08/03/2015,00:00:30,okexnav,LAT :23.22530, LON : -163.51712, DEPTH :2015.5081m, TEMP : 1.97119C, SAL : 34.62910 PSU, DO : 2.91646 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:01:07,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/03/2015,00:02:10,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/03/2015,00:02:46,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/03/2015,00:05:38,iscwatch,Derek in for ISC watch, relieving Erin 08/03/2015,00:05:58,okexnav,LAT :23.22538, LON : -163.51721, DEPTH :2013.1249m, TEMP : 1.99259C, SAL : 34.62779 PSU, DO : 2.89425 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:07:16,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/03/2015,00:07:24,michaelgarcia,Nice looking pillow lava lobes 08/03/2015,00:09:11,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Poliopogon 08/03/2015,00:09:38,amybaco-taylor,SPO 08/03/2015,00:10:47,amybaco-taylor,SPO - poliopogon 08/03/2015,00:11:56,Astrid Leitner,FSH 08/03/2015,00:12:09,okexnav,LAT :23.22563, LON : -163.51741, DEPTH :1982.1898m, TEMP : 2.06084C, SAL : 34.62014 PSU, DO : 2.77671 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:12:30,Astrid Leitner,another synaphobranchus brevidorsalis 08/03/2015,00:12:42,amybaco-taylor,SPO - 2 other 08/03/2015,00:13:13,michaelgarcia,More young looking pillow lava lobes 08/03/2015,00:13:18,amybaco-taylor,many CORO 08/03/2015,00:14:09,amybaco-taylor,Candelabra looks like it has nodes 08/03/2015,00:14:16,okexnav,LAT :23.22571, LON : -163.51760, DEPTH :1972.6886m, TEMP : 2.02658C, SAL : 34.62453 PSU, DO : 2.85939 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:14:17,tinamolodtsova,Isidiella 08/03/2015,00:14:23,amybaco-taylor,CORI 08/03/2015,00:14:24,tinamolodtsova,2 spp CORI 08/03/2015,00:16:30,Scott France,Awesome! Just came in! 08/03/2015,00:16:45,tinamolodtsova,ask for two more closeups 08/03/2015,00:17:08,Scott France,This is only "Isidella" in the sense that it is planar and branches from the nodes, but it isn't a true "Isidella." Another new genus. 08/03/2015,00:18:15,okexnav,LAT :23.22595, LON : -163.51771, DEPTH :1961.2554m, TEMP : 2.01410C, SAL : 34.62494 PSU, DO : 2.81972 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:18:34,Astrid Leitner,AST 08/03/2015,00:18:36,Scott France,haha Chris! That will always be the way of it when restricted to 2 samples… :-) 08/03/2015,00:18:45,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/03/2015,00:18:53,amybaco-taylor,CRI 08/03/2015,00:19:00,tinamolodtsova,Stalked crinoid 08/03/2015,00:19:02,Diva Amon,CRI 08/03/2015,00:19:38,okexnav,LAT :23.22601, LON : -163.51766, DEPTH :1960.6460m, TEMP : 2.02817C, SAL : 34.62425 PSU, DO : 2.81841 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:20:29,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/03/2015,00:21:01,Diva Amon,Munidid 08/03/2015,00:21:06,amybaco-taylor,sqa 08/03/2015,00:21:18,Scott France,Tall thin polyps... 08/03/2015,00:22:28,Diva Amon,OPH 08/03/2015,00:22:41,Scott France,Like the last one, this appears to have very sparse sclerites... 08/03/2015,00:22:54,Scott France,Agreed Chris on the sclerites. 08/03/2015,00:22:56,Scott France,Very few. 08/03/2015,00:23:12,okexnav,LAT :23.22604, LON : -163.51784, DEPTH :1956.5222m, TEMP : 2.03395C, SAL : 34.62576 PSU, DO : 2.79023 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:23:15,tinamolodtsova,Can we zoom opiuroid? 08/03/2015,00:23:25,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/03/2015,00:23:33,okeanosexplorer,sorry tina we just moved 08/03/2015,00:24:10,amybaco-taylor,SPO - walteria 08/03/2015,00:24:14,tinamolodtsova,Metallogorgia& 08/03/2015,00:24:24,amybaco-taylor,CORCH 08/03/2015,00:24:46,amybaco-taylor,CORI 08/03/2015,00:24:51,Diva Amon,POL 08/03/2015,00:25:13,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/03/2015,00:25:36,amybaco-taylor,just p[assed a small yellow CORO 08/03/2015,00:26:14,amybaco-taylor,CORI - Acanella weberi\ 08/03/2015,00:26:44,tinamolodtsova,CORI, Metallogorgia 08/03/2015,00:27:07,Scott France,These look like an Isidella to me, but if Amy has collected them! 08/03/2015,00:27:07,okexnav,LAT :23.22628, LON : -163.51809, DEPTH :1939.9091m, TEMP : 2.02862C, SAL : 34.62463 PSU, DO : 2.82567 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:27:22,Scott France,I can see the multiple branches from the node... 08/03/2015,00:27:30,Scott France,so I see the Acanella angle 08/03/2015,00:27:38,amybaco-taylor,Have collected, but this is just name of convenience for it, 08/03/2015,00:28:05,Scott France,I'd agree based on current genus decriptions that this is Acanella 08/03/2015,00:28:20,amybaco-taylor,Have sequences if you could ID from that 08/03/2015,00:28:21,Scott France,Can't say without the gentics right now! 08/03/2015,00:28:39,Scott France,We haven't yet done enough in situ image comparisons to the phylogenies. 