09/25/2014,10:33:09,briankennedy,So far so good this morning. It looks like we might get a dive in today 09/25/2014,10:48:19,briankennedy, Good Morning All The weather this morning looks good enough to get wet. However, we are going to have to dive the alternative dive sites on the western face of Retriever instead of the north. We are moving to the alternative site now and we will be in the water between 0800 and 0830.  We will have to monitor the weather and currents closely though out the dive and if they start to build we will need the dive early. 09/25/2014,11:50:17,Tim Shank,Good morning all. 09/25/2014,11:55:29,Scott France,Good morning Tim, Ellie, Mike. 09/25/2014,11:55:46,Scott France,Looking significantly better out here today than yesterday. 09/25/2014,12:01:17,Scott France,Brendan Reser has set up the chat to have depth and temp automatically added from navdata to eventlog every 5 minutes. So, in most cases we will not need to type in depth today. This is a test run and we welcome your feedback. 09/25/2014,12:04:25,okexnav,DEPTH :: 0.3 m,TEMP :: C 09/25/2014,12:11:23,Kasey Cantwell,Good morning everyone! 09/25/2014,12:13:06,Scott France,Hi Kasey! 09/25/2014,12:17:42,okexnav,DEPTH :: -0.0 m,TEMP :: C 09/25/2014,12:18:50,Scott France,D2 in water... 09/25/2014,12:19:33,susanschnur,Good morning, Susan here 09/25/2014,12:22:43,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1.8 m,TEMP :: 22.69848 C 09/25/2014,12:23:34,Scott France,Seirios in water 09/25/2014,12:26:51,Scott France,D2 all stop at 50 m, per-dive check. 09/25/2014,12:27:44,okexnav,DEPTH :: 49.3 m,TEMP :: 21.14904 C 09/25/2014,12:28:47,peterauster,Good morning all ... 09/25/2014,12:29:06,Eleanor Bors,Good morning, all! 09/25/2014,12:29:11,Scott France,D2 commencing descent to bottom from 50 m. 09/25/2014,12:32:45,okexnav,DEPTH :: 155.6 m,TEMP :: 18.06511 C 09/25/2014,12:33:05,Eleanor Bors,WHOI video ROV05_1 started. 09/25/2014,12:33:56,Kasey Cantwell,Scott- did you see Mike's email about the salps/ video recording? 09/25/2014,12:34:13,Scott France,Yes - we have had an email exchange. 09/25/2014,12:34:19,michaelford,yes 09/25/2014,12:34:36,Kasey Cantwell,wonderful 09/25/2014,12:38:00,okexnav,DEPTH :: 297.1 m,TEMP :: 15.99923 C 09/25/2014,12:38:53,Scott France,I noted before we are testing today the auto addition to eventlog of depth and temp. That is the okexnav entries you see here. 09/25/2014,12:40:12,Catalina Martinez,Good morning everyone. Just FYI - INSPIRE team is getting settled into the ISC routine today and Nautilus should begin diving around noon. So far Cindy Van Dover is here. 09/25/2014,12:42:16,michaelford,video looks darker today 09/25/2014,12:42:43,Scott France,Because we are further offshore? 09/25/2014,12:42:47,okexnav,DEPTH :: 447.7 m,TEMP :: 12.17448 C 09/25/2014,12:44:05,Scott France,Does that look better Mike? We were transmitting the wrong camera. 09/25/2014,12:44:28,michaelford,Yay! 09/25/2014,12:44:35,michaelford,looks much better. 09/25/2014,12:44:55,Scott France,Great. 09/25/2014,12:47:10,Amy Baco-Taylor,Good Morning 09/25/2014,12:47:33,Scott France,G'morning Amy 09/25/2014,12:47:48,okexnav,DEPTH :: 605.9 m,TEMP :: 8.40665 C 09/25/2014,12:48:22,Amy Baco-Taylor,I have to give an exam this morning, but will be watching w sound off 09/25/2014,12:48:41,michaelford,possible SAL 09/25/2014,12:50:20,michaelford,possible CTE 09/25/2014,12:50:48,Scott France,Seeing more "stuff" in HD2 camera now 09/25/2014,12:51:09,michaelford,SAL 09/25/2014,12:51:58,michaelford,SAL chain 09/25/2014,12:52:31,susanschnur,We are descending to about 2155 m today. Should be there in about 30-40 minutes. 09/25/2014,12:52:49,okexnav,DEPTH :: 747.7 m,TEMP :: 6.07096 C 09/25/2014,12:53:48,michaelford,long SAL chains 09/25/2014,12:54:08,michaelford,FSH 09/25/2014,12:57:50,okexnav,DEPTH :: 900.5 m,TEMP :: 5.07501 C 09/25/2014,12:59:32,Amy Baco-Taylor,BTW, I sent a frame grab of the large xenos to Lisa Levin. She said they are Syringammina sp and can get up to 15 cm across She said that Hecker described them in her work from the canyons and that they aggregate near the base of steep walls 09/25/2014,13:00:00,briankennedy, Just a preemptive warning. Our satellite downlink station in New Jersey is forecasted to have some bad weather today that might result in a degradation of video from the ship. They are monitoring it closely but you may see some video drops as the weather moves through.   09/25/2014,13:00:54,Scott France,Thanks Amy. I did a bunch of research on xenos last night so hope to further educate and entertain whoever tunes in today! Just have to find some more now. 09/25/2014,13:02:00,michaelford, SHI 09/25/2014,13:02:51,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1053.3 m,TEMP :: 4.51967 C 09/25/2014,13:02:53,Scott France,Hydromedusae 09/25/2014,13:03:01,michaelford,yep, tumbly 09/25/2014,13:03:14,Scott France,Got a clip! 09/25/2014,13:03:26,michaelford,nice dark coloration 09/25/2014,13:03:29,michaelford,thank you 09/25/2014,13:06:10,Scott France,Red CTE and small HYD medusae white - clip taken 09/25/2014,13:07:16,Scott France,Pseudomorph in HD2 09/25/2014,13:08:41,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1208.7 m,TEMP :: 4.25688 C 09/25/2014,13:08:41,Scott France,JFH ?Poralia 09/25/2014,13:08:42,Scott France,Clip taken 09/25/2014,13:12:53,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1364.1 m,TEMP :: 4.18829 C 09/25/2014,13:13:43,michaelford,JFH 09/25/2014,13:14:23,susanschnur,1500 m will be 20 minutes off bottom. 09/25/2014,13:17:54,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1518.8 m,TEMP :: 4.05522 C 09/25/2014,13:18:34,Scott France,JFH 09/25/2014,13:19:42,Scott France,FSH in HD2 09/25/2014,13:22:55,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1671.2 m,TEMP :: 3.90199 C 09/25/2014,13:24:14,susanschnur,400 m off bottom 09/25/2014,13:26:44,michaelford,JFH 09/25/2014,13:27:25,susanschnur,10 minutes off bottom 09/25/2014,13:27:56,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1829.9 m,TEMP :: 3.78967 C 09/25/2014,13:29:09,michaelford,red jelly 09/25/2014,13:30:41,susanschnur,As a reminder, we are heading to 2155 m depth. 09/25/2014,13:31:10,michaelford,JFH 09/25/2014,13:32:57,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1986.7 m,TEMP :: 3.59437 C 09/25/2014,13:34:46,susanschnur,93 m above bottom - we have altitude lock 09/25/2014,13:37:08,michaelford,SAL chain 09/25/2014,13:37:43,michaelford,JSH 09/25/2014,13:37:58,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2122.8 m,TEMP :: 3.45778 C 09/25/2014,13:38:20,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,bottom in sight 09/25/2014,13:39:33,Eleanor Bors,WHOI video "ROV05_2" started. 09/25/2014,13:41:53,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,cup corals 09/25/2014,13:42:01,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,? 