08/04/2015,00:00:05,Scott France,Indeed! 08/04/2015,00:00:54,amybaco-taylor,Thanks 08/04/2015,00:01:08,tinamolodtsova,Pasternak reported Thoarella from Markus-Nekker area, Zapata et al 2012 redescribed his material as AmphilaphisTh. vitjaz 6400 and 3200 m 08/04/2015,00:01:43,tinamolodtsova,sorry, as Thouarella, 08/04/2015,00:01:50,amybaco-taylor,Isn't Thouarella now plumarella with Michele Taylor's work, or was it only a subset she put into Plumarella? 08/04/2015,00:01:53,okeanosexplorer,unbranched CORI 08/04/2015,00:02:01,randysinger,you guys seen any fish yet? 08/04/2015,00:02:06,randysinger,just curious for my notes 08/04/2015,00:02:08,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Iriogogia magnispiralis 08/04/2015,00:02:13,randysinger,I don't expect to see many at this depth 08/04/2015,00:02:48,Jonathan Tree,PIL 08/04/2015,00:03:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43280, LON : -166.09423, DEPTH :2425.1879m, TEMP : 1.68013C, SAL : 34.65328 PSU, DO : 3.38106 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:03:34,J.R. Smith,PIL mound or wall contact 08/04/2015,00:04:13,Scott France,Not sure we have seen ANY fish today, Randy 08/04/2015,00:04:45,tinamolodtsova,CORA Bathypathes 08/04/2015,00:04:52,Scott France,Agree guys. CORCH 08/04/2015,00:07:00,amybaco-taylor,I just pulled up Cairn 2010 paper and it shows 3species, 2 Thouarella, max depth 750m, another Plumarella to depth of 1373 08/04/2015,00:07:35,randysinger,this sint too surprising given the topography and depth 08/04/2015,00:07:38,randysinger,*isnt 08/04/2015,00:07:45,randysinger,is there a current? 08/04/2015,00:08:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43265, LON : -166.09422, DEPTH :2414.1946m, TEMP : 1.68811C, SAL : 34.65205 PSU, DO : 3.34847 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:08:27,Diva Amon,POL 08/04/2015,00:08:31,Astrid Leitner,what speed and direction did we approximate here? 08/04/2015,00:08:47,tinamolodtsova,CORA 08/04/2015,00:08:52,Astrid Leitner,for the current\ 08/04/2015,00:08:55,tinamolodtsova,SHI 08/04/2015,00:09:13,okeanosexplorer,will get you a current estimate soon 08/04/2015,00:09:28,nicolemorgan,SPO 08/04/2015,00:10:41,tinamolodtsova,Caprellida 08/04/2015,00:11:43,Astrid Leitner,holothurian under that rock? 08/04/2015,00:12:50,okeanosexplorer,very slight current from the west 08/04/2015,00:13:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43260, LON : -166.09412, DEPTH :2404.2170m, TEMP : 1.75128C, SAL : 34.64780 PSU, DO : 3.22035 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:13:51,randysinger,hmm interesting 08/04/2015,00:13:55,amybaco-taylor,Following on my earlier comment, Michele's paper only put a subset of THouarella into Plumarella, the rest stay Thouarella 08/04/2015,00:14:00,J.R. Smith,PIL WAL or mound CON 08/04/2015,00:14:05,Jonathan Tree,loose samples at the bottom of that break in slope? 08/04/2015,00:14:07,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/04/2015,00:14:15,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/04/2015,00:14:15,okeanosexplorer,looks like it 08/04/2015,00:17:07,J.R. Smith,Nice view in cam 2, except for the seasick part of it… 08/04/2015,00:17:19,Scott France,Tina has just been pointing out to me Thouarella vitjaz, described in 2012, from specimens from 3200 m and 6400 m! Most interesting is the following: "Thouarella vitjaz n. sp. is only know from the middle of the northern Pacific Ocean, between the Marshall Islands and Johnston Atoll and from the south west of Green Island, the Midway Islands, the Hawaiian archipelago, Pacific Ocean" 08/04/2015,00:18:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43253, LON : -166.09416, DEPTH :2406.9944m, TEMP : 1.68874C, SAL : 34.65465 PSU, DO : 3.33325 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:18:49,randysinger,so awesome we can sample this trip! 08/04/2015,00:19:00,okeanosexplorer,I agree Randy! 08/04/2015,00:19:16,randysinger,now we just need a high speed claw for fish.... 08/04/2015,00:19:28,randysinger,or a sucktion mount 08/04/2015,00:19:29,Astrid Leitner,or an ROV spear gun 08/04/2015,00:19:34,randysinger,even better 08/04/2015,00:20:39,randysinger,as if this didnt seem like a space mission enough...somehow slowly sampling rocks with a robotic arm makes it more so... 08/04/2015,00:20:45,amybaco-taylor,I can't get that paper from here, Tina, can you send it? 08/04/2015,00:21:04,tinamolodtsova,Yes, wait a minute 08/04/2015,00:21:09,randysinger,smamll FSH 08/04/2015,00:21:11,randysinger,*small 08/04/2015,00:21:17,okeanosexplorer,Rock sample collected - 2407m 08/04/2015,00:21:24,randysinger,confirmed macrouridae 08/04/2015,00:21:30,Astrid Leitner,could we zoom in ? macrourid for sure 08/04/2015,00:21:39,Diva Amon,OPH 08/04/2015,00:21:47,okeanosexplorer,24.4351 / -166.09422 08/04/2015,00:22:08,randysinger,maybe Nezumia 08/04/2015,00:22:16,randysinger,he's showing off 08/04/2015,00:22:42,okeanosexplorer,Jonathan any other metadata you need of the sample right now? 08/04/2015,00:23:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43256, LON : -166.09420, DEPTH :2407.0532m, TEMP : 1.66250C, SAL : 34.65736 PSU, DO : 3.41480 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:23:22,randysinger,throw a rock maybe he'll fetch it 08/04/2015,00:23:43,Astrid Leitner,how big is he 08/04/2015,00:24:00,randysinger,I saw lasers earlier and he looked like ~5cm 08/04/2015,00:24:05,randysinger,but it might have been less 08/04/2015,00:24:19,michaelgarcia,Great wal of pillow lavas 08/04/2015,00:24:44,Astrid Leitner,thats what I thought too - I don't think I have ever seen a macrourid so small 08/04/2015,00:25:07,tinamolodtsova,CORCH - bushy 08/04/2015,00:25:17,amybaco-taylor,sponge stalk? 08/04/2015,00:25:35,Scott France,SPO? 08/04/2015,00:25:40,tinamolodtsova,CORO fan 08/04/2015,00:25:49,amybaco-taylor,be good to zoom in on coral behind it to 08/04/2015,00:26:22,Andrea Quattrini,is that coral behind it different than what has been seen so far? 08/04/2015,00:26:34,amybaco-taylor,We haven't zoomed on one like it yet 08/04/2015,00:26:37,okeanosexplorer,emourmous SPO stalk 08/04/2015,00:26:38,tinamolodtsova,agree with amy 08/04/2015,00:26:46,randysinger,100+cm? 08/04/2015,00:26:48,Scott France,Sponge got to big to hold itself up… 08/04/2015,00:27:03,Scott France,3 meters ish 08/04/2015,00:27:05,randysinger,maybe even 150cm 08/04/2015,00:27:11,randysinger,ya 08/04/2015,00:27:15,J.R. Smith,Overhaed cam 2 has good view with D2 and SPO 08/04/2015,00:27:34,amybaco-taylor,CORCH behind it 08/04/2015,00:28:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43228, LON : -166.09440, DEPTH :2395.0353m, TEMP : 1.68606C, SAL : 34.65482 PSU, DO : 3.36436 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:29:00,okeanosexplorer,We'll get you a zoom of the coral 08/04/2015,00:29:51,Scott France,CORCH Chrysogorgia 08/04/2015,00:31:33,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea occa erecta 08/04/2015,00:32:53,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/04/2015,00:33:01,tinamolodtsova,CORI- whip 08/04/2015,00:33:10,Diva Amon,OPH 08/04/2015,00:33:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43231, LON : -166.09434, DEPTH :2392.6664m, TEMP : 1.66609C, SAL : 34.65422 PSU, DO : 3.40256 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:33:46,Scott France,ACN 08/04/2015,00:33:54,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/04/2015,00:34:13,Andrea Quattrini,do you have an ID on that anemone? 08/04/2015,00:34:22,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip & Keratoisis 08/04/2015,00:34:28,okeanosexplorer,ACN - Exocoelactis 08/04/2015,00:34:55,Scott France,CORPR Narella? 08/04/2015,00:34:56,amybaco-taylor,CORPR 08/04/2015,00:35:03,Scott France,Amy? 08/04/2015,00:35:09,amybaco-taylor,Need zoom 08/04/2015,00:35:11,Scott France,Or too planar? 08/04/2015,00:35:30,tinamolodtsova,Can we look& 08/04/2015,00:35:44,Scott France,Agree - looks like Narella I've collected out there. 08/04/2015,00:36:03,amybaco-taylor,Can we zoom more? 08/04/2015,00:36:23,tinamolodtsova,more zoom? 08/04/2015,00:36:26,Scott France,Polyps certainly angled downward. 08/04/2015,00:37:10,Scott France,Looks like 3 large plate-like sclerites along polyp 08/04/2015,00:37:18,amybaco-taylor,Several of Hawaii Narella species are planar 08/04/2015,00:38:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43227, LON : -166.09428, DEPTH :2391.1617m, TEMP : 1.67368C, SAL : 34.65556 PSU, DO : 3.40156 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:38:55,Scott France,Try looing near base... 08/04/2015,00:38:58,Scott France,looking 08/04/2015,00:39:20,Scott France,It isn't an Acanella 08/04/2015,00:39:26,Scott France,Keratoisis something 08/04/2015,00:39:49,Scott France,"B" clade I suspect. 08/04/2015,00:40:00,okeanosexplorer,CORI - Keratoisis 08/04/2015,00:40:06,Scott France,Which has a lot of diversity to be described. 08/04/2015,00:40:25,Scott France,Keratoisis will be divided into several genera in the future. 08/04/2015,00:41:13,Diva Amon,POR 08/04/2015,00:41:20,Astrid Leitner,FSH 08/04/2015,00:41:28,Astrid Leitner,same macrourid again 08/04/2015,00:42:24,Scott France,I stepped away from screen and as I came back you were passing an interesting colony at that high point... 08/04/2015,00:42:29,Scott France,Know what it was? 08/04/2015,00:42:29,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/04/2015,00:42:35,amybaco-taylor,I was digging through the NArella paper trying to determine an ID, and it doesn't seem to fit the kjnown species 08/04/2015,00:42:41,Scott France,Primnoid or chrysogorgiid? 08/04/2015,00:42:46,amybaco-taylor,Primnoid 08/04/2015,00:43:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43217, LON : -166.09408, DEPTH :2383.3688m, TEMP : 1.67625C, SAL : 34.65552 PSU, DO : 3.37923 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:43:24,Scott France,I can't identify the Hawaiian primnoids to species from video... 08/04/2015,00:43:26,Diva Amon,mega sponge 08/04/2015,00:43:29,Astrid Leitner,how big is it 08/04/2015,00:43:36,Scott France,Its all up to you Amy! 08/04/2015,00:43:49,amybaco-taylor,Deepest previous Narella from Hawaii about 1500m 08/04/2015,00:44:01,Astrid Leitner,that looks a meter across 08/04/2015,00:44:07,tinamolodtsova,CORA Bathypathes 08/04/2015,00:44:08,amybaco-taylor,All described Hawaiian Narella have more polyps per whorl 08/04/2015,00:44:21,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Zoom in , please 08/04/2015,00:44:28,amybaco-taylor,Can we zoom in on Primnoid below once we are done with sponge? 08/04/2015,00:46:20,Andrea Quattrini,could that previous ?Narella have been Calyptrophora? 08/04/2015,00:47:17,amybaco-taylor,I take the Narella comments back, that was only half the table 08/04/2015,00:47:24,amybaco-taylor,:-[ 08/04/2015,00:48:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43195, LON : -166.09389, DEPTH :2377.3771m, TEMP : 1.74758C, SAL : 34.64756 PSU, DO : 3.28230 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:48:13,Astrid Leitner,synaphobranchid brevidorsalis 08/04/2015,00:48:16,randysinger,FSH 08/04/2015,00:48:16,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Mottled synaphobranchid? 08/04/2015,00:48:22,Astrid Leitner,mottled again 08/04/2015,00:49:01,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,00:49:04,randysinger,man sight IDing synaphobranchids is pretty darn impressive 08/04/2015,00:49:05,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,I will send photos to Dave Smith and John McCosker for their thoughts 08/04/2015,00:49:17,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea occa erecta 08/04/2015,00:49:30,okeanosexplorer,FSH - synaphobranchid brevidorsalis\n(8:49:26 PM) randysinger: FSH 08/04/2015,00:50:05,tinamolodtsova,the same as yesterday and about the same time 08/04/2015,00:51:42,amybaco-taylor,CORCH 08/04/2015,00:52:01,amybaco-taylor,Lost audio 08/04/2015,00:52:10,Diva Amon,do we know what time we are going to leave the seafloor? 