08/16/2015,00:00:06,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes patula? 08/16/2015,00:01:06,okeanosexplorer,conferta? 08/16/2015,00:01:19,tinamolodtsova,no 08/16/2015,00:01:28,tinamolodtsova,zoom please 08/16/2015,00:01:36,okeanosexplorer,working on it 08/16/2015,00:01:41,tinamolodtsova,I mean not conferta 08/16/2015,00:02:15,Scott, Pretty sure we have not seen this SQA on this leg... 08/16/2015,00:02:20,okeanosexplorer,patula? 08/16/2015,00:02:23,tinamolodtsova,this one may be patula or seculata 08/16/2015,00:02:30,Scott, Unless it was when we had no video 08/16/2015,00:02:44,tinamolodtsova,zoom on base please 08/16/2015,00:03:39,leswatling,love the waves transmitting along the branches 08/16/2015,00:03:42,tinamolodtsova,we have a polychaete here 08/16/2015,00:04:10,tinamolodtsova,or... no idea 08/16/2015,00:04:34,leswatling,barnacles where the hind laeg should be.... 08/16/2015,00:04:59,Amy, one on his arm 08/16/2015,00:05:00,leswatling,leg 4 to be more precise 08/16/2015,00:05:42,tinamolodtsova,sorry we already collected all biology... 08/16/2015,00:06:00,Amy, I'm impressed the ROV can hold position in this! 08/16/2015,00:06:16,tinamolodtsova,no, I am trying to get where it is bent 08/16/2015,00:06:25,Amy, what other bio was collected? I missed it 08/16/2015,00:06:51,okeanosexplorer,unbranched primnoid and other black coral 08/16/2015,00:06:53,tinamolodtsova,it may be quite patula or seculatam if they are growing big 08/16/2015,00:06:56,Amy, cool 08/16/2015,00:07:06,tinamolodtsova,yes, nice one. 08/16/2015,00:07:25,Amy, I feel like I've collected that bathypathes before but not sure if here or AK 08/16/2015,00:07:57,Scott, Call in ASR Pest Control! 08/16/2015,00:08:00,okeanosexplorer,cool, thanks amy. Are those at the USNM? 08/16/2015,00:08:08,Amy, yes 08/16/2015,00:08:11,Scott, Another CORI under attack' 08/16/2015,00:08:57,tinamolodtsova,there is a specimen that looks like. I will check next week 08/16/2015,00:09:36,okeanosexplorer,thanks 08/16/2015,00:09:52,tinamolodtsova,can we zooom on the way briefly? 08/16/2015,00:10:16,Jonathan, I am not quite sure qhat to make of this feature geologically, very odd what were are seeing 08/16/2015,00:10:38,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,00:10:47,Amy, CORCH RHodan 08/16/2015,00:10:53,Amy, CORO anthomastus 08/16/2015,00:11:23,tinamolodtsova,may be goot to zoom at ACN 08/16/2015,00:11:55,tinamolodtsova,barnacles on the dead CORI 08/16/2015,00:12:21,tinamolodtsova,Paranthomastus 08/16/2015,00:12:27,tinamolodtsova,sorry 08/16/2015,00:12:34,tinamolodtsova,Pseudoanthomastus 08/16/2015,00:12:46,Scott, Based on what characters? 08/16/2015,00:12:51,okeanosexplorer,how are they different? 08/16/2015,00:12:54,Amy, Tina described them 08/16/2015,00:12:59,tinamolodtsova,siphonozooids 08/16/2015,00:13:07,tinamolodtsova,few and large 08/16/2015,00:13:36,tinamolodtsova,no.. it was Tizier Durivault and d'Hondt 08/16/2015,00:13:57,asakomatsumoto,Type materials in Paris? 08/16/2015,00:14:23,tinamolodtsova,in Anthomastus usually siphonozoids are closely set and very small 08/16/2015,00:14:59,tinamolodtsova,white spots at the capitulum - 08/16/2015,00:15:05,tinamolodtsova,0.6 mm 08/16/2015,00:15:21,tinamolodtsova,you can see them with your naked eyes 08/16/2015,00:15:58,tinamolodtsova,actually I know that this one is Pseudo - because I looked briefly through material 08/16/2015,00:16:04,leswatling,or with a very sophisticated HD camera at 1500 m 08/16/2015,00:16:18,Scott, haha 08/16/2015,00:16:21,tinamolodtsova,and good stream) 08/16/2015,00:16:32,Scott, Like a deep sea microscope! 08/16/2015,00:16:39,leswatling,that image was fantastic! 08/16/2015,00:16:55,asakomatsumoto,indeed! 08/16/2015,00:16:57,tinamolodtsova,would say sdissection microscope 08/16/2015,00:18:00,leswatling,I think what we are learning is that we can identify a lot more species, or maybe at least genera, by using a sophisticated vehicle and camera in the right way. 08/16/2015,00:18:12,tinamolodtsova,@Asako, type yes in Paris 08/16/2015,00:18:24,leswatling,As a microsocpe as Scott said 08/16/2015,00:18:24,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,00:18:57,tinamolodtsova,@Les, yest, if there are many shots done and animals collected - definitely 08/16/2015,00:19:03,asakomatsumoto,@Tina: OK thanks. 08/16/2015,00:19:13,Scott, @Les: IF we have ALREADY collected them and know what to look for! 08/16/2015,00:19:31,leswatling,All too true 08/16/2015,00:20:15,tinamolodtsova,but the most important thing is to have shots and material of the same animals 08/16/2015,00:20:26,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,00:20:32,leswatling,agree with that Tina 08/16/2015,00:22:14,tinamolodtsova,Barnacles on the rock? 08/16/2015,00:25:05,okexnav,LAT :26.19768, LON : -173.32602, DEPTH :1528.0912m, TEMP : 2.22511C, SAL : 34.59128 PSU, DO : 2.39918 mg/L 08/16/2015,00:25:39,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/16/2015,00:27:27,Astrid, too bad we didn't get a good zoom on that FSH 08/16/2015,00:27:37,katharinewoodard,Hey everyone, how are the feeds currently looking? 08/16/2015,00:28:00,okeanosexplorer,collected rock, SPEC04GEO, 1528m, -173.32599, 26.19765 08/16/2015,00:28:51,Scott, Feed on camera 1 currently looks good 08/16/2015,00:28:57,Scott, well, excellent! 08/16/2015,00:29:03,leswatling,feed is very good right now, better than anything over the last several days 08/16/2015,00:29:06,Astrid, my feed here from home looks good too 08/16/2015,00:29:09,asakomatsumoto,very good and clear video. 08/16/2015,00:29:12,tinamolodtsova,almost perfect 08/16/2015,00:29:25,katharinewoodard,Thanks 08/16/2015,00:29:48,tinamolodtsova,Fish is still there? 08/16/2015,00:30:43,Jonathan, great job pilot, thanks for poking around down here 08/16/2015,00:30:53,Jonathan, glad we found our second sample 08/16/2015,00:34:09,tinamolodtsova,another ASR grazer 08/16/2015,00:35:08,okexnav,LAT :26.19768, LON : -173.32597, DEPTH :1522.0252m, TEMP : 2.36170C, SAL : 34.57668 PSU, DO : 2.22883 mg/L 08/16/2015,00:35:40,okeanosexplorer,fsh 08/16/2015,00:39:07,Astrid, I didn't catch a good view of that eel -sorry guys 08/16/2015,00:44:48,tinamolodtsova,CIRCH Irido 08/16/2015,00:45:10,okexnav,LAT :26.19720, LON : -173.32591, DEPTH :1526.7671m, TEMP : 2.24383C, SAL : 34.58978 PSU, DO : 2.35800 mg/L 08/16/2015,00:45:36,tinamolodtsova,CRI on SPO 08/16/2015,00:46:09,tinamolodtsova,just quick zoom 08/16/2015,00:46:23,tinamolodtsova,on Paranti athes? 08/16/2015,00:46:44,tinamolodtsova,with scale 08/16/2015,00:47:04,okeanosexplorer,where is it? 08/16/2015,00:47:41,Scott, Oh snap, Chris! 08/16/2015,00:47:43,Scott, ;-) 08/16/2015,00:47:51,Scott, In my face! 08/16/2015,00:48:01,tinamolodtsova,looks like CORY 08/16/2015,00:48:15,Scott, Not those fake corallimorphs France points out! 08/16/2015,00:48:50,Scott, Agree this really looks like a Corallimorph 08/16/2015,00:49:25,leswatling,yep 08/16/2015,00:49:57,Scott, Trying to regain some street cred... 08/16/2015,00:49:59,Scott, ;-) 08/16/2015,00:50:12,okeanosexplorer,you got plenty 08/16/2015,00:52:30,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/16/2015,00:54:13,leswatling,anybody know who that big bamboo was? 08/16/2015,00:55:00,Scott, That was Fred from down Brainerd way. 08/16/2015,00:55:09,okexnav,LAT :26.19694, LON : -173.32602, DEPTH :1533.1304m, TEMP : 2.28141C, SAL : 34.58703 PSU, DO : 2.31796 mg/L 08/16/2015,00:55:12,Scott, Sorry. 08/16/2015,00:55:27,Scott, No Les. Some kind of Keratoisis was my assumption 08/16/2015,00:55:48,Scott, We didn't get a close look. 08/16/2015,00:56:05,asakomatsumoto,Unfortunatelly no. 08/16/2015,00:57:10,tinamolodtsova,what is your approximation of size? 08/16/2015,00:57:25,asakomatsumoto,Yes, Scott. could be Keratoisis. 