08/09/2013,11:07:35,briankennedy, 0700EDT: The Okeanos Explorer is in position over Heezen Canyon near to US Canadian maritime border. Today’s dive will start at 935 meters then move up the canyon wall to a depth of around 700 meters. The ROV is scheduled to launch at 0830EDT. 08/09/2013,12:33:11,Taylor Heyl,Good morning Amanda and Martha! 08/09/2013,12:37:11,marthanizinski,Good morning Taylor. Glad to know WHOI is online. 08/09/2013,12:39:49,amandademopoulos,Good morning, Taylor and everyone! 08/09/2013,12:41:11,jasonchaytor,good morning intrepid Atlantic explorers 08/09/2013,12:41:32,Taylor Heyl,Waypoints for Today's Dive: 08/09/2013,12:41:35,Taylor Heyl,WP1 41.06454 -66.3879 Depth 935.045 08/09/2013,WP2 41.06459 -66.3892 Depth 816.233 08/09/2013,WP3 41.06466 -66.3901 Depth 732.732 08/09/2013,WP4 41.06499 -66.3909 Depth 705.605 08/09/2013,WP5 41.06478 -66.392 Depth 713.42 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,12:41:46,Taylor Heyl,Dive codes Below: 08/09/2013,12:41:48,Taylor Heyl,BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,STR - mucus string 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FEC - Fecal (matter) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,EGG - Egg (case) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,Taxa 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FOR - Foraminiferan 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,GRO - Gromiid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,XEN - Xenophyophoran 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SPO - Sponge 08/09/2013,SPODEM - Demospongiae 08/09/2013,SPOHEX - 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,BRA - Brachiopod 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,BRY - Bryozoan 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,TUN - Tunicate 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SAL - Salp 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,LAR - Larvacean house 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ECN - Echiuran (or radial feeding trace) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CTE - Ctenophore 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CNI - Cnidarian 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,HYD - Hydroid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,JFH - Jellyfish 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 08/09/2013, CER- Cerianthid (tube anemone) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ZOA - Zoanthid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,COR - Coral 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORA - Antipatharian 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORL - Lophelia 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORM - Madrepora 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORG - Gorgonian 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORP - Paramuricea 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORS - Stylasterid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CPEN - Pennatulacean 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CORW - Whip coral 08/09/2013, CORANT- Anthomastus 08/09/2013,Echinoderm 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ASR - Asteroid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,HOL - Holothurian 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRI - Crinoid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIANT - Antedonidae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIZEN - Zenometridae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRITHA - Thalassometridae 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,OPH - Ophiuroid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,URC - Urchin 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ART - Arthropod 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,PYC - Pycnogonid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,COP - Copepods 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRA - Crab 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,LOB - Lobster 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SQA - Squat Lobster 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SHI - Shrimp 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,BAR - Barnacle 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,APH - Amphipod 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ISO - Isopod 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,MOL - Mollusk 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,MUS - Mussels 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,NUD - Nudibranch 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,OCT - Octopus 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SQD - Squid 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,LIM - Limpets 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CHI - Chiton 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CLA - Clams 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,PTE - Pteropod 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FSH - Fish 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FCHN - Chondrichthyes 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FCOD - Codlets 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, FLAT - Flatfish 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,WOR - Worm 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,POL - Polychaete 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SCA - Scale (worm) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SER - Serpulid worm 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,RIF - Riftia 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SPA - Spaghetti Worms 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,Geology 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,BUR - Burrow 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,COB - Cobble 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,MUD - Mud 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ROC - Rock 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,RUB - Rubble 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SAD - Sand 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SED - Sediment 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,WAL - Wall 08/09/2013,WOD - Wood 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,Lava Morphology 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,TAL - Talus 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,PIL - Pillow 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ENT - Entrail 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,LOB - Lobate 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SHE - Sheet 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FOL - Folded 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,JUM - Jumbled 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,HAC - Hackly 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,Sediment Cover 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,LIG - Light 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,POC - Partial/Pockets 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,BLA - Blanket 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,Feature 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,ASG - Axial Summit Graben 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CAR - Carbonate 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CLI - Cliff 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,COL - Collapse 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,CON - Contact 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FAU - Fault 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,FIS - Fissure 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,HAY - Haystack 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,HYX - Hydrothermal 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,PIL - Pillar 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SCP - Scarp 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,SEP - Seep 08/09/2013,12:46:44,jasonchaytor,salps 08/09/2013,12:47:21,jasonchaytor,SAL 08/09/2013,12:48:18,Tim Shank,Good morning all. Thank you Taylor for pasting the WP's in this morning. 08/09/2013,12:48:56,Taylor Heyl,Good morning Tim. 08/09/2013,12:49:31,jasonchaytor,morning tim 08/09/2013,12:51:27,marthanizinski,Passing 675 m 08/09/2013,12:56:31,Tim Shank,Good morning Taylor. 08/09/2013,12:56:35,Tim Shank,Good morning Jason. 08/09/2013,12:56:45,James Austin,Good mornming Tim! 08/09/2013,12:56:46,Tim Shank,Hope you both are doing well this morning. 08/09/2013,12:57:00,Tim Shank,Good morning Jamie! Great to have you at URI. 08/09/2013,12:57:14,jasonchaytor,No complaints, yourself? 08/09/2013,12:57:18,Taylor Heyl,Everything looks good at WHOI. Testing communications now with RTS. Can anyone read me on the OKEX line? 08/09/2013,12:57:42,Tim Shank,No complaints…but the day is young :-) 08/09/2013,12:58:10,marthanizinski,Passing 855 m 08/09/2013,12:58:53,Rhian Waller,Good morning folks! Alas, the Maine weather has broken, and we're raining with a small craft advisory! 08/09/2013,12:59:45,Tim Shank,Gook morning Rhian. 08/09/2013,13:00:49,Taylor Heyl,Good morning Rhian. 08/09/2013,13:01:05,James Austin,Looks ike we are on the seafloor. 08/09/2013,13:02:33,Taylor Heyl,On Bottom 08/09/2013,13:05:03,Taylor Heyl,WHOI start recording EX1304L2_ROV09_1.ts 08/09/2013,13:06:21,Taylor Heyl,SHI 08/09/2013,13:06:24,Taylor Heyl,FELO on seafloor 08/09/2013,13:06:30,Taylor Heyl,FSH myctophid 08/09/2013,13:06:34,amandademopoulos,not on conference line yet 08/09/2013,13:06:37,Taylor Heyl,SHI 08/09/2013,13:06:47,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:07:15,Taylor Heyl,soft sediment seafloor and sediment covered flat rock 08/09/2013,13:07:30,Taylor Heyl,SHI 08/09/2013,13:09:13,amandademopoulos,white balancing 08/09/2013,13:10:29,Catalina Martinez,Troubleshooting RTS issues at ISC, but have Peter Auster, Jamie Austin, and Kelley Elliott working from ISC today. Welcome all! 08/09/2013,13:11:03,James Austin,Flat rocks are bedding planes. Whitish rock. Limey? 08/09/2013,13:12:15,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:12:21,Taylor Heyl,XEN? 08/09/2013,13:12:25,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,13:12:37,Taylor Heyl,quill worms in sediment? 08/09/2013,13:12:40,Taylor Heyl,SHI 08/09/2013,13:13:02,Taylor Heyl,stick COR ahead on flat ROC 08/09/2013,13:13:26,Taylor Heyl,COR CUP on edge of ROC below? 08/09/2013,13:13:34,jasonchaytor,test it on a rock 08/09/2013,13:13:37,marthanizinski,41 03.8751 N 66 23.2854 W 925 m 08/09/2013,13:14:12,jasonchaytor,I am single (I spelt that correclty) minded 08/09/2013,13:14:36,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,13:14:39,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:15:35,Taylor Heyl,yellow SPO on ROC edge 08/09/2013,13:17:14,peterauster,finally back on IM .... good morning! 08/09/2013,13:17:44,marthanizinski,Hi Peter several fish here 08/09/2013,13:18:11,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:18:31,Taylor Heyl,FSH myctophid 08/09/2013,13:18:34,Taylor Heyl,BUR 08/09/2013,13:18:44,peterauster,FSH Synaph, shark (don't have a name right now), myctophids, others at touchdown 08/09/2013,13:20:25,marthanizinski,Begin dive 08/09/2013,13:20:32,kerrymcculloch,ACN flytrap 08/09/2013,13:20:33,jasonchaytor,Sediment draped outcrop 08/09/2013,13:20:44,kerrymcculloch,BUR 08/09/2013,13:20:58,kerrymcculloch,XEN 08/09/2013,13:21:06,jasonchaytor,some coarseness to the sediment surface 08/09/2013,13:21:20,Taylor Heyl,large SPO HEX 08/09/2013,13:21:22,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:21:23,James Austin,Rocks look thinly bedded. Limey? Siltstones? Jayson, what should the age of the rocks be at this depth here? 08/09/2013,13:21:24,Taylor Heyl,ANT line 08/09/2013,13:21:33,Taylor Heyl,FLAT flounder 08/09/2013,13:21:33,peterauster,FSH Synaph in water col 08/09/2013,13:21:38,Tim Shank,SPO large white 08/09/2013,13:21:49,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:21:51,Tim Shank,almost 100% SED here 08/09/2013,13:22:07,Taylor Heyl,FSH shark 08/09/2013,13:22:09,Taylor Heyl,x2 08/09/2013,13:22:11,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:22:20,Taylor Heyl,gradual slope here, all soft sediment 08/09/2013,13:22:25,Taylor Heyl,Could we get a depth reading? 08/09/2013,13:22:34,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,13:22:35,marthanizinski,922 m 08/09/2013,13:22:40,Taylor Heyl,thanks Martha. 08/09/2013,13:22:44,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 08/09/2013,13:23:10,Taylor Heyl,coming to rocky edge here draped with sediment 08/09/2013,13:23:12,Taylor Heyl,close up of SHI 08/09/2013,13:23:13,jasonchaytor,Possibly Oligocene-Eocene (32-56 Million years), but could be Upper Cretaceous (> 65 Ma)...some of the units pinch out and thicken along this part of the margin 08/09/2013,13:23:41,Tim Shank,SHI Plesiopenaeus type 08/09/2013,13:23:54,marthanizinski,41 03.8822 N 66 23.2852 W 924 m 08/09/2013,13:24:02,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 08/09/2013,13:24:44,peterauster,FSH black dogfish 08/09/2013,13:24:50,Taylor Heyl,ACN Actinernus? 