08/02/2015,06:21:31,Brendan Reser,welcome aboard 08/02/2015,17:45:01,christopherkelley,testing chat connection 08/02/2015,18:01:54,kelleyelliott,Hi All - we are currently preparing to deploy the ROV for the dive on time today. We plan to start deployment at 0815 and should arrive on the seafloor about 0930 HST. We'll have a pre-dive briefing at 0900.  Please join us for the dive by using the teleconference line below and viewing the live video feeds online:\n- Teleconference Line: 1-866-617-5860, passcode: 1233796  \n- High resolution versions of the feeds with lower latecy for science use: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream-full-res.html 08/02/2015,18:07:12,okeanosexplorer,test 08/02/2015,18:07:52,okeanosexplorer,Daniel Wagner and Chris Kelley here, chatting under the Okeanos Explorer label 08/02/2015,18:20:39,okeanosexplorer,ROV is in the water 08/02/2015,18:29:12,briankennedy,good morning all 08/02/2015,18:29:38,briankennedy,We are still chasing down a couple technical bugs so the video is in and out right now. sorry 08/02/2015,18:31:09,okexnav,LAT :23.22198, LON : -163.52068, DEPTH : 25.1650m, TEMP : 26.88650C, SAL : 35.30956 PSU, DO : 7.25133 mg/L 08/02/2015,18:42:27,Santiago Herrera,good morning everyone 08/02/2015,18:42:41,Santiago Herrera,having trouble getting the feeds, they keep dropping 08/02/2015,18:42:49,Santiago Herrera,anybody else having problems? 08/02/2015,18:43:27,okexnav,LAT :23.22187, LON : -163.51886, DEPTH : 259.7155m, TEMP : 13.10362C, SAL : 34.35448 PSU, DO : 7.03852 mg/L 08/02/2015,18:45:14,kelleyelliott,Hi folks - we're having trouble with the satellite dish tracking the satellite and are working on it. 08/02/2015,18:47:06,Santiago Herrera,roger 08/02/2015,18:47:17,kelleyelliott,We're working on getting a telecon line off the ship currently, and instant messaging is a better mode of communication in the interim. Our apologies - we have a team troubleshooting the connection currently. 08/02/2015,18:47:56,Santiago Herrera,video seems more stable in the full-res stream than in the youtube stream 08/02/2015,18:52:59,Jared Drewniak,Good morning all! I'm on the ship and part of the Telepresence team. Our VSAT dish is having some trouble tracking the satellite. Our Chief ET, Telepresence Team, and VSAT service provider are working on a solution. 08/02/2015,18:53:07,okexnav,LAT :23.22228, LON : -163.51844, DEPTH : 567.4908m, TEMP : 6.35053C, SAL : 34.11206 PSU, DO : 2.66727 mg/L 08/02/2015,18:54:59,kelleyelliott,And our apologies for the frustration everyone. If you are able to follow-along and share your expertise in the eventlog - please continue to do so. 08/02/2015,19:00:19,Brendan Reser,Good morning everyone. The eventlog server is going to be reset to push out the buddy master list to those who just joined. It will be back up within a few seconds. 08/02/2015,19:00:45,okexnav,LAT :23.22236, LON : -163.51774, DEPTH : 778.5904m, TEMP : 4.54838C, SAL : 34.30708 PSU, DO : 1.11470 mg/L 08/02/2015,19:05:40,okexnav,LAT :23.22251, LON : -163.51740, DEPTH : 950.9280m, TEMP : 3.71833C, SAL : 34.46520 PSU, DO : 1.38071 mg/L 08/02/2015,19:09:20,okexnav,LAT :23.22252, LON : -163.51717, DEPTH :1061.1585m, TEMP : 3.46310C, SAL : 34.49570 PSU, DO : 1.57767 mg/L 08/02/2015,19:09:22,Brendan Reser,yeah brian i'm giving up on the injection 08/02/2015,19:09:27,Brendan Reser,we're too unstable here 08/02/2015,19:09:34,Brendan Reser,it's dropping every couple of minutes 08/02/2015,19:09:42,okexnav,LAT :23.22250, LON : -163.51715, DEPTH :1071.7275m, TEMP : 3.40862C, SAL : 34.50265 PSU, DO : 1.63400 mg/L 08/02/2015,19:10:06,Brendan Reser,I'm having andy look at it to figure out a better way of implementing it or at least error correcting. I won't have a chance for a couple of days 08/02/2015,19:10:11,okexnav,LAT :23.22249, LON : -163.51713, DEPTH :1088.0948m, TEMP : 3.37959C, SAL : 34.50661 PSU, DO : 1.67027 mg/L 08/02/2015,19:11:02,Scott France,Hi Chris, Daniel. Just testing eventlog. 08/02/2015,19:13:06,okeanosexplorer,We are back online Scott 08/02/2015,19:13:28,Scott France,I see you. Who is typing on "okeanosexplorer" handle? 08/02/2015,19:14:03,okeanosexplorer,Daniel Wagner 08/02/2015,19:14:17,Scott France,Hi Daniel. Good luck on dive 1! 