08/03/2015,00:28:56,Diva Amon,ASR 08/03/2015,00:28:56,okexnav,LAT :23.22616, LON : -163.51812, DEPTH :1936.3074m, TEMP : 2.03066C, SAL : 34.62356 PSU, DO : 2.80634 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:28:57,Scott France,Something I'll be doing with Les and Abby when I get to Hawaii in September 08/03/2015,00:29:02,Diva Amon,SPO 08/03/2015,00:29:07,Diva Amon,COR 08/03/2015,00:29:10,Andrea Quattrini,HI! 08/03/2015,00:29:23,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/03/2015,00:29:25,amybaco-taylor,several CORI 08/03/2015,00:29:36,tinamolodtsova,SPO, CORO 08/03/2015,00:31:01,okexnav,LAT :23.22629, LON : -163.51814, DEPTH :1932.4182m, TEMP : 2.03583C, SAL : 34.62387 PSU, DO : 2.79428 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:31:55,okexnav,LAT :23.22639, LON : -163.51812, DEPTH :1913.5080m, TEMP : 2.02879C, SAL : 34.62320 PSU, DO : 2.78790 mg/L 08/03/2015,00:32:31,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/03/2015,00:32:49,Diva Amon,POL 08/03/2015,00:32:50,Andrea Quattrini,several CORO bamboo 08/03/2015,00:33:14,Scott France,Hi Andrea - new code for bamboos is "CORI" for isididae 08/03/2015,00:33:23,Andrea Quattrini,roger thanks 08/03/2015,00:34:45,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/03/2015,00:35:12,tinamolodtsova,asr 08/03/2015,00:35:15,Diva Amon,lots of COR and POR 08/03/2015,00:35:24,michaelgarcia,well preserved pillow lavas 08/03/2015,00:35:28,Diva Amon,ophiuroids on stalks OPH 08/03/2015,00:35:42,Diva Amon,Munidid SQU 08/03/2015,00:35:51,Diva Amon,OPH 08/03/2015,00:36:05,Diva Amon,Munidopsis too? 08/03/2015,00:36:09,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea occa erecta 08/03/2015,00:36:49,Diva Amon,Munidid at base, Munidopsis on sponge 08/03/2015,00:37:42,Diva Amon,ASR Brisingid inside sponge 08/03/2015,00:37:48,Andrea Quattrini,how many species of bamboo corals have you seen so far? 08/03/2015,00:38:40,tinamolodtsova,Iridogorgia 08/03/2015,00:40:00,Diva Amon,SPO 08/03/2015,00:40:05,Diva Amon,OPH many 08/03/2015,00:40:05,briankennedy,Can we have the lasers back 08/03/2015,00:40:15,Diva Amon,are those hydroids on the sponge? 08/03/2015,00:41:30,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Tretpleura 08/03/2015,00:41:32,amybaco-taylor,We have to sign off for about 45 min but will be back 08/03/2015,00:41:54,amybaco-taylor,Yes hydroids 08/03/2015,00:42:09,Scott France,Look like hydroids to me as well 08/03/2015,00:42:28,Andrea Quattrini,are those gastropods on the HYD? 08/03/2015,00:43:14,tinamolodtsova,gonozooids, I guess 08/03/2015,00:43:34,Diva Amon,fauna so much more abundant here 08/03/2015,00:43:36,Astrid Leitner,CRI 08/03/2015,00:43:48,Diva Amon,comatulid 08/03/2015,00:43:50,okeanosexplorer,on SPO - Farrea occa 08/03/2015,00:43:55,Diva Amon,OPH 08/03/2015,00:43:59,tinamolodtsova,SPO+ Commatulida 08/03/2015,00:44:19,tinamolodtsova,OPH at the back 08/03/2015,00:44:21,okeanosexplorer,CRI - Glytometra lateralis 08/03/2015,00:44:43,Diva Amon,Mike and I just noted increase in marine snow in area 08/03/2015,00:44:44,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/03/2015,00:45:38,Scott France,Highest densities so far...? 08/03/2015,00:45:39,michaelgarcia,More young looking pillow lavas 08/03/2015,00:45:48,tinamolodtsova,spo 08/03/2015,00:46:50,Diva Amon,ASR 08/03/2015,00:47:48,tinamolodtsova,Clarorhyzida at the back? 08/03/2015,00:49:25,Scott France,Depth? 08/03/2015,00:49:40,okeanosexplorer,1879m 08/03/2015,00:50:12,Scott France,None of us are "absolutely positive!" ;-) 08/03/2015,00:50:46,okeanosexplorer,CRI, OPH, CORI 08/03/2015,00:51:10,Scott France,tentacles retracted... 08/03/2015,00:51:32,Andrea Quattrini,CRI at base of CORI with OPH 08/03/2015,00:51:47,Astrid Leitner,any idea how fast the current is here? 08/03/2015,00:52:01,Scott France,To be specific - retracted tenacles. These polyps don't retract because coenenchyme not thick enough 08/03/2015,00:52:32,Astrid Leitner,it would be interesting to see if the current is faster or slower here in the high density area 08/03/2015,00:52:35,Scott France,Can't tell if branching is from nodes or internodes... 08/03/2015,00:52:37,Andrea Quattrini,any fish today? 08/03/2015,00:52:40,Scott France,I predict from the node... 08/03/2015,00:52:50,Scott France,Making that a nominal Isidella 08/03/2015,00:53:35,Scott France,We refer to it as "S1" clade… 08/03/2015,00:53:53,Scott France,nominal Ididella is the previous white one 08/03/2015,00:54:00,Andrea Quattrini,yellow CORI 08/03/2015,00:54:13,Scott France,Yellow one is the "S1" related to Cladarisis 08/03/2015,00:54:28,iscwatch,I would like to note that on YouTube the audience may experience a video/audio synchronization problem if they keep the stream open for a very long time (I noticed this on a computer that had been playing the stream from the beginning of the dive so roughly 6 hours) 08/03/2015,00:54:29,Scott France,But actually this is a zoanthid overgrowing a bamboo I think 