08/05/2015,00:00:43,leswatling,a sponge with "eyes" 08/05/2015,00:00:57,Scott France,Species named for Amy's kids, who were born while the description was ongoing. 08/05/2015,00:01:16,Scott France,Genus, obviously, for bubblegum coral zoanthid! 08/05/2015,00:01:34,Scott France,OK - back to live action! 08/05/2015,00:01:58,Scott France,That is your reward for sitting in that seat, Chris. 08/05/2015,00:02:00,Santiago Herrera,Les, P. coralloides is not the only Paragorgia species with zoanthids 08/05/2015,00:02:20,Santiago Herrera,I can tell of at least two other species in NZ that sometimes get overgrown 08/05/2015,00:02:41,leswatling,Very interesting, good to know... 08/05/2015,00:02:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62613, LON : -167.24151, DEPTH :1971.3586m, TEMP : 1.99690C, SAL : 34.62126 PSU, DO : 2.78718 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:02:52,Scott France,So much to learn. 08/05/2015,00:03:06,Scott France,You are strong, indeed. I too have a bloody lip! 08/05/2015,00:03:09,Santiago Herrera,can send you pictures if you are interested 08/05/2015,00:03:25,Scott France,And more sediment drape... 08/05/2015,00:03:27,leswatling,that would be great! 08/05/2015,00:03:46,Santiago Herrera,ok, will dig them up 08/05/2015,00:03:52,Scott France,This is the most sediment I've seen on this leg. 08/05/2015,00:04:44,leswatling,no, don't think its trichotoma. 08/05/2015,00:04:55,leswatling,more like a typical Jasonisis. 08/05/2015,00:05:53,leswatling,I think iss Orostimisis 08/05/2015,00:06:13,leswatling,or maybe not 08/05/2015,00:07:22,Nicole Morgan,CORCH 08/05/2015,00:07:30,leswatling,there is a small I magnispiralis in the view 08/05/2015,00:07:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62611, LON : -167.24165, DEPTH :1971.8351m, TEMP : 1.99526C, SAL : 34.62140 PSU, DO : 2.78269 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:08:48,leswatling,there is the big branches "whip" 08/05/2015,00:09:03,leswatling,branched 08/05/2015,00:09:32,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/05/2015,00:10:52,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/05/2015,00:11:03,Nicole Morgan,different CRI 08/05/2015,00:11:23,Scott France,CORA 08/05/2015,00:12:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62624, LON : -167.24184, DEPTH :1969.6639m, TEMP : 1.99066C, SAL : 34.62129 PSU, DO : 2.79534 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:13:42,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Parantipathes x3 08/05/2015,00:13:55,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/05/2015,00:14:00,leswatling,water slightly colder as we have gained altitude.... 08/05/2015,00:14:38,leswatling,no galatheids 08/05/2015,00:15:45,Nicole Morgan,CORCH 08/05/2015,00:16:09,leswatling,I. magnispiralis juvenile 08/05/2015,00:16:57,leswatling,this is interesting since it shows recruitment here whereas there was no evidence of recruitment at Twin Banks. 08/05/2015,00:17:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62616, LON : -167.24198, DEPTH :1969.3842m, TEMP : 1.99668C, SAL : 34.61721 PSU, DO : 2.80487 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:19:07,leswatling,zoom on that bamboo whip? 08/05/2015,00:19:19,leswatling,the real straight one 08/05/2015,00:20:48,leswatling,or is that a sponge with a stoloniferous octocoral all over it? 08/05/2015,00:22:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62617, LON : -167.24197, DEPTH :1969.6601m, TEMP : 1.98106C, SAL : 34.62674 PSU, DO : 2.80353 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:23:48,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Parantipathes 08/05/2015,00:27:21,leswatling,yep, that was a sponge.... 08/05/2015,00:27:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62616, LON : -167.24201, DEPTH :1969.1505m, TEMP : 1.95233C, SAL : 34.62474 PSU, DO : 2.85567 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:28:52,Nicole Morgan,How much longer on this dive? 08/05/2015,00:32:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62617, LON : -167.24198, DEPTH :1968.6016m, TEMP : 1.94716C, SAL : 34.62527 PSU, DO : 2.89068 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:35:08,okeanosexplorer>,1hr, nicole 08/05/2015,00:35:28,Scott France,CERI 08/05/2015,00:35:41,Scott France,in background against rock 08/05/2015,00:36:14,Scott France,CERI = cerianthid 08/05/2015,00:37:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62611, LON : -167.24207, DEPTH :1968.6442m, TEMP : 1.93836C, SAL : 34.62695 PSU, DO : 2.86613 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:42:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62616, LON : -167.24205, DEPTH :1968.6056m, TEMP : 1.93126C, SAL : 34.62647 PSU, DO : 2.94144 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:43:33,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom to Cerianthid after the rock? 08/05/2015,00:47:12,tinamolodtsova,is it Heteropathes in the front? 08/05/2015,00:47:21,Scott France,Small cup COR on right 08/05/2015,00:47:23,tinamolodtsova,small one 08/05/2015,00:47:36,Scott France,Yes Tina CORA 08/05/2015,00:47:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62620, LON : -167.24203, DEPTH :1968.8070m, TEMP : 1.91927C, SAL : 34.62904 PSU, DO : 2.91636 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:49:07,tinamolodtsova,Cerianthids cannot be distinguished from photo further than to family level.. and not always 08/05/2015,00:49:13,leswatling,would be nice to know the owner/maker of the net on the rock behind... anyone with any ideas? 08/05/2015,00:50:03,tinamolodtsova,need to see inner tentacles 08/05/2015,00:51:32,leswatling,can we zoom on the branched whip? 08/05/2015,00:52:00,tinamolodtsova,HOL 08/05/2015,00:52:05,amybaco-taylor,Was that a radicipes we just passed on left? 08/05/2015,00:52:10,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,00:52:23,tinamolodtsova,& Heteropathes 08/05/2015,00:52:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62632, LON : -167.24205, DEPTH :1963.0748m, TEMP : 1.91336C, SAL : 34.62860 PSU, DO : 2.88879 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:52:53,tinamolodtsova,Can we zoon crinoid? 08/05/2015,00:53:36,leswatling,baby lyrate bamboo 08/05/2015,00:53:36,Nicole Morgan,CRI - proisocrinus ruberrimus 08/05/2015,00:53:48,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,00:53:54,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/05/2015,00:54:38,Scott France,CORI Lyrate 08/05/2015,00:54:55,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/05/2015,00:55:12,leswatling,very weird, its asymmetrical... not typical 08/05/2015,00:55:37,Scott France,I thought perhaps some branches broken off 08/05/2015,00:55:47,Scott France,the left side broken 08/05/2015,00:56:09,leswatling,no, this will be a new genus 08/05/2015,00:56:47,tinamolodtsova,CRI Commatulida 08/05/2015,00:56:48,Nicole Morgan,CRI - comatulid 08/05/2015,00:56:49,leswatling,this looks like one we collected off Molokai 08/05/2015,00:56:56,amybaco-taylor,Color seems to be really washed out in the online feeds 08/05/2015,00:57:07,Nicole Morgan,HOL 08/05/2015,00:57:28,Scott France,Actually, looking at it as we backed away I see the asymmetry also applies to a higher btranch on left! 08/05/2015,00:57:45,Scott France,As if the left side branche dlater than right side! 08/05/2015,00:57:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62642, LON : -167.24201, DEPTH :1963.5180m, TEMP : 1.90489C, SAL : 34.62850 PSU, DO : 2.89525 mg/L 08/05/2015,00:57:54,Scott France,sorry - branched later 08/05/2015,00:58:11,amybaco-taylor,CORA - 2 08/05/2015,00:58:13,Scott France,CORA 08/05/2015,00:58:35,tinamolodtsova,bad position 08/05/2015,00:58:53,tinamolodtsova,Back - Heteropathes 08/05/2015,00:59:03,tinamolodtsova,front Stauropathes 08/05/2015,00:59:23,tinamolodtsova,? Stauropathes staurocrada 08/05/2015,00:59:40,leswatling,zoom the whip 08/05/2015,00:59:51,leswatling,quick scan 08/05/2015,00:59:52,tinamolodtsova,and the third? 08/05/2015,00:59:57,Nicole Morgan,OPH 08/05/2015,01:00:38,tinamolodtsova,if we are zooming there is a third colony at the front 08/05/2015,01:00:41,leswatling,Scott summarized it.... 08/05/2015,01:00:46,tinamolodtsova,yes, Trissopathes 08/05/2015,01:02:36,leswatling,that's great! there are several clades of whips so we need the sclerite arrangement to tell what it is.... 08/05/2015,01:02:44,Scott France,Good stuff! 08/05/2015,01:02:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62636, LON : -167.24204, DEPTH :1963.5048m, TEMP : 1.90307C, SAL : 34.62847 PSU, DO : 2.92489 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:02:52,Scott France,Thin skeleton. 08/05/2015,01:03:30,leswatling,there is occasionally a whip like bamboo that has a branch farther up the colony that looks like something new. 08/05/2015,01:03:41,leswatling,a short of it would be nice too... 08/05/2015,01:03:59,Scott France,I think Les you might be seeing a black coral... 08/05/2015,01:04:11,Scott France,We sampled one earlier - Heteropathes 08/05/2015,01:04:13,leswatling,hope not! 08/05/2015,01:04:27,Scott France,We have seen some "forked" whips as well 08/05/2015,01:04:35,leswatling,I. magnispiralis 08/05/2015,01:05:04,tinamolodtsova,lost connection 08/05/2015,01:05:14,tinamolodtsova,Umbellapathes 08/05/2015,01:05:14,leswatling,that's probably what I'm thinking about... 