08/16/2015,00:58:34,tinamolodtsova,URC 08/16/2015,00:59:00,tinamolodtsova,SQA 08/16/2015,00:59:28,tinamolodtsova,OPHrock was very small 08/16/2015,01:00:19,leswatling,this one got too large for the current, looks like 08/16/2015,01:01:00,leswatling,this one also looks to be related to K magnifica due to its very thick basal section and very thin nodes 08/16/2015,01:01:18,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/16/2015,01:01:43,leswatling,tissue coming off the I magnispiralis 08/16/2015,01:02:57,leswatling,short intertentacular needles 08/16/2015,01:03:11,leswatling,looked like in a group of 2 or 3 08/16/2015,01:03:27,tinamolodtsova,therthere is another coral fallen at the top of CORI 08/16/2015,01:03:35,Scott, Great view of sclerites in body wall 08/16/2015,01:03:37,leswatling,but other sclerites arranged en chevron 08/16/2015,01:03:40,asakomatsumoto,its really amazing microscopic view 08/16/2015,01:03:48,Scott, When I wasn't yakking I was getting screen shots! 08/16/2015,01:03:55,tinamolodtsova,@Scott, yes, it was a good one 08/16/2015,01:04:17,tinamolodtsova,another CORI 08/16/2015,01:04:43,leswatling,sorting out the large Keratoisis clade is going to be very interesting 08/16/2015,01:05:26,okexnav,LAT :26.19698, LON : -173.32576, DEPTH :1534.1750m, TEMP : 2.26960C, SAL : 34.59424 PSU, DO : 2.21651 mg/L 08/16/2015,01:06:07,tinamolodtsova,ACN on CORI 08/16/2015,01:06:24,tinamolodtsova,ring anemone 08/16/2015,01:06:51,leswatling,probably the same as before but would be good to see close up of base 08/16/2015,01:07:29,tinamolodtsova,sclerites arranged in a close way 08/16/2015,01:07:32,Scott, Skeleton so thick at base that nodes obliterated 08/16/2015,01:07:58,leswatling,if you touch it we can see what the polyps look like when contracted 08/16/2015,01:08:35,tinamolodtsova,if they touch it they will break it 08/16/2015,01:11:13,tinamolodtsova,this one is a bit different 08/16/2015,01:12:01,leswatling,still has small intertentacular sclerites 08/16/2015,01:12:17,tinamolodtsova,thspines between tentacles do not protrude 08/16/2015,01:12:29,leswatling,I think it is a yooung one. 08/16/2015,01:12:30,tinamolodtsova,and 08/16/2015,01:12:45,leswatling,thanks for that close up of contracted polyp.... very helpful. 08/16/2015,01:13:01,tinamolodtsova,sclerites in the tentacle in two rows, so the back of the tentacle is clean 08/16/2015,01:13:23,leswatling,good observation Tina 08/16/2015,01:14:49,tinamolodtsova,good if it will be of any help 08/16/2015,01:15:08,okexnav,LAT :26.19694, LON : -173.32578, DEPTH :1536.2934m, TEMP : 2.32976C, SAL : 34.57520 PSU, DO : 2.24728 mg/L 08/16/2015,01:15:56,leswatling,this is very Orstomisis like 08/16/2015,01:16:10,leswatling,especially the brown tentacles 08/16/2015,01:17:28,leswatling,lasers? 08/16/2015,01:17:43,okeanosexplorer,lasers are on 08/16/2015,01:17:56,leswatling,ok didn't see them.... thanks 08/16/2015,01:24:30,Scott, You can't always get what you want 08/16/2015,01:25:07,leswatling,then there are bamboos like this one where the pharynx lights up.... maybe it has a lot of small sclerites.... who knows 08/16/2015,01:25:08,okexnav,LAT :26.19689, LON : -173.32556, DEPTH :1535.0669m, TEMP : 2.37925C, SAL : 34.57633 PSU, DO : 2.18380 mg/L 08/16/2015,01:26:59,leswatling,another Keratoisis with snow white pharynx 08/16/2015,01:27:28,leswatling,almost all branching at or near the base 08/16/2015,01:27:31,tinamolodtsova,too many sclerites in the pharynx 08/16/2015,01:28:33,Scott, No terminal poyp 08/16/2015,01:28:36,Scott, polyp 08/16/2015,01:29:28,leswatling,if there are other sclerites perhaps they are scales and so don't light up under these lights....crystal density not high enough 08/16/2015,01:30:40,tinamolodtsova,in previous one there were signes of sclerites in the polyp body, but not in tentacles.. here I was not able to see any 08/16/2015,01:30:43,leswatling,Dr. seuss whip 08/16/2015,01:31:23,tinamolodtsova,what is latin name for the corkscrew? 08/16/2015,01:31:47,leswatling,haha.... will have to look that up.... 08/16/2015,01:32:00,Scott, Romans didn't have corkscrews… ;-) 08/16/2015,01:32:14,Scott, Hydromedusae 08/16/2015,01:32:29,Scott, or narcomedusae? 08/16/2015,01:32:58,leswatling,but the Greeks had Archimedes screw or whatever it was called 08/16/2015,01:33:20,leswatling,Google translate could not translate corkscrew into Latin.... 08/16/2015,01:33:24,tinamolodtsova,)))\nhttp://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream 08/16/2015,01:33:29,tinamolodtsova,sorry 08/16/2015,01:33:39,tinamolodtsova,extraculum    08/16/2015,01:33:52,leswatling,nice! 08/16/2015,01:35:01,Scott, I need to go eat my dinner. What time will post dive call be, do you think? 08/16/2015,01:35:08,okexnav,LAT :26.19693, LON : -173.32571, DEPTH :1533.1326m, TEMP : 2.45981C, SAL : 34.56691 PSU, DO : 2.09559 mg/L 08/16/2015,01:35:54,Scott, OK 08/16/2015,01:36:24,leswatling,thnaks again for a great dive.... many wonders of the sea revealed! 08/16/2015,01:36:49,leswatling,see everyone tomorrow! 08/16/2015,01:37:18,asakomatsumoto,It was impressive dive too. Thank you for everyone, all crew and staff. 08/16/2015,01:37:28,tinamolodtsova,Thanks for the dive! 08/16/2015,01:45:07,okexnav,LAT :26.19685, LON : -173.32609, DEPTH :1285.4281m, TEMP : 3.01228C, SAL : 34.50037 PSU, DO : 1.56813 mg/L 08/16/2015,01:55:07,okexnav,LAT :26.19664, LON : -173.32483, DEPTH : 961.3798m, TEMP : 3.89101C, SAL : 34.36638 PSU, DO : 1.17907 mg/L 08/16/2015,02:05:11,okexnav,LAT :26.19606, LON : -173.32320, DEPTH : 643.2064m, TEMP : 5.73802C, SAL : 34.08289 PSU, DO : 2.67577 mg/L 08/16/2015,02:15:07,okexnav,LAT :26.19550, LON : -173.32190, DEPTH : 336.1109m, TEMP : 13.12881C, SAL : 34.38259 PSU, DO : 6.67528 mg/L 08/16/2015,02:25:07,okexnav,LAT :26.19516, LON : -173.32159, DEPTH : 49.5378m, TEMP : 21.84872C, SAL : 35.30340 PSU, DO : 7.25563 mg/L 08/16/2015,02:35:12,okexnav,LAT :26.19603, LON : -173.32146, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/16/2015,18:33:26,randysinger,singer reporting in 08/16/2015,18:33:32,randysinger,chaetognath 08/16/2015,18:33:36,randysinger,just swam by 08/16/2015,18:34:06,Scott, G'afternoon Randy 08/16/2015,18:34:50,kelleyelliott,Morning/Afternoon Scott and Randy 08/16/2015,18:35:10,randysinger,im moved! 08/16/2015,18:35:12,randysinger,finally 08/16/2015,18:35:15,okexnav,LAT :25.81253, LON : -171.09935, DEPTH : 436.4907m, TEMP : 10.03237C, SAL : 34.16696 PSU, DO : 6.11083 mg/L 08/16/2015,18:35:18,Scott, Hi Kelley. The pre-dive call is strangely quiet. 08/16/2015,18:35:27,kelleyelliott,As you're looking at the feeds (we have two up again today) en route to the seafloor, please let us know how the connectivity looks 08/16/2015,18:35:36,kelleyelliott,Hmmm - let me go check. Just back from the saftey meeting. 08/16/2015,18:35:36,okeanosexplorer,scott, we are running a couple minutes late 08/16/2015,18:35:47,Scott, Copy that Daniel 08/16/2015,18:35:59,okeanosexplorer,they are setting the confrence ine up rightnow 08/16/2015,18:38:00,Scott, @Kelley: so far some pixelation and a bit herky-jerky, but no out-and-out freezes so far on camera 1 08/16/2015,18:45:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81225, LON : -171.09890, DEPTH : 733.4165m, TEMP : 4.75623C, SAL : 34.16865 PSU, DO : 1.50547 mg/L 08/16/2015,18:50:00,kelleyelliott,Hi all - we've just turned on the second feed again at a lower resolution. Please let us know how the video looks on shore. We're doing some testing onboard to see if we can pin down the source leading to the video drop outs 08/16/2015,18:55:15,okexnav,LAT :25.81203, LON : -171.09845, DEPTH :1047.2820m, TEMP : 3.64273C, SAL : 34.43044 PSU, DO : 1.12741 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:05:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81191, LON : -171.09819, DEPTH :1338.3327m, TEMP : 2.82317C, SAL : 34.53592 PSU, DO : 1.83280 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:07:26,Scott, @Kelley: at this moment, camera 2 is behaving very nicely. No pixelation or freezing. 08/16/2015,19:08:00,kelleyelliott,Thank, Scott. 