09/05/2014,10:39:35,briankennedy, The Okeanos Explorer is currently making final preparations for our first dive of this cruise. This dive will be an engineering trial in the head of Lindenkohl Canyon. The proposed dive site is in about 650 meters of water. The ROV is scheduled to be deployed between 0800-0830 EDT.   09/05/2014,10:41:07,briankennedy,We will start the predive conference call at 0830. 09/05/2014,10:41:14,briankennedy,Expedition Teleconference Line: 1-866-617-5860 , passcode: 1233796  Live Video Feeds: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream_04.html A high resolution version of the main ROV camera feed will be made available to contributing scientists during the ROV dives here:  http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream-full-res.html 09/05/2014,11:35:27,Jamie Austin,Good morning, everyone. This is the Okeanos Explorer. We are on schedule to go into the water at approximately 0800. Weather is beautiful. We will be on the line with everyone at 0830. 09/05/2014,12:11:53,Dwight Coleman,Good morning Jamie, looking forward to the dive. 09/05/2014,12:16:22,Jamie Austin,Hi Dwight! 09/05/2014,12:18:48,Jamie Austin,Hi everyone. We are still troubleshooting on deck, and we have been informed that there are 25 or so commercial/sportfisher-people around us, which has delayed us a bit getting into DP mode. Stay tuned. We will be delaying the call accordingly. As soon as we have a better feel for deck ops, we will give out a new time. It should not be long. 09/05/2014,12:21:25,Catalina Martinez,Good morning Jamie. Great to be back! 09/05/2014,12:21:49,Kasey Cantwell,Good morning All! 09/05/2014,12:23:38,briankennedy,Dive codes ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 09/05/2014,APH - Amphipod 09/05/2014,ART - Arthropod 09/05/2014,ASR - Asteroid 09/05/2014,BAR - Barnacle 09/05/2014,BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 09/05/2014,BIV - Bivalve 09/05/2014,BRA - Brachiopod 09/05/2014,BRY - Bryozoan 09/05/2014,CHI - Chiton 09/05/2014,CLA - Clams 09/05/2014,CNI - Cnidarian 09/05/2014,COP - Copepods 09/05/2014,COR - Coral 09/05/2014,CORA - Antipatharian 09/05/2014,CORL - Lophelia 09/05/2014,CORM - Madrepora 09/05/2014,CORO - Octocoral 09/05/2014,CORP - Paramuricea 09/05/2014,CORS - Stylasterid 09/05/2014,CPEN - Pennatulacean 09/05/2014,CORW - Whip coral 09/05/2014,CRA - Crab 09/05/2014,CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 09/05/2014,CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 09/05/2014,CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 09/05/2014,CRI - Crinoid 09/05/2014,CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 09/05/2014,CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 09/05/2014,CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 09/05/2014,CRIANT - Antedonidae 09/05/2014,CRIZEN - Zenometridae 09/05/2014,CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 09/05/2014,CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 09/05/2014,CRITHA - Thalassometridae 09/05/2014,CTE - Ctenophore 09/05/2014,DAN - Dandelion 09/05/2014,ECN - Echiuran 09/05/2014,EGG - Egg (case) 09/05/2014,FEC - Fecal (matter) 09/05/2014,FSH - Fish 09/05/2014,FCHN - Chondrichthyes 09/05/2014,FCOD - Codlets 09/05/2014,FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 09/05/2014,FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 09/05/2014, FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 09/05/2014, FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 09/05/2014, FLAT – Flatfish 09/05/2014,FOR - Foraminiferan 09/05/2014,GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 09/05/2014,GRO - Gromiid 09/05/2014,HOL - Holutharian 09/05/2014,HYD - Hydroid 09/05/2014,ISO - Isopod 09/05/2014,JFH - Jellyfish 09/05/2014,LAR - Larvacean house 09/05/2014,LIM - Limpets 09/05/2014,LOB - Lobster 