08/15/2013,10:56:34,Catalina Martinez,Good morning EX - Feed 1 is black with logo. Please switch 08/15/2013,11:04:27,Catalina Martinez,thank you! 08/15/2013,12:13:17,Shank Lab,Good morning All! 08/15/2013,12:19:02,briankennedy, Good morning all, There is a long line of fishing gear right across our dive site so we are going to be delayed while we change positions. The ROV will most likely be deployed between 9:30 and 10. 08/15/2013,12:39:35,briankennedy,we are making better time to the new dive site so the ROV will be launched sooner that was stated earlier 08/15/2013,12:47:26,briankennedy,ROV in the water 08/15/2013,12:51:20,James Austin,Good morning everyone from the ISC! 08/15/2013,13:03:47,Tim Shank,Good morning all from WHOI - Tim Shank, Taylor Heyl, and Kelly Williams here 08/15/2013,13:04:19,Tim Shank,Good morning Jamie. Who else is there with you this morning. 08/15/2013,13:04:38,James Austin,Just me here today, I think! 08/15/2013,13:06:06,jasonchaytor,Good morning all 08/15/2013,13:06:14,Tim Shank,SEeing SAL and siphonophores at 500m 08/15/2013,13:06:23,Tim Shank,Good morning Jason 08/15/2013,13:06:58,James Austin,Good morning, Jason! 08/15/2013,13:06:59,Tim Shank,I think we are a little late in given fishing gear…had to move a little. Positioning ship as we traverse in the water column 08/15/2013,13:08:12,jasonchaytor,Great it will give my eventlog computer time to start up...looks like it is giving up a day early 08/15/2013,13:09:34,Tim Shank,Very abundant SAL and sipohonophores WOW - dense layer 08/15/2013,13:10:10,Tim Shank,Will have to find out what our expected target landing depth will be 08/15/2013,13:10:27,Tim Shank,long Sophonophores….. 08/15/2013,13:10:34,Tim Shank,FSH snipe? eels 08/15/2013,13:10:40,Tim Shank,SHI 08/15/2013,13:12:15,Tim Shank,655m 08/15/2013,13:12:24,Tim Shank,holding at 655m 08/15/2013,13:12:30,James Austin,Think the expected start of dive depth is slightly less than 1400 m. 08/15/2013,13:12:35,Taylor Heyl,WHOI start recording EX1304L2_ROV14_1.ts 08/15/2013,13:12:56,Tim Shank,Agreed. That was the original target (1390m). 08/15/2013,13:13:48,Tim Shank,645m 08/15/2013,13:14:04,Taylor Heyl,Waypoints for today's dive: 08/15/2013,13:14:06,Taylor Heyl, 08/15/2013,WP1 08/15/2013,40.09169 08/15/2013,-68.4727 08/15/2013,Depth 1388.67 08/15/2013,WP2 08/15/2013,40.09175 08/15/2013,-68.474 08/15/2013,Depth 1326.58 08/15/2013,WP3 08/15/2013,40.09275 08/15/2013,-68.4754 08/15/2013,Depth 1307.94 08/15/2013,WP4 08/15/2013,40.09377 08/15/2013,-68.4772 08/15/2013,Depth 1253.59 08/15/2013,WP5 08/15/2013,40.0953 08/15/2013,-68.4787 08/15/2013,Depth 1203.84 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,13:14:12,Tim Shank,Dive codes below: 08/15/2013,8:31 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,STR - mucus string 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FEC - Fecal (matter) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,EGG - Egg (case) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,Taxa 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FOR - Foraminiferan 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,GRO - Gromiid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,XEN - Xenophyophoran 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SPO - Sponge 08/15/2013,SPODEM - Demospongiae 08/15/2013,SPOHEX - 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,BRA - Brachiopod 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,BRY - Bryozoan 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,TUN - Tunicate 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SAL - Salp 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,LAR - Larvacean house 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ECN - Echiuran (or radial feeding trace) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CTE - Ctenophore 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CNI - Cnidarian 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,HYD - Hydroid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,JFH - Jellyfish 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 08/15/2013,        CER- Cerianthid (tube anemone) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ZOA - Zoanthid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,COR - Coral 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORA - Antipatharian 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORL - Lophelia 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORM - Madrepora 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORG - Gorgonian 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORP - Paramuricea 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORS - Stylasterid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CPEN - Pennatulacean 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CORW - Whip coral 08/15/2013,       CORANT- Anthomastus 08/15/2013,Echinoderm 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ASR - Asteroid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,HOL - Holothurian 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRI - Crinoid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIANT - Antedonidae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIZEN - Zenometridae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRITHA - Thalassometridae 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,OPH - Ophiuroid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,URC - Urchin 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ART - Arthropod 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,PYC - Pycnogonid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,COP - Copepods 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRA - Crab 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,LOB - Lobster 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SQA - Squat Lobster 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SHI - Shrimp 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,BAR - Barnacle 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,APH - Amphipod 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ISO - Isopod 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,MOL - Mollusk 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,MUS - Mussels 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,NUD - Nudibranch 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,OCT - Octopus 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SQD - Squid 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,LIM - Limpets 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CHI - Chiton 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CLA - Clams 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,PTE - Pteropod 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FSH - Fish 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FCHN - Chondrichthyes 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FCOD - Codlets 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,       FLAT -  Flatfish 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,WOR - Worm 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,POL - Polychaete 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SCA - Scale (worm) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SER - Serpulid worm 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,RIF - Riftia 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SPA - Spaghetti Worms 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,Geology 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,BUR - Burrow 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,COB - Cobble 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,MUD - Mud 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ROC - Rock 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,RUB - Rubble 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SAD - Sand 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SED - Sediment 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,WAL - Wall 08/15/2013,WOD - Wood 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,Lava Morphology 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,TAL - Talus 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,PIL - Pillow 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ENT - Entrail 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,LOB - Lobate 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SHE - Sheet 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FOL - Folded 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,JUM - Jumbled 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,HAC - Hackly 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,Sediment Cover 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,LIG - Light 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,POC - Partial/Pockets 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,BLA - Blanket 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,Feature 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,ASG - Axial Summit Graben 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CAR - Carbonate 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CLI - Cliff 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,COL - Collapse 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,CON - Contact 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FAU - Fault 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,FIS - Fissure 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,HAY - Haystack 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,HYX - Hydrothermal 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,PIL - Pillar 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SCP - Scarp 08/15/2013, 08/15/2013,SEP - Seep 08/15/2013,13:14:52,Taylor Heyl,Depth 636 meters 08/15/2013,13:18:37,briankennedy, We are holding descend to maneuver the ship in order to avoid some drifting fishing gear. It is unclear how long it will take to get around it 08/15/2013,13:20:40,amandademopoulos,grab a cup of coffee and standby 08/15/2013,13:20:54,Taylor Heyl,Thanks Amanda....was just thinking that :-) 08/15/2013,13:24:52,amandademopoulos,we are going to do a simulated midwater transect at ~ 800 m while we stream and move away from fishing gear 08/15/2013,13:29:30,Webb Pinner,what client is Mike using 08/15/2013,13:29:41,jasonchaytor,Pidgin 08/15/2013,13:30:06,Scott France ,Good morning! 08/15/2013,13:30:15,Catalina Martinez,We have not been able to use IM on URI wireless 08/15/2013,13:30:23,jasonchaytor,Morning scott 08/15/2013,13:30:49,Scott France ,Looking forward to more exciting rocks! 08/15/2013,13:31:02,Scott France ,Oh, and corals. 08/15/2013,13:31:32,jasonchaytor,I thought we had a convert for a minute there 08/15/2013,13:31:53,Scott France ,Hey, I own at least two Roadside Geology books! 08/15/2013,13:33:55,jasonchaytor,That might be more than me! 08/15/2013,13:34:20,michaelvecchione,I am now (obviously) on and functioning. 08/15/2013,13:35:13,marthanizinski,starting midwater transect at 1334 UTC 08/15/2013,13:35:29,marthanizinski,800 m depth 08/15/2013,13:35:30,michaelvecchione,Lophogastrid 08/15/2013,13:39:27,marthanizinski,lobate CTE 08/15/2013,13:43:02,marthanizinski,cydipid 08/15/2013,13:52:09,marthanizinski,JFH 08/15/2013,13:52:21,Scott France ,JFH Solmissus ? 