08/05/2015,01:05:27,leswatling,the forked whip... 08/05/2015,01:05:31,tinamolodtsova,Can we have zoom? 08/05/2015,01:05:40,tinamolodtsova,it is OK if not 08/05/2015,01:06:33,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/05/2015,01:06:42,tinamolodtsova,CORA 08/05/2015,01:06:48,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Stauropathes 08/05/2015,01:07:12,tinamolodtsova,agree 08/05/2015,01:07:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62655, LON : -167.24214, DEPTH :1959.3634m, TEMP : 1.89545C, SAL : 34.62883 PSU, DO : 2.93934 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:08:00,Scott France,Lets play "Could be…"! 08/05/2015,01:08:42,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/05/2015,01:09:01,tinamolodtsova,CORPar 08/05/2015,01:09:05,leswatling,I think the big bush in the back could be Eknomisis 08/05/2015,01:09:06,amybaco-taylor,Sample? 08/05/2015,01:09:48,leswatling,Yeah, paragorgia. Corallium won't have ophiuroid I don't think, whereas Paragorgia usually does. 08/05/2015,01:10:09,amybaco-taylor,COrallids usually have different species of ophis 08/05/2015,01:10:12,Santiago Herrera,It looks more like a Corallium to me 08/05/2015,01:10:37,amybaco-taylor,THis one definitely Paragorgia 08/05/2015,01:10:41,Nicole Morgan,SHI 08/05/2015,01:10:41,Santiago Herrera,based on the non-bulbous tip ends 08/05/2015,01:10:44,Santiago Herrera,ok 08/05/2015,01:10:54,Scott France,Pretty soft for most Corallium. I like Paragorgia 08/05/2015,01:11:13,leswatling,can we zoom big bush? 08/05/2015,01:11:19,Scott France,But I realize there are some softer Corallim, e.g. C. kishinouyei 08/05/2015,01:11:38,amybaco-taylor,According to Tom SHirely, these ophis are unbranched basket stars. They occur on a number of families 08/05/2015,01:11:46,tinamolodtsova,Pasternak had 3 spp of Corallium from area 08/05/2015,01:11:56,tinamolodtsova,one pretty soft 08/05/2015,01:12:20,leswatling,that's right Amy. they are Asteroschematids, a family related to the basket stars. 08/05/2015,01:12:30,Andrea Quattrini,Goodnight all~ Have a good rest of the dive. 08/05/2015,01:12:31,Santiago Herrera,interesting 08/05/2015,01:12:40,Scott France,See you Andrea 08/05/2015,01:12:50,Nicole Morgan,SPO 08/05/2015,01:12:51,leswatling,We have seem them mostly on Paramuricea and Paragorgia, but also on a few others. 08/05/2015,01:12:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62657, LON : -167.24220, DEPTH :1956.2839m, TEMP : 1.89158C, SAL : 34.63053 PSU, DO : 2.97490 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:13:00,leswatling,Sea you Andrea! 08/05/2015,01:13:06,amybaco-taylor,Thanks Les, the name was escaping me. Other families occur on Corallids. 08/05/2015,01:13:23,leswatling,Interesting, thanks.... 08/05/2015,01:14:59,leswatling,yes Amy we saw an ophi with curly arm tips on Corallium in the Atlantic. Definitely not Asteroschema but that name escapes me now. In any case you caan tell by the way the arms curl who they are. 08/05/2015,01:15:44,tinamolodtsova,CORI curled 08/05/2015,01:15:54,Scott France,CORA 08/05/2015,01:16:04,tinamolodtsova,TCORA 08/05/2015,01:16:34,Scott France,That whip on left is very strange! 08/05/2015,01:16:49,tinamolodtsova,Little more zoom, but have to be Trissopathes 08/05/2015,01:16:51,amybaco-taylor,The unbranched basket satrs don't seem to be family-specific in Hawaii, at least not as a group, although there are some coral families we don 08/05/2015,01:16:57,amybaco-taylor,'tdon't see them on 08/05/2015,01:16:58,tinamolodtsova,yes. 08/05/2015,01:17:20,tinamolodtsova,try to get good picture 08/05/2015,01:17:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62667, LON : -167.24235, DEPTH :1956.0032m, TEMP : 1.88937C, SAL : 34.63129 PSU, DO : 2.93983 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:17:58,leswatling,it looks like it has little polyps rather than tentacles... 08/05/2015,01:18:05,tinamolodtsova,there are several species of the genus, the one with few branches was unusual 08/05/2015,01:18:21,Nicole Morgan,SQA 08/05/2015,01:18:31,tinamolodtsova,Les, it is OK, tentacles in 3 pairs 08/05/2015,01:18:39,leswatling,OK 08/05/2015,01:18:53,leswatling,maybe the tentacles had white tips? 08/05/2015,01:19:11,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/05/2015,01:19:17,tinamolodtsova,nematocysts I guess 08/05/2015,01:19:24,tinamolodtsova,Heteropathes 08/05/2015,01:19:32,amybaco-taylor,CORA 08/05/2015,01:19:59,tinamolodtsova,Wait 08/05/2015,01:20:27,tinamolodtsova,just good picture 08/05/2015,01:20:34,leswatling,the big bush 08/05/2015,01:21:42,tinamolodtsova,Hard to tell. Trissopathes or Heteropathes. 08/05/2015,01:21:49,okeanosexplorer,1958m 08/05/2015,01:22:25,tinamolodtsova,POL 08/05/2015,01:22:27,leswatling,this is a whip very much like one we have from Tasmania. It has high density of polyps all around the axis. 08/05/2015,01:22:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62661, LON : -167.24237, DEPTH :1949.2269m, TEMP : 1.87384C, SAL : 34.63127 PSU, DO : 2.94158 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:23:40,briankennedy,post dive call at 1540 HST 08/05/2015,01:24:04,tinamolodtsova,Thank you everybody, it was great dive 08/05/2015,01:24:17,Scott France,Agreed. So much to look at and discuss! 08/05/2015,01:24:23,Scott France,Great work on board. 08/05/2015,01:24:43,leswatling,Too much fun! 08/05/2015,01:27:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62622, LON : -167.24308, DEPTH :1899.3019m, TEMP : 1.92171C, SAL : 34.62642 PSU, DO : 2.94087 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:32:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62582, LON : -167.24275, DEPTH :1769.9651m, TEMP : 2.31304C, SAL : 34.59492 PSU, DO : 2.39716 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:37:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62589, LON : -167.24275, DEPTH :1629.9674m, TEMP : 2.52142C, SAL : 34.57904 PSU, DO : 2.23756 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:42:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62617, LON : -167.24187, DEPTH :1478.4058m, TEMP : 2.70425C, SAL : 34.56285 PSU, DO : 2.04235 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:47:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62626, LON : -167.24091, DEPTH :1326.4772m, TEMP : 2.99642C, SAL : 34.53505 PSU, DO : 1.81807 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:52:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62634, LON : -167.23961, DEPTH :1174.7287m, TEMP : 3.40207C, SAL : 34.49138 PSU, DO : 1.54006 mg/L 08/05/2015,01:57:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62669, LON : -167.23799, DEPTH :1026.3903m, TEMP : 3.84489C, SAL : 34.42187 PSU, DO : 1.15083 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:02:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62696, LON : -167.23615, DEPTH : 882.7780m, TEMP : 4.11298C, SAL : 34.30522 PSU, DO : 0.84164 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:07:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62756, LON : -167.23457, DEPTH : 752.9235m, TEMP : 4.75541C, SAL : 34.16829 PSU, DO : 1.36040 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:12:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62808, LON : -167.23325, DEPTH : 623.7884m, TEMP : 5.74979C, SAL : 34.05606 PSU, DO : 2.65213 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:17:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62838, LON : -167.23215, DEPTH : 485.7032m, TEMP : 7.77742C, SAL : 34.04904 PSU, DO : 4.72284 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:22:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62874, LON : -167.23126, DEPTH : 340.5508m, TEMP : 11.93370C, SAL : 34.27033 PSU, DO : 6.34342 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:27:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62917, LON : -167.23043, DEPTH : 199.9443m, TEMP : 16.98967C, SAL : 34.82815 PSU, DO : 6.77586 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:32:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62940, LON : -167.22963, DEPTH : 57.0708m, TEMP : 23.55237C, SAL : 35.36794 PSU, DO : 7.25373 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:37:53,okexnav,LAT :25.62972, LON : -167.22873, DEPTH : 4.2881m, TEMP : 27.37961C, SAL : 35.41653 PSU, DO : 6.62800 mg/L 08/05/2015,02:42:53,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,02:47:53,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,02:52:53,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,02:57:53,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:02:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:07:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:12:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:17:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:22:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:27:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:32:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:37:56,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:42:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,03:47:54,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/05/2015,07:55:34,kelleyelliott,Hi All - this is an update from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. We are currently conducting underway mapping operations en route to Maro Crater for our next ROV dive (Dive 04) of the cruise. We are currently making an incredible 12+ knots! If we maintain that speed through the night, we will arrive on station for ROV deployment tomorrow morning at 0800. If the ROV is in the water around 8:30am, we should be on bottom at 3035m at about 1000am. Please join us on the dive by using the teleconference line below and viewing the live video feeds online:\nTeleconference