08/02/2015,19:14:18,okexnav,LAT :23.22239, LON : -163.51700, DEPTH :1217.9601m, TEMP : 3.03741C, SAL : 34.54083 PSU, DO : 1.87738 mg/L 08/02/2015,19:14:37,okeanosexplorer,Thanks, and thanks for joining us 08/02/2015,19:15:33,Scott France,I just disconnected from conference line - have to charge my cell! Will join in on line as necessary but will definitely be following as much as I can. 08/02/2015,19:24:01,Scott France,I'm guessing there is a satellite feed issue right now as I see no one from the vessel in the eventlog and no video being transmitted… 08/02/2015,19:24:26,okeanosexplorer,We can see you Scott 08/02/2015,19:24:50,Scott France,You just this minute popped up in the eventlog... 08/02/2015,19:25:11,Scott France,No video though - just a black screen. 08/02/2015,19:25:28,Scott France,on http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream-full-res.html 08/02/2015,19:26:09,okeanosexplorer,cam you hear us? 08/02/2015,19:26:25,Santiago Herrera,no video here either 08/02/2015,19:26:32,Scott France,No - audio comes with the video. I can call back in though to troubleshoot if you want. 08/02/2015,19:27:20,okeanosexplorer,Yes, go ahead and test the audio through the call 08/02/2015,19:27:28,Scott France,OKay. 08/02/2015,19:31:24,Scott France,Just passing 1750 m. Working on getting video back online. 08/02/2015,19:31:46,okeanosexplorer,\nThanks Scott 08/02/2015,19:32:06,Scott France,Andrea and Amy- can you see video? 08/02/2015,19:32:17,Andrea Quattrini,HI all-No I cannot see video 08/02/2015,19:32:38,amybaco-taylor,Hi Everyone. WE just finally got the chat to work here at HBOI 08/02/2015,19:32:49,Santiago Herrera,it was working intermittently until about 15min ago 08/02/2015,19:33:02,Santiago Herrera,now it doesn't work at all 08/02/2015,19:33:13,Andrea Quattrini,do you have comms with the ship still scott? 08/02/2015,19:33:14,amybaco-taylor,No video here o 08/02/2015,19:33:18,Scott France,That is my experience. Lost about 15 or so min ago. 08/02/2015,19:33:49,Scott France,I've checked both the public feed and the full-res. Both offline. Ship is working on it. 08/02/2015,19:33:52,amybaco-taylor,Can't get adium to work on any of our computers, using HBOI pc with pidgin does seem to work though 08/02/2015,19:34:26,Santiago Herrera,Hi Amy, I'm using Adium on my macbook 08/02/2015,19:34:31,Andrea Quattrini,me too~ 08/02/2015,19:34:38,Santiago Herrera,maybe a firewall issue? 08/02/2015,19:34:44,amybaco-taylor,it worked in my hotel, but not here for some reason 08/02/2015,19:34:46,Scott France,I'm also using Adium. 08/02/2015,19:40:02,briankennedy,Amy it must be a firewall issue at HBOI. 08/02/2015,19:42:24,amybaco-taylor,I think it must 08/02/2015,19:42:46,Andrea Quattrini,Well, since I cannot see video, I will check in later! Hope it comes back soon~ 08/02/2015,19:42:46,amybaco-taylor,It's okay because ther are a couple HBOI PCs we can work from for today.. 08/02/2015,19:44:04,Santiago Herrera,video is back! 08/02/2015,19:44:59,Santiago Herrera,jellyfish 08/02/2015,19:46:02,Santiago Herrera,have there been any updates to the taxa codes for this expedition? 08/02/2015,19:46:23,okeanosexplorer,yes Santiago. the updated codes are on the website 08/02/2015,19:46:35,okeanosexplorer,http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/collaboration-tools/im-eventlog/dive-codes.html 08/02/2015,19:47:11,Santiago Herrera,thanks Daniel, copy pasting here now 08/02/2015,19:47:16,Santiago Herrera,Taxa\nACN - Actinaria (anemone)\nAPH - Amphipod\nART - Arthropod\nASR - Asteroid\nBAR - Barnacle\nBIO - Biology (Unspecified)\nBIV - Bivalve\nBRA - Brachiopod\nBRY - Bryozoan\nCHI - Chiton\nCLA - Clams\nCNI - Cnidarian\nCOP - Copepods\nCOR - Coral\nCORA - Antipatharian\nCORAC - Acanthogorgiidae\nCORC - Coralliidae\nCORCH - Chrysogorgiidae\nCORI - Isididae\nCORL - Lophelia\nCORM - Madrepora\nCORO - Octocoral\nCORP - Paramuricea\nCORPA - Paragorgiidae\nCORPL - Plexauridae\nCORPR - Primnoidae\nCORS - Stylasterid\nCPEN - Pennatulacean\nCORW - Whip coral\nCRA - Crab\nCRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae)\nCRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens)\nCRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea)\nCRI - Crinoid\nCRIHYO - Hyocrinida\nCRIBAT - Bathycrinidae\nCRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae\nCRIANT - Antedonidae\nCRIZEN - Zenometridae\nCRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae\nCRIATE - Atelecrinidae\nCRITHA - Thalassometridae\nCTE - Ctenophore\nDAN - Dandelion\nECN - Echiuran\nEGG - Egg (case)\nFEC - Fecal (matter)\nFSH - Fish\nFCHN - Chondrichthyes\nFCOD - Codlets\nFREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper)\nFANT - Anthiins (fancy bass)\n   FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) \n   FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories)\n   FLAT – Flatfish\nFOR - Foraminiferan\nGAS - Gastropods (not limpets)\nGRO - Gromiid\nHOL - Holutharian\nHYD - Hydroid\nISO - Isopod\nJFH - Jellyfish\nLAR - Larvacean house\nLIM - Limpets\nLOB - Lobster\nMAT - Bacterial (Mat)\nMUC - Unidentified mucus structure\nMOL - Mollusk\nMUS - Mussels\nNUD - Nudibranch\nOCT - Octopus\nOPH - Ophiuroid\nPAG - Pagurid (hermit)\nPOL - Polychaete\nPTE -  Pteropod\nPYC - Pycnogonid\nRIF - Riftia\nSAL - Salp\nSCA - Scale (worm)\nSER - Serpulid worm\nSHI - Shrimp\nSIP- Siphonphores\nSPA - Spaghetti Worms\nSPO - Sponge\nSPOP - Pheronematidae\nSPOE - Euplectellidae\nSPOR - Rossellidae\nSQA - Squat Lobster\nSQD - Squid\nSTR - mucus string\nTUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia)\nTUN - Tunicate\nURC - Urchin\nUSO - Unidentified Sessile Object\nWOD - Wood\nWOR - Worm\nXEN - Xenophyophoran\nZOA - Zoanthid\n \nGeology\nBUR - Burrow\nCOB - Cobble\nMUD - Mud\nROC - Rock\nRUB - Rubble\nSAD - Sand\nSED - Sediment\nWAL - Wall\n \nLava Morphology\nTAL - Talus\nPIL - Pillow\nENT - Entrail\nLOB - Lobate\nSHE - Sheet\nFOL - Folded\nJUM - Jumbled\nHAC - Hackly\n \nSediment Cover\nLIG - Light\nPOC - Partial/Pockets\nHEA - Heavy/Coalescent\nBLA - Blanket\n \nFeature\nASG - Axial Summit Graben\nAVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge\nCAR - Carbonate\nCLI - Cliff\nCOL - Collapse\nCON - Contact\nFAU - Fault\nFIS - Fissure\nHAY - Haystack\nHYX - Hydrothermal\nPIL - Pillar\nSCP - Scarp\nSEP - Seep\n \nOther\nANT - Anthropogenic object (trash, traps lines, etc.) 08/02/2015,19:55:36,Scott France,Lost video stream again… I think. Or else very little going on in water column! 08/02/2015,19:56:09,tinamolodtsova,the same at public connection 08/02/2015,19:57:54,Scott France,Looks like the ship is having connection issues still. Lots of disconnections from chatroom, no video, no audio (I'm not on conference line right now). 08/02/2015,19:58:33,okeanosexplorer,RUB 08/02/2015,19:59:19,Scott France,FYI Daniel - there is no video streaming. 08/02/2015,20:00:09,okeanosexplorer,Thanks Scott, they are still having trouble here 08/02/2015,20:01:00,okeanosexplorer,We are also getting kicked out of the chat room 08/02/2015,20:01:48,Scott France,Yes - I can see when you get disconnected. 08/02/2015,20:02:10,Scott France,I just wanted to be sure you knew we could not see or hear you (I'm not presently on conference line) 08/02/2015,20:02:32,okeanosexplorer,roget that scott 08/02/2015,20:03:32,briankennedy,When we can hear the ship the science audio levels are still very low 08/02/2015,20:03:44,briankennedy,in the conference call 08/02/2015,20:04:47,okeanosexplorer,we are currently having some problems with ROV camerabut will hopefully be on our way soon 08/02/2015,20:08:21,okeanosexplorer,current from west to east 08/02/2015,20:08:36,okeanosexplorer,currently doing float test to get estimate on current 08/02/2015,20:10:59,okeanosexplorer,~0.5knot at 030 08/02/2015,20:11:33,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,20:12:39,okeanosexplorer,thin SED 08/02/2015,20:12:59,Santiago Herrera,what depth is the ROV at? 08/02/2015,20:13:26,okeanosexplorer,2198m 08/02/2015,20:14:33,Scott France,I have to leave for a couple of hours. Hopefully the video issues will be resolved when I returned. Good luck for the dive! 08/02/2015,20:15:06,Santiago Herrera,video has returned 08/02/2015,20:15:28,okeanosexplorer,COR 08/02/2015,20:15:32,Scott France,Yup - seeing video and hearing audio now. 08/02/2015,20:15:43,Scott France,Breaking up though... 08/02/2015,20:15:47,Santiago Herrera,yes 08/02/2015,20:16:06,okeanosexplorer,dead SPO 08/02/2015,20:17:32,Diva Amon,is that bone on the right? 