08/15/2013,13:54:49,marthanizinski,salps 08/15/2013,14:09:47,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,14:12:55,Scott France ,Siphonophore 08/15/2013,14:15:26,briankennedy,the fish gear is has been cleared and it will be about a hour back to the dive site. 08/15/2013,14:15:47,Webb Pinner,thanks... Dave L. just explain it to me too 08/15/2013,14:16:16,Catalina Martinez,Thanks for the update 08/15/2013,14:22:00,marthanizinski,siphonophore 08/15/2013,14:24:17,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,14:25:37,Scott France ,Solitary salp? 08/15/2013,14:28:00,Scott France ,SQD 08/15/2013,14:28:03,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,14:29:25,Scott France ,SQD 08/15/2013,14:29:57,Scott France ,Good place for it! 08/15/2013,14:31:27,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,14:31:50,Scott France ,JFH Solmissus 08/15/2013,14:34:24,Scott France ,JFH Solmissus 08/15/2013,14:34:31,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,14:34:41,briankennedy,ETA on bottom is 12:00EDT 08/15/2013,14:41:22,jasonchaytor,Will there be a change in off bottom time? 08/15/2013,14:42:20,briankinlan,Pretty please?? With a cherry on top??? 08/15/2013,14:43:22,Scott France ,Was that a medusae of some kind? i.e. JFH 08/15/2013,14:43:31,Scott France ,Heavily pigmented 08/15/2013,14:47:37,Scott France ,JFH Solmissus 08/15/2013,14:51:20,Scott France ,Not yet! 08/15/2013,14:51:29,Scott France ,But the phone is standing by... 08/15/2013,15:07:52,Scott France ,Just checking: ETA to bottom is about noon EDT. Is that the same time the conference line is unavailable to science? Just trying to plan when I should dial in. 08/15/2013,15:11:15,Catalina Martinez,Hey Scott - from Amanda's email for today's dive: "The conference call line will be down for approximately 25 minutes tomorrow between 1225 and 1250 to accommodate a live interaction with the Smithsonian Institution. The IM chat and RTS feeds will remain operable." 08/15/2013,15:11:46,Catalina Martinez,My guess is that the time is not going to change, but someone on the ship can confirm 08/15/2013,15:13:31,Scott France ,Thanks Cat. 08/15/2013,15:26:05,Scott France ,Solitary salps 08/15/2013,15:26:12,Scott France ,or a busted chain 08/15/2013,15:29:09,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,15:29:15,Scott France ,CTE beroid 08/15/2013,15:33:43,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,15:36:54,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,15:38:30,Scott France ,SHI 08/15/2013,15:44:13,briankennedy,There is more fishing gear in the way 08/15/2013,15:57:08,James Austin,Rough idea of new time on the seafloor? 08/15/2013,16:05:08,Scott France ,Music to my ears! 08/15/2013,16:06:38,Catalina Martinez,Ship coming to a stop - clear of fishing gear. Vehicles descending to bottom soon. . . 08/15/2013,16:06:52,Catalina Martinez,For those who are not listening. . . 08/15/2013,16:07:13,amandademopoulos,heading to seafloor now 08/15/2013,16:07:19,Scott France ,Always listening! ;-) 08/15/2013,16:08:12,amandademopoulos,should have bottom in site 15 min 08/15/2013,16:19:01,Scott France ,All streams dropped out? 08/15/2013,16:19:12,Webb Pinner,I1 or I2? 08/15/2013,16:19:13,Scott France ,Back. 08/15/2013,16:19:16,Scott France ,I1 08/15/2013,16:19:46,Catalina Martinez,I1 and I2 working here at URI 08/15/2013,16:22:36,James Austin,seafloor 08/15/2013,16:22:38,Taylor Heyl,SQD 08/15/2013,16:22:39,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/15/2013,16:22:50,marthanizinski,1439 m 08/15/2013,16:22:50,James Austin,sedimented slope 08/15/2013,16:22:59,Scott France ,Hooray! 08/15/2013,16:24:03,jasonchaytor,Scattered roc and shell fragments? 08/15/2013,16:24:15,James Austin,outcrop in the background 08/15/2013,16:24:31,Taylor Heyl,Many COR Anthomastus here with coral rubble 08/15/2013,16:24:34,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1443 meters 08/15/2013,16:24:38,Taylor Heyl,ASR Brisingid 08/15/2013,16:24:40,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus very high abundance COR RUB -colonial 08/15/2013,16:24:44,Tim Shank,ASR 08/15/2013,16:24:46,James Austin,bioeroded rock, flat-lying bedding 08/15/2013,16:24:48,jasonchaytor,Small debris/sediment apron 08/15/2013,16:24:48,Tim Shank,FSH OREO 08/15/2013,16:24:51,Taylor Heyl,At base of vertical wall 08/15/2013,16:24:52,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/15/2013,16:24:55,Taylor Heyl,CORO Bamboo 08/15/2013,16:24:57,Taylor Heyl,CORP 08/15/2013,16:25:01,Taylor Heyl,ASR hot pink 08/15/2013,16:25:06,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,16:25:16,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/15/2013,16:25:19,Tim Shank,CORP with OPH 08/15/2013,16:25:20,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 08/15/2013,16:25:22,Scott France ,CORG bamboo 08/15/2013,16:25:27,Taylor Heyl,SHI red swimming 08/15/2013,16:25:29,Tim Shank,ASR brisingid 08/15/2013,16:25:33,James Austin,scattered talus of various sizes 08/15/2013,16:25:41,Tim Shank,coming up wall 08/15/2013,16:25:41,James Austin,wall 08/15/2013,16:25:42,Scott France ,What is the pink coral above bamboo? 08/15/2013,16:25:42,Taylor Heyl,Moving up vertical wall pitted 08/15/2013,16:25:46,Tim Shank,CORP many 08/15/2013,16:25:46,Taylor Heyl,COR cup 08/15/2013,16:25:53,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,16:25:55,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 08/15/2013,16:26:01,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia 08/15/2013,16:26:03,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,16:26:06,Taylor Heyl,FSH rattail 08/15/2013,16:26:09,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/15/2013,16:26:12,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1430 meters 08/15/2013,16:26:14,Tim Shank,Wall of CORP at 1431 08/15/2013,16:26:29,Scott France ,Big holdfast with broken "stem" on wall 08/15/2013,16:26:33,jasonchaytor,Well expresses layering/bedding 08/15/2013,16:26:38,James Austin,bench-wall morphology - similar to other canyons we have been diving in 08/15/2013,16:26:46,Tim Shank,CORP all largely facing to the NORTH 08/15/2013,16:27:09,Tim Shank,FSH cyclothone - several 08/15/2013,16:27:55,Taylor Heyl,Facing vertical wall covered with COR Anthomastus and COR Paramuricea 08/15/2013,16:27:56,Taylor Heyl,FSH shark 08/15/2013,16:27:57,Tim Shank,1415m 08/15/2013,16:28:01,Taylor Heyl,CORA Parentipathes several 08/15/2013,16:28:03,Tim Shank,settling down with ROV 08/15/2013,16:28:04,Scott France ,Is Martha doing the interview? 08/15/2013,16:28:10,Taylor Heyl,COR scleratinian - Solenosmilia? 08/15/2013,16:28:13,Tim Shank,YES. 08/15/2013,16:28:20,James Austin,complex talus slope - locally derived 08/15/2013,16:28:24,jasonchaytor,Spalling failure, surficial crust 08/15/2013,16:28:27,Taylor Heyl,ACN Actinernus nobilis 08/15/2013,16:28:33,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,16:28:34,Scott France ,OK - so we aren't supposed to hear her! Thought her mic was off. 08/15/2013,16:28:35,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,16:28:41,Tim Shank,CORP many 08/15/2013,16:28:52,Tim Shank,ASR Neomphaster type 08/15/2013,16:29:04,Scott France ,Very abundant Anthomastus 08/15/2013,16:29:16,Tim Shank,knocked down white skeleton of Paragorgia? 08/15/2013,16:29:34,James Austin,layers very thin and friable (easily fragmented) 08/15/2013,16:29:45,Tim Shank,ACN A nobilis morph 08/15/2013,16:29:50,Tim Shank,several 08/15/2013,16:30:07,Tim Shank,COR dead CUP cor 08/15/2013,16:30:09,Tim Shank,several 08/15/2013,16:30:20,Taylor Heyl,Close up of Anthomastus 08/15/2013,16:30:23,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1417 meters 08/15/2013,16:30:27,Taylor Heyl,OPH on SED 08/15/2013,16:30:28,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus some have small white APH 08/15/2013,16:30:32,Taylor Heyl,COR up dead on seafloor 08/15/2013,16:30:36,Tim Shank,CORP with OPH 08/15/2013,16:30:43,Tim Shank,dead CUP COR 08/15/2013,16:31:02,Scott France ,I've lost all feeds again. Must be a problem at UL today…? 08/15/2013,16:31:16,Scott France ,And they are back... 08/15/2013,16:31:22,Tim Shank,The OPHs on the CORP look smaller here…can we zoom when possible? :-) 08/15/2013,16:31:37,jasonchaytor,Can we get a lat/long when there is a chance, please? 08/15/2013,16:31:39,Tim Shank,OPH white on floor 08/15/2013,16:31:49,Tim Shank,OPH purple disk on floor 08/15/2013,16:32:19,Tim Shank,dead solitary corl on floor 08/15/2013,16:32:20,amandademopoulos,40d05.3370n, 68d28.112w 1417m 08/15/2013,16:32:28,Taylor Heyl,CER 08/15/2013,16:32:30,James Austin,rock fragments have a texture on fresh surfaces which suggests mud/siltsone 08/15/2013,16:32:31,jasonchaytor,Thank you 08/15/2013,16:32:34,Tim Shank,CORP with ACN ring and OPH - thin arm 08/15/2013,16:32:41,Scott France ,CER 08/15/2013,16:32:49,Taylor Heyl,SER on dead COR cup - worm extended 08/15/2013,16:33:04,Taylor Heyl,CORP with ACN ring anemone and OPH 08/15/2013,16:33:22,Scott France ,CORG bamboo 08/15/2013,16:33:24,Tim Shank,ACN A nobilis 08/15/2013,16:33:25,Scott France ,unbranched 08/15/2013,16:33:52,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus polyps retracted 08/15/2013,16:34:00,Tim Shank,CORP with holdfast knocked over 08/15/2013,16:34:09,James Austin,talus slope 08/15/2013,16:34:46,Taylor Heyl,CORP with large OPH, arms tightly coiled 08/15/2013,16:34:51,Taylor Heyl,URC white on seafloor 08/15/2013,16:35:15,Taylor Heyl,ACN pink 08/15/2013,16:35:15,Tim Shank,close up on OPH on CORP 08/15/2013,16:35:19,Tim Shank,x2 08/15/2013,16:35:30,Taylor Heyl,OPH associate on second CORP too 08/15/2013,16:35:35,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysids hovering 08/15/2013,16:36:09,Tim Shank,These appear to be same OPHs as yesterday- arms just less swollen perhaps... 08/15/2013,16:36:24,James Austin,good view of local talus formation from adjacent bedding layers 08/15/2013,16:36:58,Tim Shank,No OPH on knocked down CORP???? 08/15/2013,16:37:03,Scott France ,Is that an anemone smile? 08/15/2013,16:37:08,Scott France ,or a grimace? 08/15/2013,16:37:17,Taylor Heyl,looks like my 5th grade science teacher 08/15/2013,16:37:18,amandademopoulos,pursed 08/15/2013,16:37:19,Scott France ,CRA behind ACN 08/15/2013,16:37:20,Tim Shank,CRARED? small in background? 08/15/2013,16:37:56,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,16:38:05,Taylor Heyl,COR RUB 08/15/2013,16:38:08,Taylor Heyl,CORA Parentipathes 08/15/2013,16:38:17,Scott France ,CORG bamboo unbranched 08/15/2013,16:38:24,Taylor Heyl,Close up of bamboo skeleton and live bamboo 08/15/2013,16:38:44,jasonchaytor,Coral was likely attached to wall at time of failure 08/15/2013,16:38:48,Scott France ,Obviously rock behind tipped over based on skeleton growth of bamboo 08/15/2013,16:39:04,Tim Shank,COR white piece of scleractinian on floor…looks like Solenosmilia.... 08/15/2013,16:39:32,Scott France ,Polyps fairly dense on bamboo 08/15/2013,16:39:41,Scott France ,Another bamboo - branched 08/15/2013,16:39:58,Scott France ,Polyps thinner, less dense on this one 08/15/2013,16:40:02,Scott France ,?? 08/15/2013,16:40:02,jasonchaytor,Not much sediment on the displaced block and little boring into the cleaner surface of the wall...relatively "recent" failure 08/15/2013,16:40:54,Tim Shank,Bamboo branches coming off at the same point? 08/15/2013,16:41:16,Scott France ,Hard to tell but I think internodal branching 08/15/2013,16:41:26,Tim Shank,no visible associates on branched bamboo…. 08/15/2013,16:41:27,Scott France ,Yep - internodel. Great view. 08/15/2013,16:41:27,amandademopoulos,i agree internodal-branching 08/15/2013,16:41:36,Tim Shank,nice polyps 08/15/2013,16:41:53,Tim Shank,Can we zoom on Parantipathes? Please :-) 08/15/2013,16:42:06,James Austin,sediment very fine-grained 08/15/2013,16:42:17,Scott France ,More nudibranch eggs? 08/15/2013,16:42:27,jasonchaytor,Thamks for the fresh mud surface? 