09/25/2014,13:42:11,Tara Harmer Luke,OPH 09/25/2014,13:42:25,Scott France,OPH 2 spp 09/25/2014,13:42:59,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2135.7 m,TEMP :: 3.45318 C 09/25/2014,13:44:07,Tara Harmer Luke,CPEN 09/25/2014,13:44:29,Eleanor Bors,Sediment here seems pretty uniform. Only occasional biology visible. 09/25/2014,13:44:38,susanschnur,sandy slope. Coarser dark grains (likely mn-crust fragments or basalt eroded from hard surfaces. 09/25/2014,13:45:24,Eleanor Bors,A few OPH on SED. 09/25/2014,13:46:11,Tara Harmer Luke,OPH moving 09/25/2014,13:46:19,susanschnur,white specks are probably foraminifera 09/25/2014,13:46:34,susanschnur,probably some bivalve shell fragments in seds too 09/25/2014,13:47:23,Eleanor Bors,Nice zoom on OPHs. 09/25/2014,13:47:51,Scott France,SPO 09/25/2014,13:48:00,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2139.7 m,TEMP :: 3.45190 C 09/25/2014,13:52:39,Tara Harmer Luke,CPEN 09/25/2014,13:53:01,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2140.6 m,TEMP :: 3.44619 C 09/25/2014,13:53:20,Tara Harmer Luke,OPH near CPEN 09/25/2014,13:53:33,Eleanor Bors,Tiny URC near base. 09/25/2014,13:54:10,Tara Harmer Luke,OPHs on CPEN 09/25/2014,13:55:29,Eleanor Bors,OPHs on URC test. 09/25/2014,13:55:55,Tara Harmer Luke,OPHs on dead URC test 09/25/2014,13:56:04,susanschnur,Likely calcareous ooze. Fairly coarse seds. 09/25/2014,13:58:02,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2141.5 m,TEMP :: 3.44768 C 09/25/2014,13:58:03,Tara Harmer Luke,several URCs 09/25/2014,13:58:53,Eleanor Bors,URC and OPH on XEN 09/25/2014,14:00:18,Emily Duwan,FSH halosaur 09/25/2014,14:00:41,susanschnur,Dark pebbles have variable amounts of alteration (orange-red color) 09/25/2014,14:01:04,Emily Duwan,FSH Aldrovandia 09/25/2014,14:03:03,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2139.3 m,TEMP :: 3.45179 C 09/25/2014,14:03:26,susanschnur,Anyone against deploying the sediment probe quickly? 09/25/2014,14:03:48,Scott France,CPEN x2 09/25/2014,14:03:52,susanschnur,We're interested in whether this is a thin veneer of sediment 09/25/2014,14:05:12,susanschnur,seeing pteropod shell fragments in seds 09/25/2014,14:05:34,susanschnur,sand SAD 09/25/2014,14:05:49,Scott France,COR cup 09/25/2014,14:05:52,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR Cup Coral 09/25/2014,14:06:05,Eleanor Bors,PAG 09/25/2014,14:06:06,Scott France,PAG 09/25/2014,14:06:08,Tara Harmer Luke,CRA hermin 09/25/2014,14:06:10,Tara Harmer Luke,hermit 09/25/2014,14:06:27,Tara Harmer Luke,COR cup 09/25/2014,14:06:58,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Amphipod to right 09/25/2014,14:08:04,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2138.4 m,TEMP :: 3.44358 C 09/25/2014,14:08:15,susanschnur,FSH halosaur 09/25/2014,14:08:19,Tara Harmer Luke,FSH halorsaur 09/25/2014,14:09:13,Tara Harmer Luke,I agree. Go Sepoke! 09/25/2014,14:11:13,Eleanor Bors,Conjecture: a degraded urchin test leaving behind a white residue? 09/25/2014,14:12:09,susanschnur,ok, we are getting in place for a sepoke deployment. At least we'll have a chance to see how it works with these coarser sediments. 09/25/2014,14:12:25,susanschnur,interesting urchin hypothesis 09/25/2014,14:12:57,Eleanor Bors,OPH on XEN 09/25/2014,14:14:45,Eleanor Bors,Great zoom on this XEN. 09/25/2014,14:14:57,jasonchaytor,Biogenic sediment, pelagic/hemipelagic mix...terrigenous sediments can and do make it out here and are incorporated into the pelagic rain....contour currents are quite active along slope 09/25/2014,14:18:58,Tara Harmer Luke,FSH behind sepoke 09/25/2014,14:20:03,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cuo 09/25/2014,14:20:05,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,cup 09/25/2014,14:20:25,susanschnur,interesting, I'm surprised currents could get terrigenous material up here onto the summit. 09/25/2014,14:21:11,susanschnur,Jason - any guesses on how thick the seds might be, if the probe actually works? 09/25/2014,14:21:28,Scott France,We are accepting bets on sed depth! 09/25/2014,14:21:36,amandademopoulos,i say 20 cm 09/25/2014,14:21:40,amandademopoulos,:) 09/25/2014,14:21:41,Scott France,Get your entries in quick! 09/25/2014,14:21:42,Tara Harmer Luke,40 cm 09/25/2014,14:21:51,susanschnur,25 cm 09/25/2014,14:22:04,jasonchaytor,5 m 09/25/2014,14:22:06,susanschnur,if it works.... i think pebbles might deflect 09/25/2014,14:22:14,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,30cm 09/25/2014,14:22:20,amandademopoulos,wow, jason, i don't think the poke is long enought 09/25/2014,14:23:01,jasonchaytor,Amazing how much sediment a 100 Ma seamount can accumulate 09/25/2014,14:24:01,jasonchaytor,But then again contour currents can strip it all off, so there can be none 09/25/2014,14:24:07,susanschnur,true 09/25/2014,14:25:04,Tara Harmer Luke,OPH behind Sepoke 09/25/2014,14:26:06,Taylor Heyl,CPEN fallen over on sediment above sepoke? 09/25/2014,14:27:00,Taylor Heyl,OPH on rock 09/25/2014,14:27:57,amandademopoulos,never? 09/25/2014,14:28:05,jasonchaytor,I cheat 09/25/2014,14:28:17,amandademopoulos,jason has some data that could help... 09/25/2014,14:28:33,peterauster,a faith based excercise? 09/25/2014,14:29:03,jasonchaytor,Pure scientific awesomeness, nothing more :-) 09/25/2014,14:29:12,susanschnur,Jason - any sub-bottom profile data? 09/25/2014,14:29:29,amandademopoulos,didn't you guys run lines last night? 09/25/2014,14:29:37,Scott France,Successful Sepoke deployment - at least 50 cm sedient accumulation here 09/25/2014,14:30:13,Scott France,We did run a few quick lines here - most time mapping was spent over Bear and Physalia 09/25/2014,14:30:24,susanschnur,we'll do lines here tonight i think 09/25/2014,14:30:39,Scott France,Haven't seen the mapping team this morning so can't give you insights. 09/25/2014,14:31:17,amandademopoulos,u weren't kept awake with the repetitative pinging? :) 09/25/2014,14:31:45,jasonchaytor,Educated guess based on what I know about the deposition patterns in the region, seamounts don't play very nice with sub-bottom, so getting a clear profile is difficult 09/25/2014,14:32:13,susanschnur,more like a soothing chirping 09/25/2014,14:34:18,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2135.5 m,TEMP :: 3.43471 C 09/25/2014,14:34:46,jasonchaytor,Soothing...they aren't using it right! :-) 09/25/2014,14:36:30,Emily Duwan,FSH halosaur 09/25/2014,14:36:40,Emily Duwan,halosauropsis 09/25/2014,14:39:12,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2135.5 m,TEMP :: 3.43948 C 09/25/2014,14:40:10,Santiago Herrera,OPH 09/25/2014,14:40:57,robertcarney,>OPH long spines 09/25/2014,14:42:02,Santiago Herrera,ASR 09/25/2014,14:43:20,Tara Harmer Luke,POL scale worm 09/25/2014,14:44:13,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2137.0 m,TEMP :: 3.42982 C 09/25/2014,14:45:44,jasonchaytor,Pteropod test fragments 09/25/2014,14:46:13,Santiago Herrera,URC 09/25/2014,14:47:44,robertcarney,>URC cidaroid? 