08/14/2013,11:12:08,briankennedy, We are preparing to launch the ROV Deep Discoverer for our second dive in Oceanographer Canyon. Today’s dive will start at 1230 meters and then ascend up the east wall of the Canyon. The ROV should be launched at 0830 EDT this morning. The weather is a bit worse than forecasted so we will have to monitor it closely throughout the dive. 08/14/2013,12:23:47,Taylor Heyl,Good morning All! 08/14/2013,12:23:53,Taylor Heyl,Waypoints for today's dive: 08/14/2013,12:23:54,Taylor Heyl,WP1 08/14/2013,40.28905 08/14/2013,-68.1182 08/14/2013,Depth 1230.59 08/14/2013,WP2 08/14/2013,40.29006 08/14/2013,-68.1165 08/14/2013,Depth 1122.81 08/14/2013,WP3 08/14/2013,40.29096 08/14/2013,-68.1152 08/14/2013,Depth 1044.86 08/14/2013,WP4 08/14/2013,40.29187 08/14/2013,-68.113 08/14/2013,Depth 944.489 08/14/2013,WP5 08/14/2013,40.29345 08/14/2013,-68.1111 08/14/2013,Depth 845.739 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,12:24:07,Taylor Heyl,Dive codes below: 08/14/2013,12:24:09,Taylor Heyl,BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,STR - mucus string 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FEC - Fecal (matter) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,EGG - Egg (case) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,Taxa 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FOR - Foraminiferan 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,GRO - Gromiid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,XEN - Xenophyophoran 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SPO - Sponge 08/14/2013,SPODEM - Demospongiae 08/14/2013,SPOHEX - 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,BRA - Brachiopod 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,BRY - Bryozoan 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,TUN - Tunicate 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SAL - Salp 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,LAR - Larvacean house 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ECN - Echiuran (or radial feeding trace) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CTE - Ctenophore 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CNI - Cnidarian 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,HYD - Hydroid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,JFH - Jellyfish 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 08/14/2013, CER- Cerianthid (tube anemone) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ZOA - Zoanthid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,COR - Coral 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORA - Antipatharian 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORL - Lophelia 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORM - Madrepora 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORG - Gorgonian 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORP - Paramuricea 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORS - Stylasterid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CPEN - Pennatulacean 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CORW - Whip coral 08/14/2013, CORANT- Anthomastus 08/14/2013,Echinoderm 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ASR - Asteroid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,HOL - Holothurian 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRI - Crinoid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIANT - Antedonidae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIZEN - Zenometridae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRITHA - Thalassometridae 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,OPH - Ophiuroid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,URC - Urchin 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ART - Arthropod 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,PYC - Pycnogonid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,COP - Copepods 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRA - Crab 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,LOB - Lobster 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SQA - Squat Lobster 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SHI - Shrimp 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,BAR - Barnacle 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,APH - Amphipod 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ISO - Isopod 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,MOL - Mollusk 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,MUS - Mussels 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,NUD - Nudibranch 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,OCT - Octopus 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SQD - Squid 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,LIM - Limpets 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CHI - Chiton 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CLA - Clams 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,PTE - Pteropod 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FSH - Fish 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FCHN - Chondrichthyes 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FCOD - Codlets 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, FLAT - Flatfish 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,WOR - Worm 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,POL - Polychaete 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SCA - Scale (worm) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SER - Serpulid worm 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,RIF - Riftia 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SPA - Spaghetti Worms 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,Geology 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,BUR - Burrow 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,COB - Cobble 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,MUD - Mud 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ROC - Rock 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,RUB - Rubble 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SAD - Sand 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SED - Sediment 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,WAL - Wall 08/14/2013,WOD - Wood 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,Lava Morphology 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,TAL - Talus 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,PIL - Pillow 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ENT - Entrail 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,LOB - Lobate 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SHE - Sheet 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FOL - Folded 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,JUM - Jumbled 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,HAC - Hackly 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,Sediment Cover 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,LIG - Light 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,POC - Partial/Pockets 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,BLA - Blanket 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,Feature 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,ASG - Axial Summit Graben 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CAR - Carbonate 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CLI - Cliff 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,COL - Collapse 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,CON - Contact 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FAU - Fault 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,FIS - Fissure 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,HAY - Haystack 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,HYX - Hydrothermal 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,PIL - Pillar 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SCP - Scarp 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,SEP - Seep 08/14/2013,12:29:47,Tim Shank,Good morning Amanda and Martha and all explorers. 08/14/2013,12:30:19,Tim Shank,ROV in water going to 50m depth. 08/14/2013,12:31:07,marthanizinski,Good morning Tim and Taylor 08/14/2013,12:32:46,Tim Shank,Good morning Martha. 08/14/2013,12:32:56,James Austin,Good morning from the ISC, everyone! 08/14/2013,12:33:40,amandademopoulos,Good morning Jamie! 08/14/2013,12:33:57,amandademopoulos,Good morning all at ISC and Time 08/14/2013,12:34:00,amandademopoulos,tim 08/14/2013,12:40:12,Catalina Martinez,video feeds look good this morning 08/14/2013,12:43:11,Tim Shank,Good morning Jamie! 08/14/2013,12:45:33,Tim Shank,Passing 450m seeing siphonophores and SAL 08/14/2013,12:52:49,jasonchaytor,Good morning campers! 08/14/2013,13:00:09,amandademopoulos,good morning Jason 08/14/2013,13:13:49,James Austin,seafloor 08/14/2013,13:16:11,marthanizinski,bottom in sight 08/14/2013,13:16:40,James Austin,sedimented wall 08/14/2013,13:16:48,marthanizinski,40 17.3308 N 68 07.0711 W 1243 m 08/14/2013,13:17:16,amandademopoulos,hydraulics still down-use preset white balance settings from yesterday 08/14/2013,13:17:23,amandademopoulos,and adjust accordingly 08/14/2013,13:18:30,amandademopoulos,URC 08/14/2013,13:18:46,James Austin,scattered talus 08/14/2013,13:22:08,Tim Shank,COR swiftia 08/14/2013,13:22:21,Tim Shank,CORP with ACN and OPH 08/14/2013,13:22:32,peterauster,FSH ... little brotulid ... 