Line: 1-866-617-5860,tel:1-866-617-5860>, passcode: 1233796  \nHigh resolution versions of the feeds for contributing scientists: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos /media/exstream/exstream-full-res.html 08/05/2015,18:09:08,kelleyelliott,Hi everyone - we're preparing for ROV deployment at Maro Crater here on the ship. The vehicle should be in the water about 8:40am and the descent to the seafloor is about 95 minutes, so we're looking at arrival on bottom at 3035m around 10:15am. We'll have the ship to shore science planning call at 9:00am. Join us by dialing 1-866-617-5860,tel:1-866-617-5860>, passcode: 1233796  and tuning in online (http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos /media/exstream/exstream-full-res.html ) 08/05/2015,18:32:48,brucemundy,FSH 08/05/2015,18:33:03,brucemundy,Decapterus species - mackerel scad or opelu 08/05/2015,18:33:30,brucemundy,FSH - same 08/05/2015,18:34:53,Nicole Morgan,http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/collaboration-tools/im-eventlog/dive-codes.html 08/05/2015,18:40:45,okexnav,LAT :25.16142, LON : -169.88446, DEPTH : 186.8049m, TEMP : 16.58026C, SAL : 34.79460 PSU, DO : 6.98710 mg/L 08/05/2015,18:41:43,randysinger,hey guys 08/05/2015,18:45:36,randysinger,Im a midwater fish guy 08/05/2015,18:45:45,okexnav,LAT :25.16153, LON : -169.88431, DEPTH : 330.4017m, TEMP : 12.46047C, SAL : 34.33385 PSU, DO : 6.78169 mg/L 08/05/2015,18:46:53,randysinger,if possible try to get snap zooms on any fish you seen in decent 08/05/2015,18:46:59,randysinger,*see 08/05/2015,18:47:33,randysinger,thanks Bruce! (cant use teleconference in my office) 08/05/2015,18:48:31,randysinger,serios is angled toward right? 08/05/2015,18:48:37,randysinger,*downward 08/05/2015,18:50:24,brucemundy,Hey Randy - keep an eye for Bathysphaera intacta! 08/05/2015,18:50:45,okexnav,LAT :25.16137, LON : -169.88439, DEPTH : 482.4565m, TEMP : 8.28804C, SAL : 34.08886 PSU, DO : 5.02497 mg/L 08/05/2015,18:54:18,randysinger,APH 08/05/2015,18:55:01,randysinger,LOL Bruc 08/05/2015,18:55:36,brucemundy,Siphonophore 08/05/2015,18:55:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16126, LON : -169.88428, DEPTH : 639.1694m, TEMP : 6.05669C, SAL : 34.28817 PSU, DO : 2.67448 mg/L 08/05/2015,18:55:46,randysinger,SIP 08/05/2015,18:56:20,randysinger,SQD 08/05/2015,18:56:32,randysinger,we just passed a squid 08/05/2015,18:56:51,randysinger,x2 08/05/2015,18:57:02,randysinger,JFH 08/05/2015,18:58:47,randysinger,man we are just booking it down past cool stuff 08/05/2015,18:58:53,randysinger,wish we could stop when we see stuff 08/05/2015,18:59:33,brucemundy,For non-fish people - Bathysphaera intacta is a species of dragonfish described by William Beebe in the 1930s. He described it from a visual observation at 2100 feet on one of his bathysphere dives. He said it ws six feet long, much larger than any known dragonfish species. The species is now considered to be a mistake, based on a misinterpretation of what he saw. But ... a six foot long dragonfish would be really cool! 08/05/2015,18:59:50,randysinger,also improbable :) 08/05/2015,19:00:10,Diva Amon,so how big is it really? 08/05/2015,19:00:30,Diva Amon,have any been found since the one Beebe recorded? 08/05/2015,19:00:45,okexnav,LAT :25.16094, LON : -169.88437, DEPTH : 785.8376m, TEMP : 4.70453C, SAL : 34.24265 PSU, DO : 1.26094 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:01:04,brucemundy,It probably doesn't exist. Nobody else has seen anything like what he described. 08/05/2015,19:01:42,Diva Amon,Do you mean with regard to the size only or the whole description? 08/05/2015,19:01:51,brucemundy,The whole description 08/05/2015,19:02:10,Diva Amon,Interesting. Thank you! 08/05/2015,19:02:28,Diva Amon,One more question: I'm guessing he described it from off Bermuda? 08/05/2015,19:03:43,brucemundy,One moment and I'll get more Bathysphaera information for you, Diva 08/05/2015,19:05:04,brucemundy,Bathysphaera intacta was described from 5 miles southeast of Nonsuch Island, Bermuda, 32°17'N, 64°36'W, depth 2100 feet. The reference is W. Beebe. 1932. A new deep-sea fish. Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society v. 35 (no. 5): 175-177. 08/05/2015,19:05:59,okexnav,LAT :25.16071, LON : -169.88414, DEPTH : 949.1926m, TEMP : 3.95245C, SAL : 34.37804 PSU, DO : 1.09901 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:08:41,Diva Amon,Thanks Bruce! 08/05/2015,19:10:30,brucemundy,You are welcome. I copied the information from the California Academy of Sciences Catalog of Fishes website 08/05/2015,19:10:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16095, LON : -169.88409, DEPTH :1108.6020m, TEMP : 3.57091C, SAL : 34.44664 PSU, DO : 1.31251 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:11:29,brucemundy,CTE or larvacean 08/05/2015,19:13:56,brucemundy,SIP? 08/05/2015,19:14:13,Nicole Morgan,I saw SQD 08/05/2015,19:14:38,brucemundy,I defer to your identification. I'm old enough that my eyes are no longer good. 08/05/2015,19:15:27,Nicole Morgan,Hah! Mine are probably worse! I just really want to see squids :) 08/05/2015,19:15:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16077, LON : -169.88390, DEPTH :1265.9409m, TEMP : 3.06587C, SAL : 34.51409 PSU, DO : 1.65441 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:17:51,brucemundy,No worries. But I agree that what I saw was more likely to have been a squid than a siphonophore 08/05/2015,19:20:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16098, LON : -169.88375, DEPTH :1423.8505m, TEMP : 2.65451C, SAL : 34.55447 PSU, DO : 2.02632 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:25:02,randysinger,JFH 08/05/2015,19:25:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16071, LON : -169.88394, DEPTH :1590.2675m, TEMP : 2.44302C, SAL : 34.57376 PSU, DO : 2.19732 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:30:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16057, LON : -169.88368, DEPTH :1742.8018m, TEMP : 2.20435C, SAL : 34.59808 PSU, DO : 2.46956 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:34:22,randysinger,I'm excited too! 08/05/2015,19:35:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16036, LON : -169.88391, DEPTH :1906.3730m, TEMP : 2.03583C, SAL : 34.61420 PSU, DO : 2.77627 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:37:38,amybaco-taylor,THanks for that size analogy, really helps put its magnitude in perspective 08/05/2015,19:40:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16013, LON : -169.88376, DEPTH :2065.1011m, TEMP : 1.86258C, SAL : 34.63339 PSU, DO : 3.05633 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:41:44,randysinger,feed down? 08/05/2015,19:42:43,Jonathan Tree,Chris, we lost you during your explanation about the sub-bottom profile tracks 08/05/2015,19:44:13,Jonathan Tree,I think that a track perpindicular to the summit of the crater would be great 08/05/2015,19:44:39,okeanosexplorer, Got it Jon. Can you hear us again? 08/05/2015,19:44:43,randysinger,yup 08/05/2015,19:44:46,Jonathan Tree,yes 08/05/2015,19:45:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16015, LON : -169.88364, DEPTH :2224.8927m, TEMP : 1.76222C, SAL : 34.64328 PSU, DO : 3.24795 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:48:47,randysinger,swimming ISO maybe 08/05/2015,19:50:46,okexnav,LAT :25.15993, LON : -169.88376, DEPTH :2392.8184m, TEMP : 1.70163C, SAL : 34.64993 PSU, DO : 3.41239 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:50:53,J.R. Smith,Chris, you might want to say 'land' on the bottom, not hit the bottom, for the sake of the pilots… 08/05/2015,19:51:10,okeanosexplorer,Thanks John! 08/05/2015,19:51:16,randysinger,We also have a Facebook group with over 1000 people watching at different times and taking screen shots and sharing video clips 08/05/2015,19:51:25,randysinger,some of us shore-based folks work on IDs there too 08/05/2015,19:51:55,randysinger,"Underwater webcams screenshot sharing" 08/05/2015,19:52:01,randysinger,OVER 1000 08/05/2015,19:52:04,randysinger,not 100 08/05/2015,19:52:52,Elizabeth Weinberg,Thanks, Randy! FYI, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is also Instagramming a shot every day (@noaasanctuaries) 08/05/2015,19:52:58,randysinger,ooooo 08/05/2015,19:53:00,randysinger,nice 08/05/2015,19:53:21,randysinger,ya this groupw as started by ammatures who reached out to invite me and then we did the AMA last trip and we added over 500 people to the group 08/05/2015,19:53:53,randysinger,I even ran into a few people at meetings who arn't fish biologists or even deep sea biologists who read our AMA 08/05/2015,19:54:02,Elizabeth Weinberg,Awesome! I'm putting the posts together for Sanctuaries but this chatroom & the stream is extremely helpful as I'm not a scientist 08/05/2015,19:54:11,randysinger,that was a brilliant idea by the last trip organizers 08/05/2015,19:54:24,randysinger,aweosme Elizabeth great to have you 08/05/2015,19:54:32,randysinger,feed down 08/05/2015,19:54:50,randysinger,back 08/05/2015,19:55:00,leswatling,sort of.... 08/05/2015,19:55:04,randysinger,ya.. 08/05/2015,19:55:14,brucemundy,Also a beautiful media room at the NOAA Inouye Research Center, for those who can get onto Ford Island at the Pearl Harbor Naval Base. 08/05/2015,19:55:46,okexnav,LAT :25.15994, LON : -169.88370, DEPTH :2549.5936m, TEMP : 1.64446C, SAL : 34.65698 PSU, DO : 3.55426 mg/L 08/05/2015,19:57:15,randysinger,lets get some fish this time! 08/05/2015,19:57:27,randysinger,since all the mid water guys are being shy 08/05/2015,19:58:12,kelleyelliott,FYI, Randy - we're doing another Reddit AMA next week! 08/05/2015,19:58:38,Elizabeth Weinberg,Kelley, when is that? I'll plug from Sanctuaries social media as well 08/05/2015,19:59:04,kelleyelliott,August 12. See: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/ex1504/reddit.html 08/05/2015,19:59:16,Elizabeth Weinberg,Fantastic. Thanks! 