08/15/2013,16:42:37,Tim Shank,Pink spiral eggs perhaps from nudibranch 08/15/2013,16:42:55,Tim Shank,spiral on ROC 08/15/2013,16:43:23,Scott France ,Interesting - with the current generated there you could see the spiral is in a mucus matrix rather than the string being glued to substrata all along length 08/15/2013,16:44:21,Scott France ,Bamboo and 3x Parantipathes CORA 08/15/2013,16:44:24,jasonchaytor,Yes it does..bioturbation may not go very deep 08/15/2013,16:44:34,Scott France ,CORP 08/15/2013,16:44:37,Tim Shank,1419m 08/15/2013,16:45:51,Scott France ,Sorry - just 2x Parantipathes - one is damaged along main axis 08/15/2013,16:46:01,Tim Shank,close up of CORA Parantipathes: OPHs white ** 08/15/2013,16:47:16,Scott France ,Yes - crab on CORA 08/15/2013,16:47:18,Tim Shank,OPHs sand x2 ; OPHs white x2 on CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,16:47:32,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1418 meters 08/15/2013,16:47:41,Tim Shank,Also, CRA on CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,16:48:17,Tim Shank,CRA: one large; 2 small on CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,16:48:17,Scott France ,Small CORP in background under CORA and bamboo 08/15/2013,16:48:23,Tim Shank,Thank you! 08/15/2013,16:48:56,Scott France ,Possibly Keratoisis grayi. 08/15/2013,16:48:59,Tim Shank,These bamboos have similar branching patterns. 08/15/2013,16:49:27,Taylor Heyl,OPH white on sediment 08/15/2013,16:50:15,James Austin,clean face of wall - mustone 08/15/2013,16:50:27,jasonchaytor,the red things sure did take advantage of the broken pieces below the wall 08/15/2013,16:50:29,James Austin,mudstone 08/15/2013,16:50:44,jasonchaytor,Some oxidation though 08/15/2013,16:50:56,Scott France ,ZOA on CORP 08/15/2013,16:50:59,Taylor Heyl,close up of rock face with Paramuricea and Anthomastus 08/15/2013,16:51:04,Taylor Heyl,CORA Bathypathes 08/15/2013,16:51:08,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1416 meters 08/15/2013,16:51:12,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes 08/15/2013,16:51:27,Tim Shank,SQA at base of CORA Bathypathes 08/15/2013,16:52:00,Tim Shank,OPH on Bathypathes - 1416m 08/15/2013,16:52:18,Tim Shank,Close up- thank you on OPH white on Bathypathes 08/15/2013,16:52:43,Taylor Heyl,COR Solenosmilia, half dead half alive 08/15/2013,16:52:48,Taylor Heyl,many CORP and Anthomastus 08/15/2013,16:52:51,Taylor Heyl,Anthothela 08/15/2013,16:53:02,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded on SED 08/15/2013,16:53:02,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/15/2013,16:53:09,Taylor Heyl,assorted white SPO on SED 08/15/2013,16:53:12,Taylor Heyl,URC on Acanella 08/15/2013,16:53:15,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1414 meters 08/15/2013,16:53:21,James Austin,some rock faces darker - manganese coating? suggests longer exposure at the seafloor. 08/15/2013,16:53:22,Taylor Heyl,CORP with OPH associate 08/15/2013,16:53:49,Taylor Heyl,SQA orange (several) on Solenosmilia - 1415m 08/15/2013,16:54:39,marthanizinski,40 05.3379 N 68 28.1134 W 1414m 08/15/2013,16:55:52,Tim Shank,Seeing SQA on COR Solenosmilia 08/15/2013,16:57:26,Taylor Heyl,SQA on ROC 08/15/2013,16:57:30,Andrea Quattrini,good eye Scott! 08/15/2013,16:57:37,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia white 08/15/2013,16:57:41,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1414 meters 08/15/2013,16:57:57,Scott France ,Thanks Andrea. That was my good eye. 08/15/2013,16:58:07,Scott France ,;-) 08/15/2013,16:58:19,Scott France ,Lots of ZOA on CORP large 08/15/2013,16:58:20,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/15/2013,16:58:35,Tim Shank,SHI striped on floor next to COR acanella 08/15/2013,16:58:39,Taylor Heyl,close up of Acanella with URC feeding 08/15/2013,16:58:51,Scott France ,It isn't a competition, Tim! ;-) 08/15/2013,16:59:06,Taylor Heyl,OPH with long stringy arms 08/15/2013,16:59:06,Scott France ,Good view of Acanella "roots" 08/15/2013,16:59:17,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded on sediment 08/15/2013,17:00:08,Tim Shank,ASR white Neomrophaster morph 08/15/2013,17:00:45,Tim Shank,close up on this morph 08/15/2013,17:00:56,Taylor Heyl,COR cup dark - skeletons 08/15/2013,17:00:57,Tim Shank,manganese coated COR CUP 08/15/2013,17:01:14,Scott France ,I feel a Mah moment coming on... 08/15/2013,17:01:30,Scott France ,Toppled Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:01:35,James Austin,overturned corals suggest periodic downslope flows 08/15/2013,17:01:45,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/15/2013,17:01:48,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1413 m 08/15/2013,17:02:08,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia toppled with URC associate, branches broken on seafloor 08/15/2013,17:02:34,Taylor Heyl,OPH associate on left side 08/15/2013,17:02:41,Scott France ,CORP w/ ZOA 08/15/2013,17:03:20,Taylor Heyl,COR Parentipathes with SQA associates 08/15/2013,17:04:06,James Austin,some of the seafloor looks like "old" soft sediment flows, that have then been extensively burrowed. 08/15/2013,17:04:27,Tim Shank,many CORP, CORA Parantipathes with associates 08/15/2013,17:04:34,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,17:04:45,Tim Shank,CORP and Paragorgia on promentory 08/15/2013,17:04:46,Tim Shank,OCT 08/15/2013,17:04:54,Tim Shank,CORA large black coral 08/15/2013,17:05:01,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,17:05:02,James Austin,complex wall, shaped by flows 08/15/2013,17:05:10,Tim Shank,looking down the nose 08/15/2013,17:05:18,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1407 meters 08/15/2013,17:05:23,Tim Shank,a little COR RUB on floor 08/15/2013,17:05:35,Taylor Heyl,looking straight on at this prow feature 08/15/2013,17:05:42,Taylor Heyl,Solenosmilia at base 08/15/2013,17:05:47,Taylor Heyl,OPH many white at base 08/15/2013,17:05:59,Taylor Heyl,COR cup aggregations under ledge 08/15/2013,17:06:12,Scott France ,Great spot! 08/15/2013,17:06:29,Tim Shank,Yes it is 08/15/2013,17:06:34,James Austin,a meander - submarine variety 08/15/2013,17:06:37,Tim Shank,COR Cup 08/15/2013,17:06:42,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,17:06:59,Tim Shank,have seen COR Anthamastus of many sizes 08/15/2013,17:07:06,Taylor Heyl,Anthothela in COR Solenosmilia 08/15/2013,17:07:18,Taylor Heyl,BIV in Solenosmilia cluster 08/15/2013,17:07:26,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded 08/15/2013,17:07:36,Taylor Heyl,SQA in Solenosmilia 08/15/2013,17:07:43,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1409 meters 08/15/2013,17:07:58,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates in Anthothela? 08/15/2013,17:08:06,robertcarney,OPH on and within mud/roc face behind cor 08/15/2013,17:08:25,Tim Shank,close up on small BIV 08/15/2013,17:08:35,Tim Shank,next to Solenosmilia 08/15/2013,17:08:36,robertcarney,POL within cluster 08/15/2013,17:08:58,Andrea Quattrini,CORO different. Have not seen it before 08/15/2013,17:09:07,robertcarney,ASR 08/15/2013,17:09:09,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 08/15/2013,17:09:14,Tim Shank,ACN venus (aureila?) 08/15/2013,17:09:41,Tim Shank,ASR brisingid 08/15/2013,17:10:16,Taylor Heyl,COR Swifita 08/15/2013,17:10:43,Taylor Heyl,OPH on CORP 08/15/2013,17:11:09,jasonchaytor,Lots of the thin surficial crust failures , down to the depth of the bio-erosion 08/15/2013,17:11:52,Taylor Heyl,close up of small recruits 08/15/2013,17:11:53,Scott France ,Tiny CORG bamboo 08/15/2013,17:11:56,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1409 08/15/2013,17:12:04,Taylor Heyl,OPH ring anemone seen on Swiftia to left 08/15/2013,17:12:12,robertcarney,ROC face looks very much like clay 08/15/2013,17:12:14,Scott France ,Only 3 polyps on that bamboo 08/15/2013,17:12:35,Tim Shank,1409m 08/15/2013,17:13:57,robertcarney,ROC poss lithified burrow 08/15/2013,17:13:58,Tim Shank,OCT again... 08/15/2013,17:14:01,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/15/2013,17:14:11,Taylor Heyl,CORP with 4 OPH associates 08/15/2013,17:14:18,Tim Shank,CORP many with ACN ring and OPHs 08/15/2013,17:15:38,James Austin,good view of the similarity between the wall of a submarine canyon and the meandering of a subaerial river valley. Meandering pattern can be quite similar. 08/15/2013,17:15:44,Scott France ,You tell them Martha! 08/15/2013,17:16:21,robertcarney,ASR 08/15/2013,17:17:20,James Austin,good chute to the right 08/15/2013,17:18:21,Scott France ,CORO Clavularia 08/15/2013,17:18:28,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/15/2013,17:18:29,Tim Shank,COR Acanella 08/15/2013,17:18:41,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:18:45,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 08/15/2013,17:18:49,Taylor Heyl,COR cup Desmophyllum? 08/15/2013,17:18:52,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,17:18:54,Tim Shank,1407m 08/15/2013,17:18:55,Scott France ,CORP 08/15/2013,17:18:58,Taylor Heyl,OCT in hole 08/15/2013,17:19:08,Tim Shank,COR Solensomilia 08/15/2013,17:19:13,Taylor Heyl,Acanthogorgia? 08/15/2013,17:19:30,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,17:19:54,Scott France ,COR Solenosmilia ? 08/15/2013,17:20:06,Scott France ,Did the OCT change positions there? 08/15/2013,17:20:28,marthanizinski,bearing 210 08/15/2013,17:20:29,Taylor Heyl,close up of OCT in hole 08/15/2013,17:20:32,Tim Shank,arranged for easy ID 08/15/2013,17:20:35,Taylor Heyl,OPH associate on CORP 08/15/2013,17:20:43,Tim Shank,small CORPs here 08/15/2013,17:20:46,Taylor Heyl,assorted white and orange SPO 08/15/2013,17:21:01,Tim Shank,living COR CUP looks like Javania (septa) 08/15/2013,17:21:04,Scott France ,Stick your hand in… to my mouth! 08/15/2013,17:21:31,Taylor Heyl,URC 08/15/2013,17:21:34,michaelvecchione,Not sure what species it is. 08/15/2013,17:22:07,michaelvecchione,BTW, Nice job with the kids Martha 08/15/2013,17:22:20,Scott France ,SPO 08/15/2013,17:22:25,marthanizinski,Thanks Mike 08/15/2013,17:22:44,Taylor Heyl,OPH on Paragorgia x2 08/15/2013,17:22:50,Taylor Heyl,OPH on majority of CORPs 08/15/2013,17:23:01,Tim Shank,COR Paragorgia with OPH associate −large 08/15/2013,17:23:20,Taylor Heyl,SQA legs underneath COR cup 08/15/2013,17:24:08,Taylor Heyl,CORA Bathypathes 08/15/2013,17:25:11,Scott France ,Looks like CORP completely overgrown by ZOA above Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:25:15,jasonchaytor,Seems to be less erosion and wall failure on this side of the promontory 08/15/2013,17:25:34,jasonchaytor,At least higher on the wall 08/15/2013,17:25:38,James Austin,I agree - no chute on this side, either. 08/15/2013,17:25:44,robertcarney,SHI on roc face 08/15/2013,17:26:46,Taylor Heyl,OPH associate on Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:26:54,Tim Shank,close up on Bathypathes- like CORA 08/15/2013,17:26:54,Taylor Heyl,COR Clavularia behind CORA 08/15/2013,17:27:00,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1407 m 08/15/2013,17:27:10,Tim Shank,no large associates on Bathypathes- like CORA 08/15/2013,17:27:18,Taylor Heyl,Leaving feature now..... 08/15/2013,17:27:41,Tim Shank,field of CORP 08/15/2013,17:27:42,Tim Shank,OCT 08/15/2013,17:27:52,Taylor Heyl,in Cave 08/15/2013,17:28:07,Taylor Heyl,amazing abundance of CORP 08/15/2013,17:28:18,Taylor Heyl,almost all CORP have an OPH associate 08/15/2013,17:28:30,Tim Shank,COR swiftia 1403 08/15/2013,17:30:10,Tim Shank,seeing scalloped failures 08/15/2013,17:30:16,marthanizinski,DVL coral amphitheater 08/15/2013,17:30:24,leswatling,No bivalves on the underhang? not quite the right substrate? 