08/14/2013,13:22:32,Tim Shank,ACN large pink 08/14/2013,13:23:00,Tim Shank,91246m 08/14/2013,13:23:06,peterauster,FSH Antimora 08/14/2013,13:23:52,Tim Shank,CORP small - different sizes 08/14/2013,13:23:56,Tim Shank,COR cup 08/14/2013,13:23:57,Tim Shank,URC 08/14/2013,13:24:08,Tim Shank,COR acanthagorgia 08/14/2013,13:24:16,Tim Shank,FSH with paraites 08/14/2013,13:24:34,Tim Shank,ASR Neomorphaster 08/14/2013,13:25:12,Tim Shank,larger CORP darker red - OPH and ACN ring associates 08/14/2013,13:25:23,Tim Shank,OPH asteroschema type 08/14/2013,13:25:27,amandademopoulos,is anyone hearing me on the comms shore side? would like some audible feedback confirmation regarding the dive plan-thank you 08/14/2013,13:25:28,Tim Shank,close up 08/14/2013,13:26:46,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus on ROC 08/14/2013,13:27:01,Tim Shank,ASR x2 08/14/2013,13:27:11,Tim Shank,SHI red on floor 08/14/2013,13:27:18,Tim Shank,CORP small stalk 08/14/2013,13:27:27,Tim Shank,SQA next to COR anthamastus 08/14/2013,13:27:34,James Austin,Previous ALVIN dives have recovered samples of dolomitic silty mudstones (of indeterminate geologic age) at approximately this depth, with subhorizontal bedding planes. That looks (initially) like what we are observing. 08/14/2013,13:27:59,Tim Shank,OPH on SED with purple disk with white arms 08/14/2013,13:28:14,Tim Shank,SHI Mysid on acanthagorgia 08/14/2013,13:28:24,Tim Shank,ASR orange underneath SPO 08/14/2013,13:28:46,Tim Shank,APH on dead stalk 08/14/2013,13:28:59,Tim Shank,GAS small on ROC 08/14/2013,13:29:57,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,13:30:57,Tim Shank,close up on SQA associate- COR acathagorgia 08/14/2013,13:31:12,Tim Shank,several red eye APH on COR acathagorgia 08/14/2013,13:31:23,Tim Shank,Thank you 08/14/2013,13:32:18,Tim Shank,CRARED 08/14/2013,13:32:36,jasonchaytor,thin spalling failures 08/14/2013,13:32:37,James Austin,thinly bedded rocks in the wall exposure 08/14/2013,13:32:50,jasonchaytor,almost like surficial crusts 08/14/2013,13:34:01,Scott France ,Hey! Sorry I'm late! 08/14/2013,13:34:27,jasonchaytor,Elongate semi-lithified/lithified burrow/pipe 08/14/2013,13:34:30,marthanizinski,Welcome Scott - better late than never! 08/14/2013,13:35:40,jasonchaytor,relatively continuous sediment drape on the wall 08/14/2013,13:35:50,jasonchaytor,small dislodged blocks 08/14/2013,13:35:57,James Austin,similar bench-wall, step-like topography that we saw yesterday. 08/14/2013,13:36:01,Tim Shank,CORP several different sizes 08/14/2013,13:36:13,Tim Shank,close up on OPH on CORP* 08/14/2013,13:36:15,Scott France ,Nibbled tips? 08/14/2013,13:36:21,Tim Shank,COR swiftia stalk at base 08/14/2013,13:36:52,peterauster,FSH - partially consumed?? Cyclothone 08/14/2013,13:36:57,Tim Shank,CORP with dead tips- APH HYD 08/14/2013,13:38:44,Tim Shank,CORP with potentially an isopod* 08/14/2013,13:39:37,Tim Shank,COR many swiftia 08/14/2013,13:39:58,Tim Shank,COR Acanella- morph 1238m 08/14/2013,13:40:00,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/14/2013,13:40:27,jasonchaytor,heavily bioturbated sediment drape 08/14/2013,13:40:34,Tim Shank,main axis thick 08/14/2013,13:40:40,Tim Shank,very small CORP 08/14/2013,13:41:08,Tim Shank,no visible associates 08/14/2013,13:41:56,Tim Shank,COR Thouarella 1238m 08/14/2013,13:42:03,Tim Shank,again seeing small CORP 08/14/2013,13:42:24,Tim Shank,COR Thouarella with APH many associates 08/14/2013,13:43:26,Tim Shank,COR cup 08/14/2013,13:44:07,jasonchaytor,cup COR looks like it is in a gap between the thin surficial crusts 08/14/2013,13:44:19,jasonchaytor,not clear what formed the little cave 08/14/2013,13:45:04,jasonchaytor,scattered talus ROC 08/14/2013,13:45:29,James Austin,some of the bedding exposure here looks nodular 08/14/2013,13:46:37,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,13:47:07,Scott France ,POL serpulids 08/14/2013,13:47:13,Tim Shank,SER 08/14/2013,13:47:17,Tim Shank,OPH small white 08/14/2013,13:47:23,Tim Shank,GAS on ROC 08/14/2013,13:47:34,James Austin,break looks conchoidal - suggests that the sedments are silica-rich. 08/14/2013,13:48:08,Tim Shank,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,13:48:11,Tim Shank,X2 08/14/2013,13:48:16,Tim Shank,1234m 08/14/2013,13:48:19,peterauster,FSH yet another Synaph 08/14/2013,13:48:29,jasonchaytor,Looks like the silty-mudstone Jamie mentioned earlier - brittle fracture, so these rocks have some strength (lithified) 08/14/2013,13:48:31,James Austin,talus is rounded - exotic to the outcrop (i.e., different rock type(s)) than the wall outcrop. 08/14/2013,13:48:33,Tim Shank,CORP small 08/14/2013,13:49:04,Tim Shank,FSH - FLAT 08/14/2013,13:49:17,peterauster,FSH Witch flounder 08/14/2013,13:49:40,jasonchaytor,It looked like there was a thin manganese and/or iron coating on the exposed rock surface 08/14/2013,13:50:24,amandademopoulos,lots of CORP 08/14/2013,13:50:26,Tim Shank,Field of CORP 08/14/2013,13:50:30,Scott France ,Peter - in that side view of the wall I felt like I was looking at MJ painting! 08/14/2013,13:50:39,Tim Shank,ASR Neomporphaster 08/14/2013,13:50:40,Scott France ,She obviously captured Oceanographer well. 08/14/2013,13:50:41,Tim Shank,COR cup 08/14/2013,13:50:51,Tim Shank,CORPs with OPHs 08/14/2013,13:50:55,Tim Shank,CRARED 08/14/2013,13:50:56,peterauster,FSH Longfinned hake 08/14/2013,13:51:01,Scott France ,Another CORP with degraded tips 08/14/2013,13:51:05,Tim Shank,COR anthamastus 08/14/2013,13:51:15,Tim Shank,SPO few 08/14/2013,13:51:20,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus 08/14/2013,13:51:43,Tim Shank,SQA under micro ledge 08/14/2013,13:52:27,Tim Shank,CORA parentipathes 08/14/2013,13:52:46,Scott France ,Hmmm... 08/14/2013,13:52:55,Tim Shank,COR acanthagorgia morph close up - APH 08/14/2013,13:52:58,Scott France ,Is this a different Paramuriceid? 08/14/2013,13:53:12,Tim Shank,I didn't think so- did you? 08/14/2013,13:53:17,Scott France ,Didn't think it was Acanthogorgia, but maybe 08/14/2013,13:53:18,Tim Shank,shorter polypes... 08/14/2013,13:53:20,jasonchaytor,talus slope/debris apron, tabular (thin) talus blocks 08/14/2013,13:53:32,Scott France ,CORA Parantipathes 08/14/2013,13:53:36,Tim Shank,close up on CORA Parentipathes 08/14/2013,13:53:50,Tim Shank,few COPR have ring ACN 08/14/2013,13:54:23,jasonchaytor,mostly angular blocks, but some rounded as Jamie noted...we may have a better idea of their origin when we move up slope 08/14/2013,13:54:42,Tim Shank,OPH white small on small CORP 08/14/2013,13:55:06,Tim Shank,SQA small on CORA Parentipathes 08/14/2013,13:55:18,James Austin,brown color of rocks looks primary - what do you think, Jason? 08/14/2013,13:55:39,jasonchaytor,I agree 08/14/2013,13:55:46,Scott France ,Sorry - stepped away (hazards of coming in to the office) - if there was a question... 08/14/2013,13:55:51,Tim Shank,SQD 08/14/2013,13:56:33,jasonchaytor,the fracture surfaces have the manganese/iron coating, but the upper and lower surfaces (which may have been sediment covered) seem to be close to the primary color 08/14/2013,13:56:33,Tim Shank,SPOs 08/14/2013,13:56:35,morgankilgour,looking back at the Oceanographer data from what I have, I counted 5 black corals throughout the dive 08/14/2013,13:56:40,Tim Shank,SQA 08/14/2013,13:56:44,Tim Shank,small CORP 08/14/2013,13:56:52,Tim Shank,SER 08/14/2013,13:56:59,James Austin,presence of abundant talus here suggests a steeper slope/wall above the vehicles. 08/14/2013,13:57:37,Tim Shank,COR small swiftia 08/14/2013,13:57:50,Tim Shank,ASR white x2 08/14/2013,13:57:59,peterauster,FSH Synaph, LF hake, black dogfish 08/14/2013,13:58:02,Tim Shank,Wall of CORP 08/14/2013,13:58:09,James Austin,did I see proximity of a steeper wall, or what?! 08/14/2013,13:58:21,Scott France ,Thanks for that info Morgan. 08/14/2013,13:58:38,Tim Shank,ACN venus - 08/14/2013,13:58:50,morgankilgour,no problem. It helps when I have a spreadsheet right in front of me :) 08/14/2013,13:58:54,Tim Shank,highly abundant CORP- wow 08/14/2013,13:59:36,Tim Shank,ANT ribbon on dead skeleton 08/14/2013,13:59:51,morgankilgour,boo! Balloon ribbon!!! 08/14/2013,14:00:07,Scott France ,One of the "problems" with my recounting what I saw on that dive is thta most of what I saw was out of a small porthole, and I haven't reviewed all the video, so I could miss stuff. 08/14/2013,14:00:18,morgankilgour,understood 08/14/2013,14:00:20,James Austin,bench-wall topography prominent 08/14/2013,14:00:49,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia? 08/14/2013,14:01:19,James Austin,wall outrcrop looks like more massive rock - perhaps less a mudstone than a sandier lithology? 08/14/2013,14:01:21,jasonchaytor,tabular talus blocks are likely coming out of thin interbeds within the wall 08/14/2013,14:01:40,jasonchaytor,one of which may be forming the top of this outcrop (bench) 08/14/2013,14:02:54,marthanizinski,40 17.3566 N 68 07.0850 W 1220 08/14/2013,14:03:13,Tim Shank,CRARED 08/14/2013,14:04:58,Tim Shank,CORA Parentipathes with white OPHs 3 or 4. 