08/17/2015,00:00:15,Scott, This is clearly a branch, not a recruit on a whip 08/17/2015,00:00:27,Scott, Well, "clrearly" to me! 08/17/2015,00:00:39,Amy, I agreee scott 08/17/2015,00:00:57,Amy, or at least the soft tissue fused long ago 08/17/2015,00:01:53,asakomatsumoto,what a nice view 08/17/2015,00:03:11,Scott, 2x SQA on CORA 08/17/2015,00:04:09,Scott, Chris wakes up screaming at night: "It was a Parantipathes!" 08/17/2015,00:04:40,Amy, Primnoid below? 08/17/2015,00:04:45,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes conferta 08/17/2015,00:06:31,Scott, Chris is praising the hydroids, right? 08/17/2015,00:09:57,Scott, Going to step out dinner. Back shortly. 08/17/2015,00:10:56,asakomatsumoto,see you very soon Scott 08/17/2015,00:11:09,Amy, there were some young octos under there 08/17/2015,00:12:40,leswatling,Agree Amy, would be good to have a longer more lingering look at the smaller stuff in these areas where the corals are dense. 08/17/2015,00:20:33,okeanosexplorer, ASR - Asthenactis papyraceus 08/17/2015,00:21:07,Amy, No worries 08/17/2015,00:21:20,Amy, How much bottom time left? 08/17/2015,00:21:41,okeanosexplorer,~1.15h 08/17/2015,00:21:47,Amy, Thanks 08/17/2015,00:23:40,leswatling,there is some strange bleed over on the audio for some advertisment. It runs about 30 sec., is very loud, and repeats itself... Now its and ad from some country music thing 08/17/2015,00:24:44,okeanosexplorer,Do you know what the advertisement is for? 08/17/2015,00:25:06,okeanosexplorer,thanks les, we are looking into it 08/17/2015,00:25:06,okexnav,LAT :25.81380, LON : -171.09174, DEPTH :1584.9894m, TEMP : 2.35809C, SAL : 34.58202 PSU, DO : 2.31050 mg/L 08/17/2015,00:25:25,leswatling,it always ends in something dot com.... the last version played some country music and I think it was for an album 08/17/2015,00:26:21,katharinewoodard,@leswatling From Roland: please check that no other programs are running in any browser tabs 08/17/2015,00:27:00,leswatling,thanks, I do have other browser tabs open... maybe that is it.... will close them.... 08/17/2015,00:27:53,asakomatsumoto,Les, I do not have any kind of ad or country music thing here. maybe it should be your own computer problem. 08/17/2015,00:29:29,leswatling,thanks Asako... I think it was a reboot of an advert on Weather Underground.... interesting problem...quick fix. Thanks 08/17/2015,00:29:55,Scott, URC 08/17/2015,00:30:08,okeanosexplorer,sperosoma cf. obscurum 08/17/2015,00:30:14,asakomatsumoto,welcome back Scott! 08/17/2015,00:30:30,Scott, Thanks! 08/17/2015,00:30:49,leswatling,eating fast tonight! 08/17/2015,00:31:39,Scott, Hard to pass this up! 08/17/2015,00:31:58,Scott, Note I have been working in the kitchen for the 1.5 hours prior to eating! 08/17/2015,00:32:17,okeanosexplorer,you are a machine, scott 08/17/2015,00:32:25,asakomatsumoto,This is first time for me to see sea urchin during the this cruise dive. 08/17/2015,00:32:43,Scott, There certainly haven't been many... 08/17/2015,00:34:34,iscwatch,test 08/17/2015,00:35:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81377, LON : -171.09126, DEPTH :1574.8691m, TEMP : 2.38021C, SAL : 34.58068 PSU, DO : 2.29615 mg/L 08/17/2015,00:36:27,leswatling,that was weird... just got a message I kicked off the chat 08/17/2015,00:36:42,asakomatsumoto,test 08/17/2015,00:36:43,Scott, We all did Les 08/17/2015,00:37:29,Scott, So are we looking at two species of Iridogorgids here? 08/17/2015,00:37:40,Scott, Rhodaniridogorgia and I. bella? 08/17/2015,00:37:53,Scott, Lots of stoloniferous CORO 08/17/2015,00:37:54,okeanosexplorer,yes, looks like it scott 08/17/2015,00:39:59,leswatling,sorry was watching things on full screen 08/17/2015,00:44:25,Scott, Fascinating how quickly we can go from dense assemblage of sessile fauna to "bare" (not completely of course) rock 08/17/2015,00:44:38,okeanosexplorer,i agree 08/17/2015,00:45:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81392, LON : -171.09092, DEPTH :1570.2207m, TEMP : 2.42346C, SAL : 34.57578 PSU, DO : 2.27172 mg/L 08/17/2015,00:45:12,asakomatsumoto,it was patchy oasis... 08/17/2015,00:45:26,Scott, Yes 08/17/2015,00:45:36,leswatling,yeah, very neat.... I was just thinking about the barnacles from a few days ago, forming a stripe along the rocks... 08/17/2015,00:46:38,Scott, Battle line of coprals! 08/17/2015,00:46:41,Scott, corals 08/17/2015,00:46:55,leswatling,this tells us something about larval delivery, but what exactly? 08/17/2015,00:46:57,Scott, Retracted anemone… 08/17/2015,00:47:15,Scott, Wow! Fooled! 08/17/2015,00:47:25,Scott, Can see the tube feet at lower left 08/17/2015,00:47:40,Scott, Great view 08/17/2015,00:48:24,leswatling,is it on top of something that is being ingested? 08/17/2015,00:48:26,asakomatsumoto,you should have new screen shot Scott! 08/17/2015,00:48:32,Scott, @! 08/17/2015,00:48:35,Scott, 2! 08/17/2015,00:49:50,Scott, Big Stauropathes CORA 08/17/2015,00:53:19,asakomatsumoto,quite small colonies. new recruitment? 08/17/2015,00:53:32,Scott, Pleasure joining you! 08/17/2015,00:54:33,asakomatsumoto,I'm very happy to joining this exciting dive! 08/17/2015,00:54:40,Scott, Not dead yet! 08/17/2015,00:55:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81416, LON : -171.09068, DEPTH :1566.2889m, TEMP : 2.42183C, SAL : 34.57511 PSU, DO : 2.24417 mg/L 08/17/2015,00:55:19,leswatling,this is the hyrdroid Solanderia 08/17/2015,00:55:28,Scott, So Les - is that long bones? 08/17/2015,00:55:38,leswatling,we saw a large fan of it a couple of days ago. 08/17/2015,00:55:51,leswatling,Yep, this is "long bones" 08/17/2015,00:56:02,Scott, Les: was the yellow color at base of HYD a clue to Solandaria? 08/17/2015,00:57:01,leswatling,yeah, the yellow color and the thickness of the combined coenosarc (I think that's the right term.... pulling it out from deep memory) 08/17/2015,00:58:27,Scott, @Les: coenosarc - yes - that is the living part connecting polyps 08/17/2015,00:59:17,Scott, Did we get a second biology sample? 08/17/2015,00:59:22,leswatling,so perisarc is the term for the covering? If so, then perisarc is the right term 08/17/2015,00:59:26,Scott, while I was away? 08/17/2015,00:59:45,leswatling,nothing was collected while you were away 08/17/2015,00:59:46,okeanosexplorer,no second biolgy sample yet 08/17/2015,00:59:53,Scott, @Les: perisarc is the "exoskeleton" 08/17/2015,00:59:57,Scott, Copy thta Daniel 08/17/2015,01:05:10,okexnav,LAT :25.81400, LON : -171.09012, DEPTH :1561.3895m, TEMP : 2.45215C, SAL : 34.57272 PSU, DO : 2.21922 mg/L 08/17/2015,01:05:57,leswatling,these Metallogorgia are very old, judging by the size of the top of the colony and the density of the polyps 08/17/2015,01:05:59,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Parantipathes sp. 08/17/2015,01:06:18,Scott, The bigger stuff is less likely to move/roll over during the long lifetime of an octocoral 08/17/2015,01:06:44,Scott, Or get buried in areas of high sedimentation 08/17/2015,01:07:58,asakomatsumoto,And good to get food when it is on higher place (like basket stars). 