08/04/2015,00:52:12,tinamolodtsova,Can we moove a bit to the left? 08/04/2015,00:52:17,Astrid Leitner,both this and yesterday's eels seemed very short compared to other synaphobranchids I have seen - any one else have any thoughts on this? 08/04/2015,00:52:22,Scott France,Gorgeous view 08/04/2015,00:52:55,amybaco-taylor,audio back 08/04/2015,00:53:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43187, LON : -166.09373, DEPTH :2372.2441m, TEMP : 1.75863C, SAL : 34.64397 PSU, DO : 3.34522 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:53:13,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Astrid - that's why a look by the eel taxonomist's would be useful, but I agree with your I.D. 08/04/2015,00:53:43,briankennedy,EX I think you dropped the conference call 08/04/2015,00:54:20,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/04/2015,00:55:11,randysinger,Astrid I agree but my experience is mostly with Atlantic individuals 08/04/2015,00:55:17,randysinger,that one looked very stocky 08/04/2015,00:57:16,randysinger,FSH 08/04/2015,00:57:22,Astrid Leitner,macrourid 08/04/2015,00:57:24,randysinger,coryphaenoides? 08/04/2015,00:57:40,Astrid Leitner,longicirrus? 08/04/2015,00:58:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43169, LON : -166.09355, DEPTH :2367.7155m, TEMP : 1.74382C, SAL : 34.64924 PSU, DO : 3.22231 mg/L 08/04/2015,00:58:13,randysinger,they are so beutiful when they are alive 08/04/2015,00:58:14,briankennedy,can you call back into the conference call 08/04/2015,00:58:15,Scott France,You guys are not on the conference call 08/04/2015,00:58:31,randysinger,10/10 08/04/2015,00:58:33,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,FSH - looks like Coryphaenoides longicirrhus to me, too 08/04/2015,00:59:14,Astrid Leitner,this guy has copepod parasites too 08/04/2015,00:59:28,randysinger,yes Amanda Demopolis would love photos of that 08/04/2015,00:59:44,randysinger,im lagging to badly here to get a good one 08/04/2015,01:00:09,tinamolodtsova,have to leave for today. good luck 08/04/2015,01:00:20,Jonathan Tree,nice field of pillow lavas PIL 08/04/2015,01:00:25,Scott France,Bye Tina 08/04/2015,01:02:16,randysinger,if any of you dont know there is a Facebook group devoted to getting good still and video clips 08/04/2015,01:02:31,randysinger,"Underwater Webcams Screenshot Sharing" is the nam,e 08/04/2015,01:03:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43158, LON : -166.09337, DEPTH :2361.1844m, TEMP : 1.77521C, SAL : 34.64554 PSU, DO : 3.12988 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:03:52,Astrid Leitner,AST 08/04/2015,01:05:03,Astrid Leitner,can we zoom in on the light colored material? 08/04/2015,01:06:35,Santiago Herrera,barnacle plates? 08/04/2015,01:06:48,Santiago Herrera,can't tell from my video resolution 08/04/2015,01:09:04,Jonathan Tree,seems like that one is pretty cemented 08/04/2015,01:09:37,briankennedy,EX- you dropped the conference call again 08/04/2015,01:09:56,okexnav,LAT :24.43152, LON : -166.09337, DEPTH :2361.7041m, TEMP : 1.73857C, SAL : 34.64897 PSU, DO : 3.26392 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:09:57,okeanosexplorer,Jonathan is the flat rock we just loosened ok? 08/04/2015,01:10:09,Scott France,You are still audible in video stream but conference line gone. 08/04/2015,01:10:59,Scott France,I think he said on conference line thta that appears to be just a chunk of Mn 08/04/2015,01:11:35,Scott France,I'm transferring what Jonathon says on conference line to you. 08/04/2015,01:11:46,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Scott 08/04/2015,01:11:47,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Catch and release - to be crusty another day 08/04/2015,01:11:54,J.R. Smith,Yes, I think it was a good call to drop it. 08/04/2015,01:12:37,Scott France,Can we look at that coral behind sponge… 08/04/2015,01:12:43,Scott France,To left if not too late... 08/04/2015,01:12:45,Scott France, Too late! 08/04/2015,01:12:48,Scott France,:-) 08/04/2015,01:12:49,Jonathan Tree,Is the UH ECC coming over on the conference call to the ship? 08/04/2015,01:13:01,Scott France,I should have run to the phone. 08/04/2015,01:13:13,Scott France,The conference lione is back. 08/04/2015,01:14:56,okexnav,LAT :24.43135, LON : -166.09330, DEPTH :2369.2823m, TEMP : 1.69684C, SAL : 34.65143 PSU, DO : 3.33282 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:14:59,randysinger,hey Scott 08/04/2015,01:15:08,J.R. Smith,PIL WAL or mound CON 08/04/2015,01:15:16,Scott France,No worries 08/04/2015,01:15:25,Scott France,What's up, Randy! 08/04/2015,01:16:56,randysinger,I kept meaning to say "hi" and I finally did it during the invert fest back there 08/04/2015,01:17:09,J.R. Smith,We call that hardpan, probably Mn on top. 08/04/2015,01:18:15,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Ispopod on the crust edge? 08/04/2015,01:19:09,okeanosexplorer,dead BAR plates 08/04/2015,01:19:10,Jonathan Tree,thanks J. Smith, i couldn't think of the term but yes, hard pan would be the better term 08/04/2015,01:19:18,J.R. Smith,Not convinced that was CAR underneath, may have been SHE 08/04/2015,01:19:37,Scott France,If those are barnacle plates, where are all the barnacles… 08/04/2015,01:19:51,Astrid Leitner,what could support so many barnacles at this depth? 08/04/2015,01:19:57,okexnav,LAT :24.43114, LON : -166.09333, DEPTH :2379.6907m, TEMP : 1.70636C, SAL : 34.65287 PSU, DO : 3.33147 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:20:08,Diva Amon,bivalve shells 08/04/2015,01:20:11,amybaco-taylor,upslope somewhere 08/04/2015,01:20:24,Diva Amon,they have striations….. 08/04/2015,01:20:25,Santiago Herrera,seen large accumulations of barnacle plates on seamounts before, without any living barnacles around 08/04/2015,01:20:37,Scott France,These are accumulating in this pit... 08/04/2015,01:20:47,Santiago Herrera,right 08/04/2015,01:20:55,Santiago Herrera,saw similar things in Indonesia 08/04/2015,01:21:11,Jonathan Tree,so your'e thinkng that was a sheet flow huh John? 08/04/2015,01:21:46,Scott France,Where are we on the wall? Is there a steep slope above this point? 08/04/2015,01:21:52,Jonathan Tree,what did you see that convinced you it was not a sed deposit? 08/04/2015,01:21:59,Diva Amon,how do you spell that chris? 08/04/2015,01:22:07,Scott France,I agree they looked like barnacle plates - angular... 08/04/2015,01:22:34,Scott France,Interesting debris field here… Geologists? 08/04/2015,01:22:49,Scott France,Looks like a mini collapse. Why? 08/04/2015,01:23:15,J.R. Smith,Dunno, color looked like carbonate from a distance, but up close not so much, though time may tell as we move along. Look at these, now… 08/04/2015,01:23:55,Astrid Leitner,sponge graveyard? 08/04/2015,01:24:37,briankennedy,we are done with the NAV screen thanks 08/04/2015,01:25:04,Scott France,Burrowing ACN at upper right 08/04/2015,01:25:12,J.R. Smith,Lots of TAL, various shapes and sizes, rounded and broken plates 08/04/2015,01:25:41,Scott France,ACN on CORI 08/04/2015,01:26:26,okexnav,LAT :24.43094, LON : -166.09327, DEPTH :2376.5854m, TEMP : 1.71822C, SAL : 34.65118 PSU, DO : 3.33458 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:26:54,Astrid Leitner,CRI 08/04/2015,01:28:05,Jonathan Tree,This is a very curious area we are in, not sure what to think of this TAL field and collapse with the ledge of sheet flow / mud os sed layering 08/04/2015,01:30:19,amybaco-taylor,I feel like we've seen this before at other sites, but I don 08/04/2015,01:30:24,amybaco-taylor,'t have a name for it 08/04/2015,01:31:26,okexnav,LAT :24.43084, LON : -166.09336, DEPTH :2377.1230m, TEMP : 1.72290C, SAL : 34.65473 PSU, DO : 3.30424 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:31:49,Scott France,For the sake of records, lets call this Isidella sp. 08/04/2015,01:32:24,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Scott CORI - Isidella sp. 08/04/2015,01:32:26,Scott France,Looks a lot like an Isidella we collected at 1600 m in Little Abaco Canyon Bahamas 08/04/2015,01:32:51,Scott France,CORCR Iridogorgia 08/04/2015,01:33:15,Scott France,Roger that 08/04/2015,01:33:33,Scott France,I did not see that yesterday. 08/04/2015,01:33:42,Scott France,Agreed - very different from what we just looked at 08/04/2015,01:34:05,Scott France,I'll look for images on the ftp site. 08/04/2015,01:34:13,Scott France,Great - thanks. 08/04/2015,01:34:30,Scott France,Lost video and I think conference line 08/04/2015,01:34:34,Scott France,Vidoe back 08/04/2015,01:34:38,Scott France,video 08/04/2015,01:35:05,Scott France,Conference call back 08/04/2015,01:35:24,Scott France,CORI 08/04/2015,01:35:41,Scott France,Keratoisis 08/04/2015,01:36:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43049, LON : -166.09334, DEPTH :2360.6962m, TEMP : 1.71400C, SAL : 34.65010 PSU, DO : 3.25943 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:36:49,Scott France,One of these Chrysogorgia with multiple branches may have bene what I saw from a distance and interpreted as Thouarella... 08/04/2015,01:37:14,Scott France,I mean bottlebrush like with multiple bottlebrush branbches 08/04/2015,01:37:27,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,01:37:30,Scott France,Anthomastus 08/04/2015,01:37:35,Scott France,CORO 08/04/2015,01:38:20,Scott France,What was the branching feather-like thing we just passed...? 08/04/2015,01:38:43,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Bolosoma 08/04/2015,01:38:55,Scott France,CORA Bathypathes 08/04/2015,01:39:41,Scott France,SPO dead on one side? 08/04/2015,01:39:57,Scott France,SQA on SPO 08/04/2015,01:40:18,Scott France,Looks like a munid crab 08/04/2015,01:41:11,Scott France,2 GAS 08/04/2015,01:41:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43043, LON : -166.09303, DEPTH :2351.2379m, TEMP : 1.73208C, SAL : 34.64762 PSU, DO : 3.24780 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:42:52,randysinger,FSH 08/04/2015,01:43:03,randysinger,macrourid 08/04/2015,01:43:07,Astrid Leitner,another nezumia? 08/04/2015,01:43:19,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Very elongate macrourid, don't know genus 08/04/2015,01:43:20,randysinger,I got some video lag but it looked like it 08/04/2015,01:43:53,randysinger,for the people that like names "nezumi" is the Japanese word for "rat" 08/04/2015,01:44:36,Scott France,More of these tall fallen sponges tucked in the rocks... 08/04/2015,01:45:32,J.R. Smith,Extensive PIL field 08/04/2015,01:46:14,amybaco-taylor,anthomastus 08/04/2015,01:46:21,amybaco-taylor,can we zoom 08/04/2015,01:46:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43012, LON : -166.09270, DEPTH :2324.0010m, TEMP : 1.76159C, SAL : 34.64553 PSU, DO : 3.17296 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:46:28,Scott France,CRI 08/04/2015,01:46:35,Scott France,CORCR 08/04/2015,01:46:59,Scott France,Sorry CORCH 08/04/2015,01:48:39,Scott France,There was a small Chrysogorgid that we passed on the way to this Anthomastus... 