08/14/2013,14:05:14,Tim Shank,close up of OPHs 08/14/2013,14:05:15,robertcarney,? muscus funnel on rock 08/14/2013,14:05:23,Tim Shank,1222m 08/14/2013,14:05:24,robertcarney,muscus=mucus 08/14/2013,14:06:32,Scott France ,Cluster of 4 CORA Parantipathes 08/14/2013,14:06:46,robertcarney,funnel to lft this coral 08/14/2013,14:07:54,Tim Shank,CORA Parentipathes - 4-5 chyrostilids on this coral - many very small white -at least 1 larger 08/14/2013,14:08:00,Tim Shank,*** 08/14/2013,14:09:26,Tim Shank,CORA Parentipathes - close up again- same individual 08/14/2013,14:09:32,Scott France ,Tim - interesting how many Paramuricea do NOT have OPHs here. Some do, but many don't. 08/14/2013,14:09:59,Tim Shank,I KNOW! 08/14/2013,14:10:31,Scott France ,CORG Swiftia and CORP with line 08/14/2013,14:10:37,Scott France ,ANT line 08/14/2013,14:10:39,Tim Shank,ANT coiled line with partially dead CORP and a ACN - SHI mysid 08/14/2013,14:10:50,Tim Shank,BAR on dead CORP skeleton 08/14/2013,14:11:26,jasonchaytor,bioerosion along top of outcrop 08/14/2013,14:11:41,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus 08/14/2013,14:11:42,Tim Shank,CRARED 08/14/2013,14:12:17,robertcarney,MUCus "curtains" on rock face spo? 08/14/2013,14:12:33,Tim Shank,COR SWIFTIA 08/14/2013,14:13:37,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,14:13:51,Scott France ,COR cup 08/14/2013,14:14:04,Tim Shank,1219m 08/14/2013,14:14:16,Tim Shank,south facing wall 08/14/2013,14:14:25,Tim Shank,SHI striped red on SPO 08/14/2013,14:14:33,James Austin,Sharp changes in strike (direction) of the wall are probably facilitated by joints/fractures in the sedmentary rock, which facilitates erosion. We saw that in Lydonia, too. 08/14/2013,14:14:42,Tim Shank,all CORP oriented in a similar way on this wall 08/14/2013,14:15:09,Tim Shank,close up on SHI striped on SPO* 08/14/2013,14:15:42,marthanizinski,current from east pushing west 08/14/2013,14:15:57,Scott France ,CORA Parantipathes 08/14/2013,14:16:10,Scott France ,CRA PAG 08/14/2013,14:16:14,Tim Shank,CORP with large OPHs 08/14/2013,14:16:39,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,14:17:06,Tim Shank,close up of "acanthagorgia" morph 08/14/2013,14:17:58,Tim Shank,SQA in SPO 08/14/2013,14:19:39,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes 08/14/2013,14:19:40,Tim Shank,CRARED many smaller than previous dives... 08/14/2013,14:20:19,Tim Shank,small OPH on CORA Bathypathes 08/14/2013,14:21:02,James Austin,I agree with your comment, Jason. Environment looks presently tranquil. Talus is covered with sediment. 08/14/2013,14:21:08,Tim Shank,COR CUP solitary individuals 08/14/2013,14:21:33,Tim Shank,OCRA Parentipathes - can see CRA arm... 08/14/2013,14:21:40,marthanizinski,40 17.3561 N 68 07.0782 W 1219 m 08/14/2013,14:21:55,Scott France ,How are sectors numbered? 08/14/2013,14:22:19,jasonchaytor,randomly I think!! 08/14/2013,14:22:34,robertcarney,FORam agglutinated forma trees dotting sediment 08/14/2013,14:22:41,Scott France ,Got it - thanks. 08/14/2013,14:23:17,James Austin,As Jason mentioned earlier, harder bedding planes are forming ledges in the view now. 08/14/2013,14:23:51,Tim Shank,COR Acanella passed by 08/14/2013,14:24:10,Scott France ,Jason : sectors almost become random with the video time delay! ;-) 08/14/2013,14:24:29,Tim Shank,An amazing group of CORP with OPHs 08/14/2013,14:24:47,Tim Shank,ASR poraniid type 08/14/2013,14:25:16,Scott France ,Peter: she is asking about that stuff the fish swim over... 08/14/2013,14:25:21,Scott France ,;-) 08/14/2013,14:25:40,robertcarney,ROC face clean break 08/14/2013,14:26:04,James Austin,Talus may not be traveling very far. Talus in view may be these harder ledge-forming layers that are collapsing in place. That fresh break makes the rock very much appear like a mud/siltstone. 08/14/2013,14:26:09,Tim Shank,Looks like ledge failure with COR on it- they fell down with the ROC? 08/14/2013,14:27:25,robertcarney,Mucus tube from freash break 08/14/2013,14:27:57,Scott France ,That is what I see Tim. 08/14/2013,14:28:24,Scott France ,CORP many 08/14/2013,14:28:33,robertcarney,? 08/14/2013,14:28:43,robertcarney,Tanaid 08/14/2013,14:29:23,peterauster,Moby taneid ... 08/14/2013,14:29:35,Scott France ,The great white tanaid 08/14/2013,14:29:40,Scott France ,CORG Acanella bamboo 08/14/2013,14:31:09,Scott France ,Didn't see any associates in there... 08/14/2013,14:31:33,Tim Shank,Close up- THANK YOU Scott. I'm dealing with some things and had to turn away. 08/14/2013,14:32:15,Tim Shank,APH on skeleton- x2 coral almost dead 08/14/2013,14:34:07,jasonchaytor,more scattered debris blocks, different sizes. Mostly sourced from the stronger thin layers, but some from the thicker (gray) mudstone layers 08/14/2013,14:34:25,Tim Shank,still seeing many CORPs , ASR white, COA Parentipathes 08/14/2013,14:34:54,Tim Shank,CORA Parentipathes with SQA x2 large 08/14/2013,14:35:23,Tim Shank,Close ups *** great. 08/14/2013,14:35:39,Tim Shank,thick branches 08/14/2013,14:36:00,robertcarney,SQA...more investment in arms than body? 08/14/2013,14:36:23,Tim Shank,1211m 08/14/2013,14:36:31,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus 08/14/2013,14:36:40,Scott France ,ACN 08/14/2013,14:37:20,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,14:38:33,James Austin,Slope not being recently swept by currents. Only fresh exposure we have seen is the ledge break, which was gravity-driven. 08/14/2013,14:38:43,jasonchaytor,thicker sediment accumulation on the wall than previous site 08/14/2013,14:39:25,Tim Shank,COR Paragorgia with large red OPH - on live portion of colony 08/14/2013,14:39:47,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,14:39:57,jasonchaytor,small "mud ball" debris behind the para, suggests some downslope movement right here 08/14/2013,14:42:30,jasonchaytor,manganese coated coral skeleton?? 08/14/2013,14:43:24,Tim Shank,I2 feeds frozen 08/14/2013,14:43:27,Scott France ,Why does the stream get lost on the good bits? 08/14/2013,14:43:33,robertcarney,CHIton 08/14/2013,14:43:42,Tim Shank,FSH with SQD in mouth- amazing 08/14/2013,14:43:42,Scott France ,Stream 1 back 08/14/2013,14:43:50,Scott France ,Wow! 08/14/2013,14:44:09,Tim Shank,I2 feed locking up 08/14/2013,14:44:17,Tim Shank,FSH "Fathead" 08/14/2013,14:44:19,morgankilgour,thrusters feeding the ocean one fish at a time 08/14/2013,14:44:30,peterauster,FSH Synaph with squid in mouth 08/14/2013,14:44:39,peterauster,FSH cottunculus 08/14/2013,14:44:45,robertcarney,I-2 at LSU OK no lock up 08/14/2013,14:44:54,Tim Shank,1210m 08/14/2013,14:45:03,Tim Shank,Thank you Bob. May be local…. 08/14/2013,14:45:38,robertcarney,MUCus curtains on ROC behind fsh 08/14/2013,14:47:16,Tim Shank,Parasites on FSH cottunculus 08/14/2013,14:47:30,amandademopoulos,gnathiids-parasites on FSH cottunculus 08/14/2013,14:48:12,robertcarney,think engorged ticks 08/14/2013,14:48:22,Scott France ,I don't see segmentation... 08/14/2013,14:49:25,Scott France ,CORA Parantipathes 08/14/2013,14:49:30,Scott France ,w/ CRA 08/14/2013,14:49:31,Tim Shank,CORA Parantipathes with 2 SQA 08/14/2013,14:49:43,amandademopoulos,the bodies/abdomen are engorged with the fluid- 08/14/2013,14:49:56,Tim Shank,ASR white 08/14/2013,14:50:02,Tim Shank,ACN venus 08/14/2013,14:50:05,Tim Shank,1209m 08/14/2013,14:50:10,Tim Shank,SQD 08/14/2013,14:50:28,peterauster,FSH antimora 08/14/2013,14:51:47,Tim Shank,OCT 08/14/2013,14:51:51,Tim Shank,under ledge 08/14/2013,14:52:06,Tim Shank,CORP with hold fast knocked over 08/14/2013,14:52:17,Tim Shank,COR bamboo 08/14/2013,14:52:24,Tim Shank,surface under ledge pretty clearn 08/14/2013,14:52:29,Tim Shank,close up on OCT 08/14/2013,14:53:20,Tim Shank,SQD 08/14/2013,14:53:36,robertcarney,ASR 08/14/2013,14:53:48,Scott France ,CORG bamboo Keratoisis 08/14/2013,14:53:58,jasonchaytor,scattered debris/talus, various sizes up to cobble 08/14/2013,14:54:01,Tim Shank,COR Bamboo- no associates apparent 08/14/2013,14:54:18,Tim Shank,small CORP here as well 08/14/2013,14:54:20,robertcarney,TUBes numerous brown tubes exented from sed dusted roc 08/14/2013,14:54:26,Tim Shank,SHI red on SED 08/14/2013,14:55:06,Tim Shank,another COR bamboo Keratoisis - 08/14/2013,14:55:14,Tim Shank,COR swiftia with OPH associates - many 08/14/2013,14:55:47,James Austin,some of the talus is angular (locally derived), and some is rounded, suggesting water-based erosion, and transport from much further away (even the shelf). 08/14/2013,14:56:19,Tim Shank,looking at WAL now. 08/14/2013,14:56:52,eleanorbors,Hello everyone, this is Ellie hopping on at WHOI. 08/14/2013,14:56:55,Scott France ,ZOAS large mat on wall face 08/14/2013,14:57:01,Scott France ,Hi Elle 08/14/2013,14:57:01,amandademopoulos,hi ellie 08/14/2013,14:57:24,robertcarney,SQA tiny 08/14/2013,14:57:25,eleanorbors,SQA very small and ISO 08/14/2013,14:58:34,eleanorbors,SQA 08/14/2013,14:59:07,robertcarney,ZOAS has over grown spo and is being overgrown by spo as well 08/14/2013,14:59:22,Scott France ,Why can't I stop the B-52s from playing in my head every time I hear someone say "Squat Lobster?" 08/14/2013,14:59:38,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela 08/14/2013,14:59:56,marthanizinski,40 17.3704 N 68 07.0630 W 1204 m 08/14/2013,15:00:25,jasonchaytor,thank you scott, I thought I was the only one 08/14/2013,15:00:28,robertcarney,URC 08/14/2013,15:00:38,robertcarney,SQA 08/14/2013,15:00:48,morgankilgour,squat lobsters everywhere!!! 08/14/2013,15:00:51,peterauster,FSH injured? & Synaph in brow camera view 08/14/2013,15:01:14,Scott France ,I thought there was something wrapped around that fish Peter 08/14/2013,15:02:20,eleanorbors,SHI on this COR Anthothela 08/14/2013,15:02:23,eleanorbors,depth 1205 08/14/2013,15:03:15,eleanorbors,Many CORP here 08/14/2013,15:03:16,eleanorbors,SQD 08/14/2013,15:04:08,eleanorbors,Several COR Anthomastus here as well 08/14/2013,15:04:12,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/14/2013,15:04:44,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/14/2013,15:05:20,eleanorbors,URC 08/14/2013,15:05:30,eleanorbors,FSH FLAT 08/14/2013,15:05:34,robertcarney,URC on stlk 08/14/2013,15:07:02,eleanorbors,a few COR CUP 08/14/2013,15:07:12,eleanorbors,in search of the elusive FSH 08/14/2013,15:07:27,eleanorbors,ASR 08/14/2013,15:07:31,eleanorbors,ACN large pink 08/14/2013,15:07:52,peterauster,FSH cottunculous 08/14/2013,15:07:54,eleanorbors,4 CORP in view with OPH 08/14/2013,15:08:10,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus has claimed a cobble for itself 08/14/2013,15:08:12,eleanorbors,CORP near this FSH also has ACN 08/14/2013,15:08:48,Andrea Quattrini,FSH C. thomsonii 08/14/2013,15:09:02,eleanorbors,nice shot of the OPH and ACN on this CORP as well. 08/14/2013,15:09:04,Andrea Quattrini,tiny CORP near fathead 08/14/2013,15:09:05,eleanorbors,depth 1203 08/14/2013,15:09:16,Andrea Quattrini,good shot of OPH disc 08/14/2013,15:09:44,robertcarney,FSH mud on head? 08/14/2013,15:10:59,Scott France ,Pair of pliers…! 