08/16/2015,19:08:01,Scott, Camera 1 is still streaming Fledermaus! But isn't freezing 08/16/2015,19:10:08,iscwatch,Youtube stream audio is ahead of I2 08/16/2015,19:11:00,Scott, Since Camera 1 is streaming Fledermaus it is hard to tell if it is freezing, but the aduio sounded good when Daniel was giving the overview 08/16/2015,19:11:13,Scott, so I suspect it isn't 08/16/2015,19:11:17,Scott, freezing 08/16/2015,19:12:43,kelleyelliott,how bad is the freezing? 08/16/2015,19:13:36,Scott, Sorry - no freezing - that was a discontinuous continuous sentence! 08/16/2015,19:13:47,Scott, "so I suspect it isn't freezing" 08/16/2015,19:13:50,Scott, Sorry! 08/16/2015,19:13:55,kelleyelliott,Thanks 08/16/2015,19:14:19,Scott, Both cameras now transmiting water column and look good. Audio good 08/16/2015,19:15:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81222, LON : -171.09803, DEPTH :1644.7952m, TEMP : 2.35702C, SAL : 34.58191 PSU, DO : 2.30000 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:16:16,randysinger,im getting less lag too 08/16/2015,19:16:26,randysinger,some on cam 2 08/16/2015,19:16:30,randysinger,but not too bad 08/16/2015,19:21:06,randysinger,im getting some D2 lag now but might be my internet 08/16/2015,19:24:58,randysinger,FSH 08/16/2015,19:25:07,randysinger,Bassozetus 08/16/2015,19:25:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81200, LON : -171.09760, DEPTH :1747.4873m, TEMP : 2.17108C, SAL : 34.60035 PSU, DO : 2.55137 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:25:12,randysinger,cusk eel 08/16/2015,19:25:54,okeanosexplorer,Metallogorgia melanochristos 08/16/2015,19:26:08,okeanosexplorer,Chrysogorgia 08/16/2015,19:26:57,okeanosexplorer,Vicorgorgia nuttingi 08/16/2015,19:27:07,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Caulophacus sp. 08/16/2015,19:27:11,tinamolodtsova,looks more like Metallogorgia area 08/16/2015,19:27:46,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/16/2015,19:28:35,Scott, Nice! CORI Isidella 08/16/2015,19:28:41,okeanosexplorer,CORI - Isidella sp. lyrate 08/16/2015,19:30:08,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/16/2015,19:30:14,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/16/2015,19:30:16,Scott, Severa; Metallogorgia 08/16/2015,19:30:35,Scott, CORO Anthomastus 08/16/2015,19:30:42,Scott, CORPR Paragorgia 08/16/2015,19:30:50,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom& 08/16/2015,19:30:55,Scott, This is the long stalked Anthomastus 08/16/2015,19:31:00,okeanosexplorer,CORO - Anthomastus steenstrupi? 08/16/2015,19:31:12,tinamolodtsova,yep. Anthomastus tahinodus 08/16/2015,19:31:41,tinamolodtsova,steenstrupi was not reported from Hawaii 08/16/2015,19:31:55,tinamolodtsova,it is described from Japan 08/16/2015,19:32:04,Scott, Interesting the way some of the polyps had some tentacles retracted but not others 08/16/2015,19:33:01,tinamolodtsova,it is from Albatross collection that was described by Bayer as A.fisheri 08/16/2015,19:33:16,Scott, Video frozen and telecom audio coming and going 08/16/2015,19:33:19,tinamolodtsova,Yes, nice polyps 08/16/2015,19:33:28,okeanosexplorer,thanks tina 08/16/2015,19:33:44,tinamolodtsova,sorry, no audio here 08/16/2015,19:35:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81212, LON : -171.09782, DEPTH :1740.2247m, TEMP : 2.20028C, SAL : 34.59736 PSU, DO : 2.52636 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:35:11,tinamolodtsova,and the specimen in Smithsonian of the same morphology as we have just seen was collected at Pioneer Ridge 08/16/2015,19:38:47,randysinger,ROck Box...band name called it 08/16/2015,19:39:56,okeanosexplorer,collected rock sample, SPEC01GEO, 1741m, -171.09777, 25.81212 08/16/2015,19:44:13,tinamolodtsova,nice Metallogorgia 08/16/2015,19:44:24,tinamolodtsova,CRI on SPO 08/16/2015,19:44:26,Scott, Nice scene looking under the armpit… 08/16/2015,19:44:42,tinamolodtsova,... of a giant 08/16/2015,19:45:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81211, LON : -171.09784, DEPTH :1740.6982m, TEMP : 2.25134C, SAL : 34.58832 PSU, DO : 2.53234 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:45:21,tinamolodtsova,@Scott we have CORI on the right? 08/16/2015,19:45:40,tinamolodtsova,or more likely CORPR? 08/16/2015,19:46:41,Scott, Sorry - was away from monitor, Tina 08/16/2015,19:47:48,tinamolodtsova,GAS on CORI 08/16/2015,19:48:00,Scott, CORI Acanella 08/16/2015,19:49:31,tinamolodtsova,CRI at CORCH Metallogorgia 08/16/2015,19:49:36,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/16/2015,19:49:47,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes alternata 08/16/2015,19:50:22,okeanosexplorer,COR - stoloniferous octocoral 08/16/2015,19:51:08,tinamolodtsova,it is interesting. we again have a polychaet at the Bathypathus 08/16/2015,19:51:17,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Walteria f. leuckrti 08/16/2015,19:51:37,Scott, Video report: camera 2 seems a little more stable than camera 1. Both are stuttering a little, but not prolonged freezes. 08/16/2015,19:54:25,tinamolodtsova,nice octocorals. very hard to collect 08/16/2015,19:54:39,Scott, Agree POL 08/16/2015,19:54:59,Jonathan, hey guys, just got everything up and running here at UH and it looks like you were able to snag a rock early on, thanks a lot and great job 08/16/2015,19:55:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81220, LON : -171.09776, DEPTH :1738.0691m, TEMP : 2.21663C, SAL : 34.59753 PSU, DO : 2.50820 mg/L 08/16/2015,19:55:11,Amy, looks like everted proboscis 08/16/2015,19:55:12,okeanosexplorer,yes we did, jon 08/16/2015,19:55:22,Scott, Not a scale worm this time... 08/16/2015,19:56:57,Amy, CORCH Matello many 08/16/2015,19:57:00,Amy, Metallo 08/16/2015,19:57:02,Scott, Love the way these pink parasols seem to float in the water 08/16/2015,19:57:15,Scott, from the low view perspective 08/16/2015,19:57:47,Scott, Tall CORI whip 08/16/2015,19:59:27,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,19:59:59,Scott, CORI fan 08/16/2015,20:00:14,Scott, possible Keratoisis or Eknomisis… 08/16/2015,20:00:16,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/16/2015,20:00:32,Scott, Nope! Jasonisis I think. Nodal brancher 08/16/2015,20:00:33,tinamolodtsova,CORCH metallo 08/16/2015,20:01:17,tinamolodtsova,irido 08/16/2015,20:02:24,Scott, Terminal polyps on branches. 08/16/2015,20:02:40,tinamolodtsova,not always 08/16/2015,20:02:59,Scott, Nice framing! 08/16/2015,20:03:22,tinamolodtsova,Scott, what about these swells with weird branching.. somebody is sitting there? 08/16/2015,20:04:10,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/16/2015,20:04:13,Scott, Branches curling upward… 08/16/2015,20:04:18,Scott, reoreinting 08/16/2015,20:05:10,okexnav,LAT :25.81238, LON : -171.09773, DEPTH :1718.1655m, TEMP : 2.23297C, SAL : 34.59392 PSU, DO : 2.46695 mg/L 08/16/2015,20:05:36,Scott, @Tina: good question. I see it as "new" growth", new relative to the colony age. So new branches arising on much older parts of colony and these respond to the complex current flow around the colony. So twisting, etc. Like the coiled whips 08/16/2015,20:07:41,Amy, waiting for zoom 08/16/2015,20:07:45,Scott, There is no question this is novel for the leg, and so rare, and so by that definition collectible 08/16/2015,20:07:45,Amy, paragorgia 08/16/2015,20:08:38,okeanosexplorer,collectible, amy? 08/16/2015,20:08:50,Amy, I'm pretty sure its paragorgia, but you can collect if you want 08/16/2015,20:09:06,Amy, Swiftia I have seen tend to be more delicate 08/16/2015,20:10:04,Amy, We haven't collected any paragorgia on this leg I don't think 08/16/2015,20:10:04,Scott, Agree with Amy that it is NOT a Swiftia, but it doesn't look like any Paragorgia I know (which doesn't mean it isn't Paragorgia!) 08/16/2015,20:10:27,Scott, But still strikes me as a plexaurid 08/16/2015,20:10:46,Amy, I think only way to resolve is to collect 08/16/2015,20:11:16,Scott, The standard for collection should be the degree of discord over the ID! :-) 08/16/2015,20:11:18,Amy, I bet 5 on paragorgia 08/16/2015,20:11:22,Scott, So this qualifies! 