08/17/2015,01:08:10,okeanosexplorer,COR - Desmophyllum? 08/17/2015,01:10:49,Scott, Agree - probably CORPR Candidella 08/17/2015,01:12:01,Scott, Right Chris: relative to other primnoids 08/17/2015,01:13:01,Scott, C. gigantea described by Wright & Studer in 1889 08/17/2015,01:13:29,Scott, Collected during Challenger expedition 08/17/2015,01:13:46,Scott, They did not have an ROV and HD camera, FYI... 08/17/2015,01:13:58,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes and Parantipathes 08/17/2015,01:14:18,Scott, Can see it. It is green! ;-) 08/17/2015,01:14:34,Scott, Now normal 08/17/2015,01:14:50,Scott, CPEN Anthoptilum 08/17/2015,01:15:06,okexnav,LAT :25.81414, LON : -171.08976, DEPTH :1555.7397m, TEMP : 2.47052C, SAL : 34.57349 PSU, DO : 2.17212 mg/L 08/17/2015,01:15:11,Scott, So has an Anthoptilum(?) rock pen been collected from Hawaii? 08/17/2015,01:15:39,Amy, I think we got one on Necker 08/17/2015,01:16:25,Scott, Thanks Amy. 08/17/2015,01:16:31,Scott, Just wanted to be sure. 08/17/2015,01:16:35,Amy, I think we got one, I'm not 100%sure 08/17/2015,01:17:01,Amy, Any more of the pink paragorgia? 08/17/2015,01:17:05,Scott, Sea pens in sediments often are anchored in burrows and then can scoot dowen into them 08/17/2015,01:17:11,Amy, it woill make a fun video anyway if it does 08/17/2015,01:17:16,Scott, But if they have a skeleton they cannot compress it. 08/17/2015,01:17:19,okeanosexplorer,no pink corallium anywhere 08/17/2015,01:17:23,Amy, POL 08/17/2015,01:17:33,okeanosexplorer,on ridge crest 08/17/2015,01:17:36,Amy, in sediment 08/17/2015,01:18:09,Amy, Not sure this is one you want 08/17/2015,01:19:05,Amy, Isn't the alternating polyps unusual? 08/17/2015,01:19:25,leswatling,agree Amy, this is very different.... 08/17/2015,01:19:50,Scott, CPEN 08/17/2015,01:20:09,okeanosexplorer,CPREN - Protoptilum 08/17/2015,01:21:18,Scott, Another possibility is CPEN Scleroptilum 08/17/2015,01:21:36,okeanosexplorer,thanks scott 08/17/2015,01:22:28,Scott, ZOA? 08/17/2015,01:22:38,Scott, Nope 08/17/2015,01:22:46,Amy, what's that crinoid doing? 08/17/2015,01:22:50,Scott, Paramuriceid…? 08/17/2015,01:23:15,leswatling,is this the robust Acaanthogorgia? if so we should get it 08/17/2015,01:23:27,Amy, Did we not sample this a couple days ago? 08/17/2015,01:24:06,Amy, we collected a yellow plexaurid on Salmon 08/17/2015,01:24:08,Scott, I don't recall either… maybe? 08/17/2015,01:24:14,leswatling,yeah it looks like the polyps go into a pocket on the axis 08/17/2015,01:24:25,leswatling,I think we shold take it 08/17/2015,01:24:49,asakomatsumoto,I dont think it is Acanthogorgia but not sure 08/17/2015,01:24:52,Amy, worth looking at that crinoid closer, it is kind of backwards 08/17/2015,01:25:03,Scott, Definite spines at top of polyp 08/17/2015,01:25:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81419, LON : -171.08950, DEPTH :1553.3792m, TEMP : 2.46517C, SAL : 34.57234 PSU, DO : 2.19807 mg/L 08/17/2015,01:25:17,Amy, How much of dive left? 08/17/2015,01:25:51,Amy, Yeah we haven't collected an actual acantho this trip I don't think 08/17/2015,01:25:53,Scott, Can also see en chvron pattern of sclerites on polyp neck = Acanthogorgia 08/17/2015,01:25:57,asakomatsumoto,No I'm not sure 08/17/2015,01:26:03,Scott, "en chevron" 08/17/2015,01:26:15,leswatling,its not too big so maybe can take whole thing 08/17/2015,01:26:19,Amy, check out the CRI please before collect, it is face into the colony 08/17/2015,01:26:46,asakomatsumoto,its really thick branch. 08/17/2015,01:27:10,leswatling,I am thinking its a plexaurid, but not Paramuricea.... 08/17/2015,01:27:24,Amy, will want to cut it 08/17/2015,01:27:26,asakomatsumoto,Hi Tina. welcome back 08/17/2015,01:27:37,Amy, they pop off easy 08/17/2015,01:27:46,leswatling,you should take the whole thing 08/17/2015,01:27:51,Amy, CRINOID view please 08/17/2015,01:29:01,leswatling,take it at the base 08/17/2015,01:29:08,Amy, not allowed les 08/17/2015,01:29:34,leswatling,really? 08/17/2015,01:29:54,Amy, yeah not in monument, only pieces 08/17/2015,01:30:26,leswatling,for small colonies, that's ridiculous 08/17/2015,01:30:40,leswatling,the rest of it will probably die anyway 08/17/2015,01:33:15,Amy, i'm impressed 08/17/2015,01:34:00,leswatling,me too! but we need to work on the monument folks so that this is no longer necessary. 08/17/2015,01:34:23,Jonathan, wow, buzzer beater for the win! 08/17/2015,01:34:24,okeanosexplorer,collected coral, SPEC04BIO, 1553m, -171.08942, 25.81419 08/17/2015,01:34:41,Scott, Good call Jonathan! 08/17/2015,01:35:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81417, LON : -171.08943, DEPTH :1553.5875m, TEMP : 2.47897C, SAL : 34.57227 PSU, DO : 2.17925 mg/L 08/17/2015,01:35:36,Scott, Get some sleep, Chris!! ;-) 08/17/2015,01:35:44,Amy, I'm curious why that crinoid is face into the colony, not as obvious from this angles 08/17/2015,01:36:00,tinamolodtsova,OK, take it at the base and leave few polyps 08/17/2015,01:36:16,leswatling,looks dead 08/17/2015,01:36:27,Scott, CRI arms wrapped around coral branches - also unusual 08/17/2015,01:36:29,Amy, That's why I wanted to look 08/17/2015,01:36:33,leswatling,no pinnules on the arms 08/17/2015,01:36:53,Amy, doesn't look like he's well 08/17/2015,01:37:20,Scott, He is upside down... 08/17/2015,01:37:32,tinamolodtsova,may be it is a revenge? corals vs echinodermata? 08/17/2015,01:37:46,leswatling,haha Tina 08/17/2015,01:37:56,Amy, Oh I get what Chris is saying 08/17/2015,01:38:17,Amy, We saw that stalked one a few days ago that looked like it was regenerrating 08/17/2015,01:38:24,leswatling,or its a developing juvenile 08/17/2015,01:38:46,asakomatsumoto,I could see spines. I have changed my mind. 08/17/2015,01:39:57,leswatling,another nice dive! see everyone! definitely a plexaurid.... ha! 08/17/2015,01:40:04,Amy, I agree w chris, seems like its regenerating its arms 08/17/2015,01:40:51,Amy, Saw crown of spines though les during that extra zoom 08/17/2015,01:41:38,leswatling,there is a crown of spines in plexaurids which are visible when the polyp is partially contracted 08/17/2015,01:41:59,Jonathan, are we having the post-dive meeting now or in 15 min? 08/17/2015,01:42:07,leswatling,so I guess we see what that little piece of the colony will tell us.... 08/17/2015,01:42:10,Scott, At 10 to the hour 08/17/2015,01:42:20,okeanosexplorer,we willhave the call at 350HST 08/17/2015,01:42:22,leswatling,see y'all! 08/17/2015,01:42:23,Scott, Jonathan: at 10 minutes to the hour 08/17/2015,01:42:29,Scott, Ciao Les 08/17/2015,01:42:35,Jonathan, got it thanks 08/17/2015,01:42:47,Amy, Then how do you tell acantho from plexaurids usually? 08/17/2015,01:43:39,Scott, I typically do so by relative height/width of polyp (narrow in Acantho) and thickness of coenenchyme (thin in Acantho)... 