08/04/2015,01:48:51,Scott France,Note: not asking you to find it! 08/04/2015,01:49:03,Scott France,Butr there it is to right of SPO 08/04/2015,01:49:27,randysinger,anyone else getting video lag? 08/04/2015,01:49:45,Scott France,Not right now, but frequent through dive 08/04/2015,01:49:58,Scott France,OK - now! ;-) 08/04/2015,01:50:12,Scott France,And back. 08/04/2015,01:50:34,J.R. Smith,Actually, with the pervasive and thick Mn coating and the smaller sizes of the 'lobes' or toes, it could be a TAL field instead. Deceiving stuff, than Mn crust! And then the bio gets in the way. 08/04/2015,01:51:08,briankennedy,OPH 08/04/2015,01:51:11,amybaco-taylor,CORA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,01:51:14,Astrid Leitner,SHR 08/04/2015,01:51:21,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/04/2015,01:51:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42992, LON : -166.09239, DEPTH :2303.2128m, TEMP : 1.82247C, SAL : 34.64013 PSU, DO : 3.09518 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:51:39,mikeford, 08/04/2015,01:52:23,amybaco-taylor,CORI 08/04/2015,01:52:25,amybaco-taylor,CORA 08/04/2015,01:52:33,amybaco-taylor,CORC 08/04/2015,01:52:37,Scott France,CORC… 08/04/2015,01:52:40,amybaco-taylor,Def coralliid 08/04/2015,01:53:54,briankennedy,note the large coral in the serios viee 08/04/2015,01:53:58,briankennedy,view 08/04/2015,01:54:07,randysinger,the guesss definitely help in event log for IDs in pubs etc. later 08/04/2015,01:54:22,randysinger,I know I use the discussion for fish (we catalog all the images at the Florida Museum) 08/04/2015,01:54:35,randysinger,gives you a starting point 08/04/2015,01:54:38,Scott France,Is it a SPO? 08/04/2015,01:54:40,Santiago Herrera,agree Amy 08/04/2015,01:54:57,Scott France,Yup SPO 08/04/2015,01:55:05,okeanosexplorer,CORC - Paracorallium? 08/04/2015,01:55:42,amybaco-taylor,You mean the one we just looked at? I would say COrallium. Paracorallium is now COrallium though either way 08/04/2015,01:56:02,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Amy 08/04/2015,01:56:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42973, LON : -166.09224, DEPTH :2285.0463m, TEMP : 1.86696C, SAL : 34.63591 PSU, DO : 2.99814 mg/L 08/04/2015,01:57:45,okeanosexplorer,CORA- Bathypathes 08/04/2015,01:58:40,Jonathan Tree,if there are any last minute chances on a potentially loose sample in this PIL field can you try to pick up a second geologic sample? 08/04/2015,01:59:21,Jonathan Tree,it does look highly cemented around here though 08/04/2015,01:59:32,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Caulophacus (Caulodiscus) 08/04/2015,02:01:25,Scott France,CORCH Metallogorgia 08/04/2015,02:01:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42944, LON : -166.09206, DEPTH :2268.4040m, TEMP : 1.87430C, SAL : 34.63619 PSU, DO : 2.98963 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:01:54,amybaco-taylor,CORC 08/04/2015,02:02:06,amybaco-taylor,Looks like NArella 08/04/2015,02:03:38,Scott France,I think someones phone may be unmuted... 08/04/2015,02:03:54,nicolemorgan,CRI - Isocrinus maybe 08/04/2015,02:04:27,nicolemorgan,scratch that, Hyocrinidae 08/04/2015,02:04:31,amybaco-taylor,They have 8 arms though 08/04/2015,02:05:09,Scott France,Really? 08/04/2015,02:05:18,Scott France,They also appear to have a hypostome... 08/04/2015,02:05:33,Scott France,Hope there are some good frame grabs. 08/04/2015,02:06:15,nicolemorgan,That's what Chris Mah, was saying today on Facebook, Hyocrinus is the 5 arm genus 08/04/2015,02:06:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42933, LON : -166.09194, DEPTH :2265.7128m, TEMP : 1.87902C, SAL : 34.63704 PSU, DO : 3.00242 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:07:09,Scott France,Just for record… HYD 08/04/2015,02:07:35,Scott France,What was that swimming? 08/04/2015,02:07:45,amybaco-taylor,Was that just a big primnoid 08/04/2015,02:08:01,okeanosexplorer,I did not get a good look Scott 08/04/2015,02:08:23,okeanosexplorer,looked like a picnogonid 08/04/2015,02:08:24,Scott France,Looks like more sediment drape here... 08/04/2015,02:08:27,J.R. Smith,Many of the ROC just look like Mn coated COB 08/04/2015,02:08:35,amybaco-taylor,HIgher densities too 08/04/2015,02:09:40,michaelgarcia,Nice pillows 08/04/2015,02:10:03,Scott France,Saw a yellow colony - ZOA? CORI? 08/04/2015,02:10:04,amybaco-taylor,CORO many 08/04/2015,02:10:16,amybaco-taylor,Nice 08/04/2015,02:10:19,Scott France,Pinnacles matter! 08/04/2015,02:10:20,michaelgarcia,some loose rocks are present 08/04/2015,02:10:42,Scott France,High density, but low diversity? 08/04/2015,02:10:53,Astrid Leitner,scott are we on the pinnacle? 08/04/2015,02:11:07,Scott France,I don't think we are that high yet Astrid... 08/04/2015,02:11:16,Scott France,I was just remarking on the feature in frame... 08/04/2015,02:11:24,Scott France,it looked like a local high point 08/04/2015,02:11:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42896, LON : -166.09164, DEPTH :2242.5427m, TEMP : 1.90540C, SAL : 34.63355 PSU, DO : 2.93937 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:11:35,amybaco-taylor,Can we get in closer and do some zooms? 08/04/2015,02:12:05,randysinger,whats that swimming left 08/04/2015,02:12:13,randysinger,nvm off camera 08/04/2015,02:12:19,amybaco-taylor,oh, thanks 08/04/2015,02:12:45,randysinger,do we havea protocol instated to priortize swimmers over non-swimmers? 08/04/2015,02:12:46,amybaco-taylor,One on right there definitely CORI 08/04/2015,02:13:41,amybaco-taylor,CORA bathypathes 08/04/2015,02:13:59,amybaco-taylor,CORCH collected first 08/04/2015,02:14:05,amybaco-taylor,CORC 08/04/2015,02:14:54,nicolemorgan,CRI 08/04/2015,02:14:58,amybaco-taylor,CORA 08/04/2015,02:14:59,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Stauropathes 08/04/2015,02:15:15,amybaco-taylor,THere was a bathypathes below 08/04/2015,02:15:59,Astrid Leitner,randy - I think not :) we just have to think quickly 08/04/2015,02:16:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42890, LON : -166.09156, DEPTH :2244.4447m, TEMP : 1.90631C, SAL : 34.63233 PSU, DO : 2.90039 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:17:59,amybaco-taylor,I still think we get a 2 sample bonus for missing yesterady 08/04/2015,02:18:46,Scott France,Hey! Amy is right! ;-) 08/04/2015,02:19:14,Scott France,Looks like another Chrysogorgia "pinnata" just above 08/04/2015,02:19:33,nicolemorgan,It looks like the same one to me 08/04/2015,02:20:19,nicolemorgan,Zenometridae family, Sarametra triserialis 08/04/2015,02:21:02,Jonathan Tree,potentailly some loose rocks below us right now for another geologic sample 08/04/2015,02:21:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42864, LON : -166.09148, DEPTH :2241.1582m, TEMP : 1.90273C, SAL : 34.63494 PSU, DO : 2.87912 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:22:17,Scott France,This looks like the Isidella/Jasonisis again… 08/04/2015,02:22:33,okeanosexplorer,Currently investigating Jonathan 08/04/2015,02:22:46,amybaco-taylor,If you open the box a sample could accidentally fall in.. 08/04/2015,02:23:52,Scott France,Barbacles in cluster atop CORI whip 08/04/2015,02:24:30,Jonathan Tree,wow, very cemented rocks down there! 08/04/2015,02:24:31,nicolemorgan,CORI - Acanella weberii 08/04/2015,02:25:04,Scott France,Nice view of a CORI whose larva settled on the side of a rock and as it grew it curled 90° upward 08/04/2015,02:26:20,Scott France,Small ASR under rock to right of loose rock 08/04/2015,02:26:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42872, LON : -166.09145, DEPTH :2243.3006m, TEMP : 1.91557C, SAL : 34.63323 PSU, DO : 2.89839 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:26:33,J.R. Smith,More Mn coated TAL and COB 08/04/2015,02:26:39,Astrid Leitner,OPH 08/04/2015,02:27:08,Scott France,Thanks Astrid - I meant OPH 08/04/2015,02:27:47,randysinger,brittlestar? 08/04/2015,02:28:44,amybaco-taylor,What time are we on bottom until? 08/04/2015,02:30:24,Scott France,Oh. I thought we were diving all night. Yes, it is night here… 08/04/2015,02:30:49,randysinger,ya its late here! 08/04/2015,02:30:49,amybaco-taylor,Could be? 08/04/2015,02:30:52,Scott France,Stoloniferous octocoral 08/04/2015,02:31:23,randysinger,are we going to do the typical "speed run" as time runs out before we surface to cover alot of ground? 08/04/2015,02:31:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42873, LON : -166.09140, DEPTH :2243.2243m, TEMP : 1.90005C, SAL : 34.63296 PSU, DO : 2.91480 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:32:00,Scott France,Great to collect a rock with "biology" on it. 08/04/2015,02:32:11,randysinger,YES 08/04/2015,02:32:15,randysinger,good point Scott 08/04/2015,02:32:46,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Closeup of broken surface of rock? 08/04/2015,02:33:15,Scott France,I think the stalk will break off when dropped 08/04/2015,02:33:26,randysinger,just bang it on the ground 08/04/2015,02:33:31,randysinger,:) 08/04/2015,02:33:50,Scott France,Geologists call. 08/04/2015,02:34:51,okeanosexplorer,coral sample collected at 2243m 08/04/2015,02:35:04,okeanosexplorer,sorry rock sample collected at 223m 08/04/2015,02:35:05,Scott France,That would make a great suspense thriller for corals to watch. Got away at the last minute. Reprieve. 08/04/2015,02:36:00,okeanosexplorer,24.42869 / -166.09137 / 2243m 08/04/2015,02:36:06,randysinger,warp factor 9 08/04/2015,02:36:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42873, LON : -166.09138, DEPTH :2243.2934m, TEMP : 1.89971C, SAL : 34.63291 PSU, DO : 2.87957 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:37:05,randysinger,Scott I just spit out my tea 08/04/2015,02:37:21,Scott France,Excellent! 08/04/2015,02:37:31,Scott France,That just eggs me on. 08/04/2015,02:38:34,Astrid Leitner,SQA 08/04/2015,02:38:54,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Iridogorgia 08/04/2015,02:39:07,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,02:39:08,Scott France,Fish! 08/04/2015,02:39:15,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu, FSH small macrourid 08/04/2015,02:39:28,Scott France,See Randy - equal opportunity. 08/04/2015,02:39:33,randysinger,boom 08/04/2015,02:39:38,randysinger,sadly my feed is lagging. 08/04/2015,02:39:41,randysinger,and I missed it 08/04/2015,02:40:16,Scott France,CORPR, CORI 08/04/2015,02:41:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42870, LON : -166.09115, DEPTH :2227.3225m, TEMP : 1.89391C, SAL : 34.63148 PSU, DO : 2.92091 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:42:31,randysinger,this is what I imagine some moon of a distant planet to look like 08/04/2015,02:43:00,Scott France,Note the primnoid colony has not reoriented upward... 08/04/2015,02:43:27,Scott France,The isidid colony earlier showed "adjustment" in growth to compensate for beginning growth on side of rock 08/04/2015,02:43:29,randysinger,FSH 08/04/2015,02:43:47,randysinger,macrourid 08/04/2015,02:43:53,Scott France,Parasite on fish 08/04/2015,02:43:55,nicolemorgan,randy - space example complete with lens flare :) 08/04/2015,02:44:06,randysinger,love it 08/04/2015,02:44:13,Scott France,Looks like isopod size from here 08/04/2015,02:44:20,randysinger,another corychaenoides 08/04/2015,02:44:21,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Copryphaenoides longicirrhus? 08/04/2015,02:44:36,randysinger,*coryphaenoides 08/04/2015,02:44:42,Astrid Leitner,isopod parasite? 08/04/2015,02:44:47,Scott France,Yes isopod parasite 08/04/2015,02:45:01,randysinger,thats taking some energy from the poor little guy for sure 08/04/2015,02:45:27,Scott France,Parasite Cymothoidae? 08/04/2015,02:45:31,amybaco-taylor,Can we zoom on one of these big primnoids? 