04/20/2014,13:21:18,okeanosexplorer,Update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer: the current time on board is 0830 and our location is 26d 26' 17.003" N, 93d 19' 329" W. The ship is currently on station preparing the ROV for deployment at Keathley Canyon. The objective of today's dive is to investigate benthic habitats in the canyons, including looking for brine flows and deep sea corals. We are set for an on time deployment. The ROV will be deployed at 0830 and should arrive on bottom at about 2623 m at about 1000. We will have a dive briefing via telecon at 0930. Please join us by dialing: 1-866-617-5860, passcode: 1233796 and tuning into the video online at: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream_04.html 04/20/2014,13:39:08,kelleyelliott,Good morning and Happy Easter everyone! The ROV has been deployed and is descending to the seafloor at 2620m depth for the start of Dive 08 in Keathley Canyon. Today we will climb the east wall of the canyon at an area likely to host natural fluid seeps. The ROV should arrive on bottom at about 1000. We will have a dive briefing via telecon at 0930. Please join us by dialing: 1-866-617-5860, passcode: 1233796 and tuning into the video online at: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream_04.html 04/20/2014, 04/20/2014,13:43:46,michaelvecchione,>pyrosome 04/20/2014,14:29:29,larrymayer@tethys.gso.uri.edu,im listening 04/20/2014,14:31:56,michaelvecchione,conf call audio breakking up badly 04/20/2014,14:36:41,larrymayer@tethys.gso.uri.edu,excellent point by Mike. 04/20/2014,14:42:03,Jamie Austin,passing 2145 m. 04/20/2014,14:42:19,okeanosexplorer,mike is your audio still bad? 04/20/2014,14:46:10,okeanosexplorer, Good morning everyone! This is Stephanie Farrington the Biological Co-Science Lead aboard the Okeanos Explorer. We are trying to make the data coming from this event log easier to process and more useful. We are asking for a slight change to the SOP. If, before you identify or make a comment about the fauna or habitat, you could start your entry with a Carrot (>). All other comments can be kept as normal.  We are trying to find an easy way to filter identification/habitat data from other conversations.  I will be reminding everyone throughout the dives. The Data Management Team aboard the Okeanos Explorer thanks you for your cooperation. 04/20/2014,Taxa >ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 04/20/2014,>APH - Amphipod 04/20/2014,>ART - Arthropod 04/20/2014,>ASR - Asteroid 04/20/2014,>BAR - Barnacle 04/20/2014,>BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 04/20/2014,>BIV - Bivalve 04/20/2014,>BRA - Brachiopod 04/20/2014,>BRY - Bryozoan 04/20/2014,>CHI - Chiton 04/20/2014,>CLA - Clams 04/20/2014,>CNI - Cnidarian 04/20/2014,>COP - Copepods 04/20/2014,>COR - Coral 04/20/2014,>CORA - Antipatharian 04/20/2014,>CORL - Lophelia 04/20/2014,>CORM - Madrepora 04/20/2014,>CORO - Octocoral 04/20/2014,>CORP - Paramuricea 04/20/2014,>CORS - Stylasterid 04/20/2014,>CPEN - Pennatulacean 04/20/2014,>CORW - Whip coral 04/20/2014,>CRA - Crab 04/20/2014,>CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 04/20/2014,>CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 04/20/2014,>CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 04/20/2014,>CRI - Crinoid 04/20/2014,>CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 04/20/2014,>CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 04/20/2014,>CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 04/20/2014,>CRIANT - Antedonidae 04/20/2014,>CRIZEN - Zenometridae 04/20/2014,>CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 04/20/2014,>CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 04/20/2014,>CRITHA - Thalassometridae 04/20/2014,>CTE - Ctenophore 04/20/2014,>DAN - Dandelion 04/20/2014,>ECN - Echiuran 04/20/2014,>EGG - Egg (case) 04/20/2014,>FEC - Fecal (matter) 