08/17/2015,01:43:45,Scott, But is that consistent? 08/17/2015,01:43:52,Scott, Don't know. Works in N Atlantic 08/17/2015,01:44:44,tinamolodtsova,Acanth in Pacific is very different 08/17/2015,01:45:06,okexnav,LAT :25.81399, LON : -171.08997, DEPTH :1506.4002m, TEMP : 2.60011C, SAL : 34.56041 PSU, DO : 2.05585 mg/L 08/17/2015,01:45:25,Scott, It is a huge genus so I shouldn't reduce it to such simplistic chatracters 08/17/2015,01:45:28,asakomatsumoto,genus Acanthogorgia has spines but other genus of Acanthogorgiidae do not have spines. 08/17/2015,01:45:33,Scott, The family needs work! 08/17/2015,01:45:49,Scott, Agreed: Calcigorgia so different 08/17/2015,01:46:20,Scott, But some paramuriceids do have spines. e.g. Placogorgia 08/17/2015,01:46:21,asakomatsumoto,and Acalycigorgia too. 08/17/2015,01:47:33,asakomatsumoto,I mean Acalycigorgia do not have spine. 08/17/2015,01:47:40,Scott, Understood. 08/17/2015,01:49:28,asakomatsumoto,Scott, well I'm partially going to work on Acanghogorgiidae...:) 08/17/2015,01:52:36,Scott, My student Jana did genetic work on the Aleutian Calcigorgia. I hope she will be finished a manuscript soon. 08/17/2015,01:52:41,Scott, I will share with you. 08/17/2015,01:53:34,asakomatsumoto,that sound interesting Scott! We have SO MUCH Acanthogorgiidae in Japan. 08/17/2015,01:53:37,tinamolodtsova,I looked at that crinoid... these are not arms. these are cirri. regenerating arms 08/17/2015,01:53:49,Scott, We all agree Tina. 08/17/2015,01:55:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81411, LON : -171.08978, DEPTH :1182.9565m, TEMP : 3.28785C, SAL : 34.48139 PSU, DO : 1.50873 mg/L 08/17/2015,01:58:11,tinamolodtsova,very strange axe 08/17/2015,01:59:15,tinamolodtsova,and// too many barnacles for a healthy colony 08/17/2015,02:01:06,tinamolodtsova,however barnacles are mostly sitting where crinoid was attached and the axe was exposed 08/17/2015,02:01:37,Scott, Barnacles ate the crinoid arms! ;-) 08/17/2015,02:01:45,Scott, See you tomorrow Tina. 08/17/2015,02:01:47,tinamolodtsova,no 08/17/2015,02:02:02,tinamolodtsova,ok) see you 08/17/2015,02:02:02,iscwatch,ISC standing by 08/17/2015,02:02:20,iscwatch,If you would like us to dial in let us know 08/17/2015,02:02:21,Roland, we have some questions in reference to the feeds if anyone can dial back into the conference call 08/17/2015,02:02:40,Roland, we were getting conflicting reports 08/17/2015,02:03:16,iscwatch,For the most part, stream 1 and 2 were watchable 08/17/2015,02:03:23,iscwatch,Moreso than most dives 08/17/2015,02:03:32,asakomatsumoto,Thank you very much for everyone for the excellent dive. see you tomorrow. 08/17/2015,02:03:47,tinamolodtsova,have a nice day Asako! 08/17/2015,02:04:23,Roland, we are on the conference call wiht a couple people discussing the quality of streams 1 & 2 if anyone else can dial in 08/17/2015,02:05:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81422, LON : -171.08852, DEPTH : 858.5725m, TEMP : 4.09634C, SAL : 34.31711 PSU, DO : 0.90871 mg/L 08/17/2015,02:15:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81390, LON : -171.08684, DEPTH : 530.5083m, TEMP : 6.58208C, SAL : 34.04237 PSU, DO : 3.61605 mg/L 08/17/2015,02:25:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81384, LON : -171.08507, DEPTH : 199.4697m, TEMP : 14.43919C, SAL : 34.49152 PSU, DO : 6.72095 mg/L 08/17/2015,02:35:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81393, LON : -171.08472, DEPTH : 9.1867m, TEMP : 27.37761C, SAL : 35.48167 PSU, DO : 6.60142 mg/L 08/17/2015,18:35:19,okexnav,LAT :25.63919, LON : -168.85187, DEPTH : 465.8547m, TEMP : 8.71542C, SAL : 34.09409 PSU, DO : 5.47149 mg/L 08/17/2015,18:45:21,okexnav,LAT :25.63880, LON : -168.85058, DEPTH : 784.6357m, TEMP : 4.93252C, SAL : 34.24306 PSU, DO : 1.37403 mg/L 08/17/2015,18:55:22,okexnav,LAT :25.63831, LON : -168.84991, DEPTH :1104.4713m, TEMP : 3.61413C, SAL : 34.45043 PSU, DO : 1.36596 mg/L 08/17/2015,18:59:59,ircecc,The telecon is inaudible at the IRC. Can the volume be increased? 08/17/2015,19:00:38,ircecc,We have our volume set at maximum and we can barely hear you. 08/17/2015,19:01:17,okeanosexplorer,thanks 08/17/2015,19:01:42,okeanosexplorer,let me check if this is better 08/17/2015,19:02:18,ircecc,Getting a little louder, but not much 08/17/2015,19:02:24,okeanosexplorer,was that better? 08/17/2015,19:02:43,Jonathan, can't hear anything here at the UH ECC 08/17/2015,19:03:12,okeanosexplorer,working on it right now 08/17/2015,19:03:14,ircecc,Can't hear anything at IRC now. 08/17/2015,19:05:08,Scott, Are you guys aware that Fledermaus is still streaming on camera 1? 08/17/2015,19:05:16,okexnav,LAT :25.63828, LON : -168.84978, DEPTH :1402.3761m, TEMP : 2.76186C, SAL : 34.55048 PSU, DO : 2.01219 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:05:34,Scott, I agree with pilot! Science mikes are muted 08/17/2015,19:05:50,Scott, I can hear pilots fine on video but not science 08/17/2015,19:05:59,Scott, Can't hear you on telecon either 08/17/2015,19:06:11,Scott, Although lots of mike bumping now! 08/17/2015,19:06:40,Amy, Can hear you on video feed 08/17/2015,19:07:01,Amy, fledermaus still on camrea 1 08/17/2015,19:09:47,okeanosexplorer,fledermaus display still there ? 08/17/2015,19:10:33,Scott, Nope. Can see bottom now 08/17/2015,19:10:39,okeanosexplorer,excellent 08/17/2015,19:15:26,okexnav,LAT :25.63791, LON : -168.84987, DEPTH :1560.2870m, TEMP : 2.57571C, SAL : 34.56749 PSU, DO : 2.22515 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:18:50,Scott, Barrenness here will make the wall and crest all the sweeter! 08/17/2015,19:18:54,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,19:18:56,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,19:19:27,brucemundy,Aldrovanidia 08/17/2015,19:19:41,brucemundy,Halosauridae 08/17/2015,19:20:56,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,19:21:03,mackenziegarringer,Checking 08/17/2015,19:21:50,mackenziegarringer,Thanks, Bruce. 08/17/2015,19:23:08,brucemundy,Second Aldrovandia 08/17/2015,19:24:35,Scott, Impressive water clarity. 08/17/2015,19:25:17,okexnav,LAT :25.63793, LON : -168.84993, DEPTH :1561.3830m, TEMP : 2.57729C, SAL : 34.56807 PSU, DO : 2.20567 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:25:43,Scott, CORI 08/17/2015,19:25:46,Scott, whip 08/17/2015,19:26:55,Scott, w/SQA 08/17/2015,19:27:39,Scott, Prominent needles on polyp 08/17/2015,19:27:52,Scott, Yup - Lepidisis (for now!) 08/17/2015,19:28:20,brucemundy,Halosauridae - (from Wikipedia)  a Greek compound word, hals meaning "sea" and sauros meaning "lizard". The genus Aldrovandia is named after an Italian ichthyologist 08/17/2015,19:28:31,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,19:28:49,mackenziegarringer,Halosaur 08/17/2015,19:28:53,brucemundy,Aldrovanidia again (Halosauridae) 08/17/2015,19:30:05,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,19:30:24,brucemundy,Can't get a good look at the pelvic fins. Two species. Aldrovandia affinis has the pelvic fins approximately beneath the dorsal fin. Aldrovandia phalacra has the pelvic fins in advance of the dordal fin. 08/17/2015,19:30:31,brucemundy,Synaphobranchidae 08/17/2015,19:31:01,brucemundy,Dorsal fin origin is far back on body, as Chris just said (my typing is slow). 