08/04/2015,02:45:54,amybaco-taylor,We just went ov er a couple too 08/04/2015,02:46:13,Astrid Leitner,the snout of that guy looked really rounded 08/04/2015,02:46:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42876, LON : -166.09119, DEPTH :2224.9602m, TEMP : 1.88669C, SAL : 34.63401 PSU, DO : 2.95969 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:46:39,Scott France,Couldn't see that closely but definitely a tapered anterior end 08/04/2015,02:46:59,michaelgarcia,nice stack of partially eroded pillow lobes 08/04/2015,02:47:28,Scott France,Looks like an ASR in back of CORPR 08/04/2015,02:47:32,Scott France,Feeding? 08/04/2015,02:47:48,Scott France,Don't typically see them feeding on primnoids... 08/04/2015,02:48:38,Scott France,Agreed. From a distance looked like ASR… Sorry. 08/04/2015,02:48:47,Scott France,Jumped the gun. Gotta wait for Roland! 08/04/2015,02:49:15,Scott France,Or whoever is on video. 08/04/2015,02:49:27,amybaco-taylor,Horizontal polyps again 08/04/2015,02:49:39,Scott France,Yup - definitely not pointed downward. 08/04/2015,02:49:43,Astrid Leitner,CRI 08/04/2015,02:50:36,amybaco-taylor,Could be or parastenella perhaps 08/04/2015,02:50:41,Scott France,That is a pretty good guess. 08/04/2015,02:50:46,amybaco-taylor,Candidella has horizontal polypos as well 08/04/2015,02:50:52,Scott France,I'm checking Cairns literature 08/04/2015,02:51:02,Scott France,I don't think that was a Candidella. 08/04/2015,02:51:05,amybaco-taylor,I'm leaning toward parastenella though 08/04/2015,02:51:12,Scott France,Axis didn't look right to me. 08/04/2015,02:51:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42873, LON : -166.09121, DEPTH :2228.9778m, TEMP : 1.87902C, SAL : 34.63498 PSU, DO : 2.98853 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:51:40,amybaco-taylor,Paracalyptrophora has some spiky sclerites around the polyp mouth usually 08/04/2015,02:51:42,randysinger,someone please name a genus of those "umbrella" 08/04/2015,02:51:49,randysinger,if you won't I will 08/04/2015,02:53:58,randysinger,we hear you! 08/04/2015,02:54:17,Scott France,I can hear Chris fine 08/04/2015,02:54:31,Scott France,on both video and conference line 08/04/2015,02:54:43,randysinger,yup same 08/04/2015,02:55:44,Scott France,Randy - are you asking about the large sponges? 08/04/2015,02:56:08,randysinger,I was just reading all the "-ella" names 08/04/2015,02:56:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42881, LON : -166.09132, DEPTH :2233.7631m, TEMP : 1.88027C, SAL : 34.63657 PSU, DO : 2.93376 mg/L 08/04/2015,02:56:43,randysinger,and it made me think if a new one was found it should be called "umbrella" it was a bad suggestion/joke 08/04/2015,02:56:50,randysinger,ignore me 08/04/2015,02:57:12,Scott France,He is ready for Jon Stewart! 08/04/2015,02:57:26,amybaco-taylor,I'll pass the umbrella suggewstion onto Cairns 08/04/2015,02:57:37,amybaco-taylor,:) 08/04/2015,02:57:40,randysinger,:) 08/04/2015,02:57:55,randysinger,I havent read yet do we have any midwater transects? 08/04/2015,02:57:57,Scott France,This was a great dive. 08/04/2015,02:58:01,randysinger,indeed 08/04/2015,02:58:32,randysinger,something swimming right 08/04/2015,02:58:39,randysinger,maybe 08/04/2015,02:59:18,Scott France,Can we see bathymetry on camera 2? 08/04/2015,02:59:39,Astrid Leitner,no ophidiids today 08/04/2015,02:59:48,Scott France,Just want to compare where we are with what I'm seeing... 08/04/2015,03:00:01,Scott France,Sorry HPAC screen 08/04/2015,03:00:02,randysinger,I find the ophidiids hate current 08/04/2015,03:00:06,randysinger,but thats qualitative 08/04/2015,03:00:16,randysinger,thats why I asked about current earlier 08/04/2015,03:00:27,Scott France,Thank you 08/04/2015,03:01:02,Scott France,Can we zoom out on HPAC? 08/04/2015,03:01:07,Scott France,A bit? 08/04/2015,03:01:15,Scott France,Or is it needed for recovery? 08/04/2015,03:01:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42893, LON : -166.09186, DEPTH :2216.6771m, TEMP : 1.82964C, SAL : 34.63999 PSU, DO : 3.05992 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:01:50,amybaco-taylor,Sorry its Calyptrophora with the spikeys sclerites, I really should have brought my repritn collection with me! 08/04/2015,03:02:24,okeanosexplorer,CAn you see it Scott? 08/04/2015,03:03:49,randysinger,Fledermaus = bat in German 08/04/2015,03:04:53,randysinger,good dive everyone 08/04/2015,03:04:57,randysinger,see you later! 08/04/2015,03:05:04,Scott France,Ciao. 08/04/2015,03:06:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42905, LON : -166.09209, DEPTH :2081.4937m, TEMP : 2.00752C, SAL : 34.62258 PSU, DO : 2.75744 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:11:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42911, LON : -166.09153, DEPTH :1964.6815m, TEMP : 2.08555C, SAL : 34.61678 PSU, DO : 2.69508 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:16:38,okexnav,LAT :24.42902, LON : -166.09052, DEPTH :1834.8360m, TEMP : 2.17578C, SAL : 34.60734 PSU, DO : 2.55829 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:21:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42878, LON : -166.08952, DEPTH :1699.5520m, TEMP : 2.33371C, SAL : 34.59398 PSU, DO : 2.33972 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:26:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42859, LON : -166.08846, DEPTH :1558.1883m, TEMP : 2.53695C, SAL : 34.57791 PSU, DO : 2.18129 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:31:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42842, LON : -166.08719, DEPTH :1424.6161m, TEMP : 2.89366C, SAL : 34.54817 PSU, DO : 1.87200 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:36:56,okexnav,LAT :24.42832, LON : -166.08577, DEPTH :1277.9853m, TEMP : 3.15704C, SAL : 34.52190 PSU, DO : 1.69176 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:41:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42832, LON : -166.08400, DEPTH :1133.4018m, TEMP : 3.53044C, SAL : 34.47307 PSU, DO : 1.37614 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:46:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42832, LON : -166.08232, DEPTH : 989.0729m, TEMP : 3.94326C, SAL : 34.40356 PSU, DO : 1.09484 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:51:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42821, LON : -166.08064, DEPTH : 846.3454m, TEMP : 4.31902C, SAL : 34.29844 PSU, DO : 0.91999 mg/L 08/04/2015,03:56:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42827, LON : -166.07883, DEPTH : 702.0059m, TEMP : 5.03328C, SAL : 34.11470 PSU, DO : 1.61081 mg/L 08/04/2015,04:01:27,okexnav,LAT :24.42830, LON : -166.07703, DEPTH : 558.0199m, TEMP : 7.01075C, SAL : 34.04052 PSU, DO : 3.87968 mg/L 08/04/2015,04:06:28,okexnav,LAT :24.42847, LON : -166.07532, DEPTH : 411.8173m, TEMP : 10.48185C, SAL : 34.16146 PSU, DO : 5.99628 mg/L 08/04/2015,04:11:31,okexnav,LAT :24.42903, LON : -166.07369, DEPTH : 265.1235m, TEMP : 16.57957C, SAL : 34.77038 PSU, DO : 6.73368 mg/L 08/04/2015,04:16:28,okexnav,LAT :24.42915, LON : -166.07213, DEPTH : 117.9421m, TEMP : 21.48369C, SAL : 35.43699 PSU, DO : 6.94089 mg/L 08/04/2015,04:21:28,okexnav,LAT :24.42940, LON : -166.07055, DEPTH : 45.7597m, TEMP : 24.28336C, SAL : 35.30448 PSU, DO : 7.20897 mg/L 08/04/2015,04:26:28,okexnav,LAT :24.42951, LON : -166.06958, DEPTH :?????????m, TEMP : ????????C, SAL : ????????? PSU, DO : ???????? mg/L 08/04/2015,04:31:28,okexnav,LAT :24.42951, LON : -166.06958, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/04/2015,04:36:28,okexnav,LAT :ERROR, LON : ERROR, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 08/04/2015,09:21:15,kelleyelliott,Hi All - the ship is currently conducting underway transit mapping operations en route to our next dive site. Dive 03 of EX1504L2 will take place tomorrow on the North St Rogatien rift zone ridge.  ROV deployment is planned to start at ~8am with the vehicle in the water by ~9am. We expect to be on bottom for the start of the dive at 2200m around 10am. Tomorrow's dive will have a regular start and end time, with the vehicles secured on deck by about 5:30pm tomorrow. 08/04/2015,18:14:18,mikeford,hello everyone 08/04/2015,18:17:37,briankennedy,good morning mike 08/04/2015,18:20:44,okeanosexplorer,Aloha everyone and welcome to dive 3 08/04/2015,18:21:07,okeanosexplorer,ROV just went in the water 08/04/2015,18:22:37,Scott France,Sea state looks pretty good. 08/04/2015,18:24:08,okeanosexplorer,Yes, calm seas indeed 08/04/2015,18:29:31,kaseycantwell,suggestion from Bruce Mundy - FSH psenes cyanophrys? 08/04/2015,18:30:25,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Bruce 08/04/2015,18:30:43,kaseycantwell,FSH psenes cyanophrys? 08/04/2015,18:31:23,mikeford,please keep camera looking forward 08/04/2015,18:31:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62656, LON : -167.24316, DEPTH : 212.3680m, TEMP : 14.93823C, SAL : 34.54420 PSU, DO : 6.69651 mg/L 08/04/2015,18:36:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62643, LON : -167.24179, DEPTH : 364.4730m, TEMP : 10.80990C, SAL : 34.18063 PSU, DO : 6.27923 mg/L 08/04/2015,18:38:33,okeanosexplorer,Is that better Mike? 08/04/2015,18:39:19,mikeford,good. thank you. 08/04/2015,18:41:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62641, LON : -167.24045, DEPTH : 510.3645m, TEMP : 7.45975C, SAL : 34.04783 PSU, DO : 4.74549 mg/L 08/04/2015,18:43:47,Nicole Morgan,Chris Mah has been talking with Marie Eleaume and our yellow stalked crinoid is Bathycrinidae. Apparently usually only found at very deep sites and not well studied! 08/04/2015,18:46:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62629, LON : -167.23967, DEPTH : 675.4163m, TEMP : 5.07239C, SAL : 34.12495 PSU, DO : 1.89112 mg/L 08/04/2015,18:46:48,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Nicole! 08/04/2015,18:51:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62641, LON : -167.23954, DEPTH : 828.7841m, TEMP : 4.19180C, SAL : 34.29199 PSU, DO : 0.88367 mg/L 08/04/2015,18:52:20,mikeford,when the ROV is done with the color balancing, if you could point the D2 camera forward and parallel with the bottom, that would be best for scanning the water on the way down. 08/04/2015,18:53:55,okeanosexplorer,Will do 08/04/2015,18:55:05,mikeford,thanks! 08/04/2015,18:56:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62640, LON : -167.23955, DEPTH : 982.8937m, TEMP : 3.81297C, SAL : 34.41775 PSU, DO : 1.06051 mg/L 08/04/2015,18:59:56,J.R. Smith,Some geological setting info for the listeners and chatters: Rogatien Ridge is located just to the east of Gardner Pinnacles and is interpreted as an ancient volcanic rift zone with a carbonate cap on its shallower portion at about 350 m w.d. The feature is informally named at present, simply appointed after the closest recognized bank called St. Rogatien Bank. No dates or compositional information are available specifically for the rift zone rocks, though samples from St. Rogatien Bank area were reported to be post-shield (Garcia et al., 2014) with a calculated age over 14 Ma (Clague, 1996). The large Rogatien Ridge complex, which encompasses the French Frigate Shoals atoll along with the Brooks and St. Rogatien Banks, may have helped buttress Gardner’s east flank against failure while also having had its own orientation affected by the massive Gardner platform. 