08/02/2015,20:20:09,okeanosexplorer,not sure 08/02/2015,20:21:14,okexnav,LAT :23.22169, LON : -163.51762, DEPTH :2215.0080m, TEMP : 1.82935C, SAL : 34.63974 PSU, DO : 3.13836 mg/L 08/02/2015,20:21:54,okeanosexplorer,looking for rock to sample 08/02/2015,20:26:04,jonathantree,the lava flow morphology that we are observing right now are low angle pillow structures suggesting that we could be relatively close to the vent 08/02/2015,20:26:28,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,20:26:51,okeanosexplorer,rocks appear to be cemented and hard to sample 08/02/2015,20:29:36,okeanosexplorer,we will move on and see if we can find somewhere farther along 08/02/2015,20:35:04,okeanosexplorer,we are moving 08/02/2015,20:35:19,okeanosexplorer,shrimp 08/02/2015,20:35:31,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/02/2015,20:36:50,okeanosexplorer,FSC 08/02/2015,20:37:40,okeanosexplorer,2194 m 08/02/2015,20:37:51,jonathantree,very large pillow lobe just ahead 08/02/2015,20:38:10,tinamolodtsova,oph 08/02/2015,20:38:38,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/02/2015,20:39:00,okeanosexplorer,Nematocorsinus 08/02/2015,20:39:07,amybaco-taylor,Hard to tell from here, is teh white on the rocks a layer of sediment? Or just reflection? 08/02/2015,20:39:26,Diva Amon,nematocarcinus? 08/02/2015,20:40:12,okeanosexplorer,nematocarcinus 08/02/2015,20:42:06,okeanosexplorer,Bathypathes alternata 08/02/2015,20:42:47,tinamolodtsova,Bathypathes 08/02/2015,20:42:59,tinamolodtsova,not alternata 08/02/2015,20:43:48,tinamolodtsova,Daniel, are ou going to sample? 08/02/2015,20:44:13,okeanosexplorer,not this one, but we will be sampling black corals onthis trip 08/02/2015,20:44:38,okeanosexplorer,we alread have samples of this morphotype 08/02/2015,20:44:41,tinamolodtsova,perhaps conferta or close to 08/02/2015,20:44:59,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgiidae 08/02/2015,20:45:10,Santiago Herrera,Chrysogorgia 08/02/2015,20:45:12,okeanosexplorer,thanks Tina 08/02/2015,20:45:42,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/02/2015,20:46:25,tinamolodtsova,primnoid? 08/02/2015,20:46:38,tinamolodtsova,isidiidae 08/02/2015,20:47:14,okeanosexplorer,Caliptrophora angularis 08/02/2015,20:47:22,amybaco-taylor,Can you zoom more? 08/02/2015,20:47:24,tinamolodtsova,primnoid 08/02/2015,20:48:02,tinamolodtsova,polyps in verticils 08/02/2015,20:48:33,amybaco-taylor,looks like 4 per 08/02/2015,20:49:06,tinamolodtsova,primnoella or something 08/02/2015,20:49:06,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,20:49:43,tinamolodtsova,Steve would be happy 08/02/2015,20:49:49,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgiidae 08/02/2015,20:49:56,okeanosexplorer,geniculata 08/02/2015,20:50:07,okeanosexplorer,2182m 08/02/2015,20:52:07,okeanosexplorer,HOL - Holutharian 08/02/2015,20:54:07,nicolemorgan,SHI 08/02/2015,20:54:16,okeanosexplorer,Synallactidae 08/02/2015,20:55:13,amybaco-taylor,We collected an unbranched primnoid in 2003 that Cairns ID'd as CAndidella gigantea 08/02/2015,20:55:24,Diva Amon,SPO 08/02/2015,20:55:32,okeanosexplorer,stalked sponge 08/02/2015,20:55:45,Diva Amon,I would have said Caulophacus too. 08/02/2015,20:56:15,okexnav,LAT :23.22189, LON : -163.51738, DEPTH :2184.2187m, TEMP : 1.83954C, SAL : 34.63946 PSU, DO : 3.11049 mg/L 08/02/2015,20:57:15,amybaco-taylor,On this seamount 08/02/2015,20:57:25,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom& 08/02/2015,20:57:56,amybaco-taylor,No worries 08/02/2015,20:58:06,okeanosexplorer,Candidella gigantea 08/02/2015,20:58:11,kelleyelliott,Hi Folks - how is the video and audio coming across on shore? Has it been pretty consistent the past 20 minutes or so? Please notate significant drops (more than a few seconds) in the eventlog so we can track it please. No need to continue to highlight it on the telecon. 08/02/2015,20:58:39,okeanosexplorer,PL 08/02/2015,20:59:48,Santiago Herrera,On my end video and audio are working, although not smoothly, freezing frequently every few seconds 08/02/2015,21:00:18,nicolemorgan,lost video 08/02/2015,21:00:27,nicolemorgan,back 08/02/2015,21:01:31,tinamolodtsova,lost 08/02/2015,21:02:08,Santiago Herrera,same here 08/02/2015,21:02:51,okexnav,LAT :23.22207, LON : -163.51726, DEPTH :2180.0281m, TEMP : 1.83453C, SAL : 34.63984 PSU, DO : 3.13806 mg/L 08/02/2015,21:03:52,tinamolodtsova,back 08/02/2015,21:04:14,okeanosexplorer, dead sponge overgrown by cnidarian – Ferrea sp near occa erecta 08/02/2015,21:04:29,okeanosexplorer,ACN 08/02/2015,21:04:50,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom& 08/02/2015,21:05:53,Santiago Herrera,ACN 08/02/2015,21:06:55,okeanosexplorer,ACN - Exocoelactis sp 08/02/2015,21:08:31,Astrid Leitner,Is there any way we could do a few more current speed and direction estimates along the way up to get a better picture of how the currents are interacting with the ridge and the biology? 08/02/2015,21:09:11,tinamolodtsova,not Corimorphus? 