08/03/2015,00:55:00,Scott France,Cladarisis is a new genus Les named this year for bamboo coral seen in Bahamas and Hawaii 08/03/2015,00:55:01,iscwatch,If you experience any audio sync problems try refreshing then report it in chat if that doesn't fix it 08/03/2015,00:55:29,Scott France,The name refers to ithe fragility of the skeleton 08/03/2015,00:58:47,Scott France,Yes, we can here audio 08/03/2015,00:58:51,Scott France,hear 08/03/2015,00:59:00,tinamolodtsova,SPO, CORI 08/03/2015,00:59:17,Scott France,I can dial in if you need me to. 08/03/2015,00:59:21,michaelgarcia,nice pillow lavas 08/03/2015,00:59:53,Andrea Quattrini,more CORI and SPO here 08/03/2015,00:59:55,tinamolodtsova,"Isidiella", Acanella CORI 08/03/2015,01:00:18,tinamolodtsova,Metallogorgia 08/03/2015,01:00:22,Astrid Leitner,so it seems like this community may be concentrated on the upcurrent side of the ridge? 08/03/2015,01:01:21,tinamolodtsova,twisted whip CORI 08/03/2015,01:01:40,michaelgarcia,lots of loose rock 08/03/2015,01:02:03,okeanosexplorer,would you like to try to collect here, michae? 08/03/2015,01:02:08,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/03/2015,01:02:23,michaelgarcia,Will you be able to extend the dive? 08/03/2015,01:02:40,tinamolodtsova,Metallogorgia 08/03/2015,01:03:08,michaelgarcia,These rocks are cemented with Mn 08/03/2015,01:03:22,okeanosexplorer,not that much longer 08/03/2015,01:03:28,tinamolodtsova,CORPR 08/03/2015,01:04:05,iscwatch,Big satellite hits 08/03/2015,01:04:45,Scott France,I think there are two types of CORI whips here - the thinner coiled one and the thicker ones. 08/03/2015,01:05:14,michaelgarcia,If not much longer dive time, please grab a rock when you can 08/03/2015,01:05:35,okeanosexplorer,ok michael 08/03/2015,01:08:42,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/03/2015,01:09:33,tinamolodtsova,ACN& 08/03/2015,01:09:48,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/03/2015,01:13:43,tinamolodtsova,CORI+OPH 08/03/2015,01:14:50,tinamolodtsova,CORPR (whip) 08/03/2015,01:15:09,jonathantree,lava sample number two in progress being taken from a collapsed pillow tumulus 08/03/2015,01:15:17,Amy Baco-Taylor,back online 08/03/2015,01:15:32,michaelgarcia,Great job collecting from this hollow pillow tube 08/03/2015,01:15:48,michaelgarcia,Thick Mn coating 08/03/2015,01:16:01,johnsmith@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,PIL 08/03/2015,01:16:59,michaelgarcia,This rock is distinct. ok to add it to the same bin 08/03/2015,01:18:48,jonathantree,I have screengrabs of both samples for later Identification, like Mike said, this rock is distinct so any question of which came from where is documented already 08/03/2015,01:19:14,Astrid Leitner,FSH 08/03/2015,01:19:59,tinamolodtsova,CORI whips 08/03/2015,01:21:48,jonathantree,can you post up the coordinates and depth of that last collection please? 08/03/2015,01:22:20,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/03/2015,01:22:51,okeanosexplorer,1836m 08/03/2015,01:23:10,jonathantree,LAT/LON 08/03/2015,01:23:12,jonathantree,? 08/03/2015,01:24:06,okeanosexplorer,22.22825 / -163.51895 08/03/2015,01:24:21,okeanosexplorer,Temp: 2.15 08/03/2015,01:24:54,okeanosexplorer,we are preparing to leave the bottom 08/03/2015,01:25:14,tinamolodtsova,no coral collection? 08/03/2015,01:25:14,jonathantree,thanks 08/03/2015,01:25:59,okeanosexplorer,unfortunately not on this dive, we are out of time 08/03/2015,01:26:27,tinamolodtsova,it is OK, you will chose best on next one 08/03/2015,01:26:40,okeanosexplorer,yes we will 08/03/2015,01:28:00,Scott France,My video and audio has been intermittant so not entirely following what is going on. 08/03/2015,01:28:04,Scott France,Dive is over? 08/03/2015,01:28:15,Scott France,Will there be a post-dive call? 08/03/2015,01:30:02,tinamolodtsova,Scott, I will be not able to attend any teleconferences, can you send me a brief summary if there is any? 08/03/2015,01:30:11,Scott France,Yes Tina 08/03/2015,01:30:11,okeanosexplorer,yes post-dive call at 1550HST 08/03/2015,01:30:33,tinamolodtsova,THanks! 08/03/2015,01:31:12,Scott France,Thanks Daniel. 08/03/2015,01:31:35,Scott France,I can hear some of what you are saying but it cuts out a lot. 08/03/2015,01:31:51,Scott France,So I understand that call in number is likely the same conference line as for dive. 08/03/2015,01:33:07,okeanosexplorer,Teleconference Line: 1-866-617-5860,tel:1-866-617-5860>, passcode: 1233796 08/03/2015,01:34:31,Scott France,Thanks 08/03/2015,10:15:09,kelleyelliott,Update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. We are currently conducting overnight mapping operations as we transit to North French Frigate Shoals Seamount (Kanehunamoku Seamount) where Dive 02 of the expedition will be conducted tomorrow morning. The objective of tomorrow's dive is to determine the lower depth range of a known dense coral and sponge community found in 2007. The dive is expected to start at about 2500m and survey up a steep slope to approximately 2270m, documenting in particular the abundance of corals and sponges.