09/05/2014,MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 09/05/2014,MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 09/05/2014,MOL - Mollusk 09/05/2014,MUS - Mussels 09/05/2014,NUD - Nudibranch 09/05/2014,OCT - Octopus 09/05/2014,OPH - Ophiuroid 09/05/2014,PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 09/05/2014,POL - Polychaete 09/05/2014,PTE - Pteropod 09/05/2014,PYC - Pycnogonid 09/05/2014,RIF - Riftia 09/05/2014,SAL - Salp 09/05/2014,SCA - Scale (worm) 09/05/2014,SER - Serpulid worm 09/05/2014,SHI - Shrimp 09/05/2014,SPA - Spaghetti Worms 09/05/2014,SPO - Sponge 09/05/2014,SQA - Squat Lobster 09/05/2014,SQD - Squid 09/05/2014,STR - mucus string 09/05/2014,TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 09/05/2014,TUN - Tunicate 09/05/2014,URC - Urchin 09/05/2014,USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 09/05/2014,WOD - Wood 09/05/2014,WOR - Worm 09/05/2014,XEN - Xenophyophoran 09/05/2014,ZOA - Zoanthid Geology BUR - Burrow 09/05/2014,COB - Cobble 09/05/2014,MUD - Mud 09/05/2014,ROC - Rock 09/05/2014,RUB - Rubble 09/05/2014,SAD - Sand 09/05/2014,SED - Sediment 09/05/2014,WAL - Wall Lava Morphology TAL - Talus 09/05/2014,PIL - Pillow 09/05/2014,ENT - Entrail 09/05/2014,LOB - Lobate 09/05/2014,SHE - Sheet 09/05/2014,FOL - Folded 09/05/2014,JUM - Jumbled 09/05/2014,HAC - Hackly Sediment Cover LIG - Light 09/05/2014,POC - Partial/Pockets 09/05/2014,HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 09/05/2014,BLA - Blanket Feature ASG - Axial Summit Graben 09/05/2014,AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 09/05/2014,CAR - Carbonate 09/05/2014,CLI - Cliff 09/05/2014,COL - Collapse 09/05/2014,CON - Contact 09/05/2014,FAU - Fault 09/05/2014,FIS - Fissure 09/05/2014,HAY - Haystack 09/05/2014,HYX - Hydrothermal 09/05/2014,PIL - Pillar 09/05/2014,SCP - Scarp 09/05/2014,SEP - Seep Other ANT - Anthropogenic object (trash, traps lines, etc.) 09/05/2014,12:28:24,Catalina Martinez,All three feeds look great at URI and audio is loud and clear 09/05/2014,12:32:40,Jamie Austin,We will be going into the water in about 10 minutes. We will initiate our call at 0900. Please join us for our first dive onto the eastern flank of Lindenkohl Canyon. 09/05/2014,12:33:50,Jamie Austin,Good morning Catalina! 09/05/2014,12:45:29,Jamie Austin,D2 is in the water. 09/05/2014,12:49:13,Jamie Austin,Seirios is in the water. Heading to 50 m. 09/05/2014,12:50:09,Catalina Martinez,Just confirming that the dive calls still go through the RTS so we can listen in at the ISC without having to tie up a phone line. . ? 09/05/2014,12:53:45,Jamie Austin,We will be on the RTS through the OKEX party line, as well as on the call. 09/05/2014,12:53:54,Jamie Austin,ROV at 35 m. 09/05/2014,12:55:30,Catalina Martinez,Great. Thanks 09/05/2014,12:55:31,Jamie Austin,Holding at 35 m. Checking an A-frame issue. 09/05/2014,12:57:18,Silver Spring ECC,Jamie, I can hear you on OKEX, but not on the telecon 09/05/2014,12:58:07,Silver Spring ECC,awesome- thanks 09/05/2014,12:58:30,Catalina Martinez,Audio through I2 sounds great at URI, as does audio through OKEX 09/05/2014,13:00:35,Jamie Austin,About to connect the conference call. 09/05/2014,13:15:37,Jamie Austin,About to descend. But we have to climb the wall back to our original dive site. The vessel is presently over the main thalweg of the canyohn, in ~1000 m of water. 09/05/2014,13:19:23,Jamie Austin,Moving upslope slowly. D2 at 50 m. Engineering check-out continues. 09/05/2014,13:21:51,Jamie Austin,Passing 100 m. 09/05/2014,13:24:45,Jamie Austin,Passing 200 m. 09/05/2014,13:28:07,Jamie Austin,Passing 300 m. 09/05/2014,13:31:32,Jamie Austin,Passing 400 m. 09/05/2014,13:35:14,Jamie Austin,Passing 500 m. 09/05/2014,13:37:17,Jamie Austin,Pausing at 550 m. Moving upslope. 09/05/2014,13:44:46,Jamie Austin,Bringing the ship to a stop. Getting ready to lower the ROVs to the seafloor. 