08/17/2015,19:31:22,brucemundy,That should make it Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis. MacKenzie? 08/17/2015,19:31:23,mackenziegarringer,Very robust 08/17/2015,19:31:49,mackenziegarringer,Is the caudal fin distinct? 08/17/2015,19:35:03,mackenziegarringer,We get the synaphobranchids down to over 6000 m. They're scavengers that come to carrion falls, but seem to have to wait until something with a strong jaw (like a shark or macrourid) tears the bait or carrion open. I agree with Bruce on that ID, best guess Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis. 08/17/2015,19:35:14,okexnav,LAT :25.63815, LON : -168.84996, DEPTH :1558.9043m, TEMP : 2.57616C, SAL : 34.56688 PSU, DO : 2.21873 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:35:28,Nicole, CORI 08/17/2015,19:35:31,Scott, CORI Isidella 08/17/2015,19:35:54,Scott, {Isidella for now! It is actually an undescribed genus 08/17/2015,19:36:24,Scott, Another initeresting note is that it is this species that we sequenced the first mitochondrial genome of a deep sea octocoral 08/17/2015,19:36:53,Scott, It turned out to be - at the time - the first "different" mitochondrial gene arrangement seen in an octocoral... 08/17/2015,19:37:56,Scott, and overturned the notion that octocorals have no variability in mt gene arrangement 08/17/2015,19:39:03,Scott, I was doing too much typing and not enough looking… Did you notice needles in those polyps? 08/17/2015,19:39:36,okeanosexplorer,yes, needles in the polyps 08/17/2015,19:39:47,Scott, That morphology is another good example of something that looks like a whip for a long period of its life, until it gets to a height where it begins to produce the lyre branches. 08/17/2015,19:40:14,Scott, So the whip we saw earlier could be an as-yet unbranced lyrate form. 08/17/2015,19:40:14,okexnav,LAT :25.63820, LON : -168.85005, DEPTH :1557.2466m, TEMP : 2.58465C, SAL : 34.57544 PSU, DO : 2.19790 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:40:27,okeanosexplorer,roger that 08/17/2015,19:41:55,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,19:42:47,okeanosexplorer,FSH - Aldrovandia 08/17/2015,19:43:36,mackenziegarringer,Halosaur 08/17/2015,19:43:47,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,19:43:54,brucemundy,Looks like the pelvic fins are approximatelty below the dorsal fin - A. affinis. Mackenzie? 08/17/2015,19:44:00,brucemundy,Macrouridae 08/17/2015,19:44:46,brucemundy,Long first pelvic fin rays 08/17/2015,19:44:54,Scott, Video feedback: A little bit of video stuttering this morning, but not too bad and not freezing to still images. 08/17/2015,19:45:16,okeanosexplorer,round-nose fish from previous dives? 08/17/2015,19:45:33,okexnav,LAT :25.63836, LON : -168.85014, DEPTH :1552.7045m, TEMP : 2.58280C, SAL : 34.56804 PSU, DO : 2.20050 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:45:58,brucemundy,Could be the same thing, but this one looks a little different to me. I can't make a guess at the moment. 08/17/2015,19:46:41,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,19:46:42,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,19:46:55,brucemundy,True eel 08/17/2015,19:47:14,mackenziegarringer,Synaphobranchid 08/17/2015,19:47:19,brucemundy,Probably Synaphobranchidae, but looks different than the S. brevidorsalis that we saw earlier 08/17/2015,19:47:40,mackenziegarringer,Didn't get a close enough look to get to species 08/17/2015,19:47:46,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,19:48:11,okeanosexplorer,ACN 08/17/2015,19:48:31,brucemundy,Another Aldrovandia, but it swan across the upper edge of the video quickly so I didn't get a good look. 08/17/2015,19:48:41,Scott, ACN 08/17/2015,19:48:51,okeanosexplorer,Hormethiidae 08/17/2015,19:50:10,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,19:50:38,okeanosexplorer,ASR - Brisingid 08/17/2015,19:50:39,brucemundy,Ophidiidae 08/17/2015,19:51:27,brucemundy,Not an Ophidiidae? Maybe a short-bodied true eel? Mackenzie? 08/17/2015,19:51:41,okeanosexplorer,Congridae? 08/17/2015,19:53:31,Scott, CORI whip 08/17/2015,19:53:36,Scott, "Lepidisis" 08/17/2015,19:53:49,Amy, SPO farrea 08/17/2015,19:54:40,Scott, Your tuirn for the rivalry today, Amy! 08/17/2015,19:54:57,Amy, Yup 08/17/2015,19:55:10,Amy, We'll just start saying Chris is at Hawaii State 08/17/2015,19:55:21,Amy, Hey so what did the coral end up being yesterday?! 08/17/2015,19:55:33,okexnav,LAT :25.63869, LON : -168.85028, DEPTH :1545.0666m, TEMP : 2.57363C, SAL : 34.56679 PSU, DO : 2.21904 mg/L 08/17/2015,19:55:35,okeanosexplorer,not a paragorgia 08/17/2015,19:56:06,Scott, Amy owes me 5 bucks! ;-) 08/17/2015,19:56:48,Amy, Awww.. bummer 08/17/2015,19:56:51,Amy, What is it? 08/17/2015,19:57:32,okeanosexplorer,i don't know those groups that well 08/17/2015,19:57:44,okeanosexplorer,but can send in the photos today 08/17/2015,19:58:02,Scott, Or we can meet you at the dock as you pull in! ;-) 08/17/2015,19:58:57,Amy, CORO Anthomastus 08/17/2015,19:59:10,Scott, An interesting question about this type of geology is whether it is the rate of erosion or the substrate type which results in the lower number of corals seen. 08/17/2015,19:59:25,okeanosexplorer,i agree 08/17/2015,19:59:32,Amy, Scott we'll have to find another one to disagree on so we can even the bet 08/17/2015,19:59:36,Scott, In canyons we can come across carbonate walls with dense patches of corals... 08/17/2015,19:59:47,Scott, next to areas of walls with NO corals... 08/17/2015,19:59:55,Scott, and we see clear evidence... 08/17/2015,20:00:00,Scott, for wall failures. 08/17/2015,20:00:21,Scott, suggesting the long-term stability doesn't support coral growth for long 08/17/2015,20:00:38,Scott, @Amy: I'm sure that won't be a problem! 08/17/2015,20:04:01,Scott, CORI whip 08/17/2015,20:04:33,Scott, Yesterday was laundry, today it is personal hygiene. 08/17/2015,20:04:44,Scott, ;-) 08/17/2015,20:05:33,okexnav,LAT :25.63892, LON : -168.85054, DEPTH :1528.9317m, TEMP : 2.59697C, SAL : 34.56661 PSU, DO : 2.17373 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:06:45,Scott, Young bamboo coral…? 08/17/2015,20:11:11,Scott, CORC 08/17/2015,20:12:11,Amy, with OPH 08/17/2015,20:12:26,okeanosexplorer,Asteroschema? 