08/09/2013,13:25:02,Taylor Heyl,BUR several 08/09/2013,13:25:14,peterauster,and they're eating "stuff" 08/09/2013,13:25:34,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink 08/09/2013,13:25:34,amandademopoulos,stuff? :) 08/09/2013,13:25:34,Tim Shank,Can we get a quick zoom on the ANC Actinernus lower right? 08/09/2013,13:25:45,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR Anthomastus 08/09/2013,13:25:53,Taylor Heyl,OPH in sediment 08/09/2013,13:26:08,Tim Shank,Now lower left 08/09/2013,13:26:10,Taylor Heyl,SPO white on ROC 08/09/2013,13:26:24,Taylor Heyl,look like little COR recruits on this rock 08/09/2013,13:26:34,Taylor Heyl,more COR Anthomastus here 08/09/2013,13:26:45,Tim Shank,depth appears to be 925m 08/09/2013,13:26:45,Taylor Heyl,Depth 925 meters 08/09/2013,13:26:50,Tim Shank,Thank you 08/09/2013,13:27:02,Taylor Heyl,OPH tiny white in sediment 08/09/2013,13:27:24,Taylor Heyl,close up of SHI banded 08/09/2013,13:28:11,Taylor Heyl,close up of rock edge showing COR Anthomastus, SPO and sediment 08/09/2013,13:28:29,amandademopoulos,what is this? 08/09/2013,13:28:47,Taylor Heyl,SPO? 08/09/2013,13:29:17,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 08/09/2013,13:29:24,Taylor Heyl,FSH rattail 08/09/2013,13:29:28,Taylor Heyl,quill worms in sediment 08/09/2013,13:29:31,Taylor Heyl,large SPO HEX 08/09/2013,13:29:35,Taylor Heyl,Any shrimp in there? 08/09/2013,13:29:42,Taylor Heyl,FLAT witch flounder 08/09/2013,13:29:45,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:29:47,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:29:54,peterauster,FSH witch fl 08/09/2013,13:30:05,Tim Shank,XEN 08/09/2013,13:30:12,Taylor Heyl,ANT? 08/09/2013,13:30:16,Taylor Heyl,rope? 08/09/2013,13:30:27,Taylor Heyl,ACN Actinernus 08/09/2013,13:30:33,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/09/2013,13:30:53,Tim Shank,brow cam please 08/09/2013,13:31:03,Tim Shank,Thank you 08/09/2013,13:31:12,Taylor Heyl,FSH chimera in serios view 08/09/2013,13:31:39,Taylor Heyl,FELOx2 08/09/2013,13:32:39,jasonchaytor,Is anyone elses I1 feeds choppy? 08/09/2013,13:32:42,Tim Shank,916m 08/09/2013,13:32:59,Tim Shank,Yes. I1 freezing every so often…. 08/09/2013,13:33:32,Tim Shank, Small red stalked animal near that layered rock 08/09/2013,13:33:44,Tim Shank,SHI red- swimming. 08/09/2013,13:33:49,Rhian Waller,Yes I1 choppy here to 08/09/2013,13:33:58,Tim Shank,CN Actinernus on small ROC 08/09/2013,13:34:21,Tim Shank,I agree Jamie 08/09/2013,13:34:41,Tim Shank,COR Anthomastus 08/09/2013,13:34:44,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,13:35:05,Taylor Heyl,ACN brisingid 08/09/2013,13:35:09,Rhian Waller,Has the ship been kicked off the conference line again? I didn't hear Jamie talking through the I1 feed…. 08/09/2013,13:35:10,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink 08/09/2013,13:35:28,Tim Shank,FSH small dark 08/09/2013,13:35:29,Taylor Heyl,Anyone have an ID on this large ACN? 08/09/2013,13:35:33,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:35:38,Tim Shank,ASR brisingid 08/09/2013,13:36:19,peterauster,FSH ... duh ... longfinned hake 08/09/2013,13:36:38,Tim Shank,"reached a WAL"? 08/09/2013,13:36:38,Taylor Heyl,close up of hake 08/09/2013,13:36:55,Taylor Heyl,SAL 08/09/2013,13:36:58,Tim Shank,I1 feed about 10 seconds delayed 08/09/2013,13:37:11,Taylor Heyl,OPh in SED 08/09/2013,13:37:15,Taylor Heyl,pink POL in SED 08/09/2013,13:37:18,Taylor Heyl,quill worms 08/09/2013,13:37:35,Taylor Heyl,JFH 08/09/2013,13:37:40,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:37:52,Taylor Heyl,At base of WAL now, Depth 913 meters 08/09/2013,13:37:57,Taylor Heyl,Moving upslope 08/09/2013,13:37:58,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:38:02,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,13:39:12,Tim Shank,I1 continues to lock up a couple times a minute….at least….with 10 second or so delay... 08/09/2013,13:39:29,Tim Shank,XEN 08/09/2013,13:40:16,Taylor Heyl,COR skeleton with BAR and HYD 08/09/2013,13:40:20,Tim Shank,ROCs have a few small red organisms- look like small Anthomastus. True? 08/09/2013,13:40:23,Taylor Heyl,Depth 912 meters 08/09/2013,13:40:28,Taylor Heyl,GAS? 08/09/2013,13:40:37,Taylor Heyl,small recruits on dead coral skeleton 08/09/2013,13:40:39,Taylor Heyl,ISO 08/09/2013,13:40:49,Rhian Waller,I1 seems to be quite behind today 08/09/2013,13:41:02,Taylor Heyl,CORO bamboo skeleton with small octocoral live 08/09/2013,13:41:02,Tim Shank,Thank you Amanda. 08/09/2013,13:41:08,Tim Shank,small white OPH on SED 08/09/2013,13:41:19,Taylor Heyl,SAL on COR skeleton 08/09/2013,13:41:21,Tim Shank,zoom on BAR? 08/09/2013,13:41:25,Taylor Heyl,close up of BAR 08/09/2013,13:41:35,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid at end of bamboo skeleton 08/09/2013,13:42:02,Tim Shank,BAR Glyptelasma morph close up* 08/09/2013,13:42:03,jasonchaytor,apparent dip (inclination) of the weakly expressed layers in the wall appears to be towards the south-east which is seaward 08/09/2013,13:42:22,Tim Shank,perhaps 2 APHs here- red with white eyes 08/09/2013,13:42:24,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid and APH associates along with BAR on CORO bamboo skeleton 08/09/2013,13:42:47,Taylor Heyl,CRARED om BUR 08/09/2013,13:43:04,Taylor Heyl,SPO small white on sedimented rock outcrop 08/09/2013,13:43:07,Taylor Heyl,close up of CRARED 08/09/2013,13:44:12,Taylor Heyl,XEn 08/09/2013,13:44:20,Taylor Heyl,Slope, Depth 910 meters 08/09/2013,13:44:21,Taylor Heyl,BUR 08/09/2013,13:44:35,Taylor Heyl,SPO several on sediment surface 08/09/2013,13:44:36,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:44:48,Tim Shank,CRARED 08/09/2013,13:45:09,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,13:45:12,Tim Shank,lots of growth on that CRARED 08/09/2013,13:45:15,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange underneath ledge 08/09/2013,13:45:27,jasonchaytor,sediment surface is highly bioturbated 08/09/2013,13:45:51,Taylor Heyl,coming up on ROC outcrop with SPO, ACN and COR 08/09/2013,13:45:53,Tim Shank,Yes, second coral. 08/09/2013,13:45:59,Taylor Heyl,COR bamboo on right 08/09/2013,13:46:08,Taylor Heyl,COR Acanella? 08/09/2013,13:46:15,jasonchaytor,no strong evidence of recent pronounced downslope or along slope sediment transport yet 08/09/2013,13:46:15,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid hovering above 08/09/2013,13:46:53,jasonchaytor,BUR, "recently" excavated 08/09/2013,13:47:10,Taylor Heyl,POL purple on COR Acanella 08/09/2013,13:47:57,marthanizinski,current moving north to south 08/09/2013,13:48:12,Taylor Heyl,close up of POL 08/09/2013,13:48:17,Taylor Heyl,Depth 908 meters 08/09/2013,13:48:28,Taylor Heyl,tube worms in sediment 08/09/2013,13:49:06,Tim Shank,OPH arms coming out of SED 08/09/2013,13:49:20,Taylor Heyl,close up of octocoral 08/09/2013,13:49:27,Tim Shank,SER 08/09/2013,13:49:52,Tim Shank,Some object on center axis of Acanella- associate? 08/09/2013,13:50:00,Taylor Heyl,SER on ROC 08/09/2013,13:50:30,Tim Shank,I1 locking up every few seconds. Hard to log. Perhaps shouldn't 08/09/2013,13:50:54,marthanizinski,41 03.8772 N 66 23.3066 W 906 m 08/09/2013,13:50:58,Taylor Heyl,large SPO HEX on ROC 08/09/2013,13:51:02,Taylor Heyl,SHi mysid 08/09/2013,13:51:16,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink on ROC wall 08/09/2013,13:51:27,Taylor Heyl,XEN many on sediment covered ROC 08/09/2013,13:51:37,Taylor Heyl,SQD bobtail 08/09/2013,13:51:46,Taylor Heyl,Exposed ROC 08/09/2013,13:52:21,Taylor Heyl,close up of SQD bobtail 08/09/2013,13:52:27,Tim Shank,As such, I will not be able to ask (chat or by phone) for timely zooms on associates. I will appreciate any zooms and observations you can make. 08/09/2013,13:53:17,Tim Shank,Acanella is known to host Harmothoe POL living on them. 08/09/2013,13:53:18,Taylor Heyl,No problem Tim...we're looking for associates! 08/09/2013,13:53:22,Taylor Heyl,ASR hot pink 08/09/2013,13:53:26,kelleyelliott,We're looking into the I1 situation 08/09/2013,13:53:27,Taylor Heyl,COR ahead 08/09/2013,13:53:32,Taylor Heyl,Acanella again? 08/09/2013,13:53:36,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,13:53:37,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:53:50,Taylor Heyl,Looks like a bamboo to the left of the sea star 08/09/2013,13:53:59,Taylor Heyl,CRI ANT on wall 08/09/2013,13:54:15,Catalina Martinez,Hi folks. I2 is coming in choppy at the ISC, so the stutters in the I1 are a result of that. The tech team is on a conf call working on the RTS issues, so they are not avaialble to troubleshoot. How does I2 look at WHOI? 08/09/2013,13:54:28,Taylor Heyl,I2 is fine at WHOI. 08/09/2013,13:54:33,James Austin,Good view of steep fractures and spatial relationship with flatter bedding planes. Bedding planes thin - probably fine-grained sediments. 08/09/2013,13:54:36,Tim Shank,Saw this larger SPO white earlier in the dive... 08/09/2013,13:54:43,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR Acanella with SHI mysid associates 08/09/2013,13:54:51,Taylor Heyl,something in the center there - POL white? 08/09/2013,13:54:52,Tim Shank,XEN continue 08/09/2013,13:55:28,Taylor Heyl,OPH on sediment next to COR 08/09/2013,13:55:33,Taylor Heyl,Depth 905 meters 08/09/2013,13:55:43,Tim Shank,I am seeing many small 'black" FSH - half the size of the myctophids we saw at landing…are these the same? 08/09/2013,13:55:54,jasonchaytor,more bioerosion along some of these exposed rock layers 08/09/2013,13:56:06,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,13:56:12,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,13:56:14,Taylor Heyl,shark 08/09/2013,13:56:16,Catalina Martinez,thanks Taylor 08/09/2013,13:56:27,michaelvecchione,indeed sepiolid (bobtail) 08/09/2013,13:57:01,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid many over this COR 08/09/2013,13:57:09,Taylor Heyl,OPH in center at base 08/09/2013,13:57:16,michaelvecchione,see the fins? 08/09/2013,13:57:53,jasonchaytor,I think I1 is delayed by minutes here 08/09/2013,13:57:54,michaelvecchione,Looks like Semirossia tenera 08/09/2013,13:58:15,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX vase on wall 08/09/2013,13:58:16,Tim Shank,Coral on top of that ROC- fuzzy red? 08/09/2013,13:58:31,Tim Shank,Great Martha, thank you! 08/09/2013,14:00:06,Taylor Heyl,close up of ASR hot pink 08/09/2013,14:00:48,Taylor Heyl,ShI red 08/09/2013,14:00:51,Taylor Heyl,Depth 903 meters 08/09/2013,14:01:19,Taylor Heyl,Moving over soft sediment 08/09/2013,14:01:22,Taylor Heyl,FSH dogfish 08/09/2013,14:01:25,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,14:01:41,Taylor Heyl,Traversing over soft sediment with quill worms, 901 meters 08/09/2013,14:02:32,Taylor Heyl,FELO in water column 08/09/2013,14:02:49,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 08/09/2013,14:03:11,Taylor Heyl,many more quill worms in sediment here 08/09/2013,14:03:21,Taylor Heyl,turbidity plume from ROV 08/09/2013,14:03:38,Taylor Heyl,FSH dogfish 08/09/2013,14:04:10,Tim Shank,Can anyone on I1 confirm the length of the delay- mine is now up to 4 minutes- both audio and video- chat is in real time, of course. I have rebooted my browser etc. 08/09/2013,14:04:55,Taylor Heyl,Rocky outcrop here with ACN, SPO yellow and white and a longfin hake 08/09/2013,14:05:06,Taylor Heyl,Depth 897 meters 08/09/2013,14:05:15,amandademopoulos,jason was having same issue 08/09/2013,14:05:16,Taylor Heyl,close up of 2 large ACN 08/09/2013,14:05:18,peterauster,FSH Longfinned hake. Multiple dogfish and synaphs over the past few minutes 08/09/2013,14:05:25,Taylor Heyl,small FSH and SAL attached to ACN 08/09/2013,14:07:01,Taylor Heyl,OPH on edge of ROC 08/09/2013,14:07:17,Catalina Martinez,I can also see the long I1 delay. So long as the tech team is working on the RTS, they can't interface with the hardware to troublehshoot I1. They can only work on one system at a time through their interface. The good news is we are finally making progress on RTS. Sorry for the inconvenience. 