08/16/2015,20:11:49,Scott, Let me look at Sanchez 2005 before I commit to that bet! 08/16/2015,20:12:35,tinamolodtsova,we already had a look at the whip? 08/16/2015,20:12:59,asakomatsumoto,Hello all. have I just came in the interesting timing? 08/16/2015,20:13:50,okeanosexplorer,not yet, but we will take a lok at the whip after the collection 08/16/2015,20:14:14,asakomatsumoto,OK thanks. I'm very happy to be here. 08/16/2015,20:14:25,tinamolodtsova,better zoom for identification CORA 08/16/2015,20:14:39,Scott, Hi Asako - yes, great timing! 08/16/2015,20:14:52,Scott, Asako: do you have an opinion on ID of this red fan? 08/16/2015,20:15:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81239, LON : -171.09779, DEPTH :1719.2631m, TEMP : 2.24366C, SAL : 34.59392 PSU, DO : 2.47752 mg/L 08/16/2015,20:15:23,randysinger,日本人ですか? 08/16/2015,20:15:44,Scott, Will be interesting to see what colony looks like when polyps retract upon contact with manip 08/16/2015,20:15:57,asakomatsumoto,Scott, you thinks that it could be Paragorgia right? 08/16/2015,20:16:18,Amy, That's 2 for Paragoriga! 08/16/2015,20:16:18,asakomatsumoto,@radysinger: yes I am. 08/16/2015,20:16:28,randysinger,始めまして! 08/16/2015,20:16:35,Scott, I didn't think Paragorgia, I thought some type of plexaurid. 08/16/2015,20:16:54,Scott, I agree that the main axis looks Paragorgia like, but not arrangement of polyps 08/16/2015,20:17:28,asakomatsumoto,I need zoom-up. 08/16/2015,20:17:56,asakomatsumoto,@randysinger: hello. nice to meet you! 08/16/2015,20:18:04,tinamolodtsova,CORA Bathy 08/16/2015,20:18:05,Scott, Nearest thing I could find in Sanchez 2005 is P. tapatchli 08/16/2015,20:18:17,randysinger,that's great we are adding to the Smithsonian 08/16/2015,20:18:50,tinamolodtsova,zoom? 08/16/2015,20:19:00,Scott, Look for siphonos…! 08/16/2015,20:19:10,asakomatsumoto,If it is Paragorgia, I have seen this colour of Paragorgia in Japanese water. 08/16/2015,20:19:35,Scott, Including polyp color? 08/16/2015,20:19:51,Amy, if we zoom on this side we can probably resolve family 08/16/2015,20:19:56,tinamolodtsova,hey we are going to zoom at polyps first??? 08/16/2015,20:19:58,randysinger,"Etnymology - the Cow-lick coral's name is derived from the shaggy cowlick seen when collected" 08/16/2015,20:20:07,tinamolodtsova,before they are retacted 08/16/2015,20:20:10,Scott, We alreday had a polyp zoom… 08/16/2015,20:20:33,Amy, From the other side though 08/16/2015,20:20:38,Scott, here comes tickle test 08/16/2015,20:20:41,tinamolodtsova,no sipho? 08/16/2015,20:20:48,Amy, couldn't see any 08/16/2015,20:20:49,randysinger,@Scott bhaha 08/16/2015,20:21:00,tinamolodtsova,i was freezed that time 08/16/2015,20:21:06,Scott, Sorry Amy: I didn't mean we shouldn't zoom in! I meant not to worry about specifically a polyp close up 08/16/2015,20:21:11,Scott, but for main stem yes 08/16/2015,20:21:24,Amy, definitely paragorgia 08/16/2015,20:21:31,randysinger,wow amazing collection 08/16/2015,20:21:38,randysinger,just plucked it right off 08/16/2015,20:21:45,tinamolodtsova,ok 08/16/2015,20:21:54,Scott, Given how easily that broke, I'd agree Paragorgia, or at least thta family. 08/16/2015,20:21:55,tinamolodtsova,zoom at contracted polyps 08/16/2015,20:21:58,Amy, can we zoom on piece? 08/16/2015,20:22:33,Scott, Note all the isidid whip polyps also retracted. 08/16/2015,20:22:55,okeanosexplorer,empathy 08/16/2015,20:22:55,tinamolodtsova,may be we touched it? 08/16/2015,20:22:55,asakomatsumoto,@Scott: Yes, if it is plexauridae, it doesnt brake like that. 08/16/2015,20:23:18,tinamolodtsova,asako, they have cutting edge 08/16/2015,20:23:49,tinamolodtsova,if Paragorgida it would brake in bad place 08/16/2015,20:24:00,Scott, Interesting that polyps are not fully retracting... 08/16/2015,20:24:08,tinamolodtsova,yes. 08/16/2015,20:24:13,asakomatsumoto,@Tina: thats true. 08/16/2015,20:24:30,Amy, Hmmm 08/16/2015,20:25:06,okexnav,LAT :25.81241, LON : -171.09774, DEPTH :1719.8532m, TEMP : 2.25038C, SAL : 34.59421 PSU, DO : 2.46505 mg/L 08/16/2015,20:25:20,tinamolodtsova,zoom on sceleton 08/16/2015,20:25:56,tinamolodtsova,I think Scott is right 08/16/2015,20:25:59,asakomatsumoto,is it possible to see the cross section? 08/16/2015,20:26:23,asakomatsumoto,now I also come to Plexauridae 08/16/2015,20:26:42,okeanosexplorer,we will get those photos in the lab 08/16/2015,20:27:00,Amy, It is unusual for them not to retract, but I'm sticking with Paragorgia for now 08/16/2015,20:27:06,Scott, Okay Amy, I'll take that bet now. ;-) 08/16/2015,20:27:18,okeanosexplorer,collected coral, SPEC02BIO, 1720m, -171.09771, 25.81237 08/16/2015,20:27:42,tinamolodtsova,polyps are not-retractable, there is calyx 08/16/2015,20:27:50,Scott, Bottom line: good specimen to collect, and an exquisitely fine collection! Rest of the colony hardly noticed. 08/16/2015,20:27:52,asakomatsumoto,is it possible to close up the remaining colony? 08/16/2015,20:28:19,Amy, We'll be waiting up for the verdict tonight! 08/16/2015,20:28:31,asakomatsumoto,especially for the cutting part. 08/16/2015,20:28:44,Scott, Right. Daniel - you'll have to tell us if it has an axial skeleton, or is scleraxonian 08/16/2015,20:28:56,okeanosexplorer,WILL DO 08/16/2015,20:29:13,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, if there is Umbellapathes by chance down there I have request for zoom. and other CORA too 08/16/2015,20:29:24,tinamolodtsova,after the bamboo 08/16/2015,20:29:33,okeanosexplorer,no umbellapathes so far, but we will keep looking 08/16/2015,20:32:01,Scott, We are most interested in where the junble of branches join together 08/16/2015,20:32:40,Scott, My video froze! 08/16/2015,20:32:44,Scott, Back 08/16/2015,20:33:07,Scott, Couple of ACN on CORI 08/16/2015,20:33:54,randysinger,wow its so green! 08/16/2015,20:34:30,Scott, Large intertentacular sclerites... 08/16/2015,20:34:36,tinamolodtsova,we also requested CORA 08/16/2015,20:34:44,Scott, Fairly thick coenenchyme 08/16/2015,20:34:57,Scott, Thanks for that CU 08/16/2015,20:35:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81236, LON : -171.09776, DEPTH :1719.8783m, TEMP : 2.27842C, SAL : 34.60181 PSU, DO : 2.43621 mg/L 08/16/2015,20:35:17,tinamolodtsova,@Scott, the anemones are mostly close to branching 08/16/2015,20:35:58,tinamolodtsova,CRI at stalk 08/16/2015,20:36:15,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Trissopathes 08/16/2015,20:38:19,Scott, @Tina: interesting. You think the ACN may have induced that profusion of branching…? 08/16/2015,20:38:20,tinamolodtsova,yes, I guess Trissopathes cf pseudotristicha 08/16/2015,20:38:59,tinamolodtsova,@ Scott, why not, I mean we know so little 08/16/2015,20:39:58,Scott, @Tina: sure 08/16/2015,20:40:07,Amy, Have you zoomed on this type before? 08/16/2015,20:40:24,okeanosexplorer,yes, we got a couple ofclose-ups 08/16/2015,20:40:25,tinamolodtsova,a small branch at the stem of CORCH Metallo 08/16/2015,20:40:40,Amy, Paragorigia or coralliid? 08/16/2015,20:41:15,asakomatsumoto,For me, it looks Paragorgia... 08/16/2015,20:41:42,tinamolodtsova,check Bathypathes for a worm?) 08/16/2015,20:41:55,Scott, The way the polyps arose, it looked Corallid, but the curvature of the main stem looked Paragorgid... 08/16/2015,20:42:18,Amy, If it is abundant, perhaps we can sample that as our second bio, if no other priority 08/16/2015,20:42:41,Amy, SPO walteria with CRI 08/16/2015,20:42:57,tinamolodtsova,@ Scott, Amy so I am reassured. I always have trouble to tell them appart and you are so confident)) 08/16/2015,20:43:51,Scott, haha 08/16/2015,20:43:57,tinamolodtsova,OPH on SPO Walteria 08/16/2015,20:44:30,tinamolodtsova,more CORO Telestidae 08/16/2015,20:44:32,asakomatsumoto,@Scott: I agree with the curvature... 08/16/2015,20:45:01,asakomatsumoto,video just froze! 08/16/2015,20:45:10,okexnav,LAT :25.81263, LON : -171.09769, DEPTH :1702.3653m, TEMP : 2.22432C, SAL : 34.59575 PSU, DO : 2.50493 mg/L 08/16/2015,20:45:45,Scott, One bifurcated? Or two together? 