08/15/2013,17:30:32,Tim Shank,Not many fish today….. 08/15/2013,17:30:52,Taylor Heyl,Sediment chute 08/15/2013,17:30:56,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 08/15/2013,17:31:07,Taylor Heyl,COR Solenosmilia on ledge 08/15/2013,17:31:18,Taylor Heyl,COR Parentipathes with many associates Depth 1405m 08/15/2013,17:31:35,Tim Shank,ACN Actinauge type 08/15/2013,17:31:37,michaelvecchione,My guess on the OCT is Bathypolypus, but it seems really deep. That one looked like it had skin papillae (i.e., not Muusoctopus) and truly biserial suckers (i.e., not Graneledone). Again, I'll look forward to spending some time on screen grabs. 08/15/2013,17:31:51,Tim Shank,OCT 08/15/2013,17:31:51,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/15/2013,17:32:03,Tim Shank,Loads of CORP 08/15/2013,17:32:04,Taylor Heyl,so many paramuricea.... 08/15/2013,17:32:04,James Austin,large amphitheater, with chute bove. Cleaarly a major downslope sediment conduit 08/15/2013,17:32:15,Taylor Heyl,OCT under ledge 08/15/2013,17:32:20,robertcarney,ROC lithified burrow "pipe" exposed rt side of chute 08/15/2013,17:32:24,Scott France ,Somebody has to do something about this Paramuricea infestation... 08/15/2013,17:32:25,Taylor Heyl,SQA on white Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:32:30,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1405 m 08/15/2013,17:33:07,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/15/2013,17:34:07,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates ALL OVER this Parentipathes 08/15/2013,17:34:15,Taylor Heyl,OPH and SQA on there too 08/15/2013,17:34:30,Taylor Heyl,close up of SQA 08/15/2013,17:35:11,Tim Shank,CORA there were at least 3 Parantipathes there- with OPHs 08/15/2013,17:35:11,robertcarney,ROC chute seems to have a tunnel under face 08/15/2013,17:35:18,James Austin,another prominent chute 08/15/2013,17:35:30,marthanizinski,40 05.3339 N 68 28.1216 W 1405 m 08/15/2013,17:35:40,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes largest had 4 SQA 08/15/2013,17:36:11,James Austin,I think the funnel is where residual sediment flows continue to erode between larger events. 08/15/2013,17:38:00,Tim Shank,1402m 08/15/2013,17:38:04,Tim Shank,FSH 08/15/2013,17:38:10,Scott France ,CORA n.sp. Schizopathidae Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,17:38:19,James Austin,vertical topography in the wall is likely caused by fractures being widened by periodic downslope flows 08/15/2013,17:40:34,Tim Shank,CORA close up Bathypathes-related with no visible associates other than white POL x2 and OPH- center axis 08/15/2013,17:41:18,Scott France ,"SEVERAL" days… ;-) Getting a bit weary, eh! 08/15/2013,17:41:58,marthanizinski,Just a little 08/15/2013,17:42:04,amandademopoulos,martha's a rock! tireless 08/15/2013,17:42:14,Tim Shank,large COR Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:42:21,Tim Shank,with ACN white 08/15/2013,17:42:29,Tim Shank,CORP in a line on margin 08/15/2013,17:42:52,Tim Shank,COR Clavularia on ROC and Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:42:59,Tim Shank,1401m 08/15/2013,17:43:14,Tim Shank,COR small Paragorgia on wall too 08/15/2013,17:43:38,Taylor Heyl,Large COR Paragorgia with OPHs and 1 ACN ring anemone 08/15/2013,17:43:52,Taylor Heyl,COR clavularia on Paragorgia 08/15/2013,17:44:14,Taylor Heyl,every available space taken by OPHs on this Paragorgia! 08/15/2013,17:44:18,Andrea Quattrini,is there an urchin or seastar around? 08/15/2013,17:45:36,robertcarney,POL serpulid cluster growing out of dead cup coral 08/15/2013,17:46:01,Tim Shank,Did not see one Andrea 08/15/2013,17:46:22,Tim Shank,BIVs several on Solenosmilia 08/15/2013,17:46:29,Tim Shank,SQA as well 08/15/2013,17:46:44,Tim Shank,SER on Solenosmilia 08/15/2013,17:46:56,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR sup 08/15/2013,17:47:44,Tim Shank,1402m 08/15/2013,17:47:55,Tim Shank,looking west at this feature 08/15/2013,17:48:46,Scott France ,Anthothela alert 08/15/2013,17:48:58,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela - first of day... 08/15/2013,17:49:35,James Austin,overhangs in view likely caused by gravitational collapse of portions of the wall, actuated by currents/downslope sediment-laden flows 08/15/2013,17:50:12,marthanizinski,40 05.3215 N 68 28.1104 W 1399 m 08/15/2013,17:50:14,Tim Shank,Scott, I think we may have seen Anthothela earlier with Solenosmilia….small colony...but not sure :-) 08/15/2013,17:50:18,Taylor Heyl,Was that not Anthothela in the cluster of Solenosmilia earlier in the dive? 08/15/2013,17:50:36,Scott France ,My bad then. Was that when I was getting my coffee? ;-) 08/15/2013,17:50:38,Tim Shank,That's what I thought Taylor- have to go back and look... 08/15/2013,17:50:56,Scott France ,How about: this is the first large Anthothela of the dive? 08/15/2013,17:51:21,Tim Shank,Ahahaha. Yes, for sure. 08/15/2013,17:51:31,jasonchaytor,More surficial spalling type failurea 08/15/2013,17:51:36,amandademopoulos,we are full of qualifiers 08/15/2013,17:51:38,Tim Shank,I'm not the coral expert, so defer... 08/15/2013,17:51:44,Tim Shank,CORP with COR SUP 08/15/2013,17:51:45,Tim Shank,CUP 08/15/2013,17:51:59,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,17:52:04,James Austin,crevice here a fracture - large piece of wall spalling away 08/15/2013,17:52:34,leswatling,good thing we have geologists on this dive or I would thought a spalling failure was just bad typing.... 08/15/2013,17:52:35,Tim Shank,COR red Paragorgia again.. 08/15/2013,17:52:43,Tim Shank,COR Anthamastus several 08/15/2013,17:53:00,Tim Shank,CORA Paranthipathes 08/15/2013,17:53:32,Tim Shank,COR Anthothela; other bamboos... 08/15/2013,17:53:37,James Austin,I can also do bad tyyping! 08/15/2013,17:53:45,Scott France ,Second or third Anthothela… ;-) 08/15/2013,17:54:12,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/15/2013,17:54:18,Scott France ,CORP many many 08/15/2013,17:54:23,Tim Shank,Top of feature with lots of CORP, acanella 08/15/2013,17:54:23,jasonchaytor,I can't speel 08/15/2013,17:54:28,Scott France ,CORP w/ ZOA 08/15/2013,17:54:33,Tim Shank,ASR Neomorphaster morph 08/15/2013,17:54:40,Scott France ,CORP w/ Anthothela overgrowth 08/15/2013,17:54:56,Scott France ,Haha 08/15/2013,17:55:01,Tim Shank,OPHS pink on COR Anthothela 08/15/2013,17:55:08,leswatling,right, that's spiel! 08/15/2013,17:55:14,Tim Shank,and on CORP 08/15/2013,17:55:40,Scott France ,ACN on CORP also 08/15/2013,17:55:45,Taylor Heyl,Close up of Anthothela Depth 1395 meters 08/15/2013,17:56:34,robertcarney,GEL mass at base 08/15/2013,17:57:08,robertcarney,POL mud tube from roc has tentacle plume 08/15/2013,17:57:24,Scott France ,This looks like thge top of Kukenthal with all the Paramuricea and Acanella 08/15/2013,17:57:32,Scott France ,…but there were no OPHs there! 08/15/2013,17:57:48,Tim Shank,CORP skeleton at the tops with some attached crustacean apparently 08/15/2013,18:00:11,Scott France ,Isopod maybe 08/15/2013,18:00:44,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/15/2013,18:00:48,Taylor Heyl,FSH synaph 08/15/2013,18:00:59,Tim Shank,Yellow ZOA on CORP 08/15/2013,18:01:05,Taylor Heyl,fields of paramuricea and some Anthomastus 08/15/2013,18:01:22,Andrea Quattrini,not many fishes today? 08/15/2013,18:01:22,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia 08/15/2013,18:01:24,Taylor Heyl,Approaching ROC with COR - Paragorgia 08/15/2013,18:01:28,Tim Shank,clearly demarcated line of Paramuricea- boundary - 1392m 08/15/2013,18:01:36,Scott France ,Old one… Paragorgia 08/15/2013,18:02:03,Tim Shank,with Anthothela 08/15/2013,18:02:09,Scott France ,Paragorgia with Anthothela overgrowth 08/15/2013,18:02:12,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus at the base 08/15/2013,18:02:23,Scott France ,Broken branch below? 08/15/2013,18:02:27,Tim Shank,Paragorgia branch on floor - yes 08/15/2013,18:02:34,James Austin,no current moats around these boulders 08/15/2013,18:03:10,Tim Shank,CORP field surrounding the area 08/15/2013,18:03:17,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,18:03:24,James Austin,great view of gravitational collapse amphitheaters on the wall 08/15/2013,18:03:42,James Austin,big amphitheater 08/15/2013,18:03:43,Tim Shank,1400m ROV depth 08/15/2013,18:08:17,Tim Shank,close up on Black coral we imaged before- Bathypathes related 08/15/2013,18:08:23,Tim Shank,1408m 08/15/2013,18:08:51,Scott France ,CORG Swiftia 08/15/2013,18:09:10,Scott France ,w/ CRI 08/15/2013,18:10:14,Taylor Heyl,WHOI start recording EX1304L2_ROV14_3.ts 08/15/2013,18:10:37,James Austin,great chute! 08/15/2013,18:11:43,Tim Shank,on SED now... 08/15/2013,18:13:55,James Austin,Very nice job with that explanation, Jason. 08/15/2013,18:14:02,jasonchaytor,BUR 08/15/2013,18:14:03,Scott France ,CORP w/OPH 08/15/2013,18:14:06,robertcarney,GEL material at base 08/15/2013,18:14:33,leswatling,the gel material looks like a maldanid polychaete egg case 08/15/2013,18:14:45,Scott France ,Thought I saw a pair of legs at the base… under gel stuff 08/15/2013,18:14:47,jasonchaytor,Tried to keep it simple and in terms that are easy to see on a map 08/15/2013,18:15:35,robertcarney,MUCus curtain/funnel 08/15/2013,18:15:40,leswatling,looks like fat base 08/15/2013,18:15:59,leswatling,maybe Placogorgia 08/15/2013,18:16:15,Scott France ,I think it is a Paramuricea 08/15/2013,18:16:29,Tim Shank,I think it is habitat :-) 08/15/2013,18:16:41,Scott France ,Haha 08/15/2013,18:16:44,Scott France ,I mean hahabitat. 08/15/2013,18:16:55,Tim Shank,Ahaha 08/15/2013,18:17:01,leswatling,have to have a habitat.... 08/15/2013,18:17:16,leswatling,that's from a susie burke kids song.... 08/15/2013,18:17:37,Scott France ,Sure it is... 08/15/2013,18:17:38,Tim Shank,BUR 08/15/2013,18:17:43,robertcarney,XEN multi 08/15/2013,18:17:53,Tim Shank,SHI red on SED 08/15/2013,18:18:03,Scott France ,CORP lone 08/15/2013,18:18:07,Taylor Heyl,OCT on SED 08/15/2013,18:18:11,Scott France ,OCT 08/15/2013,18:18:15,leswatling,if I was any good I would give you the rest of the song... 08/15/2013,18:18:24,Taylor Heyl,Graneledone? 08/15/2013,18:18:30,Taylor Heyl,BUR in SED 08/15/2013,18:18:35,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1390 m 08/15/2013,18:18:40,Tim Shank,looks like it. need to see mantle 08/15/2013,18:18:58,Tim Shank,and an arm 08/15/2013,18:19:11,Tim Shank,XEN many 08/15/2013,18:19:16,leswatling,has the tentacles up like a red crab.... an octopus with an attitude! 