08/09/2013,14:08:04,Taylor Heyl,Traversing over soft sediment, sediment plume from ROV 08/09/2013,14:08:10,Taylor Heyl,Depth 895 meters 08/09/2013,14:09:05,Taylor Heyl,Wall in sight 08/09/2013,14:09:11,Taylor Heyl,ACN on ledge 08/09/2013,14:09:13,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,14:09:44,Taylor Heyl,Depth 887 meters 08/09/2013,14:10:09,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 08/09/2013,14:10:11,Taylor Heyl,XEN on sediment 08/09/2013,14:10:16,Taylor Heyl,ACN large on ROC wall 08/09/2013,14:10:19,Taylor Heyl,FSH rattail 08/09/2013,14:10:35,Taylor Heyl,close up of ACN 08/09/2013,14:10:54,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,14:11:03,Taylor Heyl,CRI ANT on overhang 08/09/2013,14:11:17,Taylor Heyl,COR cup? 08/09/2013,14:11:23,Taylor Heyl,yes, Desmophyllum like 08/09/2013,14:11:34,Taylor Heyl,many SPO in pitted ROC 08/09/2013,14:11:40,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus here too 08/09/2013,14:11:50,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,14:12:54,Taylor Heyl,Moving slowly up wall 08/09/2013,14:12:58,Taylor Heyl,Depth 884 meters 08/09/2013,14:13:15,Taylor Heyl,tiny OPH on sediment surface of ROC 08/09/2013,14:13:18,Taylor Heyl,HYD solitary 08/09/2013,14:13:31,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,14:13:39,Taylor Heyl,OPH purple disc, white arms 08/09/2013,14:13:47,Taylor Heyl,Temp 4.7C 08/09/2013,14:14:02,Taylor Heyl,Something in that HYD 08/09/2013,14:14:06,Taylor Heyl,small fish? 08/09/2013,14:14:44,Taylor Heyl,HYD possibly Corymorpha 08/09/2013,14:14:52,Taylor Heyl,Small black FSH inside HYD 08/09/2013,14:15:37,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus to left? 08/09/2013,14:16:10,Taylor Heyl,sedimented ROC feature 08/09/2013,14:16:12,Taylor Heyl,XEN 08/09/2013,14:16:17,Taylor Heyl,Depth 882 meters 08/09/2013,14:16:50,marthanizinski,41 03.8732 N 66 23.3337 W 882 m 08/09/2013,14:17:02,Tim Shank,Can anyone on I1 confirm the length of the delay- mine is now up to 6 minutes- both audio and video- chat is in real time, of course.  I have again cleared buffer and rebooted.   08/09/2013,14:17:20,Tim Shank,I don't see anyone logging from I1. Is this why??? 08/09/2013,14:17:37,jasonchaytor,I1 feed appears to be 10 minutes behind now 08/09/2013,14:17:56,jasonchaytor,for me 08/09/2013,14:17:58,James Austin,Tim, they are rebooting computers at the ISC right now. 08/09/2013,14:17:59,Tim Shank,Thank you Jason. 08/09/2013,14:18:04,Tim Shank,Thank you Jamie 08/09/2013,14:18:16,Taylor Heyl,WHOI start recording EX1304L2_ROV09_2.ts 08/09/2013,14:18:47,kelleyelliott,Hi All - The Inner Space Center is rebooting the computers the Internet1 feed is generated from. You'll lose the internet 1 feed while this is being done, but it may ressolve the issues with the extended delay. 08/09/2013,14:18:51,Taylor Heyl,close up of HYD 08/09/2013,14:18:57,Taylor Heyl,OPH on sediment 08/09/2013,14:20:14,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,14:20:15,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,14:21:57,Taylor Heyl,Not Anthomastus - ACN purple 08/09/2013,14:22:23,Taylor Heyl,large BUR 08/09/2013,14:23:11,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/09/2013,14:23:40,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink on underhang 08/09/2013,14:23:46,Tim Shank,Depth? 08/09/2013,14:23:51,Taylor Heyl,875 meters 08/09/2013,14:24:03,Taylor Heyl,CTE lobate 08/09/2013,14:24:17,jasonchaytor,Did the reboot happen, nothing has changed at my end yet? 08/09/2013,14:24:46,Taylor Heyl,SQD 08/09/2013,14:24:55,Tim Shank,Agreed Jason 08/09/2013,14:24:58,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX vase 08/09/2013,14:25:02,Taylor Heyl,SPOHEX large white 08/09/2013,14:25:24,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates in that large white SPOHEX 08/09/2013,14:25:38,Taylor Heyl,Depth 872 meters 08/09/2013,14:25:58,Taylor Heyl,COR Cup Javania? 08/09/2013,14:26:05,Taylor Heyl,OPH in that SPO ~ 10 08/09/2013,14:26:12,Taylor Heyl,OPH on sediment 08/09/2013,14:26:19,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange small 08/09/2013,14:26:23,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR cup 08/09/2013,14:26:27,Taylor Heyl,Depth 871 meters 08/09/2013,14:26:38,Taylor Heyl,COR stick on edge of wall 08/09/2013,14:26:44,Taylor Heyl,COR cup several - Javania 08/09/2013,14:27:08,James Austin,Reboot still underway at the ISC. 08/09/2013,14:27:57,Taylor Heyl,CORP? 08/09/2013,14:28:05,Taylor Heyl,Fracture opening up 08/09/2013,14:28:09,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,14:28:20,Taylor Heyl,ASR brisingid 08/09/2013,14:28:36,Taylor Heyl,knocked COR cup off wall 08/09/2013,14:28:38,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/09/2013,14:28:42,Taylor Heyl,SAL in water column 08/09/2013,14:28:50,Taylor Heyl,Moving laterally along rock face of wall 08/09/2013,14:28:59,Tim Shank,OK. I1 down now. 08/09/2013,14:29:01,Taylor Heyl,Depth 870 meters. 08/09/2013,14:29:08,Taylor Heyl,SPO 08/09/2013,14:29:45,marthanizinski,41 03.8758 N 66 23.3366 W 868 m 08/09/2013,14:29:52,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX vase, COR Anthomastus 08/09/2013,14:29:54,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink 08/09/2013,14:30:02,Taylor Heyl,Close up of COR anthomastus and ASR Brisingid 08/09/2013,14:30:20,Taylor Heyl,OPH purple disc on sediment 08/09/2013,14:30:30,Taylor Heyl,white encrusting SPO on rock surface 08/09/2013,14:31:05,Tim Shank,I1 came up and then went back down after 8 seconds... 08/09/2013,14:31:18,Taylor Heyl,COR cup rubble 08/09/2013,14:31:26,Andrea Quattrini,I take it there are I1 issues... 08/09/2013,14:31:32,Taylor Heyl,coming up on a ledge with several COR cup, ACN and COR Anthomastus 08/09/2013,14:31:35,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink 08/09/2013,14:31:39,Taylor Heyl,SPO white 08/09/2013,14:31:40,amandademopoulos, yes-they are trying to resolve the i1 issues 08/09/2013,14:31:44,Taylor Heyl,Depth 865 meters 08/09/2013,14:31:54,Tim Shank,Yes. choppy and the having up to a 15 min delay 08/09/2013,14:32:25,Tim Shank,Back up now 08/09/2013,14:32:32,Taylor Heyl,imaging this ROC ledge with COR cup underneath, ACN and SPO 08/09/2013,14:32:34,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded 08/09/2013,14:32:48,Taylor Heyl,Do we have some idea of current direction here? 08/09/2013,14:33:04,Taylor Heyl,Close up of COR cup, ACN and Anthomastus 08/09/2013,14:33:20,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,14:33:26,kelleyelliott,Anyone still experiencing delay on internet1 - please restart your internet1 streams. It should be back up with only a brief delay. 08/09/2013,14:33:49,Tim Shank,Thank you. Looks good here now. 08/09/2013,14:33:54,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded on worm tubes, COR cup 08/09/2013,14:34:04,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX large white 08/09/2013,14:34:10,Taylor Heyl,large ASR brisingid x2 08/09/2013,14:34:26,Taylor Heyl,more of these "tube clusters" on ROC ledge underhang 08/09/2013,14:34:36,Taylor Heyl,COR solitary abundant here 08/09/2013,14:34:49,Taylor Heyl,BIV in there too 08/09/2013,14:35:10,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates in the SPO HEX 08/09/2013,14:35:14,Taylor Heyl,Depth 864 meters 08/09/2013,14:35:19,Taylor Heyl,SER 08/09/2013,14:35:39,Taylor Heyl,yellow SPO 08/09/2013,14:35:44,leswatling,very interesting comment on audio about dewatering of rocks and holes. They sure looked like small animal holes... Thanks... 08/09/2013,14:36:02,Taylor Heyl,SHI 08/09/2013,14:36:15,Taylor Heyl,URC white 08/09/2013,14:36:17,Taylor Heyl,CORL 08/09/2013,14:36:40,Taylor Heyl,Small colony of CORL, much of it dead 08/09/2013,14:36:50,Taylor Heyl,COR cup Desmophyllum-like 08/09/2013,14:36:53,Taylor Heyl,large white SPO 08/09/2013,14:37:25,Taylor Heyl,BIV 08/09/2013,14:37:34,Taylor Heyl,single BIV among COR cup and SPO 08/09/2013,14:37:49,Taylor Heyl,SAL 08/09/2013,14:38:01,Taylor Heyl,BIV x2 08/09/2013,14:38:09,Taylor Heyl,Depth 862 meters 08/09/2013,14:38:28,Taylor Heyl,Moving away from this rocky ledge 08/09/2013,14:38:49,jasonchaytor,some spalling failures along at least on face of this outcrop 08/09/2013,14:39:05,Taylor Heyl,vertical lines, downslope fluid chutes in ROC 08/09/2013,14:39:09,Taylor Heyl,SQD 08/09/2013,14:39:28,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,14:39:37,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX vase 08/09/2013,14:39:42,Taylor Heyl,COR cup Javania? 08/09/2013,14:39:47,Taylor Heyl,SQD 08/09/2013,14:39:52,Taylor Heyl,translucent 08/09/2013,14:39:59,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,14:40:02,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,14:40:06,Tim Shank,We saw these "chute"-like features extensively on leg 1 - various depths into the ROC 08/09/2013,14:40:07,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus? 08/09/2013,14:40:32,Tim Shank,Jamie, thank you for that description. 08/09/2013,14:41:08,Taylor Heyl,Close up of fluid chute 08/09/2013,14:41:31,Tim Shank,Not sure they are exactly the "same" feature or phenomena as observed during leg one- but sure look like it. 08/09/2013,14:41:59,Taylor Heyl,SHI 08/09/2013,14:41:59,leswatling,Tim, I think these are the same kind of feature and in the same type of rock 08/09/2013,14:42:02,Taylor Heyl,OPH arms in sediment 08/09/2013,14:42:40,jasonchaytor,Alvin, Atlantis and Block 08/09/2013,14:42:48,Andrea Quattrini,Looks like it to me. Alvin Atlantis Block 08/09/2013,14:43:07,jasonchaytor,Always in the "chalk" like rocks 08/09/2013,14:43:12,Taylor Heyl,COR octocoral 08/09/2013,14:43:29,Taylor Heyl,still seeing OPH arms in sediment 08/09/2013,14:43:53,jasonchaytor,Lithologies most susceptible to corrosion by different water chemistries and possibly abrasion 08/09/2013,14:43:59,Andrea Quattrini,tiny Bamboo? 08/09/2013,14:44:18,leswatling,Agree, tiny bamboo... 08/09/2013,14:44:29,Tim Shank,COR bamboo did not see any associates 08/09/2013,14:45:07,Taylor Heyl,Depth 857 meters 08/09/2013,14:45:14,Taylor Heyl,Southwest wall of canyon 08/09/2013,14:45:19,Taylor Heyl,CORP with ACN associate 08/09/2013,14:45:23,Rhian Waller,CORP? 08/09/2013,14:45:29,Taylor Heyl,More chutes visible in background 08/09/2013,14:45:37,Taylor Heyl,FSH rattail 08/09/2013,14:46:09,jasonchaytor,We did on occasion see small alluvial-fans at the base of some of the chutes in some of the canyons on leg 1 08/09/2013,14:46:47,Andrea Quattrini,We saw this yesterday. Peter, is this a cyclopteridae? 08/09/2013,14:47:04,jasonchaytor,other times there was nothing...haven't yet been able to review the dives to see if there was a correlation between chute depth and alluvial fan presence 08/09/2013,14:47:14,jasonchaytor,working on it though 08/09/2013,14:47:54,Andrea Quattrini,FSH ?Cyclopteridae 08/09/2013,14:48:53,marthanizinski,41 03.8748 N 66 23.3439 W 859 m 08/09/2013,14:49:32,Andrea Quattrini,CORP with ring anemone 08/09/2013,14:49:33,Taylor Heyl,CORP yellow with 1 ACN, OPH and SHI associates 08/09/2013,14:50:00,Taylor Heyl,polyps retracted on bottom branch, extended above 08/09/2013,14:50:13,Taylor Heyl,BAR on this CORP too 08/09/2013,14:50:25,Taylor Heyl,second ring ACN also 08/09/2013,14:50:26,robertcarney,CRI 08/09/2013,14:51:11,Taylor Heyl,2 SHI associates on CORP 08/09/2013,14:51:20,Taylor Heyl,catshark egg case on CORP? 08/09/2013,14:51:27,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded 08/09/2013,14:51:33,robertcarney,SED/ROC numerous thin white TUBes extending from sediment cover on massive ROC 08/09/2013,14:51:56,Tim Shank,CRI on EGG catshark case 08/09/2013,14:52:08,Taylor Heyl,several small OPH on this CORP 08/09/2013,14:52:17,Tim Shank,BAR on COR axis and EGG case 08/09/2013,14:52:35,robertcarney,BAR scalpellid on egg case and COR shaft 08/09/2013,14:52:40,Tim Shank,Look at top of coral again please 08/09/2013,14:52:49,Tim Shank,? 08/09/2013,14:52:57,Taylor Heyl,OPH purple disc white arms at base of CORP 08/09/2013,14:53:00,Tim Shank,Small OPH on lower axis 08/09/2013,14:53:09,Taylor Heyl,OPH pink arms on sediment 08/09/2013,14:53:13,Taylor Heyl,Depth 859 meters 08/09/2013,14:53:38,Taylor Heyl,APH on CORP retracted polyps 08/09/2013,14:53:40,robertcarney,TUBes intermingled with extended OPH arms 08/09/2013,14:53:47,Taylor Heyl,close up of banded SHI 08/09/2013,14:54:22,Taylor Heyl,pair 08/09/2013,14:54:33,Tim Shank,SHI (banded) pandalid. Thank you. Perfect 08/09/2013,14:55:14,Taylor Heyl,Moving upslope toward WP2 08/09/2013,14:55:37,Taylor Heyl,sediment chute 08/09/2013,14:55:43,Taylor Heyl,ROC pitted 08/09/2013,14:56:02,leswatling,I wonder if there was a lot of abrasion of the coral during the deposition of the shark egg case allowing the settlement of the Glyptelasma? 08/09/2013,14:56:02,Taylor Heyl,heavy bioerosion here 08/09/2013,14:56:15,jasonchaytor,surprising lack of spalling failures seen in other intensely burrowed surfaces 08/09/2013,14:56:29,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,14:56:54,kerrymcculloch,SPO 08/09/2013,14:57:10,Tim Shank,Not sure Les. Certainly worse looking back at the footage. Is there any footage as to how they do deposit these cases? I seem to remember seeing some years ago…. 08/09/2013,14:57:30,Tim Shank,Maybe in the Gulf of Mexico….need to look back. 08/09/2013,14:57:37,kerrymcculloch,OPHs covering sediment 08/09/2013,14:57:45,kerrymcculloch,many BURs 08/09/2013,14:58:06,robertcarney,ROC face seems pretty heavily populated by OPH and small SPO largely obscured by sediment 08/09/2013,14:59:33,robertcarney,GAS 08/09/2013,15:00:09,kerrymcculloch,OPH with purple disk and white arms 08/09/2013,15:00:25,kerrymcculloch,zoom on BUR 08/09/2013,15:00:35,leswatling,Peter Etnoyer had a short paper showing this associatin but I don't know that they actually observed the deposition. 