08/16/2015,20:45:55,asakomatsumoto,it comes back 08/16/2015,20:45:59,okeanosexplorer,one 08/16/2015,20:46:04,Scott, Oh! Never mind - wide oral disc 08/16/2015,20:46:16,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, no, this one is apparently not pseufotristicha 08/16/2015,20:47:14,tinamolodtsova,CRI stalked red 08/16/2015,20:48:01,Jonathan, sorry for not chiming in guys, I am just trying to figure out what it is we're looking at before speaking 08/16/2015,20:48:09,tinamolodtsova,more red CORO 08/16/2015,20:48:34,tinamolodtsova,CORI whips 08/16/2015,20:48:52,tinamolodtsova,OPH on CRI 08/16/2015,20:49:20,tinamolodtsova,OPH at stone 08/16/2015,20:50:34,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/16/2015,20:50:42,Scott, Looking through my database and see some images of Paragorgia johnsoni that have polyps with a yellow tint and on one of the fragments collected and imaged deckside the polyps are not fully retracted… Hmmm… Maybe I owe Amy a fiver. 08/16/2015,20:51:24,tinamolodtsova,and what about photos? 08/16/2015,20:51:32,Scott, HOWEVER, the in situ photo of the colony is not simialr... 08/16/2015,20:51:41,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,20:51:50,Scott, but we all know how colony morphology can deceive us. 08/16/2015,20:52:08,Scott, OK. Leaving this one until you guys can look at the skeleton when it gets on deck! 08/16/2015,20:52:11,tinamolodtsova,dead CORI and live aside 08/16/2015,20:52:51,Scott, So we are still climbing wall heading north(ish) 08/16/2015,20:52:54,Scott, ? 08/16/2015,20:53:14,tinamolodtsova,CRI at CORI 08/16/2015,20:53:54,tinamolodtsova,SQA at CORI 08/16/2015,20:53:59,Amy, CORPA 08/16/2015,20:54:35,tinamolodtsova,oh, it is really Pragorgia) 08/16/2015,20:54:47,Amy, CRI on CORPA 08/16/2015,20:55:04,tinamolodtsova,yes everything is at CORPA 08/16/2015,20:55:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81303, LON : -171.09764, DEPTH :1681.2762m, TEMP : 2.20265C, SAL : 34.59687 PSU, DO : 2.49328 mg/L 08/16/2015,20:56:43,Scott, Note: no chevron sclerites in polyps on this Paragorgia… just sayin;. ;-) 08/16/2015,20:57:19,Scott, BAR 08/16/2015,20:58:01,tinamolodtsova,HYD 08/16/2015,20:58:05,Scott, Great CU 08/16/2015,20:58:16,Scott, SQA 08/16/2015,20:58:33,Scott, and HYD 08/16/2015,21:00:27,tinamolodtsova,CIRI whip 08/16/2015,21:01:28,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,21:01:40,Scott, Juvenile Metallogorgia 08/16/2015,21:01:53,Scott, ibehind this and next to "adult" for comparison 08/16/2015,21:02:07,Amy, CORC kishinouyei 08/16/2015,21:02:17,tinamolodtsova,OPH at CORC 08/16/2015,21:02:34,tinamolodtsova,siphonosoids 08/16/2015,21:03:08,tinamolodtsova,it may be another species, Amy, 08/16/2015,21:03:32,Amy, What did you see Tina? 08/16/2015,21:04:12,tinamolodtsova,I do not know the branching pattern looks a bit like Pasternak material and it is whitish too 08/16/2015,21:04:46,Scott, I collected the type specimens of C. kishinouyei on Cross Seamount, and I thought they were yellow, but you guys keep referring to the white ones. 08/16/2015,21:04:54,Scott, Telecon line has been dropped from vessel 08/16/2015,21:04:55,Amy, Which species were you thinking? I was thinking the branching was off a it too, but I've only seen a few 08/16/2015,21:04:59,tinamolodtsova,Pleurocorallium porcellanum 08/16/2015,21:05:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81309, LON : -171.09743, DEPTH :1676.9872m, TEMP : 2.20814C, SAL : 34.59669 PSU, DO : 2.52751 mg/L 08/16/2015,21:05:08,Amy, I haven't seen that one, could be 08/16/2015,21:05:31,okeanosexplorer,working to reestablish 08/16/2015,21:05:40,Scott, Looks like all ship accounts dropped from eventlog as well 08/16/2015,21:05:54,Scott, Video okay though 08/16/2015,21:06:09,Scott, and audio with video 08/16/2015,21:06:19,Amy, Scott, kish ones I've seen were pretty white 08/16/2015,21:06:49,Scott, Initeresting. I'll look back at my specimens and deck shots if I have them. 08/16/2015,21:07:18,Scott, CORA Stauropathes? 08/16/2015,21:07:19,Amy, Well, genus pleurocorallium either way :^) 08/16/2015,21:07:43,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Stauropathes 08/16/2015,21:07:46,tinamolodtsova,looks like Stauro 08/16/2015,21:07:57,tinamolodtsova,but my video is frozen) 08/16/2015,21:07:59,asakomatsumoto,video interrupted... 08/16/2015,21:08:13,Scott, Video back. 08/16/2015,21:08:32,tinamolodtsova,FSH 08/16/2015,21:08:43,asakomatsumoto,video back. 08/16/2015,21:09:29,tinamolodtsova,@Asakom ok, now I know that video is going to my direction first ;-) 08/16/2015,21:10:00,asakomatsumoto,@Tina: :) 08/16/2015,21:10:06,Scott, Telecon back 08/16/2015,21:13:55,Scott, ASR 08/16/2015,21:13:55,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/16/2015,21:15:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81305, LON : -171.09704, DEPTH :1678.5743m, TEMP : 2.21346C, SAL : 34.59546 PSU, DO : 2.50573 mg/L 08/16/2015,21:16:17,Scott, Well done! You found it! A crinoid, 08/16/2015,21:16:24,Scott, Back to the ASR 08/16/2015,21:17:37,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/16/2015,21:19:30,Scott, SQA in a yellow colony of ?? 08/16/2015,21:20:34,Jonathan, so one way to test my hypothesis on whether this ridge is constructional like the other rift zones that we have dove on or if it is an erosive feature would be if we found any in-place dikes, their orientation would provide evidence of this ridge 08/16/2015,21:21:15,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom& on crinoid? 08/16/2015,21:21:31,Scott, SQA on CORI whip 08/16/2015,21:21:35,okeanosexplorer,coming riht up, tina 08/16/2015,21:22:26,Jonathan, if their orientation trend north-south and not east-west, it would mean that the ridge is the product of erosion and not produce due to eruption of lava; if the dikes are oriented east-west, then it would mean that this ride is actually a rift zone feature and it is constructional 08/16/2015,21:22:45,Scott, Nice imaging - thanks 08/16/2015,21:23:25,tinamolodtsova,nice Arms of another CRI 08/16/2015,21:24:09,Scott, Noted a very small CORI whip recruit behind that CRI 08/16/2015,21:24:27,Scott, Wow! We've got to hear about your dirty laundry now? ;-) 08/16/2015,21:24:37,tinamolodtsova,already clean one 08/16/2015,21:25:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81299, LON : -171.09653, DEPTH :1666.2275m, TEMP : 2.21176C, SAL : 34.59721 PSU, DO : 2.49903 mg/L 08/16/2015,21:25:08,Amy, The genus for kish is now Pleurocorallium 08/16/2015,21:25:14,Scott, I know the problem!! 08/16/2015,21:26:54,tinamolodtsova,CORI giantic whip 08/16/2015,21:27:11,tinamolodtsova,CORA Bathy - may we look?\ 08/16/2015,21:27:37,tinamolodtsova,branched Bathy , request zoom 08/16/2015,21:28:07,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido, Rhop 08/16/2015,21:28:10,tinamolodtsova,CORC 08/16/2015,21:29:15,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,21:29:59,tinamolodtsova,contracted 08/16/2015,21:30:10,tinamolodtsova,CRI at stone 08/16/2015,21:30:38,tinamolodtsova,OPH at stone behind Metallo 08/16/2015,21:35:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81288, LON : -171.09632, DEPTH :1669.0012m, TEMP : 2.22307C, SAL : 34.59568 PSU, DO : 2.49885 mg/L 08/16/2015,21:35:46,tinamolodtsova,actually I requested Bathypathes but thank you Chris; 08/16/2015,21:37:22,tinamolodtsova,more CORCH Metallo 08/16/2015,21:37:41,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,21:38:34,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Cryso 08/16/2015,21:39:16,tinamolodtsova,zoom at th base of Irido? 08/16/2015,21:39:27,tinamolodtsova,CORA Stauro? 08/16/2015,21:40:02,tinamolodtsova,CORO & Paragorgia? 08/16/2015,21:42:47,okeanosexplorer,POL 08/16/2015,21:44:28,Steve, wow. great shot 08/16/2015,21:44:29,tinamolodtsova,CORCH IridoMetalo 08/16/2015,21:45:03,randysinger,did you say "Polyopogon"? 