08/05/2015,20:00:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16002, LON : -169.88371, DEPTH :2717.1870m, TEMP : 1.63784C, SAL : 34.65913 PSU, DO : 3.61190 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:06:01,J.R. Smith,Haven't seen much sediment so far, so I'm not betting for much of it. 08/05/2015,20:06:01,okexnav,LAT :25.16006, LON : -169.88392, DEPTH :2831.3763m, TEMP : 1.63590C, SAL : 34.66091 PSU, DO : 3.64805 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:07:05,J.R. Smith,See above, plus predicting pavement, hardpan. 08/05/2015,20:10:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16007, LON : -169.88359, DEPTH :2985.8253m, TEMP : 1.65103C, SAL : 34.66093 PSU, DO : 3.62459 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:12:28,Diva Amon,Biology! 08/05/2015,20:13:00,Jonathan Tree,John for the win! 08/05/2015,20:14:12,brucemundy,SPO? 08/05/2015,20:15:14,Nicole Morgan,HOL 08/05/2015,20:15:20,J.R. Smith,I do see SED POC and what looks like some TAL amidst pavement or hardpan, probably Mn coated. 08/05/2015,20:15:38,Scott France,SPO staslk 08/05/2015,20:15:46,okexnav,LAT :25.15970, LON : -169.88343, DEPTH :3031.9427m, TEMP : 1.63402C, SAL : 34.66299 PSU, DO : 3.72040 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:16:49,okeanosexplorer,stalked SPO 08/05/2015,20:17:43,randysinger,SHI 08/05/2015,20:17:49,Nicole Morgan,HOL 08/05/2015,20:20:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16013, LON : -169.88330, DEPTH :3032.6966m, TEMP : 1.63881C, SAL : 34.65761 PSU, DO : 3.72391 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:22:15,amybaco-taylor,limpet or holdfast? 08/05/2015,20:22:31,Scott France,I vote Holdfast 08/05/2015,20:24:41,leswatling,feed is down again 08/05/2015,20:25:05,leswatling,we're back... 08/05/2015,20:25:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16009, LON : -169.88333, DEPTH :3032.6298m, TEMP : 1.63835C, SAL : 34.66371 PSU, DO : 3.68885 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:26:46,randysinger,are those oxygen bubbles? 08/05/2015,20:26:49,randysinger,or gas 08/05/2015,20:28:12,leswatling, I can't think of anything that would make oxygen bubbles at this depth. 08/05/2015,20:29:35,randysinger,les I just meant during the rocks formation 08/05/2015,20:29:51,randysinger,but im just guessing because I know almost 0 about Geology 08/05/2015,20:30:20,randysinger,the rock just looked like it had bubbles on the surface 08/05/2015,20:30:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16004, LON : -169.88346, DEPTH :3032.6344m, TEMP : 1.64258C, SAL : 34.66341 PSU, DO : 3.65696 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:30:47,leswatling,oh yeah! still, probably outgassing would make bubbles, but they usually leave and the rock then is full of small holes. 08/05/2015,20:30:57,Nicole Morgan,stalked SPO 08/05/2015,20:32:06,leswatling,I think the surface of the rock would be described as blotryoidal, and that could be do to the formation of the manganese oxide on the rock surface. But the geologists could probably tell us more detail. 08/05/2015,20:32:11,Jonathan Tree,@ Randy: this rock would have degassed when it was erupted ~20 million years ago. I am guessing the bubbles are biological 08/05/2015,20:32:49,leswatling,yeah, probably microbial associated with the manganese coat? 08/05/2015,20:33:10,Jonathan Tree,i would think so, Mn-Fe reducing bacteria? 08/05/2015,20:33:23,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Bolosoma sp. 08/05/2015,20:34:05,randysinger,thanks for the geology lesson! 08/05/2015,20:34:06,Jonathan Tree,Mn-Fe oxidizing purple bacteria 08/05/2015,20:35:13,Nicole Morgan,HOL 08/05/2015,20:35:48,okexnav,LAT :25.15997, LON : -169.88342, DEPTH :3032.1758m, TEMP : 1.64618C, SAL : 34.66300 PSU, DO : 3.60200 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:36:19,J.R. Smith,Yes, though its spelled 'botryoidal', common texture on Mn crusts. From the Wiki: resembling a bunch of grapes as derived from the Greek,x-dictionary:r:'Greek_language?lang=en&signature=com.apple.DictionaryApp.Wikipedia'>. This is a common form for many minerals particularly hematite where it is the classically recognized shape. 08/05/2015,20:37:59,leswatling,That's how I meant to spell it! Typing not my strong suit.....:P 08/05/2015,20:38:58,J.R. Smith,More SED POC with pebbles and COB amidst Mn coated slabs 08/05/2015,20:40:46,okexnav,LAT :25.15998, LON : -169.88308, DEPTH :3032.1043m, TEMP : 1.63784C, SAL : 34.66205 PSU, DO : 3.66596 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:40:49,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Bolosomidae? 08/05/2015,20:41:55,J.R. Smith,Some more texture info from the Wiki: Each sphere (grape) in a botryoidal mineral,x-dictionary:r:'Mineral?lang=en&signature=com.apple.DictionaryApp.Wikipedia'> is smaller than that of a reniform mineral, and much smaller than that of a mamillary mineral. Botryoidal minerals form when many nearby nuclei , specks of sand, dust, or other particles , are present. Layers of mineral material are deposited radially around the nuclei. As more material is deposited, the spheres grow larger and eventually overlap with those that are nearby. These nearby spheres are then fused together to form the botryoidal cluster. 08/05/2015,20:41:56,Nicole Morgan,CORI 08/05/2015,20:41:58,Scott France,CORI Hmm… Bathygorgia? Les? 08/05/2015,20:42:03,okeanosexplorer,CORI - unbranched 08/05/2015,20:42:21,Scott France,Mysid on the stalk 08/05/2015,20:43:55,Andrea Quattrini,CORI polyps all one side 08/05/2015,20:44:32,Scott France,Nice view of the mysid 08/05/2015,20:45:22,Andrea Quattrini,not much current at bottom 08/05/2015,20:45:39,leswatling,Could be Bathygorgia. I need to check as I think we had another one with the polyps all on one side. 08/05/2015,20:45:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16012, LON : -169.88292, DEPTH :3031.9134m, TEMP : 1.64178C, SAL : 34.66253 PSU, DO : 3.64899 mg/L 08/05/2015,20:45:46,randysinger,Coryphaenoides 08/05/2015,20:45:49,randysinger,FSH 08/05/2015,20:46:06,Astrid Leitner,longicirrhus 08/05/2015,20:46:08,Astrid Leitner,? 08/05/2015,20:46:09,Andrea Quattrini,FSH with ectoparasites 08/05/2015,20:46:31,Astrid Leitner,wow that is a huge parasite 08/05/2015,20:46:36,Nicole Morgan,ACN 08/05/2015,20:46:47,michaelvecchione,parasite looked like a leech 08/05/2015,20:46:50,Scott France,The genus diagnosis reads "uniserial polyps" but the B. abyssicola description states "Polyps are located on all sides of the axis," 08/05/2015,20:46:58,Andrea Quattrini,interesting parasite…have not seen that one before 08/05/2015,20:47:16,randysinger,it had some kind of caudal element 08/05/2015,20:47:18,Scott France,Missed the parasite! Can't do it all! 08/05/2015,20:47:57,randysinger,I keep losing video 08/05/2015,20:48:19,Andrea Quattrini,video lost 08/05/2015,20:48:19,leswatling,me too! 08/05/2015,20:48:24,randysinger,bummer 08/05/2015,20:48:41,Scott France,But Bathygorgia tasmaniensis has polyps only on one side and almost no sclerites at polyp base… So could have been a Bathygorgia! 08/05/2015,20:48:48,brucemundy,Our video is frozen at IRC 08/05/2015,20:48:48,Scott France,Vidoe feed lost here as well. 08/05/2015,20:48:49,Astrid Leitner,I haven't seen that type of parasite before either 08/05/2015,20:48:55,Scott France,video 08/05/2015,20:49:16,Andrea Quattrini,yes, it also had gnathiids on it. But that was not a gnathiid... 08/05/2015,20:49:59,leswatling,Thanks Scott, I was having trouble remembering and was trying to open the paper and watch the video at the same time... Doesn't work too well.... 08/05/2015,20:49:59,randysinger,was it a copepod? (looking through the atlas of parasitic copepods and seeing some like it but not the same) 08/05/2015,20:50:29,randysinger,reload the page 08/05/2015,20:50:33,randysinger,video comes back 08/05/2015,20:50:33,Scott France,Ah! video back 08/05/2015,20:50:37,okeanosexplorer,ACN Actinoscyphia sp. 08/05/2015,20:51:11,Nicole Morgan,OPH 08/05/2015,20:51:35,brucemundy,For the macrourid, Wilson et al. (1985) reported Coryphaenoides longicirrhus from 3003 meters at the Mid-Pacific Seamounts (Scripps expedition). 08/05/2015,20:51:52,Nicole Morgan,video lost again 08/05/2015,20:51:54,randysinger,whatever the species we've seen pretty much only that fish on this trip so far 08/05/2015,20:52:18,randysinger,although theya re relly beutiful. nice brown-gold color 08/05/2015,20:52:25,okeanosexplorer,HOL 08/05/2015,20:53:27,Scott France,My video also frozen/lost and conference line is dropping out intermittently 08/05/2015,20:53:54,randysinger,interesting research project about parasite abuncance on NHM site 08/05/2015,20:53:54,randysinger,http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/parasites-deepsea/ 08/05/2015,20:54:13,Nicole Morgan,video back 08/05/2015,20:54:13,randysinger,video is really choppy 08/05/2015,20:54:21,Scott France,video back now 08/05/2015,20:56:06,J.R. Smith,Dense bed of nodules with SED POC between 08/05/2015,20:57:19,randysinger,SHI 08/05/2015,20:57:24,Diva Amon,was it established if there nodules were loose or accreted? gonna guess accreted 08/05/2015,20:59:03,briankennedy,GAS 08/05/2015,20:59:08,Diva Amon,CRI comatulid 08/05/2015,20:59:38,kaseycantwell,Can you ask video to change the view of feed 2 back to sierios please? 