chat on the live stream, please? It is today from 1-1:30 PM, CDT. Facebook handle: OceanExplorationResearch [16:32:05] @Andrea: aren't all the sea pens!? [16:33:25] Thank you! [16:37:37] Hex with anemone on stalk [16:38:19] Large dark ophidioid seen earlier is very unusual. First 7 anterior L line pores in a low row, then a break with remaining pores arrayed along base of dorasl fin; pectorals atypically large with the distal ends of main rays all free from membrane; small caudal very distinct from anal and dorsal fins. No guess as to genus immediately [16:39:43] Thanks Daniel [16:40:45] that is great ken, we will get you some good close up photos [16:41:25] Large dark ophidioid has very large anterior nostril very low on snout = Bythitoidei [16:46:36] stevenauscavitch leaves the room [16:47:57] rachelbassett leaves the room [16:48:08] Mediaster? [16:50:53] Benthodytes typica [16:51:15] nickpawlenko leaves the room [16:52:16] not palopatides [16:53:30] danielwagner leaves the room [16:53:30] adamskarke leaves the room [16:55:15] thanks robert [16:57:53] enriquesalgado leaves the room [16:59:06] Hello All, Joining from the ECC at the Holling's Marine Lab in Charleston, SC. I'll be annotating simplified CMECS observations in SeaScribe taking over for Rachel Bassett from 1300-1700 EDT [16:59:18] agree about Bouma sequences yesterday [17:00:45] welcome Robert! [17:00:56] danielwagner leaves the room [17:02:28] danielwagner leaves the room [17:04:31] laurenjackson leaves the room [17:04:53] Benthodytes typica is one of the most abundant large inverts in deep GoM [17:06:09] here at least the top most layer of sediment quickly becomes a cucumber feces [17:11:52] Revised genus name: Ophiomusa lymani [17:15:25] Pop goes the sea star. [17:19:48] adamskarke leaves the room [17:23:48] adamskarke leaves the room [17:23:48] danielwagner leaves the room [17:27:08] such pits in the soft substrate in the GOM, housing an anenome or stalked barnacle, are not infrequently the site of a coal clinker fallen to the seafloor from steamships in an earlier era. Provides stochastic hard substrate for such hard-substrate seeking inverts. Look for abundant such pits in DeSoto Canyon where ships seem to have often discarded firebox clinkers. [17:29:49] adamskarke leaves the room [17:32:19] That is a cool observation, Ken. [17:33:28] bottom now is mottled [17:34:19] adamskarke leaves the room [17:35:06] On a previous USGS JSL mission in DeSoto Canyon, we collected several softball-size clinkers, each with several very large and possibly rather old gooseneck barnacles attached [17:36:11] very clear B. typica...same color range seen in collected material [17:37:00] note the two dorsal muscle bands [17:46:18] are the navigators updating distance travelled in order document 100m increments in seascribe? [17:46:51] yes, andrew [17:49:49] thanks [17:51:06] bcclass1 leaves the room [17:52:51] Does the Perdido Spar have surface to bottom ADCP? [17:57:12] we don't know, but I would expect that they do [17:59:39] http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=42390 but only to ~~4000ft [18:03:03] iscwatch2 leaves the room: Replaced by new connection [18:04:04] rock rubble- possible downslope transport [18:06:34] cliftonnunnally leaves the room [18:11:55] Bedded rock [18:12:38] Meandering feeding trace [18:14:53] Sedimentary rock layers. Heavily weathered. [18:16:16] bryozoans? [18:17:28] bryozoans! [18:18:51] rock weakly lithified [18:18:58] Megan, any idea on ID? [18:19:31] exfoliating surface [18:22:52] @Daniel a cyclostome. maybe a species of Idmidronea? It's hard to tell. [18:24:17] possible fault [18:30:12] heatherjudkins leaves the room [18:30:20] Benthothuria [18:31:20] Very thick firm body wall that turns to soup when collected [18:31:47] roger that, we won't