08/14/2013,15:11:10,Scott France ,Prob COR skeleton 08/14/2013,15:11:14,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,15:11:38,robertcarney,URC has climbed down from stlk 08/14/2013,15:12:03,jasonchaytor,debris apron/talus pile 08/14/2013,15:12:32,robertcarney,ASR ~3 in general area 08/14/2013,15:13:01,eleanorbors,two CORP in view both with OPH on them. 08/14/2013,15:13:10,Andrea Quattrini,FSH witch 08/14/2013,15:13:50,Scott France ,SPO several 08/14/2013,15:14:12,peterauster,FSH witch flounder 08/14/2013,15:14:13,eleanorbors,ACN on dead bamboo COR skeleton 08/14/2013,15:14:13,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/14/2013,15:14:51,Andrea Quattrini,Is URC on CORP? 08/14/2013,15:14:55,Scott France ,ZOA on skeleton 08/14/2013,15:15:08,Scott France ,CORG Swiftia 08/14/2013,15:15:10,Andrea Quattrini,COR Swiftia 08/14/2013,15:15:42,robertcarney,OPH small on substrate 08/14/2013,15:15:48,eleanorbors,nice zoom on URC 08/14/2013,15:15:50,Andrea Quattrini,awesome shot of URC 08/14/2013,15:16:08,eleanorbors,SQD 08/14/2013,15:16:10,Scott France ,Small Acanella on right 08/14/2013,15:16:25,Scott France ,COR cup on cobble 08/14/2013,15:16:28,eleanorbors,CORP with some tissue death 08/14/2013,15:16:36,eleanorbors,and I think ACN or BAR on it 08/14/2013,15:17:26,eleanorbors,COR CUP Zoom 08/14/2013,15:17:44,robertcarney,URC 08/14/2013,15:17:50,eleanorbors,small CORP with OPH on it 08/14/2013,15:18:34,robertcarney,GAS small 08/14/2013,15:19:02,Scott France ,COR Desmophyllum ? 08/14/2013,15:19:24,eleanorbors,SPO encrusting below these corals 08/14/2013,15:19:40,Scott France ,"Stick" Paramuricea 08/14/2013,15:20:28,eleanorbors,positioning to head upslope 08/14/2013,15:21:15,James Austin,a good wide-scale view of the bench-wall morphology characterizing this area (true also during the Lydonia Canyon dive). 08/14/2013,15:21:16,Scott France ,CORG Thouarella 08/14/2013,15:22:34,eleanorbors,CORP to right with ACN and OPH on it 08/14/2013,15:22:35,jasonchaytor,"fresh" surfaces on some of the debris/talus blocks 08/14/2013,15:22:51,jasonchaytor,dark gray, little bio-erosion 08/14/2013,15:24:11,eleanorbors,small orange ball 08/14/2013,15:24:30,eleanorbors,SHI in water column 08/14/2013,15:24:41,eleanorbors,SPO white 08/14/2013,15:25:14,peterauster,FSH witch fl 08/14/2013,15:25:23,jasonchaytor,some of the large debis pieces (boulders) were quite rounded 08/14/2013,15:25:52,Scott France ,CORA Parantipathes 08/14/2013,15:25:59,peterauster,FSH 2 grenadiers 08/14/2013,15:26:19,eleanorbors,OPH on seafloor 08/14/2013,15:26:28,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,15:26:31,eleanorbors,COR Anthomastus and ACN on small ROC 08/14/2013,15:26:57,eleanorbors,another COR anthomastus 08/14/2013,15:27:07,eleanorbors,small CORP 08/14/2013,15:27:25,eleanorbors,midwater FSH across screen 08/14/2013,15:27:43,eleanorbors,small ACN and SPO on this ROC 08/14/2013,15:28:00,eleanorbors,unknown orange material on the seafloor-- maybe a COR base 08/14/2013,15:28:20,robertcarney,concentric banded obj 08/14/2013,15:28:48,robertcarney,TRACE FOSSIL actual fossil 08/14/2013,15:29:21,amandademopoulos,Fossil? 08/14/2013,15:29:50,James Austin,I think Bob is right - that concentric banded pattern looked like a fossil (rock). 08/14/2013,15:29:51,eleanorbors,COR CIP with SQA 08/14/2013,15:30:01,eleanorbors,ACN as well 08/14/2013,15:30:03,robertcarney,yes fossil these layers used to be seafloor 08/14/2013,15:30:18,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,15:30:23,morgankilgour,anyway we can move that coral out of the way? 08/14/2013,15:30:33,amandademopoulos,:) 08/14/2013,15:30:57,jasonchaytor,fossil works for me...if only we could see the other side of it 08/14/2013,15:31:15,robertcarney,ROC orange = concretion? 08/14/2013,15:31:39,eleanorbors,COR bamboo 08/14/2013,15:32:14,eleanorbors,SHI in water columm 08/14/2013,15:32:16,jasonchaytor,tabular rock debris apron 08/14/2013,15:32:57,Scott France ,Try to get image of a branch point, please. 08/14/2013,15:32:59,eleanorbors,oooh, there are two small PYC on this COR bamboo 08/14/2013,15:33:07,robertcarney,ROC orange/brown elipsoid 08/14/2013,15:33:21,James Austin,good view of how angular talus is forming - disintegration of lithified bedding planes. Not much movement of blocks dfownslope. 08/14/2013,15:33:42,robertcarney,PYC 08/14/2013,15:34:59,robertcarney,PYC eggs 08/14/2013,15:37:24,robertcarney,GAS on roc small 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,15:37:41,robertcarney,ROC some thin brown plates mixed in 08/14/2013,15:37:56,Scott France ,So possibly CORG Eknomisis bamboo 08/14/2013,15:38:34,eleanorbors,ACN attached to fallen CORP 08/14/2013,15:38:40,James Austin,primary color of rock visible here - brown (likely a mudstone/siltstone). 08/14/2013,15:38:44,eleanorbors,likely a newly fallen CORP 08/14/2013,15:39:04,eleanorbors,SHI on HYD 08/14/2013,15:39:14,eleanorbors,Depth 1200 08/14/2013,15:39:36,marthanizinski,40 17.3882 N 68 07.0543 W 1201 m 08/14/2013,15:39:46,eleanorbors,SHI 08/14/2013,15:40:56,robertcarney,MUCus curtains on rocks 08/14/2013,15:41:29,eleanorbors,CORP several wall 08/14/2013,15:41:46,eleanorbors,OPH on ROC 08/14/2013,15:41:54,peterauster,FSH Codling? 08/14/2013,15:42:10,eleanorbors,SPO vase white 08/14/2013,15:42:12,peterauster,FSH synaph 08/14/2013,15:42:31,James Austin,bedding is alternatively massive (thick) and thin (which appears to be the harder material - providing habitat). 08/14/2013,15:43:09,peterauster,FSH previous codling is Antimora 08/14/2013,15:43:09,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Antimora 08/14/2013,15:43:13,robertcarney,mudstone = usefully vague term 08/14/2013,15:43:45,peterauster,FSH biting ?? at wall 08/14/2013,15:44:13,jasonchaytor,beautifully vague 08/14/2013,15:45:39,robertcarney,CIT 08/14/2013,15:46:23,eleanorbors,SHI 08/14/2013,15:46:31,Scott France ,SHI mysid 08/14/2013,15:46:34,robertcarney,FOSSILS 08/14/2013,15:46:36,eleanorbors,zooming on white material embedded in ROC 08/14/2013,15:46:47,Scott France ,Chiton 08/14/2013,15:46:49,eleanorbors,TUB 08/14/2013,15:47:25,robertcarney,remant shell material in mudstone matrix ammonite anyone? 08/14/2013,15:47:45,Scott France ,No thanks - I just had a granola bar. 08/14/2013,15:48:23,James Austin,Bob-I think the rocks here are likely too young (Tertiary), but if the rocks are Cretaceous, that could be a possibility. 08/14/2013,15:48:43,robertcarney,remnant nacreous shell 08/14/2013,15:50:06,Andrea Quattrini,i cannot here you jason. can you speak up 08/14/2013,15:50:47,Andrea Quattrini,*hear* 08/14/2013,15:50:53,marthanizinski,DVL potential fossil 08/14/2013,15:51:14,robertcarney,haven"t seen any sutures in the shell 08/14/2013,15:51:50,James Austin,No, but that would not be unusual, depending on what piece of the carapace is preservedf. 08/14/2013,15:52:17,robertcarney,whatever the "fossil" shell is< some of the dissoved carbonate has been ppt in narrow fractures 08/14/2013,15:53:02,jasonchaytor,sorry andrea, have people in my office....will speak up 08/14/2013,15:54:49,robertcarney,lasers 08/14/2013, 08/14/2013,15:54:51,eleanorbors,clearer ROC face; some of the white fossil material in the small outcropping 08/14/2013,15:54:53,eleanorbors,cool. 08/14/2013,15:55:17,peterauster,FSH synaph 08/14/2013,15:55:19,eleanorbors,CORP along wall 08/14/2013,15:55:20,eleanorbors,ASR 08/14/2013,15:55:38,jasonchaytor,the white material sort of looks like it is fracture filling in places 08/14/2013,15:55:44,eleanorbors,CORA, CORP 08/14/2013,15:56:02,Scott France ,This looks interesting... 08/14/2013,15:56:14,jasonchaytor,another possibility is that it was some kind of large lithified burrow with a carbonate precipitate on it 08/14/2013,15:56:28,Scott France ,CORA Bathypathes-related new species of schizopathidae 08/14/2013,15:56:37,jasonchaytor,lot of thin spalling failures on this part of the wall 08/14/2013,15:56:45,Scott France ,Large holdfast 08/14/2013,15:56:58,Andrea Quattrini,wow BAR 08/14/2013,15:56:59,eleanorbors,giant BAR 08/14/2013,15:57:11,eleanorbors,(well, maybe not giant. Just, large.) 08/14/2013,15:57:12,robertcarney,MUCus funnels on rock face 08/14/2013,15:57:15,James Austin,Bedding planes clearly visible within this wall, too. Best example yet of bedding planes within the fine-grained material. 08/14/2013,15:58:56,eleanorbors,Has anyone seen any associates on this CORA? 08/14/2013,15:59:34,marthanizinski,40 17.3876 N 68 07.0468 W 1189 m 08/14/2013,16:00:23,eleanorbors,numerous CORP on this small wall, may with OPH on them and a couple with ACN on them 08/14/2013,16:00:25,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/14/2013,16:01:03,eleanorbors,many CORP 08/14/2013,16:01:25,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia (?) 08/14/2013,16:01:31,eleanorbors,ASR pink 08/14/2013,16:01:40,eleanorbors,Looks like COR Clavularia 08/14/2013,16:01:53,eleanorbors,a number of COR CUP 08/14/2013,16:01:58,Andrea Quattrini,abundant CORP 08/14/2013,16:02:00,eleanorbors,(some living some not) 08/14/2013,16:02:05,James Austin,Wonderful view of differential erosion of bedding planes. Some, more lithified layers, form ledges on which biology congregates. 