08/15/2013,18:20:14,Tim Shank,FSH longfin hake 08/15/2013,18:20:40,Tim Shank,Any fish people on IM? 08/15/2013,18:20:43,robertcarney,BUR with textural but no color contrasts 08/15/2013,18:21:57,marthanizinski,40 05.3252 N 68 28.1352 W 1386 m 08/15/2013,18:21:58,Scott France ,Red ASR? 08/15/2013,18:22:09,Scott France ,ACN 08/15/2013,18:23:01,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus 08/15/2013,18:23:05,Scott France ,XEN: kinda like an amoeba living in a mud tube wrapped up as a ball 08/15/2013,18:23:21,Tim Shank,CORP x2 08/15/2013,18:23:42,Scott France ,CORP w/OPH 08/15/2013,18:24:06,Tim Shank,larger ROCs here have CORP 08/15/2013,18:24:07,Taylor Heyl,OCT on SED 08/15/2013,18:24:15,Taylor Heyl,Thouarella 08/15/2013,18:24:15,Tim Shank,SPOHEX 08/15/2013,18:24:27,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus different sizes 08/15/2013,18:24:35,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela w/ CORP 08/15/2013,18:24:41,michaelvecchione,zoom on OCT? 08/15/2013,18:24:42,Scott France ,on same ROC 08/15/2013,18:24:45,Tim Shank,patches of CORP 08/15/2013,18:25:05,James Austin,transition between sedimented bench and small wall 08/15/2013,18:25:06,Scott France ,CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,18:25:07,Tim Shank,no looking at RIM or linear step 08/15/2013,18:25:18,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia 08/15/2013,18:25:25,Tim Shank,hosting CORP, paragorgia, Parantipathes 08/15/2013,18:25:27,Tim Shank,CPEN 08/15/2013,18:25:28,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus 08/15/2013,18:25:29,Taylor Heyl,CORA Parentipathes along edge of small ridge 08/15/2013,18:25:32,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1385 m 08/15/2013,18:25:37,Tim Shank,SPO 08/15/2013,18:25:40,Scott France ,CPEN! 08/15/2013,18:25:41,Taylor Heyl,Close up of pitted ORC with SPO 08/15/2013,18:25:52,Tim Shank,Would expect SQA here 08/15/2013,18:26:49,Tim Shank,CORP zoom with large OPH 08/15/2013,18:26:56,Scott France ,CPEN Anthoptilum like 08/15/2013,18:27:11,robertcarney,TUBes variety emerging from ROC/SED 08/15/2013,18:27:38,Taylor Heyl,CORP with branches waving from strong current...1 OPH associate 08/15/2013,18:27:44,Taylor Heyl,OPH OPHI on SED 08/15/2013,18:27:51,robertcarney,OPH on ROC/SED disk looks like Ophiomusium 08/15/2013,18:28:08,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1384m 08/15/2013,18:28:08,leswatling,Scott, note the narrowness of the axis coming from the base. I think that last one was not a Paramuricea because of the thickness of the axis. 08/15/2013,18:28:08,robertcarney,ASR 08/15/2013,18:28:11,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia 08/15/2013,18:28:15,Taylor Heyl,pink 08/15/2013,18:28:21,Tim Shank,ASR white Neomorphaster morph 08/15/2013,18:28:21,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,18:28:28,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX 08/15/2013,18:28:31,Taylor Heyl,CPEN 08/15/2013,18:28:40,Taylor Heyl,1 ACN associate on COR Paragorgia 08/15/2013,18:28:45,Taylor Heyl,ROC dropstone 08/15/2013,18:29:00,Scott France ,Les: I'm looking forward to comparing photos of these Paramuricea/Placogorga to look for shared consistent characters. 08/15/2013,18:29:05,Taylor Heyl,FSH hake 08/15/2013,18:29:11,leswatling,Indeed! 08/15/2013,18:29:12,Taylor Heyl,large SPO HEX vase 08/15/2013,18:29:13,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,18:29:36,leswatling,would be even better to have a body to look at! 08/15/2013,18:29:44,Scott France ,Exactly!! 08/15/2013,18:29:52,Scott France ,Perchance to dream. 08/15/2013,18:30:18,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,18:30:34,Tim Shank,This documentation will certainly help future sampling…. 08/15/2013,18:30:48,Tim Shank,CORP covered with ZOA with OPH 08/15/2013,18:30:53,Scott France ,ZOA covered CORP w/ OPH 08/15/2013,18:31:03,Tim Shank,1383m 08/15/2013,18:31:20,Tim Shank,observable current here 08/15/2013,18:31:36,Scott France ,That was interesting Tim. How often do you see that OPH on a ZOA-dominated colony? 08/15/2013,18:31:47,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,18:32:40,Scott France ,ACN 08/15/2013,18:32:41,Tim Shank,more often than not, there is no asteroschemid-type OPH on ZOA. was wondering if there were live CORP polyps there... 08/15/2013,18:32:57,Scott France ,Saw a few live CORP polyps at base only 08/15/2013,18:33:16,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,18:33:22,Tim Shank,Will go back and look... 08/15/2013,18:33:42,Scott France ,Didn't see any live around the OPH 08/15/2013,18:33:56,leswatling,Tim, I thought it made no difference to the Asteroschema whether the zoa was there or not. I am sure we have specimens that are all zoa and the ophi was still there. Guess we will have to go back and check... 08/15/2013,18:34:39,Scott France ,That is interesting Les. So cue for OPH to settle must be different from staying put. 08/15/2013,18:34:53,Tim Shank,Me either. We have seen OPHs on ZOA…just not as often…It's the bare skeleton they really seem to avoid... 08/15/2013,18:35:30,leswatling,Yeah, I suspect the ophi settles on the Paramuricea, then stays as the colony gets taken over... this could be a story worth working out. 08/15/2013,18:35:35,Tim Shank,Have done time series in the Gulf of Mexico that demonstrates they keep to live portions... 08/15/2013,18:35:47,Tim Shank,I agree Les. 08/15/2013,18:36:35,leswatling,Different responses for different species combinations perhaps? So that means we need to sort the taxonomy of the two cnidarians.... 08/15/2013,18:36:39,Tim Shank,Have seen them leave dying colonies once the live patch of polyps becomes much smaller than the oph 08/15/2013,18:36:39,James Austin,small outcrop 08/15/2013,18:36:46,Tim Shank,Yes. 08/15/2013,18:37:04,Tim Shank,Agreed 08/15/2013,18:37:26,Scott France ,I wonder if that means the OPHs feed at least partly on CORP provided mucus. 08/15/2013,18:37:31,Tim Shank,Calling this COPR or Placagorgia? 08/15/2013,18:37:35,Scott France ,ACN 08/15/2013,18:37:41,Scott France ,CORP 08/15/2013,18:37:57,Tim Shank,Great question Scott. 08/15/2013,18:38:03,leswatling,notice the white tips to the branches.... 08/15/2013,18:38:18,Scott France ,Saw those earlier Les. 08/15/2013,18:38:25,Tim Shank,but that's not a small holdfast, right? 08/15/2013,18:38:30,Scott France ,You thikn that is different from typical CORP? 08/15/2013,18:38:48,Scott France ,I'm saying CORP based on planar form, and OPH 08/15/2013,18:38:51,Scott France ,CORG Acanella in background 08/15/2013,18:38:56,Tim Shank,close up of CORP- looking COR….with OPH 08/15/2013,18:38:58,leswatling,seems like it to me but only slightly in this case. 08/15/2013,18:38:59,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus 08/15/2013,18:39:14,Scott France ,CORG bamboos 08/15/2013,18:39:17,leswatling,the white branch tips suggest not much tissue on the growing tip? 08/15/2013,18:39:29,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes 08/15/2013,18:39:40,James Austin,scalloped nature of wall caused by erosion, likely facilitated by fractures 08/15/2013,18:39:43,Tim Shank,COR Acanella and other white bamboos 08/15/2013,18:39:47,Tim Shank,1380m 08/15/2013,18:39:51,Tim Shank,COR swiftia 08/15/2013,18:40:11,Scott France ,Brancjhing Parantipathes 08/15/2013,18:40:21,Tim Shank,YES! 08/15/2013,18:40:29,Scott France ,Several OPHs on it 08/15/2013,18:40:40,Tim Shank,loaded with OPHs- too excited to type 08/15/2013,18:41:14,Scott France ,'CORG bamboo 08/15/2013,18:41:30,Tim Shank,XEN here 08/15/2013,18:41:33,Scott France ,Densely-crowded thick polyps 08/15/2013,18:41:35,Tim Shank,very small ASR white 08/15/2013,18:41:54,Tim Shank,Yes, we saw this bamboo morph earlier I think- really dense 08/15/2013,18:42:47,Scott France ,The idea was to compare the two colonies in view. We only saw the right one. 08/15/2013,18:43:03,Scott France ,But I understand the constraints. 08/15/2013,18:43:17,Tim Shank,CORP field with few Parantipathes 08/15/2013,18:43:31,Tim Shank,ASR Neomorphaster morph 08/15/2013,18:43:36,James Austin,sedimented slope; occasional small outcrops visible 08/15/2013,18:45:41,Tim Shank,URC on skeleton 08/15/2013,18:45:46,Tim Shank,close up 08/15/2013,18:45:57,Tim Shank,on CORP with OPH; polyps retracted 08/15/2013,18:46:04,briankinlan,lat/long? 08/15/2013,18:46:15,Tim Shank,OPH thin arm morph 08/15/2013,18:46:24,Scott France ,We are seeing these enough to know that URC are "significant" predators of the corals in these canyons. 08/15/2013,18:46:47,Tim Shank,I agree….seemingly patchy too. 08/15/2013,18:47:05,marthanizinski,40 05.3338 68 28.1740 W 1377 m 08/15/2013,18:48:12,Scott France ,Bummer!! 08/15/2013,18:48:44,Scott France ,Yes - Thouarella I think 08/15/2013,18:48:56,amandademopoulos,CORO Thourella? 08/15/2013,18:49:04,Tim Shank,OPH associate on small white Thouarella 08/15/2013,18:50:39,Scott France ,CORG bamboo Keratoisis 08/15/2013,18:50:42,James Austin,Heavy bioerosion of bedding planes. 08/15/2013,18:50:48,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes with SQA 08/15/2013,18:51:07,Tim Shank,CORG bamboo Keratoisis without visible associates 08/15/2013,18:51:22,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes with with large SQA 08/15/2013,18:51:48,Tim Shank,COR cup - resembles Javania (septa) 08/15/2013,18:51:54,Tim Shank,Close up of SQA 08/15/2013,18:52:02,James Austin,bigger wall 08/15/2013,18:52:04,Tim Shank,1379m 08/15/2013,18:52:22,James Austin,sedimented bench above the wall 08/15/2013,18:52:38,James Austin,current looks significant, from coral movement 08/15/2013,18:53:48,marthanizinski,current out of 240 08/15/2013,18:54:23,leswatling,looks like the wall of Oceanographer in 2001! Same overall color, especially... 08/15/2013,18:54:27,Scott France ,Several CORG Keratoisis bamboo 08/15/2013,18:54:28,James Austin,steep, topographically complex wall 08/15/2013,18:54:40,Tim Shank,4.2C bottom temp - 1376m 08/15/2013,18:54:54,Scott France ,Les: I was about to write that if Alvin suddenly appeared, I'd be looking at a live recreation of MJ's paiting!! 08/15/2013,18:54:57,Tim Shank,CORP, ACN venus, anthamastus 08/15/2013,18:55:06,Tim Shank,bambo COR skeleton 08/15/2013,18:55:21,Tim Shank,URC on ROC 08/15/2013,18:55:37,Tim Shank,large numbers of CORP 08/15/2013,18:55:48,Tim Shank,1375m 08/15/2013,18:55:53,James Austin,valleys in the wall are prominent - downslope sediment pathways 08/15/2013,18:55:57,Tim Shank,boundary of CORP so very clear 08/15/2013,18:56:02,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,18:56:23,James Austin,I'm a wall guy! 08/15/2013,18:56:29,Scott France ,Boundary outcrop related or current or both? 08/15/2013,18:56:42,Scott France ,HYD Corymorpha? 08/15/2013,18:56:46,briankinlan,I vote to go down wall 08/15/2013,18:56:50,leswatling,Or, a Wall-ee 08/15/2013,18:56:51,leswatling,1 08/15/2013,18:57:18,Scott France ,Bigger Keratoisis here 08/15/2013,18:57:40,Scott France ,I'm open to your choice. 08/15/2013,18:57:57,Tim Shank,Me too. Sounds like wall is the choice…. 08/15/2013,18:58:25,leswatling,mud is so....so....so.... 08/15/2013,18:58:31,Scott France ,Dirty! 08/15/2013,18:58:31,jasonchaytor,Sediment thickness related 08/15/2013,18:58:49,jasonchaytor,Mud is awesome 08/15/2013,18:59:13,jasonchaytor,I would venture that mud is wicked awesome 08/15/2013,18:59:44,amandademopoulos,wicked even 08/15/2013,18:59:53,leswatling,a true New England statement, with which I agree actually, but not when flying this high (off the bottom I mean).... 08/15/2013,19:02:20,Taylor Heyl,WHOI watch change: Taylor Heyl off, Ellie Bors on. 08/15/2013,19:03:08,jeremypotter,As a former Sir Watling devotee and soft-bottom groupie, I also agree. Much to study in the mud -- dpack 08/15/2013,19:03:46,marthanizinski,40 05.3431 N 68 28.2021 W 1372 m 08/15/2013,19:04:39,leswatling,nice mud close-up.... there seemed to be a lot going on in there... 