08/16/2015,21:45:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81304, LON : -171.09605, DEPTH :1664.2862m, TEMP : 2.22053C, SAL : 34.59484 PSU, DO : 2.47953 mg/L 08/16/2015,21:45:22,okeanosexplorer,yes, SPO - Poliopogon sp. B 08/16/2015,21:45:42,randysinger,thats funny "Apogon" is a large genus of fish 08/16/2015,21:45:50,randysinger,I heard it and came running 08/16/2015,21:47:11,okeanosexplorer,we had to move,sorry randy 08/16/2015,21:47:30,randysinger,its ok! 08/16/2015,21:47:50,randysinger,this is a really beutiful site 08/16/2015,21:48:08,tinamolodtsova,CORC, CORCH Irido, CORI 08/16/2015,21:49:01,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Stauropathes 08/16/2015,21:49:05,tinamolodtsova,CORA Srauropathes 08/16/2015,21:49:40,Scott, That is abig one! 08/16/2015,21:49:49,Scott, BAR on that CORCH 08/16/2015,21:50:00,tinamolodtsova,OPH at the stone 08/16/2015,21:50:19,Scott, Did someone say "Kraken?" 08/16/2015,21:50:37,Scott, ;-) 08/16/2015,21:50:40,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/16/2015,21:51:51,Jonathan, Mn- encrusted PIL? 08/16/2015,21:52:22,Scott, LOTS of small stuff growing on rock here. Very fuzzy 08/16/2015,21:52:41,tinamolodtsova,Zoom on star and rock please 08/16/2015,21:52:45,Scott, Tubularia - like HYD 08/16/2015,21:53:29,Scott, Caprellid amphipod at base of Pythonaster 08/16/2015,21:53:33,tinamolodtsova,CORS Cupcoral 08/16/2015,21:53:45,Scott, GREAT view of the caprellid 08/16/2015,21:53:52,Scott, Trying to get your attention! 08/16/2015,21:54:02,Scott, Hey, never mind that ASR, lookit me! 08/16/2015,21:54:04,okeanosexplorer,got it scott, 08/16/2015,21:54:11,Scott, ;-) 08/16/2015,21:54:26,tinamolodtsova,they are not look as Tubilariids for me 08/16/2015,21:54:39,Scott, "Skeleton shrimp" 08/16/2015,21:55:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81317, LON : -171.09573, DEPTH :1663.7465m, TEMP : 2.20956C, SAL : 34.59701 PSU, DO : 2.49401 mg/L 08/16/2015,21:55:11,randysinger,Caprellidae 08/16/2015,21:55:20,Scott, 2 caprellids at least 08/16/2015,21:55:43,randysinger,one of the coolest Amphipods 08/16/2015,21:56:21,Scott, Caprellida is a suborder of Amphipoda. 08/16/2015,21:56:32,randysinger,oh right 08/16/2015,21:56:34,randysinger,my mistake 08/16/2015,21:56:35,okeanosexplorer,CORO - stoloniferous octocoral 08/16/2015,21:57:06,Scott, Caprellida includes these skeleton shrimp and the cyamid whale lice. 08/16/2015,21:57:07,Amy, CORCH 08/16/2015,21:57:10,Amy, CORC 08/16/2015,21:57:11,randysinger,according to my quick literature searhc its actually a "infraorder" 08/16/2015,21:57:17,Scott, Both are adapted to hang on to other organisms 08/16/2015,21:57:29,randysinger,oh ya! the whale louses are awesome 08/16/2015,21:57:41,okeanosexplorer,i agree 08/16/2015,21:58:33,Scott, @Randy: the systematics change so fast tomorrow it may be a quasiorder… 08/16/2015,21:58:52,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/16/2015,21:59:43,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/16/2015,21:59:52,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/16/2015,21:59:54,Scott, Caprellids are very common in shallow water. 08/16/2015,21:59:55,tinamolodtsova, OPH 08/16/2015,21:59:57,asakomatsumoto,I saw Caprellida attached to Primnoidae and Acanthogorgiidae in Japan. 08/16/2015,22:00:08,Amy, back in a bit 08/16/2015,22:00:15,Scott, Check out almost any hydroid colony growing off a pier piling and you are almost sure to find some in there. 08/16/2015,22:00:16,tinamolodtsova,BAR 08/16/2015,22:00:21,asakomatsumoto,Both deep water observation. 08/16/2015,22:00:46,tinamolodtsova,Caperllida are often with Hydroids 08/16/2015,22:01:11,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/16/2015,22:01:19,Scott, Yes. I am more surprised we haven't seen more than that we saw those two. 08/16/2015,22:04:55,asakomatsumoto,@Scott: have you ever seen Caprellids associated with deep sea coral in situ? 08/16/2015,22:05:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81329, LON : -171.09562, DEPTH :1661.7947m, TEMP : 2.18664C, SAL : 34.59894 PSU, DO : 2.50836 mg/L 08/16/2015,22:05:55,Steve, OPH 08/16/2015,22:06:03,Scott, Keratoisis type 08/16/2015,22:06:04,okeanosexplorer,CORI 08/16/2015,22:06:07,mackenziegarringer,I agree with the Gadomus ID. Not sure about the characters that distinguish melanopterus from the other 13 or so species. 08/16/2015,22:06:27,Steve, looks like a 'fresh' break point? in the back? 08/16/2015,22:07:34,Scott, BAR cluster on CORI 08/16/2015,22:07:39,Scott, and CRI 08/16/2015,22:08:46,Scott, You've been out there too long Daniel… I think it is only 3 weeks or so away! 08/16/2015,22:09:05,okeanosexplorer,YES 08/16/2015,22:10:17,Scott, Hope you left the washer clean!! 08/16/2015,22:11:03,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Umbellapathes 08/16/2015,22:12:29,tinamolodtsova,Thanks Daniel 08/16/2015,22:12:44,tinamolodtsova,can bigger zoom? 08/16/2015,22:13:35,Scott, Oh Chris - have you not learned yet? ;-) 08/16/2015,22:13:50,tinamolodtsova,seems like OK Umbellapathes helioanthes 08/16/2015,22:13:56,tinamolodtsova,six-radiates 08/16/2015,22:14:59,tinamolodtsova,can we have more stem? 08/16/2015,22:15:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81327, LON : -171.09550, DEPTH :1660.7887m, TEMP : 2.18755C, SAL : 34.59848 PSU, DO : 2.49840 mg/L 08/16/2015,22:15:36,tinamolodtsova,CRI at CORAC 08/16/2015,22:15:50,Scott, The word "coral" was first used to describe a Corallium in the Mediterranean 08/16/2015,22:16:33,okeanosexplorer,good info, scott 08/16/2015,22:17:37,tinamolodtsova,@Chris,the same for me - definitely Stylasteridae photos 08/16/2015,22:17:43,Scott, So "coral" really was intended to describe an octocoral, but most of the general public use it to describe scleractinian coral! 08/16/2015,22:18:21,tinamolodtsova,hey, it was the time when Madreporaria has another meaning and included Bryozoa) 08/16/2015,22:18:23,okeanosexplorer,are you suggesting that octocorals are the true corals :) 08/16/2015,22:18:46,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, no.. he suggests that they are ONLY ones 08/16/2015,22:19:04,Scott, haha 08/16/2015,22:19:07,tinamolodtsova,CORI whips 08/16/2015,22:19:22,Scott, I just like the story. 08/16/2015,22:19:26,Amy, I'd thrid that vote 08/16/2015,22:19:37,Jonathan, what time are you guys planning being off-bottom today? 08/16/2015,22:19:46,okeanosexplorer,1530HST 08/16/2015,22:19:52,Jonathan, thanks 08/16/2015,22:20:40,tinamolodtsova,CRI stalked red 08/16/2015,22:21:10,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Metallo 08/16/2015,22:21:54,okeanosexplorer,CTE 08/16/2015,22:21:56,Scott, CTE 08/16/2015,22:22:06,Scott, Lobate ctenophore 08/16/2015,22:22:06,tinamolodtsova,life is short and the bamboo whip is long... 08/16/2015,22:23:02,asakomatsumoto,you are poet Tina! 08/16/2015,22:23:38,tinamolodtsova,no... one master student of my Prof used to do hystology of Vestimentifera 08/16/2015,22:23:53,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/16/2015,22:24:04,tinamolodtsova,CORA Umbella 08/16/2015,22:24:37,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/16/2015,22:25:05,mackenziegarringer,That little round-nosed Macrourid from before. Maybe Trachonurus. 08/16/2015,22:25:14,okexnav,LAT :25.81336, LON : -171.09528, DEPTH :1663.2004m, TEMP : 2.19072C, SAL : 34.59776 PSU, DO : 2.52438 mg/L 08/16/2015,22:25:48,tinamolodtsova,it is nor rockPen at the right? 08/16/2015,22:27:21,tinamolodtsova,CORA Bathy 08/16/2015,22:28:24,tinamolodtsova,quick zoom at Umbellapathes at the right? 