08/14/2013,16:02:11,Andrea Quattrini,ZOA or ACN? 08/14/2013,16:02:18,Andrea Quattrini,on left 08/14/2013,16:03:09,jeremypotter,Testing SS ECC 08/14/2013,16:03:12,eleanorbors,I think maybe ACN as well 08/14/2013,16:03:37,eleanorbors,SPO encrusting yellow and white 08/14/2013,16:03:39,Scott France ,SPO interesting yellow-brown 08/14/2013,16:05:24,eleanorbors,very small little CORP 08/14/2013,16:05:35,eleanorbors,Tiny SQA 08/14/2013,16:05:45,eleanorbors,TUBs 08/14/2013,16:05:50,robertcarney,MUCus curtain 08/14/2013,16:06:36,eleanorbors,ACN, SPO on rock face 08/14/2013,16:06:38,eleanorbors,HYD as well 08/14/2013,16:07:31,jasonchaytor,thin bedding 08/14/2013,16:07:34,eleanorbors,zoom on CORP with large OPH 08/14/2013,16:07:59,eleanorbors,CORP (number 2) with the same-looking type of OPH on it 08/14/2013,16:08:06,eleanorbors,APH also on CORP 08/14/2013,16:08:21,eleanorbors,those are both pretty good sized OPHs 08/14/2013,16:08:25,eleanorbors,Thanks for the zoom! 08/14/2013,16:08:50,robertcarney,MUCus funnels and curtains on roc face 08/14/2013,16:09:08,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,16:09:08,Andrea Quattrini,Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,16:09:30,eleanorbors,APH on CORG Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,16:10:30,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia 08/14/2013,16:10:45,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia with OPH, PYC, SQA, 08/14/2013,16:11:02,Andrea Quattrini,thick arms on the OPH 08/14/2013,16:11:09,eleanorbors,Depth 1183 08/14/2013,16:11:15,eleanorbors,beautiful 08/14/2013,16:11:28,Scott France ,Likely P. arborea 08/14/2013,16:11:30,robertcarney,PYC w/eggs 08/14/2013,16:12:09,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,16:12:11,Andrea Quattrini,PYC appear to be more abundant today on COROs 08/14/2013,16:12:37,robertcarney,PYC w eggs close 08/14/2013,16:13:00,eleanorbors,7+PYC on this one CORO 08/14/2013,16:13:48,Scott France ,Some "large" CORO Anthomastus here as well 08/14/2013,16:13:48,robertcarney,ROC large ellipsoid "concretions" among the rubble 08/14/2013,16:13:49,eleanorbors,small CORP on wall 08/14/2013,16:14:12,James Austin,Great view of talus locally derived from adjacent wall. 08/14/2013,16:14:39,Andrea Quattrini,just one PYC with eggs? 08/14/2013,16:14:54,Scott France ,Lost stream 1 - again just when getting good! 08/14/2013,16:15:02,Scott France ,OK - it's always good... 08/14/2013,16:16:10,eleanorbors,CORP with OPH on them on this wall 08/14/2013,16:16:22,James Austin,Some of the talus is rounded, however, so I am not sure that all of it is locally derived. 08/14/2013,16:16:32,Scott France ,Stream 1 back 08/14/2013,16:16:35,peterauster,FSH Grenadier Synaph 08/14/2013,16:16:45,Scott France ,CEPH 08/14/2013,16:16:47,Andrea Quattrini,do they take mulitple females? just curious because of all the PYCS on the Paragorgia 08/14/2013,16:16:48,Scott France ,OCT 08/14/2013,16:16:52,peterauster,FSH multiple synaphs 08/14/2013,16:17:05,Scott France ,Good question Andrea... 08/14/2013,16:17:25,James Austin,Evidence for downslope movement of sediment. 08/14/2013,16:17:32,marthanizinski,40 17.3905 N 68 07.0388 W 1178 m 08/14/2013,16:17:45,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,16:17:52,Scott France ,COR scleractinian branched 08/14/2013,16:18:49,Andrea Quattrini,intense female-female competition has been observed in at least one species 08/14/2013,16:19:24,eleanorbors,POL, SQA, on COR scleractinian 08/14/2013,16:19:34,Scott France ,Reading here about repro in Brusca & Brusca there is no indication of multiple matings... 08/14/2013,16:19:52,eleanorbors,SHI on ROC 08/14/2013,16:20:14,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela in foregraound? 08/14/2013,16:20:34,Andrea Quattrini,ah! they can! 08/14/2013,16:21:01,Andrea Quattrini,here is a great paper by a friend. http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2010/05/06/rspb.2010.0311.full.pdf 08/14/2013,16:21:02,amandademopoulos,COR Solenosmilia 08/14/2013,16:21:20,robertcarney,CHI 08/14/2013,16:21:52,eleanorbors,OPH on ROC 08/14/2013,16:21:59,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,16:22:30,eleanorbors,small SQA below COR solenosmillia 08/14/2013,16:22:39,eleanorbors,depth 1177 08/14/2013,16:22:44,robertcarney,OPH thin arms very flat disk 08/14/2013,16:23:43,eleanorbors, small GAS on ROC 08/14/2013,16:23:54,robertcarney,OPH same disk with tubercles (bumps) 08/14/2013,16:24:21,robertcarney,FORams many small attached white 08/14/2013,16:25:07,Scott France ,CORG Acanella 08/14/2013,16:25:07,jasonchaytor,sediment transport across stratigraphy 08/14/2013,16:25:45,eleanorbors,CORPs 08/14/2013,16:26:02,eleanorbors,white SPO 08/14/2013,16:26:27,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,16:26:28,eleanorbors,CORPs several 08/14/2013,16:26:38,Scott France ,CORG Thouarella large colony 08/14/2013,16:27:00,Scott France ,tipped over? 08/14/2013,16:27:02,eleanorbors,beautiful shot 08/14/2013,16:27:05,Scott France ,holdfast upright 08/14/2013,16:27:26,eleanorbors,APH on CORG Thouarella 08/14/2013,16:27:39,eleanorbors,SHI on Thouarella 08/14/2013,16:27:48,eleanorbors,ACN near base as well 08/14/2013,16:27:52,eleanorbors,depth 1174 08/14/2013,16:27:59,eleanorbors,can see base where detached 08/14/2013,16:29:14,eleanorbors,yellow and white SPO under ROC 08/14/2013,16:29:26,eleanorbors,TUBs 08/14/2013,16:30:29,Scott France ,HYD 08/14/2013,16:31:45,eleanorbors,CORP several 08/14/2013,16:32:02,eleanorbors,ASR pink 08/14/2013,16:32:05,peterauster,FSH Grenadier synaph 08/14/2013,16:32:28,eleanorbors,white SPOHEX 08/14/2013,16:32:39,eleanorbors,COR anthomastus 08/14/2013,16:33:02,eleanorbors,ACN pink 08/14/2013,16:33:15,eleanorbors,several orange/yellow CORP 08/14/2013,16:33:30,peterauster,FSH Antimora 08/14/2013,16:34:51,robertcarney,CRARED 08/14/2013,16:35:07,Scott France ,Does Dave rotate his chair using thrusters? 08/14/2013,16:35:09,eleanorbors,CORP small 08/14/2013,16:35:39,eleanorbors,ACN venus fly trap 08/14/2013,16:35:53,robertcarney,CRARED 08/14/2013,16:35:55,Andrea Quattrini,1161 m 08/14/2013,16:36:25,eleanorbors,Zoom on FSH rattail 08/14/2013,16:36:27,peterauster,FSH grenadier ... same fish seen earlier? 08/14/2013,16:36:33,Andrea Quattrini,FSH grenadier i think so 08/14/2013,16:36:43,marthanizinski,40 17.4078 N 68 07.0159 W 1158 m 08/14/2013,16:37:23,Andrea Quattrini,C?ruprestris or something different. I am beginning to get confused on the grenadiers 08/14/2013,16:37:27,Andrea Quattrini,? 08/14/2013,16:37:27,eleanorbors,COR CUP, several 08/14/2013,16:37:57,eleanorbors,ACN pink 08/14/2013,16:37:59,Andrea Quattrini,ZOOM grenadier? 08/14/2013,16:38:00,eleanorbors,SPOs 08/14/2013,16:38:13,Scott France ,CORG bamboo 08/14/2013,16:38:16,marthanizinski,current from south 08/14/2013,16:38:20,Andrea Quattrini,FSH M berglax 08/14/2013,16:39:09,eleanorbors,multiple ACN pink 08/14/2013,16:39:13,eleanorbors,CORP with OPH on it 08/14/2013,16:39:26,jasonchaytor,extensive debris aprons/fans composed of smaller pebbles/cobbles as well as the larger boulders 08/14/2013,16:39:37,James Austin,some of this talus quite rounded 08/14/2013,16:40:12,Andrea Quattrini,FSH macrourid 08/14/2013,16:40:16,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,16:40:25,James Austin,we may be at the lower end of a chute bringing pebble-sized sediment from higher on the slope 08/14/2013,16:40:43,Scott France ,Must be morning in Hawaii! Hi Les. 08/14/2013,16:40:50,eleanorbors,COR CUP 08/14/2013,16:41:10,Scott France ,CORO Clavularia 08/14/2013,16:41:16,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela 08/14/2013,16:41:33,Andrea Quattrini,white center different? 08/14/2013,16:41:40,Scott France ,OCT 08/14/2013,16:41:42,Scott France ,x2 08/14/2013,16:41:52,eleanorbors,Hopping spot here 08/14/2013,16:42:05,Scott France ,White Paragorgia? 08/14/2013,16:42:09,Andrea Quattrini,white Pargorgia? 08/14/2013,16:45:10,eleanorbors,many COR CUP 08/14/2013,16:45:34,eleanorbors,COR clavularia? 08/14/2013,16:46:07,eleanorbors,are these pink ones primnoa? 08/14/2013,16:46:23,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,16:46:30,eleanorbors,oh right 08/14/2013,16:46:37,eleanorbors,thansk! 08/14/2013,16:46:57,Andrea Quattrini,OCT G verrucosa 08/14/2013,16:47:49,eleanorbors,COR anthothela 08/14/2013,16:50:26,eleanorbors,There don't seem to be many organisms living ON these corals 08/14/2013,16:50:46,jeremypotter, test 08/14/2013,16:51:11,eleanorbors,I can see your test, jeremy. 08/14/2013,16:52:32,jeremypotter,Not Jeremy: Dave Packer; greetings all! 08/14/2013,16:52:40,James Austin,Great example of how the more lithified layer is forming a ledge that supports the biology we are looking at. 08/14/2013,16:52:47,morgankilgour,oh no! Dave 08/14/2013,16:52:56,morgankilgour,Dave's Here! 08/14/2013,16:53:34,peterauster,FSH grenadier 08/14/2013,16:53:43,marthanizinski,DVL coral garden 08/14/2013,16:53:49,Scott France ,FSH: Coral garden tour guide 08/14/2013,16:53:57,Andrea Quattrini,FSH M berglax 08/14/2013,16:54:25,morgankilgour,lasers? 08/14/2013,16:55:07,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,16:55:48,marthanizinski,current from south to north 08/14/2013,16:56:04,leswatling,Aloha! woke up to a pretty nice site! 08/14/2013,16:56:25,James Austin,ediment-filled chute to the left 08/14/2013,16:56:30,eleanorbors,another great spot 08/14/2013,16:56:34,eleanorbors,COR clavularia 08/14/2013,16:56:41,Scott France ,URC 08/14/2013,16:56:42,eleanorbors,small COR acanthella 08/14/2013,16:56:56,eleanorbors,COR CUP 08/14/2013,16:57:03,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Gadiropsaurus 08/14/2013,16:57:05,thomasritter,FSH gaidropsaurus ensis? 08/14/2013,16:57:07,peterauster,FSH rockling 08/14/2013,16:57:21,Andrea Quattrini,i think so, but i did not get a great look... 08/14/2013,16:57:30,Scott France ,Hi Les - there has been more diversity than I recall from our 2001 dive here. 08/14/2013,16:57:41,Scott France ,Better imaging this time! 08/14/2013,16:57:41,eleanorbors,I think I just made up a coral--I think I meant acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,16:58:14,leswatling,rocks look very different as well... 08/14/2013,16:58:25,eleanorbors,many CORP 08/14/2013,16:58:41,eleanorbors,COR Anthothela 08/14/2013,16:58:44,eleanorbors,many COR CUP 08/14/2013,16:58:46,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,16:58:49,eleanorbors,lookslike a CORA 08/14/2013,16:58:52,Scott France ,CORA Parantipathes 08/14/2013,16:59:24,eleanorbors,ACN on the CORA parantipathes 08/14/2013,16:59:46,leswatling,Acanthella... I like that name. Might have to use it for a new genus.... 