08/04/2015,19:01:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62629, LON : -167.23958, DEPTH :1131.9837m, TEMP : 3.48666C, SAL : 34.48100 PSU, DO : 1.44339 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:02:50,Scott France,Thanks for that info J.R. 08/04/2015,19:03:30,J.R. Smith,One more geo setting blast for the interested parties: The ridge is nearly 150 km in length and 40 km wide, about twice as long as Puna Ridge on Kilauea, and slightly longer than the massive Hana Ridge extending east off Haleakala on Maui. The rift zone flank morphology of Rogatien is also similar to Hana and Puna. Most obviously, its nature changes markedly from debris channels shedding material downslope from the carbonate platform, or the island in the case of the Kilauea East Rift Zone/Puna Ridge, to a rough, volcanic morphology once beyond it. Rogatien shares several additional characteristics with Hana and Puna, including the broad terraced platform of Hana and the rotational slump blocks on the southern side of Puna Ridge. This bench and basin morphology, as seen on the west flank of Rogatien Ridge, is a common feature in the slumps of the main Hawaiian Islands. 08/04/2015,19:05:09,mikeford,was that in D2? 08/04/2015,19:05:16,Nicole Morgan,JFH 08/04/2015,19:05:28,mikeford,I think we have Seirios view on the I2 feed 08/04/2015,19:05:57,okeanosexplorer,Good morning Charlotte. We collected the first two coral samples yesterday and your kit was very easy to use so thanks very much. I have so many emails now in my EX folder that I couldn't find one of your earlier ones that mentioned whether your vials needed to be frozen. Your instruction sheet directions didn't mention it and I'm pretty sure we don't have to but could you confirm? Thanks. 08/04/2015,19:06:26,mikeford,great! 08/04/2015,19:06:30,randysinger,or fish! 08/04/2015,19:06:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62592, LON : -167.23933, DEPTH :1296.2741m, TEMP : 3.09957C, SAL : 34.52530 PSU, DO : 1.77305 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:06:48,randysinger,will break for dragonfish 08/04/2015,19:09:45,Charlotte Seid (OGL),Thanks for the kind words! 08/04/2015,19:11:12,Charlotte Seid (OGL),You're correct: they don't need to be frozen 08/04/2015,19:11:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62594, LON : -167.23950, DEPTH :1442.0657m, TEMP : 2.82429C, SAL : 34.54946 PSU, DO : 1.92862 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:16:37,okexnav,LAT :25.62613, LON : -167.23960, DEPTH :1602.5841m, TEMP : 2.54404C, SAL : 34.57555 PSU, DO : 2.24563 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:21:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62617, LON : -167.23965, DEPTH :1753.5470m, TEMP : 2.32863C, SAL : 34.59400 PSU, DO : 2.42546 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:26:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62633, LON : -167.23973, DEPTH :1909.8043m, TEMP : 1.88436C, SAL : 34.63066 PSU, DO : 2.97498 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:26:37,randysinger,technically ALL the time you need the sample in hand for every organism :) 08/04/2015,19:26:50,randysinger,from a photo you can only ever be 99% sure at most 08/04/2015,19:28:22,okeanosexplorer,Good point Randy. You fish biologists just seem to be much better at telling things apart in situ. 08/04/2015,19:30:52,mikeford,particle field in Seirios is great. 08/04/2015,19:31:33,okexnav,LAT :25.62634, LON : -167.23968, DEPTH :2063.6437m, TEMP : 1.80949C, SAL : 34.63720 PSU, DO : 3.15414 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:35:37,Nicole Morgan,JFH 08/04/2015,19:36:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62634, LON : -167.23937, DEPTH :2136.0198m, TEMP : 1.80476C, SAL : 34.63846 PSU, DO : 3.16214 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:37:14,J.R. Smith,I don't see Mike or Jonathan logged on yet, so I may be the only geo person. 08/04/2015,19:37:27,randysinger,current? 08/04/2015,19:37:59,randysinger,possible FSH behind the rock to the left 08/04/2015,19:38:01,J.R. Smith,TAL CON 08/04/2015,19:38:13,randysinger,in far left corner of D2 camera 08/04/2015,19:39:05,J.R. Smith,Some kind of pavement or hardpan 08/04/2015,19:40:55,J.R. Smith,Its a geologic CONtact 08/04/2015,19:41:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62636, LON : -167.23929, DEPTH :2153.4589m, TEMP : 1.80932C, SAL : 34.63775 PSU, DO : 3.16187 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:41:50,michaelgarcia,Yes, this is Mn nodule field 08/04/2015,19:41:59,Diva Amon,I am and it definitely does. Are they accreted together? 08/04/2015,19:42:01,michaelgarcia,lasers on please 08/04/2015,19:42:47,Diva Amon,if we have a chance, could we see if they are loose or not please 08/04/2015,19:43:13,J.R. Smith,That's amazingly dense! 08/04/2015,19:43:40,Diva Amon,looks like nodule platform all glued together 08/04/2015,19:44:32,kaseycantwell,did you guys collect or have backscatter data over this site? 08/04/2015,19:45:06,okeanosexplorer,We do have backscatter data over this area 08/04/2015,19:46:21,kaseycantwell,thanks 08/04/2015,19:46:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62630, LON : -167.23934, DEPTH :2153.6954m, TEMP : 1.82150C, SAL : 34.63913 PSU, DO : 3.16988 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:47:34,michaelgarcia,I was just suggesting to test this idea that they were cemented. No interest 08/04/2015,19:47:45,Diva Amon,much more interested in biology on nodules rather than nodules themselves 08/04/2015,19:50:12,J.R. Smith,Any possibility they could be Mn coated rhodoliths instead? We've collected those elsewhere up here, I believe. 08/04/2015,19:51:33,okexnav,LAT :25.62639, LON : -167.23924, DEPTH :2153.5175m, TEMP : 1.81103C, SAL : 34.63987 PSU, DO : 3.13955 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:52:48,Nicole Morgan,CRI - Hyocrinidae 08/04/2015,19:53:17,Scott France,CORI 08/04/2015,19:53:23,Scott France,in background 08/04/2015,19:53:38,Scott France,SPO in front? 08/04/2015,19:53:53,Scott France,Haha 08/04/2015,19:54:12,Scott France,The whip on left - is it a SPO perhaps? 08/04/2015,19:54:39,Scott France,Yes - those whip-loke things. SPO? 08/04/2015,19:54:45,Scott France,whip-like 08/04/2015,19:54:47,Nicole Morgan,ACN on lip of boulder? 08/04/2015,19:54:55,Nicole Morgan,OPH 08/04/2015,19:54:56,Scott France,They aren'y isidid stalks anyway... 08/04/2015,19:55:38,Scott France,Yes, sponges. 08/04/2015,19:56:16,Scott France,"Confirmed!?" GUessed more like it. 08/04/2015,19:56:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62638, LON : -167.23920, DEPTH :2153.9624m, TEMP : 1.82389C, SAL : 34.63636 PSU, DO : 3.16156 mg/L 08/04/2015,19:56:33,Scott France,Cladorhizid sponges probably 08/04/2015,19:59:12,Scott France,I think you were looking on the edge of a flat, feather-like stalk. 08/04/2015,19:59:19,Scott France,i.e. looking on the knife edge 08/04/2015,20:00:17,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/04/2015,20:00:17,randysinger,SHI 08/04/2015,20:00:56,randysinger,bummer. 08/04/2015,20:00:56,J.R. Smith,TAL POC 08/04/2015,20:01:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62652, LON : -167.23949, DEPTH :2113.6024m, TEMP : 1.81547C, SAL : 34.63801 PSU, DO : 3.12353 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:03:45,randysinger,lost audio 08/04/2015,20:03:52,randysinger,guess this is a good time for me to drive home 08/04/2015,20:06:04,Nicole Morgan,SHI 08/04/2015,20:06:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62664, LON : -167.24018, DEPTH :2091.0302m, TEMP : 1.81604C, SAL : 34.64016 PSU, DO : 3.17854 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:08:05,Scott France,Daniel - sent you a private message in side tab… 08/04/2015,20:08:27,okeanosexplorer,got it scott 08/04/2015,20:11:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62678, LON : -167.23969, DEPTH :2090.8920m, TEMP : 1.81683C, SAL : 34.63800 PSU, DO : 3.10075 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:12:25,Scott France,I concur with that choice Chris. Make hay. 08/04/2015,20:15:28,Scott France,Bottom reacquired. 08/04/2015,20:16:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62662, LON : -167.23939, DEPTH :2134.6662m, TEMP : 1.82292C, SAL : 34.63736 PSU, DO : 3.16343 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:16:52,michaelgarcia,Talus field of pillow fragments 08/04/2015,20:17:05,Diva Amon,COR 08/04/2015,20:17:55,J.R. Smith,TAL PIL POC 08/04/2015,20:17:56,Scott France,So we are only a couple meters shallower than before, so good shape. 08/04/2015,20:18:11,Scott France,CORI 08/04/2015,20:19:50,Nicole Morgan,Lost audio 08/04/2015,20:19:51,Scott France,Color balance is off on my feed - is that something being adjusted? 08/04/2015,20:19:58,Scott France,Looks purple 08/04/2015,20:20:49,Scott France,No audio from science if you are talking. Can hear the poilots 08/04/2015,20:21:00,Scott France,Now I can hear you. 08/04/2015,20:21:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62655, LON : -167.23941, DEPTH :2148.1950m, TEMP : 1.82400C, SAL : 34.63870 PSU, DO : 3.15178 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:23:34,Scott France,Sorry - color problem was an issue at my end, now solved. 08/04/2015,20:23:39,Andrea Quattrini,stalked CRI 08/04/2015,20:23:48,michaelgarcia,The boulder is a fragment of a dike. Note the parallel joints 08/04/2015,20:23:48,Andrea Quattrini,CORI 08/04/2015,20:24:03,Andrea Quattrini,cup coral? 08/04/2015,20:24:08,Andrea Quattrini,on left 08/04/2015,20:24:26,Scott France,Don't see it Andrea. 08/04/2015,20:24:39,Scott France,I see what you mean - small white stalk 08/04/2015,20:24:47,Scott France,Couple of them 08/04/2015,20:24:53,Andrea Quattrini,yea a few, but maybe not cups 08/04/2015,20:24:57,Scott France,And one in lower front right 08/04/2015,20:25:26,Andrea Quattrini,that one looks more like a cup coral 08/04/2015,20:25:30,michaelgarcia,This dike fragment is consistent with being near a rift zone that has undergone landsliding 08/04/2015,20:25:43,J.R. Smith,Pebbles or small RUB amongst the larger PIL TAL 08/04/2015,20:25:49,Diva Amon,OPH 08/04/2015,20:26:01,Scott France,Also a SPO - cladorhizid 08/04/2015,20:26:16,Scott France,Orange patch a former meal? 08/04/2015,20:26:20,Andrea Quattrini,why discolore? 08/04/2015,20:26:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62642, LON : -167.23929, DEPTH :2153.8089m, TEMP : 1.81541C, SAL : 34.63809 PSU, DO : 3.16111 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:26:33,Scott France,Tiny OPH on the SPO 08/04/2015,20:26:40,Scott France,Just below orange patch 08/04/2015,20:27:07,Andrea Quattrini,two different cladorhizids? or different sizes of same species 08/04/2015,20:27:29,Scott France,The bigger ones look different to me... 08/04/2015,20:27:44,Scott France,but so do small and large Metallogorgia melanotrichos! 08/04/2015,20:28:18,Andrea Quattrini,i would think different species... 08/04/2015,20:28:48,Scott France,The big one appears to have spicules only arising opposite, but small one has them all around. 08/04/2015,20:31:09,Scott France,That didn't sound so hard to describe! ;-) 08/04/2015,20:31:19,Scott France,Good description. 08/04/2015,20:31:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62637, LON : -167.23933, DEPTH :2153.8030m, TEMP : 1.87367C, SAL : 34.64863 PSU, DO : 3.15264 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:31:51,Scott France,How easy will it fit in box if it is really long? 08/04/2015,20:33:46,Andrea Quattrini,i think those are cup corals as well X3 08/04/2015,20:33:47,Diva Amon,we have seen something similar to this sponge in the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone (not collected though) 08/04/2015,20:33:53,michaelgarcia,Wow, amazing job extracting that thing. How are they able to hold on to this delicate feature? 