08/15/2013,19:06:15,Scott France ,Several large CORO Anthomastus on ROC 08/15/2013,19:06:22,eleanorbors,back near bottom with man CORP 08/15/2013,19:06:39,eleanorbors,ACN venus fly trap on Boulder 08/15/2013,19:06:42,James Austin,boulder at the edge of the wall 08/15/2013,19:07:01,Scott France ,COR cup on ROC 08/15/2013,19:09:39,eleanorbors,SQD in water column 08/15/2013,19:10:23,marthanizinski,bearing 020 08/15/2013,19:11:24,eleanorbors,CPEN? 08/15/2013,19:11:41,eleanorbors,XEN, several 08/15/2013,19:13:15,eleanorbors,bent over with the current 08/15/2013,19:14:51,Scott France ,CER 08/15/2013,19:14:56,eleanorbors,ACN and small white SPO in SED 08/15/2013,19:15:42,eleanorbors,URC amongst the CORP 08/15/2013,19:16:06,James Austin,wall with prominent chute 08/15/2013,19:16:34,eleanorbors,CORPs with OPHs 08/15/2013,19:16:39,eleanorbors,ACN orange 08/15/2013,19:17:26,eleanorbors,fallen CORP with discolored (dead) tissue 08/15/2013,19:17:30,eleanorbors,OPH in SED 08/15/2013,19:17:34,eleanorbors,XEN 08/15/2013,19:17:54,Scott France ,Can't tell if those are ZOA or original octocoral... 08/15/2013,19:18:00,Scott France ,Is your view clearer? 08/15/2013,19:18:20,robertcarney,XEN big 08/15/2013,19:19:08,robertcarney,? so do XEN roll downhill? 08/15/2013,19:19:38,eleanorbors,COR Anthomastus (several) 08/15/2013,19:19:43,eleanorbors,OCT 08/15/2013,19:19:47,eleanorbors,ASR x2 08/15/2013,19:20:04,Andrea Quattrini,OCT X2 08/15/2013,19:20:32,eleanorbors,COR bamboo corals, a few colonies 08/15/2013,19:20:35,Scott France ,CORG Keratoisis 08/15/2013,19:20:48,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Parantipathes? 08/15/2013,19:20:56,Andrea Quattrini,with ophs 08/15/2013,19:21:03,Andrea Quattrini,CORA 08/15/2013,19:21:10,eleanorbors,small white SPO in SED 08/15/2013,19:21:27,eleanorbors,OPHs along the SED on the wall 08/15/2013,19:21:54,eleanorbors,ACN venus fly trap 08/15/2013,19:22:06,eleanorbors,several more bamboo corals here 08/15/2013,19:22:14,Andrea Quattrini,zoom CORA? 08/15/2013,19:22:37,James Austin,Spectacular wall. 08/15/2013,19:22:53,eleanorbors,many COR CUPs 08/15/2013,19:23:03,eleanorbors,BUR in wall 08/15/2013,19:23:34,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia white 08/15/2013,19:23:46,eleanorbors,OPH on CORO paragorgia depth 1378 08/15/2013,19:24:07,robertcarney,MUCus funnel at base of coro 08/15/2013,19:25:22,robertcarney,MUCus curtains below coro on roc face 08/15/2013,19:25:35,marthanizinski,DVL Coral cliff 08/15/2013,19:25:37,eleanorbors,something yellow behind here--maybe an acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,19:26:19,Scott France ,Yes - looks like Acanthogorgia to me 08/15/2013,19:26:21,Andrea Quattrini,Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,19:26:24,James Austin,caves and amphitheaters 08/15/2013,19:27:13,marthanizinski,bearing 030 move 08/15/2013,19:27:34,eleanorbors,COR Anthomastus among many COR CUP 08/15/2013,19:28:21,briankinlan,what is lat/lon for DVL Coral cliff? 08/15/2013,19:28:40,eleanorbors,small CORO paragorgia pink 08/15/2013,19:29:46,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,19:29:50,eleanorbors,COR Solenosmillia, COR CUP 08/15/2013,19:30:05,Scott France ,ACN on Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,19:30:07,eleanorbors,ACN on the CORG Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,19:30:12,eleanorbors,depth 1379 08/15/2013,19:30:34,eleanorbors,such a diverse community here! 08/15/2013,19:30:38,marthanizinski,40 05.3476 N 68 28.1933 W 1379 m 08/15/2013,19:33:10,Scott France ,Maybe a branched Parantipathes below 08/15/2013,19:33:16,eleanorbors,OCT?? 08/15/2013,19:33:31,jasonchaytor,well defined bedding 08/15/2013,19:33:57,eleanorbors,Suckers on the OCT 08/15/2013,19:34:16,eleanorbors,FSH Synaph 08/15/2013,19:34:43,Scott France ,At least one CORO Clavularia! 08/15/2013,19:34:53,michaelvecchione,Need to see skin on OCT as well. 08/15/2013,19:35:14,Scott France ,URC 08/15/2013,19:35:46,eleanorbors,OPH on CORP depth 1382 08/15/2013,19:36:02,eleanorbors,encrusting SPO 08/15/2013,19:36:14,robertcarney,OPH small with small disk very numerous on roc face 08/15/2013,19:36:20,robertcarney,Gas 08/15/2013,19:36:31,Scott France ,Single red polyp. Paragorgia? 08/15/2013,19:36:37,eleanorbors,can we zoom on that CORA 08/15/2013,19:36:41,eleanorbors,I see some SQA 08/15/2013,19:37:47,eleanorbors,awesome, thank you! 08/15/2013,19:37:56,briankinlan,COR scleractinian in the lower left looks whiter, lophelia? 08/15/2013,19:38:07,briankinlan,was in the lower left before zoom 08/15/2013,19:38:52,eleanorbors,SQA on COR CUP 08/15/2013,19:39:10,michaelvecchione,I am still thinking Bathypolypus. 08/15/2013,19:40:14,eleanorbors,zoom on CORA with SQA Chirostylidae (2 SQA) 08/15/2013,19:40:19,eleanorbors,depth 1382 08/15/2013,19:40:52,eleanorbors,bare COR bamboo skeleton to left. 08/15/2013,19:42:36,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela 08/15/2013,19:43:11,Scott France ,Test 08/15/2013,19:43:22,eleanorbors,many SQA on this COR solenosmillia, COR clavularia, COS CUPs 08/15/2013,19:43:28,eleanorbors,I can see your test, Scott. 08/15/2013,19:43:34,Scott France ,Thanks. 08/15/2013,19:43:47,peterauster,Just a quick note in between meetings today. Barbara Hecker sent me an email saying that at about 12:53 there was a large strange looking purple and white anemone on the rock in the lower left. No one commented over voice (she did not have IM) but was a relatively rare Actinernus nobilis. Back to meetings. Peace out  08/15/2013,19:44:58,eleanorbors,OPH and POL on COR Anthothela 08/15/2013,19:45:39,amandademopoulos,we have been seeing actinerus nobilus throughout the canyons on leg 2, and I know it was observed on leg 1 08/15/2013,19:46:29,eleanorbors,*I say POL but really I'm not sure what kind of worm that was. 08/15/2013,19:46:58,amandademopoulos,there were aplacophorans on the anthothela 08/15/2013,19:47:35,eleanorbors,if possible, it would be nice to fly with the lasers on for a bit on this wall just to get oriented to size here. Whenever convenient really. 08/15/2013,19:48:30,jasonchaytor,Wa failures along base of wall visible 08/15/2013,19:48:41,eleanorbors,Didn't see any SQA on that CORA bottlebrush 08/15/2013,19:49:23,eleanorbors,URC 08/15/2013,19:49:57,eleanorbors,SHI 08/15/2013,19:49:57,amandademopoulos,lasers are now on 08/15/2013,19:50:03,eleanorbors,great, thank you 08/15/2013,19:50:30,eleanorbors,SPOHEX 08/15/2013,19:50:46,Scott France ,Several CORG Keratoisis bamboos 08/15/2013,19:51:09,peterauster,re anemone ... that patchiness stuff again 08/15/2013,19:51:27,amandademopoulos,indeed 08/15/2013,19:51:44,Scott France ,Looks like a fracture developing to my untrained eye... 08/15/2013,19:51:45,robertcarney,ROC curious mottling 08/15/2013,19:51:54,eleanorbors,we just popped off the call and back on, so that was us. 08/15/2013,19:52:20,Scott France ,ZOA mat 08/15/2013,19:52:24,eleanorbors,ZOA on wall as well as grey incrusting SPO 08/15/2013,19:52:42,robertcarney,mottling due to encrusting sponge 08/15/2013,19:52:50,eleanorbors,GAS 08/15/2013,19:53:10,robertcarney,ANT and SPO in mortal combat 08/15/2013,19:53:22,robertcarney,GAS 08/15/2013,19:54:10,eleanorbors,ACN Actinauge 08/15/2013,19:55:08,amandademopoulos,jason TALK LOUDER 08/15/2013,19:55:19,Andrea Quattrini,JASON!!! 08/15/2013,19:55:20,amandademopoulos,JASON CAN'T HEAR YOU! 08/15/2013,19:55:53,eleanorbors,OCT 08/15/2013,19:56:07,Andrea Quattrini,better though 08/15/2013,19:56:32,michaelvecchione,zoom on OCT? 08/15/2013,19:56:33,Scott France ,I can hear Jason loud-and clear on the phone, but not so well on the streaming audio 08/15/2013,19:57:03,michaelvecchione,That one is Graneledone. 08/15/2013,19:58:27,Scott France ,Intreresting that the two different OCTs orient differently in the "caves" 08/15/2013,20:01:46,marthanizinski,40 05.3502 N 68 28.1995 W 1380 m 08/15/2013,20:01:55,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,20:02:05,eleanorbors,a few bare COR bamboo skeletons 08/15/2013,20:03:27,eleanorbors,COR bamboo, large 08/15/2013,20:03:38,eleanorbors,high density of COR CUPs 08/15/2013,20:04:02,eleanorbors,Bare rock 08/15/2013,20:04:08,eleanorbors,Nothing living on that. 08/15/2013,20:04:16,James Austin,some iron staining on the wall - fresh exposure 08/15/2013,20:04:17,eleanorbors,rust in middle 08/15/2013,20:04:28,eleanorbors,COR clavularia 08/15/2013,20:04:35,eleanorbors,ACN actinauge 08/15/2013,20:04:42,eleanorbors,clumps of COR cUP 08/15/2013,20:04:55,eleanorbors,TUBs 08/15/2013,20:05:01,James Austin,a collapse feature - good-bye corals! 08/15/2013,20:05:33,robertcarney,MUCus tube on claen face 08/15/2013,20:05:35,eleanorbors,APH caprellid 08/15/2013,20:07:27,robertcarney,GAS on clean face 08/15/2013,20:08:48,eleanorbors,moving away from bare spot to more COr CUPS, COR Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,20:08:56,eleanorbors,BIV 08/15/2013,20:09:17,eleanorbors,small CORP in upper right with ACN 08/15/2013,20:09:32,eleanorbors,OCT 08/15/2013,20:10:00,robertcarney,brown circle under cup coral 08/15/2013,20:10:39,michaelvecchione,Another Graneledone verrucosa. 08/15/2013,20:10:39,eleanorbors,Below this: CORA parantipathes with likely SQA (if my eyes were right) 08/15/2013,20:11:43,eleanorbors,URC 08/15/2013,20:11:43,michaelvecchione,Nice view of the skin structure. 08/15/2013,20:12:42,Scott France ,CORA Bthypathes-related 08/15/2013,20:12:45,eleanorbors,another OCT 08/15/2013,20:12:50,Tim Shank,ASR small yellow 08/15/2013,20:12:58,eleanorbors,large ACN on that COR bamboo 08/15/2013,20:13:00,robertcarney,brown circle under cup corals another one lt oct 08/15/2013,20:13:07,michaelvecchione,We don't know what they eat. 08/15/2013,20:13:12,Tim Shank,SPO small round 08/15/2013,20:13:19,eleanorbors,zoom on CORA bathypathes-likes 08/15/2013,20:13:24,Scott France ,Brown circles look like holdfast missing a coral. 08/15/2013,20:13:42,michaelvecchione,Bathypolypus has been found to have ophiuroid arms in the stomach. 08/15/2013,20:13:57,eleanorbors,APH on the CORA bathypathes like 08/15/2013,20:14:11,michaelvecchione,Shallow whater OCT generally eat crustaceans, molluscs, and sometime fishes. 08/15/2013,20:15:51,Tim Shank,close up on CORA Bthypathes-related white POL 1 08/15/2013,20:16:13,briankinlan,lat/long? 08/15/2013,20:16:14,eleanorbors,Man, I was so sure that was an APH... disregard my previous post. 08/15/2013,20:16:51,robertcarney,BUR circular exposed burrow cast 08/15/2013,20:17:02,eleanorbors,several small white SPOs in the SED 08/15/2013,20:17:12,robertcarney,BUR cast nice concentric wall structure 08/15/2013,20:17:20,Scott France ,I take back my comment about that being a holdfast... 08/15/2013,20:17:23,eleanorbors,many CORP with OPH on them 08/15/2013,20:17:26,eleanorbors,depth 1378 08/15/2013,20:17:29,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/15/2013,20:17:35,marthanizinski,40 05.3558 N 68 28.2101 W 1378 m 08/15/2013,20:17:47,robertcarney,BUR cast another to right similar horizon 08/15/2013,20:18:44,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes several and can see chyrostild crabs 08/15/2013,20:19:13,eleanorbors,COR anthomastus 08/15/2013,20:19:19,Scott France ,Side view of these BUR 08/15/2013,20:19:30,Tim Shank,FSH captured 08/15/2013,20:19:31,robertcarney,ROC BUR cast largely vertical with staining 08/15/2013,20:19:32,eleanorbors,ASR 08/15/2013,20:19:44,Tim Shank,ASR poraniid like 08/15/2013,20:19:56,James Austin,fantastic long burrow within the rock 08/15/2013,20:20:10,robertcarney,lasers on burrow structure for scale? 08/15/2013,20:20:25,Tim Shank,CORP several on wall- varying sizes, larger with OPHs 08/15/2013,20:20:53,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus each with OPH 08/15/2013,20:21:00,Scott France ,OPHs on Anthomastus! 08/15/2013,20:21:05,robertcarney,BUR cast maybe spiralled? 