08/14/2013,16:59:57,eleanorbors,many CORP here 08/14/2013,17:00:11,eleanorbors,Sorry--lots going on around me in the lab...! 08/14/2013,17:00:22,eleanorbors,SPO HEX to right 08/14/2013,17:00:46,amandademopoulos,sorry about that, Les, so much to talk about got a little flummoxed 08/14/2013,17:01:12,eleanorbors,many CORP here with OPHs on them 08/14/2013,17:03:00,leswatling,would be really nice to know if this is what the Paramuricea look like if they get to reach very old age. 08/14/2013,17:04:17,eleanorbors,APH on CORO 08/14/2013,17:04:21,eleanorbors,depth 1136 08/14/2013,17:04:48,eleanorbors,ACN on CORO 08/14/2013,17:04:59,Andrea Quattrini,this must be 1000s of years old 08/14/2013,17:05:39,leswatling,there are no ophi's on this old dude? 08/14/2013,17:05:47,eleanorbors,large base on this coral, likely ~25 cm wide 08/14/2013,17:06:11,eleanorbors,small CORP in front with OPH 08/14/2013,17:06:33,Scott France ,APH on COREP 08/14/2013,17:06:43,Scott France ,Several APH 08/14/2013,17:06:54,Andrea Quattrini,no PYCs either... 08/14/2013,17:07:01,leswatling,the amphipod is in the Epimeria by the looks of the one in the close-up 08/14/2013,17:07:15,Scott France ,Yes - spiny dorsum 08/14/2013,17:07:40,Scott France ,Very impressive colony. 08/14/2013,17:08:23,eleanorbors,ubiquitous CORP here! 08/14/2013,17:08:56,Andrea Quattrini,more stable or stronger here, and numerous corals 08/14/2013,17:09:11,morgankilgour,it would be great if we could image some of the ledge here 08/14/2013,17:09:21,eleanorbors,a few URC in view here 08/14/2013,17:09:27,Andrea Quattrini,URC 08/14/2013,17:09:54,amandademopoulos,is this what you had in mind Morgan 08/14/2013,17:09:57,James Austin,bedding here looks inclined - first time that I have seen that. 08/14/2013,17:10:26,eleanorbors,CORP with OPH on top of possible iron piece 08/14/2013,17:10:43,Scott France ,ZOA overgrown colony 08/14/2013,17:10:45,eleanorbors,OCT sneaking behind that ZOA-covered COR 08/14/2013,17:10:46,Scott France ,w/ OPH 08/14/2013,17:11:03,morgankilgour,what's our temp 08/14/2013,17:11:04,morgankilgour,? 08/14/2013,17:11:24,morgankilgour,thank you! 08/14/2013,17:11:29,eleanorbors,4.4 deg C 08/14/2013,17:11:57,leswatling,that big yellow is a different species... note there is a small on in the upper left next to the normal Paramuricea... 08/14/2013,17:12:04,eleanorbors,partially denuded COR skeletons 08/14/2013,17:12:08,Andrea Quattrini,OCT different 08/14/2013,17:12:30,Scott France ,Close to this ZOA Les? 08/14/2013,17:12:30,Andrea Quattrini,ZOA 08/14/2013,17:12:40,leswatling,further to the left 08/14/2013,17:13:14,leswatling,amid that clump is one with a fat yellow base 08/14/2013,17:13:16,eleanorbors,I can see those as well, Les. There was one a few feet left of the ZOA-covered COR 08/14/2013,17:13:37,amandademopoulos,what are we discussing and should we get a close up? 08/14/2013,17:13:50,leswatling,we need a close up in that clump 08/14/2013,17:14:17,Scott France ,I think pilots said we had to move... 08/14/2013,17:14:23,jasonchaytor,debris apron on top of outcrop 08/14/2013,17:14:31,Scott France ,Placogorgia? 08/14/2013,17:15:02,leswatling,good possibility 08/14/2013,17:15:08,amandademopoulos,any zooms? 08/14/2013,17:15:31,Scott France ,I think we want to find one that has a large raised holdfast…? 08/14/2013,17:15:33,Andrea Quattrini,are Placogorgia and Paramuricea being synonymized? 08/14/2013,17:15:36,leswatling,but now having seen a smaller one I am sure it is different from the ususal Paramuricea we are seeing 08/14/2013,17:15:51,Scott France ,Good question Andrea!! 08/14/2013,17:15:57,Scott France ,Stay tuned. 08/14/2013,17:16:04,Andrea Quattrini,thanks…i am! 08/14/2013,17:17:29,eleanorbors,ASR 08/14/2013,17:17:35,eleanorbors,COR swiftia 08/14/2013,17:17:46,leswatling,so that gives us an idea how large they are before they get an ophi 08/14/2013,17:18:15,Andrea Quattrini,Chris Mah: hot pink ASK is Chrondraster grandis 08/14/2013,17:19:04,Andrea Quattrini,not ASK ASR 08/14/2013,17:19:30,Scott France ,Interestingly, there is also a Paramuricea grandis from this area... 08/14/2013,17:19:39,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,17:19:43,Scott France ,CORG Thouarella 08/14/2013,17:20:16,Scott France ,The "grandis" comment was in relation to the Chrondraster 08/14/2013,17:20:17,eleanorbors,many more CORP 08/14/2013,17:20:54,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,17:20:57,leswatling,In the Harvard collection there is a very large P. grandis, but the base was not as large as the yellow fat base dude we just saw, so hmmm, very grandis... 08/14/2013,17:21:11,eleanorbors,ASR 08/14/2013,17:21:18,eleanorbors,ACN pink, ACN venus fly trap 08/14/2013,17:21:22,eleanorbors,SPOs white 08/14/2013,17:21:28,eleanorbors,ACN pink 08/14/2013,17:21:44,eleanorbors,SPO vase white 08/14/2013,17:21:49,eleanorbors,continued high abundance of CORP 08/14/2013,17:21:49,Scott France ,Les - this large colony was on the same order as the giant purple plexaurid we collected on… KUK? 08/14/2013,17:21:52,peterauster,do we have a name for those amphitheatre sponges 08/14/2013,17:22:05,Scott France ,Maximus? 08/14/2013,17:22:07,Scott France ,;-) 08/14/2013,17:22:29,leswatling,yeah Scott it was... maybe a yellow version of the giant purple plexaurid? 08/14/2013,17:22:47,eleanorbors,now we seem to have his some more SED and lost the high density of CORP 08/14/2013,17:23:26,Scott France ,And we still can't ID that one even though we collected it! 08/14/2013,17:23:37,eleanorbors,OCT 08/14/2013,17:23:49,eleanorbors,ASR on ledge 08/14/2013,17:23:52,Scott France ,CORG Thouarella 08/14/2013,17:23:57,marthanizinski,40 17.4289 N 68 06.9924 W 1129 m 08/14/2013,17:23:59,Scott France ,URC 08/14/2013,17:24:02,eleanorbors,URC--maybe on something? 08/14/2013,17:24:31,peterauster,FSH little brotulid ... 08/14/2013,17:24:53,eleanorbors,COR swiftia 08/14/2013,17:25:29,leswatling,there WAS a little small coral underneath it! 08/14/2013,17:25:37,peterauster,FSH synaph 08/14/2013,17:25:46,Scott France ,Yeah - I saw a little holdfast... 08/14/2013,17:25:53,Scott France ,Then I couldn't watch the carnage 08/14/2013,17:26:34,Scott France ,ACN has dwarfed the coral it is on 08/14/2013,17:26:36,eleanorbors,ASR x2 08/14/2013,17:26:38,eleanorbors,URC 08/14/2013,17:27:08,peterauster,FSH .. synaph 08/14/2013,17:28:11,Scott France ,Don't recall seeing any BIV 08/14/2013,17:28:33,Scott France ,SPO 08/14/2013,17:28:40,Scott France ,SHI 08/14/2013,17:29:05,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,17:29:26,eleanorbors,ACN flytrap on COR 08/14/2013,17:29:40,eleanorbors,zoom on FSH in water column 08/14/2013,17:29:56,Andrea Quattrini,I1 down? 08/14/2013,17:30:04,Scott France ,Not down here 08/14/2013,17:30:06,eleanorbors,FSH rattail 08/14/2013,17:30:33,eleanorbors,So do we think the high current could be responsible for the proliferation of CORP 08/14/2013,17:30:35,eleanorbors,? 08/14/2013,17:31:03,eleanorbors,SED 08/14/2013,17:31:07,Andrea Quattrini,over soft substrate with pebbles/cobbles 08/14/2013,17:31:16,Scott France ,Well, I think were there is a proliferation of CORP there must be stronger currents... 08/14/2013,17:31:17,eleanorbors,not many COR, but one small CORP 08/14/2013,17:31:17,peterauster,FSH synaph 08/14/2013,17:31:19,jasonchaytor,lot of coarse material on the sediment though 08/14/2013,17:31:38,eleanorbors,ASR 08/14/2013,17:32:14,eleanorbors,BURs 08/14/2013,17:32:35,jasonchaytor,burrow in semi-lithified material 08/14/2013,17:32:54,eleanorbors,BUR 08/14/2013,17:33:51,eleanorbors,a few small CORPs 08/14/2013,17:33:59,leswatling,they have the shape of a crab burrow.. 08/14/2013,17:35:05,eleanorbors,another very small CORP 08/14/2013,17:36:06,morgankilgour,yes 08/14/2013,17:36:25,morgankilgour,ger ready for coral rubble 08/14/2013,17:36:37,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,17:37:30,eleanorbors,BUR 08/14/2013,17:38:06,leswatling,I don't recall anything like this on our dive... this looks more like the chalky substrate we were seeing elsewhere in the canyons. 08/14/2013,17:38:23,morgankilgour,I am looking at pictures from the dive, This is very similar 08/14/2013,17:38:23,Scott France ,What are all the little white sticks? 08/14/2013,17:38:29,leswatling,Also, I would say the tilted block we saw earlier was also very different. 08/14/2013,17:38:44,Scott France ,I agree about the tilted block... 08/14/2013,17:38:53,leswatling,little white sticks could be the large foram, Bathysiphon 08/14/2013,17:39:01,Scott France ,…we saw more of the step-ledge, sediment drape, step-ledge 08/14/2013,17:39:28,Scott France ,…with piles of rubble, rock at base of steps... 08/14/2013,17:39:49,Scott France ,Look like Asbestopluma SPO 08/14/2013,17:39:53,leswatling,my recollection also was that on the steps between the ledges there were rocks sliding downhill with Paramurices on them 08/14/2013,17:40:40,leswatling,carnivorous sponge with eggs in the stalk! 08/14/2013,17:40:50,leswatling,probably Asbestopluma 08/14/2013,17:41:03,amandademopoulos,This line is just an approximation- we could move more ENE or E to see if we come upon more hard grounds 08/14/2013,17:41:09,amandademopoulos,or steeper slope 08/14/2013,17:41:18,eleanorbors,small APH on the white COR 08/14/2013,17:41:34,eleanorbors,(is this close one also a SPO?!) 08/14/2013,17:41:51,leswatling,these sponges also characteristically have the eggs inthe stalk 08/14/2013,17:42:40,leswatling,a whole field of them! amazing... 08/14/2013,17:42:45,Scott France ,Abundant SPO 08/14/2013,17:42:55,Scott France ,Nice view! 08/14/2013,17:43:10,eleanorbors,exposed SED from a few inches deep... 08/14/2013,17:43:35,leswatling,this mark will be here for a few hundred years! 