\n\nWe have a long transit tonight and expect to arrive on site tomorrow between 9 and 10am to start ROV deployment, weather permitting. We will send an update on the expected on bottom time and pre-dive brieing call as soon as we can tomorrow. 08/03/2015,13:30:27,randysinger,hey everyone! 08/03/2015,20:14:57,ircecc,tests 08/03/2015,20:25:09,amybaco-taylor,Hi 08/03/2015,20:33:20,amybaco-taylor,We are here at HBOI 08/03/2015,20:37:03,andrewobrien,test 08/03/2015,20:37:43,uhecc,no audio/video feed at UH ECC 08/03/2015,20:38:29,okexnav,LAT :24.43343, LON : -166.09646, DEPTH : 623.2940m, TEMP : 5.96003C, SAL : 34.05528 PSU, DO : 2.87356 mg/L 08/03/2015,20:43:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43343, LON : -166.09626, DEPTH : 780.7507m, TEMP : 4.36463C, SAL : 34.28665 PSU, DO : 0.96929 mg/L 08/03/2015,20:48:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43357, LON : -166.09586, DEPTH : 932.7521m, TEMP : 3.90010C, SAL : 34.41249 PSU, DO : 1.07781 mg/L 08/03/2015,20:53:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43392, LON : -166.09577, DEPTH :1088.9634m, TEMP : 3.56842C, SAL : 34.46725 PSU, DO : 1.36195 mg/L 08/03/2015,20:58:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43424, LON : -166.09557, DEPTH :1252.2473m, TEMP : 3.17894C, SAL : 34.51986 PSU, DO : 1.66126 mg/L 08/03/2015,20:59:44,Scott France,FYI, Daniel - you are coming through loud and clear on the video stream. 08/03/2015,21:00:29,okeanosexplorer,Welcome to the 2nd dive of the expedition. Chris and Daniel will be joining you under this username 08/03/2015,21:00:36,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Scott 08/03/2015,21:03:27,okexnav,LAT :24.43435, LON : -166.09532, DEPTH :1403.1986m, TEMP : 2.84731C, SAL : 34.55149 PSU, DO : 1.93021 mg/L 08/03/2015,21:08:07,nicolemorgan,video lost 08/03/2015,21:10:06,nicolemorgan,video back 08/03/2015,21:32:14,Scott France,I can hear you well via audio/video stream, but am not currently on conference line. 08/03/2015,21:36:03,Scott France,Not exactly. I'm not dialed in to conference line... 08/03/2015,21:36:16,Scott France,so I am hearing you clear on video stream 08/03/2015,21:36:37,Scott France,I'm trying to find a longer cord for my phone so I can use land line rather than cell phone. 08/03/2015,21:36:45,Diva Amon,COR 08/03/2015,21:36:46,Scott France,Bottom in sight. 08/03/2015,21:39:32,Scott France,Chris' audio is great on the video stream… 08/03/2015,21:39:49,Jonathan Tree,audio is good on conference call 08/03/2015,21:40:02,nicolemorgan,CORI - many 08/03/2015,21:40:10,nicolemorgan,CORCH 08/03/2015,21:40:18,Scott France,Possibly some primnoids as well... 08/03/2015,21:41:20,nicolemorgan,http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/collaboration-tools/im-eventlog/dive-codes.html 08/03/2015,21:42:06,michaelgarcia,Had to see bottom 08/03/2015,21:43:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43516, LON : -166.09487, DEPTH :2452.5514m, TEMP : 1.71303C, SAL : 34.65024 PSU, DO : 3.35604 mg/L 08/03/2015,21:44:30,michaelgarcia,lots of good pillow tubes preserved on slope with some talus 08/03/2015,21:44:52,J.R. Smith,PIL TAL 08/03/2015,21:45:51,michaelgarcia,rock surface looks primary with very limited mass wastage 08/03/2015,21:46:16,michaelgarcia,can we get the laser beams turned on 08/03/2015,21:47:40,michaelgarcia,rocks are well rounded and probably Mn coated 08/03/2015,21:48:04,Scott France,CORPR 08/03/2015,21:48:04,J.R. Smith,Noticed there are two dive codes for PIL - pillows under morphology and pillars under feature, was referring to pillows above. 08/03/2015,21:48:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43514, LON : -166.09508, DEPTH :2455.3525m, TEMP : 1.71132C, SAL : 34.64995 PSU, DO : 3.34829 mg/L 08/03/2015,21:48:59,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/03/2015,21:49:43,Diva Amon,CORCH with BAR 08/03/2015,21:49:47,Andrea Quattrini,BAR on COR 08/03/2015,21:50:30,Santiago Herrera,seems like a strong current 08/03/2015,21:50:31,Andrea Quattrini,CORCH polyps oriented same direction 08/03/2015,21:50:45,Diva Amon,comatulid CRI on CORCH 08/03/2015,21:51:31,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Hydroids on the barnacles? 08/03/2015,21:51:50,Andrea Quattrini,HYD 08/03/2015,21:51:55,Scott France,Also amphipods on the polyps to left of barnacles. 08/03/2015,21:52:48,tinamolodtsova,CRI? Commatilidae 08/03/2015,21:53:10,okexnav,LAT :24.43523, LON : -166.09499, DEPTH :2456.9771m, TEMP : 1.71834C, SAL : 34.65016 PSU, DO : 3.33589 mg/L 08/03/2015,21:53:48,Diva Amon,OPH at base 08/03/2015,21:53:52,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/03/2015,21:54:00,tinamolodtsova,at the base of the colony 08/03/2015,21:54:19,amybaco-taylor,interesting there's no tissue where the crinoids are 08/03/2015,21:54:31,Diva Amon,Bivalve shells at the base? 08/03/2015,21:54:34,tinamolodtsova,the same with the barnacles 08/03/2015,21:55:05,Scott France,Amy - do you think this could be a Chrysogorgia pinnata that has not many branches...? 