09/25/2014,14:48:35,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup 09/25/2014,14:49:14,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2136.2 m,TEMP :: 3.42871 C 09/25/2014,14:49:17,robertcarney,Cidaroids considered rather primative urchins 09/25/2014,14:49:45,susanschnur,Vessel is doing a little manoevering here 09/25/2014,14:51:06,susanschnur,also having some stern thruster issues... 09/25/2014,14:51:44,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,cor cup 09/25/2014,14:51:53,robertcarney,>ROC glacial coated with manganese? 09/25/2014,14:51:57,susanschnur,we'll need to sit in the water for a little. Thanks everyone for your patience 09/25/2014,14:53:05,susanschnur,cobble/boulder, mn-encrusted 09/25/2014,14:53:26,Scott France,Bob: thanks for the cidaroid info - will try to use later. 09/25/2014,14:53:52,susanschnur,glacial? Ice rafted debris? 09/25/2014,14:54:15,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2106.2 m,TEMP :: 3.42966 C 09/25/2014,14:54:19,Scott France,As a note to everyone: I apologize if I miss some of your posts. I'm trying to incorporate as much info as possible but when I'm describing things I will often miss some of the comments. Please know I am not ignoring you! 09/25/2014,14:54:38,susanschnur,Is there any way to differentiate IRD / dropstones from material sourced from the seamount itself? Mn-covering is bothersome... 09/25/2014,14:55:02,susanschnur,Also, I am trying to keep a detailed log today of both geology and biology, incorporating your comments on organism taxonomy from the log. 09/25/2014,14:55:03,Scott France,I've found in reviewing the eventlog at night after the dive that I've missed some very useful observations that have been offered. 09/25/2014,14:55:16,susanschnur,I can pass that on to you at the end of the day if it's helpful. 09/25/2014,14:55:21,michaelford,SAL 09/25/2014,14:55:48,amandademopoulos,scott, you guys are doing great-there is only so much you can juggle at once 09/25/2014,14:56:39,Scott France,Thanks Amanda. I know you know firsthand! 09/25/2014,14:57:58,Scott France,FSH in HD1 09/25/2014,14:59:15,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2086.3 m,TEMP :: 3.43665 C 09/25/2014,15:00:54,Scott France,Larvacean 09/25/2014,15:03:25,Scott France,Amy - we are hanging in water while ship settles out. 09/25/2014,15:04:16,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2085.2 m,TEMP :: 3.43709 C 09/25/2014,15:05:15,jasonchaytor,The only way to determine IRD from seamount source is to pick it up and cut it open. Most IRD out here is granitic, but the texture is obscured by the FeMn 09/25/2014,15:05:57,jasonchaytor,Deposit density is an indicator as well, but not perfect 09/25/2014,15:06:34,Kasey Cantwell,Jason- what is IRD? 09/25/2014,15:06:51,jasonchaytor,Ice rafted debris 09/25/2014,15:07:31,jasonchaytor,Material picked up by glaciers and dropped from icebergs as they melt 09/25/2014,15:09:17,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2085.1 m,TEMP :: 3.44292 C 09/25/2014,15:09:30,susanschnur,We need a new ROV too to somehow sand-blast the mn-crust off the rocks. How about a portable rock saw on the ROV arm?? 09/25/2014,15:09:48,susanschnur,new ROV tool 09/25/2014,15:10:11,jasonchaytor,ROV drills are the preferred method 09/25/2014,15:10:26,jasonchaytor,We did just utilize a crow bar with Hercules...worked very well 09/25/2014,15:10:27,susanschnur,how long does it take to drill a core and how long is the core? 09/25/2014,15:10:29,Kasey Cantwell,thanks Jason 09/25/2014,15:10:44,susanschnur,can you get enough force with the crowbar on an ROV? 09/25/2014,15:11:00,susanschnur,I'd love a sense of how fresh the basalt is on these old seamounts. 09/25/2014,15:11:14,amandademopoulos,yes, crowbar works well, we can show u pics 09/25/2014,15:11:35,susanschnur,I think a future plan would be to do detailed age dating for all the seamounts. I think the Duncan et al 1984 paper is the last time anyone tried to date these seamounts. 09/25/2014,15:11:49,susanschnur,great, would love to see pics of crow bar. 09/25/2014,15:12:42,susanschnur,We're seeing up to 10 million year differences in Ar/Ar ages from the 80s/90s and the ages we're getting from our new machine. 09/25/2014,15:12:42,jasonchaytor,You can with a Kraft arm at least. The leaver action is quite powerful...you either break the rock you are trying to pry off, or the one you are using as the fulcrum 09/25/2014,15:13:09,susanschnur,ok 09/25/2014,15:13:28,jasonchaytor,Drilling takes a while, but you get a core 10's of cm long. MBARI have done it out in the Pacific 09/25/2014,15:13:57,susanschnur,that would be plenty for an age date, and we'd get fresh material that way too. 09/25/2014,15:14:18,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2085.1 m,TEMP :: 3.44480 C 09/25/2014,15:16:28,susanschnur,Sounds like thruster and DP problems are getting more complex. May need some time to sort it out, but dive will probably continue. 09/25/2014,15:19:19,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2085.2 m,TEMP :: 3.43171 C 09/25/2014,15:19:52,Scott France,SIP 09/25/2014,15:21:47,michaelford,great pulsing 09/25/2014,15:23:43,michaelford,tiny white clumps surrounding lower individuals sometimes are bait that are designed to look like plankton 09/25/2014,15:24:02,michaelford,Physophora maybe 09/25/2014,15:24:20,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2089.2 m,TEMP :: 3.43254 C 09/25/2014,15:26:14,Scott France,So we have had to make some decisions to best adapt to the constraints imposed by the vessel thruster issues... 09/25/2014,15:26:37,Scott France,So our revised plan will be to head up the nearer peak to the ESE. 09/25/2014,15:27:10,Scott France,This won't be as steep, but it will rise and will allow the vessel to avoid lateral motion, which is putting a strain on the system. 09/25/2014,15:27:27,michaelford,JFH 09/25/2014,15:28:53,michaelford,Halicreas sp. maybe... need to see top of bell 09/25/2014,15:29:21,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2089.8 m,TEMP :: 3.43171 C 09/25/2014,15:30:25,michaelford,strange gelatinous spiked 09/25/2014,15:31:17,Scott France,Looks like we've got things squared away and will be getting back to bottom shortly... 09/25/2014,15:31:42,Scott France,Just doing a test move of 5 m first to ensure we are stable and good to go. 09/25/2014,15:34:22,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2123.3 m,TEMP :: 3.42150 C 09/25/2014,15:36:13,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup 09/25/2014,15:36:27,Santiago Herrera,ACN 09/25/2014,15:36:47,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,…think it has a skeleton... 