04/20/2014,>FSH - Fish 04/20/2014,>FCHN - Chondrichthyes 04/20/2014,>FCOD - Codlets 04/20/2014,>FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 04/20/2014,>FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 04/20/2014, , FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 04/20/2014, , FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 04/20/2014, , FLAT – Flatfish 04/20/2014,>FOR - Foraminiferan 04/20/2014,>GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 04/20/2014,>GRO - Gromiid 04/20/2014,>HOL - Holutharian 04/20/2014,>HYD - Hydroid 04/20/2014,>ISO - Isopod 04/20/2014,>JFH - Jellyfish 04/20/2014,>LAR - Larvacean house 04/20/2014,>LIM - Limpets 04/20/2014,>LOB - Lobster 04/20/2014,>MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 04/20/2014,>MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 04/20/2014,>MOL - Mollusk 04/20/2014,>MUS - Mussels 04/20/2014,>NUD - Nudibranch 04/20/2014,>OCT - Octopus 04/20/2014,>OPH - Ophiuroid 04/20/2014,>PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 04/20/2014,>POL - Polychaete 04/20/2014,>PTE - Pteropod 04/20/2014,>PYC - Pycnogonid 04/20/2014,>RIF - Riftia 04/20/2014,>SAL - Salp 04/20/2014,>SCA - Scale (worm) 04/20/2014,>SER - Serpulid worm 04/20/2014,>SHI - Shrimp 04/20/2014,>SPA - Spaghetti Worms 04/20/2014,>SPO - Sponge 04/20/2014,>SQA - Squat Lobster 04/20/2014,>SQD - Squid 04/20/2014,>STR - mucus string 04/20/2014,>TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 04/20/2014,>TUN - Tunicate 04/20/2014,>URC - Urchin 04/20/2014,>USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 04/20/2014,>WOD - Wood 04/20/2014,>WOR - Worm 04/20/2014,>XEN - Xenophyophoran 04/20/2014,>ZOA - Zoanthid 04/20/2014, Geology >BUR - Burrow 04/20/2014,>COB - Cobble 04/20/2014,>MUD - Mud 04/20/2014,>ROC - Rock 04/20/2014,>RUB - Rubble 04/20/2014,>SAD - Sand 04/20/2014,>SED - Sediment 04/20/2014,>WAL - Wall 04/20/2014,Lava Morphology >TAL - Talus 04/20/2014,>PIL - Pillow 04/20/2014,>ENT - Entrail 04/20/2014,>LOB - Lobate 04/20/2014,>SHE - Sheet 04/20/2014,>FOL - Folded 04/20/2014,>JUM - Jumbled 04/20/2014,>HAC - Hackly 04/20/2014, Sediment Cover >LIG - Light 04/20/2014,>POC - Partial/Pockets 04/20/2014,>HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 04/20/2014,>BLA - Blanket 04/20/2014,Feature >ASG - Axial Summit Graben 04/20/2014,>AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 04/20/2014,>CAR - Carbonate 04/20/2014,>CLI - Cliff 04/20/2014,>COL - Collapse 04/20/2014,>CON - Contact 04/20/2014,>FAU - Fault 04/20/2014,>FIS - Fissure 04/20/2014,>HAY - Haystack 04/20/2014,>HYX - Hydrothermal 04/20/2014,>PIL - Pillar 04/20/2014,>SCP - Scarp 04/20/2014,>SEP - Seep 04/20/2014,Other >ANT - Anthropogenic object (trash, traps lines, etc.) 04/20/2014,14:51:58,amandademopoulos,good morning EX! 04/20/2014,14:52:03,kelleyelliott,Welcome all - just a note that on Thursday we had 400,000 hits to the live video feeds. I haven't received an update since but our viewership continues to grow. Please keep doing what you're doing, and providing context and information for the folks on shore. 04/20/2014,14:52:17,okeanosexplorer,Hi Amanda! 04/20/2014,14:52:22,amandademopoulos,wow that's great kelley 04/20/2014,14:52:34,amandademopoulos,hi steph 04/20/2014,14:52:36,kelleyelliott,Happy Easter, Amanda! 04/20/2014,14:52:43,kelleyelliott,(and all) 04/20/2014,14:53:08,Jamie Austin,passing 2430 m. 04/20/2014,14:54:06,amandademopoulos,happy easter everyone-hope you all gets some chocolate bunnies 04/20/2014,14:54:34,danwarren,Good morning everyone. Bill we have set down similar experiments in several wrecks around the gulf at various depths. The earliers were set on the U-166 site in 2003. We found that in about 6 years most of the wood on the U-166 platforms was gone. We recently recovered one of these platforms and it is currently being analyzed. We hope to recover the experiments from the wooden hull wrecks in the upcoming years. 