08/17/2015,20:12:34,Amy, I THINK 08/17/2015,20:12:41,Amy, sorry caps was down 08/17/2015,20:13:19,Scott, I don't know but look at that bamboo corl in the background! ;-) 08/17/2015,20:13:20,Amy, If I had to guess, I would say this and most of ones we have zoomed on are likely abyssale 08/17/2015,20:13:28,Scott, Note: that was NOT a request for a zoom 08/17/2015,20:13:57,Scott, I am not wagering on this one Amy. 08/17/2015,20:14:21,Amy, I was noticing the polyps protruding from the skeelton, which abyssale does, but some others do too 08/17/2015,20:15:18,okexnav,LAT :25.63901, LON : -168.85049, DEPTH :1523.8027m, TEMP : 2.59005C, SAL : 34.56686 PSU, DO : 2.20483 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:15:25,Scott, Looks dead 08/17/2015,20:17:03,brucemundy,FSH in midwater above ROV 08/17/2015,20:17:19,brucemundy,On feed 2 08/17/2015,20:18:57,brucemundy,There be dragonfish! Har! 08/17/2015,20:19:06,Scott, This CORI whip appears to be a different color (orange-ish) than the ones we saw earlier (white) 08/17/2015,20:20:12,brucemundy,The dragonfish comment was just a joke in response to Chris' sea ostrich note. I didn't see a dragonfish. 08/17/2015,20:20:18,okexnav,LAT :25.63916, LON : -168.85059, DEPTH :1496.6584m, TEMP : 2.60028C, SAL : 34.56589 PSU, DO : 2.16871 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:21:38,Scott, Corallimorph 08/17/2015,20:22:01,Scott, You can see the nematocyst bundles 08/17/2015,20:22:06,Scott, the spots in the tentacles 08/17/2015,20:22:09,Amy, So refreshing on the three genera, the non-retractile polyps are common to all Hemicorallium (which abyssale is now in) there are at least 15 species in Hemicorallium, including at least 7 Hawaiian species. Can't do more than that without sclerites really. 08/17/2015,20:22:21,Scott, plus of course the concentration in the white tips 08/17/2015,20:24:07,Scott, Video frozen momentarily 08/17/2015,20:24:08,okeanosexplorer,JFH 08/17/2015,20:25:34,okexnav,LAT :25.63922, LON : -168.85065, DEPTH :1495.4555m, TEMP : 2.60231C, SAL : 34.56927 PSU, DO : 2.16161 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:26:41,Amy, Reminds me, I sent image to Chuck Messing yesterday of the weird one we saw at end of dive. He said: 08/17/2015,20:26:45,Amy, "It is a crinoid that is missing virtually all of its crown (possibly a thalassometrid, but I cannot be sure) .\nIt is little more than the long prehensile cirri, what looks like some of the visceral mass, and five little forks, which are the beginnings of regenerating rays/arms arising from the radial ossicles.\nI guess it has been chewed down to the numb, but is trying to regroup.\nI've never seen one so reduced.\n" 08/17/2015,20:27:44,Scott, Thanks Amy! 08/17/2015,20:27:59,Scott, Glad you noticed it was so odd. 08/17/2015,20:31:06,Scott, Spell that please 08/17/2015,20:31:12,Scott, crossthalia? 08/17/2015,20:31:21,Scott, T-H-A-T 08/17/2015,20:32:49,Scott, Daniel - can you please spell that out in eventlog? I missed what Chris said 08/17/2015,20:33:47,okeanosexplorer,PROSTALIA 08/17/2015,20:33:57,Scott, Thanks! 08/17/2015,20:35:22,okexnav,LAT :25.63918, LON : -168.85074, DEPTH :1489.4414m, TEMP : 2.63338C, SAL : 34.55976 PSU, DO : 2.18494 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:36:13,okeanosexplorer,CORI - Isidella sp.lyrate 08/17/2015,20:36:28,Scott, You'll note the orangish coloration... 08/17/2015,20:36:37,Scott, and large polyp size... 08/17/2015,20:36:57,Scott, I think one of the whips we passed earlier was an un-yet branched one of these. 08/17/2015,20:37:39,Scott, CORI whip white color Lepidisis 08/17/2015,20:37:45,Scott, smaller polyps 08/17/2015,20:38:07,Scott, What is depth at ridge crest? 08/17/2015,20:38:13,okeanosexplorer,1475m 08/17/2015,20:38:27,Scott, Thx 08/17/2015,20:39:12,Scott, Those arm pinnules can create a lot of surface area to paddle. 08/17/2015,20:42:32,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/17/2015,20:43:00,Scott, Loads of platyctenid ctenophores on SPO 08/17/2015,20:43:09,Scott, Look at top 08/17/2015,20:43:30,Steve, caprellid or mysid there? 08/17/2015,20:43:34,Scott, Looks like an isopod crawling on side 08/17/2015,20:43:44,Steve, yeah that! 08/17/2015,20:43:57,Scott, haha 08/17/2015,20:44:34,Amy, Would it be worth collecting a hunk of sponge with those? 08/17/2015,20:44:36,Scott, right tentacle on one being released 08/17/2015,20:44:42,Amy, They seem to be new 08/17/2015,20:44:46,Scott, I would say so Amy. 08/17/2015,20:45:03,Scott, We keep seeing them but not sure how well known they are, if at all. 08/17/2015,20:45:09,okexnav,LAT :25.63930, LON : -168.85084, DEPTH :1476.0413m, TEMP : 2.63496C, SAL : 34.56246 PSU, DO : 2.14276 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:45:10,Scott, Will see what I can l;earn. 08/17/2015,20:46:10,Amy, Only benthic ctemophorres from Hawaii so far I believe are all at precious coral depths 08/17/2015,20:46:49,Scott, The ones I have seen (and collected) are much larger than these. 08/17/2015,20:47:01,Amy, same here 08/17/2015,20:48:13,Amy, also not so flattened 08/17/2015,20:48:49,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,20:49:37,Amy, snipe eel? 08/17/2015,20:49:51,mackenziegarringer,Nettastomatid 08/17/2015,20:50:09,okexnav,LAT :25.63955, LON : -168.85097, DEPTH :1470.0580m, TEMP : 2.63181C, SAL : 34.56294 PSU, DO : 2.16252 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:50:20,brucemundy,Venefica species 08/17/2015,20:51:02,Scott, Video frozen 08/17/2015,20:51:20,asakomatsumoto,me too 08/17/2015,20:51:59,mackenziegarringer,Very cool! 08/17/2015,20:52:39,mackenziegarringer,You can count fin rays from this video. Great quality. 08/17/2015,20:55:23,brucemundy,Venefica tentaculata Garman 1899 reported from Hamilton Guyot (19°55'N, 177°13'W) at 1600 m by Wilson et al. (1985), but the genus is very poorly known. It is in need of revision. We know very little about the distribution of the species. 08/17/2015,20:55:45,mackenziegarringer,Half a fish? 08/17/2015,20:56:04,Scott, D'Oh! 08/17/2015,20:56:14,Scott, Another piece of the fish 08/17/2015,20:56:18,okexnav,LAT :25.63962, LON : -168.85096, DEPTH :1466.7237m, TEMP : 2.63737C, SAL : 34.56289 PSU, DO : 2.17307 mg/L 08/17/2015,20:57:45,Scott, Are you already on crest top? 08/17/2015,20:58:19,okeanosexplorer,not yet 08/17/2015,20:58:56,okeanosexplorer,but looks like the depth we had for the ridge crest (1475m) was off 08/17/2015,20:59:26,Scott, Must be close - this looks pretty flat and sedimented. Perhaps a step up to actual ridge crest? 08/17/2015,20:59:32,Amy, Collect the ctenophores please? 08/17/2015,20:59:34,Scott, More platyctenids on sponge. 08/17/2015,20:59:49,okeanosexplorer,working on it, amy 08/17/2015,20:59:51,Scott, I have written to george Matsumoto for insight on these ctenophores. 08/17/2015,21:00:10,Amy, twofer 08/17/2015,21:00:24,Scott, Sure - good collection I think 08/17/2015,21:01:23,asakomatsumoto,I also want to know the species. 08/17/2015,21:02:22,Scott, Thanks for lasers. 08/17/2015,21:05:37,okexnav,LAT :25.63980, LON : -168.85115, DEPTH :1463.8146m, TEMP : 2.65355C, SAL : 34.55945 PSU, DO : 2.14411 mg/L 08/17/2015,21:06:36,Amy, did we get a ctenophore on that piece? 