08/09/2013,15:01:14,robertcarney,ROC as with previous dives no obvious evidence of what causes boring 08/09/2013,15:01:25,Andrea Quattrini,We actually collected one that hatched on the way to the surface….bud did not see deposition of the case 08/09/2013,15:01:32,Taylor Heyl,ACN? 08/09/2013,15:01:40,adamskarke,Pilot Change 08/09/2013,15:01:58,leswatling,thanks Andrea.... we had the same thing happen with a dumbo octopus... 08/09/2013,15:02:08,Andrea Quattrini,hatching? cool! 08/09/2013,15:02:24,Rhian Waller,Was very cool - baby octopi are so cute! 08/09/2013,15:02:52,leswatling,I suppose change in temperature must be the final stimulus.... 08/09/2013,15:03:00,Taylor Heyl,SAL 08/09/2013,15:03:06,leswatling,or pressure release... 08/09/2013,15:03:26,Taylor Heyl,close up of talus with sediment caught in the chute 08/09/2013,15:03:41,Taylor Heyl,COR cup skeletons blocking chute 08/09/2013,15:03:46,jasonchaytor,we didn't observe that on the first leg 08/09/2013,15:04:01,Taylor Heyl,white vertical lines 08/09/2013,15:04:11,Taylor Heyl,Depth 853 meters 08/09/2013,15:04:34,Taylor Heyl,OPH on pitted ROC 08/09/2013,15:04:38,Taylor Heyl,close up of ACN 08/09/2013,15:05:03,peterauster,There certainly is footage of other catshark spp laying eggs cases on shallow octocorals (GBR, off Japan). Don't recall much pounding on the coral but shark skin is like sandpaper so even glancing contact could damage coral 08/09/2013,15:05:54,leswatling,yeaf, glancing contact was what I was thinking of because the tissue didn't seem to be completely gone in some places... 08/09/2013,15:06:03,James Austin,Multiple chutes in view, some with talus blocks in the thalwegs and damming cup corals and ponded fine-grained sediment. 08/09/2013,15:06:47,James Austin,Multiple chutes in view, some with talus blocks in the thalwegs, blocking/damming cup coral debris and soft sediment. 08/09/2013,15:06:55,Taylor Heyl,OPH many in sediment 08/09/2013,15:08:09,robertcarney,SPO 08/09/2013,15:08:23,jasonchaytor,These chutes are somehwat better developed than what we saw on leg 1 and are morphologically similar to rills seen assocated with river canyon walls....initiation point of wider canyon channel formation 08/09/2013,15:09:54,robertcarney,FSH hake 08/09/2013,15:09:56,Rhian Waller,SPO in the cracks? 08/09/2013,15:10:13,Taylor Heyl,FSH in crack 08/09/2013,15:10:55,Rhian Waller,Think I1 is pretty delayed….I don't see a fish or red crab yet.... 08/09/2013,15:10:56,robertcarney,CRARED 08/09/2013,15:10:57,Taylor Heyl,CRARED in ROC fracture 08/09/2013,15:11:17,Taylor Heyl,could we get lat/long when you have a chance? 08/09/2013,15:11:24,robertcarney,ROC face within fracture relatively smooth with little boring 08/09/2013,15:11:38,Taylor Heyl,large white SPO HEX 08/09/2013,15:11:43,Taylor Heyl,small COR cup on underhang 08/09/2013,15:12:01,adamskarke,41 03.8794 N 66 23.3466 W 08/09/2013,15:12:07,Taylor Heyl,thank you! 08/09/2013,15:12:09,adamskarke,831m 08/09/2013,15:12:23,peterauster,FSH small ophidiid, Nezumia, cyclothone 08/09/2013,15:12:46,leswatling,so, does the fish behavior indicate they really don't like the lights? in this case the fish had a way to get out of the spotlight...as it were. 08/09/2013,15:13:07,robertcarney,BAC MAT ? 08/09/2013,15:13:22,jasonchaytor,I1 is getting very delayed again for me too 08/09/2013,15:13:29,Rhian Waller,Think that COR is a Desmo 08/09/2013,15:13:35,Rhian Waller,(was) 08/09/2013,15:13:46,Taylor Heyl,OPH pink arms on sediment 08/09/2013,15:14:18,Andrea Quattrini,COR Acanella 08/09/2013,15:14:20,peterauster,Certainly the hake was retreating ... light by iteself doesn't always seem to elicit a negative response. Could be the motor noise ... big spacecraft looking thing right outside a shelter site etc 08/09/2013,15:14:27,Taylor Heyl,several CORP here and CORO bamoboo 08/09/2013,15:14:40,Rhian Waller,Looks like it's broken and fallen? 08/09/2013,15:14:49,robertcarney,ASR 08/09/2013,15:14:50,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo with many associates, catshark egg cases, BAR and ACN 08/09/2013,15:14:54,Taylor Heyl,Depth 829 meters 08/09/2013,15:15:02,Taylor Heyl,Close up of crack in rock with SPO 08/09/2013,15:15:06,Taylor Heyl,CORP with CRI and 1 OPH associate 08/09/2013,15:15:09,Taylor Heyl,ASR hot pink 08/09/2013,15:15:13,Taylor Heyl,CRI ANT on ledge 08/09/2013,15:15:16,Taylor Heyl,CORL in crack? 08/09/2013,15:15:16,robertcarney,CRI 08/09/2013,15:15:18,Taylor Heyl,COR cup 08/09/2013,15:15:40,Taylor Heyl,SPOHEX vase 08/09/2013,15:15:41,Taylor Heyl,CORP 08/09/2013,15:15:42,thomasritter,Seems like some species are more sensitive than others -oreos and often rattails appear stunned and disoriented, while chimaeras are mostly indifferent 08/09/2013,15:15:43,Taylor Heyl,ASR yellow 08/09/2013,15:15:44,peterauster,There have been a few papers lately on attraction/avoidance issues with underwater vehicles ... by all means something to assess and acknwledge 08/09/2013,15:16:37,Rhian Waller,COR Lophelia in the crack! 08/09/2013,15:16:44,Andrea Quattrini,i dont think it is always by species either, can be on individual to individual basis 08/09/2013,15:16:45,Rhian Waller,(my video is delayed, so i'm sure it's a while back) 08/09/2013,15:16:47,Tim Shank,Best to have a camera and lights that see beyond the pressure wave caused by the any vehicle 08/09/2013,15:16:50,leswatling,the I1 stream has a lot of lag for me know, and the audio is often broken up... 08/09/2013,15:16:57,Rhian Waller,But that was definitely Lophelia 08/09/2013,15:17:02,Taylor Heyl,yes Lophelia! 08/09/2013,15:17:15,Taylor Heyl,ACN just closing up 08/09/2013,15:17:19,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded next to ACN 08/09/2013,15:17:20,Taylor Heyl,SPO white 08/09/2013,15:17:22,Taylor Heyl,CER? 08/09/2013,15:17:26,Taylor Heyl,Depth 822 meters 08/09/2013,15:18:25,Tim Shank,Can't figure out delay yet.. seeing COR bamboos in HD2 feed 08/09/2013,15:18:36,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 08/09/2013,15:18:38,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 08/09/2013,15:19:32,jasonchaytor,large spalling failure below this part of the outcrop 08/09/2013,15:20:03,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,15:20:08,Taylor Heyl,SAL in water column 08/09/2013,15:21:14,Taylor Heyl,COR cluster here... 08/09/2013,15:21:44,Taylor Heyl,COR cup with Acanthogorgia and Anthothela 08/09/2013,15:21:44,Tim Shank,COR acanthogorgia? 08/09/2013,15:21:55,Andrea Quattrini,COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,15:22:02,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates 08/09/2013,15:22:10,Andrea Quattrini,CORO Anthothela 08/09/2013,15:22:11,Tim Shank,Some delay in I 1 still 08/09/2013,15:22:14,Rhian Waller,Dead cup corals as the base there 08/09/2013,15:22:15,Taylor Heyl,OPH at base - different morph 08/09/2013,15:22:24,Taylor Heyl,COR cup live on right 08/09/2013,15:22:28,Rhian Waller,Some live cup coral too! 08/09/2013,15:22:44,Taylor Heyl,Depth 816 meters 08/09/2013,15:22:48,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,15:22:50,leswatling,pink coral on the left seems to be a primnoa. 08/09/2013,15:22:50,Taylor Heyl,COR cup live 08/09/2013,15:22:54,Rhian Waller,Looks like two species of coral too 08/09/2013,15:23:14,Taylor Heyl,CORO Bamboo 08/09/2013,15:23:18,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink 08/09/2013,15:23:36,Rhian Waller,Might be some dead Reef Building coral as the base in there too - can almost see small polyps 08/09/2013,15:23:47,Rhian Waller,Live COR solitary above too 08/09/2013,15:24:06,Taylor Heyl,ACN purple spiky - Actinernus 08/09/2013,15:24:39,Taylor Heyl,ACN large pink 08/09/2013,15:25:00,Taylor Heyl,moving laterally along vertical wall with fractures and ledges Depth 805 meters 08/09/2013,15:25:13,Taylor Heyl,many SPO on this vertical wall 08/09/2013,15:26:00,Taylor Heyl,Vertical wall with many COR 08/09/2013,15:26:02,adamskarke,41 03.8807 N 66 23.3579 W 08/09/2013,15:26:03,Taylor Heyl,COR solitary 08/09/2013,15:26:04,Taylor Heyl,CORP 08/09/2013,15:26:05,Taylor Heyl,CORL 08/09/2013,15:26:10,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:26:15,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/09/2013,15:26:27,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX large white 08/09/2013,15:26:35,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX vase 08/09/2013,15:26:44,Taylor Heyl,Acanthogorgia? 08/09/2013,15:26:57,Taylor Heyl,COR Solenosmilia 08/09/2013,15:27:09,Taylor Heyl,"tube clusters" 08/09/2013,15:27:25,Rhian Waller,COR Lophelia? 08/09/2013,15:27:32,Rhian Waller,Lots of solitary corals! 08/09/2013,15:27:33,Taylor Heyl,Anthothela? 08/09/2013,15:27:43,Taylor Heyl,HYD and CRI on Solenosmilia 08/09/2013,15:27:47,Rhian Waller,Mayeb - I didn't get a good look! 08/09/2013,15:27:49,Taylor Heyl,Depth 807 meters 08/09/2013,15:27:53,leswatling,looks like Anthothela 08/09/2013,15:28:36,leswatling,worm tube could be a sabellid of some kind... 08/09/2013,15:28:39,Rhian Waller,It was actually a white coral on the way in to this clump - we're pretty delayed here. 08/09/2013,15:28:49,Tim Shank,Is the pick coral Bubblegum coral? 08/09/2013,15:29:04,Taylor Heyl,yes, I think so 08/09/2013,15:29:12,Tim Shank,Some snap zooms on various corals would be great 08/09/2013,15:29:24,Tim Shank,White, pink, and yellow corals 08/09/2013,15:29:35,Tim Shank,Thank you Rhian. 08/09/2013,15:29:49,Taylor Heyl,WHOI disconnected from conference call...calling back in now 08/09/2013,15:30:23,jasonchaytor,The number and distribution of the corals suggest that this portion of the wall is/has been more stable for some time, that is, no significant failures 08/09/2013,15:30:43,Tim Shank,Yeah, whoi we are delayed here too. Thanks for calling back in WHOI- many problems today. 08/09/2013,15:31:08,Tim Shank,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:31:08,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:31:11,Taylor Heyl,COR cup 08/09/2013,15:31:17,Tim Shank,Can we look for associates? 08/09/2013,15:31:33,Taylor Heyl,APH associates on COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:31:49,Rhian Waller,Cor solitary - desmophyllums I think 08/09/2013,15:31:57,Taylor Heyl,SER 08/09/2013,15:32:00,Tim Shank,Great. Thank you 08/09/2013,15:32:08,Rhian Waller,HYD on the Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:32:22,Rhian Waller,Not much else! 08/09/2013,15:32:53,peterauster,FSH Synaph in brow cam drifting by wall 08/09/2013,15:33:15,Taylor Heyl,COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,15:33:19,Taylor Heyl,CORL 08/09/2013,15:33:21,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 08/09/2013,15:33:25,Taylor Heyl,ASR yellow 08/09/2013,15:33:28,Rhian Waller,Its interesting how many of these octocorals seem to be growing out of old clumps of scleractinians 08/09/2013,15:33:39,jasonchaytor,You can see subtle scrap marks on the wall surface with no preferred orientation. These may be from biological activity and form part of the overall package of bioerosion 08/09/2013,15:33:45,Taylor Heyl,Diversity of corals on this wall is amazing 08/09/2013,15:33:47,Rhian Waller,COR lophelia! 08/09/2013,15:33:50,Taylor Heyl,OPH associates in CORL 08/09/2013,15:33:53,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded 08/09/2013,15:34:57,Tim Shank,ASR white - Neomorphaster like 08/09/2013,15:35:40,Tim Shank,Great wall of Heezen corals 08/09/2013,15:35:43,Taylor Heyl,Wow! 08/09/2013,15:36:53,Rhian Waller,Anotehr big paragorgia? 08/09/2013,15:37:04,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia x2 08/09/2013,15:37:15,Tim Shank,Rhian, did you see 4 octocorals spp? thought I saw 3 08/09/2013,15:37:33,Tim Shank,Paragorgia with Anthotela? 08/09/2013,15:37:34,leswatling,sure doesn't look stable! 08/09/2013,15:37:39,Tim Shank,at the bease 08/09/2013,15:37:42,Rhian Waller,CORP, Paragorgia, Anthothellia and I thought stoloniferous 08/09/2013,15:37:52,Rhian Waller,But we're pretty delayed and choppy here, so I could be wrong on that! 08/09/2013,15:38:12,Rhian Waller,for scleracs I got soloneosmillia, lophelia and desmo - maybe Javania in there too! 08/09/2013,15:38:28,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Paragaorgia with Anthothela 08/09/2013,15:38:39,Taylor Heyl,URC 08/09/2013,15:38:44,Taylor Heyl,COR cup Desmo 08/09/2013,15:38:45,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Cylocthone 08/09/2013,15:38:50,Taylor Heyl,SHi banded on COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:38:52,Rhian Waller,SPO 08/09/2013,15:38:57,jasonchaytor,the contrast in stability of the walls is quite remarkable and it reinforces the fact that the time scale of processes in the ocean is just so different to what we have a better understanding of on land 08/09/2013,15:39:04,leswatling,no ophi on the Paragorgia? 08/09/2013,15:39:10,Rhian Waller,True Jason! 08/09/2013,15:39:17,Tim Shank,None on the earlier either…. 