09/25/2014,15:37:34,Scott France,COR cup with HYD medusa caught 09/25/2014,15:38:49,Santiago Herrera,OPH 09/25/2014,15:38:54,Santiago Herrera,several OPH 09/25/2014,15:39:04,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,sitting on top of Xenos 09/25/2014,15:39:11,Scott France,Will take heading of 130 09/25/2014,15:39:23,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2128.8 m,TEMP :: 3.39814 C 09/25/2014,15:39:23,Scott France,Make a move of 200 m to SE 09/25/2014,15:41:08,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Fossil COR cups 09/25/2014,15:42:00,Amy Baco-Taylor,lisa said there is a lot of meiofauna and macrofauna that live within the xenos so they could be feeding on that.. 09/25/2014,15:42:24,Santiago Herrera,OPH on XEN 09/25/2014,15:44:24,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2128.3 m,TEMP :: 3.42527 C 09/25/2014,15:44:40,Santiago Herrera,ACN 09/25/2014,15:44:48,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup 09/25/2014,15:45:02,Santiago Herrera,POL 09/25/2014,15:45:14,Santiago Herrera,polynoid 09/25/2014,15:46:50,Santiago Herrera,CER 09/25/2014,15:47:44,Santiago Herrera,OPH on the base of cerianthid 09/25/2014,15:49:25,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2128.3 m,TEMP :: 3.39881 C 09/25/2014,15:49:52,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,corallimorph? inner tentacles retracted? 09/25/2014,15:50:01,Amy Baco-Taylor,don't thinks its a holo - arms not in 5's, cool polychaete to the left though 09/25/2014,15:50:03,Scott France,That is what I'm wondering Rhian 09/25/2014,15:50:15,Scott France,looks like it has mesenteries 09/25/2014,15:50:20,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Don't see a distinct skeleton in there for it to be a scleractinian 09/25/2014,15:50:28,Santiago Herrera,ASR 09/25/2014,15:50:41,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,yes on the mesenteries 09/25/2014,15:51:40,robertcarney,I count 8 09/25/2014,15:51:50,Scott France,ACN? 09/25/2014,15:52:13,Scott France,If Bob counted 8 then it would be an octocoral, but I couldn't see pinnules 09/25/2014,15:52:24,Scott France,Will look closely at clip and frame grab 09/25/2014,15:52:33,Santiago Herrera,SQA 09/25/2014,15:54:25,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2127.4 m,TEMP :: 3.40091 C 09/25/2014,15:56:13,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,sea pen 09/25/2014,15:56:19,Scott France,CPEN 09/25/2014,15:56:25,Scott France,CRA red 09/25/2014,15:56:29,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,ACN 09/25/2014,15:56:33,Scott France,ACN multiple 09/25/2014,15:57:17,jasonchaytor,Rock 09/25/2014,15:57:27,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Mating crabs 09/25/2014,15:57:37,jasonchaytor,Excavated moat 09/25/2014,15:58:39,jasonchaytor,Pteropod shell acumulation at base of rock 09/25/2014,15:58:44,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,urchin tests and pteropod shells 09/25/2014,15:58:51,Amy Baco-Taylor,can you zoom in on sponge too? 09/25/2014,15:59:16,peterauster,Another boulder dead ahead from Seirios view 09/25/2014,15:59:26,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2123.1 m,TEMP :: 3.40602 C 09/25/2014,15:59:33,jasonchaytor,Lots of bio-excavation 09/25/2014,15:59:38,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,15:59:39,susanschnur,sorry missed sponge. I think we're moving along quickly here. 09/25/2014,16:00:32,peterauster,fish to right 09/25/2014,16:00:37,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,OPH on rock 09/25/2014,16:00:44,Taylor Heyl,multiple OPHs on ROC 09/25/2014,16:00:50,Taylor Heyl,encrusting SPO also 09/25/2014,16:01:02,Taylor Heyl,pebbled sediment 09/25/2014,16:01:18,Taylor Heyl,FSH 09/25/2014,16:01:19,Emily Duwan,FSH halosauropsis 09/25/2014,16:01:40,Taylor Heyl,many small OPHs on pebbles 09/25/2014,16:03:14,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Holothurian? 09/25/2014,16:03:14,susanschnur,what is floating here? 09/25/2014,16:03:14,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Holothurian? 09/25/2014,16:03:23,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Yes - HOLO 09/25/2014,16:03:24,Eleanor Bors,WHOI video ROV05_4 started 09/25/2014,16:03:35,robertcarney,>HOL 09/25/2014,16:04:21,Taylor Heyl,ASR 09/25/2014,16:04:27,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2118.3 m,TEMP :: 3.40646 C 09/25/2014,16:04:27,Taylor Heyl,ASR orange 09/25/2014,16:04:36,Taylor Heyl,many OPHs on pebbles 09/25/2014,16:04:42,Taylor Heyl,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:05:01,Taylor Heyl,flying over pebbles with many OPHS 09/25/2014,16:05:49,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:06:19,Taylor Heyl,ROC dropstone? 09/25/2014,16:06:31,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,stalked crinoids 09/25/2014,16:06:34,susanschnur,yes we were wondering about that - hard to ID. 09/25/2014,16:07:53,jasonchaytor,Simplest answer is the they came from the up higher on the seamount, same source as the smaller pebbles 09/25/2014,16:08:04,Taylor Heyl,COR on this ROC 09/25/2014,16:08:06,susanschnur,yes 09/25/2014,16:08:14,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Antipatharians 09/25/2014,16:08:25,Taylor Heyl,CRA at base of ROC 09/25/2014,16:09:12,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,crinoids all in the antipatharian, some squat lobsters too 09/25/2014,16:09:22,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,and barnacles 09/25/2014,16:09:24,Taylor Heyl,BAR 09/25/2014,16:09:28,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2112.2 m,TEMP :: 3.42777 C 09/25/2014,16:09:38,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates also 09/25/2014,16:09:53,robertcarney,>ROC rougher surface and no manganese varnish 09/25/2014,16:09:59,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Lots of good things in there! 09/25/2014,16:10:04,Taylor Heyl,HYD associates 09/25/2014,16:10:24,Andrea Quattrini,CORA 09/25/2014,16:10:39,Taylor Heyl,zoom on CRI and BAR associates 09/25/2014,16:11:47,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Different orange COR up front 09/25/2014,16:11:48,Andrea Quattrini,zoom orange? small bathypathes? 09/25/2014,16:12:13,susanschnur,zoom on which coral? sorry may have missed it 09/25/2014,16:12:44,Andrea Quattrini,small orange coral to right- 09/25/2014,16:13:05,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,right in front of the other large antipatharian 09/25/2014,16:13:16,susanschnur,ok . ill wait for zoom out 09/25/2014,16:14:15,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Another antipatharian - thanks! 