04/20/2014,14:54:34,okeanosexplorer,26 17.3222N 93 19.3159 W 2456 m 4.30deg 34.96PSU 04/20/2014,14:55:44,amandademopoulos,did you put the experiments in bioboxes, Dan? 04/20/2014,14:56:03,okeanosexplorer,2500 m 04/20/2014,14:56:39,amandademopoulos,hi front row! 04/20/2014,14:57:35,Bill Kiene,Interesting Dan. I'll be interested in the results. So far the different wood types seem to be responding very differently. Fascinating how the critters find and establish on the wood. 04/20/2014,14:57:46,okeanosexplorer,between WP 1 and WP 2, Avg Slope is 11 deg. between WP2 and WP 3 the Avg slope is 2 deg. between WP 3 and WP 4, Avg slope is 11 deg. We expect sea floor at 2640 m. 04/20/2014,14:58:05,danwarren,Amanda, the samples were placed on platfoms designed by Roy Cullimore and Lori Johnston of Droycon BioConcepts. They have been working on studying the preservation of the wrecks since we first explored the U-166 in 2003. 04/20/2014,14:58:59,amandademopoulos,so how were they recovered? or are they still in situe 04/20/2014,14:59:00,amandademopoulos,in situ 04/20/2014,14:59:38,amandademopoulos,or is that proprietary information :) 04/20/2014,15:00:33,danwarren,When we went to U-166 in 2010 those were the platforms we looked at on the stern and bow. You were out there on that cruise. They were designed to be recovered with an ROV and placed in the recovery basket. They were able to bring one up and the other is still on the site. 04/20/2014,15:01:05,amandademopoulos,all a blur :) but yes i thought that they were "easily" recovered 04/20/2014,15:01:19,danwarren,They were brought up with very little disturbance to the organisms and growths on the platforms. 04/20/2014,15:02:08,okeanosexplorer,2635 m 04/20/2014,15:02:08,amandademopoulos,did anyone get a good zoom on the carpet of "worms" on the hids yesterday? any distinguishing characters that help ID them as polychaetes? 04/20/2014,15:02:29,okeanosexplorer,bottom in sight 04/20/2014,15:05:02,okeanosexplorer,Amanda- we have clips of it. It usually takes 24 hours for the video guys to get clips on to the FTP. The time we saw those was 6:33 pm UTC. You can download them as soon as they are posted 04/20/2014, 04/20/2014,15:05:10,robertcarney,Good Morning I can't participate much today But wanted to say that OER actually supported deployment of >100 high biomass experiments mostly in the deep Gulf. They were colonized by tube worms and a "shipwreck" clam new to science. 04/20/2014,15:05:28,amandademopoulos,ok thanks! 04/20/2014,15:06:41,Jamie Austin,rippled seafloor 04/20/2014,15:07:40,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,15:08:13,amandademopoulos,bob, were they vestimentiferans, or worms in tubes, like sabellids? 04/20/2014,15:08:47,robertcarney,Lamellibrachia up to 500 in one device 04/20/2014,15:08:59,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,15:09:02,amandademopoulos,ok thx 04/20/2014,15:09:08,amandademopoulos,500! wowza 04/20/2014,15:10:05,michaelvecchione,>echiuran trace 04/20/2014,15:10:11,amandademopoulos,radial trace >ECH ? echiuran? 04/20/2014,15:10:18,okeanosexplorer,Heading E and up slope. 04/20/2014,15:12:47,michaelvecchione,>CTE 04/20/2014,15:17:20,amandademopoulos,>FSH r 04/20/2014,15:19:23,Jamie Austin,mre rippled seafloor 04/20/2014,15:22:40,michaelvecchione,>HO: 04/20/2014,15:22:47,michaelvecchione,HOL 04/20/2014,15:23:34,amandademopoulos,we saw these linear features on earlier dives, but it is really long and straight for biogenic feature 04/20/2014,15:24:11,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,15:26:40,Jamie Austin,small outcrop - float from higher on the slope? 