09/05/2014,13:51:07,Jamie Austin,Approaching the seafloor. 09/05/2014,13:55:52,jesseausubel,lots of marine snow, lots of small translucent fish 09/05/2014,13:57:11,Jamie Austin,Sedimented seafloor. 09/05/2014,13:57:51,jesseausubel,eel feeding in sediment 09/05/2014,13:58:46,Jamie Austin,We will be doing a series of engineering tests at this location - checking the new down-looking digital still camera, strobes installed to work with that camera, troubleshooting the installed CTD system, and working with the "pilot cam". 09/05/2014,13:59:11,bradstevens,crared 09/05/2014,13:59:16,jesseausubel,red crab 09/05/2014,14:00:32,Tim Shank,Good morning. Test one 09/05/2014,14:01:20,Santiago Herrera,good morning 09/05/2014,14:02:03,Tim Shank,ON bottom 09/05/2014,14:02:06,Tim Shank,CRA red 09/05/2014,14:06:40,bradstevens,FELO 09/05/2014,14:06:47,Silver Spring ECC,Hi Everyone - Just a reminder to use a ">" before identifications 09/05/2014,14:06:54,Silver Spring ECC,>FELO 09/05/2014,14:07:19,Silver Spring ECC,this will help with data analysis later 09/05/2014,14:09:21,Tim Shank,Many "eel" fish and squid ....testing 09/05/2014,14:09:34,Tim Shank,>CRAB red 09/05/2014,14:10:55,Jamie Austin,Our water depth is 665 m. 09/05/2014,14:13:18,bradstevens,Red deepsea crab Chaceon quinquedens is fished commercially in this area. Highest densities are at these depths between 500-700 m 09/05/2014,14:26:13,jesseausubel,jeff updates on test dive, auto pilot role 09/05/2014,14:30:27,jesseausubel,discussion of photomosaics 09/05/2014,14:30:45,jesseausubel,quantitative measures using mosiacs 09/05/2014,14:36:05,briankennedy,>SQD 09/05/2014,14:46:25,Scott France ,Morning all - just conducting my own "engineering" tests, making sure all systems are go from my desk. 09/05/2014,14:49:27,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,14:52:07,Scott France ,Hey Jamie! 09/05/2014,14:52:21,Scott France ,Just letting you know I'm listening! 09/05/2014,14:54:12,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD 09/05/2014,14:58:31,Jamie Austin,We are going to move slowly to the NE, ~150 m. 09/05/2014,14:58:42,robertcarney,Mostly testing...video and audio quite good. 09/05/2014,14:59:10,robertcarney,Appreciated 09/05/2014,15:02:55,Tim Shank,test 09/05/2014,15:13:08,robertcarney,>BUR bottom pretty well burrowed but largely obscurred by haze 09/05/2014,15:14:51,robertcarney,>FSH curious 09/05/2014,15:15:13,robertcarney,>CRB 2 09/05/2014,15:15:36,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,15:15:56,robertcarney,>CRB multiple 09/05/2014,15:15:57,bradstevens,>CRARED 2 09/05/2014,15:16:38,bradstevens,>CRARED multi 09/05/2014,15:18:15,bradstevens,>FLAT 09/05/2014,15:18:50,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,15:19:11,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,15:22:36,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,15:23:15,robertcarney,>SED uniform color fine grained burrows lack ejecta 09/05/2014,15:26:11,robertcarney,>SED many crab "footprints" in close-up shots 09/05/2014,15:26:40,bradstevens,>CRARED MULTI 09/05/2014,15:28:03,Scott France ,I have to go teach and so have also had to abandon the conference line for a while. 09/05/2014,15:30:37,bradstevens,Two crabs meeting 09/05/2014,15:30:48,Jamie Austin,Thanks, Scott 09/05/2014,15:32:15,robertcarney,>SED walking crab 1st joint of leg sinks completely into surficial layer of sediment 09/05/2014,15:36:54,bradstevens,where is mosaic view? we only see Live streams 1,2,3 09/05/2014,15:38:39,bradstevens,red crab attacked something. squid? 09/05/2014,15:40:16,bradstevens,Hypothesis: Lights from ROV may be facilitating visual feeding and other behavior that might not occur otherwise. 