08/14/2013,17:43:52,eleanorbors,depth 1116 08/14/2013,17:43:58,Scott France ,we can check how much the sponges have grown! 08/14/2013,17:44:20,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,17:44:31,leswatling,would you call that an armored surface? 08/14/2013,17:45:01,jeremypotter,Les -- don't call it clearcutting! --DPack 08/14/2013,17:45:12,eleanorbors,CORP in SED 08/14/2013,17:46:03,eleanorbors,FSH black dogfish 08/14/2013,17:46:26,leswatling,re the carnivorous sponges, judging by the current, that was a pretty good place to be... the sponge depends on something running into it.... 08/14/2013,17:47:39,eleanorbors,WHOI video down 08/14/2013,17:47:46,leswatling,mine too 08/14/2013,17:47:46,Scott France ,I1 Stream 1 donw 08/14/2013,17:47:48,eleanorbors,oh, we're back online 08/14/2013,17:48:00,Scott France ,Back here... 08/14/2013,17:48:01,marthanizinski,060 bearin 08/14/2013,17:48:07,leswatling,back on here 08/14/2013,17:48:15,eleanorbors,zoom on ROC with SPO 08/14/2013,17:48:48,marthanizinski,40 17.4423 N 68 06.9668 W 1102 m 08/14/2013,17:49:25,eleanorbors,CRARED on the horizon 08/14/2013,17:50:27,eleanorbors,CRARED challenging D2 08/14/2013,17:51:59,Andrea Quattrini,did you say fish? 08/14/2013,17:52:18,Scott France ,she said "shh" 08/14/2013,17:52:31,Scott France ,;-) 08/14/2013,17:52:45,eleanorbors,CORP small 08/14/2013,17:52:57,eleanorbors,landscaping 08/14/2013,17:53:47,leswatling,when you are a larva and you have to settle.... you take whatever rock is available.... 08/14/2013,17:54:38,eleanorbors,SHI in water column 08/14/2013,17:55:45,peterauster,FSH synaph with something in it's mouth 08/14/2013,17:55:55,peterauster,FSH grenadier 08/14/2013,17:56:16,Andrea Quattrini,sorry that was me. just got kicked off of skype 08/14/2013,17:56:46,amandademopoulos,hello again 08/14/2013,17:57:23,eleanorbors,drift test with ROV 08/14/2013,17:58:08,peterauster,FSH black dogfish 08/14/2013,17:58:19,peterauster,FSH grenadier?? 08/14/2013,18:00:41,James Austin,Most of the rock has been of one lithologic type. Many rock pieces, however. 08/14/2013,18:00:59,James Austin,scattered talus 08/14/2013,18:01:26,eleanorbors,two small CORP 08/14/2013,18:01:28,Scott France ,CORO Anthomastus CORP 08/14/2013,18:02:39,James Austin,dropstone accumulation? 08/14/2013,18:02:42,Scott France ,CORG Acanella ? 08/14/2013,18:02:50,Scott France ,FSH flat 08/14/2013,18:02:57,Scott France ,above rock 08/14/2013,18:03:08,morgankilgour,closeup of fish? 08/14/2013,18:03:35,Scott France ,Which? The witchj? Sorry - couldn't help myself. 08/14/2013,18:04:15,amandademopoulos,silly 08/14/2013,18:04:17,James Austin,larger boulder 08/14/2013,18:04:33,peterauster,FSH witch flounder 08/14/2013,18:04:52,eleanorbors,CORP several small 08/14/2013,18:05:09,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,18:05:22,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/14/2013,18:05:26,James Austin,scattered talus - various sizes 08/14/2013,18:07:39,peterauster,FSH synaph with prey in mouth 08/14/2013,18:09:00,eleanorbors,some slightly larger CORP here attached to solitary rocks 08/14/2013,18:10:04,James Austin,another boulder, somewhat rounded - dropstone? 08/14/2013,18:12:05,eleanorbors,FSH FLAT 08/14/2013,18:12:40,eleanorbors,a few BUR 08/14/2013,18:12:53,eleanorbors,2x CORP 08/14/2013,18:13:10,Andrea Quattrini,lots of syaph feeding sightings! 08/14/2013,18:14:03,eleanorbors,Interesting sediment formation--ripples? 08/14/2013,18:14:18,leswatling,drag mark! 08/14/2013,18:14:27,James Austin,ripples - oscillatory! 08/14/2013,18:14:31,Scott France ,Earlier at the overhang densely populated by coral (and with 2 OCT), Dave reported strong currents from South to North. 08/14/2013,18:15:04,Scott France ,CORP tumbled 08/14/2013,18:15:29,leswatling,ok ripples,,, I saw somethng like that earlier and wondered, but I guess with a strong side to side current... 08/14/2013,18:16:23,eleanorbors,both living and dead tissue 08/14/2013,18:17:04,eleanorbors,camera rotation back on! 08/14/2013,18:17:07,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,18:18:35,James Austin,Great ripple field. 08/14/2013,18:19:38,leswatling,very impressive... must be a pretty strong current coming through here. 08/14/2013,18:21:07,peterauster,FSH ... synaphs 08/14/2013,18:21:37,eleanorbors,depth 1064 08/14/2013,18:22:27,eleanorbors,I think that sounds good from WHOI--we can fly over some of this and head uphill 08/14/2013,18:22:35,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,18:22:55,leswatling,agree there should be another ledge up there somewhere.... 08/14/2013,18:23:07,eleanorbors,JFH 08/14/2013,18:26:33,amandademopoulos,CORO acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,18:27:04,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,18:27:15,eleanorbors,more variation in SED here 08/14/2013,18:27:28,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,18:28:39,jeremypotter,Les -- same spp. Acanth. here as in GOM? (armata?) -dpack 08/14/2013,18:29:25,eleanorbors,BUR with CRARED 08/14/2013,18:29:33,leswatling,yeah, I think it is all A. armata.... we did an extensive check a few years ago and all but one or two specimens from the seamounts and GoMe were A armata. 08/14/2013,18:30:02,jeremypotter,thanks -- dpack 08/14/2013,18:30:19,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,18:30:59,jasonchaytor,the depth of the burrows show that the sediment cover here is pretty thick, 20-30 cm or more 08/14/2013,18:31:53,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia and CORP on a small ROC 08/14/2013,18:32:35,eleanorbors,video down 08/14/2013,18:32:57,eleanorbors,video back on 08/14/2013,18:34:19,Andrea Quattrini,Acantho aspera is also abundant in the GoM 08/14/2013,18:34:37,eleanorbors,ASR 08/14/2013,18:35:28,leswatling,Hi Andrea, when Dave P is talking about GOM he means Maine... I think the diversity definitely declines as one goes north from GOM to GOM.... 08/14/2013,18:37:25,eleanorbors,From Chris Mah on Twitter: "A starfish looks like another Chondraster grandis on the sole rock in the middle of this sediment field..!" 08/14/2013,18:39:08,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,18:39:24,eleanorbors,COr skeleton 08/14/2013,18:39:37,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,18:39:59,eleanorbors,drift test 08/14/2013,18:40:04,James Austin,cnn 08/14/2013,18:40:22,marthanizinski,40 17.4663 N 68 06.8741 W 1031 m 08/14/2013,18:41:06,amandademopoulos,CNN? 08/14/2013,18:41:48,eleanorbors,BURs 08/14/2013,18:41:55,marthanizinski,135 bearing .15 to ,2 m/sec 08/14/2013,18:42:16,marthanizinski,for current direction and speed 08/14/2013,18:43:06,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,18:43:24,peterauster,FSH witch fl 08/14/2013,18:43:54,eleanorbors,FSH 08/14/2013,18:44:31,eleanorbors,Another FSH 08/14/2013,18:44:44,peterauster,FSH pale Antimora 08/14/2013,18:45:33,eleanorbors,COR acanthogoria 08/14/2013,18:45:36,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,18:45:55,eleanorbors,FSH rattail 08/14/2013,18:46:02,peterauster,FSH Aldro Synaph, Grenadier 08/14/2013,18:46:35,peterauster,FSH synaph 08/14/2013,18:47:10,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,18:48:44,Scott France ,CORP with ZOA ? 08/14/2013,18:49:32,eleanorbors,SHI 08/14/2013,18:50:10,peterauster,FSH LF hake 08/14/2013,18:51:39,eleanorbors,ZOA on CORP 08/14/2013,18:52:12,Andrea Quattrini,thanks les. I am used to GOM=Gulf of mexico. ha 08/14/2013,18:52:41,eleanorbors,SHI 08/14/2013,18:52:56,eleanorbors,CORP x2 08/14/2013,18:53:00,eleanorbors,depth 1004 08/14/2013,18:53:00,leswatling,I figured as much.... 08/14/2013,18:53:22,eleanorbors,try to snap zoom on CORP and COR acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,18:53:27,Scott France ,Wow! 08/14/2013,18:53:34,Scott France ,Had to pass that! :-( 08/14/2013,18:53:54,leswatling,another one with the fat base I bet. 08/14/2013,18:54:35,amandademopoulos,yup on the move-sorry about that 08/14/2013,18:54:55,leswatling,no worries, it suggests we will see more... 08/14/2013,18:55:21,Scott France ,Another tumbled coral 08/14/2013,18:55:26,eleanorbors, COR acanthogorgia "tumbled" 08/14/2013,18:55:30,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,18:55:33,eleanorbors,FSH rattail 08/14/2013,18:56:06,eleanorbors,ROC with SPO 08/14/2013,18:57:13,morgankilgour,crared 08/14/2013,18:58:58,eleanorbors,CRA Chaceon lighter color (I like to note when they are lighter because of the remaining lack of clarity in the golden crab/red crab distinctions) 08/14/2013,18:59:04,peterauster,FSH LF hake 08/14/2013,18:59:23,eleanorbors,(likely all one species in this region but you never know) 08/14/2013,18:59:27,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,18:59:30,eleanorbors,BUR 08/14/2013,18:59:39,Scott France ,CRA in BUR 08/14/2013,18:59:48,jasonchaytor,more deep burrows, thick sediments continue 08/14/2013,19:00:15,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,19:01:16,eleanorbors,COR skeleton with HYD 08/14/2013,19:01:22,leswatling,The lighter color of the crab could also be an indicator of how recently it molted. The cuticle tans increasingly with age. By tan I mean gets additional protein added, etc. 08/14/2013,19:01:33,Scott France ,CORP in BUR? 08/14/2013,19:01:59,eleanorbors,Interesting. Thanks, Les. 08/14/2013,19:02:39,eleanorbors,SHI in water column 08/14/2013,19:02:52,eleanorbors,SHI or ROC 08/14/2013,19:02:58,peterauster,Smile when you say that .... 08/14/2013,19:03:08,peterauster,FSH LF hake 08/14/2013,19:03:11,marthanizinski,:) 08/14/2013,19:03:14,James Austin,more ripples 08/14/2013,19:05:09,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,19:05:33,James Austin,rounded boulder, encrusted 08/14/2013,19:06:20,eleanorbors,ROC with HYD and SPO 08/14/2013,19:06:28,Scott France ,Zoom again? 