08/02/2015,21:10:59,michaelgarcia,This volcano should be 10 to 12 million years old. The lack of sediment on the lavas is remarkable unless the currents are very strong or the lavas are actually much younger and from the rejuvneation stage. It would be great to get a rock to test this hypothesis 08/02/2015,21:11:13,tinamolodtsova,oph 08/02/2015,21:11:42,michaelgarcia,The bumpy texture on the rocks indicates a thin Manganese coating 08/02/2015,21:11:58,michaelgarcia,Thick coating, sorry. 08/02/2015,21:12:16,okeanosexplorer, looking to collect rock 08/02/2015,21:12:58,okeanosexplorer,Michael, do you still want to sample? 08/02/2015,21:13:26,michaelgarcia,I am not sure what this is but no, this would be of lower priority 08/02/2015,21:13:32,jonathantree,if that sample is not in place it would be a good sample 08/02/2015,21:15:28,briankennedy,EX I think you dropped out of the telecon 08/02/2015,21:15:56,michaelgarcia,A rock is always a good thing to have if you can get one 08/02/2015,21:16:09,jonathantree,the platy and agular texture of the rocks that we are looking at could pottenitally indicate a texture that is typical of highly viscous post-shield lavas, might good good for dating 08/02/2015,21:16:32,okeanosexplorer,Brian, can you see us on the video 08/02/2015,21:16:39,briankennedy,yes video is good 08/02/2015,21:17:37,okeanosexplorer,there working on getting the line back up 08/02/2015,21:17:56,okeanosexplorer,2162m 08/02/2015,21:17:59,okexnav,LAT :23.22229, LON : -163.51715, DEPTH :2176.5003m, TEMP : 1.81291C, SAL : 34.64254 PSU, DO : 3.16223 mg/L 08/02/2015,21:19:24,michaelgarcia,The flat top to this outcrop makes it look like a sedimentary rock, not a lava. 08/02/2015,21:19:58,briankennedy,got you back in the telecon 08/02/2015,21:19:59,okeanosexplorer,michael, stil lsample? 08/02/2015,21:20:35,jonathantree,the flat dipping structure definately looks sedimentary 08/02/2015,21:20:45,michaelgarcia,If we are only going to get two rocks, the obvious pillow lavas are much more important. Roger the picking up a rock 08/02/2015,21:21:24,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom these tubes down? 08/02/2015,21:22:00,okeanosexplorer,after we collect 08/02/2015,21:23:24,okeanosexplorer,rock fragile, aborting collection 08/02/2015,21:26:00,okeanosexplorer,whip corals 08/02/2015,21:26:15,okeanosexplorer,FSH 08/02/2015,21:26:15,Astrid Leitner,ophidiid 08/02/2015,21:26:51,okeanosexplorer,CORCH - Chrysogorgiidae 08/02/2015,21:26:56,okeanosexplorer,stellata 08/02/2015,21:27:12,okexnav,LAT :23.22245, LON : -163.51697, DEPTH :2171.3675m, TEMP : 1.81245C, SAL : 34.64196 PSU, DO : 3.13869 mg/L 08/02/2015,21:27:41,okeanosexplorer,current from West to East 08/02/2015,21:28:30,tinamolodtsova,I have flashbacks in public video all the time 08/02/2015,21:28:37,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,21:30:01,okeanosexplorer,SED on PIL 08/02/2015,21:30:38,tinamolodtsova,lost 08/02/2015,21:31:52,jonathantree,lost video for the moment 08/02/2015,21:32:21,okeanosexplorer,FSH - eel 08/02/2015,21:32:54,tinamolodtsova,I am leaving for an hour 08/02/2015,21:35:11,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,21:35:49,nicolemorgan,SPO 08/02/2015,21:36:48,michaelgarcia,This is a remarkable landscape of intact pillow lavas 08/02/2015,21:38:03,amybaco-taylor,nice shot 08/02/2015,21:40:54,okeanosexplorer,dead stalked SPO 08/02/2015,21:42:15,briankennedy,EX would you switch feed 2 to camera HD2. We think it might give the geologist a different view 08/02/2015,21:44:20,briankennedy,Actually the manip cam is better thanks 08/02/2015,21:44:42,okeanosexplorer,yes the quality is a lot better 08/02/2015,21:45:41,okexnav,LAT :23.22270, LON : -163.51680, DEPTH :2154.2438m, TEMP : 1.82793C, SAL : 34.63911 PSU, DO : 3.12563 mg/L 08/02/2015,21:47:16,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/02/2015,21:48:33,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Poliopogon 08/02/2015,21:50:28,okexnav,LAT :23.22283, LON : -163.51671, DEPTH :2149.4848m, TEMP : 1.83561C, SAL : 34.63958 PSU, DO : 3.14574 mg/L 08/02/2015,21:52:19,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Poliopogon 08/02/2015,21:52:33,kelleyelliott,Hi folks - we increased the signal strength feeding the teleconference on the ship a few minutes ago. How do audio levels sound on shore? 