08/03/2015,21:55:30,Scott France,Good spot Chris! 08/03/2015,21:55:40,nicolemorgan,cpen 08/03/2015,21:55:46,tinamolodtsova,rockpen? 08/03/2015,21:55:51,nicolemorgan,CPEN* 08/03/2015,21:56:31,amybaco-taylor,Scott, I don 08/03/2015,21:56:38,okeanosexplorer,CPEN - Antothilum grandiflorum? 08/03/2015,21:56:45,amybaco-taylor,'t know that species, sorry. This one is unfamiliar to me 08/03/2015,21:57:57,tinamolodtsova,I guess Anthoptilum 08/03/2015,21:57:58,Scott France,Image from Davidson Seamount at 3114 meters: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysogorgiidae#/media/File:Chrysogorgia_pinnata.jpg 08/03/2015,21:58:10,okexnav,LAT :24.43521, LON : -166.09503, DEPTH :2457.4299m, TEMP : 1.71600C, SAL : 34.65030 PSU, DO : 3.30854 mg/L 08/03/2015,21:58:17,amybaco-taylor,I haven't seen any chrysogorgiids with black skeletons in Hawaii before that I recall.. 08/03/2015,21:58:56,Scott France,Yes, this skeleton is closer to Metallogorgia/Pseudochrysogorgia color… 08/03/2015,21:59:01,amybaco-taylor,Looking at that image I would guess this is something different 08/03/2015,22:01:02,tinamolodtsova,we have completely different morphologically but genetically identical Ch.pinnata from MAR 08/03/2015,22:01:29,Scott France,Lost video and conference call connection... 08/03/2015,22:01:33,amybaco-taylor,That's interesting Tina, using which markers? 08/03/2015,22:01:41,Scott France,Back now. 08/03/2015,22:03:10,okexnav,LAT :24.43519, LON : -166.09489, DEPTH :2457.6711m, TEMP : 1.71246C, SAL : 34.65006 PSU, DO : 3.32253 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:08:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43522, LON : -166.09497, DEPTH :2454.7023m, TEMP : 1.71475C, SAL : 34.65020 PSU, DO : 3.33324 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:08:25,Santiago Herrera,historic moment 08/03/2015,22:09:48,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/03/2015,22:10:00,amybaco-taylor,Since we are at new depths, could we zoom in on some of the other species to see if we can tell what they are, once the samples is stowed? 08/03/2015,22:10:02,nicolemorgan,spo 08/03/2015,22:11:23,Scott France,Nice looking collection box and great camera angle into it. Kudos to the ROV crew for design. 08/03/2015,22:11:46,Scott France,Nice collection! Well done. 08/03/2015,22:11:57,Charlotte Seid (OGL),Bravo! 08/03/2015,22:11:57,Scott France,Pros. 08/03/2015,22:12:10,Scott France,Looks like you do that every day! 08/03/2015,22:12:54,Andrea Quattrini,CORCH collected and put in biobox 08/03/2015,22:13:05,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Amphipods? in the water column a moment ago 08/03/2015,22:13:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43521, LON : -166.09496, DEPTH :2451.6739m, TEMP : 1.71537C, SAL : 34.65061 PSU, DO : 3.37099 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:13:24,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgia geniculata 08/03/2015,22:13:57,okeanosexplorer,Acanella weberi 08/03/2015,22:16:19,michaelgarcia,Geology appears to be talus on low angle slope 08/03/2015,22:16:20,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Caulophacus p. 08/03/2015,22:16:28,amybaco-taylor,I see the ones that look like weberi, but there seems to be a second type that is common that looks more planar 08/03/2015,22:18:00,Andrea Quattrini,Can you zoom on a rock pen if you see one again? 08/03/2015,22:18:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43532, LON : -166.09496, DEPTH :2455.4421m, TEMP : 1.71412C, SAL : 34.65113 PSU, DO : 3.32188 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:18:28,Astrid Leitner,OPH 08/03/2015,22:18:45,michaelgarcia,can we have the laser beams again? 08/03/2015,22:19:55,Andrea Quattrini,zoom CORI 08/03/2015,22:19:55,amybaco-taylor,Doesn't look like weberi to me 08/03/2015,22:20:08,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/03/2015,22:22:23,okeanosexplorer,CORI - Keratoisis 08/03/2015,22:23:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43539, LON : -166.09501, DEPTH :2456.1723m, TEMP : 1.71195C, SAL : 34.65064 PSU, DO : 3.30029 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:24:17,nicolemorgan,CRI 08/03/2015,22:25:33,Santiago Herrera,nice view 08/03/2015,22:26:25,Scott France,Great area for bamboo corals. 08/03/2015,22:26:29,Scott France,Local recruitment? 08/03/2015,22:26:40,Scott France,So many good questions to follow up on. 08/03/2015,22:27:20,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,What's the red coral at the lower right in Feed 2? 