08/17/2015,21:07:15,Scott, I see at least one 08/17/2015,21:08:54,Amy, cool 08/17/2015,21:09:33,kelleyelliott,August 19 08/17/2015,21:14:40,okeanosexplorer,we got at leat one ctenophore 08/17/2015,21:14:51,Scott, That is what I thought I saw. 08/17/2015,21:16:20,Amy, video frozen 08/17/2015,21:16:39,Scott, video frozen here 08/17/2015,21:16:56,Scott, slight disruption in telecon, but it is back 08/17/2015,21:18:25,asakomatsumoto,vide frozen here too 08/17/2015,21:18:52,Amy, back 08/17/2015,21:18:56,Amy, OPH on rock 08/17/2015,21:19:00,okeanosexplorer,great 08/17/2015,21:19:05,Scott, Video back 08/17/2015,21:19:11,Scott, Is this a HOL? 08/17/2015,21:19:40,Amy, I was thinking HOL too 08/17/2015,21:20:01,asakomatsumoto,video back 08/17/2015,21:20:26,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,21:21:42,okeanosexplorer,tripod fish 08/17/2015,21:22:13,Scott, Never get tired of looking at these 08/17/2015,21:22:40,brucemundy,This tripodfish has short pelvic and caudal fin-ray extensions (The rays of the pectoral fin are very long). This is Bathypterois atricolor. 08/17/2015,21:23:17,Scott, Bruce: you should explain the fin rays function… 08/17/2015,21:23:40,Scott, or MacKenzie 08/17/2015,21:24:13,Scott, I meant the sensory rays! 08/17/2015,21:24:28,Scott, But I like the propping explanation too. 08/17/2015,21:25:24,Scott, Thanks Bruce! 08/17/2015,21:25:33,okexnav,LAT :25.63996, LON : -168.85135, DEPTH :1460.4690m, TEMP : 2.61445C, SAL : 34.56400 PSU, DO : 2.15369 mg/L 08/17/2015,21:25:59,Scott, Video is jumpy. 08/17/2015,21:28:06,Scott, ACN 08/17/2015,21:28:11,Scott, not a cerianthid 08/17/2015,21:28:26,Scott, One of many types of burrowing anemone 08/17/2015,21:30:47,Scott, I've been monitoring the O2 levels throughout the dive. During descent the first reading I saw came from 465 m and was 5.47 mg/L, we went as low as 1.36 at 1104 m (there may have been lower but these values are based on intermittent OKEXNAV data), then was 2.22 when we hit bottom at 1560. It has been decreasing as we ascend the ridge wall, to 2.15 as the last reading. 08/17/2015,21:33:40,asakomatsumoto,it is really good example of typical O2 levels in the water! 08/17/2015,21:35:30,okexnav,LAT :25.64022, LON : -168.85177, DEPTH :1457.7730m, TEMP : 2.61445C, SAL : 34.56347 PSU, DO : 2.16973 mg/L 08/17/2015,21:35:57,brucemundy,More SPO field than we've seen before 08/17/2015,21:38:44,Scott, I'm not sure if we just passed over another ACN or if this time there was a cerianthid 08/17/2015,21:39:28,asakomatsumoto,The direction of curve of sponges looks same. due to current direction. 08/17/2015,21:40:10,Scott, What is above the crinoid, to right? 08/17/2015,21:40:16,Scott, Ctenophore or GAS? 08/17/2015,21:40:29,Scott, Flatworm? 08/17/2015,21:40:30,okexnav,LAT :25.64048, LON : -168.85194, DEPTH :1457.9668m, TEMP : 2.61113C, SAL : 34.56349 PSU, DO : 2.17927 mg/L 08/17/2015,21:42:04,brucemundy,LAR abandoned house? 08/17/2015,21:42:40,Scott, We are definitely seeing here that not all ridge crests are created equal! 08/17/2015,21:43:46,Scott, This one looks to have more sediment, an indication perhaps of lower long term current flow... 08/17/2015,21:45:51,okexnav,LAT :25.64066, LON : -168.85194, DEPTH :1458.9755m, TEMP : 2.60956C, SAL : 34.56389 PSU, DO : 2.17716 mg/L 08/17/2015,21:46:35,asakomatsumoto,Maybe that is the reason(low water current) that dominant animals here is sponges; they are active suspension feeder. 08/17/2015,21:47:02,asakomatsumoto,corals are passive suspension feeder. 08/17/2015,21:48:32,Scott, SHI on sponge was likely Pandalidae 08/17/2015,21:48:40,Scott, as per Mary 08/17/2015,21:48:56,okeanosexplorer,thanks 08/17/2015,21:50:32,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,21:52:40,asakomatsumoto,tripod fish also could tell us the direction of current. it looks same direction as sponges! 08/17/2015,21:53:32,Scott, This is like high speed photo capturing the moment this sponge hit the floor from being dropped! 08/17/2015,21:53:34,Scott, SPLAT 08/17/2015,21:55:20,okexnav,LAT :25.64092, LON : -168.85166, DEPTH :1459.2610m, TEMP : 2.61776C, SAL : 34.56245 PSU, DO : 2.15326 mg/L 08/17/2015,21:56:03,Amy, Rather wait on the collection 08/17/2015,21:56:08,okeanosexplorer,CPEN - Protoptilum? 08/17/2015,21:58:25,Amy, Sounds good 08/17/2015,22:00:02,Scott, Some break-up in telecom 08/17/2015,22:00:20,okexnav,LAT :25.64113, LON : -168.85141, DEPTH :1458.6725m, TEMP : 2.62580C, SAL : 34.56254 PSU, DO : 2.17371 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:00:48,okeanosexplorer,http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/HURL/animals/id/cnidarians/pennatulaceans/pages/HURLPennatulacea1_031.htm 08/17/2015,22:01:04,okeanosexplorer,this is what chris was talking about in the HURL guide 08/17/2015,22:04:03,Scott, Thanks. Looking at it now. 08/17/2015,22:04:31,okeanosexplorer,CRI 08/17/2015,22:05:29,asakomatsumoto,Thank you for the information. 08/17/2015,22:05:31,okexnav,LAT :25.64137, LON : -168.85123, DEPTH :1459.9233m, TEMP : 2.62091C, SAL : 34.56392 PSU, DO : 2.14064 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:06:55,Scott, In this photo you can clearly see the internal axis and that the CPEN is on a rock: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/HURL/animals/id/cnidarians/pennatulaceans/pages/HURLPennatulacea1_032.htm but the photo link you sent me I can't reliably see that the CPEN is on a hard substrate. looks soft to me, with the peduncle possibly only the unburied upper part… 08/17/2015,22:07:08,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:07:17,brucemundy,Bathypterois atricolor 08/17/2015,22:07:21,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:07:30,brucemundy,Another B. atricolor 08/17/2015,22:08:11,Scott, Nice! 08/17/2015,22:09:38,asakomatsumoto,cool! 08/17/2015,22:09:43,Scott, Note: Platyctyenida is an order 08/17/2015,22:10:12,Scott, Meme: yes and no to ctenophore light! 08/17/2015,22:11:17,okeanosexplorer,Metallogorgia melanotrichos 08/17/2015,22:11:53,Scott, I can elaborate on cteno light if you want more "content." 