08/04/2015,20:34:46,Scott France,I think there is taigon tubing on each finger of the manipulator claw to get a good steady hold. 08/04/2015,20:36:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62641, LON : -167.23932, DEPTH :2153.0132m, TEMP : 1.83783C, SAL : 34.63498 PSU, DO : 3.11639 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:36:48,Scott France,Just a note about these sponges being unusual in Hawaiian waters… As far as we know they are unusual at depths >1500 meters, but since there has been so little work at these depths, who knows. That is why we are exploring here! 08/04/2015,20:36:58,Scott France,sorry,1500 m 08/04/2015,20:38:21,Scott France,Thanks. 08/04/2015,20:39:11,okeanosexplorer,SPO - cladorhizid (large) colleted, 2152m 08/04/2015,20:41:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62647, LON : -167.23921, DEPTH :2153.1668m, TEMP : 1.82087C, SAL : 34.63868 PSU, DO : 3.11441 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:44:41,Andrea Quattrini,I missed it-are we moving from that spot? 08/04/2015,20:44:48,okeanosexplorer,yes 08/04/2015,20:45:02,Andrea Quattrini,ok-keep your eye out for cup corals to get zooms on in the future 08/04/2015,20:45:16,Andrea Quattrini,please :) 08/04/2015,20:45:21,okeanosexplorer,yes 08/04/2015,20:46:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62655, LON : -167.23928, DEPTH :2151.1095m, TEMP : 1.82605C, SAL : 34.63698 PSU, DO : 3.13715 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:51:14,amybaco-taylor,SPO 08/04/2015,20:51:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62651, LON : -167.23948, DEPTH :2148.3880m, TEMP : 1.83283C, SAL : 34.63666 PSU, DO : 3.08431 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:51:56,amybaco-taylor,lost audio on conf call 08/04/2015,20:52:05,amybaco-taylor,baby poliopogon? 08/04/2015,20:52:33,Scott France,I can hear them on conference line. 08/04/2015,20:52:39,amybaco-taylor,I can now too 08/04/2015,20:54:55,amybaco-taylor,CORI 08/04/2015,20:55:55,Scott France,Like all the corals! Difficult! 08/04/2015,20:56:14,Scott France,Very small Anthomastus? 08/04/2015,20:56:21,Scott France,Passed now 08/04/2015,20:56:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62649, LON : -167.23957, DEPTH :2142.3963m, TEMP : 1.84660C, SAL : 34.63612 PSU, DO : 3.10659 mg/L 08/04/2015,20:58:16,okeanosexplorer,CORC - Corallium 08/04/2015,20:58:23,amybaco-taylor,Hard to say 08/04/2015,20:58:25,Scott France,Paragorgia or CORC 08/04/2015,20:58:26,okeanosexplorer,? 08/04/2015,20:58:27,amybaco-taylor,proibably CORC\n 08/04/2015,20:58:46,Scott France,I think Corallium… actually. Looks "hard" 08/04/2015,20:58:50,amybaco-taylor,I'd say more likely CORC\n 08/04/2015,20:58:59,Scott France,Amy and I have aligned. 08/04/2015,20:59:23,Scott France,Note: CORC = Corallium in the codes, so I was giving both alternatives at first... 08/04/2015,20:59:31,Scott France,Not being defensive! ;-) 08/04/2015,20:59:50,Scott France,Haha! 08/04/2015,21:01:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62647, LON : -167.23956, DEPTH :2142.6846m, TEMP : 1.86525C, SAL : 34.63223 PSU, DO : 3.10761 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:03:02,Scott France,Looks like it, but I can't see the polyps well enough from here 08/04/2015,21:03:15,amybaco-taylor,corch 08/04/2015,21:04:09,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgia pinnata? (collected on Dive02) 08/04/2015,21:04:12,Andrea Quattrini,CORCH similar to same one collected yesterday 08/04/2015,21:04:34,Scott France,CORPR 08/04/2015,21:04:54,amybaco-taylor,polyps down 08/04/2015,21:05:00,amybaco-taylor,2 per row 08/04/2015,21:05:07,Scott France,And whorls of 3... 08/04/2015,21:05:11,amybaco-taylor,yeah 3 08/04/2015,21:05:36,amybaco-taylor,Thanks 08/04/2015,21:05:43,Scott France,No tighter ID from me! Too many primnoid genera! 08/04/2015,21:06:01,Scott France,Could be Narella. Go with ?Narella if you want. 08/04/2015,21:06:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62659, LON : -167.23966, DEPTH :2142.6304m, TEMP : 1.84125C, SAL : 34.63791 PSU, DO : 3.09382 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:06:52,amybaco-taylor,Can we collect more toay since we are outside the monument? 08/04/2015,21:07:11,okeanosexplorer,Yes Amy! 08/04/2015,21:07:19,amybaco-taylor,Woohoo! 08/04/2015,21:08:24,Astrid Leitner,We should really try to get to the top of the ridge to see if the ridge will have higher densities than this relatively barren terrain 08/04/2015,21:08:41,Andrea Quattrini,anyone else's video cutting in and out a lot? 08/04/2015,21:09:00,Scott France,No has been very stable today. Well, until this very second! 08/04/2015,21:09:02,Astrid Leitner,I just lost video 08/04/2015,21:09:13,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,21:09:25,J.R. Smith,Looks like typical volcanic TAL 08/04/2015,21:09:31,Scott France,Can still hear conference line but video gone here as well 08/04/2015,21:09:45,Andrea Quattrini,no video here 08/04/2015,21:10:39,J.R. Smith,SED POC 08/04/2015,21:10:59,Scott France,May have lost conference line also… 08/04/2015,21:11:16,kaseycantwell,Andrea- what are you using to view the feeds? 08/04/2015,21:11:30,okeanosexplorer,yes, looking to get it back 08/04/2015,21:11:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62648, LON : -167.23981, DEPTH :2129.5321m, TEMP : 1.85974C, SAL : 34.63368 PSU, DO : 3.04811 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:12:12,Andrea Quattrini,internet explorer now…let me try google chrome-looking at the high res stream 08/04/2015,21:13:16,ircecc,OPH 08/04/2015,21:13:38,Scott France,Video, conference line back 08/04/2015,21:14:49,amybaco-taylor,CORO anthomastus 08/04/2015,21:14:50,okeanosexplorer,Anthomastus 08/04/2015,21:15:56,amybaco-taylor,Nice shot 08/04/2015,21:16:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62642, LON : -167.23987, DEPTH :2125.9679m, TEMP : 1.85490C, SAL : 34.63641 PSU, DO : 3.04552 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:16:50,okeanosexplorer,SHI Nematocarcinus 08/04/2015,21:16:50,Diva Amon,SHI Nematocarcinus 08/04/2015,21:20:06,J.R. Smith,PIL TAL slope continues… 08/04/2015,21:20:42,Diva Amon,Ophidiidae? 08/04/2015,21:20:46,Diva Amon,defo 08/04/2015,21:21:08,okeanosexplorer,FSH - Ophiid 08/04/2015,21:21:31,okexnav,LAT :25.62639, LON : -167.24011, DEPTH :2116.2194m, TEMP : 1.85706C, SAL : 34.62874 PSU, DO : 3.09794 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:21:53,Andrea Quattrini,FSH ophidiid with possible ectoparasite? 08/04/2015,21:24:17,Nicole Morgan,CORI 08/04/2015,21:24:37,Scott France,Forked "Lepidisis" 08/04/2015,21:25:06,Astrid Leitner,man I missed the ophidiid! I got up for one second! anyone get any screen grabs? 08/04/2015,21:25:47,Andrea Quattrini,i am having video issues-so no 08/04/2015,21:25:53,Nicole Morgan,Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 5.21.43 PM.png just barely 08/04/2015,21:25:57,Andrea Quattrini,maybe its up on twitter~ 08/04/2015,21:26:11,ircecc,ASR 08/04/2015,21:26:19,Scott France,ASR off lower left 08/04/2015,21:26:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62641, LON : -167.24025, DEPTH :2103.1853m, TEMP : 1.84927C, SAL : 34.63642 PSU, DO : 3.09445 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:26:35,Diva Amon,what is the animal dead ahead on rock - zoom? 08/04/2015,21:26:45,Diva Amon,nevermind! 08/04/2015,21:26:57,Scott France,CRI 08/04/2015,21:26:58,Diva Amon,Thank you! 08/04/2015,21:27:09,ircecc,Chris - I stepped out of the room too, when the ophidiid appeared. Bummer (Bruce Mundy) 08/04/2015,21:28:49,J.R. Smith,I can call Virginia into my office if the fish folks leave again! 08/04/2015,21:29:50,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/04/2015,21:31:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62643, LON : -167.24021, DEPTH :2094.8092m, TEMP : 1.85741C, SAL : 34.63576 PSU, DO : 3.08713 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:31:42,Scott France,How far are we from the top of the ridge? 08/04/2015,21:31:50,Scott France,Depth I mean? 08/04/2015,21:31:58,michaelgarcia,Please reminder to look for rocks 08/04/2015,21:32:09,Scott France,Oh, I think I understand we are just getting to the steep part. 08/04/2015,21:32:17,michaelgarcia,Wall of pillow lavas 08/04/2015,21:32:28,michaelgarcia,good place to collect rocks 08/04/2015,21:33:00,Nicole Morgan,CORCH 08/04/2015,21:33:17,Diva Amon,CRI comatulid 08/04/2015,21:33:22,Scott France,CORC? below left? 08/04/2015,21:34:04,J.R. Smith,PIL WAL or mound CON 08/04/2015,21:36:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62642, LON : -167.24033, DEPTH :2091.2842m, TEMP : 1.86332C, SAL : 34.63324 PSU, DO : 3.07382 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:37:04,Diva Amon,GAS 08/04/2015,21:37:27,Scott France,COR cup 08/04/2015,21:37:42,Astrid Leitner,I went back on the video with Jeff and he said it could also possibly be an elongate liparid 08/04/2015,21:37:43,Scott France,Shrimp on GAS? 08/04/2015,21:38:06,Diva Amon,That's what I was thinking Scott. It had some big eyes. 08/04/2015,21:38:20,okeanosexplorer,Yes, SHI on GAS on COR 08/04/2015,21:38:21,Scott France,Agreed. 08/04/2015,21:38:36,Scott France,Agreed Diva 08/04/2015,21:39:19,Astrid Leitner,it really depends on the amount of pelvic rays, but most likely one of the many undescribed ophidiids . Great pictures thanks! 08/04/2015,21:39:40,okeanosexplorer,PYC 08/04/2015,21:39:49,Scott France,PYC 08/04/2015,21:39:58,amybaco-taylor,gravid 08/04/2015,21:40:08,amybaco-taylor,? 08/04/2015,21:40:09,Scott France,Associates on it? 08/04/2015,21:40:23,michaelgarcia,Glad you stopped to look for rocks and found all this biology in an area that was initially thought to be barren 08/04/2015,21:40:27,Diva Amon,Eggs or parasites? 08/04/2015,21:41:07,Diva Amon,Colossendeis 08/04/2015,21:41:18,Scott France,Not sure why PYC eggs would be on legs like that 08/04/2015,21:41:21,okeanosexplorer,PYC - Colossendeis 08/04/2015,21:41:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62646, LON : -167.24028, DEPTH :2090.6327m, TEMP : 1.85348C, SAL : 34.63675 PSU, DO : 3.05832 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:41:39,amybaco-taylor,almost look like forams some of them 08/04/2015,21:41:56,Scott France,Looks like a couple of aplacophorans on the near side... 08/04/2015,21:42:49,Andrea Quattrini,ectoparasites? on PYC 08/04/2015,21:46:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62660, LON : -167.24018, DEPTH :2089.3717m, TEMP : 1.86070C, SAL : 34.64196 PSU, DO : 3.04628 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:47:56,Scott France,CORPR 08/04/2015,21:48:06,Scott France,CORCH Iridogorgia 08/04/2015,21:48:06,Nicole Morgan,CORCH - Iridogorgia 08/04/2015,21:48:10,Nicole Morgan,OPH 08/04/2015,21:48:17,Scott France,CORCH Chrysogorgia 08/04/2015,21:48:31,Andrea Quattrini,CORC? near primnoid 08/04/2015,21:48:34,Scott France,Another SPO like we collected - on right off screen 08/04/2015,21:49:36,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/04/2015,21:49:39,Scott France,CORI whip 08/04/2015,21:51:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62652, LON : -167.24028, DEPTH :2082.6152m, TEMP : 1.90221C, SAL : 34.62313 PSU, DO : 2.99487 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:51:58,amybaco-taylor,almost looks like an antipatharian 08/04/2015,21:52:15,Nicole Morgan,CORC 08/04/2015,21:52:23,amybaco-taylor,CORA 08/04/2015,21:52:25,Scott France,It is a CORA 08/04/2015,21:52:35,Scott France,Can see the black skeleton in the small pinnules 08/04/2015,21:52:36,Nicole Morgan,I'm logging behind this antipatharian 08/04/2015,21:53:04,Scott France,Odd looking one. Don't recognize it. 08/04/2015,21:53:31,Scott France,Closest guess is Parantipathes for genus, but not one I've seen before. 