08/05/2015,21:02:16,kaseycantwell,thanks! 08/05/2015,21:02:42,Scott France,Out of curiosity, what is the approximate linear distance to the wall of the caldera from here? Here being the ROV, not Louisiana! 08/05/2015,21:03:31,Diva Amon,wow, look at that seafloor! 08/05/2015,21:05:15,Scott France,SHI 08/05/2015,21:05:17,randysinger,gotta head home ill be back later! hoping for some more fish... 08/05/2015,21:07:43,Scott France,SPO stalk with perhaps BAR 08/05/2015,21:08:00,Scott France,SHI in water column 08/05/2015,21:08:00,J.R. Smith,Extensive, mostly uninterrupted dense nodule field, with a few slabs 08/05/2015,21:08:04,Scott France,swimming head up 08/05/2015,21:09:35,Scott France,Thanks Daniel 08/05/2015,21:14:14,Scott France,Chris - now you are not coming through on the conference line, but I can hear you on the video... 08/05/2015,21:14:45,Scott France,There you are! 08/05/2015,21:16:07,J.R. Smith,Chris, this may be a good scene to describe the interest in using the monument to study Mn crust environments that may be damaged by mining elsewhere. 08/05/2015,21:16:50,kaseycantwell,SPO 08/05/2015,21:17:36,brucemundy,CRI 08/05/2015,21:18:12,brucemundy,Crinoid on the sponge stalk that we just passed 08/05/2015,21:19:30,amybaco-taylor,hagfish? 08/05/2015,21:19:40,amybaco-taylor,no 08/05/2015,21:19:46,Scott France,Gastrod at least 08/05/2015,21:19:53,Scott France,GAStropod 08/05/2015,21:19:57,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus in back 08/05/2015,21:20:07,Scott France,fish predation? 08/05/2015,21:20:29,Steve Haddock,snail escaping. cool. 08/05/2015,21:20:33,Santiago Herrera,wow 08/05/2015,21:20:37,Santiago Herrera,crazy 08/05/2015,21:20:43,brucemundy,Could it have been a gastropod eating a fish? 08/05/2015,21:20:48,Santiago Herrera,never seen that before 08/05/2015,21:21:08,briankennedy, Has anyone seen that form of locomotion before ? 08/05/2015,21:21:33,Nicole Morgan,Is that a large hydroid next to it - my video has frozen though 08/05/2015,21:21:35,michaelvecchione,There are shallow-water gastropods that move like that. 08/05/2015,21:21:44,Scott France,Haven't seen one move that fast beforer... 08/05/2015,21:21:52,Santiago Herrera,it looked like it at first, but if it was a fish then the snail ate it in record time, I think most likely was just the snail 08/05/2015,21:21:53,michaelvecchione,e.g., fighting conch 08/05/2015,21:21:58,Nicole Morgan,ACN 08/05/2015,21:22:07,amybaco-taylor,cup coral 08/05/2015,21:22:53,Scott France,Well, conchs eat fish… 08/05/2015,21:23:03,Scott France,Don't know of any deep sea conchs... 08/05/2015,21:23:16,Santiago Herrera,right 08/05/2015,21:23:30,michaelvecchione,It wasn't a conch, just moving like one 08/05/2015,21:23:49,michaelvecchione,flips itself along with the expended foot. 08/05/2015,21:24:15,Scott France,Right - I was just commenting on the "absurdity" of a snail eating a fish 08/05/2015,21:24:17,Scott France,Chris you are off the conference line again… 08/05/2015,21:24:18,michaelvecchione,extended 08/05/2015,21:24:22,kaseycantwell,How far up the slop are we? 08/05/2015,21:24:40,Santiago Herrera,definitively want to see a replay of that clip later 08/05/2015,21:24:59,J.R. Smith,Broken very flat slabs and intact pavement with SED POC 08/05/2015,21:27:43,Scott France,POL 08/05/2015,21:27:51,amybaco-taylor,Scale worm 08/05/2015,21:27:51,Scott France,Polynoid scale worm 08/05/2015,21:28:39,michaelgarcia,Time to ascent the wall? 08/05/2015,21:28:55,Scott France,Wiggle to go up, stop wiggling to go down! 08/05/2015,21:29:15,okeanosexplorer,approximately 30 m from wall 08/05/2015,21:30:45,Scott France,Conference line is not yet reconnected Chris 08/05/2015,21:30:54,brucemundy,SHI 08/05/2015,21:31:01,J.R. Smith,Base of WAL debris 08/05/2015,21:31:13,Scott France,Understood Daniel - just responding to Chris on-air comments 08/05/2015,21:31:46,Scott France,Mary reports Plesiopenaeus swam by a little bit ago 08/05/2015,21:31:53,michaelgarcia,Amazing layers of sediment (?) drapping the base of the hill 08/05/2015,21:32:16,michaelgarcia,Giant boulders from landslide(?) 08/05/2015,21:32:38,michaelgarcia,Bourlders are very angular unlike pillow lavas 08/05/2015,21:33:04,brucemundy,CRI? on right 08/05/2015,21:33:12,michaelgarcia,Angular, and prismatic shape is more like dike rock 08/05/2015,21:33:36,J.R. Smith,Large angular TAL 08/05/2015,21:34:05,okexnav,LAT :25.16101, LON : -169.88154, DEPTH :3020.1961m, TEMP : 1.63738C, SAL : 34.66590 PSU, DO : 3.64974 mg/L 08/05/2015,21:34:27,Scott France,Request on conference line to zoom in on rock for texture 08/05/2015,21:34:31,kaseycantwell,request to zoom in on one of the rocks 08/05/2015,21:35:01,brucemundy,OPH on left 08/05/2015,21:35:05,Scott France,No - you are still off conference line 08/05/2015,21:35:12,kaseycantwell,you are not connected to the telecon yet 08/05/2015,21:35:23,michaelgarcia,apparent lack of thick Mn coating suggests recent landslide 08/05/2015,21:36:09,brucemundy,OPH 08/05/2015,21:36:17,michaelgarcia,Whoops, Mn but not as thick as other areas 08/05/2015,21:37:06,Scott France,You guys are back on the conference line. 08/05/2015,21:38:14,brucemundy,CRI 08/05/2015,21:38:41,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/05/2015,21:38:48,okeanosexplorer,CRI - stalked crinoid 08/05/2015,21:38:54,brucemundy,FHS -eel 08/05/2015,21:38:55,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/05/2015,21:39:04,brucemundy,Zoom in on the eel please 08/05/2015,21:39:05,okexnav,LAT :25.16101, LON : -169.88137, DEPTH :3015.3598m, TEMP : 1.63430C, SAL : 34.66331 PSU, DO : 3.63149 mg/L 08/05/2015,21:40:00,Andrea Quattrini,will it show its head? 08/05/2015,21:40:17,brucemundy,My guess is a synaphobranchid, but definetely not S. brevidorsalis that we saw on previous dives 08/05/2015,21:40:35,Scott France,CORI 08/05/2015,21:40:43,Scott France,unbranched 08/05/2015,21:41:00,brucemundy,Cri 08/05/2015,21:41:22,Scott France,The size of that isidid whip suggests this rock pile has been stable for quite some time... 08/05/2015,21:41:25,brucemundy,CRI? another on center left 08/05/2015,21:41:47,brucemundy,OPH - two on right 08/05/2015,21:41:58,brucemundy,three OPH 08/05/2015,21:44:05,Scott France,Follow up on debris pile: I see sediment accumulating among rocks but not on surface of rock. Geologist's thoughts? 08/05/2015,21:44:05,okexnav,LAT :25.16102, LON : -169.88148, DEPTH :3010.5491m, TEMP : 1.63487C, SAL : 34.66317 PSU, DO : 3.62994 mg/L 08/05/2015,21:44:48,Scott France,Also looked like all 3 OPHs had similar arm tips… 08/05/2015,21:45:31,J.R. Smith,Various size TAL slope with SED POC 08/05/2015,21:45:59,michaelgarcia,wall of pillow lavas 08/05/2015,21:46:01,okeanosexplorer,HOL 08/05/2015,21:46:11,okeanosexplorer,stalked CRI 08/05/2015,21:47:01,Scott France,Out of / above the debris field 08/05/2015,21:47:15,J.R. Smith,WAL CON 08/05/2015,21:47:33,Scott France,Another stalk in background... 08/05/2015,21:47:37,Scott France,something on it? 08/05/2015,21:47:45,Scott France,lower right 08/05/2015,21:47:49,tinamolodtsova,head 08/05/2015,21:47:55,tinamolodtsova,I mean 2 CRI 08/05/2015,21:47:59,Andrea Quattrini,nice pun karl nice pun 08/05/2015,21:48:00,brucemundy,GAS 08/05/2015,21:48:05,amybaco-taylor,another tumbler 08/05/2015,21:48:23,brucemundy,Another of the rolling ones that we saw before 08/05/2015,21:48:23,Scott France,Another GAS wriggling around! 08/05/2015,21:48:28,Scott France,lower left 08/05/2015,21:48:54,Scott France,Unless that was a video buffer problem… since video is now frozen 08/05/2015,21:49:06,okexnav,LAT :25.16120, LON : -169.88121, DEPTH :2997.8821m, TEMP : 1.63339C, SAL : 34.66320 PSU, DO : 3.61332 mg/L 08/05/2015,21:49:38,Scott France,Video back - and based on your comments there was a second snail! 08/05/2015,21:49:42,brucemundy,O.K., I'm convinced now that the snail had nothing to do with a fish. Seeing two events like that so quickly would be very improbable 08/05/2015,21:50:03,Scott France,Agreed Bruce 08/05/2015,21:50:49,tinamolodtsova,POL 08/05/2015,21:50:59,amybaco-taylor,Funny cause I have rarely seen any molluscs on dives in HAwaii, surprising to see 2 so quickly 08/05/2015,21:51:48,Steve Haddock,There are videos online of escape behaviors of snails and cockles that look just like that. 08/05/2015,21:52:27,amybaco-taylor,Can see operculum 08/05/2015,21:52:36,Scott France,The foot does appear to be elaborated into a fin-like structure... 08/05/2015,21:53:28,J.R. Smith,Chris, is the dive going late today or regular? Didn't catch mention of it in the pre-dive brief. 08/05/2015,21:54:05,okexnav,LAT :25.16117, LON : -169.88122, DEPTH :2985.9461m, TEMP : 1.63293C, SAL : 34.66287 PSU, DO : 3.63439 mg/L 08/05/2015,21:54:21,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/05/2015,21:54:43,amybaco-taylor,Someone posted the clip of the first snail on Facebook already. watching it you can clearly see the operculum out on the part that is outside the shell. I think its all gastropod, no fish meal involved... 