08/09/2013,15:39:30,Taylor Heyl,CRI associate on Anthothela 08/09/2013,15:39:37,Tim Shank,easy to see then with polyps retracted 08/09/2013,15:39:46,leswatling,too shallow Tim? 08/09/2013,15:39:54,Rhian Waller,What depth are we? 08/09/2013,15:40:00,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded x2 on COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:40:44,Taylor Heyl,SAL in water column 08/09/2013,15:40:57,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,15:41:03,Taylor Heyl,CORP several 08/09/2013,15:41:32,Tim Shank,Always a factor…could be. Basket stars are known on Paragorgia between 200-500m in the NW Atlantic... 08/09/2013,15:42:04,jasonchaytor,fun fact: on land precarious boulders (I use the size term loosely) like these are used in areas of seismic activity to estimate timing and intensity of ground shaking 08/09/2013,15:42:09,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia with COR solitary, Anthothela 08/09/2013,15:42:13,Taylor Heyl,Depth 802 meters 08/09/2013,15:42:18,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX 08/09/2013,15:42:25,leswatling,so maybe the Asteroschema are limited by depth upward and then basket stars take over? 08/09/2013,15:42:41,Taylor Heyl,Paragorgia with polyps retracted, no OPHS, SHI banded 08/09/2013,15:42:42,jasonchaytor,did anyone else loose I1? 08/09/2013,15:42:50,Rhian Waller,Basket stars really prevalent on paragorgia ~500m in Alaska too 08/09/2013,15:42:51,jasonchaytor,lose 08/09/2013,15:42:52,Tim Shank,I have I1 08/09/2013,15:43:02,Rhian Waller,I have I1 - choppy though 08/09/2013,15:43:17,leswatling,yep choppy here too... 08/09/2013,15:43:26,jasonchaytor,english is failing me today 08/09/2013,15:43:27,Taylor Heyl,Aplacophorans!! 08/09/2013,15:43:32,Rhian Waller,Amazing how many cup corals are here 08/09/2013,15:44:06,Rhian Waller,Is that one or two Paragorgia? Weird half the polyps are open if it's one colony 08/09/2013,15:44:46,Taylor Heyl,Aplacophorans tightly wrapped on COR x4 08/09/2013,15:44:54,Taylor Heyl,Some on COR Paragorgia too 08/09/2013,15:45:09,Tim Shank,Yes good Rhian. There are lots of associates on paragorgia at these shallow depths- in the Atlantic- highly diverse associates- copepods, aplacs, to polychaetes. 08/09/2013,15:45:21,Tim Shank,I1 feed locking up a lot now - argh 08/09/2013,15:46:25,Taylor Heyl,Moving laterally on wall, still seeing high abundance of corals 08/09/2013,15:46:29,Rhian Waller,Looks like LOTS of paragorgia here! 08/09/2013,15:46:31,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia x5 08/09/2013,15:46:35,Taylor Heyl,Depth 790 meters 08/09/2013,15:46:50,Rhian Waller,Is that white paragorgia too? 08/09/2013,15:47:03,leswatling,looks like a white version. 08/09/2013,15:48:00,Taylor Heyl,Great view of this wall of corals from serios view 08/09/2013,15:49:03,Taylor Heyl,COR Clavularia 08/09/2013,15:49:06,amandademopoulos,Did we see black coral earlier 08/09/2013,15:49:23,Taylor Heyl,I don't think we have seen any black coral so far this dive... 08/09/2013,15:49:30,amandademopoulos,ok-just checking 08/09/2013,15:49:39,Taylor Heyl,SPOHEX 08/09/2013,15:49:54,Taylor Heyl,URC white 08/09/2013,15:50:04,Taylor Heyl,large COR Paragorgia! 08/09/2013,15:50:08,Taylor Heyl,Depth 783 meters 08/09/2013,15:50:15,jasonchaytor,nice strength contrast between the rock layers 08/09/2013,15:50:15,Taylor Heyl,SQD bobtail 08/09/2013,15:50:18,Rhian Waller,BEAUTIFUL! 08/09/2013,15:50:19,Taylor Heyl,CORP 08/09/2013,15:50:37,jasonchaytor,thin high-strength, weaker thicker layers 08/09/2013,15:51:09,Taylor Heyl,URC white 08/09/2013,15:51:33,Rhian Waller,White and Pink paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:52:50,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo? 08/09/2013,15:52:54,Taylor Heyl,SHi mysid 08/09/2013,15:53:42,Tim Shank,I1 feed miserably locking up... 08/09/2013,15:53:51,Rhian Waller,Yup... 08/09/2013,15:53:57,Rhian Waller,I1 not so good 08/09/2013,15:54:54,Tim Shank,Are there small CORP here? 08/09/2013,15:54:55,amandademopoulos,any way to resolve I1 feed? 08/09/2013,15:55:12,Taylor Heyl,Still seeing beautiful corals on this wall, many Paragorgia, Clavularia... 08/09/2013,15:55:20,Taylor Heyl,Depth 774 meters 08/09/2013,15:55:22,Tim Shank,I wish- can try getting rid of browser buffer, restarting, etc. 08/09/2013,15:55:38,amandademopoulos,jason is having issue too 08/09/2013,15:55:40,Tim Shank,Are there yellow- small CORP here 08/09/2013,15:55:43,Rhian Waller,Is the orange primnoa? 08/09/2013,15:55:59,Tim Shank,Something dark on the white Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:56:03,leswatling,me too in Hawaii, feed is lost 08/09/2013,15:56:04,Taylor Heyl,white COR Paragorgia...some HYD and sediment on skeleton 08/09/2013,15:56:25,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded associate on white Paragorgia 08/09/2013,15:56:26,Rhian Waller,Very thick central axis! 08/09/2013,15:56:28,Taylor Heyl,x3 08/09/2013,15:56:39,Tim Shank,Feed lost 08/09/2013,15:56:56,Taylor Heyl,SAL chain 08/09/2013,15:58:38,Tim Shank,Feed down. Anyone else? 08/09/2013,15:58:51,Tim Shank,Darn and on this great wall…zooming in... 08/09/2013,15:59:09,kerrymcculloch,Our feed is ok here at WHOI 08/09/2013,15:59:11,leswatling,nothing on 1 or 2 for me... 08/09/2013,15:59:27,Rhian Waller,Feed one is back here - but choppy again 08/09/2013,16:00:10,Rhian Waller,772m 08/09/2013,16:01:20,marthanizinski,41 03.8695 6623.3703 W 774 m 08/09/2013,16:01:34,jasonchaytor,the choppiness makes it easy to take my own screen grabs here though :-) 08/09/2013,16:01:38,kerrymcculloch,zooming in on COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:01:49,kerrymcculloch,COR cup 08/09/2013,16:03:30,kerrymcculloch,banded SHI 08/09/2013,16:04:00,kerrymcculloch,COR Primnoa? 08/09/2013,16:04:12,James Austin,Restarting things again here at the ISC. Stand by. 08/09/2013,16:04:58,kerrymcculloch,FSH 08/09/2013,16:05:43,kerrymcculloch,2x SHI on Primnoa 08/09/2013,16:05:46,Rhian Waller,COR - young primnoa 08/09/2013,16:05:50,Rhian Waller,Thin axis 08/09/2013,16:06:20,Tim Shank,Rhian, you have I1? 08/09/2013,16:06:33,Rhian Waller,Very very very choppily, i'm probably waaayyyy behind! 08/09/2013,16:06:33,Tim Shank,Down here. 08/09/2013,16:06:44,leswatling,I1 is back to me, but mostly still frames... 08/09/2013,16:06:52,Rhian Waller,White COR on right different species 08/09/2013,16:07:08,Andrea Quattrini,no I1 for me yet 08/09/2013,16:07:11,kerrymcculloch,Coral on the right... could be Anthothela perhaps? 08/09/2013,16:07:23,kerrymcculloch,purple ASR 08/09/2013,16:07:38,Rhian Waller,COR solitary - Desmophyllum 08/09/2013,16:07:47,Rhian Waller,SPO 08/09/2013,16:08:01,Rhian Waller,Lost my I1 here 08/09/2013,16:08:57,leswatling,I1 back but still freezing... 08/09/2013,16:09:01,kerrymcculloch,COR Anthothela with no associates 08/09/2013,16:09:22,Rhian Waller,FSH on primnoa 08/09/2013,16:09:34,Rhian Waller,Caught in polyps? 08/09/2013,16:09:44,Andrea Quattrini,man! i want to see! ha 08/09/2013,16:10:13,leswatling,yeah... I wonder how many wind up getting free. 08/09/2013,16:10:33,kerrymcculloch,white SPO on wall 08/09/2013,16:10:42,Catalina Martinez,I1 should be better now. . .let me know 08/09/2013,16:10:52,Andrea Quattrini,I1 back for me! 08/09/2013,16:10:57,leswatling, Not one of the fish we have seen stuck like this are immobile, which gives credence to the idea that the octocorals do no thave much of a toxin in the cnidae. 08/09/2013,16:11:35,Andrea Quattrini,what fish was it? 08/09/2013,16:11:44,kerrymcculloch,white COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:11:55,leswatling,it was another of those little guys, maybe a cm or two 08/09/2013,16:12:09,Andrea Quattrini,a midwater cyclothone? 08/09/2013,16:12:11,kerrymcculloch,2x banded SHI on white COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:12:29,Rhian Waller,Seems better Catalina - thanks! 08/09/2013,16:12:42,leswatling,can't tell you that because I may have missed that ID previously... 08/09/2013,16:12:52,Andrea Quattrini,CORO Clavularia 08/09/2013,16:12:55,Andrea Quattrini,thanks Les- 08/09/2013,16:13:18,jasonchaytor,looks like recolonization of a failed area 08/09/2013,16:14:01,kerrymcculloch,zooming on Primnoa next to the large pink COR Paragorgai 08/09/2013,16:14:34,leswatling,Catalina, I am still getting freeze frames, not much actually moving video. that is, the video runs for about 1 sec then the image freezes for 3 secs or longer. 08/09/2013,16:14:43,kerrymcculloch,multiple COR cup along wall 08/09/2013,16:15:00,kerrymcculloch,bobtail SQD 08/09/2013,16:15:35,Tim Shank,close up on CORO Clavularia 08/09/2013,16:15:55,Tim Shank,COR Anthothela…not sure what's been logged here 08/09/2013,16:16:13,Taylor Heyl,large COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:16:16,leswatling,video much more stable now... 08/09/2013,16:16:16,Taylor Heyl,CORP 08/09/2013,16:16:38,Tim Shank,Have we zoomed in CORP yet? 08/09/2013,16:16:48,Tim Shank,Thank you :-) 08/09/2013,16:16:48,Taylor Heyl,not yet 08/09/2013,16:17:09,James Austin,I agree with Jayson. Rock surfaces around these colonies are pretty clean, suggesting a "recent" downslope failure. 08/09/2013,16:17:50,kerrymcculloch,zooming in on CORP 08/09/2013,16:18:03,Taylor Heyl,CTE 08/09/2013,16:18:14,Taylor Heyl,ZOA 08/09/2013,16:18:31,Taylor Heyl,SER 08/09/2013,16:18:36,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 08/09/2013,16:18:39,Tim Shank,Perhaps not a CORP…but ZOA overgrowing something… there is another "CORP" down below - 2 meters maybe 08/09/2013,16:18:58,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:19:02,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded 08/09/2013,16:19:05,Taylor Heyl,Depth 777 meters 08/09/2013,16:19:20,Taylor Heyl,egg case in Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:19:24,marthanizinski,DVL coral forest 08/09/2013,16:19:25,Taylor Heyl,multiple 08/09/2013,16:19:37,Taylor Heyl,sediment on axis 08/09/2013,16:19:38,Andrea Quattrini,2 EGG cases 08/09/2013,16:19:46,Taylor Heyl,3 egg cases (1 below) 08/09/2013,16:19:52,Taylor Heyl,white thing in center? 08/09/2013,16:22:48,marthanizinski,41 03.8684 N 66 223.3701 W 779 m 08/09/2013,16:23:06,Tim Shank,I did not see what that was Taylor. 08/09/2013,16:23:18,Taylor Heyl,WHOI start recording EX1304L2_ROV09_3.ts. 08/09/2013,16:23:20,jasonchaytor,the wall right below these paragorgia is largely devoid of the larger forms, certainly more patchy distribution, may again be a sign of past instability 08/09/2013,16:23:58,kerrymcculloch,SAL 08/09/2013,16:24:06,Taylor Heyl,SAL chain 08/09/2013,16:25:14,Taylor Heyl,CTE 08/09/2013,16:25:18,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX 08/09/2013,16:25:24,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 08/09/2013,16:25:30,Taylor Heyl,COR cup Desmophyllum 08/09/2013,16:25:51,eleanorbors,SHI 08/09/2013,16:25:55,Taylor Heyl,Depth 777 meters 08/09/2013,16:25:59,Taylor Heyl,close up of CRARED 08/09/2013,16:26:02,Taylor Heyl,SPO white 08/09/2013,16:26:04,Tim Shank,Can we zoom in on small yellow coral to the right /center 08/09/2013,16:26:07,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,16:26:09,Tim Shank,I1 DOWN 08/09/2013,16:26:29,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Gadiropsaurus ensis 08/09/2013,16:26:33,Tim Shank,thought I saw yellow CORP….wanted to confirm….between two Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:26:40,Tim Shank,Anyone else with I1 down? 08/09/2013,16:26:52,Andrea Quattrini,G ensis pretty large 08/09/2013,16:26:52,jasonchaytor,it is in and out again 08/09/2013,16:27:20,eleanorbors,Good afternoon everyone, this is Ellie joining the team at WHOI. 08/09/2013,16:28:04,Taylor Heyl,close up of COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:28:10,Taylor Heyl,Anthothela on right? 08/09/2013,16:28:14,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Acanthogorgia and Anthothela 08/09/2013,16:28:15,Taylor Heyl,I don't see any SHI 08/09/2013,16:28:20,Taylor Heyl,or any other associates 08/09/2013,16:28:21,Tim Shank,Ah, it was a an Acanthogorgia. 08/09/2013,16:28:45,Tim Shank,So, have we observed any COPR on this wall? 08/09/2013,16:28:53,Tim Shank,CORP, sorry. 08/09/2013,16:29:22,jasonchaytor,I though I saw surface scratches coming radially out of one of the burrows 08/09/2013,16:29:28,Taylor Heyl,Anthothela with HYD 08/09/2013,16:29:45,Taylor Heyl,I don't think we have seen Paramuricea on this wall, Tim. 08/09/2013,16:29:46,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Paragorgia tiny 08/09/2013,16:29:56,Taylor Heyl,All yellow corals have been Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:30:35,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/09/2013,16:31:43,Taylor Heyl,SQD 08/09/2013,16:31:49,Taylor Heyl,translucent-type 08/09/2013,16:31:53,Taylor Heyl,SPO HEX 08/09/2013,16:32:49,Taylor Heyl,COR Primnoa? 