08/03/2015,22:27:34,Santiago Herrera,Most of them seem to have similar size, don't see smaller inds., 08/03/2015,22:27:40,kaseycantwell,Feed 2 is the manipulator camera right now 08/03/2015,22:28:03,Scott France,Can't tell the red one - a Swiftia type? 08/03/2015,22:28:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43538, LON : -166.09505, DEPTH :2456.3311m, TEMP : 1.71725C, SAL : 34.65033 PSU, DO : 3.32105 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:28:23,Scott France,Or black coral? There are a couple of them. 08/03/2015,22:28:43,okeanosexplorer,Dos not look like a black coral 08/03/2015,22:28:44,Scott France,Polyps look to big for black coral 08/03/2015,22:30:09,nicolemorgan,video lost 08/03/2015,22:30:33,Scott France,Video and conference call lost 08/03/2015,22:31:09,nicolemorgan,video back 08/03/2015,22:31:17,Scott France,Both back now. 08/03/2015,22:31:41,okeanosexplorer,Iridogorgia magnispiralis 08/03/2015,22:32:48,Scott France,CORI unbranched 08/03/2015,22:32:59,okeanosexplorer,CORI unbranched Isidids 08/03/2015,22:33:03,Astrid Leitner,SQA 08/03/2015,22:33:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43509, LON : -166.09506, DEPTH :2467.2911m, TEMP : 1.72273C, SAL : 34.65105 PSU, DO : 3.34492 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:33:25,Scott France,CORCH ?Metallogorgia 08/03/2015,22:33:28,Astrid Leitner,ASR 08/03/2015,22:33:58,Scott France,No, not Metallogorgia. Chrysogorgia of some kind. 08/03/2015,22:34:07,nicolemorgan,rockpen beneath 08/03/2015,22:34:15,okeanosexplorer,CPEN 08/03/2015,22:34:27,Andrea Quattrini,can you zoom CPEN? 08/03/2015,22:35:11,amybaco-taylor,Sure looks like metallo 08/03/2015,22:35:59,Santiago Herrera,Juvenile? 08/03/2015,22:36:14,Scott France,Definitely not Metallo, but could very well be Pseudochrysogorgia 08/03/2015,22:36:22,Andrea Quattrini,CHrysogorgia averta is also similar 08/03/2015,22:36:33,amybaco-taylor,Can you send me that paper Scott? 08/03/2015,22:37:07,Scott France,Sure. 08/03/2015,22:38:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43505, LON : -166.09502, DEPTH :2468.9916m, TEMP : 1.72130C, SAL : 34.65175 PSU, DO : 3.30848 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:38:37,Scott France,CPEN / rock pen 08/03/2015,22:39:07,tinamolodtsova,Anthoptilum 08/03/2015,22:39:08,Andrea Quattrini,Anthoptilum CPEN 08/03/2015,22:39:12,tinamolodtsova,zoom at base 08/03/2015,22:39:37,amybaco-taylor,Chris, which site from 2003 did you think we collected that small sponge from? 08/03/2015,22:39:48,okeanosexplorer,Pioneer 08/03/2015,22:40:10,Andrea Quattrini,Do Kophobelemnon attach to Rocks? 08/03/2015,22:40:39,Scott France,Sorry - I meant Calibelemnon! 08/03/2015,22:40:42,Andrea Quattrini,i am not aware of that genus having the modifed base~ 08/03/2015,22:40:45,Andrea Quattrini,ah ok~ 08/03/2015,22:41:03,Scott France,You'd think I'd remember that one! ;-) 08/03/2015,22:41:04,Andrea Quattrini,thanks for the zoom~ 08/03/2015,22:41:12,Andrea Quattrini,Yes, yes, you would...:) 08/03/2015,22:41:13,Scott France,Exquisite images. 08/03/2015,22:41:16,okeanosexplorer,you got it 08/03/2015,22:43:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43505, LON : -166.09491, DEPTH :2466.8960m, TEMP : 1.72461C, SAL : 34.64992 PSU, DO : 3.30328 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:44:03,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/03/2015,22:44:54,Scott France,CORA Bathypathes 08/03/2015,22:46:06,amybaco-taylor,Cant' hear ship on conf call 08/03/2015,22:46:18,Andrea Quattrini,CORO Irido magnispiralis 08/03/2015,22:46:25,Scott France,CORA Parantipathes like 08/03/2015,22:46:27,Andrea Quattrini,another CORA? 08/03/2015,22:48:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43500, LON : -166.09470, DEPTH :2463.8918m, TEMP : 1.72649C, SAL : 34.64867 PSU, DO : 3.30817 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:53:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43493, LON : -166.09477, DEPTH :2463.8567m, TEMP : 1.72666C, SAL : 34.65202 PSU, DO : 3.32282 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:55:56,okeanosexplorer,Can everyone else still hear us? 08/03/2015,22:56:24,Scott France,I can't hear anything. 08/03/2015,22:56:42,Scott France,But I hear a clicking… 08/03/2015,22:56:52,Scott France,Oh, there, I hear the pilots talking 08/03/2015,22:57:02,Scott France,But video is freezing a lot here. 08/03/2015,22:57:33,Scott France,Daniel, I heard you clearly then. 08/03/2015,22:58:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43491, LON : -166.09478, DEPTH :2463.7721m, TEMP : 1.72318C, SAL : 34.64874 PSU, DO : 3.30112 mg/L 08/03/2015,22:58:59,tinamolodtsova,Sorry for delay.. looks like Parantipathes for me 08/03/2015,22:59:17,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Same type of zooplankton visible in Feed 2 (manipulator arm) as at last collection site. Are they attracted to the ROV? 08/03/2015,23:00:54,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Long