09/05/2014,15:42:36,bradstevens,Lobster eyes can be damaged by bringing them to surface. ROV lights might do same. 09/05/2014,15:44:19,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD 09/05/2014,15:44:40,bradstevens,Do you have scaling lasers on the ROV today? 09/05/2014,15:45:21,bradstevens,not required, just wondering 09/05/2014,15:46:01,robertcarney,Nice review - Vision in the deep sea - Warrant and Locket Biological Review 2004,vol 79 pp 671-712 09/05/2014,15:47:24,robertcarney,And OE's own work by Edie Widder http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/04deepscope/background/eyeinsea/eyeinsea.html 09/05/2014,15:49:18,Silver Spring ECC,>CRA 09/05/2014,15:56:54,Jamie Austin,Still testing the digital camera. Water depth of the D2 642 m. 09/05/2014,16:07:42,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD school 09/05/2014,16:15:31,Silver Spring ECC,>CRA 09/05/2014,16:26:20,jesseausubel,jesse picked up for Jamie 09/05/2014,16:41:07,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD 09/05/2014,16:43:58,bradstevens,I am monitoring the dive today with a team of 8 graduate students from UMES. We are going to monitor future dives in 2 hr shifts 09/05/2014,16:46:21,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD 09/05/2014,16:48:37,Silver Spring ECC,>CRA 09/05/2014,16:51:12,robertcarney,>BUR burrow cluster 09/05/2014,16:54:36,robertcarney,>>quill worm 09/05/2014,16:55:57,Silver Spring ECC,>CRA 09/05/2014,16:57:21,Silver Spring ECC,>CRA 2 09/05/2014,16:57:40,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD 09/05/2014,16:59:51,Silver Spring ECC,>SQD school 09/05/2014,17:00:54,Silver Spring ECC,are these squid we are seeing commercially fished? 09/05/2014,17:09:10,Jamie Austin,I'm back! 09/05/2014,17:26:38,Silver Spring ECC,>CRA 09/05/2014,17:50:35,Jamie Austin,Still working on photmosaicing equipment and protocols. D2 is still at a water depth of 647 m. 09/05/2014,17:58:35,bradstevens,>CRARED 3 09/05/2014,18:13:33,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,18:17:50,bradstevens,these are probably the same red crabs we've been looking at for a while but I'm going to continue logging them, just for the record 09/05/2014,18:17:56,bradstevens,>CRARED 3 09/05/2014,18:51:09,bradstevens,We need to leave before 5:30, but want to hear the dive planning for Sunday. When/how will that be conducted? 09/05/2014,18:51:54,briankennedy,We are going to extent the dive today to finish up the engineering trials so we will leave the bottom around 1730 EDT 09/05/2014,18:54:43,Jamie Austin,Dive has been extended until ~1730 hrs, off the seafloor. 09/05/2014,18:55:06,bradstevens,look more like euphausids to me 09/05/2014,19:00:50,Jamie Austin,We are currently testing the swing arms on the D2. 09/05/2014,19:05:02,Tim Shank,Looks like they are working well- no audio here 09/05/2014,19:14:42,okeanosexplorer,Your audio is probably ok, Tim. We have not been saying much. 09/05/2014,19:21:49,bradstevens,>CRARED 09/05/2014,19:22:20,bradstevens,>CRARED 2 09/05/2014,19:25:19,bradstevens,>FLAT 09/05/2014,19:33:02,bradstevens,>FELO 09/05/2014,19:36:12,okeanosexplorer,finshed the calibration of new positioning system. Moving the ship so the ROV is in clearer water 09/05/2014,19:40:21,bradstevens,>A galatheid crab - don't know the code 09/05/2014,19:41:07,bradstevens,>SQA (at 3:40) 09/05/2014,19:41:47,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED 09/05/2014,19:45:15,bradstevens,>CRARED several 09/05/2014,19:46:42,bradstevens,>cni 09/05/2014,19:54:48,bradstevens,>CRARED MULTI 09/05/2014,19:55:28,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED 09/05/2014,19:58:34,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED 09/05/2014,19:59:09,Tim Shank,Will there a be a post-dive planning call today? 