08/09/2013,16:32:53,eleanorbors,Line of COR here: Paragorgia pink and white, COR CUP 08/09/2013,16:32:57,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:33:10,Taylor Heyl,SPO hEX 08/09/2013,16:33:23,Taylor Heyl,No associates visible on Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:33:27,Taylor Heyl,Depth 779 meters 08/09/2013,16:33:29,Taylor Heyl,FELO 08/09/2013,16:34:23,eleanorbors,more COR Paragorgia pink and light pink 08/09/2013,16:34:37,Taylor Heyl,ASR hot pink 08/09/2013,16:34:58,Taylor Heyl,still moving up this vertical wall with extensive COR and SPO 08/09/2013,16:35:01,Taylor Heyl,Depth 777 meters 08/09/2013,16:35:04,eleanorbors,numerous SPO, many different morphologies 08/09/2013,16:35:07,Taylor Heyl,COR cup 08/09/2013,16:35:40,Tim Shank,ASR poraniid variety 08/09/2013,16:36:17,eleanorbors,EGG case possibly on the COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:37:22,eleanorbors,Nice shot of this COR Paragorgia with Lasers on 08/09/2013,16:37:30,Taylor Heyl,ASR white 08/09/2013,16:37:36,eleanorbors,Not seeing any associates on this coral 08/09/2013,16:37:47,Taylor Heyl,sediment on axis of Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:38:21,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia (likely) 08/09/2013,16:38:35,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange and many SPO 08/09/2013,16:38:48,Taylor Heyl,COR Paragorgia - VERY LARGE 08/09/2013,16:39:05,Taylor Heyl,two different colors on this Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:39:17,Taylor Heyl,Depth 769 meters 08/09/2013,16:39:24,Taylor Heyl,white and pink Paragorgia together 08/09/2013,16:39:27,Taylor Heyl,SHi banded 08/09/2013,16:39:30,eleanorbors,SHI on COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:39:41,Taylor Heyl,Water temp 4.8C 08/09/2013,16:39:45,jasonchaytor,significant fracture forming along the backside of the block this coral is attached to 08/09/2013,16:40:30,Taylor Heyl,egg case in Paragorgia? 08/09/2013,16:40:31,Taylor Heyl,CTE 08/09/2013,16:40:38,Taylor Heyl,Paragorgia forest here 08/09/2013,16:40:38,Tim Shank,Sounds great Amanda 08/09/2013,16:40:44,eleanorbors,incredible numbers of large Paragorgia! 08/09/2013,16:40:55,Taylor Heyl,SAL 08/09/2013,16:40:59,Tim Shank,Hard to leave such a great place….but... 08/09/2013,16:41:24,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded on this COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:41:29,Tim Shank,I1 DOWN 08/09/2013,16:41:44,Taylor Heyl,many SHI on the Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:41:45,Andrea Quattrini,i1 good here 08/09/2013,16:42:03,jasonchaytor,Do the hold-fasts bore into the rock at all, or is it simply a surficial feature? 08/09/2013,16:43:43,Tim Shank,Anyone else with all feeds down? 08/09/2013,16:44:42,Taylor Heyl,CTE 08/09/2013,16:45:02,Taylor Heyl,WHOI I1 feed down too 08/09/2013,16:45:09,Taylor Heyl,I2 still up 08/09/2013,16:45:27,eleanorbors,According to Twitter, Chris Mah also lost I1 08/09/2013,16:45:31,Tim Shank,Thank you Taylor 08/09/2013,16:45:48,Taylor Heyl,FSH 08/09/2013,16:45:56,Taylor Heyl,CTE 08/09/2013,16:46:03,amandademopoulos,what is the i1 issue? any updates? 08/09/2013,16:46:17,Taylor Heyl,Moving up vertical wall, passing large Paragorgia, Acanthogorgia, COR cup and SPO..... 08/09/2013,16:46:21,Taylor Heyl,Depth 768 meters 08/09/2013,16:46:27,eleanorbors,Seems to be a lot of marine snow in these parts--lots of particulate providing possible food for these massive corals. 08/09/2013,16:46:49,Taylor Heyl,white SPO abundant here. 08/09/2013,16:46:51,jasonchaytor,lots of vertical and inclined fractures 08/09/2013,16:46:54,eleanorbors,SHI on the rock face 08/09/2013,16:47:22,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,16:47:23,jasonchaytor,pervasive joint sets 08/09/2013,16:47:49,eleanorbors,ACN 08/09/2013,16:47:55,eleanorbors,CTE 08/09/2013,16:48:22,Taylor Heyl,reaching top of wall, seeing sediment on margin wall.... 08/09/2013,16:48:27,Taylor Heyl,ACN pink on sediment on margin 08/09/2013,16:48:31,eleanorbors,COR Cup 08/09/2013,16:48:33,Catalina Martinez,I1 being restarted again 08/09/2013,16:48:37,Taylor Heyl,COR abundant on vertical wall 08/09/2013,16:48:43,eleanorbors,two big BUR here 08/09/2013,16:48:45,Taylor Heyl,COR Acanthogorgia x2 08/09/2013,16:48:55,Taylor Heyl,Depth 760 meters 08/09/2013,16:49:07,Taylor Heyl,no associates visible 08/09/2013,16:49:26,Taylor Heyl,wait....something red on right of this Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:49:32,Taylor Heyl,POL in tubes 08/09/2013,16:49:39,Taylor Heyl,OPH on ROC 08/09/2013,16:49:51,eleanorbors,APH on COR 08/09/2013,16:49:52,Tim Shank,In tubes on the coral? 08/09/2013,16:49:56,Taylor Heyl,APH associates on Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:49:57,Tim Shank,I1 still down :-( 08/09/2013,16:49:59,jasonchaytor,manganese-iron coating (?) on the rock surface 08/09/2013,16:50:10,Taylor Heyl,no, POL in tubes at base of COR 08/09/2013,16:50:16,Tim Shank,Thank you 08/09/2013,16:51:00,Tim Shank,Not easy with no visuals and just the chat. Sorry. 08/09/2013,16:51:25,Taylor Heyl,no other associates on this Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:51:32,Taylor Heyl,close up of Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:51:45,Taylor Heyl,white specs in SED - could be forams 08/09/2013,16:52:08,jasonchaytor,could be G. menardii, they are pretty large 08/09/2013,16:52:17,jasonchaytor,forams 08/09/2013,16:52:18,Taylor Heyl,on margin rock now.....close up of small cave 08/09/2013,16:53:04,Taylor Heyl,SQD bobtail 08/09/2013,16:53:13,Taylor Heyl,COR on small ROC next to ACN 08/09/2013,16:53:19,Taylor Heyl,close up of SQD bobtail 08/09/2013,16:54:00,jasonchaytor,scattered cobbles on sediment surface 08/09/2013,16:54:02,Taylor Heyl,Traversing over soft sediment now, depth 756 meters 08/09/2013,16:54:07,Taylor Heyl,BUR with something in it 08/09/2013,16:54:11,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 08/09/2013,16:54:19,Taylor Heyl,FSH rattail 08/09/2013,16:54:32,Taylor Heyl,ACN on sediment 08/09/2013,16:54:36,Taylor Heyl,moving toward WP3 08/09/2013,16:55:02,Taylor Heyl,ANT line 08/09/2013,16:55:07,Taylor Heyl,small rock cluster 08/09/2013,16:55:11,Taylor Heyl,CTE red 08/09/2013,16:55:16,Taylor Heyl,sediment is mounded now 08/09/2013,16:55:23,Taylor Heyl,quill worms and BURs in this sediment 08/09/2013,16:55:28,Taylor Heyl,CORP? ahead 08/09/2013,16:55:36,Taylor Heyl,small ROCs scattered on sediment 08/09/2013,16:55:37,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 08/09/2013,16:55:45,Taylor Heyl,ACN pink on SED 08/09/2013,16:55:58,Taylor Heyl,Not CORP - Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,16:55:59,Andrea Quattrini,FSH hake 08/09/2013,16:56:38,Taylor Heyl,close up of SHI carapace 08/09/2013,16:57:40,Taylor Heyl,BUR in SED 08/09/2013,16:57:55,Tim Shank,Feed 2 only up here now…. and delayed a bit... 08/09/2013,16:58:59,Tim Shank,Transiting over SED 08/09/2013,16:59:06,Tim Shank,CRA hermit 08/09/2013,16:59:13,Taylor Heyl,PAG with ACN 08/09/2013,16:59:14,Tim Shank,Can hear back can't see :-) 08/09/2013,16:59:27,Tim Shank,BUT can't see 08/09/2013,16:59:32,Andrea Quattrini,PAG with Epizoanthus? 08/09/2013,17:00:25,Andrea Quattrini,FSH eelpout 08/09/2013,17:01:59,robertcarney,GAS very small 08/09/2013,17:02:07,Andrea Quattrini,FSH eelpout ?Lycenchelys paxillus but need confirmation 08/09/2013,17:02:35,eleanorbors,PAG with ACN 08/09/2013,17:02:36,Taylor Heyl,another PAG with Epizoanthus 08/09/2013,17:02:40,robertcarney,TUBes many arched white tubes...dentalium shells? 08/09/2013,17:02:42,Taylor Heyl,Depth 746 meters 08/09/2013,17:02:59,marthanizinski,41 03.8837 N66 23.3860 W 745 m 08/09/2013,17:02:59,Taylor Heyl,haven't seen any holothurians today... 08/09/2013,17:03:05,Taylor Heyl,and no traces on this sediment 08/09/2013,17:03:14,Taylor Heyl,ACN on sediment x2 08/09/2013,17:03:22,robertcarney,SED plenty of traces 08/09/2013,17:03:22,Taylor Heyl,CTE red 08/09/2013,17:03:45,Tim Shank,I1 feed 1 and 3 still down…. anyone else? 08/09/2013,17:04:11,Taylor Heyl,FSH in depression 08/09/2013,17:04:11,robertcarney,FSH 08/09/2013,17:04:16,eleanorbors,BUR 08/09/2013,17:04:23,Taylor Heyl,FSH tiny rattail 08/09/2013,17:04:23,robertcarney,BUR color contrast 08/09/2013,17:04:38,RHIAN WALLER,Just logged in here - good picture and sound on I1 08/09/2013,17:04:47,Andrea Quattrini,FSH hake Urophycis 08/09/2013,17:05:06,robertcarney,SHI 08/09/2013,17:05:08,eleanorbors,SHI on SED 08/09/2013,17:06:11,robertcarney,BUR 08/09/2013,17:06:33,Andrea Quattrini,FSH BBRF 08/09/2013,17:06:34,Tim Shank,FSH BBRF 08/09/2013,17:06:49,robertcarney,TUBe white rt fsh 08/09/2013,17:07:08,Tim Shank,Feed 1 on my Iphone now…rubbing sticks together next :-) 08/09/2013,17:07:57,James Austin,Kelley was watching the live feeds on her flight here. 08/09/2013,17:08:32,robertcarney,CRARED 08/09/2013,17:08:44,eleanorbors,ACN in SED 08/09/2013,17:08:47,Taylor Heyl,good luck, Tim. 08/09/2013,17:09:01,Andrea Quattrini,FSH BBRF 08/09/2013,17:09:06,marthanizinski,bearing 280 08/09/2013,17:09:32,eleanorbors,CTE red 08/09/2013,17:09:37,Tim Shank,Thanks Jamie. Makes me feel none the better. Iphone now down too…can you fax me screen grabs as we go? :-) Will keep trying. 08/09/2013,17:09:39,eleanorbors,more TUB 08/09/2013,17:10:18,robertcarney,TUBes white arched tubes ubiquitous not shells 08/09/2013,17:10:31,James Austin,Roger on the screen grabs, Tim! Or you could bring the kids and come to URI! 08/09/2013,17:10:56,eleanorbors,ACN in SED 08/09/2013,17:11:31,RHIAN WALLER,Sounds good amanda 08/09/2013,17:11:39,Tim Shank,Oh, if I were that close, I would Jamie. 08/09/2013,17:11:51,jasonchaytor,Mud is geology :-) 08/09/2013,17:12:01,robertcarney,Pseudomorph 08/09/2013,17:12:19,robertcarney,ACN 08/09/2013,17:12:21,James Austin,Mud IS geology! I agree! 08/09/2013,17:12:21,robertcarney,FSH 08/09/2013,17:12:25,eleanorbors,BBRF 08/09/2013,17:12:38,Tim Shank,Amanda, I agree. Good plan. These transitions and different bottom types inform us that much more. 08/09/2013,17:12:52,eleanorbors,JFH 08/09/2013,17:12:59,Andrea Quattrini,FSH eelpout zOOM? 08/09/2013,17:13:09,Andrea Quattrini,cool JFH 08/09/2013,17:13:10,RHIAN WALLER,Beautiful jelly! 08/09/2013,17:13:40,robertcarney,SED wider tracks may be caused by burrowing spatangid urchins 08/09/2013,17:14:09,eleanorbors,FSH eelpout 08/09/2013,17:14:14,Andrea Quattrini,FSH ?L paxillus thank you 08/09/2013,17:14:32,RHIAN WALLER,Jellyfish - Periphylla sp. maybe 08/09/2013,17:14:45,robertcarney,TUBe white arched some epifauna? nothing definitive 08/09/2013,17:15:28,Andrea Quattrini,it is curious that eelpouts are always curled up like this and rarely lying "straight" 08/09/2013,17:16:14,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,17:17:06,robertcarney,ACN 08/09/2013,17:17:26,robertcarney,OPH small moving 08/09/2013,17:17:47,robertcarney,POL two long tentacles from sed 08/09/2013,17:17:48,eleanorbors,I have never seen an OPHie move that fast... 08/09/2013,17:18:29,robertcarney,TUBe w/ gel nothing defin 08/09/2013,17:18:36,marthanizinski,41 03.8886 N 66 23.4214 W 722 m 08/09/2013,17:18:59,robertcarney,FEC pile lower left 08/09/2013,17:19:56,eleanorbors,SHI in water column 08/09/2013,17:20:04,Andrea Quattrini,SHI long antennae 08/09/2013,17:20:05,robertcarney,SHI pel sergestid? 08/09/2013,17:20:23,robertcarney,BUR 08/09/2013,17:20:32,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,17:20:32,robertcarney,FSH 08/09/2013,17:20:41,eleanorbors,CRA 08/09/2013,17:20:44,robertcarney,TRACKS parallel 08/09/2013,17:20:53,robertcarney,FSH flat 08/09/2013,17:21:29,Andrea Quattrini,I1 froze 08/09/2013,17:21:30,robertcarney,SHI small near fsh 08/09/2013,17:21:37,Tim Shank,Andrea, even on mid-ocean ridges and in vent communities, zoarcids curl around rocky hard bottoms, mussels and tubeworms. 08/09/2013,17:22:04,Andrea Quattrini,i know, i assume its for protection, but interesting nonetheless. 08/09/2013,17:22:05,Tim Shank,All i1 feeds now DOWN here. 08/09/2013,17:22:05,RHIAN WALLER,I1 all feeds down here 08/09/2013,17:22:11,Tim Shank,Yes, it is. 08/09/2013,17:22:13,RHIAN WALLER,snap…:) 08/09/2013,17:22:15,Andrea Quattrini,was that a witch? 08/09/2013,17:22:26,marthanizinski,I think so 08/09/2013,17:22:36,Andrea Quattrini,FSH witch 08/09/2013,17:22:44,robertcarney,PAG in GAS shell 08/09/2013,17:22:54,eleanorbors,small OPH in SED 08/09/2013,17:22:55,robertcarney,OPH 08/09/2013,17:23:57,eleanorbors,This is one confused little PAG 08/09/2013,17:24:18,RHIAN WALLER,Poor thing, confused by the bright light! 08/09/2013,17:24:23,kelleyelliott,I1 feeds are working currenty here - are they still down for others? 08/09/2013,17:24:29,RHIAN WALLER,Just came back here 08/09/2013,17:24:36,RHIAN WALLER,all three seem to be on 08/09/2013,17:25:13,kelleyelliott,Great! 08/09/2013,17:25:35,robertcarney,OPH walking 08/09/2013,17:26:10,robertcarney,BUR 08/09/2013,17:26:16,RHIAN WALLER,XEN 08/09/2013,17:26:26,RHIAN WALLER,(oh, burrow - sorry!) 08/09/2013,17:26:40,Andrea Quattrini,I1 choppy here 08/09/2013,17:26:45,robertcarney,ACN 08/09/2013,17:27:06,eleanorbors,continuing along this SED area 08/09/2013,17:27:10,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,17:28:00,robertcarney,GAS shell vacant looks like Eosipho 08/09/2013,17:28:09,Andrea Quattrini,Did anyone else totally lose I1? 