08/17/2015,22:12:41,okeanosexplorer,maybe after meme's backscatter discussion 08/17/2015,22:12:55,okeanosexplorer,i'll prompt you, scott 08/17/2015,22:13:40,Scott, No worries - that is why I didn't respond the first time - didn't want to interrupt… again! ;-) 08/17/2015,22:14:53,okeanosexplorer,CPEN 08/17/2015,22:15:30,okexnav,LAT :25.64149, LON : -168.85058, DEPTH :1456.0729m, TEMP : 2.61462C, SAL : 34.56393 PSU, DO : 2.19246 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:17:59,okeanosexplorer,cpen - umbellula 08/17/2015,22:20:30,okexnav,LAT :25.64153, LON : -168.85030, DEPTH :1456.6112m, TEMP : 2.62720C, SAL : 34.56255 PSU, DO : 2.18600 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:23:58,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:24:07,brucemundy,Bathypterois atricolor 08/17/2015,22:24:57,brucemundy,ICRI 08/17/2015,22:25:54,okexnav,LAT :25.64166, LON : -168.85005, DEPTH :1457.7633m, TEMP : 2.61967C, SAL : 34.56149 PSU, DO : 2.17851 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:26:13,Scott, You have ben dropped from telecom 08/17/2015,22:26:22,okeanosexplorer,roger, working on it 08/17/2015,22:26:25,Scott, Warned you! ;-) 08/17/2015,22:27:15,okeanosexplorer,TUB - tubeworm 08/17/2015,22:27:30,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea near occa erecta 08/17/2015,22:29:06,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:29:16,brucemundy,Bathypterois atricolor 08/17/2015,22:29:53,Scott, That one looked more Ceriathid to me, but I did not see that burrowing ACN from a distance, so... 08/17/2015,22:33:11,Scott, From Dr. George Matsumoto at MBARI, who has described several species of platyctenid ctenophores: "I don't recognize this species - the coloration is unique and the length of the feeding tentacles is really impressive." 08/17/2015,22:35:29,okexnav,LAT :25.64166, LON : -168.84980, DEPTH :1457.5514m, TEMP : 2.62327C, SAL : 34.56262 PSU, DO : 2.14276 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:37:27,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:38:22,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:38:31,brucemundy,Bathypterois atricolor 08/17/2015,22:39:11,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:39:34,brucemundy,Bathypterois atricolor. This seems to be the habitat for them. 08/17/2015,22:39:48,Amy, they look hungry 08/17/2015,22:45:18,okexnav,LAT :25.64211, LON : -168.84942, DEPTH :1458.1313m, TEMP : 2.63007C, SAL : 34.56139 PSU, DO : 2.12671 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:46:09,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:46:21,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/17/2015,22:46:22,brucemundy,Synaphobranchidae 08/17/2015,22:47:00,brucemundy,Can't see the dorsal fin origin. Looks scarred or wounded 08/17/2015,22:47:28,brucemundy,Dorsal-fin origin is far back = Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis 08/17/2015,22:48:36,okeanosexplorer,CPEN 08/17/2015,22:49:27,okeanosexplorer,gas 08/17/2015,22:50:18,okexnav,LAT :25.64236, LON : -168.84914, DEPTH :1459.7945m, TEMP : 2.62378C, SAL : 34.56238 PSU, DO : 2.14683 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:52:07,tinamolodtsova,CORI + CRI 08/17/2015,22:53:19,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,22:53:22,okeanosexplorer,fsh 08/17/2015,22:53:26,brucemundy,Macrouridae 08/17/2015,22:55:16,tinamolodtsova,HYD 08/17/2015,22:55:23,tinamolodtsova,CER? 08/17/2015,22:55:32,brucemundy,Coryphaenoides longicirrhus? 08/17/2015,22:55:34,okexnav,LAT :25.64266, LON : -168.84873, DEPTH :1462.6150m, TEMP : 2.62614C, SAL : 34.56260 PSU, DO : 2.12694 mg/L 08/17/2015,22:55:40,okeanosexplorer,cpem - protoptilum 08/17/2015,22:55:59,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/17/2015,22:56:54,tinamolodtsova,these white bumps may be traces of seaurchins 08/17/2015,22:57:27,Scott, Video freeze 08/17/2015,22:57:36,asakomatsumoto,video freeze too 08/17/2015,22:57:38,tinamolodtsova,same here 08/17/2015,22:57:44,tinamolodtsova,back 08/17/2015,22:57:48,Scott, back 08/17/2015,22:57:53,asakomatsumoto,back 08/17/2015,22:59:01,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/17/2015,23:00:27,brucemundy,Pelvic fin rays on the previous macrourid were longer than usually seen in C. longicirrhus. More like the Emperor Seamount & Subarctic species C. longifilis. Needs more research. 08/17/2015,23:01:13,tinamolodtsova,another ACN 08/17/2015,23:02:23,tinamolodtsova, freezes in video 08/17/2015,23:04:13,jonathantree,hey guys, I have to head out for the day to attend to thesis matters. Have a great rest of the dive and I will try to tune in to the post-dive call later on. I am really looking forward to the dive tomorrow on the northern rift zone of Gardner 08/17/2015,23:04:31,okeanosexplorer,thanks jonathan, see you ater 08/17/2015,23:04:41,jonathantree,good luck on the rest of the dive 08/17/2015,23:04:45,Scott, To follow up on this comment from earlier: From  Dr. George Matsumoto at MBARI, who has described several species of platyctenid ctenophores: "I don't recognize this species - the coloration is unique and the length of the feeding tentacles is really impressive." George writes "if you have three, it would be great to have one in ethanol, one frozen, and one in buffered formalin…" When I indicated we don't have an ultracold freezer and suggested the OGL buffer he replied "that might work.. platyctenes have proven to be very difficult to extract DNA from - so let's try the CHAOS buffer" 08/17/2015,23:05:38,okexnav,LAT :25.64311, LON : -168.84786, DEPTH :1460.9856m, TEMP : 2.59697C, SAL : 34.56512 PSU, DO : 2.17920 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:06:02,Scott, @Chris: that or we dip over on to other side of ridge to see if it is any different. But that is what Clague did before so I think continuing upslope is the better bet. 08/17/2015,23:06:32,okeanosexplorer,roger that scott 08/17/2015,23:06:34,tinamolodtsova,nice OPHs at SPO 08/17/2015,23:07:18,Amy, agree upslope 08/17/2015,23:08:07,Scott, The contours don't look like they get particularly close, so the slope won't increase much but likely more than we are seeing now. 08/17/2015,23:11:44,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, you can try also to ask Dhugal Lindsay about ctenophore dhugal@jamstec.go.jp 08/17/2015,23:11:56,Scott, Could these be empty tubes of cerianthida? 08/17/2015,23:12:04,okeanosexplorer,thanks tina 08/17/2015,23:12:19,Scott, What is the size? diameter? 08/17/2015,23:12:20,tinamolodtsova,no way 08/17/2015,23:12:29,Scott, Thanks Tina 08/17/2015,23:12:48,asakomatsumoto,@Tina: ! I know Dhugal :) I was at Jamstec before. 08/17/2015,23:12:59,Scott, Polychaete tubes or amphipod tubes? 08/17/2015,23:13:12,tinamolodtsova,I mean usually not.. they are mainly felt like 08/17/2015,23:13:12,Scott, CPEN on left 08/17/2015,23:13:31,Scott, Agree Tina. Wasn't sure if the shape could be preserved. 08/17/2015,23:13:33,tinamolodtsova,Could be Terebellid 08/17/2015,23:14:31,tinamolodtsova,Radicipes? 08/17/2015,23:15:21,tinamolodtsova,Oh, can we zoom I never have seen it alive 08/17/2015,23:15:34,okexnav,LAT :25.64349, LON : -168.84734, DEPTH :1460.1496m, TEMP : 2.59995C, SAL : 34.56480 PSU, DO : 2.15463 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:15:36,tinamolodtsova,I mean polyps are tremendosue 08/17/2015,23:15:49,Amy, I lost my feed, computer issue not feed issue 08/17/2015,23:16:07,Scott, I'm used to seeing them much deeper 08/17/2015,23:16:22,Amy, ok, back now 08/17/2015,23:16:32,tinamolodtsova,I guess they are down from 1000-1500 08/17/2015,23:16:55,tinamolodtsova,Generally you do not have soft sediment at this depth 08/17/2015,23:17:23,asakomatsumoto,@Scott: we have Radicipes at 1000m in Pacific side of Japan. 