tails, almost like fish larvae, but this is too deep for most larval fish. 08/03/2015,23:03:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43486, LON : -166.09483, DEPTH :2463.0843m, TEMP : 1.70180C, SAL : 34.65326 PSU, DO : 3.33247 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:07:05,Jonathan Tree,there is an interesting change in the morphology in the right side 08/03/2015,23:07:27,Jonathan Tree,change in slope 08/03/2015,23:08:21,okexnav,LAT :24.43499, LON : -166.09485, DEPTH :2462.1498m, TEMP : 1.72067C, SAL : 34.65044 PSU, DO : 3.32752 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:10:19,Scott France,CORCH Iridogorgia 08/03/2015,23:11:33,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgia geniculata 08/03/2015,23:12:25,tinamolodtsova,CORI - forked 08/03/2015,23:13:02,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/03/2015,23:13:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43460, LON : -166.09483, DEPTH :2475.0461m, TEMP : 1.72569C, SAL : 34.65042 PSU, DO : 3.31374 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:16:57,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/03/2015,23:18:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43428, LON : -166.09485, DEPTH :2481.8029m, TEMP : 1.71309C, SAL : 34.64976 PSU, DO : 3.31173 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:21:11,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/03/2015,23:22:59,tinamolodtsova,have troubles to get video.. 08/03/2015,23:23:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43410, LON : -166.09480, DEPTH :2474.3340m, TEMP : 1.70351C, SAL : 34.65128 PSU, DO : 3.37135 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:24:28,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/03/2015,23:24:47,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Abundant corals, but no fish :-( 08/03/2015,23:25:03,amybaco-taylor,The PC term is homan-occupied vehicle :) 08/03/2015,23:25:11,nicolemorgan,CORI 08/03/2015,23:26:11,Scott France,CORCH 08/03/2015,23:27:51,Scott France,Connection on video and conference line continues to freeze intermittently. 08/03/2015,23:28:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43400, LON : -166.09478, DEPTH :2467.9189m, TEMP : 1.72740C, SAL : 34.64958 PSU, DO : 3.32434 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:28:29,tinamolodtsova,CORI 08/03/2015,23:28:39,tinamolodtsova,"Isidiella" 08/03/2015,23:28:47,amybaco-taylor,could be a primnoid 08/03/2015,23:28:48,Scott France,CORI Actually an undescribed (so far) genus of Isididae 08/03/2015,23:29:09,Scott France,But wait! 08/03/2015,23:29:14,tinamolodtsova,Scott, it is one-side& 08/03/2015,23:29:17,Scott France,I agree with Amy 08/03/2015,23:29:25,tinamolodtsova,a, no, it is ok 08/03/2015,23:29:26,Scott France,This is a primnoid 08/03/2015,23:29:46,Scott France,Shows the importance of the close-up! 08/03/2015,23:29:57,tinamolodtsova,ACN 08/03/2015,23:30:31,okeanosexplorer,CORPR - Calyptrophora? 08/03/2015,23:31:16,okeanosexplorer,COR - Bathypathes 08/03/2015,23:31:54,brucemundy@noaasrs1.gso.uri.edu,Red shrimp at the bottom of Field 2 (manipulator arm) video 08/03/2015,23:32:57,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/03/2015,23:33:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43390, LON : -166.09473, DEPTH :2460.1876m, TEMP : 1.71651C, SAL : 34.65156 PSU, DO : 3.34035 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:33:22,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/03/2015,23:33:24,Jonathan Tree,nice pillow lavas and potential sampling site 08/03/2015,23:33:55,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/03/2015,23:33:58,michaelgarcia,Great scene of interfingering pillow lobes 08/03/2015,23:34:18,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysoorgia geniculata 08/03/2015,23:34:42,amybaco-taylor,CORCH - Iridogorgia 08/03/2015,23:34:49,amybaco-taylor,CORI - many 08/03/2015,23:35:21,amybaco-taylor,another of CORCH - unidentified? 08/03/2015,23:35:25,Scott France,Looks like another of the ?Chrysogorgia/Pseudochrysogorgia 08/03/2015,23:35:50,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Iridogorgia magnispiralis 08/03/2015,23:35:55,Scott France,CORA Bathypathes in background 08/03/2015,23:36:17,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/03/2015,23:36:53,Scott France,CORCH similar to what we collected earlier 08/03/2015,23:37:05,Scott France,SQA 08/03/2015,23:38:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43372, LON : -166.09452, DEPTH :2447.1786m, TEMP : 1.72541C, SAL : 34.65024 PSU, DO : 3.27149 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:39:36,Scott France,Beautiful shots 08/03/2015,23:40:33,Scott France,SPO 08/03/2015,23:40:39,Scott France,CRI 08/03/2015,23:41:05,okeanosexplorer,CRI on CORI 08/03/2015,23:41:11,tinamolodtsova,OPH 08/03/2015,23:41:25,Scott France,That bush fan looks different 08/03/2015,23:41:25,nicolemorgan,CRI - Sarametra triserialis? 