08/09/2013,17:28:09,eleanorbors,ACN 08/09/2013,17:28:11,robertcarney,ACN 08/09/2013,17:28:28,RHIAN WALLER,I1 choppy but on here 08/09/2013,17:28:47,robertcarney,ACN 08/09/2013,17:29:18,robertcarney,ROC 08/09/2013,17:29:40,eleanorbors,SPO on ROC 08/09/2013,17:29:47,robertcarney,CRARED 08/09/2013,17:29:48,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/09/2013,17:29:50,robertcarney,BUR 08/09/2013,17:30:33,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,17:30:43,marthanizinski,41 03.9055 N 66 23.4203 W 708 m 08/09/2013,17:30:47,RHIAN WALLER,HYD 08/09/2013,17:31:28,robertcarney,TUBe mudtube on face of rock 08/09/2013,17:31:47,eleanorbors,are these small snails? 08/09/2013,17:32:00,robertcarney,white dots...cap shaped? 08/09/2013,17:32:49,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,17:33:12,robertcarney,BUR large with excavation craters 08/09/2013,17:33:29,eleanorbors,ROC with SPO and COR colony 08/09/2013,17:33:44,robertcarney,ROC dark small fragmented boulder/cobble 08/09/2013,17:33:45,eleanorbors,Many SHI on this COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,17:34:01,eleanorbors,The skeleton on this COR looks different than previously--can see the dark color 08/09/2013,17:34:11,eleanorbors,CRARED; x2, each at a ROC 08/09/2013,17:34:16,amandademopoulos,noticed the dark color too ellie 08/09/2013,17:34:17,robertcarney,ROC cobble field 08/09/2013,17:34:23,eleanorbors,Every rock in view has a COR! 08/09/2013,17:35:04,eleanorbors,CRA 08/09/2013,17:35:13,robertcarney,SQA 08/09/2013,17:35:48,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia; again with a darker skeleton color 08/09/2013,17:35:55,eleanorbors,SPO, white and yellow on this ROC 08/09/2013,17:36:02,eleanorbors,Any associates on this guy? 08/09/2013,17:36:48,eleanorbors,I don't see any associates form here. 08/09/2013,17:37:25,robertcarney,FEC pile to rt 08/09/2013,17:37:58,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,17:38:10,eleanorbors,SHI on COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,17:39:38,robertcarney,ROC large exposure at edge of drop off 08/09/2013,17:39:42,eleanorbors,COR cup (big) 08/09/2013,17:39:49,eleanorbors,think this is a CORP (?) 08/09/2013,17:40:15,eleanorbors,small amount of MUC on this COR, but no living associates that I can see 08/09/2013,17:40:24,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,17:40:43,eleanorbors,Now at the edge of the flat area and can glimpse the paragorgia down the wall. 08/09/2013,17:41:42,robertcarney,BUR w/ excavation crater 08/09/2013,17:41:59,robertcarney,FSH 08/09/2013,17:43:11,eleanorbors,SHI on COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,17:43:13,robertcarney,ROC heavily dotted with white spots 08/09/2013,17:43:27,eleanorbors,SQD 08/09/2013,17:44:14,eleanorbors,SPO on ROC with COR Acathagorgia 08/09/2013,17:44:21,eleanorbors,many SHI on here 08/09/2013,17:44:46,eleanorbors,SHI x6 (?) 08/09/2013,17:45:09,eleanorbors,Great tight zoom on these shrimp 08/09/2013,17:45:16,eleanorbors,Thank you! 08/09/2013,17:45:29,robertcarney,SHI easy to see plates...a caridean 08/09/2013,17:45:47,eleanorbors,If it's possible to get the underside of one as well, that would be great. =) 08/09/2013,17:46:01,eleanorbors,BAR on COR as well 08/09/2013,17:46:37,eleanorbors,706 meters 08/09/2013,17:46:56,eleanorbors,tiny little APH, too 08/09/2013,17:47:00,eleanorbors,*on the COR 08/09/2013,17:48:37,eleanorbors,zoom on underside of SHI hanging upside down to see the underside of the rostrum 08/09/2013,17:48:58,eleanorbors,Thank you. beautiful video 08/09/2013,17:49:37,marthanizinski,bearing 180 08/09/2013,17:49:39,robertcarney,ROC white spots may be attached forams 08/09/2013,17:50:08,robertcarney,CRARED 08/09/2013,17:50:16,robertcarney,BUR mult 08/09/2013,17:50:50,robertcarney,CRARED 08/09/2013,17:50:55,robertcarney,FSH hake 08/09/2013,17:51:05,eleanorbors,Peeking over the edge here! 08/09/2013,17:51:07,marthanizinski,DVL top of cliff 08/09/2013,17:51:34,RHIAN WALLER,Pink and White Paragorgia 08/09/2013,17:51:37,eleanorbors,CORP right on the ledge near COR Acanthogorgia (likely) 08/09/2013,17:51:38,RHIAN WALLER,CORP 08/09/2013,17:51:40,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,17:51:49,eleanorbors,FSH living on the edge 08/09/2013,17:52:08,eleanorbors,CRARED Chaceon 08/09/2013,17:52:14,RHIAN WALLER,FSH - little red fish too over edge 08/09/2013,17:52:14,peterauster,FSH Offshore hake 08/09/2013,17:52:15,robertcarney,GAS shell vacant 08/09/2013,17:52:29,peterauster,Other beast was a longfinned hake 08/09/2013,17:52:47,RHIAN WALLER,704m 08/09/2013,17:52:56,eleanorbors,SPO, many morphologies on this rock 08/09/2013,17:52:56,RHIAN WALLER,ZOA on CORP 08/09/2013,17:53:09,Taylor Heyl,Taylor Heyl signing off for the day....great dive so far - thank you all for your help! 08/09/2013,17:53:21,eleanorbors,Bye Taylor! 08/09/2013,17:53:23,amandademopoulos,thanks Taylor! awesome job as always 08/09/2013,17:53:34,robertcarney,BUR very large cratered 08/09/2013,17:53:43,RHIAN WALLER,Amazing how many LARGE corals there are down there! 08/09/2013,17:53:43,marthanizinski,4103.9183 N 66 23.4183 W 703 m 08/09/2013,17:54:33,RHIAN WALLER,COR Primnoa? 08/09/2013,17:54:40,eleanorbors,Is that a CORA ahead? 08/09/2013,17:54:45,RHIAN WALLER,Orange on the top 08/09/2013,17:54:46,eleanorbors,nevermind, out of view. 08/09/2013,17:54:52,RHIAN WALLER,More ZOA on the CORP too 08/09/2013,17:54:54,eleanorbors,So many COR here! 08/09/2013,17:55:05,RHIAN WALLER,Fantastic!! 08/09/2013,17:55:20,RHIAN WALLER,Makes me want to base jump down the wall.... 08/09/2013,17:56:14,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,17:56:42,eleanorbors,Very sad that Santiago is traveling today and is missing this--he would be in heaven. 08/09/2013,17:57:20,RHIAN WALLER,Very sad! He'd want to see this! 08/09/2013,17:58:21,RHIAN WALLER,From Mullineaux & Mills (2004) - a 2m tall paragorgia = 500 years old 08/09/2013,17:58:45,RHIAN WALLER,And some of these are definitely 2m! 08/09/2013,17:58:53,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/09/2013,18:00:15,Andrea Quattrini,wow! amazing 08/09/2013,18:00:28,eleanorbors,small yellow CORs amongst the paragorgia giants 08/09/2013,18:00:35,RHIAN WALLER,CORP? 08/09/2013,18:00:58,eleanorbors,ANT line I think to right of the crevice 08/09/2013,18:01:12,Andrea Quattrini,i dont think we really know that answer. 08/09/2013,18:01:22,eleanorbors,SHI on COR Paragorgia 709 meters 08/09/2013,18:01:41,peterauster,FSH ophidiid 08/09/2013,18:01:41,eleanorbors,the head of this SHI is lighter in color (although lighting is different here) 08/09/2013,18:01:47,Andrea Quattrini,FSH ophidiiform 08/09/2013,18:02:14,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,18:02:22,eleanorbors,CRA RED in the yellow COR 08/09/2013,18:02:36,eleanorbors,If we can, could we zoom on the yellow coral to upper right? thanks! 08/09/2013,18:02:51,RHIAN WALLER,Beautiful polyp shot! 08/09/2013,18:03:10,eleanorbors,Great zoom on this SHI on Paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:03:46,eleanorbors,small SPO along rock face 08/09/2013,18:04:05,RHIAN WALLER,Smaller white coral in there too - on right 08/09/2013,18:06:13,RHIAN WALLER,COR primnoa! 08/09/2013,18:06:17,RHIAN WALLER,(pink_ 08/09/2013,18:06:21,eleanorbors,CRARED with several BAR 08/09/2013,18:06:26,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,18:06:28,RHIAN WALLER,COR acanthogorgia? Yellow 08/09/2013,18:06:28,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia with SHI 08/09/2013,18:06:42,briankennedy, Just so everyone knows we just passed 45,000 visits to the live video in today’s dive alone. 08/09/2013,18:06:49,RHIAN WALLER,Skinny primnoa! 08/09/2013,18:06:54,Andrea Quattrini,wow!! 08/09/2013,18:06:57,leswatling,crab is very old, or at least a long time since its last molt.... barnacles 08/09/2013,18:07:02,amandademopoulos,holy mackeral 08/09/2013,18:07:09,eleanorbors,Fantastic! [I posted it on Facebook, so hopefully some of my friends will join in the watching as well!] 08/09/2013,18:07:09,RHIAN WALLER,Crab associate 08/09/2013,18:07:18,eleanorbors,Thanks for getting a good look at that coral. 08/09/2013,18:07:23,eleanorbors,709 meters 08/09/2013,18:07:27,RHIAN WALLER,Oh yes - fishing line in there! 08/09/2013,18:07:36,leswatling,there are at least two of us watching from Hawaii.... got my student involved.... 08/09/2013,18:07:37,eleanorbors,ASR pink 08/09/2013,18:07:48,Andrea Quattrini,back in Hawaii les? 08/09/2013,18:08:05,RHIAN WALLER,My two dogs are watching, do they count too? 08/09/2013,18:08:09,leswatling,yep, for three weeks to move my lab and a few other things... 08/09/2013,18:08:15,RHIAN WALLER,More COR primnoa in top right 08/09/2013,18:08:31,leswatling,do the dogs bark when they see Primnoa? 08/09/2013,18:08:42,RHIAN WALLER,Yup, they're well trained coral findersr! 08/09/2013,18:08:44,Andrea Quattrini,what was that below the seastar 08/09/2013,18:08:47,Andrea Quattrini,FSH 08/09/2013,18:08:49,RHIAN WALLER,FSH! 08/09/2013,18:08:50,eleanorbors,FSH in BUR 08/09/2013,18:08:51,RHIAN WALLER,SPO 08/09/2013,18:08:57,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Cyclothone 08/09/2013,18:09:03,Andrea Quattrini,swam by... 08/09/2013,18:09:18,eleanorbors,COR stoloniferous 08/09/2013,18:09:24,Andrea Quattrini,another FSH zoom? 08/09/2013,18:09:41,RHIAN WALLER,CORP 08/09/2013,18:09:51,RHIAN WALLER,Lots of tube SPO too 08/09/2013,18:10:33,eleanorbors,From Chris Mah on Twitter: "#okeanos Starfish is Chondraster grandis the same poraniid we've been seeing." 08/09/2013,18:10:55,eleanorbors,SHI on CORP 08/09/2013,18:11:01,RHIAN WALLER,Nice Primnoa shot! 08/09/2013,18:11:01,eleanorbors,SHI x2 08/09/2013,18:11:19,eleanorbors,*correction to my post: SHI x2 on COR Primnoa 08/09/2013,18:11:24,eleanorbors,at 707 meters 08/09/2013,18:11:34,leswatling,shrimp has same light are on the thorax. 08/09/2013,18:11:37,eleanorbors,Some "clean" skeleton on this Primnoa 08/09/2013,18:13:15,Andrea Quattrini,FSH paralepedid 08/09/2013,18:13:17,RHIAN WALLER,From Mortensen & Mortensen (2005) - Primnoa reseadiformis faster growing - about 1.7cm per year, compared to bubblegum at around 1cm per year 08/09/2013,18:13:39,RHIAN WALLER,Red FSH on wall 08/09/2013,18:13:53,marthanizinski,sebastes x2 08/09/2013,18:13:54,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Sebastes X2 08/09/2013,18:14:49,eleanorbors,hate to be too repetitive, but: COR Paragorgia, high density with color morphs ranging from light to dark pink. depth 712. 08/09/2013,18:15:17,RHIAN WALLER,I don't think anyone would get sick of you saying it….:) 08/09/2013,18:15:43,eleanorbors,COR cup (x2) 08/09/2013,18:15:57,leswatling,I think Paragorgia can only make a holdfast on the rock 08/09/2013,18:16:18,RHIAN WALLER,Agreed Les - tend to have very large holdfasts 08/09/2013,18:16:23,leswatling,In fact some of the large colonies fall off due to the lousy attachment. 08/09/2013,18:16:24,Andrea Quattrini,FSH 08/09/2013,18:16:31,Andrea Quattrini,ophidiid? 08/09/2013,18:16:35,eleanorbors,How dense is the skeleton? If it's just a hold-fast, they can't be too dense I would think. 08/09/2013,18:16:47,RHIAN WALLER,It's pretty "spongey" looking 08/09/2013,18:16:51,eleanorbors,Andrea, was that OPH on the paragorgia? 08/09/2013,18:16:56,leswatling,Paragorgia has a very porous skeleton. 08/09/2013,18:17:04,Andrea Quattrini,ophidiid not OPH 08/09/2013,18:17:05,leswatling,spongey as Rhian said. 08/09/2013,18:17:12,RHIAN WALLER,There was a paper (might have been mortensen & mortensen) that concluded once they reach a certain size they always topple 08/09/2013,18:17:23,leswatling,That also makes it very difficult to get a good age date. 08/09/2013,18:17:28,RHIAN WALLER,Yup 08/09/2013,18:17:32,eleanorbors,oh, interesting.... and unfortunate 08/09/2013,18:17:40,eleanorbors,ha--true 08/09/2013,18:18:17,RHIAN WALLER,COR anthothela 08/09/2013,18:18:25,RHIAN WALLER,On the underhand 08/09/2013,18:18:31,RHIAN WALLER,underhang! 08/09/2013,18:18:49,RHIAN WALLER,:) 08/09/2013,18:18:56,Andrea Quattrini,under the overhang:) 08/09/2013,18:19:11,RHIAN WALLER,COR solitary 08/09/2013,18:19:16,leswatling,Ellen Druffel was the first to publish an age date on a gorgonian and she suggested that the sclerites might even get replaced in the very deep water ones such as from the S Pacific due to the the characteristics of the water. 08/09/2013,18:19:41,RHIAN WALLER,So maybe much older than thought! 08/09/2013,18:19:46,eleanorbors,Start WHOI recording EX1304L2_ROV09_4.ts 08/09/2013,18:20:12,leswatling,We did an age date on a P. arborea from NZ that was 800 years old. That had to be considered a minimum age according to Ellen. 08/09/2013,18:20:19,RHIAN WALLER,Framegrab! 08/09/2013,18:20:24,RHIAN WALLER,Good shot down the wall! 08/09/2013,18:20:42,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,18:21:01,leswatling,Also that Paragorgia would make these specimens look like juveniles. It had a central trunk that was 20 cm in diameter. 