08/02/2015,21:53:00,nicolemorgan,SPO - Farreidae 08/02/2015,21:53:56,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/02/2015,21:56:39,okexnav,LAT :23.22269, LON : -163.51663, DEPTH :2142.0424m, TEMP : 1.84045C, SAL : 34.64167 PSU, DO : 3.11977 mg/L 08/02/2015,21:57:45,Astrid Leitner,FSH 08/02/2015,21:57:50,okeanosexplorer,SPO - 08/02/2015,21:58:05,Astrid Leitner,maybe another ophidiid but we passed too quickly to tell 08/02/2015,21:59:33,Astrid Leitner,did anyone else get a good look at that fish before? 08/02/2015,22:00:15,okeanosexplorer,2130m 08/02/2015,22:04:52,okeanosexplorer,CORO 08/02/2015,22:04:55,nicolemorgan,video frozen 08/02/2015,22:05:29,okeanosexplorer, FSH 08/02/2015,22:05:52,nicolemorgan,video back 08/02/2015,22:06:32,okeanosexplorer,FSH ophidiid 08/02/2015,22:06:41,Astrid Leitner,can we try to get a more horizontal view 08/02/2015,22:07:21,Astrid Leitner,can we get the scaling lasers on? 08/02/2015,22:08:47,michaelgarcia,Can a rock be picked up here? 08/02/2015,22:08:50,jonathantree,looks like there might be some loose rock samples located around this larger coral 08/02/2015,22:09:29,okeanosexplorer,CORI - Isididae 08/02/2015,22:09:52,nicolemorgan,SQA 08/02/2015,22:10:00,okeanosexplorer,Isidella trichotoma 08/02/2015,22:10:14,Santiago Herrera,nice shot 08/02/2015,22:10:42,Santiago Herrera,POL 08/02/2015,22:10:58,Santiago Herrera,HYD 08/02/2015,22:11:02,Santiago Herrera,BAR 08/02/2015,22:11:17,Diva Amon,Munidid on coral 08/02/2015,22:12:00,Diva Amon,polynoid crawling down coral 08/02/2015,22:12:08,Santiago Herrera,lasers 10cm appart? 08/02/2015,22:12:21,Diva Amon,yes it is. 08/02/2015,22:12:35,okeanosexplorer,Yes 10cm apart 08/02/2015,22:12:40,Santiago Herrera,ACN 08/02/2015,22:12:42,Santiago Herrera,thanks 08/02/2015,22:13:19,amybaco-taylor,POL 08/02/2015,22:17:05,jonathantree,possible rubble pile to sample from just ahead? 08/02/2015,22:19:35,jonathantree,two completely different views of the surface coming from both cameras 08/02/2015,22:20:19,jonathantree,that rubble pile looked looses until the Cam2 should the surface and it looked very cemented 08/02/2015,22:20:37,Astrid Leitner,by the way I agree with Chris on the luciobrotula ID - either bartschi or lineata purely from the reported distributions 08/02/2015,22:22:18,okeanosexplorer,2120m 08/02/2015,22:22:59,nicolemorgan,video frozen 08/02/2015,22:23:08,okeanosexplorer,dead stalked SPO 08/02/2015,22:23:59,nicolemorgan,video back 08/02/2015,22:24:23,michaelgarcia,This looks like a talus debris field 08/02/2015,22:26:16,amybaco-taylor,is that a snail behind? 08/02/2015,22:26:18,Astrid Leitner,gastropod 08/02/2015,22:26:34,Astrid Leitner,how big is that 08/02/2015,22:27:02,okexnav,LAT :23.22334, LON : -163.51623, DEPTH :2146.6078m, TEMP : 1.81871C, SAL : 34.64288 PSU, DO : 3.12276 mg/L 08/02/2015,22:28:00,okeanosexplorer,lloks like th stalk was about 40cm 08/02/2015,22:29:26,nicolemorgan,SPO 08/02/2015,22:30:33,okeanosexplorer,currently doing change in ROV team watch 08/02/2015,22:31:30,okeanosexplorer,preparing to sample rock 08/02/2015,22:34:00,okexnav,LAT :23.22340, LON : -163.51619, DEPTH :2146.6568m, TEMP : 1.81541C, SAL : 34.64333 PSU, DO : 3.18112 mg/L 08/02/2015,22:36:18,jonathantree,Lava sample number one possibly sourced from a debris flow given the roundedness of this sample and the others surrounding it that has come from the flanks of this volcano 08/02/2015,22:41:41,jonathantree,The lava sample that was just collected will be analyzed for its geochemical composition answering questions such as how old is this rock and this volcano? how does it fit in with the rest of the geochemical analyses of lavas that we have previously analyzed? 08/02/2015,22:43:19,jonathantree,this particular seamount "Keoea" is poorly sampled and this new sample will help piece together more information as to the origin of this volcano 08/02/2015,22:44:35,Astrid Leitner,clear jelly? 08/02/2015,22:47:43,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/02/2015,22:48:26,amybaco-taylor,cool 08/02/2015,22:48:34,amybaco-taylor,slime star? 08/02/2015,22:49:00,Scott France,Looks like it. 08/02/2015,22:50:03,tinamolodtsova,looks like Pterasteridae 08/02/2015,22:50:25,okeanosexplorer,ASR- Hymenaster pentagonalis 08/02/2015,22:53:03,Scott France,SPO stalk 08/02/2015,22:54:21,okeanosexplorer,SHI 08/02/2015,22:55:38,Scott France,CORO Anthomastus? 