08/16/2015,22:28:43,tinamolodtsova,SQA at CORA Umb 08/16/2015,22:30:17,tinamolodtsova,many dead stalks SPO 08/16/2015,22:30:51,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/16/2015,22:30:55,okeanosexplorer,CPEN 08/16/2015,22:31:07,tinamolodtsova,2 of them 08/16/2015,22:31:27,tinamolodtsova,Anthoptilum at my sense at they are crooked 08/16/2015,22:31:37,Scott, Anthoptilum like 08/16/2015,22:32:21,tinamolodtsova,very Anthoptilum 08/16/2015,22:32:56,tinamolodtsova,siphonozooids are nicely visible 08/16/2015,22:33:35,tinamolodtsova,SQA at CORCH Metallo 08/16/2015,22:33:46,tinamolodtsova,CRI at stone 08/16/2015,22:34:16,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,22:34:56,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/16/2015,22:35:10,okexnav,LAT :25.81322, LON : -171.09504, DEPTH :1655.0404m, TEMP : 2.18947C, SAL : 34.59904 PSU, DO : 2.52107 mg/L 08/16/2015,22:35:33,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/16/2015,22:35:58,tinamolodtsova,CORS cupcoral 08/16/2015,22:36:08,Scott, Agreed 08/16/2015,22:36:17,Scott, To provide some context for the next time you are trying to emphasize the difference between hexacorals and octocorals, these are 2 orders (in 2 different subclasses) in the class Anthozoa. Mammalia is a class in the Vertebrata. Humans are a species in the Order Primates and Whales are vertebrates in the Order Cetartiodactyla. 08/16/2015,22:36:47,tinamolodtsova,CRI at CORI 08/16/2015,22:36:51,Scott, so black corls are as different from octocorals as humans are from whales! 08/16/2015,22:36:52,okeanosexplorer,GRET POINT, SCOTT 08/16/2015,22:37:32,tinamolodtsova,whales from seals? 08/16/2015,22:37:41,Scott, Okay, thanks. I have my compter desktop image taken 08/16/2015,22:38:08,Scott, @Tina: I was trying to make it personal to the human viewer, but you are correct! 08/16/2015,22:38:31,tinamolodtsova,@ Scott, how many you have already? 08/16/2015,22:38:40,Scott, haha 08/16/2015,22:38:52,Scott, Too many! I need to buy several more computers! 08/16/2015,22:38:53,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,22:39:26,tinamolodtsova,you can change them once per.. week for the beginning 08/16/2015,22:39:36,tinamolodtsova,CRI at SPO 08/16/2015,22:39:42,Scott, Run for your lives! Well, swim! 08/16/2015,22:39:48,tinamolodtsova,CORC Pleurocorallium 08/16/2015,22:39:53,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/16/2015,22:40:06,tinamolodtsova,eating black coral? 08/16/2015,22:40:58,Jonathan, Serios cam is pixelated 08/16/2015,22:41:01,tinamolodtsova,CORA Stauropathes 08/16/2015,22:41:37,Amy, he says, its so close I can taste it! 08/16/2015,22:41:41,tinamolodtsova,no, it is eating something smaller, CORC perhaps 08/16/2015,22:41:44,Scott, Is that a Pleurocorallium below or something new? 08/16/2015,22:41:58,tinamolodtsova,and there is tiny CORCH ? Irido??? 08/16/2015,22:43:59,tinamolodtsova,it is not mouth... Pterasteridae 08/16/2015,22:45:12,okexnav,LAT :25.81324, LON : -171.09478, DEPTH :1650.3228m, TEMP : 2.19321C, SAL : 34.59744 PSU, DO : 2.49518 mg/L 08/16/2015,22:45:45,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,22:45:52,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/16/2015,22:45:55,tinamolodtsova,CORC 08/16/2015,22:46:43,tinamolodtsova,These sponge looks like figures from Easter island 08/16/2015,22:46:56,tinamolodtsova,OPHs at SPO 08/16/2015,22:47:26,tinamolodtsova,HYD at the base 08/16/2015,22:47:32,okeanosexplorer,amphipods 08/16/2015,22:47:49,tinamolodtsova,Amphipods at HYD 08/16/2015,22:48:21,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/16/2015,22:48:27,Scott, Cool the way those HYD are covering that high point 08/16/2015,22:49:00,asakomatsumoto,very interesting 08/16/2015,22:49:20,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,22:49:30,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/16/2015,22:49:37,Jonathan, Cam2 is discolored and pixelated 08/16/2015,22:50:07,tinamolodtsova,CORC 08/16/2015,22:50:10,Scott, Wait, did Chris M just say Chris K doesn't know his head from his… butt? 08/16/2015,22:50:39,okeanosexplorer,:) 08/16/2015,22:51:00,tinamolodtsova,@Scott, I did not get it - was interraption in audio :'-( 08/16/2015,22:53:01,tinamolodtsova,what we are taking as second biologicals sample? 08/16/2015,22:53:29,Scott, Haha We'll see how choosy we are when there are 20 min left in dive! ;-) 08/16/2015,22:54:01,Amy, I vote for one of the light pink paragorgia if we see more 08/16/2015,22:54:14,tinamolodtsova,@ Scott, hungry and waiting for dinner?? 08/16/2015,22:54:22,Scott, I have no vote yet. 08/16/2015,22:55:10,okexnav,LAT :25.81332, LON : -171.09413, DEPTH :1648.9982m, TEMP : 2.22398C, SAL : 34.59480 PSU, DO : 2.45763 mg/L 08/16/2015,22:56:14,tinamolodtsova,SQA at CORCH 08/16/2015,22:56:32,tinamolodtsova,or? 08/16/2015,22:57:25,tinamolodtsova,Or Barnacle? 08/16/2015,22:57:52,tinamolodtsova,CRIs 08/16/2015,22:58:48,asakomatsumoto,why these white pleurocorallium colonies are so small? it this species feature? or some disturbence here? 08/16/2015,22:58:57,tinamolodtsova,not many Anthomastus this dive... 08/16/2015,22:59:48,Amy, CRI 08/16/2015,23:00:29,tinamolodtsova,CORSC next stone 08/16/2015,23:00:53,tinamolodtsova,GAS at CRI 08/16/2015,23:01:08,asakomatsumoto,cupcoral over there? 08/16/2015,23:01:22,tinamolodtsova,or zoanthid 08/16/2015,23:02:44,tinamolodtsova,OPH at CORC 08/16/2015,23:05:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81335, LON : -171.09386, DEPTH :1647.8905m, TEMP : 2.23704C, SAL : 34.59283 PSU, DO : 2.45004 mg/L 08/16/2015,23:05:58,tinamolodtsova,CORA BAthy 08/16/2015,23:06:16,tinamolodtsova,SQA 08/16/2015,23:06:49,tinamolodtsova,CORA BAthy 08/16/2015,23:06:53,Jared, Hi all, how does stream 2 look at the ECCs? 08/16/2015,23:08:33,Scott, Whoooa - tuubular. I mean, anguular. ;-) 08/16/2015,23:08:57,tinamolodtsova,CORA Trisso 08/16/2015,23:09:55,Jonathan, Stream 2 is purlpe and fuzzy 08/16/2015,23:10:05,Jonathan, it has been for the past hour or so 08/16/2015,23:10:41,kelleyelliott,Jonathan - are you at UH today? At the ECC? 08/16/2015,23:10:51,Jonathan, yes 08/16/2015,23:12:13,tinamolodtsova,OPH at stone collected 08/16/2015,23:12:13,randysinger,pizas in oven time to check in 08/16/2015,23:12:16,okeanosexplorer,collected Mn-crsuted basalt, SPEC03GEO, 1645m, -171.09374, 25.81332 08/16/2015,23:12:17,randysinger,*pizzas 08/16/2015,23:13:23,tinamolodtsova,These may jump 08/16/2015,23:13:43,okeanosexplorer,probably, but the rock is too big for our bio box 08/16/2015,23:14:38,tinamolodtsova,just I was thinking that some ophiuroids are very tightly attached to their stone 08/16/2015,23:15:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81335, LON : -171.09372, DEPTH :1645.3870m, TEMP : 2.23501C, SAL : 34.59529 PSU, DO : 2.42746 mg/L 08/16/2015,23:15:29,okeanosexplorer,we will see how tightly... 08/16/2015,23:15:42,tinamolodtsova,not this kind) 08/16/2015,23:17:04,tinamolodtsova,daniel, if there is nothing available to collect, Dennis need U. helioanthes for DNA as type species 08/16/2015,23:17:51,okeanosexplorer,i think we will need to wait for when we are utisde the monment, as that species has been well documented rom here 08/16/2015,23:18:32,tinamolodtsova,CORA Umbellapathes 08/16/2015,23:19:05,tinamolodtsova,it is OK 08/16/2015,23:19:35,tinamolodtsova,only because we have limited time left 08/16/2015,23:19:41,tinamolodtsova,CORC 08/16/2015,23:19:45,randysinger,FSH 08/16/2015,23:19:48,randysinger,large FSH 08/16/2015,23:19:58,randysinger,full steam! 08/16/2015,23:20:20,tinamolodtsova,CORA Stauropathes? 08/16/2015,23:20:27,randysinger,looks like a large cusk eel 08/16/2015,23:20:28,okeanosexplorer,yes 08/16/2015,23:20:51,randysinger,Bassozetus again I think 08/16/2015,23:20:53,randysinger,unsure of species 08/16/2015,23:21:12,asakomatsumoto,Is these white corals P.kishinouye for sure? because it is dominant species, I want to know precisely. 08/16/2015,23:21:16,randysinger,the gular barbels is a ophiidid thing 08/16/2015,23:21:37,okeanosexplorer,yes, we imaged it earlier in the dive, asako 08/16/2015,23:21:40,tinamolodtsova,@ asako, Steve determined them 08/16/2015,23:21:56,randysinger,hmm maybe not Bassozetus...ill look into it 08/16/2015,23:21:56,asakomatsumoto,OK. thank you all! 08/16/2015,23:22:06,randysinger,those eyes looked really big 08/16/2015,23:23:49,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Metallo, CORC 08/16/2015,23:24:32,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/16/2015,23:25:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81331, LON : -171.09357, DEPTH :1637.4338m, TEMP : 2.23908C, SAL : 34.59391 PSU, DO : 2.43883 mg/L 08/16/2015,23:25:13,leswatling,strong patchiness in settlement... this seems to be common everywhere we've been over the last decade. So, the absence of a species doesn't mean it is absent! 