09/25/2014,16:14:29,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2112.2 m,TEMP :: 3.42694 C 09/25/2014,16:15:28,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Maybe another around the backside there 09/25/2014,16:16:03,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR skeleton, covered in hydroids, crinoid, barnacles 09/25/2014,16:16:15,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,anemones 09/25/2014,16:16:16,Amy Baco-Taylor,its dead 09/25/2014,16:16:26,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Small live part to the left - can we zoom? 09/25/2014,16:16:27,Andrea Quattrini,small white cor on left 09/25/2014,16:16:27,Amy Baco-Taylor,can you zoom on one below it? 09/25/2014,16:16:35,Taylor Heyl,many SPO on the back side of this ROC, another CORA below skeleton 09/25/2014,16:16:49,Taylor Heyl,BAR on skeleton 09/25/2014,16:16:59,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,cool rock 09/25/2014,16:17:20,Andrea Quattrini,ASR 09/25/2014,16:17:21,Taylor Heyl,ASR white on floor 09/25/2014,16:17:36,Taylor Heyl,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:17:39,Taylor Heyl,x2 09/25/2014,16:17:51,Andrea Quattrini,have you zoomed on CPEN yet? 09/25/2014,16:17:52,Taylor Heyl,BUR in pebbled sediment 09/25/2014,16:18:01,Amy Baco-Taylor,lots of critters in the sediments too you just can't see them w camera :) 09/25/2014,16:18:02,Andrea Quattrini,ASR 09/25/2014,16:18:19,Taylor Heyl,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:18:22,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:18:24,susanschnur,sorry, we're under pressure to move along here, I think for technical reasons. So less zooming here till we get up further. 09/25/2014,16:18:38,jasonchaytor,I know Amanda would be happy you said that Amy :-) 09/25/2014,16:18:52,susanschnur,this is CPEN? 09/25/2014,16:18:55,Andrea Quattrini,yes 09/25/2014,16:19:05,Taylor Heyl,zoom on CPEN 09/25/2014,16:19:09,Andrea Quattrini,different than others- 09/25/2014,16:19:29,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2107.0 m,TEMP :: 3.43043 C 09/25/2014,16:21:49,Scott France,Just came in - not sure if anyone noted the CPEN looked like Pennatula 09/25/2014,16:21:58,jasonchaytor,Structured pebble sheets 09/25/2014,16:22:05,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 09/25/2014,16:22:17,jasonchaytor,Ridges 09/25/2014,16:23:08,susanschnur,Pilot just changed out - moving on now 09/25/2014,16:24:07,Scott France,Sargassum? 09/25/2014,16:24:30,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2102.2 m,TEMP :: 3.43931 C 09/25/2014,16:24:43,Taylor Heyl,field of XEN 09/25/2014,16:25:27,Taylor Heyl,ASR 09/25/2014,16:25:37,Taylor Heyl,zoom on white ASR 09/25/2014,16:25:51,Taylor Heyl,OPHs on pebbled sediment 09/25/2014,16:25:55,Taylor Heyl,ASR Neomorphaster 09/25/2014,16:27:02,Taylor Heyl,Moving upslope to SE 09/25/2014,16:27:07,Taylor Heyl,ASR Neomorphaster 09/25/2014,16:27:21,Taylor Heyl,pebbled sediment covered with XEN and OPHs 09/25/2014,16:28:25,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:28:39,Taylor Heyl,zoom on CPEN 09/25/2014,16:29:31,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2098.9 m,TEMP :: 3.42827 C 09/25/2014,16:33:18,Scott France,At least under current operating conditions we have to continue moving fairly slowly. If we can we;ll try to move more quickly over this gentle slope but the thruster isues are constraining us. 09/25/2014,16:33:26,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,FSH 09/25/2014,16:34:32,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2098.1 m,TEMP :: 3.42883 C 09/25/2014,16:34:55,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup 09/25/2014,16:35:28,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,I think these are a species of caryophyllia that live more in sediments 09/25/2014,16:35:42,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,16:37:28,Scott France,SQA 09/25/2014,16:37:33,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,SPO 09/25/2014,16:37:55,Taylor Heyl,SQA and SPO on ROC with small bamboo? 09/25/2014,16:37:56,Andrea Quattrini,white SQA 09/25/2014,16:38:00,Taylor Heyl,ACN 09/25/2014,16:38:07,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Actinerus 09/25/2014,16:38:32,Taylor Heyl,encrusting blue SPO 09/25/2014,16:38:32,Andrea Quattrini,CORO 09/25/2014,16:38:36,Taylor Heyl,CRA RED under ROC 09/25/2014,16:38:51,Taylor Heyl,many OPHs on ROC 09/25/2014,16:39:08,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR corallium 09/25/2014,16:39:26,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup on dead skeleton of octocoral 09/25/2014,16:39:33,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2092.8 m,TEMP :: 3.43770 C 09/25/2014,16:39:47,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR primnoid 09/25/2014,16:39:53,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Crinoid up on top 09/25/2014,16:39:58,Taylor Heyl,CRI 09/25/2014,16:40:02,Taylor Heyl,URC associate also 09/25/2014,16:40:02,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,urchin and barnacles on dead skeleton 09/25/2014,16:40:26,robertcarney,>BAR verrucamorph 09/25/2014,16:40:33,Taylor Heyl,solitary HYD on ROC below Primnoid 09/25/2014,16:40:40,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Meallogorgia? 09/25/2014,16:40:54,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR metallogorgia 09/25/2014,16:41:05,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,several in the background too I think 09/25/2014,16:41:47,Taylor Heyl,OPH associate in metallogorgia 09/25/2014,16:42:05,Taylor Heyl,Ophiocreas 09/25/2014,16:42:54,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR bamboo 09/25/2014,16:42:58,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Lepidisis 09/25/2014,16:43:05,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Dead maybe 09/25/2014,16:43:41,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,SPO 09/25/2014,16:44:34,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2079.1 m,TEMP :: 3.43238 C 09/25/2014,16:44:39,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,More metallogorgia COR 09/25/2014,16:44:42,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,SPO 09/25/2014,16:44:46,Scott France,COR Enallopsammia? 09/25/2014,16:44:54,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,zoom? 09/25/2014,16:44:55,Scott France,Yellow was off to right 09/25/2014,16:45:10,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,SPO 09/25/2014,16:45:19,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR iridigorgia small 09/25/2014,16:45:51,peterauster,what a relief! 09/25/2014,16:46:06,Scott France,lol Peter 09/25/2014,16:46:37,Scott France,CORO Iridogorgia (note spelling) 09/25/2014,16:47:01,Taylor Heyl,ASR yellow 09/25/2014,16:47:02,Taylor Heyl,SPO 09/25/2014,16:47:10,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX 09/25/2014,16:47:51,Taylor Heyl,zoom on Iridogorgia, no visible associates 09/25/2014,16:48:16,susanschnur,so much going on here! Hard substrate really is an oasis for life. 09/25/2014,16:48:39,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,SPO bright yellow! 