08/02/2015,22:56:07,tinamolodtsova,can we zoom? 08/02/2015,22:57:15,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/02/2015,22:57:17,tinamolodtsova,out of connections 08/02/2015,22:57:34,Scott France,Video still freezing up intermittantly 08/02/2015,22:57:55,amybaco-taylor,interesting that there's 2 together 08/02/2015,22:58:10,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Regadrella sp. 08/02/2015,22:58:35,Scott France,Looks like there was a third as well - just skeleton left. 08/02/2015,22:59:12,Scott France,CORI ? 08/02/2015,22:59:31,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea 08/02/2015,23:00:00,Scott France,CORI 08/02/2015,23:01:13,Diva Amon,is that a barnacle on it? BAR 08/02/2015,23:02:09,Scott France,Yes, a lepadid barnacle 08/02/2015,23:02:21,Diva Amon, three barnacles at least on that sponge 08/02/2015,23:02:39,tinamolodtsova,and hydroid 08/02/2015,23:02:53,Scott France,Have you already had a close look at some of these bamboo coral whips yopu've been passing? 08/02/2015,23:02:58,okexnav,LAT :23.22391, LON : -163.51615, DEPTH :2129.8554m, TEMP : 1.76444C, SAL : 34.64653 PSU, DO : 3.21707 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:03:59,amybaco-taylor,Scott we think they are primnoids so far 08/02/2015,23:04:04,amybaco-taylor,Candidella gigantea 08/02/2015,23:04:31,Scott France,Copy that Amy. Then I guess you've had a close look! :-) 08/02/2015,23:04:55,amybaco-taylor,We collected some here in 2003 shallower 08/02/2015,23:05:16,Scott France,On the last one the polyps looked volcano shaped, too big for a primnoid. But it wasn't a close look. 08/02/2015,23:05:32,Scott France,CORA 08/02/2015,23:05:37,Scott France,Bathypathes 08/02/2015,23:05:40,amybaco-taylor,The polyps are very big, with 4 per whorl 08/02/2015,23:05:55,amybaco-taylor,I don't have the id paper here w me at HBOI to check 08/02/2015,23:06:12,Scott France,No worries - I've collected them before in the Bahamas. 08/02/2015,23:06:14,tinamolodtsova,Bathypathes, same with alternation pinnules 08/02/2015,23:06:44,tinamolodtsova,the last whip may be isidiid 08/02/2015,23:06:58,Diva Amon,CRA 08/02/2015,23:07:09,Scott France,SQA 08/02/2015,23:07:13,tinamolodtsova,galatheid? 08/02/2015,23:07:17,Astrid Leitner,I would like to actually do some more current estimates on the way if we have some time 08/02/2015,23:08:04,amybaco-taylor,there was just a brisingid off to the right 08/02/2015,23:10:15,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/02/2015,23:11:27,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/02/2015,23:11:57,Scott France,Brisingid? 08/02/2015,23:12:29,okexnav,LAT :23.22413, LON : -163.51625, DEPTH :2110.9425m, TEMP : 1.80010C, SAL : 34.64372 PSU, DO : 3.17246 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:12:45,tinamolodtsova,yes sort of Brisingid 08/02/2015,23:12:56,Scott France,Hi Tina! 08/02/2015,23:12:58,okeanosexplorer,ASR - Hymenodiscus 08/02/2015,23:14:23,Scott France,CORI skeletons 08/02/2015,23:14:26,okeanosexplorer,2112m 08/02/2015,23:14:51,Scott France,CORO primnoid 08/02/2015,23:15:12,amybaco-taylor,polyps are horizontal not down 08/02/2015,23:15:23,okeanosexplorer,CORPR 08/02/2015,23:15:32,tinamolodtsova,no worms? 08/02/2015,23:15:41,Scott France,Amy - isn't that always the case when they are alive? 08/02/2015,23:15:52,Scott France,When they retract they point down…? 08/02/2015,23:15:53,amybaco-taylor,no I don't think so 08/02/2015,23:16:06,amybaco-taylor,I think Narella point down when live 08/02/2015,23:16:10,Scott France,I'll have to look back at in situ photos. 08/02/2015,23:16:41,amybaco-taylor,But you could be right, most of the id papers are from preserved ones, so... 08/02/2015,23:17:46,Diva Amon,ASR 08/02/2015,23:18:04,okeanosexplorer,ASR - Hymenodiscus 08/02/2015,23:18:18,okeanosexplorer,ASR - Hymenodiscus 08/02/2015,23:18:55,okeanosexplorer,ASR - Hymenodiscus 08/02/2015,23:19:22,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Farrea occa erecta 08/02/2015,23:19:22,Astrid Leitner,SPO 08/02/2015,23:19:29,tinamolodtsova,can we look at whips? 08/02/2015,23:19:54,Astrid Leitner,once we get to the wall or the top of the wall can we get a current speed estimate? 