09/05/2014,20:00:25,okeanosexplorer,yes, Tim. We're coming off the seafloor at about 5:30, so it will be shortly after that. 09/05/2014,20:01:11,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED 09/05/2014,20:03:49,Scott France ,Hi Brad, I wasn't here earlier but if you want dive codes, go to http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/collaboration-tools/im-eventlog/dive-codes.html 09/05/2014,20:06:20,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED 09/05/2014,20:11:51,okeanosexplorer,starting next navigation test, running in a rectangular pattern for five min on each leg 09/05/2014,20:16:36,bradstevens,Thanks, Scott, I have the dive code page open but it took me a while to figure out that galatheids were coded as SQA and I didn't want to miss it. 09/05/2014,20:17:59,bradstevens,either your positioning is really accurate or the gasket population is multiplying 09/05/2014,20:18:48,okeanosexplorer,yes! I think the ENGs are pleased with the positioning 09/05/2014,20:21:10,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED several 09/05/2014,20:24:51,bradstevens,will the post-dive conference be by phone dial-in or over the internet? 09/05/2014,20:25:30,bradstevens,>CRARED multi 09/05/2014,20:25:32,okeanosexplorer,>CRARED 09/05/2014,20:26:23,okeanosexplorer,post-dive conf will be phone-in 09/05/2014,20:28:50,bradstevens,Mating red crabs !!! 09/05/2014,20:33:23,bradstevens,footprint of ROV 09/05/2014,20:53:06,bradstevens,Are you diving Saturday? I thought the next one was Sunday evening. 09/05/2014,20:57:29,Scott France ,Somebodies mic is off... 09/05/2014,20:57:41,Scott France ,Somebody's mic... 09/05/2014,20:58:10,Jamie Austin,That was me, sorry! 09/05/2014,20:59:45,Jamie Austin,We will be diving with VIPs aboard on Sunday and Monday nights. One dive will be on suspected coral habitats within Norfolk Canyon; the second dive will be on seep locations south of Norfolk Canyon. We will be diving in Washington Canyon during the day tomorrow. 09/05/2014,21:06:18,bradstevens,>CRARED MULTI 09/05/2014,21:08:20,bradstevens,we saw a few squat lobsters but they were pretty scarce 09/05/2014,21:15:03,bradstevens,>CRARED MULTI 09/05/2014,21:16:31,bradstevens,red crab FAQ - commercial fishing for this species occurs at a depth of 600 m (2000 ft). I will be on board a red crab boat Sat-Weds fishing near Norfolk Cyn. 09/05/2014,21:29:10,kaseycantwell,>CRARED 09/05/2014,21:29:43,kaseycantwell,>CRARED 09/05/2014,21:29:53,kaseycantwell,>SHI 09/05/2014,21:31:38,kaseycantwell,>SQD 09/05/2014,21:31:49,Scott France ,Changing color as well 09/05/2014,21:32:02,kaseycantwell,>CRARED 09/05/2014,21:32:11,Scott France ,Squid ink probably 09/05/2014,21:33:03,kaseycantwell,>CRARED multi 09/05/2014,21:33:48,briankennedy,6 minutes of bottom time left in the dive 09/05/2014,21:33:52,kaseycantwell,Brian- get some nice pictures we can use for the daily update! 09/05/2014,21:34:06,kaseycantwell,>CRARED 09/05/2014,21:34:34,kaseycantwell,>CRARED 09/05/2014,21:34:55,kaseycantwell,>CRARED 09/05/2014,21:37:11,Scott France ,Siphonophore 09/05/2014,21:38:16,kaseycantwell,do we have a dive code for siphonophores? 09/05/2014,21:38:36,Scott France ,I couldn't find one, which is a bit surprising 09/05/2014,21:38:52,Scott France ,We see enough of them that it would be useful to have a code 09/05/2014,21:38:57,kaseycantwell,me neither ... want to add one? I think we see them enough 09/05/2014,21:39:19,briankennedy,time to leave the bottom 09/05/2014,21:39:21,Scott France ,There is no "SIP" so I suggest we use that. 09/05/2014,21:39:58,kaseycantwell,Lets bring it up on the dive planning call, so the right people that would need to know would be there 09/05/2014,21:40:05,Scott France ,OK 09/05/2014,21:42:42,Scott France ,Did we get a time for the post-dive call? 09/05/2014,21:44:53,briankennedy,1750 09/05/2014,21:45:14,briankennedy,for the conference call 09/05/2014,21:45:18,Scott France ,Thanks 09/05/2014,21:45:33,Scott France ,Just dialed in 09/05/2014,22:18:31,kaseycantwell,SIP is new code for Siphonphores