04/20/2014,15:28:50,michaelvecchione,you could mention that pteropods are a "canary in the coal mine" for ocean acidification because aragonite dissolves easily at slightly reduced pH. 04/20/2014,15:28:56,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,15:31:22,michaelvecchione,>HOL Enypniastes 04/20/2014,15:33:20,robertcarney,"Deballast" is a better term 04/20/2014,15:34:02,robertcarney,>Holo video showed podia in posterior lateral fins being used to walk 04/20/2014,15:34:25,robertcarney,>Enypniastes is cosmopolitan in deep ocean 04/20/2014,15:34:32,michaelvecchione,The whole animal is bioluminescent. It lights up if disturbed. 04/20/2014,15:34:52,amandademopoulos,so should we turn the lights off :) 04/20/2014,15:35:32,amandademopoulos,>ECH trace 04/20/2014,15:36:23,michaelvecchione,We would not be able to see bioluminescence with a color HD camera. Not sensitive enough. 04/20/2014,15:37:02,amandademopoulos,i know, mike, just thought it would be something to talk about 04/20/2014,15:37:35,michaelvecchione,Lighting up in response to a predator is calle a "burgler alarm". It calls a bigger predator to come eat whatever is bothering the luminescent animal. 04/20/2014,15:37:45,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,15:38:48,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,15:40:07,amandademopoulos,ok, i'm out to lunch, literally. best wishes 04/20/2014,15:44:43,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,15:49:03,michaelvecchione,Easter Bunny 04/20/2014,15:50:46,danwarren,Are the striations were seeing the result of downward sediment movements? 04/20/2014,15:51:44,michaelvecchione,I1 feed intermittant. Keeps locking up. 04/20/2014,15:52:06,danwarren,Thanks 04/20/2014,15:52:22,okeanosexplorer,sorry mike. it should come back soon. sometimes if you refresh it helps 04/20/2014,15:53:49,michaelvecchione,>FSH Bathysaurus 04/20/2014,15:55:01,michaelvecchione,see if you can get a closeup of the eyeshine (tapetum) 04/20/2014,15:55:38,danwarren,sharp looking teeth 04/20/2014,15:56:52,michaelvecchione,The tapetum allows light to pass through the retina twice, allowing twice as likely detection of each photon. 04/20/2014,15:58:25,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,16:00:15,michaelvecchione,odd pattern of alternating holes. 04/20/2014,16:03:11,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,16:08:51,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,16:09:52,Jamie Austin,Increasing speed to 0.3 kt. 04/20/2014,16:10:28,robertcarney,HOLO Benthodytes typica 04/20/2014,16:11:24,robertcarney,>HOLO Benthodytes typica common at these depths 04/20/2014,16:13:09,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,16:15:25,michaelvecchione,>POL swimming 04/20/2014,16:15:59,michaelvecchione,>echiuran trace 04/20/2014,16:18:07,michaelvecchione,>FSH tripod 04/20/2014,16:18:29,michaelvecchione,different species than before 04/20/2014,16:19:47,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,16:20:36,Jamie Austin,rippled seafloor 04/20/2014,16:21:59,Jamie Austin,ripples gone 04/20/2014,16:22:31,michaelvecchione,>ANE 04/20/2014,16:22:35,Jamie Austin,little hardround outcrop with sponge on top of it 04/20/2014,16:22:37,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,16:23:36,michaelvecchione,>OPH 04/20/2014,16:24:45,Jamie Austin,ripples again 04/20/2014,16:25:09,Jamie Austin,seafloor composed of coarser grained sediment 04/20/2014,16:25:10,danwarren,small carbonate fragments 04/20/2014,16:26:10,danwarren,These ripples seem lager 04/20/2014,16:27:25,Jamie Austin,ripples pronounced 04/20/2014,16:27:43,michaelvecchione,I don't think we have seen any rays, skates, sharks or chimeras on this cruise yet. 04/20/2014,16:28:22,michaelvecchione,>FSH tripod 04/20/2014,16:30:30,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,16:30:57,danwarren,Would the present of the sponges suggest subsurface hard substrates? 04/20/2014,16:32:23,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,16:34:06,Bill Kiene,resting place or a feeding trace? 