09/25/2014,16:48:47,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Lots of COR species on rock 09/25/2014,16:48:52,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,More bamboo 09/25/2014,16:49:35,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2074.0 m,TEMP :: 3.44169 C 09/25/2014,16:49:46,Andrea Quattrini,Lepdisis abundant 09/25/2014,16:50:06,Andrea Quattrini,Paragorgia-Sibogagorgia? small in middle of bamboos 09/25/2014,16:50:29,Andrea Quattrini,Iridogorgia on left-different than before? 09/25/2014,16:51:13,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,maybe a worm on the coral there 09/25/2014,16:51:18,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,red 09/25/2014,16:52:02,Andrea Quattrini,are there stauropathes here? 09/25/2014,16:52:21,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR corallium? 09/25/2014,16:52:38,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Lots of species on this rock! 09/25/2014,16:52:42,Andrea Quattrini,or lace coral? 09/25/2014,16:52:54,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Zooanthids 09/25/2014,16:53:17,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,octopud eggs on the skeleton? 09/25/2014,16:53:21,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,octopus.. 09/25/2014,16:54:21,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,corallium 09/25/2014,16:54:35,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2069.0 m,TEMP :: 3.43504 C 09/25/2014,16:55:19,Andrea Quattrini,OPH on Corallium 09/25/2014,16:55:58,Amy Baco-Taylor,Does anyone know the species on the coralliids? if we were in pacific I would call it lauuense 09/25/2014,16:56:48,Scott France,C. niobe I think 09/25/2014,16:57:55,susanschnur,Ted Bear .... Bear seamount? 09/25/2014,16:58:18,johnreed,POR live Hexactinellid, white fan sponge 09/25/2014,16:58:35,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup in there too! 09/25/2014,16:59:25,Scott France,Corallium bayeri 09/25/2014,16:59:36,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2069.9 m,TEMP :: 3.43770 C 09/25/2014,17:00:53,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,beautiful coral overview! 09/25/2014,17:00:53,Andrea Quattrini,zoom stauropathes? 09/25/2014,17:04:37,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2069.9 m,TEMP :: 3.43898 C 09/25/2014,17:06:31,jasonchaytor,Rocks appear to have a sheeted texture 09/25/2014,17:06:35,Andrea Quattrini, 8 species of coral here? 09/25/2014,17:06:47,Andrea Quattrini,pink CORO on right-bubblegum? 09/25/2014,17:06:48,jasonchaytor,Hard to see if it is primary texture 09/25/2014,17:07:22,susanschnur,yes, very hard to tell with all this mn crust 09/25/2014,17:07:40,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,17:07:56,Andrea Quattrini,Corallium 09/25/2014,17:07:59,Andrea Quattrini,bathyrubrum 09/25/2014,17:09:38,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2069.9 m,TEMP :: 3.44386 C 09/25/2014,17:13:56,Andrea Quattrini,noticeable lack of fishes 09/25/2014,17:14:39,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2070.6 m,TEMP :: 3.44247 C 09/25/2014,17:16:03,jasonchaytor,Carbonate (limestones) have been recovered from the tops of some of the seamounts. Not saying that is what is here, but something other than basalt is possible...again, no way to tell without a sample 09/25/2014,17:16:18,leswatling,love the close-up with hydroids 09/25/2014,17:17:17,Scott France,Nice fan worm extended to right 09/25/2014,17:17:49,susanschnur,hmm, ok something to keep an eye out for. 09/25/2014,17:17:51,Scott France,Paramuricea CORO 09/25/2014,17:18:15,leswatling,a family of Metallogorgia's, ma, pa, and the teenager 09/25/2014,17:18:19,susanschnur,now I want a crowbar to give that rock a smack. 09/25/2014,17:19:10,Amy Baco-Taylor,sure look like serpulids? 09/25/2014,17:19:28,Taylor Heyl,zoom on SPO with CRI on it 09/25/2014,17:19:37,Taylor Heyl,Yes, they do like SER 09/25/2014,17:19:40,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2070.9 m,TEMP :: 3.45301 C 09/25/2014,17:22:22,leswatling,Acanella, no shrimp 09/25/2014,17:24:14,johnreed,SPO- Euplectella? sp., hexactinellid, white tube sponges, mesh wall 09/25/2014,17:24:26,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup on the dead skeleton 09/25/2014,17:24:41,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2068.8 m,TEMP :: 3.44108 C 09/25/2014,17:24:47,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,several cups 09/25/2014,17:25:32,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,zooanthids on there too looked like 09/25/2014,17:25:52,leswatling,nice image! 09/25/2014,17:26:30,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,crab on the top 09/25/2014,17:27:33,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,female under there as well...? 09/25/2014,17:28:03,Taylor Heyl, CRAKC Neolithodes male and female pair 09/25/2014,17:28:04,leswatling,the Iridogorgia is quite small 09/25/2014,17:28:12,Andrea Quattrini,CRA lithodidae 09/25/2014,17:28:27,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,17:29:42,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2067.1 m,TEMP :: 3.44386 C 09/25/2014,17:34:43,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2064.8 m,TEMP :: 3.44497 C 09/25/2014,17:35:05,leswatling,some strong indications of current across here 09/25/2014,17:37:45,Taylor Heyl,Moving over sediment and small rocks, pebbles 09/25/2014,17:37:59,Eleanor Bors,WHOI Video "…ROV05_5" started. 09/25/2014,17:38:07,Taylor Heyl,approaching hard substrate 09/25/2014,17:39:22,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,FSH 09/25/2014,17:39:30,Emily Duwan,FSH cyclophone 09/25/2014,17:39:44,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2060.0 m,TEMP :: 3.44619 C 09/25/2014,17:40:39,jasonchaytor,Sediment waves, base of rock 09/25/2014,17:41:16,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR bathypathes 09/25/2014,17:41:22,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,SPO 09/25/2014,17:43:41,Scott France,JFH hydromedusae 09/25/2014,17:44:22,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR metallogorgia multiple 09/25/2014,17:44:38,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR irigogorgia 09/25/2014,17:44:45,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2056.9 m,TEMP :: 3.44658 C 09/25/2014,17:47:44,leswatling,iridogorgia splendens 09/25/2014,17:47:45,leswatling,Iridogorgia splendens 09/25/2014,17:47:57,Scott France,CORA Stauropathes 09/25/2014,17:48:21,leswatling,no shrimp in the Iridogorgia? 