08/17/2015,23:17:39,Scott, I have seen Radicipes on hard substrate, but more common on soft sediment 08/17/2015,23:18:20,tinamolodtsova,@Scott, in Pacific or in Atlantic? 08/17/2015,23:18:29,Scott, I think their distribution spans 700 m to almost 3000 m. 08/17/2015,23:18:41,tinamolodtsova,in Pacific some things go shallower 08/17/2015,23:18:41,Scott, @Tina: in Atlantic 08/17/2015,23:18:46,Scott, on NES 08/17/2015,23:19:31,Scott, From Pante et al: 196–3580 m for Radicipes depth range 08/17/2015,23:19:32,tinamolodtsova,POL tubes 08/17/2015,23:19:36,tinamolodtsova,Umbellula 08/17/2015,23:19:56,tinamolodtsova,can we have zoom? 08/17/2015,23:20:26,tinamolodtsova,no sclerites? 08/17/2015,23:21:04,Scott, I should note thta the Radicipes anchor themselves in the sediment by modifying the holdfast as a root-like structure, very different from the inflated peduncle of sea pens 08/17/2015,23:21:12,Roland, To All: I am monitoring the chat when for streaming issues. If you see feed issues sent me a direct chat note including which feed and whether your on I-1 or I-2 and your location. Please also include Communication outages. Example: Roland - @ Okeanos - Feed 2 Frozen - on I-2 08/17/2015,23:21:46,tinamolodtsova,there are species with sclerites and without 08/17/2015,23:22:32,tinamolodtsova,try that ACN? 08/17/2015,23:23:10,Scott, Getting more rugged topography... 08/17/2015,23:25:37,okexnav,LAT :25.64394, LON : -168.84672, DEPTH :1456.1253m, TEMP : 2.59995C, SAL : 34.56442 PSU, DO : 2.15448 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:25:43,Scott, CORI x2 08/17/2015,23:26:02,Scott, So… are these two siidids the same? 08/17/2015,23:27:03,tinamolodtsova,POL at SPO 08/17/2015,23:27:25,tinamolodtsova,HYD on SPO 08/17/2015,23:27:34,tinamolodtsova,OPH at SPO 08/17/2015,23:28:29,tinamolodtsova,BAR at CORI 08/17/2015,23:29:17,tinamolodtsova,so they just colonize skeleton? or it is like regeneration? 08/17/2015,23:29:40,Scott, That is the question Tina 08/17/2015,23:29:43,tinamolodtsova,small SPOs 08/17/2015,23:30:38,okexnav,LAT :25.64430, LON : -168.84629, DEPTH :1452.5691m, TEMP : 2.59950C, SAL : 34.56489 PSU, DO : 2.17572 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:34:17,tinamolodtsova,what are these white things? 08/17/2015,23:34:28,okeanosexplorer,what white things? 08/17/2015,23:34:31,tinamolodtsova,at soft sediment 08/17/2015,23:34:40,tinamolodtsova,just passed 08/17/2015,23:35:12,tinamolodtsova,CORA Stauro 08/17/2015,23:35:14,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Stauropathes 08/17/2015,23:35:19,tinamolodtsova,or not? 08/17/2015,23:35:35,tinamolodtsova,looks like Stauropathes 08/17/2015,23:35:43,okexnav,LAT :25.64439, LON : -168.84602, DEPTH :1454.1127m, TEMP : 2.58735C, SAL : 34.56656 PSU, DO : 2.20281 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:35:43,tinamolodtsova,SQA 08/17/2015,23:37:23,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/17/2015,23:38:08,tinamolodtsova,zoom? 08/17/2015,23:39:25,tinamolodtsova,CRI in SPO 08/17/2015,23:39:38,tinamolodtsova,hermit crab 08/17/2015,23:40:03,tinamolodtsova,up 08/17/2015,23:40:27,tinamolodtsova,now down 08/17/2015,23:40:58,tinamolodtsova,just above lasers 08/17/2015,23:41:22,Scott, Perhaps the family with the type…? 08/17/2015,23:41:36,okeanosexplorer,we are on the move, tina. sorry 08/17/2015,23:41:49,tinamolodtsova,it is Ok, it was small 08/17/2015,23:41:52,Scott, ACN 08/17/2015,23:42:05,Scott, I mean one we passed before this one 08/17/2015,23:42:17,okeanosexplorer,ACN - Leponema 08/17/2015,23:42:29,tinamolodtsova,POL in hole 08/17/2015,23:45:03,brucemundy,SHI? in water 08/17/2015,23:45:15,okexnav,LAT :25.64445, LON : -168.84572, DEPTH :1449.5496m, TEMP : 2.58516C, SAL : 34.56591 PSU, DO : 2.18361 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:45:35,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,23:45:37,tinamolodtsova,Daphne told from the begining that it was not Boloceroides.. 08/17/2015,23:46:12,brucemundy,Halosauridae, Aldrovandia. Can't see pelvic and dorsal fin positions for species identification 08/17/2015,23:46:42,brucemundy,FSH 08/17/2015,23:47:05,tinamolodtsova,CPEN 08/17/2015,23:47:34,brucemundy,Halosauridae, Aldrovandia. Same individual. Still can't see pelvic fins. 08/17/2015,23:47:51,Amy, Bruce, what is the advantage of having the fins so high? 08/17/2015,23:48:16,brucemundy,Can't say. I don't know the answer to that one. 08/17/2015,23:48:50,Amy, CRI 08/17/2015,23:48:59,tinamolodtsova,when we are going up? 08/17/2015,23:49:14,okeanosexplorer,~330HST 08/17/2015,23:49:34,tinamolodtsova,thanks 08/17/2015,23:50:15,okexnav,LAT :25.64478, LON : -168.84520, DEPTH :1448.1188m, TEMP : 2.58763C, SAL : 34.56477 PSU, DO : 2.19538 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:50:20,tinamolodtsova,CPEN, apparently the same 08/17/2015,23:50:51,brucemundy,SQD 08/17/2015,23:50:51,tinamolodtsova,squid? 08/17/2015,23:50:58,brucemundy,Cranchiidae ? Glass squid 08/17/2015,23:51:12,tinamolodtsova,huming squid. 08/17/2015,23:53:25,tinamolodtsova,have problems with video. a lot of freezes 08/17/2015,23:54:13,Scott, CORI Keratoisis likely 08/17/2015,23:54:32,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/17/2015,23:54:48,Amy, Zoom pls 08/17/2015,23:54:53,okeanosexplorer,CORC - Corallium 08/17/2015,23:54:55,tinamolodtsova,CORC 08/17/2015,23:54:56,asakomatsumoto,@Tina: Roland mentioned as follows: I am monitoring the chat when for streaming issues. If you see feed issues sent me a direct chat note including which feed and whether your on I-1 or I-2 and your location. Please also include Communication outages. Example: Roland - @ Okeanos - Feed 2 Frozen - on I-2 08/17/2015,23:55:07,okeanosexplorer,CORO - Anthomastus 08/17/2015,23:55:20,tinamolodtsova,little zoom? 08/17/2015,23:55:29,tinamolodtsova,OPH at CORC 08/17/2015,23:55:43,okexnav,LAT :25.64479, LON : -168.84500, DEPTH :1449.6014m, TEMP : 2.64440C, SAL : 34.56224 PSU, DO : 2.14115 mg/L 08/17/2015,23:55:58,tinamolodtsova,cupcoral dead 08/17/2015,23:56:26,Amy, what was that mudball thing? 08/17/2015,23:56:35,tinamolodtsova,the same question 08/17/2015,23:56:59,tinamolodtsova,move little right 08/17/2015,23:57:21,Amy, looks like coral is growing over it 08/17/2015,23:57:37,Scott, Mysid on Anthomastus 08/17/2015,23:57:45,tinamolodtsova,it is great 08/17/2015,23:58:01,tinamolodtsova,I never have seen Anthomastus like that 08/17/2015,23:58:07,tinamolodtsova,I mean tentacles 08/17/2015,23:58:49,Amy, That one bamboo we zoomed on way back had floppy polyps too it seemed 08/17/2015,23:58:59,Scott, Each polyp looks like a crinoid or brisingid with those curled back tentacles! 08/17/2015,23:59:01,tinamolodtsova,something with oxigen?? 08/17/2015,23:59:27,tinamolodtsova,everything is downwards 08/17/2015,23:59:43,Scott, Another mysid/possum shrimp