make soup... [18:33:54] kensulak leaves the room [18:34:50] adamskarke leaves the room [18:35:02] aphyonid? [18:35:54] Acanthonus armatus [18:37:22] hmmm... bony-eared assfish. Nuff said. [18:40:03] Hi Tina [18:40:18] hi here [18:41:36] zoamthids [18:41:50] Sympagurus [18:42:31] furry arm pilosomanus [18:42:38] can we zoom at anemones? [18:42:57] they're cup corals [18:43:21] yep, they are weird [18:44:51] adamskarke leaves the room [18:45:45] are you sure that these were cupcorals? [18:45:51] pity it was no macro [18:46:38] agtree with scott or seapen [18:48:32] seapen [18:48:46] Anthoptilum [18:49:26] it is curved, Scott... [18:49:51] crooked better tell [18:52:45] seastar [18:53:09] adamskarke leaves the room [18:58:04] Sargassum [18:59:09] actually a lot of traces. perhaps holothurian traces, but not animals [19:01:04] cupcoral [19:01:13] sponge [19:02:27] Sabellid tube [19:02:39] complex burrow casts? [19:03:28] semi-fossil mud tubes eroding out [19:05:17] odd color [19:10:15] Decaying sponge? [19:10:25] with overgrowth...? [19:10:46] scaphopod [19:11:18] Ah yes - decaying bryozoan! [19:11:37] agreed [19:12:38] tubeanemone [19:13:24] I'm liking the bryozoans. Wish we would get some hard bottom to maybe see more! [19:14:06] I think most of us were hoping for that, megan [19:14:09] actuallly...I never heard about cupcorals with parapagurids... [19:14:30] I know :) [19:15:09] another pink/orange bottom or color balance issue [19:15:19] @Tina: ditto. I assumed those were zoanthids. [19:15:38] me too [19:16:04] 6 arms for Chris...should be easy [19:16:13] @scott, agreed, but they were quite distinctive... pity it was no zoom [19:16:28] bivalve? [19:16:46] nope) anemone [19:17:03] @Tina: fooled me too. [19:17:15] Looked like an Acesta from a distance. [19:17:19] carolynruppel leaves the room [19:17:37] @scott, some scallops look the same way) [19:17:44] another anemone [19:18:20] buried saestar [19:18:58] the 6armed seastar may be Ampheraster alaminos http://echinoblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/5-echinoderm-highlights-from-okeanos.html [19:19:41] adamskarke leaves the room [19:20:04] danielwagner leaves the room [19:21:55] danielwagner leaves the room [19:23:40] scottfrance leaves the room [19:23:50] danielwagner leaves the room [19:25:47] mysid Eucopia in the ROV's wake [19:31:09] jillbourque leaves the room [19:32:10] robertmcguinn leaves the room [19:36:04] What is absolutely amazing about this dive relative to other dives is the LACK of Cyclothone and chaetognaths. I can't believe how few we have seen. [19:37:09] robertcarney leaves the room [19:37:54] Yesterday (and the day before) ctenophores were common, and I don't recall seeing a single one today. Granted, we are significantly deeper... [19:39:01] scottfrance leaves the room [19:39:32] @traceysutton - very true!! [19:41:09] andreaquattrini leaves the room [19:41:21] adamskarke leaves the room [19:41:34] amandademopoulos leaves the room [19:44:41] nolanbarrett leaves the room [19:44:48] danielwagner leaves the room [19:47:29] andrewshuler leaves the room [19:47:40] asakomatsumoto leaves the room [19:47:51] 3 pm post-dive call - copy. [19:48:21] jonathanjackson leaves the room [19:48:49] adamskarke leaves the room [19:48:56] danielwagner leaves the room [19:49:07] traceysutton leaves the room [19:52:49] briankennedy leaves the room [19:54:20] meganmcculler leaves the room [19:55:56] iscwatch2 leaves the room [19:59:14] kelleyelliott leaves the room [19:59:34] scottfrance leaves the room [20:00:45] tinamolodtsova leaves the room [20:05:30] amybowman leaves the room [20:23:59] danielwagner leaves the room [20:30:51] laurenjackson leaves the room [20:38:52] megancromwell leaves the room [22:18:24] bcclass1 leaves the room [23:51:02] chat-admin leaves the room