04/20/2014,16:37:06,michaelvecchione,>ANE 04/20/2014,16:37:39,michaelvecchione,>OPH? or ASR? 04/20/2014,16:38:21,Jamie Austin,no ripples 04/20/2014,16:38:42,Jamie Austin,correction - faint rippling 04/20/2014,16:43:12,michaelvecchione,>FSH This is what I thought was a snailfish, but may be an unusual rattail. 04/20/2014,16:44:07,michaelvecchione,We have been trying to get a confirmation on the ID. 04/20/2014,16:44:43,michaelvecchione,>HOL Enypniastes 04/20/2014,16:50:00,Andrea Quattrini,Good morning Okeanos! 04/20/2014,16:50:18,okeanosexplorer,hi andrea... Welcome to the beach 04/20/2014,16:50:43,Andrea Quattrini,all soft sediment so far? Any corals? 04/20/2014,16:51:05,Andrea Quattrini,>CRI 04/20/2014,16:51:57,okeanosexplorer,no coral... just a few fish, shrimp, cri, HOL, not much else 04/20/2014,16:52:46,michaelvecchione,>SHI and HOL fecal mass 04/20/2014,16:52:56,Andrea Quattrini,>ASR 04/20/2014,16:54:13,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,16:56:23,Bill Kiene,Sorry, it was me going off the call. I'll follow as I can and join later. 04/20/2014,16:57:22,okeanosexplorer,No worries... 04/20/2014,16:57:25,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,16:59:24,michaelvecchione,>trash 04/20/2014,17:02:57,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,17:06:25,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,17:06:56,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,17:11:58,michaelvecchione,We haven't seen any squids that whales might be chasing. 04/20/2014,17:12:30,michaelvecchione,>JHF Solmissus? 04/20/2014,17:13:59,michaelvecchione,The squid (Leachia) was during transit between shipwrecks. 04/20/2014,17:15:27,michaelvecchione,Actually, there has been surprisingly little nekton on this cruise compared to previous OkEx cruises. Few cephalopods, no chondrichyans, low diversity of bony fishes. 04/20/2014,17:16:05,danwarren,We have seen several squids near other wrecks in the Gulf, especially around the U-166 04/20/2014,17:16:40,Jamie Austin,no rippling here 04/20/2014,17:17:04,michaelvecchione,looked like a sinker 04/20/2014,17:17:23,michaelvecchione,discarded feeding structure fro a larvacean. 04/20/2014,17:17:50,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,17:20:29,Jamie Austin,gently rippled here - orientation generally the same - N-S. 04/20/2014,17:26:45,Andrea Quattrini,>CER 04/20/2014,17:27:49,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,17:28:24,michaelvecchione,>circle of holes 04/20/2014,17:29:02,robertcarney,>BUR hole ring 04/20/2014,17:30:23,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,17:31:55,michaelvecchione,>SHI multiple 04/20/2014,17:34:22,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,17:34:59,michaelvecchione,>HOL Enypniastes 04/20/2014,17:35:58,robertcarney,> HOL Enypniastes "Snarfling" 04/20/2014,17:36:20,michaelvecchione,rippling of skin from water flow. 04/20/2014,17:36:25,Andrea Quattrini,snarfing! 04/20/2014,17:37:29,michaelvecchione,nice video 04/20/2014,17:39:14,robertcarney,> compare with older Jason video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PdRt31FqDc 04/20/2014,17:39:21,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,17:44:11,michaelvecchione,>HOL Enyp 04/20/2014,17:44:27,michaelvecchione,>FSH tripod 04/20/2014,17:45:25,michaelvecchione,That's unusual 04/20/2014,17:46:36,michaelvecchione,don't often see tripods up swimming around 04/20/2014,17:47:46,michaelvecchione,ziptie? 04/20/2014,17:47:59,Andrea Quattrini,i thought plastic- 04/20/2014,17:48:43,Jamie Austin,no ripples 04/20/2014,17:50:40,michaelvecchione,>POL swimming 04/20/2014,17:56:21,michaelvecchione,Daphne Fautin says that many spp of anamone use the flytrap morphology. 04/20/2014,17:58:13,michaelvecchione,>FSH tripod 04/20/2014,18:00:01,Andrea Quattrini,has anyone witnessed the beaked whale behavior? 04/20/2014,18:01:09,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:02:32,michaelvecchione,as far as I know, the "behavior" has only been inferred by comparing the size of gauges in the sediment (in the Med) with the size of the jaw of a beaked whale. 