08/05/2015,21:54:43,tinamolodtsova,sp2 08/05/2015,21:54:57,tinamolodtsova,it has not alternating pinnules 08/05/2015,21:55:05,Scott France,Thanks Amy. 08/05/2015,21:56:26,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/05/2015,21:56:26,brucemundy,CRI 08/05/2015,21:56:38,brucemundy,OPH 08/05/2015,21:56:48,okeanosexplorer,OPH - Ophiocantid 08/05/2015,21:56:54,brucemundy,CRI 08/05/2015,21:56:54,Steve Haddock,Interesting how the snail foot has two black spots that look like googly-eyes. 08/05/2015,21:57:13,Scott France,Yes - I thought those were eyes on first viewing 08/05/2015,21:57:48,Santiago Herrera,where in Facebook is it Amy? 08/05/2015,21:58:40,brucemundy,CRI 08/05/2015,21:58:51,amybaco-taylor,Facebook- underwater webcams screenshot sharing 08/05/2015,21:59:23,okexnav,LAT :25.16130, LON : -169.88126, DEPTH :2962.7892m, TEMP : 1.63082C, SAL : 34.66310 PSU, DO : 3.64868 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:00:02,okeanosexplorer,Bruce Mundy, can you repeat that. You broke off right after Frank Parrish entered the room 08/05/2015,22:00:10,Santiago Herrera,thanks 08/05/2015,22:00:23,kaseycantwell,CRI 08/05/2015,22:00:25,tinamolodtsova,CRI Stalked 08/05/2015,22:00:35,tinamolodtsova,CRI Stalked 08/05/2015,22:00:52,Scott France,I wonder if they were some kind of heteropod knocked down to the bottom - or caught in the caldera…? 08/05/2015,22:01:19,Steve Haddock,Does not look heteropod to me. 08/05/2015,22:01:36,Scott France,You've seen more than me! :-) 08/05/2015,22:01:38,Steve Haddock,foot should be broad, not elongate 08/05/2015,22:01:54,brucemundy,Chris - we broke up on the audio. Frank Parrish mentioned that he and Bob Moffitt saw a snail similar to these on a HURL Kona dive. It was swimming in the water by undulating the long foot. The dive was in the Heterocarpus depth range. Maybe the HURL records can be searched for that. Frank is here for more details but he's too shy to talk. 08/05/2015,22:03:11,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/05/2015,22:03:45,Nicole Morgan,SPO 08/05/2015,22:03:45,Scott France,Frank is going to have to overcome that shyness before leg 3! 08/05/2015,22:04:06,okexnav,LAT :25.16154, LON : -169.88103, DEPTH :2943.7233m, TEMP : 1.63110C, SAL : 34.66286 PSU, DO : 3.66981 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:04:10,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/05/2015,22:04:26,tinamolodtsova,AST 08/05/2015,22:04:47,brucemundy,Frank is here. He's eating lunch now, so his mouth is too full of food to talk. 08/05/2015,22:05:39,tinamolodtsova,CRI+OPH 08/05/2015,22:09:06,okexnav,LAT :25.16144, LON : -169.88115, DEPTH :2938.3198m, TEMP : 1.63698C, SAL : 34.66056 PSU, DO : 3.64289 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:09:48,leswatling,Is there still a problem with video freezing? Mine seems to have gone.... 08/05/2015,22:10:53,leswatling,back now 08/05/2015,22:11:34,briankennedy, The satellite dish on the ship is still having some problems so there will likely be intermittent interruptions though out the rest of the dive. 08/05/2015,22:11:52,leswatling,thanks 08/05/2015,22:11:59,Scott France,Nice view 08/05/2015,22:12:04,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,22:12:32,tinamolodtsova,PH 08/05/2015,22:12:34,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/05/2015,22:12:44,Scott France,CORCH 08/05/2015,22:12:51,Scott France,Chrysogorgia sp. 08/05/2015,22:12:52,leswatling,Chrysogorgia 08/05/2015,22:13:04,leswatling,Scott types faster than me.... 08/05/2015,22:13:13,Scott France,SQA on top of colony? 08/05/2015,22:13:17,leswatling,zoom would be good 08/05/2015,22:13:21,Scott France,or is it an OPH? 08/05/2015,22:13:37,Astrid Leitner,the event log is just a bit like a game show - the fastest typer gets credit for the ID :) 08/05/2015,22:13:57,tinamolodtsova,Scott is the best 08/05/2015,22:14:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16151, LON : -169.88084, DEPTH :2925.8212m, TEMP : 1.63128C, SAL : 34.66291 PSU, DO : 3.66137 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:14:17,leswatling,or maybe he gets the video feed before me.... 08/05/2015,22:14:21,Scott France,That challenge is a great way to rush to the wrong ID! Been there! :-) 08/05/2015,22:14:43,Scott France,CORA 08/05/2015,22:14:43,okeanosexplorer,CORCH 08/05/2015,22:14:52,leswatling,another chrysogorgia on the side 08/05/2015,22:15:02,tinamolodtsova,Bathypathes 08/05/2015,22:15:02,leswatling,need a close up to tell something about it. 08/05/2015,22:15:08,Nicole Morgan,CORA 08/05/2015,22:15:17,tinamolodtsova,and CORI - dead 08/05/2015,22:15:19,Scott France,BAR on rock to right? 08/05/2015,22:16:22,okeanosexplorer,not alternata 08/05/2015,22:16:39,tinamolodtsova,More 08/05/2015,22:16:46,tinamolodtsova,it is branching 08/05/2015,22:17:16,leswatling,Tina, are those yellow tentacles reproductive? 08/05/2015,22:17:28,amybaco-taylor,I was wondering that too 08/05/2015,22:17:29,tinamolodtsova,may be gonads 08/05/2015,22:17:41,leswatling,very cool 08/05/2015,22:17:58,michaelgarcia,looks like a dike wall 08/05/2015,22:18:20,tinamolodtsova,COR - no idea 08/05/2015,22:18:29,okeanosexplorer,dead stalked SPO 08/05/2015,22:19:46,okexnav,LAT :25.16167, LON : -169.88054, DEPTH :2924.7080m, TEMP : 1.62859C, SAL : 34.66315 PSU, DO : 3.63602 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:19:57,michaelgarcia,more dike rocks 08/05/2015,22:19:58,Steve Haddock,Striking [to me] lack of benthopelagic fauna — would expect more chaetognaths, munnopsids, polychaetes, lobate ctenophores, hydromedusae to be hovering above the rocks, even at these depths. 08/05/2015,22:19:58,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/05/2015,22:20:14,michaelgarcia,no audio 08/05/2015,22:20:20,Nicole Morgan,ASR 08/05/2015,22:20:37,Scott France,Brisingid of some kind... 08/05/2015,22:20:43,Scott France,?? 08/05/2015,22:20:57,amybaco-taylor,Legs stickin up like a brisingid 08/05/2015,22:21:31,amybaco-taylor,yup crinoid, you were right 08/05/2015,22:21:34,amybaco-taylor,CRI 08/05/2015,22:21:42,Scott France,CRI 08/05/2015,22:21:44,leswatling,pretty sure its a brisingid 08/05/2015,22:22:08,leswatling,reproductive 08/05/2015,22:22:43,Scott France,No it is a CRI. I can see the ambulacral groove 08/05/2015,22:22:50,Scott France,in each arm 08/05/2015,22:22:58,leswatling,okidoki 08/05/2015,22:23:19,leswatling,what about little pinnules for holding on to the rock? 08/05/2015,22:23:29,Scott France,Those I could not see! 08/05/2015,22:23:42,Scott France,It sure looked like a brisingid from a distance, but… 08/05/2015,22:23:48,Scott France,that is what close-ups are for! 08/05/2015,22:24:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16178, LON : -169.88069, DEPTH :2907.0110m, TEMP : 1.62968C, SAL : 34.66283 PSU, DO : 3.62591 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:24:08,leswatling,indeed! 08/05/2015,22:24:19,Scott France,CORI 08/05/2015,22:24:31,leswatling,another Bathygorgia? 08/05/2015,22:25:08,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/05/2015,22:25:56,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,22:26:01,leswatling,dead bamboo, or mostly dead 08/05/2015,22:26:08,Scott France,This whip looks under attack. 08/05/2015,22:26:18,Scott France,OPHs on it? 08/05/2015,22:26:26,Scott France,and CRI 08/05/2015,22:26:50,Scott France,Don't often see stalked CRI on skeletons... 08/05/2015,22:27:20,tinamolodtsova,it is "attack" 08/05/2015,22:27:37,Scott France,Corymorpha-like HYD on skeleton? 08/05/2015,22:28:20,okeanosexplorer,CORA 08/05/2015,22:28:39,Nicole Morgan,I like the colonial hydroids growing on the stalk of the larger hydroid 08/05/2015,22:29:00,Scott France,Maybe not corymorphidae but large hydroids anyway 08/05/2015,22:29:19,leswatling,I suspect they are corymorphas 08/05/2015,22:29:48,amybaco-taylor,feed frozen 08/05/2015,22:29:51,okexnav,LAT :25.16189, LON : -169.88039, DEPTH :2893.3093m, TEMP : 1.62671C, SAL : 34.66214 PSU, DO : 3.66645 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:29:58,amybaco-taylor,I'd say tunicate 08/05/2015,22:30:02,leswatling,I was about to say the same thing 08/05/2015,22:30:16,leswatling,agree, tunicate. very strange 08/05/2015,22:30:30,amybaco-taylor,very cool 08/05/2015,22:30:34,leswatling,definitely tunicate 08/05/2015,22:30:34,tinamolodtsova,Coleolus or like? 08/05/2015,22:30:36,Diva Amon,with polynoid inside? POL 08/05/2015,22:30:38,Andrea Quattrini,is there a worm? 08/05/2015,22:30:44,leswatling,really spectacular! 08/05/2015,22:30:46,Scott France,Megalodicopia like? 08/05/2015,22:31:02,Andrea Quattrini,We saw this association with POL and TUN several times off puerto rico 08/05/2015,22:31:11,brucemundy,I think I saw this in the new Star Wars trailer 08/05/2015,22:31:22,leswatling,so nice! 08/05/2015,22:31:35,Nicole Morgan,The younger Jaba? 08/05/2015,22:32:21,brucemundy,SHI 08/05/2015,22:32:36,Scott France,I don't thinkn Megalodicopia, but certainly some kind of cool tunicate. 08/05/2015,22:32:53,leswatling,what I like about that is the long stalk. Shows the importance of getting away from the bottom 08/05/2015,22:33:09,Diva Amon,i agree with you Scott 08/05/2015,22:33:44,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/05/2015,22:33:47,Scott France,Real good point Les! 08/05/2015,22:34:02,J.R. Smith,Inclined dike with jointing 08/05/2015,22:34:03,Scott France,Not like your squat rough tunicates in the shallow subtidal 08/05/2015,22:34:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16209, LON : -169.88017, DEPTH :2878.2087m, TEMP : 1.63464C, SAL : 34.66211 PSU, DO : 3.60336 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:34:13,tinamolodtsova,OPH - 08/05/2015,22:34:51,jonathantree,I agree with John, I am amazed with the geology that we are seeing 08/05/2015,22:35:02,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/05/2015,22:35:31,okeanosexplorer,OHI - Ophicantid 08/05/2015,22:35:35,jonathantree,not sure how to put this story together with the previous hypotheses 08/05/2015,22:35:51,Nicole Morgan,SPO 08/05/2015,22:35:54,Scott France,Data ruins hypotheses again! 