08/15/2013,20:21:09,eleanorbors,I have to step off everyone, but enjoy this fantastic wall and have a nice evening! Thanks again to everyone in the control van and on land. 08/15/2013,20:21:23,robertcarney,ASR 08/15/2013,20:23:37,amandademopoulos,so i'm going to say this on the con line-but off bottom time of 1730 will allow us to have a little more bottom time and allow us to complete part of the mid water transects-comments? 08/15/2013,20:23:44,leswatling,to the left of the burrow cast were two circular marks, one with hard corals around the bottom of the "rim." Any ideas on that? 08/15/2013,20:24:16,michaelvecchione,Liz Shea just told me that Janet Voight reported crushed gastropods and the abdomen of a galathaeid in the stomach of a Pacific Graneledone (different species). 08/15/2013,20:24:25,Scott France ,I think the conclusion those were cross-sections of the BUR casts 08/15/2013,20:24:38,leswatling,makes sense... thanks... 08/15/2013,20:24:58,Scott France ,Amanda - I can go as long as you can! 08/15/2013,20:25:03,Tim Shank,CORA Bathypathes branched - with 2 OPHs white close up** 08/15/2013,20:25:20,Tim Shank,different color tissue at the base 08/15/2013,20:25:30,Tim Shank,Thank you! 08/15/2013,20:25:47,James Austin,I think they may be cross-sections of similar structures. Jason made the point that the rock making up burrows is often different from the surrounding rock. That can work in both directions, in terms of grain size. I think the hole around which the iron staining was occurring in the fresh exposure some minutes ago was a hole in one of those "primary" burrows in the rock, perhaps fine-grained material dissolved by flow of some kind. 08/15/2013,20:25:50,Scott France ,Thanks to all the crew (ROV and ship) who are willing to work the long days! 08/15/2013,20:25:53,leswatling,weird, its like having tentacles on the base. 08/15/2013,20:26:23,Scott France ,Tissue really thick at the base of that black coral. 08/15/2013,20:26:33,Scott France ,I wonder if some of it is regrowth... 08/15/2013,20:26:55,Tim Shank,traversing along wall - 1380m heading 220 08/15/2013,20:27:01,Tim Shank,CORP several 08/15/2013,20:27:03,Scott France ,We stay on bottom until we find an OCT eating a SQA! 08/15/2013,20:27:09,Scott France ,Deal! 08/15/2013,20:27:17,James Austin,great erosional amphitheaters in the wall. These are good indications of fluid flow THROUGH the rock, by way of fractures (and perhaps primary structures like burrows). 08/15/2013,20:27:20,Tim Shank,COR Solenosmilia several colonies 08/15/2013,20:27:32,leswatling,thanks for the info on the burrows... I had to be offline for a bit so missed the close-up. 08/15/2013,20:27:53,James Austin,vertical fractures, which can facilitate downslope wall collapse and formation of amphitheaters 08/15/2013,20:28:33,robertcarney,BUR more burrow cast looking things next to vert concavity 08/15/2013,20:28:48,Tim Shank,very small white OPHS among holes in wall 08/15/2013,20:29:10,Tim Shank,seeing PYC 08/15/2013,20:29:14,James Austin,may be another empty primary burrow cross-section in the view now. 08/15/2013,20:29:18,robertcarney,BUR cast and more 08/15/2013,20:29:28,jasonchaytor,The vertical concavity looks like it could have also been aburrow 08/15/2013,20:29:33,James Austin,fabulous primary burrow structures 08/15/2013,20:29:34,robertcarney,BUR cast etc 08/15/2013,20:29:41,jasonchaytor,Jamie, you beat me to it 08/15/2013,20:30:16,James Austin,wow - fabulous burrows. No idea what made these! 08/15/2013,20:30:17,jasonchaytor,Fantastic burrow exposures 08/15/2013,20:31:01,jasonchaytor,Burrow or fluid pipes...I am still a little undecided 08/15/2013,20:31:07,robertcarney,What age of rock are we looking at? 08/15/2013,20:31:25,Scott France ,Tiny Parantupathes CORA there. 08/15/2013,20:31:29,James Austin,yes, perhaps these are fluid pipes, Simply too big for animals, I think. 08/15/2013,20:31:29,Tim Shank,APH aggregation in large HOL/BUR 08/15/2013,20:32:27,Tim Shank,URC on Keratoisis 08/15/2013,20:32:38,Scott France ,Sorry for talking over you Amanda - when I "un-mute" I can't here anyone talking on other end. I try to time it… 08/15/2013,20:32:46,Scott France ,"hear" 08/15/2013,20:33:05,amandademopoulos,not saying much here 08/15/2013,20:33:15,robertcarney,fact that these "pipes" are actually open is curious 08/15/2013,20:33:23,jasonchaytor,Early mesozoic to late cretaceous 08/15/2013,20:33:34,James Austin,I think they may be conduits (at times) for fluids migrating through the rock. 08/15/2013,20:33:34,leswatling,what seems strange about these burrows is the varying angles, suggesting not animal made burrows. 08/15/2013,20:34:16,Scott France ,That must be a male waiting for the Parantipathes to grow larger to attract a mate and have room for the kids... 08/15/2013,20:34:24,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes- "very small" with CRA; wonder if the tip of the CORA was cut off or if that is the largest that CORA has been 08/15/2013,20:34:29,Scott France ,He only has an 80 year or so wait now... 08/15/2013,20:34:35,leswatling,I like that last explanation of "pipes" for fluids, later back-filled. There are a couple of places in the Fulf of Maine where similar clay pipes have been found. 08/15/2013,20:34:41,Tim Shank,ASR white 08/15/2013,20:34:54,Scott France ,SQD 08/15/2013,20:35:05,michaelvecchione,zoom SQD? 08/15/2013,20:35:36,Tim Shank,I like Pipes too- based on morphology….length- they look so regular… 08/15/2013,20:35:46,Tim Shank,but I'm no geologist 08/15/2013,20:35:53,jasonchaytor,Carbonate chimneys some stillwith open apetures have been recorded from miocene age sequences off new zealand 08/15/2013,20:35:56,robertcarney,lots of "pipes" but no apparent "pipe" debris 08/15/2013,20:36:10,michaelvecchione,Now SQD in Seirios 08/15/2013,20:36:42,jasonchaytor,That is true bob 08/15/2013,20:36:43,James Austin,And we saw similar looking features (but not that big) associated with cold seeps on Nautilus off Israel in 2010. 08/15/2013,20:37:09,Tim Shank,Yes Jamie. I remember that. 08/15/2013,20:37:44,jasonchaytor,We would need a sample to get a better sense of the composition 08/15/2013,20:37:46,robertcarney,chimney's mistaken for cannons off Portugal 08/15/2013,20:37:57,Scott France ,CPEN? 08/15/2013,20:38:03,Scott France ,at base of wall feature 08/15/2013,20:38:04,Tim Shank,1379m 08/15/2013,20:38:22,Tim Shank,CPEN, I think so 08/15/2013,20:38:35,James Austin,more cross-sections of those pipes in view now. 08/15/2013,20:38:41,michaelvecchione,zoom OCT? 08/15/2013,20:39:37,robertcarney,Pipe large lumen and thick walls 08/15/2013,20:39:40,michaelvecchione,Thanks Tim 08/15/2013,20:39:43,Tim Shank,close up of CPEN 08/15/2013,20:39:51,Scott France ,CPEN Anthoptilum like 08/15/2013,20:40:13,Tim Shank,APH caprellid on wall in backfround- several 08/15/2013,20:41:15,Scott France ,CORP and CORG Acanella 08/15/2013,20:41:37,Tim Shank,COR swiftia near OCT 08/15/2013,20:42:02,Scott France ,POL in tubes 08/15/2013,20:42:16,robertcarney,OCT maybe in exposed opening of a horizontal pipe 08/15/2013,20:42:17,michaelvecchione,G. verrucosa with eggs 08/15/2013,20:43:15,robertcarney,POL sabellid nice shot 08/15/2013,20:43:34,michaelvecchione,I could see the eggs before, but now the interior is too dark. 08/15/2013,20:44:13,Tim Shank,Were they hanging from the "roof"? 08/15/2013,20:44:18,michaelvecchione,yes. 08/15/2013,20:44:29,Tim Shank,I should say "ceiling" 08/15/2013,20:44:31,Scott France ,I'm easy - your choice on the vessel... of heading. 08/15/2013,20:44:41,Tim Shank,Good plan. 08/15/2013,20:44:50,leswatling,If the electrons are truly moving at the speed of light, they are taking a rather circuitous route, maybe through the computers of the NSA, because I see a comment on the event log and then the object of interest about 15 sec later.... 08/15/2013,20:44:52,Tim Shank,Agreeable :-) 08/15/2013,20:44:53,Scott France ,Everything we've seen is so good! 08/15/2013,20:45:32,Tim Shank,A great place. - Hardly a "MINOR CANYON" :-) 08/15/2013,20:46:20,Tim Shank,COR whip 08/15/2013,20:46:30,Tim Shank,A couple of whips 08/15/2013,20:46:57,robertcarney,has a marker been dropped on this pipe site? 08/15/2013,20:47:31,leswatling,Radicipes? 08/15/2013,20:47:52,leswatling,black coral... good call Scott... 08/15/2013,20:47:54,Scott France ,Yes Les! 08/15/2013,20:48:02,Tim Shank,Chrysogorgid whip 08/15/2013,20:48:03,Scott France ,Not black coral!! 08/15/2013,20:48:15,Tim Shank,1379m 08/15/2013,20:48:22,Scott France ,CORG Radicipes 08/15/2013,20:48:24,leswatling,now I see better.... 08/15/2013,20:48:40,Scott France ,It did look like Stichopathes at first - 08/15/2013,20:48:41,Tim Shank,yes 08/15/2013,20:48:51,Scott France ,with tentacles arising from two sides of axis... 08/15/2013,20:49:04,Scott France ,but close view clearly showed octocoral polyps 08/15/2013,20:49:10,leswatling,that's what gave me a temporary change of mind... 08/15/2013,20:49:19,Tim Shank,For Stichopathes, I think of "swirls"... 08/15/2013,20:49:38,leswatling,a damaged Radicipes.... 08/15/2013,20:49:39,Tim Shank,2nd Radicipes with PYC 08/15/2013,20:49:53,Tim Shank,CORP with red SHI striped 08/15/2013,20:50:20,Tim Shank,Yes, ASR white Neomorphaster morph 08/15/2013,20:51:26,Tim Shank,close up of "SED" 08/15/2013,20:51:34,robertcarney,SIP several probosi 08/15/2013,20:51:47,Tim Shank,OPH OPHI too 08/15/2013,20:52:52,marthanizinski,40 05.3653N 68 28.2187 W 1380 m 08/15/2013,20:53:30,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia 08/15/2013,20:54:55,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,20:55:10,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia white 08/15/2013,20:55:17,Scott France ,OCT 08/15/2013,20:55:32,Tim Shank,Large CRA in CORA Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,20:55:36,Tim Shank,at least two CRA 08/15/2013,20:55:37,robertcarney,URC 08/15/2013,20:55:39,Tim Shank,URC on wall 08/15/2013,20:56:00,robertcarney,cobwebs 08/15/2013,20:56:14,Tim Shank,looks like eggs on celling with OCT 08/15/2013,20:56:44,Tim Shank,? 08/15/2013,20:57:00,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/15/2013,20:57:15,michaelvecchione,Another Graneledone. I don't see any eggs. this time. 08/15/2013,20:57:27,Tim Shank,SQA behind COR CUP 08/15/2013,20:57:35,Scott France ,Looks like SPO on the cieling 08/15/2013,20:57:42,Tim Shank,APH swimming next to OCT 08/15/2013,20:57:44,Scott France ,ceiling 08/15/2013,20:58:58,Tim Shank,imaging CORA Bathypathes-related - Gastrotychus crabs as associates 08/15/2013,20:59:13,Tim Shank,First time seeing Gastrotychus today 08/15/2013,20:59:23,Tim Shank,on Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,20:59:30,Tim Shank,at least 2 08/15/2013,20:59:45,Tim Shank,COR Anthamastus with single OPH 08/15/2013,21:00:06,Tim Shank,rather large CORA Bathypathes-related 08/15/2013,21:00:35,Tim Shank,large holdfast 08/15/2013,21:02:01,Tim Shank,SHI red swimming 08/15/2013,21:02:05,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/15/2013,21:03:25,Scott France ,CRI on wall? 08/15/2013,21:03:34,Scott France ,brown comatulid 08/15/2013,21:03:38,Scott France ,5 arms 08/15/2013,21:04:45,Scott France ,These are big suckers! 08/15/2013,21:06:29,Scott France ,CORG Radicipes 08/15/2013,21:06:34,Tim Shank,Another Radicipes whip 08/15/2013,21:07:11,James Austin,multiple protruding ledges 08/15/2013,21:08:01,Tim Shank,CORA parantipathes - quick zoom perhaps a CRA associate 08/15/2013,21:08:24,James Austin,collapsed talus blocks beneath the prominent ledge 08/15/2013,21:08:34,Tim Shank,Interesting not much colonization under the ledge at 1394m 08/15/2013,21:08:59,Tim Shank,COR bamboo skeleton knocked down with holdfast 08/15/2013,21:09:12,Tim Shank,1395m 08/15/2013,21:10:01,Tim Shank,COR swiftia below 08/15/2013,21:10:06,Tim Shank,OCT 08/15/2013,21:10:22,michaelvecchione,OCT 08/15/2013,21:10:40,Tim Shank,FSH 08/15/2013,21:10:43,Scott France ,FSH codling? 