04/20/2014,18:02:47,Andrea Quattrini,interesting…. 04/20/2014,18:02:48,michaelvecchione,>HOL Enypniastes 04/20/2014,18:03:42,okeanosexplorer,so... it is a theory? no actual visual documentation of it? 04/20/2014,18:03:51,okeanosexplorer,interesting 04/20/2014,18:04:16,Jamie Austin,pronounced boundary between unrippled and rippled (sllghtly higher) seafloor 04/20/2014,18:04:21,michaelvecchione,We saw some larger gauges two years ago in Mississippi Canyon where sperm whales feed and there were large squids near bottom there. 04/20/2014,18:04:29,michaelvecchione,>FSH rattail 04/20/2014,18:04:46,okeanosexplorer,oh ok. thats cool 04/20/2014,18:05:36,michaelvecchione,sperm whales dive to over 1 KM but probably not this deep. 04/20/2014,18:06:07,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,18:06:22,michaelvecchione,Benthothuria? 04/20/2014,18:07:27,robertcarney,Yes Benthothuria. They turn into blue slime when trawled 04/20/2014,18:07:49,michaelvecchione,There are Architeuthis in the GoMex 04/20/2014,18:08:35,Andrea Quattrini,>FSH 04/20/2014,18:08:35,michaelvecchione,>FSH 04/20/2014,18:08:48,Andrea Quattrini, macrourid 04/20/2014,18:09:02,michaelvecchione,NOAA caught one a couple of years ago. It is now at the Smithsonian. 04/20/2014,18:10:13,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,18:11:28,michaelvecchione,>HOL Enyp 04/20/2014,18:15:52,michaelvecchione,>POL swimming 04/20/2014,18:16:11,Andrea Quattrini,this is not a royal red 04/20/2014,18:20:07,Andrea Quattrini,>ASR 04/20/2014,18:23:35,michaelvecchione,>SPO & SHI 04/20/2014,18:26:26,robertcarney,>HOL Benthodytes typica 04/20/2014,18:26:57,michaelvecchione,>FSH tripod 04/20/2014,18:30:10,michaelvecchione,>FSH 04/20/2014,18:30:55,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:31:46,Jamie Austin,rippled sediment boundary with slightly lower flatter seaflor 04/20/2014,18:32:07,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:34:17,michaelvecchione,>closeup of SHI Plesiopenaeus 04/20/2014,18:35:40,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:38:22,michaelvecchione,>FSH tripod 04/20/2014,18:39:09,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:43:55,michaelvecchione,>OPH 04/20/2014,18:44:10,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,18:44:18,michaelvecchione,>ANE 04/20/2014,18:46:07,michaelvecchione,attached to sponge stalk 04/20/2014,18:46:27,michaelvecchione,dead hexactinellid 04/20/2014,18:46:45,Jamie Austin,two anemones on a stalk of a glass sponge? 04/20/2014,18:49:10,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,18:49:51,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:52:04,michaelvecchione,>ANE X2 on dead SPO stalk 04/20/2014,18:55:11,michaelvecchione,>echiuran trace 04/20/2014,18:55:25,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:56:20,michaelvecchione,>FSH tiny 04/20/2014,18:56:41,robertcarney,The echiuran "story" is that they stay in one place. Vertical and horizontal detritus flux keeps the food supply renewed. There are shallow specis that are better known. 04/20/2014,18:57:00,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,18:59:51,robertcarney,Basic deep GoM biogeography was established in the 60's and early 70's buy ONR-funded deep trawling at TAMU by the late Willis Pequegnat and his students. It was before EEZ restricts and samples were thaken far and wide. MMS subsequently funded two large general surveys as well as a series of seep and coral projects. 04/20/2014,19:00:57,robertcarney,I should say Willis, his wife Linda, and his students. Linda is still alive and lives about a city block from Scripps in La Jolla. 04/20/2014,19:03:19,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,19:05:42,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:07:24,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:08:58,Jamie Austin,Pilots are feeling some current oriented roughly downslope. 