08/16/2015,23:25:18,randysinger,man its hard being at home without keys 08/16/2015,23:25:35,Scott, Good point Les 08/16/2015,23:25:41,tinamolodtsova,@ randy, you are in or out? 08/16/2015,23:26:01,Scott, "Absence" is a local term in this case 08/16/2015,23:26:17,leswatling,or at least, we didn't see it.... 08/16/2015,23:26:28,randysinger,@tina in or out for what? 08/16/2015,23:26:44,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/16/2015,23:26:49,randysinger,FSH 08/16/2015,23:26:51,randysinger,Halosaur 08/16/2015,23:26:53,asakomatsumoto,agree. heterogeneous and patchiness is common in benthic distribution. 08/16/2015,23:26:55,randysinger,Aldrovandia 08/16/2015,23:27:14,randysinger,very ancient lineage of fishes 08/16/2015,23:27:17,randysinger,very primitive 08/16/2015,23:28:48,tinamolodtsova,@ randy: it depends, if you are inside home - it is still OK, if you outside looking at that loked (by yourself) door - it is a trouble 08/16/2015,23:29:00,Scott, Screen 1 has been very stable in my opinion (on I1). I haven't been streaming camera 2 but will check now. 08/16/2015,23:29:37,randysinger,@tina I meant species keys! HAHA 08/16/2015,23:29:38,Scott, I see camera 2 only in "green" 08/16/2015,23:29:46,Scott, Never mind that last... 08/16/2015,23:29:53,Scott, Screen correted. 08/16/2015,23:29:57,Scott, corrected 08/16/2015,23:29:59,leswatling,agree with Scott, although I have had the occasional freeze up but I haven't had to do anything to get it going. Am on full res 08/16/2015,23:30:25,Scott, Oh yes, I am on full res 08/16/2015,23:30:32,randysinger,so many interesting fish today 08/16/2015,23:30:36,tinamolodtsova,camera 1 is more or less OK, not the worst day, I am at normal Internet 08/16/2015,23:30:41,Scott, camera 2 looks pretty good 08/16/2015,23:30:47,randysinger,dinner time bbiaf 08/16/2015,23:31:01,Scott, but thta is a short term report, not from over the past hour 08/16/2015,23:31:01,leswatling,plus I have sound tonight so I have more knowledge of what is going on 08/16/2015,23:31:02,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/16/2015,23:31:09,Jonathan, @Scott, you aren't having it be pixelated and purple? 08/16/2015,23:31:16,Jonathan, Cam2 that is 08/16/2015,23:31:29,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,23:31:48,tinamolodtsova,higher colonies of CORC here 08/16/2015,23:32:38,asakomatsumoto,larger colony size than previous area 08/16/2015,23:32:58,Jonathan, Cam2 is very blurry here at UH, it is not consistently purple as it was previously 08/16/2015,23:33:09,tinamolodtsova,CORA Umbella 08/16/2015,23:33:38,Scott, @Jonathan: when I first start camera 2 (I'm not streaming it continuously) it comes up as green screen and then snaps to normal. No purple, but perhaps my ghreen signal is your purple signal 08/16/2015,23:34:08,leswatling,No issue with cam 2 full res here in Maine 08/16/2015,23:35:04,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/16/2015,23:35:08,okexnav,LAT :25.81340, LON : -171.09303, DEPTH :1621.7997m, TEMP : 2.25751C, SAL : 34.59023 PSU, DO : 2.39617 mg/L 08/16/2015,23:35:11,Scott, Chris K may need to adjust mike a bit. He is now quieter on telecon 08/16/2015,23:35:24,Jonathan, Well I just refreshed camera 2 the stream and now it is all green 08/16/2015,23:35:38,Scott, Porcellanasterid? 08/16/2015,23:36:04,tinamolodtsova,looks the same species as this dive under the stone 08/16/2015,23:37:14,leswatling,not sure is Scott mentioned this but the very tall whip that was common an hour or more ago is one we are calling "long bones." It is a new genus that we have seen in Tasmania, New England seamounts and here in Hawaii. Not sure whether it is one species or more from these areas. Scott may have an opinion based on the genetic data. 08/16/2015,23:38:02,okeanosexplorer,thanks les 08/16/2015,23:38:36,Scott, @Les: I did not reference "long bones." Saving some good material for leg 4! ;-) 08/16/2015,23:39:05,leswatling,oh no! Sorry.... I better be careful.... 08/16/2015,23:39:39,tinamolodtsova,@ Les, in fact he did - the very first dive, so Chris K already knows about bones;-) 08/16/2015,23:39:51,okeanosexplorer,pol 08/16/2015,23:40:10,leswatling,your memory is too good Tina! 08/16/2015,23:40:15,tinamolodtsova,POL\n 08/16/2015,23:40:37,tinamolodtsova,@Les, sometimes it is a trouble 08/16/2015,23:41:09,tinamolodtsova,CORA Stauro 08/16/2015,23:41:11,Scott, @Tina: D'Oh! Got me! ;-) 08/16/2015,23:41:37,tinamolodtsova,SPO dead stalks 08/16/2015,23:41:45,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido 08/16/2015,23:41:57,okeanosexplorer,solitary HYD 08/16/2015,23:42:03,okeanosexplorer,CPEN 08/16/2015,23:42:07,leswatling,those dead sponge stalks are very interesting.... 08/16/2015,23:42:42,leswatling,rock dwelling sea pen 08/16/2015,23:42:44,tinamolodtsova,CPEN Anthoptilum 08/16/2015,23:43:44,tinamolodtsova,CORCH Irido CORC 08/16/2015,23:44:23,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/16/2015,23:44:34,tinamolodtsova,feeding 08/16/2015,23:44:56,leswatling,its on an Iridogorgia skeleton 08/16/2015,23:44:58,tinamolodtsova,at IRIDO 08/16/2015,23:45:09,okexnav,LAT :25.81338, LON : -171.09292, DEPTH :1612.4104m, TEMP : 2.26474C, SAL : 34.59147 PSU, DO : 2.41327 mg/L 08/16/2015,23:45:13,tinamolodtsova,cleaning barnacles? 08/16/2015,23:45:26,leswatling,with lots of lepadids, probably Glyptelasma 08/16/2015,23:45:28,tinamolodtsova,poor OPG is trying ti escape 08/16/2015,23:45:39,leswatling,audio is droping out a lot now 08/16/2015,23:45:52,leswatling,and video is frozen 08/16/2015,23:45:58,Scott, I'm seeing a bit more freezing on camera 1 full res on I1 than earlier 08/16/2015,23:46:18,tinamolodtsova,Yes, agree, I have audio troubles all the time except yesterday (Yesterday audio was better) 08/16/2015,23:46:33,asakomatsumoto,video stopped 08/16/2015,23:46:57,okeanosexplorer,Stauropathes 08/16/2015,23:46:57,tinamolodtsova,SQA at CORA 08/16/2015,23:47:21,tinamolodtsova,BAR at Srauro 08/16/2015,23:47:23,Scott, 2x SQA on CORA 08/16/2015,23:47:32,leswatling,Rhodaniridogorgia 08/16/2015,23:48:21,leswatling,do we know if the crustacean in the Rhodaniridogorgia is a chirostylid or a shrimp? 08/16/2015,23:48:49,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, I do not know we had no shance to compare color variations 08/16/2015,23:48:52,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/16/2015,23:48:55,okeanosexplorer,ACN - Exocoelactis? 08/16/2015,23:49:13,tinamolodtsova,but 08/16/2015,23:50:03,Scott, ACN 08/16/2015,23:50:08,tinamolodtsova,actually the color variations worked pretty well... for Stauro 08/16/2015,23:51:11,okeanosexplorer,thanks tina 08/16/2015,23:51:27,tinamolodtsova,have to leave for an hour.. 08/16/2015,23:51:48,okeanosexplorer,see you soon, tina 08/16/2015,23:51:53,leswatling,we'll be waiting for you! unless the dive ends... 08/16/2015,23:52:00,asakomatsumoto,see you tina 08/16/2015,23:52:18,okeanosexplorer,we have another 1.45h on the bottom 08/16/2015,23:52:19,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, if there is a chance it would be good to compare genetically and morphologically these two variations 08/16/2015,23:52:35,okeanosexplorer,i agree 08/16/2015,23:53:32,Amy, chrysogorgiid peak 08/16/2015,23:53:33,Scott, Height matters! 08/16/2015,23:54:39,Scott, So, in fact "shallow" for this leg! 08/16/2015,23:55:04,okeanosexplorer,yup 08/16/2015,23:55:07,okexnav,LAT :25.81350, LON : -171.09264, DEPTH :1606.1782m, TEMP : 2.27073C, SAL : 34.59105 PSU, DO : 2.42429 mg/L 08/16/2015,23:55:15,leswatling,can we zoom the Rhodan's to see the crustaceans that are aboard 08/16/2015,23:56:21,leswatling,thanks, you are reading my mind.... 08/16/2015,23:56:42,leswatling,looked like a Bathypalaemonella shrimp