08/03/2015,23:41:41,Scott France,Yes Chris! 08/03/2015,23:41:52,tinamolodtsova,SPO 08/03/2015,23:42:03,tinamolodtsova,CORCH? 08/03/2015,23:42:28,Scott France,Could be Tina, but from a distance I thought polyps were too large. 08/03/2015,23:42:43,Diva Amon,comatulid 08/03/2015,23:43:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43356, LON : -166.09465, DEPTH :2444.2041m, TEMP : 1.72210C, SAL : 34.65055 PSU, DO : 3.27040 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:43:30,Astrid Leitner,are those copepod parasites on the crinoid's arms? 08/03/2015,23:43:47,Astrid Leitner,Those look really similar to parasites we pull off rattails 08/03/2015,23:44:31,nicolemorgan,CRI looks very similar to one seen on Necker Ridge we sampled in 2011 08/03/2015,23:44:40,tinamolodtsova,they always sit on naked skeleton 08/03/2015,23:44:41,Diva Amon,and a gastropod GAS 08/03/2015,23:45:42,Scott France,Now the video freezes!!? 08/03/2015,23:45:46,Scott France,;-) 08/03/2015,23:46:02,Scott France,Video back 08/03/2015,23:46:03,tinamolodtsova,yes) 08/03/2015,23:46:16,Scott France,CORCH I think Chrysogorgia 08/03/2015,23:46:20,amybaco-taylor,\CORCH - another new one 08/03/2015,23:46:34,Scott France,Interesting almost planar morphology. 08/03/2015,23:46:48,Scott France,Put the black coral back… ;-) 08/03/2015,23:47:00,okeanosexplorer,No way! 08/03/2015,23:47:02,amybaco-taylor,I agree 08/03/2015,23:47:02,tinamolodtsova,yesterday sample? 08/03/2015,23:47:06,nicolemorgan,Yep, Chuck Messing ID'd for us, images I have show simlar arm shape 08/03/2015,23:47:23,amybaco-taylor,Oh yeah, do we have 2 extra for today since we got no bio yesterday 08/03/2015,23:47:31,Scott France,CORCH Chrysogorgia for sure. 08/03/2015,23:47:31,tinamolodtsova,we did not sample yesterday.. 08/03/2015,23:47:46,randysinger,hi everyone from rainy Florida! 08/03/2015,23:48:01,Scott France,Or I should say Chrysogorgiidae for sure... 08/03/2015,23:48:06,okeanosexplorer,CORA - Bathypathes 08/03/2015,23:48:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43351, LON : -166.09453, DEPTH :2442.5447m, TEMP : 1.71104C, SAL : 34.65009 PSU, DO : 3.30590 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:48:17,amybaco-taylor,We sampled a couple of plabar chryso in ALaska, I wonder if they are close 08/03/2015,23:48:27,randysinger,:) 08/03/2015,23:48:42,Scott France,I remember those photos Amy. Weren't they from very deep? 08/03/2015,23:48:45,randysinger,this is going to be a good expedition I can tell. with jokes like that 08/03/2015,23:48:50,amybaco-taylor,Yes from Derickson 08/03/2015,23:48:51,tinamolodtsova,CORCH 08/03/2015,23:48:59,Jonathan Tree,keep an eye out for loose samples within the pillow lava flows we are passing over right now 08/03/2015,23:49:17,Scott France,That looked a bit like a Thouarella we just passed 08/03/2015,23:49:20,randysinger,my connection at home is terrible so im on the delayed one 08/03/2015,23:49:29,randysinger,so call out fish when you can in log 08/03/2015,23:49:32,Jonathan Tree,it does look pretty cemented but if an easy grab shows up, might want to take advantage of it 08/03/2015,23:49:35,Scott France,Not sure if Thouarella are known from this area though 08/03/2015,23:49:50,Astrid Leitner,there aren't very many sponges in this area unlike yesterday's dive where we seemed to see a better mix 08/03/2015,23:49:54,Scott France,Was like a multi-branched bottlebrush 08/03/2015,23:49:55,amybaco-taylor,THere is Thouarella shallower for sure, precious coral depths 08/03/2015,23:50:16,Scott France,Well, maybe that is what it was. It was something new for the dive. 08/03/2015,23:50:17,tinamolodtsova,LOpes-Gonsales described a species from Pasternak material f 08/03/2015,23:50:42,tinamolodtsova,never returned material back.. 08/03/2015,23:50:57,Scott France,CORI 08/03/2015,23:51:05,amybaco-taylor,THIs is a lot deeper than its been collected though, but looked more like a CHryso to me 08/03/2015,23:51:06,Scott France,Keratoisis 08/03/2015,23:53:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43324, LON : -166.09424, DEPTH :2446.2805m, TEMP : 1.73008C, SAL : 34.64836 PSU, DO : 3.27814 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:53:21,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgia geniculata 08/03/2015,23:56:29,Scott France,Was just looking through my database and see I have at least one Thouarella from >2000 m depth, but in Falklands. 08/03/2015,23:56:31,J.R. Smith,TAL 08/03/2015,23:57:46,amybaco-taylor,Sorry I meant in HI we usually find it in precious coral depths and not deeper. 08/03/2015,23:58:11,okexnav,LAT :24.43317, LON : -166.09418, DEPTH :2445.3664m, TEMP : 1.71526C, SAL : 34.65026 PSU, DO : 3.30426 mg/L 08/03/2015,23:59:54,Scott France,Understood Amy. 08/03/2015,23:59:54,amybaco-taylor,If we see one of those again maybe we can stop and zoom in on it?