09/25/2014,17:48:53,jasonchaytor,Sponge 09/25/2014,17:49:46,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2057.2 m,TEMP :: 3.44902 C 09/25/2014,17:50:05,leswatling,juvenile I magnispiralis 09/25/2014,17:51:09,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR acanella 09/25/2014,17:51:29,Andrea Quattrini,CORP 09/25/2014,17:52:36,peterauster,can we do a quick zoom on Chaceon? 09/25/2014,17:54:47,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2057.6 m,TEMP :: 3.45112 C 09/25/2014,17:55:05,Scott France,SQA ealier - classic white galatheid 09/25/2014,17:55:31,Taylor Heyl,zoom on SPO dead with SER 09/25/2014,17:55:47,leswatling,several more CORO Iridogorgia 09/25/2014,17:55:56,Taylor Heyl,CRA RED at base 09/25/2014,17:56:23,leswatling,juvenile Iridogorgia magnispiralis and I splendens 09/25/2014,17:57:06,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,17:58:09,leswatling,CORO juvenile Metallogorgia 09/25/2014,17:58:45,amandademopoulos,ROC had radial pattern possible pillow lava? 09/25/2014,17:58:52,amandademopoulos,just noting for eventlog 09/25/2014,17:58:53,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,FSH 09/25/2014,17:59:06,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,slick head (from peter) 09/25/2014,17:59:48,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2056.0 m,TEMP :: 3.43127 C 09/25/2014,18:00:07,peterauster,The red crab is probably Chaceon quinquedens, the species of economic importance. This beast is known to occur to at least 2242 m. The 4 eez seamounts are proposed to be designated as habitat areas of particular concern (HAPC) by the New England Fishery Management Council to conserve these vulnerable habitats 09/25/2014,18:00:13,Scott France,PAG 09/25/2014,18:01:59,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,looks almost pinned down... 09/25/2014,18:02:51,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,tiny bivalve to the left too 09/25/2014,18:03:08,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,by the ophiuroid 09/25/2014,18:04:06,peterauster,Fishy correction. Not a slickhead ... duh ... was a Gonostoma sp. ... a bristlemouth 09/25/2014,18:04:27,SteveAuscavitch,CORA Bathypathes 09/25/2014,18:04:49,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2051.4 m,TEMP :: 3.43598 C 09/25/2014,18:06:17,peterauster,We can thank the fishes for venturing onto the land ... they gave us a foot that I can remove from my mouth after erroneous IDs 09/25/2014,18:06:23,Scott France,HOL 09/25/2014,18:08:14,Scott France,About 70-80 minutes of bottom time remaining… 09/25/2014,18:08:39,Scott France,We are trying to determine if we can get to the steeper slope that is almost due east of us. 09/25/2014,18:09:12,Scott France,Checking with bridge to see if the DP can handle it... 09/25/2014,18:09:50,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2049.2 m,TEMP :: 3.44635 C 09/25/2014,18:10:07,SteveAuscavitch,XEN 09/25/2014,18:11:23,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,crab chaceon 09/25/2014,18:11:26,SteveAuscavitch,CRI stalked 09/25/2014,18:12:04,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,18:12:32,peterauster,We saw beaked whale gouge marks out to Corner Rise and as deep as 2750 m, so they could be at any of the seamounts. Yes ... more trench like 09/25/2014,18:12:51,susanschnur,So our max possible speed is 0.3 knots moving with the ship which would take 60 min to get to cliff. 09/25/2014,18:12:53,Emily Duwan,FSH chimera 09/25/2014,18:13:08,susanschnur,So we could quickly move over the sandy surface and get a last 10-15 min at the cliff. 09/25/2014,18:13:23,susanschnur,I'm in favor - I'd like to see that cliff and we'll probably see more of the same organisms on the sediment. 09/25/2014,18:13:25,peterauster,go for it! 09/25/2014,18:13:49,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,It'd be good to see the cliff, even if only for a short time... 09/25/2014,18:14:05,Emily Duwan,yes 09/25/2014,18:14:19,Emily Duwan,to lateral lines 09/25/2014,18:14:51,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2046.3 m,TEMP :: 3.44985 C 09/25/2014,18:15:44,Scott France,Hang on - we'll attempt to move quickly over this gentle slope - at least as long as ship thrusters can handle it. 09/25/2014,18:16:18,Scott France,We'll try to idenify feature sof interest quickly for quick zooms, but you'll have to be ready on shore to let us now. 09/25/2014,18:16:37,Scott France,Feel free to get on the conference line if you think you way want to call for zooms. 09/25/2014,18:16:47,Scott France,Remember you have a vidoe delay as well. 09/25/2014,18:19:52,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2046.3 m,TEMP :: 3.44103 C 09/25/2014,18:21:21,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup 09/25/2014,18:23:18,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,quite a few scattered cup corals 09/25/2014,18:24:30,Scott France,ANT fishing line? 09/25/2014,18:24:50,leswatling,looks like one of the rock dwelling seapens recently described by Gary Williams 09/25/2014,18:24:53,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2045.8 m,TEMP :: 3.44563 C 09/25/2014,18:24:53,Scott France,Any fishing known to occur out here? 09/25/2014,18:25:16,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Doubting it from Mystic, maybe some long line…. 09/25/2014,18:25:19,Scott France,Les: we did a test earlier and were surprised to find the sediment is deeper than 50 cm! 09/25/2014,18:25:40,Scott France,So I don't think that was a rock pen. 09/25/2014,18:25:44,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Lots of cup corals 09/25/2014,18:25:50,Scott France,Plenty of seds to dig into 09/25/2014,18:25:50,leswatling,so all that gravel is at the surface? 09/25/2014,18:26:00,susanschnur,i think so 09/25/2014,18:26:01,Scott France,Yes - it is loose. Not pavement. 09/25/2014,18:26:10,susanschnur,the burrowing seems to bring up cleaner white sands 09/25/2014,18:26:12,leswatling,interesting 09/25/2014,18:26:17,Scott France,It was very easy to stick the sepoke in. 09/25/2014,18:26:23,Scott France,No resistance. 