08/14/2013,19:07:24,Scott France ,Not really... 08/14/2013,19:07:35,peterauster,FSH black dogfish 08/14/2013,19:07:37,Scott France ,I was trying to see if HYD were actually an octcoral... 08/14/2013,19:07:45,Scott France ,But if you saw HYD, no problem 08/14/2013,19:09:23,James Austin,a lot of different rock types in the talus. almost certainly glacially/stream derived, likely originally from shallower (shelf) waters. 08/14/2013,19:09:25,leswatling,a nice fine-grained top to the ripple makr. 08/14/2013,19:09:42,leswatling,*mark 08/14/2013,19:10:37,eleanorbors,depth 972 08/14/2013,19:10:40,peterauster,FSH grenadier 08/14/2013,19:11:08,peterauster,FSH Synaph 08/14/2013,19:12:46,Scott France ,Fat one! Fat one! Zoom! 08/14/2013,19:12:56,eleanorbors,CORP with ZOA and SHI x2 08/14/2013,19:13:01,Scott France ,Yes! 08/14/2013,19:13:12,Scott France ,Good imaging 08/14/2013,19:13:15,Scott France ,please 08/14/2013,19:13:43,Scott France ,ZOA 08/14/2013,19:13:49,Scott France ,overgroing one side 08/14/2013,19:14:05,leswatling,agree looks like zoanthid 08/14/2013,19:14:22,leswatling,too bad we can't see the base 08/14/2013,19:14:41,leswatling,again no ophis, so this must be different... 08/14/2013,19:15:30,eleanorbors,many small APH on this COR 08/14/2013,19:15:33,eleanorbors,depth 963 08/14/2013,19:16:26,eleanorbors,This is a good zoom on this shrimp--you know how much we like zooming on SHI here at WHOI! 08/14/2013,19:21:56,eleanorbors,CORP 08/14/2013,19:22:17,peterauster,FSH LF hake 08/14/2013,19:22:26,leswatling,I suspect that the wider base is a function of the genetic aspect of the species. 08/14/2013,19:22:46,peterauster,Thanks ....:| 08/14/2013,19:23:04,peterauster,oops .... :) 08/14/2013,19:23:15,leswatling,but there is no question that the wide base is important for holding the animal on the rock when the width of the colony increases to a meter or so. 08/14/2013,19:23:32,marthanizinski,current out of SE at about .3 kt 08/14/2013,19:23:37,leswatling,the first one we looked at sure seemed to have added to its base, maybe as it grew. 08/14/2013,19:23:51,Scott France ,I agree with that Les. 08/14/2013,19:24:04,Scott France ,I think you could see multiple layers of tissue... 08/14/2013,19:24:12,leswatling,exactly 08/14/2013,19:24:15,Scott France ,…draped over the holdfast 08/14/2013,19:24:49,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,19:24:49,peterauster,FSH synaph 08/14/2013,19:24:50,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,19:24:51,eleanorbors,GAS shell 08/14/2013,19:24:51,leswatling,so that suggests that there can be some adjustment of the base depending on current... but could also be limited by genetic capability 08/14/2013,19:25:35,Scott France ,POL ? 08/14/2013,19:25:36,leswatling,the Paramuricea we are used to seeing always have a pretty narrow base, no matter how big they get. 08/14/2013,19:26:32,leswatling,there is always an amphipod! 08/14/2013,19:27:05,leswatling,another one of our nudibranch/holothurians 08/14/2013,19:27:16,Scott France ,That is the way people refer to me on the beach... 08/14/2013,19:28:21,amandademopoulos,pink thing? 08/14/2013,19:28:22,Scott France ,SPO? Contracted ACN? 08/14/2013,19:28:52,Scott France ,Amorphous pink blob of unknown origin 08/14/2013,19:29:08,leswatling,is there a code for that? 08/14/2013,19:29:14,Scott France ,SCF 08/14/2013,19:29:17,Scott France ,;-) 08/14/2013,19:29:25,amandademopoulos,what's ur middle name? 08/14/2013,19:29:28,leswatling,haha, yep... 08/14/2013,19:29:30,Scott France ,Charles 08/14/2013,19:29:36,amandademopoulos,ah 08/14/2013,19:30:04,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,19:30:10,Scott France ,Anthothela? 08/14/2013,19:30:32,leswatling,yep. 08/14/2013,19:30:46,eleanorbors,COR Anthothela depth 949 08/14/2013,19:30:48,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela 08/14/2013,19:31:06,leswatling,may be on a small rock 08/14/2013,19:31:09,Scott France ,sorry Elle! Can't type without watching my fingers, so miss what is being added! 08/14/2013,19:31:24,eleanorbors,Oh, no worries! 08/14/2013,19:31:56,eleanorbors,CORP with ZOA 08/14/2013,19:32:04,Scott France ,Another of the "Placogorgia"… lost feed. 08/14/2013,19:32:39,Scott France ,Back... 08/14/2013,19:33:14,Scott France ,To differentiate, I'm calling that morph "Placogorgia" rather than Paramuricea 08/14/2013,19:33:56,Scott France ,CORG "Placogorgia" 08/14/2013,19:34:33,Scott France ,w/ SHI but no OPHs 08/14/2013,19:34:40,leswatling,nice, thick base.. 08/14/2013,19:35:02,Scott France ,Kinda lonely out there... 08/14/2013,19:35:14,Scott France ,How the heck do these individuals reproduce? 08/14/2013,19:35:18,leswatling,and looks like no ophis again... 08/14/2013,19:36:11,Scott France ,And flabellate vs planar 08/14/2013,19:36:43,leswatling,there is something different here... this species has amphipods that do not appear to be present on the Paramuricea.... that suggests a chemistry difference between the two species as well.. 08/14/2013,19:38:27,leswatling,this shows a good example of the differences between the two species. 08/14/2013,19:38:28,Scott France ,CORP and CORO Anthothela 08/14/2013,19:38:32,Scott France ,ZOA 08/14/2013,19:39:16,leswatling,that's an old Paramuricea that is being overtaken by everything else... gets it is near the end of its days. 08/14/2013,19:39:18,eleanorbors,Dead tissue/skelton and HYDs 08/14/2013,19:41:03,Scott France ,That Paramuricea reminded me of the colonies we collected in this canyon in 2001 at about 815 m. 08/14/2013,19:41:13,Scott France ,Also had Anthothela and ZOA overgrowing it. 08/14/2013,19:41:23,leswatling,yeah... 08/14/2013,19:42:01,James Austin,Finally, a fly-trap on a cobble! 08/14/2013,19:42:10,amandademopoulos,there were two separate corals: CORP with zoa and COR -acanthogorgia with zoa and anthothela 08/14/2013,19:42:40,peterauster,FSH grenadier 08/14/2013,19:43:21,Scott France ,URC 08/14/2013,19:43:53,leswatling,there seems to be more of the Placogorgia here.... 08/14/2013,19:44:27,eleanorbors,COR Placogorgia 08/14/2013,19:45:05,Scott France ,Agreed. 08/14/2013,19:45:08,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,19:45:40,Scott France ,Battle for the little available hard substrata 08/14/2013,19:45:52,Scott France ,Competing! 08/14/2013,19:45:56,eleanorbors,CORP with ZOA and another COR with possibly a SHI underneath 08/14/2013,19:45:58,Scott France ,No harmony in the deep sea 08/14/2013,19:46:38,leswatling,but I think Anthothela might need the shelter provided by the Paramuricea.... 08/14/2013,19:47:02,amandademopoulos,COR acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,19:48:37,James Austin,area looks like it has been swept of fine-grained sediment. 08/14/2013,19:48:46,Scott France ,CORP and Placogorgia ? 08/14/2013,19:49:09,eleanorbors,CORP with ZOA 08/14/2013,19:49:29,Scott France ,Interesting that we've only seen two or three Paragorgia on the whole dive... 08/14/2013,19:50:03,Scott France ,URC 08/14/2013,19:50:16,Scott France ,CORO Anthothela 08/14/2013,19:50:32,Scott France ,Very small CORP recruit to right 08/14/2013,19:50:53,eleanorbors,117 meters. let's do it!! 08/14/2013,19:51:00,Scott France ,I know there is going to be something AWESOME at 12 minutes away... 08/14/2013,19:51:18,eleanorbors,SPO 08/14/2013,19:51:19,eleanorbors,URC 08/14/2013,19:51:27,eleanorbors,oh, URC on the CORP/ZOA 08/14/2013,19:52:01,eleanorbors,URC 08/14/2013,19:52:31,James Austin,more coarse-grained talus - opportunity for coral habitat? 08/14/2013,19:52:52,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,19:53:18,peterauster,FSH LF hake 08/14/2013,19:53:28,eleanorbors,URC 08/14/2013,19:53:43,Scott France ,Agree James! 08/14/2013,19:54:10,eleanorbors,CORP tumbled over 08/14/2013,19:54:35,Scott France ,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/14/2013,19:55:13,eleanorbors,URC stalking its prey 08/14/2013,19:55:14,Scott France ,Run! 08/14/2013,19:55:19,Scott France ,D'Oh. 08/14/2013,19:55:23,James Austin,diverse talus types - sizes and lithologies 08/14/2013,19:55:53,Scott France ,That is maybe why we see tipped over CORP… Tried to run and tripped on their holdfast. 08/14/2013,19:56:23,amandademopoulos,:) interesting comment 08/14/2013,19:56:24,leswatling,or they got bowled over by a fish blinded by the ROV lights 08/14/2013,19:57:19,eleanorbors,another tumbled coral 08/14/2013,19:57:37,eleanorbors,SPO white 08/14/2013,19:58:38,eleanorbors,FSH rattail 08/14/2013,19:59:41,eleanorbors,GAS shell 08/14/2013,19:59:58,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/14/2013,20:01:24,marthanizinski,430 conf call 08/14/2013,20:02:08,eleanorbors,Thank you everyone. Have a great evening! 08/14/2013,20:02:45,leswatling,Another fascinating dive... aloha and mahalo! 08/14/2013,20:02:49,thomasritter,Thanks all another great dive! 08/14/2013,20:03:10,eleanorbors,Oh man! 08/14/2013,20:03:10,Scott France ,Whoa!! 08/14/2013,20:03:16,Scott France ,I ean Wow! 08/14/2013,20:03:19,Scott France ,And whoa! 08/14/2013,20:03:35,Scott France ,And pink! 08/14/2013,20:03:43,Scott France ,CORO Paragorgia lots white and pink 08/14/2013,20:03:44,eleanorbors,Transition zone here on edge. COR Paragorgia 08/14/2013,20:03:45,leswatling,there are all the missing Paragorgia 08/14/2013,20:04:03,Scott France ,Did I hear "Patchiness?" 08/14/2013,20:04:05,amandademopoulos,:) they were hiding all along 08/14/2013,20:04:19,Scott France ,They all ran to the slope to see us off! 08/14/2013,20:04:27,eleanorbors,This is what you mentioned, Scott, at 12 minutes out... you called that perfectly. 08/14/2013,20:04:37,Scott France ,Hah! 08/14/2013,20:04:40,Scott France ,I'm a seer! 08/14/2013,20:05:10,Scott France ,Great dive. Thanks all. 08/14/2013,20:08:10,amandademopoulos,Thanks everyone! 08/14/2013,20:24:34,briankennedy,Call-in Number: 1-866-617-5860 Participant code: 1233796