08/05/2015,22:36:12,amybaco-taylor,OPH 08/05/2015,22:36:17,Nicole Morgan,CORA 08/05/2015,22:36:18,jonathantree,I was not expecting to see such a concentration of dikes based on my analysis of the gravity data 08/05/2015,22:36:30,Scott France,Was that a sponge skeleton we apssed? 08/05/2015,22:36:32,amybaco-taylor,OPH several 08/05/2015,22:36:38,Scott France,Brownish translucent fan 08/05/2015,22:37:02,tinamolodtsova,cannot see it( 08/05/2015,22:37:28,okeanosexplorer,tried to get a close-up but we are on the move 08/05/2015,22:37:36,Scott France,Understood. 08/05/2015,22:37:43,brucemundy,CRI 08/05/2015,22:38:09,brucemundy,FSH 08/05/2015,22:38:23,randysinger,I log on 08/05/2015,22:38:25,randysinger,and FSH comes 08/05/2015,22:38:27,randysinger,boom 08/05/2015,22:38:31,randysinger,Macrourid 08/05/2015,22:38:32,brucemundy,Macrourida 08/05/2015,22:38:48,randysinger,Coryphaenoides 08/05/2015,22:38:53,brucemundy,Coryphaenoides longicirrhus again? 08/05/2015,22:38:56,randysinger,yupppp 08/05/2015,22:39:26,randysinger,im still impressed with how beutiful the live color is 08/05/2015,22:39:26,brucemundy,video freezing up again 08/05/2015,22:39:31,okexnav,LAT :25.16218, LON : -169.87996, DEPTH :2859.0411m, TEMP : 1.62574C, SAL : 34.66230 PSU, DO : 3.62370 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:39:36,Andrea Quattrini,Ectoparasites on FSH pectoral 08/05/2015,22:39:51,randysinger,get him with the claw! 08/05/2015,22:40:01,randysinger,hes practically sleeping 08/05/2015,22:40:02,Andrea Quattrini,my video freezes often 08/05/2015,22:40:19,randysinger,same 08/05/2015,22:40:59,randysinger,definitely gets my vote for "most magestic" macrourid 08/05/2015,22:41:34,Scott France,Brian noted earlier: "The satellite dish on the ship is still having some problems so there will likely be intermittent interruptions though out the rest of the dive.  " 08/05/2015,22:41:49,brucemundy,Great dive and great fish. I'm sad because other duties call and I have to leave for today. Thanks for the fishes, and zoom in on any others that you see for photos to put on the ftp site. Mahalo! 08/05/2015,22:41:51,Brendan Roark,looks like some dead basal attachments 08/05/2015,22:41:58,Andrea Quattrini,copy that scott 08/05/2015,22:42:10,Brendan Roark,but video froze again 08/05/2015,22:42:26,leswatling,bases of sponges, long dead 08/05/2015,22:42:54,tinamolodtsova,several bases from above 08/05/2015,22:43:03,tinamolodtsova,CRI? 08/05/2015,22:44:09,okexnav,LAT :25.16196, LON : -169.88011, DEPTH :2859.1760m, TEMP : 1.62454C, SAL : 34.66176 PSU, DO : 3.62546 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:45:30,jonathantree,Chris did Mike or my comment come over on the conference call? 08/05/2015,22:46:06,okeanosexplorer,No unfortunately not 08/05/2015,22:47:13,michaelparke,Spoke to Allen Andrews and he confirmed that the parasite we saw on the first fish this morning was a parasitic copepod 08/05/2015,22:47:23,jonathantree,To reiterate what Mike said, he said that any of the primary features that would have provided clues in to the origin of the crater (ie fault planes) have been removed and we are seeing the eroded walls along the crater now 08/05/2015,22:47:35,okeanosexplorer,thanks michael 08/05/2015,22:48:29,Andrea Quattrini,thanks~ re copepod. it was different than other copepods that i have seen, but I know that copepod ectoparasites are pretty diverse 08/05/2015,22:48:43,Andrea Quattrini,Have a good rest of the dive! 08/05/2015,22:48:52,okeanosexplorer,thanks andrea 08/05/2015,22:49:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16206, LON : -169.88004, DEPTH :2859.3606m, TEMP : 1.62328C, SAL : 34.66194 PSU, DO : 3.60695 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:49:59,leswatling,Allen Andrews passed along the comment that the stalked tunicate looked like one seen on Davidson Seamount and imaged by MBARI if anyone is interested in following that up. 08/05/2015,22:51:10,Scott France,Here is an OE photo of a simialr tunicate: https://www.google.com/search?q=stalked+tunicate+mbari&es_sm=91&biw=1155&bih=639&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI7NK_24OTxwIVU3uSCh0a-A1f#imgrc=UdpuQkCUmynlJM%3A 08/05/2015,22:51:26,Scott France,Sorry: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/06davidson/logs/feb04/media/tunicate.html 08/05/2015,22:51:39,Scott France,Culeolus sp. 08/05/2015,22:51:39,michaelgarcia,nice wall of pillows 08/05/2015,22:51:49,Scott France,Same long stalk 08/05/2015,22:52:10,leswatling,Zoom on bamboo? 08/05/2015,22:52:28,michaelgarcia,dike 08/05/2015,22:53:36,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/05/2015,22:53:51,michaelgarcia,dike 08/05/2015,22:54:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16207, LON : -169.87986, DEPTH :2837.3110m, TEMP : 1.62751C, SAL : 34.66142 PSU, DO : 3.60476 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:54:23,michaelgarcia,pollows 08/05/2015,22:54:45,michaelgarcia,dike 08/05/2015,22:55:37,okeanosexplorer,unbranched CORI 08/05/2015,22:56:16,leswatling,a yooung Bathygorgia. getting a bit shallow for this genus, but the water is still cold.... 08/05/2015,22:57:05,leswatling,snail or cucumber feeding trail? 08/05/2015,22:57:11,okeanosexplorer,Temperature = 1.62*C 08/05/2015,22:57:38,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/05/2015,22:57:44,leswatling,we think Bathygorgia is tracking Antarctic Bottom Water 08/05/2015,22:57:58,leswatling,so the temperature is right 08/05/2015,22:58:15,Scott France,So have been doing some research on that stalked tunicate we saw. Looks like the genus Culeolus, which is apparently characteristic of abyssal ascideans (the narrow stalk, etc.). 08/05/2015,22:58:54,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/05/2015,22:59:01,michaelgarcia,Apparently thicker Mn coating on these rocks 08/05/2015,22:59:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16207, LON : -169.87981, DEPTH :2827.0247m, TEMP : 1.62500C, SAL : 34.66258 PSU, DO : 3.55486 mg/L 08/05/2015,22:59:07,tinamolodtsova,Look very much like type of some Coleolus we have 08/05/2015,22:59:14,Scott France,ASR x 2 08/05/2015,22:59:21,Scott France,2 different spp 08/05/2015,22:59:39,Scott France,I can hear Chris' fingers madly dialing... 08/05/2015,22:59:49,Nicole Morgan,this is the slime star 08/05/2015,23:00:29,Scott France,Gorgeous… 08/05/2015,23:00:43,Steve Haddock,Not bad for a benthic invert! :^) 08/05/2015,23:00:45,tinamolodtsova,Pterasteridae 08/05/2015,23:00:47,Diva Amon,Hymenaster? 08/05/2015,23:00:52,tinamolodtsova,looks like 08/05/2015,23:02:51,tinamolodtsova,barnacle at the right 08/05/2015,23:03:00,Diva Amon,I was gonna say Goniasteridae for the long armed one 08/05/2015,23:03:50,Scott France,CORCH Chrysogorgia 08/05/2015,23:04:10,Nicole Morgan,Saw another rolling gastropod 08/05/2015,23:04:12,okexnav,LAT :25.16214, LON : -169.87966, DEPTH :2822.8119m, TEMP : 1.62402C, SAL : 34.66100 PSU, DO : 3.59492 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:04:12,michaelgarcia,pillows 08/05/2015,23:04:41,Nicole Morgan,ASR 08/05/2015,23:04:43,Nicole Morgan,OPH 08/05/2015,23:04:49,randysinger,back fro grocery no fish missed I guess 08/05/2015,23:04:52,randysinger,*from 08/05/2015,23:05:34,Scott France,Just one coelocanth... 08/05/2015,23:05:41,Scott France,Not much 08/05/2015,23:05:50,randysinger,only in the indian ocean slugger 08/05/2015,23:06:05,michaelgarcia,nice rounded pillow lobes 08/05/2015,23:06:38,Scott France,So far! That is why the one we saw was so cool! 08/05/2015,23:06:46,briankennedy,only in the indian ocean that we know of 08/05/2015,23:06:54,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,23:07:09,randysinger,LOL 08/05/2015,23:07:14,tinamolodtsova,Dead stalk with POPH 08/05/2015,23:07:27,Nicole Morgan,This one is in FSU colors! 08/05/2015,23:07:52,Nicole Morgan,Seminolus 08/05/2015,23:07:54,Nicole Morgan,;) 08/05/2015,23:08:01,Nicole Morgan,joking! 08/05/2015,23:09:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16216, LON : -169.87981, DEPTH :2813.7403m, TEMP : 1.61809C, SAL : 34.66281 PSU, DO : 3.60951 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:09:31,randysinger,boo hiss FSU 08/05/2015,23:09:54,Steve Haddock,Coelacanths in Indonesia too, not so far away… I think the z-coordinates are more prohibitive than the x-y at this point… 08/05/2015,23:10:11,tinamolodtsova,there were bumps on the stalk 08/05/2015,23:10:26,Scott France,OK, I will choose a different genus for the next time I rib Randy. Tough audience. Very specific! ;-) 08/05/2015,23:10:40,Scott France,CORCH Chrysogorgia 08/05/2015,23:10:41,randysinger,ya you know me. I am business 08/05/2015,23:10:43,michaelgarcia,Thick coating of Mn on rocks suggests this is an older surface 08/05/2015,23:10:55,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/05/2015,23:11:10,Scott France,Often associates in the branches, but I don't see any here... 08/05/2015,23:11:41,randysinger,SHI 08/05/2015,23:11:52,randysinger,actually 08/05/2015,23:12:16,Scott France,Video too broken up to see the associate... 08/05/2015,23:12:21,randysinger,exactly 08/05/2015,23:13:58,tinamolodtsova,can we look at small coral at the ack of Chrysogorgia 08/05/2015,23:13:59,Scott France,SQA 08/05/2015,23:14:06,Scott France,Chyrsostylid? 08/05/2015,23:14:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16219, LON : -169.87972, DEPTH :2811.3603m, TEMP : 1.62654C, SAL : 34.66126 PSU, DO : 3.58032 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:14:42,randysinger,The amount of break up seems unusually high this mission 08/05/2015,23:14:48,randysinger,maybe its the distance? 