09/25/2014,18:26:38,SteveAuscavitch,SQA 09/25/2014,18:27:06,leswatling,geez, I hope these aren't nodules.... we'll have the mining folks out here! 09/25/2014,18:28:31,Eleanor Bors,WHOI Video "…ROV05_6" Started 09/25/2014,18:29:00,susanschnur,we are in the EEZ... 09/25/2014,18:29:54,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2042.0 m,TEMP :: 3.43870 C 09/25/2014,18:33:19,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,urchins 09/25/2014,18:33:24,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CPEN 09/25/2014,18:33:40,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR cup corals 09/25/2014,18:34:55,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2042.3 m,TEMP :: 3.44025 C 09/25/2014,18:38:22,SteveAuscavitch,ASR 09/25/2014,18:39:56,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2039.8 m,TEMP :: 3.44469 C 09/25/2014,18:44:50,SteveAuscavitch,FSH eel 09/25/2014,18:44:57,Emily Duwan,FSH synaph 09/25/2014,18:44:57,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2035.5 m,TEMP :: 3.43853 C 09/25/2014,18:47:17,Emily Duwan,FSH synaph 09/25/2014,18:47:47,Emily Duwan,eel eating anthropod 09/25/2014,18:47:49,Scott France,FELO with meal 09/25/2014,18:48:14,peterauster,well done! 09/25/2014,18:48:40,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2032.6 m,TEMP :: 3.44214 C 09/25/2014,18:53:41,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2029.2 m,TEMP :: 3.43881 C 09/25/2014,18:55:36,Scott France,ASR 09/25/2014,18:57:06,Scott France,ASR 2 different spp - pinl 6 armed and white short arms 09/25/2014,18:57:14,Scott France,Porcellanasterid like? 09/25/2014,18:57:35,Scott France,COR cup x2 09/25/2014,18:58:42,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2023.5 m,TEMP :: 3.44796 C 09/25/2014,19:03:25,Scott France,CPEN w/ greta view of swimmiong mysid plus OPHs in background 09/25/2014,19:03:38,Scott France,OPHs with very red central disc and pink arms 09/25/2014,19:03:42,Scott France,XEN 09/25/2014,19:03:43,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2021.4 m,TEMP :: 3.45351 C 09/25/2014,19:04:04,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,It keeps kicking us out.... 09/25/2014,19:04:06,Brendan Reser,test 09/25/2014,19:04:10,amandademopoulos,multitasking 09/25/2014,19:04:12,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,COR Cup 09/25/2014,19:04:29,amandademopoulos,nice discussion of the sediment fauna 09/25/2014,19:04:38,Scott France,Thanks! 09/25/2014,19:05:38,Emily Duwan,FSH synaph 09/25/2014,19:07:34,Scott France,CPEN 09/25/2014,19:07:39,Scott France,COR cup 09/25/2014,19:07:52,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Lots of COR cups down there 09/25/2014,19:08:29,Scott France,Ant idea on genus for cup corals? 09/25/2014,19:08:44,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2015.3 m,TEMP :: 3.45650 C 09/25/2014,19:08:45,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,I've seen two definite species go by 09/25/2014,19:08:47,Scott France,*Any 09/25/2014,19:09:00,Scott France,A stampede of urchins URC 09/25/2014,19:09:12,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,One is probably a Caryophyllia of some kind - they settle on tiny pebbles then eventually just live in sediments 09/25/2014,19:09:21,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,It's good to see a high density of them 09/25/2014,19:10:03,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,The other species had a very wide base, so was definitely something different - maybe another species of caryophylla 09/25/2014,19:10:15,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,The sediment dwelling ones have a pointy base 09/25/2014,19:11:03,peterauster,I don't like that term ... 09/25/2014,19:12:42,Scott France,Er… what term? 09/25/2014,19:12:55,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Petering out.... 09/25/2014,19:13:08,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,Nice view of the cup! 09/25/2014,19:13:45,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2015.5 m,TEMP :: 3.45589 C 09/25/2014,19:14:25,Scott France,Ah. Petering out! Oops. We said it again. 09/25/2014,19:14:36,Scott France,ASR 09/25/2014,19:14:59,peterauster,Look ... their ... "Scotting out" 09/25/2014,19:17:12,Scott France,They are "Scooter-ing" over the surface. 09/25/2014,19:18:13,Emily Duwan,FSH synaph 09/25/2014,19:18:46,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2008.8 m,TEMP :: 3.48727 C 09/25/2014,19:19:00,Scott France,COR cup 09/25/2014,19:19:05,Scott France,ASR 09/25/2014,19:19:24,Scott France,CPEN 09/25/2014,19:19:40,Scott France,CPEN ?Anthoptilum 09/25/2014,19:21:31,susanschnur,5 minutes till we have to finish the dive. 09/25/2014,19:21:55,Scott France,FSH Halosaur 09/25/2014,19:21:57,susanschnur,I don't think we'll make it to the cliffs unfortunately 09/25/2014,19:22:16,Emily Duwan,FSH halosauropsis 09/25/2014,19:23:28,Scott France,FSH eel 09/25/2014,19:23:30,Emily Duwan,FSH synaph 09/25/2014,19:23:47,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2004.8 m,TEMP :: 3.48744 C 09/25/2014,19:23:55,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,CORA 09/25/2014,19:24:01,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,OPH at base 09/25/2014,19:24:18,rhianwaller@tethys.gso.uri.edu,two species of OPH 09/25/2014,19:26:19,Scott France,CORA Bathypathes 09/25/2014,19:26:31,Scott France,relatively young colony 09/25/2014,19:26:45,Scott France,I'm afraid we've come to the end of the dive…. 09/25/2014,19:27:00,Scott France,Give me a minute to let you know time of post dive conference call. 09/25/2014,19:28:06,Scott France,We are about to leave bottom. 09/25/2014,19:28:17,Scott France,Conference call will be in 15 minutes from now. 09/25/2014,19:28:47,okexnav,DEPTH :: 2003.1 m,TEMP :: 3.49037 C 09/25/2014,19:28:54,Scott France,Please join us to plan the next couple of days. You can see we need to take into account the ship thruster issues in our dive planning. 09/25/2014,19:31:12,kaseycantwell,we recieved an email from one of our viewers that a group of sea urchins is called a  "vagrant"  09/25/2014,19:31:13,Scott France,1545 EDT for post-dive conference call. See you there. 09/25/2014,19:31:25,Scott France,Wow! A vagrant! 09/25/2014,19:31:44,kaseycantwell,from Martha in MA 09/25/2014,19:33:47,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1973.2 m,TEMP :: 3.51620 C 09/25/2014,19:34:21,briankennedy,Dive planning call 1545 EDT 09/25/2014,19:35:38,susanschnur,Thanks for joining us today. We'll see if we can get you some more hard rock surfaces tomorrow! 09/25/2014,19:38:48,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1839.7 m,TEMP :: 3.75668 C 09/25/2014,19:43:49,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1693.3 m,TEMP :: 3.90006 C 09/25/2014,19:48:50,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1545.8 m,TEMP :: 4.04654 C 09/25/2014,19:53:50,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1396.1 m,TEMP :: 4.21783 C 09/25/2014,19:59:12,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1244.6 m,TEMP :: 4.34946 C 09/25/2014,20:03:52,okexnav,DEPTH :: 1095.9 m,TEMP :: 4.49502 C 09/25/2014,20:08:53,okexnav,DEPTH :: 938.9 m,TEMP :: 4.77606 C 09/25/2014,20:13:54,okexnav,DEPTH :: 790.4 m,TEMP :: 5.45158 C 09/25/2014,20:18:55,okexnav,DEPTH :: 642.6 m,TEMP :: 6.97036 C 09/25/2014,20:23:56,okexnav,DEPTH :: 493.1 m,TEMP :: 9.93622 C 09/25/2014,20:28:57,okexnav,DEPTH :: 339.7 m,TEMP :: 13.74008 C 09/25/2014,20:33:58,okexnav,DEPTH :: 190.5 m,TEMP :: 17.80627 C