04/20/2014,19:09:14,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:10:18,michaelvecchione,SPO + echiuran 04/20/2014,19:11:37,michaelvecchione,>OPH 04/20/2014,19:12:42,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:14:15,michaelvecchione,>HOL Benthothuria 04/20/2014,19:16:03,robertcarney,During 1st big deep survey MMS funded > 40,000 35mm bottom shots were taken. They have now been digitized. 04/20/2014,19:19:18,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:21:44,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:22:07,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:24:15,michaelvecchione,>PAG 04/20/2014,19:25:57,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:26:00,Andrea Quattrini,>CORO dead bamboo lepidisis morph 04/20/2014,19:26:38,Jamie Austin,complexly rippled seafloor 04/20/2014,19:27:25,michaelvecchione,>SPO + ANE + SHI 04/20/2014,19:28:18,Jamie Austin,slightly more consolidated clumps of sediment at the seafloor 04/20/2014,19:28:57,michaelvecchione,>SPO + ANE 04/20/2014,19:29:58,Andrea Quattrini,depth? 04/20/2014,19:31:08,Andrea Quattrini,2290 m? 04/20/2014,19:32:02,Andrea Quattrini,depth 2308 m t 04/20/2014,19:32:03,Andrea Quattrini,thanks 04/20/2014,19:32:23,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:33:02,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:33:10,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:33:57,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:34:52,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:35:11,michaelvecchione,>SHI 04/20/2014,19:38:16,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:41:02,Brendan Roark,It is very hard to determine sponge ages using radiometric techniques, thus the lack of an answer— sorry 04/20/2014,19:44:40,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:48:28,michaelvecchione,What did Mary call it? 04/20/2014,19:48:43,okeanosexplorer,hyalinoecia 04/20/2014,19:48:48,michaelvecchione,thanks 04/20/2014,19:49:01,okeanosexplorer,but check my spelling... i think i got it right but cant be 100% 04/20/2014,19:49:38,michaelvecchione,>HOL Benthothuria 04/20/2014,19:50:49,michaelvecchione,>HOL 04/20/2014,19:55:51,michaelvecchione,>Argonaut egg case 04/20/2014,19:57:01,michaelvecchione,not a shell. an egg case 04/20/2014,19:57:46,michaelvecchione,a female pelagic octopod lives in it 04/20/2014,19:58:21,michaelvecchione,they live very near rhe surface 04/20/2014,19:59:12,Andrea Quattrini,looks like a shark fin in the sediment:) 04/20/2014,19:59:19,michaelvecchione,>SPO 04/20/2014,19:59:25,Jamie Austin,outcrop! 04/20/2014,19:59:54,Andrea Quattrini,>CORO 04/20/2014,20:00:45,Andrea Quattrini,>OPH 04/20/2014,20:00:51,Andrea Quattrini,can you get a better zoom? 04/20/2014,20:01:23,Andrea Quattrini,barnacles or an oph? 04/20/2014,20:01:42,Andrea Quattrini,oh nevermind~ 04/20/2014,20:02:07,Andrea Quattrini,ok. good. thanks 04/20/2014,20:07:02,Andrea Quattrini,CORO, likely Paramuricea but polyps look long- hard to tell 04/20/2014,20:07:23,okeanosexplorer,they were only on the left side of the fan... did you see that 04/20/2014,20:07:46,Andrea Quattrini,yes, i did. which is not like Paramuricea or Acanthogorgia~ 04/20/2014,20:09:10,Jamie Austin,hummocky topography - hardgrounds and intervening depressions 04/20/2014,20:15:20,Andrea Quattrini,>SHI 04/20/2014,20:15:23,Andrea Quattrini,>SPO several 04/20/2014,20:19:24,Jamie Austin,nice example of authigenic, carbonate(?) hardgrounds with cavernous porosity. 04/20/2014,20:30:02,kelleyelliott,Hi All - we'll have our science debriefing/planning call at 1545 Central 04/20/2014,20:30:49,kelleyelliott,Join us by dialing 1-866-617-5860, passcode: 1233796 and tuning into the video online at: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/media/exstream/exstream_04.html