08/02/2015,23:20:05,Astrid Leitner,FSH 08/02/2015,23:20:08,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/02/2015,23:22:01,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/02/2015,23:22:03,Astrid Leitner,brevidorsalis 08/02/2015,23:22:23,okexnav,LAT :23.22450, LON : -163.51651, DEPTH :2083.0294m, TEMP : 1.82372C, SAL : 34.64058 PSU, DO : 3.16183 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:23:23,okeanosexplorer,CORA Bathypathes 08/02/2015,23:25:03,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/02/2015,23:25:36,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/02/2015,23:25:43,amybaco-taylor,Digging through a couple of Cairns papers, it looks like Candidella has polyps perpendicular to axis 08/02/2015,23:26:02,okeanosexplorer,CORW 08/02/2015,23:26:10,Scott France,CORI 08/02/2015,23:26:39,Scott France,Chris - it would really help to get a close-up of one of these isidid whips 08/02/2015,23:26:56,okeanosexplorer,ASR 08/02/2015,23:27:47,okexnav,LAT :23.22470, LON : -163.51660, DEPTH :2069.2159m, TEMP : 1.84170C, SAL : 34.63958 PSU, DO : 3.10870 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:28:49,okeanosexplorer,CORPR 08/02/2015,23:29:40,Diva Amon,OPH 08/02/2015,23:29:42,okeanosexplorer,CORO - Anthomastus 08/02/2015,23:29:48,okexnav,LAT :23.22472, LON : -163.51664, DEPTH :2067.8100m, TEMP : 1.84597C, SAL : 34.63945 PSU, DO : 3.07711 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:30:06,tinamolodtsova,фТЕРЩЬФЫЕГЫ, 08/02/2015,23:30:10,tinamolodtsova,SORRY 08/02/2015,23:30:19,tinamolodtsova,Anthomastus 08/02/2015,23:30:23,tinamolodtsova,ASR 08/02/2015,23:31:38,amybaco-taylor,Bathypathes 08/02/2015,23:32:01,amybaco-taylor,Another bathypathes 08/02/2015,23:32:09,michaelgarcia,Nice pillow lobes 08/02/2015,23:32:14,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,23:32:30,okeanosexplorer,SPO 08/02/2015,23:33:34,tinamolodtsova,Rissolidae& 08/02/2015,23:34:50,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Poliopogon sp. 08/02/2015,23:35:26,Astrid Leitner,seems like the density of organisms is really picking up 08/02/2015,23:35:30,okexnav,LAT :23.22490, LON : -163.51663, DEPTH :2051.6066m, TEMP : 1.85758C, SAL : 34.63859 PSU, DO : 3.04743 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:36:13,Scott France,I think there was also a branched bamboo in there CORI 08/02/2015,23:36:19,Diva Amon,stalk with brisingids and ophiuroids on it 08/02/2015,23:36:27,Astrid Leitner,Brisingids 08/02/2015,23:36:33,Diva Amon,ASR OPH 08/02/2015,23:37:05,Scott France,Current must be left to right based on polyp orientation 08/02/2015,23:37:19,Scott France,Where is a second node 08/02/2015,23:37:21,okeanosexplorer,Yes current from West 08/02/2015,23:37:50,Scott France,I see only one node in frame so that suggests "long bones" 08/02/2015,23:38:10,amybaco-taylor,there were 2 near base 08/02/2015,23:38:16,Scott France,Yes - could eye. I'd say long bones. 08/02/2015,23:38:32,Scott France,You can see some scattered sclerites, but not many. 08/02/2015,23:38:41,Scott France,The genus has not yet been publisshed 08/02/2015,23:38:47,okexnav,LAT :23.22496, LON : -163.51669, DEPTH :2042.4161m, TEMP : 1.90017C, SAL : 34.63586 PSU, DO : 3.00236 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:38:50,Scott France,But Les' student has a name for it 08/02/2015,23:38:58,Scott France,Abby Lapointe... 08/02/2015,23:39:11,Scott France,Also no sclerites visible in coenenchyme… 08/02/2015,23:39:19,Scott France,the tissue between polyps 08/02/2015,23:39:33,Scott France,So this is excellent imaging that we can use to get a good ID. 08/02/2015,23:39:36,Scott France,Nicely done. 08/02/2015,23:40:18,Diva Amon,ASR 08/02/2015,23:40:21,Diva Amon,SPo 08/02/2015,23:40:26,Diva Amon,SPO 08/02/2015,23:41:31,michaelgarcia,Another nice pillow channel was just passed 08/02/2015,23:41:32,okeanosexplorer,PIL 08/02/2015,23:42:13,amybaco-taylor,spo-farrea 08/02/2015,23:42:24,Diva Amon,Lots of SPO and COR 08/02/2015,23:42:47,amybaco-taylor,SPO- also poliopogon 08/02/2015,23:42:53,amybaco-taylor,SPO - walteria 08/02/2015,23:43:44,okexnav,LAT :23.22510, LON : -163.51685, DEPTH :2031.1897m, TEMP : 1.92216C, SAL : 34.63402 PSU, DO : 2.93608 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:43:45,okeanosexplorer,SPO - Walteri flemmingi 08/02/2015,23:43:51,Scott France,CORI bamboo branching right at the base 08/02/2015,23:44:07,Scott France,...Looks like two whips togther 08/02/2015,23:44:44,okeanosexplorer,CORO - Anthomastus 08/02/2015,23:47:06,tinamolodtsova,CORI + OPh 08/02/2015,23:49:27,Astrid Leitner,it would be neat to get a current estimate 08/02/2015,23:53:56,okexnav,LAT :23.22503, LON : -163.51692, DEPTH :2034.1048m, TEMP : 1.93535C, SAL : 34.63146 PSU, DO : 2.92386 mg/L 08/02/2015,23:57:42,okeanosexplorer,dead SPO stalks