08/05/2015,23:15:47,Scott France,There was a problem with a component that is making things more challenging on this leg for tracking the satellite, as I understand it. 08/05/2015,23:16:00,randysinger,hmm ok 08/05/2015,23:16:05,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/05/2015,23:16:28,Scott France,Yesterday was pretty good but today is unfortunately more frustrating. Great when it is clear though! 08/05/2015,23:16:48,tinamolodtsova,CORI? 08/05/2015,23:16:50,randysinger,agreed 08/05/2015,23:16:51,michaelgarcia,pillows 08/05/2015,23:17:02,tinamolodtsova,I can only guess with freezing ( 08/05/2015,23:17:30,randysinger,once we get more upslope I expect fish 08/05/2015,23:17:34,randysinger,just a fishermans hunch 08/05/2015,23:18:52,amybaco-taylor,CORCH - many 08/05/2015,23:19:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16230, LON : -169.87958, DEPTH :2802.9649m, TEMP : 1.61951C, SAL : 34.66283 PSU, DO : 3.64280 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:20:07,Scott France,CORI whip 08/05/2015,23:21:22,michaelgarcia,pillows 08/05/2015,23:21:41,michaelgarcia,big wall ahead in sonar 08/05/2015,23:23:27,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/05/2015,23:23:44,Scott France,Trissopathes? 08/05/2015,23:23:45,okeanosexplorer,CORA - 08/05/2015,23:24:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16232, LON : -169.87955, DEPTH :2798.8301m, TEMP : 1.61774C, SAL : 34.66246 PSU, DO : 3.61352 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:24:55,Scott France,CORI 08/05/2015,23:24:59,Scott France,whip 08/05/2015,23:25:26,randysinger,looks like ill be watching alot of post-cruise video 08/05/2015,23:25:39,leswatling,we will need a close up of the chrysogorgia at some point so we can try to figure out who it is 08/05/2015,23:26:06,randysinger,what is our off bottom time? 08/05/2015,23:26:17,Scott France,We did get one earlier Les… 08/05/2015,23:26:27,Scott France,But video was freezing up. 08/05/2015,23:26:36,Scott France,It has a chrysostylid in it. 08/05/2015,23:26:42,Scott France,*had 08/05/2015,23:26:57,leswatling,oh good. Must have been while I was in the galley.... 08/05/2015,23:27:07,Scott France,CORA 08/05/2015,23:27:20,Scott France,"Young" Bathypathes...? 08/05/2015,23:29:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16223, LON : -169.87951, DEPTH :2788.6103m, TEMP : 1.61723C, SAL : 34.66285 PSU, DO : 3.57638 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:29:21,amybaco-taylor,CORI 08/05/2015,23:29:22,michaelgarcia,dike 08/05/2015,23:29:22,amybaco-taylor,CORCH 08/05/2015,23:29:34,amybaco-taylor,oph 08/05/2015,23:30:59,tinamolodtsova,Екшыыщзферуы 08/05/2015,23:31:04,tinamolodtsova,Sorry 08/05/2015,23:31:07,tinamolodtsova,Trissopathes 08/05/2015,23:31:12,Scott France,Coral density definitely picking up. 08/05/2015,23:31:23,amybaco-taylor,CORCH - Metallogorgia 08/05/2015,23:31:23,tinamolodtsova,Had to look backwards 08/05/2015,23:31:35,leswatling,the chrysogorgia to theright is different from the others 08/05/2015,23:31:45,Scott France,The angle? 08/05/2015,23:32:00,leswatling,the puff of branches at the top of the colony 08/05/2015,23:32:00,Scott France,Didn't see the Metallogorgia. 08/05/2015,23:32:13,amybaco-taylor,CORCH 08/05/2015,23:32:16,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/05/2015,23:32:16,leswatling,Not a Metallogorgia that I was looking at 08/05/2015,23:32:37,leswatling,More like one of the ones Eric and I described 08/05/2015,23:32:40,Scott France,@Les - sound slike you are describing a Chryso we saw on dive 2 or 3 ... 08/05/2015,23:32:48,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/05/2015,23:32:52,Scott France,debated if it might be a Pseudochrysogorgia... 08/05/2015,23:33:12,leswatling,yeah, could be.... would need a good close up 08/05/2015,23:33:17,amybaco-taylor,cora 08/05/2015,23:34:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16242, LON : -169.87934, DEPTH :2776.3506m, TEMP : 1.61437C, SAL : 34.66288 PSU, DO : 3.61110 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:36:16,iscwatch,video received for duration of crack zoom 08/05/2015,23:36:21,leswatling,Scott, I am thinking of C. averta, which has smaller branches at the bottom just above some bare stalk. I think this is the one that tended to shed the branches 08/05/2015,23:37:07,Scott France,I think Amy may have suggested the same species yesterday… Am I recalling rightly, Amy? 08/05/2015,23:37:20,michaelgarcia,pillows 08/05/2015,23:37:35,michaelgarcia,cracking are continuing 08/05/2015,23:38:32,Nicole Morgan,HYD 08/05/2015,23:38:47,Scott France,SQA 08/05/2015,23:38:51,Scott France,munnid? 08/05/2015,23:39:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16270, LON : -169.87909, DEPTH :2761.8402m, TEMP : 1.61500C, SAL : 34.66171 PSU, DO : 3.66903 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:39:18,michaelgarcia,rounded lobs are probably pillows 08/05/2015,23:40:01,Diva Amon,Munidopsis 08/05/2015,23:40:05,Scott France,Also a GAS upper right of SQA 08/05/2015,23:40:15,Diva Amon,missing a claw 08/05/2015,23:40:15,leswatling,regenerating the front claw 08/05/2015,23:40:27,Scott France,GAS on flat surface of rock 08/05/2015,23:40:32,leswatling,and a few other legs 08/05/2015,23:40:34,Scott France,Mary had to leave some time ago. 08/05/2015,23:40:53,amybaco-taylor,You should see the other guy 08/05/2015,23:41:05,leswatling,haha 08/05/2015,23:41:22,Scott France,Corymorphid HYD 08/05/2015,23:41:22,Nicole Morgan,ASR 08/05/2015,23:41:27,tinamolodtsova,HYD 08/05/2015,23:41:43,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/05/2015,23:41:58,tinamolodtsova,with CRI 08/05/2015,23:42:15,Diva Amon,Corymorpha? 08/05/2015,23:42:18,leswatling,I think this genus is Bathycerianthus or something like that 08/05/2015,23:42:32,tinamolodtsova,the same 08/05/2015,23:42:49,tinamolodtsova,look like Brachiocerianthus for me 08/05/2015,23:43:15,leswatling,oh yeah Tina, that was the name I was grasping for 08/05/2015,23:43:18,Diva Amon,yes, Les and Tina are more correct 08/05/2015,23:43:34,tinamolodtsova,I did not realised) 08/05/2015,23:43:36,michaelgarcia,more cracks 08/05/2015,23:43:42,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,23:44:07,michaelgarcia,more sediment on surface 08/05/2015,23:44:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16267, LON : -169.87911, DEPTH :2746.6899m, TEMP : 1.60975C, SAL : 34.66285 PSU, DO : 3.59739 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:44:19,michaelgarcia,pillows 08/05/2015,23:44:28,tinamolodtsova,I do not know if these guys are known from hard substrate/ I mean Brachyocerianthus 08/05/2015,23:44:50,leswatling,yes, we saw them on the New England seamounts 08/05/2015,23:45:08,leswatling,both on rock and on sediment 08/05/2015,23:45:12,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/05/2015,23:45:38,tinamolodtsova,GAS 08/05/2015,23:46:08,leswatling,whoa! 08/05/2015,23:46:11,tinamolodtsova,and FISH 08/05/2015,23:46:37,J.R. Smith,So much for the idea of slow moving deep sea organisms… 08/05/2015,23:46:40,tinamolodtsova,these were FISH eyes 08/05/2015,23:46:46,leswatling,too bad the video freezes, we get only the occasional shot 08/05/2015,23:47:04,amybaco-taylor,It's almost like its trying to lure some prey in by acting like a dead fish 08/05/2015,23:47:05,Scott France,Tina - this is the 3rd or 4th we've seen today. All snail - no fish 08/05/2015,23:47:12,amybaco-taylor,The eys are pretty convincing 08/05/2015,23:47:35,amybaco-taylor,or dying or injured fish rather 08/05/2015,23:48:06,tinamolodtsova,incredible.. it is the first time when the video did not freeze!!!! 08/05/2015,23:48:14,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/05/2015,23:48:26,michaelgarcia,pillows and less cracks 08/05/2015,23:48:35,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/05/2015,23:49:01,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/05/2015,23:49:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16309, LON : -169.87886, DEPTH :2719.0562m, TEMP : 1.60444C, SAL : 34.66239 PSU, DO : 3.66328 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:49:12,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/05/2015,23:49:15,Astrid Leitner,FSH 08/05/2015,23:49:22,Astrid Leitner,back a few seconds 08/05/2015,23:49:51,Astrid Leitner,was a Coryhaenoides no time to get more specific 08/05/2015,23:49:57,tinamolodtsova,CORA Stauropathes& 08/05/2015,23:50:23,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/05/2015,23:50:57,Scott France,Surprising amount of sediments... 08/05/2015,23:51:31,J.R. Smith,HEA white SED 08/05/2015,23:51:54,Scott France,I mean surprising relative to what we saw deeper on this caldera, not surprising for this depth in general. 08/05/2015,23:52:07,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/05/2015,23:54:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16339, LON : -169.87847, DEPTH :2699.3709m, TEMP : 1.63482C, SAL : 34.65949 PSU, DO : 3.56926 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:54:40,Nicole Morgan,HOL 08/05/2015,23:54:45,J.R. Smith,Harpan or pavement CON with HEA white SED and cracks, some COB 08/05/2015,23:54:56,tinamolodtsova,CRI 08/05/2015,23:55:46,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/05/2015,23:56:41,tinamolodtsova,or OPH? 08/05/2015,23:59:07,okexnav,LAT :25.16364, LON : -169.87830, DEPTH :2688.9156m, TEMP : 1.63190C, SAL : 34.65983 PSU, DO : 3.56629 mg/L 08/05/2015,23:59:13,Astrid Leitner,SPO 08/05/2015,23:59:29,Astrid Leitner,sorry ignore that comment*