08/04/2015,21:53:45,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Schizopathidae 08/04/2015,21:53:45,Nicole Morgan,Also Anthomastus looking polyp behind 08/04/2015,21:54:13,Scott France,The main axis isn't as perfectly straight as most Parantipathes though... 08/04/2015,21:54:38,Scott France,Nice "heavy-boned" Lepidisis on lower right. 08/04/2015,21:54:49,okeanosexplorer,agreed scott 08/04/2015,21:55:57,Nicole Morgan,ZOA on CORPA? 08/04/2015,21:56:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62649, LON : -167.24031, DEPTH :2082.8480m, TEMP : 1.88175C, SAL : 34.63566 PSU, DO : 3.02206 mg/L 08/04/2015,21:56:44,Scott France,ZOA on Paragorgia 08/04/2015,21:56:51,Scott France,Fairly common association. 08/04/2015,21:57:09,Scott France,Agree with Nicole 08/04/2015,21:57:11,amybaco-taylor,Just to clarify there was a small CORC behind the mysteryCORA besides this paragorgiid 08/04/2015,21:57:39,Scott France,Are you referring to the one at the base Amy? Looked like an anthothelid to me... 08/04/2015,21:59:06,amybaco-taylor,No there was definitely a CORC there too. Where was the Antothela? 08/04/2015,21:59:38,amybaco-taylor,lost feed at HBOI 08/04/2015,22:00:03,Scott France,Well, I don't know it was an anthothelid, but what I was looking at was at the base of this CORA, I think on other side. 08/04/2015,22:01:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62650, LON : -167.24028, DEPTH :2082.8743m, TEMP : 1.87606C, SAL : 34.63256 PSU, DO : 3.01731 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:01:52,amybaco-taylor,anyone else lost feeds? 08/04/2015,22:02:05,Scott France,Nor is it a Lepidisis! 08/04/2015,22:02:07,Andrea Quattrini,no-but it does keep jumping around 08/04/2015,22:02:13,Scott France,I still have feeds and conference line 08/04/2015,22:02:23,amybaco-taylor,must be a local thing 08/04/2015,22:02:25,Diva Amon,lots of CRI 08/04/2015,22:02:44,Scott France,Loads of BAR on that Iridogorgia 08/04/2015,22:02:45,Andrea Quattrini,what is on that Iridogorgia? 08/04/2015,22:02:49,Andrea Quattrini,ah~thanks! 08/04/2015,22:04:37,J.R. Smith,Logging dike remnants exposed, as per Mike G. 08/04/2015,22:05:58,okeanosexplorer,COLLECTED cora LAT :: 25.62638,LON :: -167.23990,HEADING :: 259.9,DEPTH :: 2127.8 m,ALT :: 1.4 m,TEMP :: 1.85160 C,SAL :: 34.63545 PSU,DO :: 3.03921 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:06:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62667, LON : -167.24006, DEPTH :2090.0120m, TEMP : 1.88106C, SAL : 34.63216 PSU, DO : 3.02088 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:09:21,Diva Amon,COR, CRI, OPH 08/04/2015,22:09:25,Nicole Morgan,ASR 08/04/2015,22:09:25,Diva Amon,ASR 08/04/2015,22:10:02,Scott France,Nice wall of CORI 08/04/2015,22:11:16,amybaco-taylor,CORPR below 08/04/2015,22:11:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62665, LON : -167.24028, DEPTH :2085.3823m, TEMP : 1.87777C, SAL : 34.62460 PSU, DO : 3.08585 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:15:25,Scott France,Beautiful image 08/04/2015,22:15:26,amybaco-taylor,It's only 7 polyps old! 08/04/2015,22:15:47,Scott France,SPO in front of ASR - twig like' 08/04/2015,22:16:07,tinamolodtsova,not Bryozoa? 08/04/2015,22:16:18,Scott France,Wouldn't it be great if we could age colonies by polyp number! 08/04/2015,22:16:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62664, LON : -167.24024, DEPTH :2085.4398m, TEMP : 1.86696C, SAL : 34.63514 PSU, DO : 3.05180 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:16:45,Scott France,Tina: didn't see that closely, but reminded me of other SPO I have seen 08/04/2015,22:18:20,tinamolodtsova,you see Scott, the larger polyp is at the top, and smaller in betwen two larger, I meen they intercalate 08/04/2015,22:18:51,Scott France,We didn't get a look at the side "branch" on the CORA. We need to image before collecting because the ROV moves to stow and getting back can be difficult. 08/04/2015,22:18:57,Diva Amon,POR 08/04/2015,22:18:59,Diva Amon,ASR 08/04/2015,22:19:07,Scott France,Sorry Tina - what are you referring to? 08/04/2015,22:19:17,Scott France,CORI whip 08/04/2015,22:19:18,Diva Amon,OPH 08/04/2015,22:19:24,Scott France,SPO 08/04/2015,22:19:26,tinamolodtsova,нщгк ыьфдд шышвшвы цшер 7 зщднзы 08/04/2015,22:19:30,tinamolodtsova,sorry 08/04/2015,22:19:32,Scott France,Whoa! 08/04/2015,22:19:39,Scott France,What did you call me? 08/04/2015,22:19:39,tinamolodtsova,your Isidid with 7 polyps 08/04/2015,22:19:52,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/04/2015,22:19:53,Scott France,;-) 08/04/2015,22:20:20,Scott France,Ah - so large terminal polyp. 08/04/2015,22:20:39,tinamolodtsova,yes, and twice smaller below 08/04/2015,22:20:50,Scott France,Will study the images - thanks. 08/04/2015,22:21:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62657, LON : -167.24044, DEPTH :2080.9734m, TEMP : 1.86554C, SAL : 34.63390 PSU, DO : 3.01778 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:21:46,Scott France,CORPR whip 08/04/2015,22:23:05,Scott France,CORA 08/04/2015,22:23:13,Scott France,Feathery... 08/04/2015,22:23:27,Nicole Morgan,CORC 08/04/2015,22:23:29,tinamolodtsova,what depth? 08/04/2015,22:23:32,Scott France,CORCH 08/04/2015,22:23:59,Nicole Morgan,CRI 08/04/2015,22:24:00,Scott France,CORPR 08/04/2015,22:24:24,tinamolodtsova,yep Stalked crinoid 08/04/2015,22:24:25,Scott France,2 spp of SPO 08/04/2015,22:24:42,okeanosexplorer,2080m 08/04/2015,22:25:14,tinamolodtsova,CRI Commatulid 08/04/2015,22:25:39,Scott France,OPH 08/04/2015,22:25:54,tinamolodtsova,2 cri 08/04/2015,22:26:28,Scott France,HYD? on stalked CRI 08/04/2015,22:26:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62660, LON : -167.24044, DEPTH :2072.2328m, TEMP : 1.87481C, SAL : 34.63214 PSU, DO : 3.02365 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:26:54,tinamolodtsova,look stem carefully 08/04/2015,22:27:37,amybaco-taylor,We've passed a couple of the same type of primnoid. If possible could we stop to collect one so we can get a better ID? 08/04/2015,22:27:57,Scott France,Already have 2 collections today… :-( 08/04/2015,22:28:11,amybaco-taylor,outside monumnet :-D 08/04/2015,22:28:37,Scott France,I thought the collection limitation was an OeX rule, not monumnet… 08/04/2015,22:28:53,Scott France,OkEx 08/04/2015,22:28:53,amybaco-taylor,primnoid please 08/04/2015,22:29:21,tinamolodtsova,CRI comatulid 08/04/2015,22:29:38,tinamolodtsova,CORACH Chrisogorgia 08/04/2015,22:29:39,amybaco-taylor,just fyi, our feeds are out at HBOI, so we are watching on the low-res online version for the moment 08/04/2015,22:30:20,okeanosexplorer,not an OeX rule 08/04/2015,22:30:45,tinamolodtsova,ACN? 08/04/2015,22:31:09,Scott France,Then we need to discuss this more fully as I am under the wrong impression. I'll bring up in post-dive. 08/04/2015,22:31:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62661, LON : -167.24050, DEPTH :2050.7078m, TEMP : 1.88311C, SAL : 34.63225 PSU, DO : 3.01959 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:33:22,okeanosexplorer,Yes Scott, based on my understanding there is a 3 sample maximum inside the monument, if the animals are not abundant 08/04/2015,22:36:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62668, LON : -167.24057, DEPTH :2050.5412m, TEMP : 1.87487C, SAL : 34.63343 PSU, DO : 3.02092 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:36:45,amybaco-taylor,IF we are allowed more bio samples, perhaps we should maximize our collecting opportunity here to get representatives of things we have seen here and on last dive? THen we can put names on more of these new species. 08/04/2015,22:37:00,Nicole Morgan,SPO - Walteria 08/04/2015,22:37:55,Scott France,I think we need to have the collecting discussion during dive planning call. My understanding from OER staff was that this was to be atrial run on this cruise... 08/04/2015,22:38:06,Scott France,…hence the limitation on collecting. 08/04/2015,22:38:26,Scott France,Too many samples and we don't make headway, and means more processing for limited on board staff. 08/04/2015,22:38:31,amybaco-taylor,I was under that impression to 08/04/2015,22:38:44,amybaco-taylor,How many other dives do we have outside the monument? 08/04/2015,22:38:49,okeanosexplorer,we will clarify in the post-dive call 08/04/2015,22:38:57,Scott France,Don't get me wrong - I'm a collecting fiend, as Dave Wright and Todd can confirm. 08/04/2015,22:39:39,tinamolodtsova,I guess we really need to collect some Isidids... 08/04/2015,22:39:47,Scott France,YES! :-) 08/04/2015,22:39:55,kelleyelliott,That's correct, Scott. We want to stike a balance between limited samples of potential new species and potential new records for the region only, but also ensure that we are making good seafloor coverage of areas that have never been visited before. Remember the goal of the program is to provide foundational information to enable follow-on exploration and research activities. 08/04/2015,22:40:02,kelleyelliott,Happy to discuss this further on the post dive call. 08/04/2015,22:40:30,kelleyelliott,We have limited personnel to processs them once they are on board. 08/04/2015,22:40:42,Scott France,Thanks Kelley. 08/04/2015,22:41:32,okexnav,LAT :25.62654, LON : -167.24053, DEPTH :2050.0625m, TEMP : 1.88089C, SAL : 34.63073 PSU, DO : 2.98937 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:43:15,amybaco-taylor,Understood Kelley thanks. So to clarify, are we at 0 more for this dive or 1-2 might be considered? 08/04/2015,22:45:31,okeanosexplorer,Rock sample collected at 2050m, 25.62654/-167.24053 08/04/2015,22:46:12,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Poliopogon 08/04/2015,22:46:25,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgia geniculata 08/04/2015,22:46:30,Scott France,FYI, Tina suggested the CORA collected may be a Heteropathes 08/04/2015,22:46:52,okeanosexplorer,Thatnks Tina, we will take a closer look when it is onboard 08/04/2015,22:47:19,tinamolodtsova,I suggested it IS Heteropathes, but I am not sure about species 08/04/2015,22:47:34,tinamolodtsova,perhaps pacifica 08/04/2015,22:47:37,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea near occa erecta 08/04/2015,22:47:47,Scott France,See Tina is willing to confirm, I just suggest or guess! :-) 08/04/2015,22:47:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62660, LON : -167.24068, DEPTH :2034.3168m, TEMP : 1.91432C, SAL : 34.62984 PSU, DO : 2.96352 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:48:04,Scott France,More SPO 08/04/2015,22:48:09,tinamolodtsova,Asbestopluma? 08/04/2015,22:48:20,tinamolodtsova,CRI Commatulida 08/04/2015,22:48:39,Scott France,CORI multiple species 08/04/2015,22:48:52,Scott France,CORI Acanella weberi? 08/04/2015,22:49:31,Scott France,Maybe a stoloniferan overgrowing something? 08/04/2015,22:49:37,okeanosexplorer,CORO - Anthomastus steenstrupi 08/04/2015,22:49:37,Scott France,like a sponge stalk? 08/04/2015,22:51:15,tinamolodtsova,Node 08/04/2015,22:51:41,Scott France,Lost the conference line 08/04/2015,22:51:42,tinamolodtsova,can we have a brief look at Anthomastus? 