08/15/2013,21:10:54,marthanizinski,40 05.3709 N 68 28.2222 W 1397 m 08/15/2013,21:10:56,michaelvecchione,OCT Graneledone 08/15/2013,21:11:15,Tim Shank,rough day at the office for that FSH… 08/15/2013,21:11:33,Scott France ,So tired it'll sleep anywhere 08/15/2013,21:13:35,michaelvecchione,I would like to get frame grabs of all the OCT. 08/15/2013,21:13:56,Tim Shank,1400m 08/15/2013,21:14:15,Tim Shank,another bamboo with holdfast fallen over 08/15/2013,21:14:21,Tim Shank,FSH OREO! 08/15/2013,21:14:23,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,21:14:29,Tim Shank,always a pair... 08/15/2013,21:14:31,Scott France ,FSH Oreo 08/15/2013,21:14:52,thomasritter,it does seem like they're always in pairs 08/15/2013,21:15:18,Tim Shank,another COR bamboo with holdfast fallen down... 08/15/2013,21:15:47,Tim Shank,ASR white Neomorphaster 08/15/2013,21:15:53,Tim Shank,very small COR swiftia 08/15/2013,21:16:55,James Austin,man-made debris? 08/15/2013,21:16:56,Tim Shank,perhaps fallen ROC here 08/15/2013,21:17:25,James Austin,I guess it's geology! 08/15/2013,21:17:30,Tim Shank,COR swiftia 08/15/2013,21:17:59,thomasritter,has this oreo pairing been written in any publication Tim or has it just been something we have observed this cruise? 08/15/2013,21:18:03,Tim Shank,COR Amphastus on fallen ROC with single OPH again 08/15/2013,21:18:21,Scott France ,Jon Moore and Peter Auster published on the Oreo pairing 08/15/2013,21:18:42,Tim Shank,It has been observed before on seamounts….Moore et al... 08/15/2013,21:19:14,Scott France ,Try this Thomas: http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.3374/0079-032X(2008)49%5B31:FBNHIT%5D2.0.CO;2#.Ug1FuGRgZN0 08/15/2013,21:19:31,Scott France ,FSH skate 08/15/2013,21:19:34,michaelvecchione,skate 08/15/2013,21:19:51,Tim Shank,XEN 08/15/2013,21:20:29,thomasritter,Thanks Tim! Moore is a busy fellow 08/15/2013,21:21:51,Tim Shank,1404m 08/15/2013,21:21:57,Tim Shank,Seeing CORP 08/15/2013,21:22:04,Tim Shank,large COR anthamastus 08/15/2013,21:22:10,Tim Shank,and small ones 08/15/2013,21:22:47,Scott France ,CPEN Anthoptilum 08/15/2013,21:23:17,michaelvecchione,FSH Antimora 08/15/2013,21:23:22,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes related 08/15/2013,21:23:29,Taylor Heyl,OPH white 08/15/2013,21:24:43,Taylor Heyl,OPH wrapped around small stick 08/15/2013,21:24:59,Taylor Heyl,Many COR Anthomastus 08/15/2013,21:25:08,Taylor Heyl,CORP many scattered 08/15/2013,21:25:13,marthanizinski,40 05.3687 N 68 28.2115 W 1407 m 08/15/2013,21:25:14,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 08/15/2013,21:25:22,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/15/2013,21:26:16,Scott France ,CPENs several 08/15/2013,21:26:39,Tim Shank,Large ACN - light purple 08/15/2013,21:26:40,Scott France ,Anemone-saurus 08/15/2013,21:26:53,Tim Shank,SHI striped at least 4 08/15/2013,21:26:55,leswatling,excellent 08/15/2013,21:26:57,Tim Shank,on this rock... 08/15/2013,21:27:14,Tim Shank,POL associate on this ACN 08/15/2013,21:27:28,leswatling,the inner tentacles are huge! 08/15/2013,21:27:52,Tim Shank,CORP small 08/15/2013,21:28:56,leswatling,there's something in the food in this canyon.... 08/15/2013,21:29:20,Tim Shank,CORP fallen down with holdfast x2 08/15/2013,21:29:48,Scott France ,MiracleGro 08/15/2013,21:30:09,Tim Shank,ACN perhaps 30 cm in diameter; tentacles perhaps ~20 cm long 08/15/2013,21:30:18,Scott France ,Eating the corals it catches falling off the wall! 08/15/2013,21:30:34,leswatling,don't get the ROV too close! 08/15/2013,21:30:42,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/15/2013,21:31:25,jeremypotter,Bout time you focused on "that" sea pen, Martha -- dpack 08/15/2013,21:31:38,Scott France ,CPEN Anthoptilum like 08/15/2013,21:31:47,Scott France ,CER 08/15/2013,21:32:37,James Austin,Thanks everyone! "See" you tomorrow! 08/15/2013,21:32:59,Taylor Heyl,Thanks Everyone. Great dive today! 08/15/2013,21:33:00,Scott France ,Another wonderous trip into the canyons! Thanks all! 08/15/2013,21:33:21,Tim Shank,Thank you everyone too. Great job today all. Hardly a "minor canyon" when it comes to life here... 08/15/2013,21:33:25,Scott France ,Will there be a late conference call today? 08/15/2013,21:33:28,leswatling,Nicely done! Too much interesting stuff! 08/15/2013,21:33:34,Scott France ,Or are we all set for tomorrow? 08/15/2013,21:33:38,amandademopoulos,conference call at 1900 08/15/2013,21:33:53,amandademopoulos,we are going to dive at USGS Hazards 5 08/15/2013,21:34:02,Scott France ,Will try to make it. 08/15/2013,21:34:02,Tim Shank,Great dive. Thank you again! 08/15/2013,21:34:09,amandademopoulos,Thank you all! 08/15/2013,21:34:26,marthanizinski,40 05.3806 N 68 28.2130 W 1404 m 08/15/2013,21:34:57,thomasritter,Thank you so much guys! 08/15/2013,21:35:21,Tim Shank,FSH Oreo 08/15/2013,21:36:45,Tim Shank,off bottom 1399m 08/15/2013,21:52:18,marthanizinski,ship move underway will begin midwater transect shortly 08/15/2013,21:53:38,Scott France ,I feel like the old Star Trek theme should be playing... 08/15/2013,21:53:48,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,21:54:10,marthanizinski,Thanks Scott for staying on the line 08/15/2013,21:54:24,Scott France ,So hard to disconnect... 08/15/2013,21:54:45,Scott France ,I'll have the DTs beginning on Saturday! 08/15/2013,21:54:47,marthanizinski,Midwater transect starting 08/15/2013,21:54:54,marthanizinski,1200 m 08/15/2013,21:55:27,Scott France ,Larvacean house? 08/15/2013,21:55:47,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,21:56:08,Scott France ,Very nice! 08/15/2013,21:56:42,Scott France ,Don't see the ctenes... 08/15/2013,21:56:54,Scott France ,Larva? 08/15/2013,21:57:15,marthanizinski,Based on other red objects we have seen! 08/15/2013,21:57:54,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,21:59:00,Scott France ,Larvacean house? 08/15/2013,21:59:36,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,21:59:43,Tim Shank,CTE 08/15/2013,21:59:45,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,21:59:51,Scott France ,beroid CTE 08/15/2013,21:59:55,Tim Shank,great shot 08/15/2013,22:00:59,marthanizinski,Tim you couldn't miss this either?! 08/15/2013,22:01:11,Tim Shank,Nope 08/15/2013,22:01:23,Scott France ,SHI 08/15/2013,22:01:41,Scott France ,Tim gets the shakes when he isn't "at sea" for more than 45 minutes... 08/15/2013,22:01:54,Scott France ,Siphonophore 08/15/2013,22:02:29,Tim Shank,wa wa wa whaaaat? 08/15/2013,22:03:03,Scott France ,CTE lobate 08/15/2013,22:04:27,Tim Shank,what is that?? 08/15/2013,22:04:28,Scott France ,That's cool! 08/15/2013,22:04:31,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:05:35,Scott France ,Forget the family but there is one deep-sea JFH (hydromedusae actually) that has tentacles arise from top of bell, not rim) Will check further. 08/15/2013,22:05:36,marthanizinski,Ready to transition to 1100 m 08/15/2013,22:07:05,Tim Shank,Love it 08/15/2013,22:07:26,Tim Shank,Wish Vecchione could make it... 08/15/2013,22:10:06,Scott France ,Found it! Solmundella bitentaculata, a narcomedusa (hydromedusae) 08/15/2013,22:10:11,marthanizinski,Beginning 1100 m transect 08/15/2013,22:10:29,Scott France ,Who needs Vecchione!? ;-) 08/15/2013,22:11:04,Tim Shank,Wow Scott. Must have a highly organized filing system :-) 08/15/2013,22:11:28,Scott France ,FSH? 08/15/2013,22:12:03,Scott France ,All the invert type classes I teach! I knew I had it in a powerpoint presentation. Turned out it was when I taught the diversity section of Biology of Cnidaria. 08/15/2013,22:12:18,Tim Shank,Very nice 08/15/2013,22:12:31,Scott France ,Chaetognath? 08/15/2013,22:12:35,Tim Shank,Yes! 08/15/2013,22:12:48,Scott France ,A live freaking arrow worm! 08/15/2013,22:12:57,Scott France ,Pardon my language. ;-) 08/15/2013,22:13:13,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:13:42,Scott France ,Comes from teaching Invert Zoology for 13 years! 08/15/2013,22:13:58,Scott France ,SHI 08/15/2013,22:15:07,Scott France ,Gnathophausid? 08/15/2013,22:16:45,Scott France ,Hyperiid APH with larvacean house 08/15/2013,22:16:55,Scott France ,I think I need to dial in again! 08/15/2013,22:18:53,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,22:18:56,Tim Shank,CTE 08/15/2013,22:18:59,Tim Shank,Right? 08/15/2013,22:19:05,Tim Shank,Got THAT one 08/15/2013,22:19:08,Tim Shank,:-) 08/15/2013,22:19:15,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:19:38,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:20:04,marthanizinski,end of 1100 m transect 08/15/2013,22:20:56,Scott France ,CTE cydippid 08/15/2013,22:21:07,Scott France ,Last JFH may have been something like Aegina rosea 08/15/2013,22:21:23,marthanizinski,moving to 1000 m 08/15/2013,22:21:33,Scott France ,CTE ? 08/15/2013,22:25:02,marthanizinski,beginning the 1000 m transect 08/15/2013,22:26:07,Scott France ,Larvacean house 08/15/2013,22:26:36,Scott France ,Chaetognath 08/15/2013,22:26:59,Scott France ,Different color from previous 08/15/2013,22:27:05,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:28:19,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:28:35,Scott France ,JFH Solmundella bitentaculata? 08/15/2013,22:30:55,Scott France ,Copepod 08/15/2013,22:31:32,Scott France ,Small SQD ? 08/15/2013,22:33:05,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,22:35:16,marthanizinski,end 1000m transect 08/15/2013,22:35:26,Scott France ,Bizarre pattern... 08/15/2013,22:36:10,marthanizinski,moving up for 900 m transect 08/15/2013,22:40:00,marthanizinski,starting 900 m transect 08/15/2013,22:40:01,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,22:40:56,Scott France ,CTE 08/15/2013,22:41:28,Scott France ,SHI 08/15/2013,22:43:48,Scott France ,SHI 08/15/2013,22:44:44,Scott France ,Ostracod? 08/15/2013,22:44:58,Scott France ,or cladoceran?? 08/15/2013,22:45:26,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:46:10,Scott France ,Larvacean 08/15/2013,22:46:37,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,22:47:44,Scott France ,JFH 08/15/2013,22:49:40,Scott France ,CTE lobate 08/15/2013,22:50:06,marthanizinski,end of 900 m transect 08/15/2013,22:50:21,Scott France ,That was all lobe and no guts! 08/15/2013,22:50:28,Scott France ,FSH 08/15/2013,22:51:15,marthanizinski,setting up for 800 m transect 08/15/2013,22:53:14,Scott France ,All good things must come to an end. I have to go. Won't be available for call tonight but will be joining you on the dive tomorrow. Good night! 08/15/2013,22:55:07,marthanizinski,starting 800 m transect 08/15/2013,22:56:58,marthanizinski,sqd 08/15/2013,22:57:17,marthanizinski,jfh 08/15/2013,22:58:28,marthanizinski,CHAETOGNATH 08/15/2013,22:59:20,marthanizinski,chaetognath 08/15/2013,22:59:42,marthanizinski,FSH 08/15/2013,23:02:57,marthanizinski,JFH 08/15/2013,23:03:52,marthanizinski,mucus net? 08/15/2013,23:04:22,marthanizinski,SQD 08/15/2013,23:04:47,marthanizinski,JFH 08/15/2013,23:05:15,marthanizinski,end of 800 m transect 08/15/2013,23:06:36,marthanizinski,Midwater transects are finished 08/15/2013,23:06:44,amandademopoulos,nice work Martha 08/15/2013,23:06:44,marthanizinski,See you tomorrow 08/15/2013,23:06:57,marthanizinski,conf call 715 08/15/2013,23:08:20,Andrea Quattrini,nice work to the both of you~ 08/15/2013,23:19:03,amandademopoulos,thanks Andrea