08/04/2015,22:52:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62655, LON : -167.24074, DEPTH :2031.0667m, TEMP : 1.92785C, SAL : 34.62539 PSU, DO : 2.90430 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:53:41,tinamolodtsova,Sponge 08/04/2015,22:53:49,Scott France,What I saw looked like a stoloniferous octocoral on a dead sponge when you said it was Anthomastus 08/04/2015,22:53:55,tinamolodtsova,perhaps Cladorhyzidae 08/04/2015,22:56:20,tinamolodtsova,agree with Scott 08/04/2015,22:57:50,Andrea Quattrini,so are those polyps on the sponge? Or growing on something behind it? I could not tell 08/04/2015,22:57:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62655, LON : -167.24068, DEPTH :2027.9580m, TEMP : 1.92438C, SAL : 34.62721 PSU, DO : 2.93064 mg/L 08/04/2015,22:58:03,okeanosexplorer,growing on the sponge 08/04/2015,22:58:07,ircecc,Fine sediment in between the rocks - new for this dive 08/04/2015,22:58:56,tinamolodtsova,CIRCH Iridogorgia 08/04/2015,23:01:37,Nicole Morgan,CORA 08/04/2015,23:01:59,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom? 08/04/2015,23:02:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62641, LON : -167.24083, DEPTH :2017.8100m, TEMP : 1.93961C, SAL : 34.62398 PSU, DO : 2.95013 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:02:53,Scott France,Some intermittent interruptions in feed 08/04/2015,23:03:38,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/04/2015,23:03:59,tinamolodtsova,CORI Irido 08/04/2015,23:05:44,Scott France,Looked like a couple of regenerating or newly budded polyps in there... 08/04/2015,23:07:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62635, LON : -167.24088, DEPTH :2016.0794m, TEMP : 1.93364C, SAL : 34.63627 PSU, DO : 2.95603 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:08:59,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Heteropathes 08/04/2015,23:09:12,Diva Amon,CRI comatulid 08/04/2015,23:09:25,tinamolodtsova,Can we zoom& 08/04/2015,23:09:38,Diva Amon,ASR 08/04/2015,23:09:40,tinamolodtsova,CRI Commatulida 08/04/2015,23:10:11,Scott France,Its a star eat coral world. 08/04/2015,23:10:12,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/04/2015,23:11:10,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/04/2015,23:11:25,tinamolodtsova,CRI Commatulida 08/04/2015,23:11:45,Scott France,This looks somewhat like the ASR we closely imaged on a rock earlier in the dive. 08/04/2015,23:12:00,Scott France,Small CORA at lower right 08/04/2015,23:12:06,tinamolodtsova,yes/ looks like Heteropathes 08/04/2015,23:12:06,Scott France,just under this CORI 08/04/2015,23:12:15,tinamolodtsova,request zoom 08/04/2015,23:12:32,tinamolodtsova,FISH 08/04/2015,23:12:43,tinamolodtsova,or shrimp&) 08/04/2015,23:12:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62631, LON : -167.24090, DEPTH :2011.8395m, TEMP : 1.91949C, SAL : 34.63051 PSU, DO : 2.93670 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:13:32,tinamolodtsova,just at the base 08/04/2015,23:13:59,Scott France,Forgot the black coral first… 08/04/2015,23:14:08,Scott France,Understand how difficult it is in there! 08/04/2015,23:14:25,okeanosexplorer,sorry tina, serious is catchin up and we will need to move after that 08/04/2015,23:14:38,tinamolodtsova,Yes.. we can make picture of black corals collecting isidid. 08/04/2015,23:14:43,Scott France,BAR on CORI 08/04/2015,23:15:07,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,23:15:47,tinamolodtsova,OPh 08/04/2015,23:16:02,Scott France,Bathypalaemonella 08/04/2015,23:16:51,okeanosexplorer,SHI - Nematocarcinus 08/04/2015,23:17:11,leswatling,my image must be way behind you guys as I see no host even for the Bathypalaemonella 08/04/2015,23:17:30,leswatling,Iridogorgia magnispiralis just below 08/04/2015,23:17:44,Scott France,There was a small shrimp partly blocked by the hippasterid... 08/04/2015,23:17:50,Scott France,on the isidid 08/04/2015,23:17:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62614, LON : -167.24108, DEPTH :1983.8251m, TEMP : 1.94069C, SAL : 34.62499 PSU, DO : 2.95125 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:17:56,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Paranthipathes 08/04/2015,23:17:57,Scott France,Thta is what they are referring to 08/04/2015,23:18:03,leswatling,oh didn't see that 08/04/2015,23:18:07,tinamolodtsova,Umbellapathes& 08/04/2015,23:18:09,tinamolodtsova,? 08/04/2015,23:18:16,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom? 08/04/2015,23:18:20,leswatling,Another I. magnispiralis, juvenile 08/04/2015,23:19:05,amybaco-taylor,Can we zoom on the bushier coral that was above and left after this one? 08/04/2015,23:19:58,tinamolodtsova,and Parantipathes? 08/04/2015,23:20:18,Scott France,Jasonisis like again… 08/04/2015,23:20:31,Scott France,CORI 08/04/2015,23:20:55,Scott France,There is from me! 08/04/2015,23:20:57,Scott France,Les? 08/04/2015,23:21:12,Scott France,There is no way Les will say "No." 08/04/2015,23:21:30,leswatling,Ha! 08/04/2015,23:21:43,tinamolodtsova,and can we look closer at Parantipathes? 08/04/2015,23:21:43,Scott France,I think that is a Yes from Les. 08/04/2015,23:21:57,leswatling,Indeed 08/04/2015,23:22:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62621, LON : -167.24109, DEPTH :1982.8714m, TEMP : 2.02817C, SAL : 34.62287 PSU, DO : 2.75816 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:22:52,leswatling,Note that you can't see the sclerites in the polyp body wall in the extreme close ups 08/04/2015,23:23:29,leswatling,suggests thicker tissue, so Jasonisis would be a good guess 08/04/2015,23:26:08,leswatling,can't see the branch origins however 08/04/2015,23:26:28,kelleyelliott,Keep in mind that the Native Hawaiian Cultural Working Group - a co-trustee of the Monument I believe - has requested they can be involved in the naming of new species 08/04/2015,23:27:07,kelleyelliott,Perhaps Daniel could talk a bit about that 08/04/2015,23:27:13,leswatling,I am already working with them. So far they haven't come up with anything for the 11 new spcies we showed them already. 08/04/2015,23:27:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62614, LON : -167.24115, DEPTH :1983.0280m, TEMP : 2.00598C, SAL : 34.62261 PSU, DO : 2.83904 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:28:20,leswatling,the conundrum for them is that we call these things "bamboo corals" and they said these corals don't remind them of bamboo at all.... 08/04/2015,23:29:04,kelleyelliott,Thanks, Daniel. And we encourage scientists using samples collected during this cruise to work with the Native Hawaiian Cultural Working group in the naming of new animals. 08/04/2015,23:29:13,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom at colony at the back of Jasonisis? 08/04/2015,23:29:27,tinamolodtsova,after 08/04/2015,23:32:27,tinamolodtsova,it has to be Trissopathes 08/04/2015,23:32:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62620, LON : -167.24106, DEPTH :1983.1288m, TEMP : 2.00519C, SAL : 34.62166 PSU, DO : 2.75550 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:33:06,tinamolodtsova,request for lasers 08/04/2015,23:33:32,Scott France,Good diversity of black corals on this dive. 08/04/2015,23:33:47,tinamolodtsova,yes, we are lucky 08/04/2015,23:34:07,tinamolodtsova,CORI whip 08/04/2015,23:34:09,briankennedy,looks like the current might be picking up too 08/04/2015,23:34:21,Scott France,I should not have spoken about holotype as I see the sample is not yet in the biobox! Don't want to jinx it! 08/04/2015,23:34:47,ircecc,Could be Nezumia, looks similar to those yesterday (Bruce Mundy) 08/04/2015,23:35:03,ircecc,FSH 08/04/2015,23:35:19,tinamolodtsova,CRI Comatulidae at SPO 2 spp at least 08/04/2015,23:37:51,okexnav,LAT :25.62621, LON : -167.24113, DEPTH :1978.7977m, TEMP : 2.04893C, SAL : 34.61714 PSU, DO : 2.74719 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:38:03,Scott France,OK- I can breathe again! 08/04/2015,23:38:11,amybaco-taylor,Can we zoom in on pne of the primnoids to the right after the sample? 08/04/2015,23:38:13,Scott France,Very well done. 08/04/2015,23:38:26,Scott France,Looks like a nice freagment to work with. 08/04/2015,23:38:30,Scott France,fragment 08/04/2015,23:38:45,amybaco-taylor,potentially a couple species on top of that rock 08/04/2015,23:38:51,Scott France,We lost you on the conference line. 08/04/2015,23:39:09,okeanosexplorer,They are working the conference line up again 08/04/2015,23:39:15,Scott France,Copy. 08/04/2015,23:39:47,Nicole Morgan,ASR - Brisingid? 08/04/2015,23:40:21,tinamolodtsova,CORA Trissopathes 08/04/2015,23:40:38,amybaco-taylor,Lot of food in the water 08/04/2015,23:41:43,Scott France,Conference line is back. 08/04/2015,23:42:39,tinamolodtsova,can we look at smal corals at closest bolder? 08/04/2015,23:42:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62623, LON : -167.24113, DEPTH :1978.1459m, TEMP : 2.04519C, SAL : 34.61765 PSU, DO : 2.73686 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:43:00,tinamolodtsova,too late 08/04/2015,23:44:05,tinamolodtsova,CORO Anthomastus 08/04/2015,23:44:06,okeanosexplorer,tina, we will try to move up a bit before doing any more stops 08/04/2015,23:44:23,tinamolodtsova,OK 08/04/2015,23:44:54,okeanosexplorer,CORA -Heteropathes 08/04/2015,23:44:58,amybaco-taylor,can we zoom in on some of the species as we are moving along? 08/04/2015,23:44:59,tinamolodtsova,CRI Commatulida 08/04/2015,23:45:02,Scott France,?Gold coral in background? 08/04/2015,23:47:08,leswatling,probably plexaurid because it has ophiuroid 08/04/2015,23:47:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62638, LON : -167.24114, DEPTH :1977.6170m, TEMP : 2.01659C, SAL : 34.61923 PSU, DO : 2.74865 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:48:07,tinamolodtsova,Scott is right 08/04/2015,23:48:21,amybaco-taylor,ophis are on a lot of families of corals generally 08/04/2015,23:48:24,leswatling,no, this is Paragorgia coralloides, which always has zonathid on it. 08/04/2015,23:48:46,leswatling,we see this same species in the Atlantic very commonly 08/04/2015,23:48:56,tinamolodtsova,have to leave 08/04/2015,23:49:04,Scott France,CORPA with ZOA 08/04/2015,23:49:08,leswatling,good night Tina! 08/04/2015,23:49:21,tinamolodtsova,will try to be back in an hour 08/04/2015,23:49:41,leswatling,It was described from the Pacific by Bayer 08/04/2015,23:50:17,Scott France,Bye Tina 08/04/2015,23:51:46,leswatling,I might add that P. coralloides is the only Paragorgia that gets overgrown with a zoanthid. We have not had the zoanthid identified. 08/04/2015,23:51:49,amybaco-taylor,We have collected a few of the zoanthid covered Paragoriga in Hawaii, but they are fairly rare 08/04/2015,23:52:35,tinamolodtsova,CORPR 08/04/2015,23:52:47,amybaco-taylor,SPO 08/04/2015,23:52:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62630, LON : -167.24123, DEPTH :1976.9862m, TEMP : 2.01098C, SAL : 34.61998 PSU, DO : 2.78320 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:53:13,leswatling,cute little primnoid at the base of the sponge 08/04/2015,23:53:28,leswatling,interesting comment Amy.... 08/04/2015,23:53:32,tinamolodtsova,CORA Trissopathes 08/04/2015,23:57:09,leswatling,lyrate bamboo! 08/04/2015,23:57:52,okexnav,LAT :25.62617, LON : -167.24130, DEPTH :1975.9177m, TEMP : 2.00218C, SAL : 34.62006 PSU, DO : 2.80899 mg/L 08/04/2015,23:57:54,leswatling,there is a large "whip" like bamboo that has one or two branches. Has that been sampled? 08/04/2015,23:58:10,Scott France,Why does no one think those zoanthids were Bullagummizoanthus? 08/04/2015,23:58:38,leswatling,hmmmmmmm..... 08/04/2015,23:58:49,okeanosexplorer,COA - Bathypathes 08/04/2015,23:58:49,Scott France,Could have a good on air story about Bullagummizoanthus emilyacadiaarum that relates back to the specieis naming... 08/04/2015,23:59:04,Scott France,Next time we see one! 08/04/2015,23:59:46,leswatling,yep! I would be interested, for sure....