08/09/2013,18:21:10,RHIAN WALLER,Wow! 08/09/2013,18:21:29,eleanorbors,zoom on ASR 08/09/2013,18:22:18,eleanorbors,SHI on Paragorgia--I can see 5 from this height, so likely more. 08/09/2013,18:22:23,eleanorbors,at 710 m 08/09/2013,18:22:38,eleanorbors,How tall is this wall? 08/09/2013,18:22:52,eleanorbors,And might we expect to see these all the way down? 08/09/2013,18:23:08,leswatling,no trawling here! lots of corals...ergo 08/09/2013,18:23:21,leswatling,Rhian is reading my mind... 08/09/2013,18:23:28,eleanorbors,stump of COR paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:23:50,eleanorbors,SHI on SPO near COR 08/09/2013,18:23:55,RHIAN WALLER,Mind meld Les! 08/09/2013,18:25:29,eleanorbors,SHI at COR Paragorgia base 08/09/2013,18:25:34,RHIAN WALLER,Hey Les - the base is 20cm wide! 08/09/2013,18:25:43,RHIAN WALLER,Over 20cm! 08/09/2013,18:26:04,leswatling,they are bigger than they look... 08/09/2013,18:26:30,eleanorbors,11+ SHI just on this COR paragorgia pan alone. 08/09/2013,18:26:40,RHIAN WALLER,They are - and SO many of them! It reminds me of scuba diving around the primnoa in Alaska, just phenomenal desnities! 08/09/2013,18:26:49,eleanorbors,Small CORG Acanthogorgia on this larger Paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:27:09,eleanorbors,SQA on the COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:27:27,eleanorbors,This coral is huge. 2+ meters tall, yes? 08/09/2013,18:27:46,RHIAN WALLER,I'd go with that Elly! 08/09/2013,18:27:48,eleanorbors,zoom on SQA 08/09/2013,18:27:50,RHIAN WALLER,Some larger I think! 08/09/2013,18:28:03,RHIAN WALLER,It'd be great to do some sizes from the framegrabs 08/09/2013,18:28:27,leswatling,there is also a nice size range here suggesting that recruitment is continuous 08/09/2013,18:28:31,eleanorbors,definitely--as much as possible, perhaps we can leave the lasers on. 08/09/2013,18:28:41,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/09/2013,18:29:30,RHIAN WALLER,A place to make babies too...:) 08/09/2013,18:29:48,amandademopoulos,that's right 08/09/2013,18:29:57,eleanorbors,zoom COR Cups 08/09/2013,18:30:03,eleanorbors,SHI in small Crevice 08/09/2013,18:30:08,eleanorbors,ASR 08/09/2013,18:30:13,eleanorbors,several SPO 08/09/2013,18:30:20,RHIAN WALLER,Javania? Might be, couldn't see multiple small septae 08/09/2013,18:30:36,RHIAN WALLER,HYD? 08/09/2013,18:30:39,leswatling,I have seen a species similar to this up above at about 300 m grabbing krill that were attracted to the ROV lights. 08/09/2013,18:30:57,leswatling,hydroids 08/09/2013,18:31:04,eleanorbors,SHI by HYD 08/09/2013,18:31:08,RHIAN WALLER,SPo 08/09/2013,18:31:15,leswatling,Tublaria like 08/09/2013,18:31:25,eleanorbors,COR CUP 08/09/2013,18:31:28,Andrea Quattrini,COR cup different? 08/09/2013,18:31:41,eleanorbors,Juvenile Paragorgia likely 08/09/2013,18:31:45,Andrea Quattrini,ASR hot pink 08/09/2013,18:32:20,RHIAN WALLER,That cup did look a little different - could be a desmo, they're pretty diverse in form 08/09/2013,18:32:33,eleanorbors,SHI on SPO 08/09/2013,18:33:11,eleanorbors,SHI in the SPO 08/09/2013,18:33:29,RHIAN WALLER,few JUV Paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:33:43,RHIAN WALLER,COR primnoa in the clump of paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:33:49,RHIAN WALLER,URC 08/09/2013,18:34:23,eleanorbors,URC in the middle of the COR ring 08/09/2013,18:34:34,RHIAN WALLER,Could be eating the recruits! 08/09/2013,18:34:44,RHIAN WALLER,Urchins graze on Paragorgia! 08/09/2013,18:36:53,Andrea Quattrini,zoom head? 08/09/2013,18:36:53,Andrea Quattrini,zoom again? 08/09/2013,18:36:53,Andrea Quattrini,check event log 08/09/2013,18:36:53,marthanizinski,41 03.9234 N 66 23.4218 W 711 m 08/09/2013,18:37:02,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/09/2013,18:37:11,eleanorbors,ASR purple 08/09/2013,18:37:21,jasonchaytor,clean surfaces 08/09/2013,18:37:23,eleanorbors,CRA with BAR 08/09/2013,18:37:35,eleanorbors,(maybe not a BAR on this CRARED...) 08/09/2013,18:37:38,James Austin,Multiple joint planes surfacing on the wall of the canyon. 08/09/2013,18:37:51,eleanorbors,CRI 08/09/2013,18:38:07,eleanorbors,SPO HEX 08/09/2013,18:39:03,eleanorbors,Growths on that purple ASR? 08/09/2013,18:41:13,jasonchaytor,spalling failures 08/09/2013,18:41:14,eleanorbors,"Joints beginning to loosen talis blocks here" 08/09/2013,18:41:14,jasonchaytor,spalling failures 08/09/2013,18:41:14,eleanorbors,"Sediment shoots" 08/09/2013,18:41:18,eleanorbors,"high density driven flow" 08/09/2013,18:41:18,eleanorbors,group of SHI 08/09/2013,18:41:18,kellywilliams,SHI in crevice/on ROC 08/09/2013,18:41:18,eleanorbors,Test. My log has stopped posting my statements. 08/09/2013,18:41:18,kellywilliams,SHI 08/09/2013,18:41:18,amandademopoulos,Chris Mah: purple sea star: Porania pulvillus- but why white bloches 08/09/2013,18:41:18,santiagoherrera,SHI 08/09/2013,18:41:18,santiagoherrera,SHI 08/09/2013,18:41:18,santiagoherrera,SHI 08/09/2013,18:41:18,James Austin,Talus blocks forming on the wall of the canyon. Adjacent chute. 08/09/2013,18:41:24,Andrea Quattrini,I am back! 08/09/2013,18:41:32,RHIAN WALLER,Yes - eventlog was backed up here too - just caught up 08/09/2013,18:41:32,eleanorbors,Event log seems to have just caught up! 08/09/2013,18:41:45,kellywilliams,apologies for typing SHI that many times. I was trying to figure out if the eventlog was working 08/09/2013,18:42:10,RHIAN WALLER,They were nice shrimp Kelly….:) 08/09/2013,18:42:17,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,18:42:24,RHIAN WALLER,SPO lots! 08/09/2013,18:42:25,eleanorbors,...and there were several of them... 08/09/2013,18:42:46,eleanorbors,small COR acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,18:42:51,amandademopoulos,spalling failures 08/09/2013,18:43:12,eleanorbors,Yes, seem to have lost the high Paragorgia density. 08/09/2013,18:43:25,eleanorbors,But also, seems like way less particulate 08/09/2013,18:43:37,RHIAN WALLER,COR primnoa 08/09/2013,18:43:41,RHIAN WALLER,Smaller Paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:43:42,eleanorbors,Likely some small scale heterogeneity in flow I think! 08/09/2013,18:43:51,RHIAN WALLER,Depth? 08/09/2013,18:43:53,eleanorbors,large herd of SPO 08/09/2013,18:44:07,RHIAN WALLER,712m 08/09/2013,18:44:09,marthanizinski,712 m 08/09/2013,18:44:19,RHIAN WALLER,Oooo….yes, white coral...... 08/09/2013,18:44:30,jasonchaytor,very unstable looking block 08/09/2013,18:44:36,eleanorbors,CORL 08/09/2013,18:44:39,RHIAN WALLER,COR Lophelia! 08/09/2013,18:44:48,RHIAN WALLER,And some primnoa under the underhang! 08/09/2013,18:44:51,jasonchaytor,clean surfaces to the right, lots of sponges on it 08/09/2013,18:44:56,RHIAN WALLER,Yes amanda! 08/09/2013,18:44:57,eleanorbors,COR paragorgia next to CORL 08/09/2013,18:45:18,jasonchaytor,not sure if the critters are keeping it free of sediment or it is a younger surface 08/09/2013,18:45:39,eleanorbors,TUBs 08/09/2013,18:46:09,James Austin,My guess is the sediment-free surface is being periodically swept. 08/09/2013,18:46:38,RHIAN WALLER,Few more primnoa on there too 08/09/2013,18:47:33,eleanorbors,CRI 08/09/2013,18:47:42,eleanorbors,smaller yellow corals 08/09/2013,18:47:52,RHIAN WALLER,Acanthogorgia? 08/09/2013,18:48:08,Andrea Quattrini,look to be! 08/09/2013,18:48:35,eleanorbors,SQD 08/09/2013,18:48:52,RHIAN WALLER,Small OPH on rock 08/09/2013,18:49:07,RHIAN WALLER,Lots of OPH arms 08/09/2013,18:49:12,RHIAN WALLER,SPO 08/09/2013,18:50:19,eleanorbors,SHI on small COR Acanthagorgia 08/09/2013,18:50:31,eleanorbors,SHI on ROC 08/09/2013,18:50:35,eleanorbors,fracture in ROC 08/09/2013,18:51:05,Andrea Quattrini,FSH ophidiid 08/09/2013,18:51:06,eleanorbors,zoom on FSH 08/09/2013,18:51:20,leswatling,caprellid also 08/09/2013,18:51:22,Andrea Quattrini,APH caprellid amphipods 08/09/2013,18:52:04,eleanorbors,APHs several 08/09/2013,18:52:29,marthanizinski,ophidiid x2 08/09/2013,18:52:37,leswatling,the swimming amphipods are probably hyperiids. 08/09/2013,18:52:39,eleanorbors,CRARED Chaceon 08/09/2013,18:52:46,RHIAN WALLER,Clump of Paragorigia (2 colors) and primnoa! 08/09/2013,18:52:58,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,18:53:02,eleanorbors,Depth 715 08/09/2013,18:54:19,eleanorbors,SHI on COR Paragorgia in top of shot 08/09/2013,18:55:19,kellywilliams,CORP? 08/09/2013,18:55:28,leswatling,redfish upper left? 08/09/2013,18:55:31,marthanizinski,41 03.9238 N 66 23.4201 W 715 m 08/09/2013,18:55:39,kellywilliams,CORO yellow--probably Acanthagorgia? 08/09/2013,18:55:41,RHIAN WALLER,Acanthogorgia I think 08/09/2013,18:55:50,RHIAN WALLER,Several clumps 08/09/2013,18:56:04,jasonchaytor,wall has the appearance of it "crumbling" 08/09/2013,18:56:22,kellywilliams,yes, there was one clump in the corner a bit ago that looked like CORP 08/09/2013,18:56:26,marthanizinski,FSH BBRF 08/09/2013,18:56:47,eleanorbors,HYD? 08/09/2013,18:57:15,eleanorbors,URC 08/09/2013,18:57:18,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/09/2013,18:57:23,eleanorbors,SHI, several 08/09/2013,18:57:26,kellywilliams,signing off. enjoy the rest of the dive 08/09/2013,18:57:28,eleanorbors,(on SED) 08/09/2013,18:57:55,eleanorbors,the SHI seem to like (1) coral, (2) crevices, (3) overhanges/outcrops. 08/09/2013,18:58:01,eleanorbors,So... structure. 08/09/2013,18:58:07,eleanorbors,COR Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,18:58:26,eleanorbors,COR stump above this small "unstable" rock outcrop 08/09/2013,18:58:30,RHIAN WALLER,Structure is good! 08/09/2013,18:58:44,eleanorbors,CORP 08/09/2013,18:58:48,Andrea Quattrini,large CROP 08/09/2013,18:58:49,eleanorbors,SHI on CORP 08/09/2013,18:58:49,Andrea Quattrini,CORP 08/09/2013,18:58:55,James Austin,Talus block detached from the slope, starting to head downslope. 08/09/2013,18:59:09,eleanorbors,zoom on SHI on CORP 08/09/2013,18:59:13,eleanorbors,depth 715 08/09/2013,18:59:17,eleanorbors,BAR on CORP 08/09/2013,18:59:55,eleanorbors,With regards to the purple ASR from before, Chris Mah Tweeted: " #okeanos Porania pulvillus with white discoloration.. Curious.. http://twitpic.com/d7dc1n " 08/09/2013,19:00:13,leswatling,barnacle looked like a scalpellid. 08/09/2013,19:00:23,eleanorbors,looks like smaller COR Acanthogorgia next to this larger CORP 08/09/2013,19:00:43,eleanorbors,BAR and HYD, large cluster on this CORP 08/09/2013,19:01:00,leswatling,all scalpellids... very nice 08/09/2013,19:01:03,RHIAN WALLER,Great shot! 08/09/2013,19:01:10,eleanorbors,Arrow worm in water column 08/09/2013,19:01:49,RHIAN WALLER,Egg case 08/09/2013,19:01:51,eleanorbors,EGG case on the CORP that also had the BAR, SHI 08/09/2013,19:02:31,eleanorbors,(a popular CORP) 08/09/2013,19:03:01,eleanorbors,CRARED near crack, also with SHI 08/09/2013,19:03:04,eleanorbors,COR Cup 08/09/2013,19:03:35,marthanizinski,pilot change 08/09/2013,19:03:48,James Austin,Column of rock against the wall in the process of "spalling" away. 08/09/2013,19:05:26,eleanorbors,moving into an area with higher COR Paragorgia density again 08/09/2013,19:06:17,jasonchaytor,talus blocks, base of slope 08/09/2013,19:07:13,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,19:07:35,eleanorbors,large ACN 08/09/2013,19:07:46,eleanorbors,with small COR Acanthogogria 08/09/2013,19:07:47,eleanorbors,CORP 08/09/2013,19:08:13,marthanizinski,015 bearing 08/09/2013,19:08:29,eleanorbors,CORP 08/09/2013,19:08:38,eleanorbors,large COR paragorgia 08/09/2013,19:08:44,eleanorbors,SPOs abundant 08/09/2013,19:09:25,eleanorbors,more smaller CORP (as far as I can tell from here... which is far off) 08/09/2013,19:09:43,RHIAN WALLER,White in center - sponge? 08/09/2013,19:09:53,eleanorbors,As noted on the video feed, lower diversity here. 08/09/2013,19:11:25,jasonchaytor,lots of accumulating debris displaced from above 08/09/2013,19:11:47,RHIAN WALLER,SPO lots 08/09/2013,19:12:03,RHIAN WALLER,Not sure on lower diversity - lower density for sure, but seems to be same players 08/09/2013,19:12:34,Andrea Quattrini,any bamboo corals today? 08/09/2013,19:12:47,Andrea Quattrini,tiny ones earlier. 08/09/2013,19:13:22,eleanorbors,CORP do seem more abundant here, though 08/09/2013,19:13:46,leswatling,snap zoom on the Clavularia? 08/09/2013,19:14:06,DeepASS Man,FSH Synaph 08/09/2013,19:14:09,jasonchaytor,you may need a hardhat to live down here with material spalling off the walls above 08/09/2013,19:14:17,RHIAN WALLER,Some big CORP 08/09/2013,19:14:47,RHIAN WALLER,Hatchet? 08/09/2013,19:14:48,eleanorbors,FSH hatchet 08/09/2013,19:14:50,DeepASS Man,FSH hatchetfish 08/09/2013,19:15:04,RHIAN WALLER,Let me guess who DeepASS man is.... 08/09/2013,19:15:44,DeepASS Man,Oh yeah ... IMChat wouldn't let me log in with my own name ... 08/09/2013,19:16:00,RHIAN WALLER,:) 08/09/2013,19:16:06,Andrea Quattrini,Peter I take it? 08/09/2013,19:16:06,Catalina Martinez,HAAAA!!! 08/09/2013,19:16:51,Andrea Quattrini,2 large CORP 08/09/2013,19:16:52,eleanorbors,COR Clavularia 08/09/2013,19:16:53,RHIAN WALLER,Good SPO here 08/09/2013,19:16:59,RHIAN WALLER,737m 08/09/2013,19:17:00,Catalina Martinez,DeepASS = Deep Atlantic Stepping Stones 2005 cruise 08/09/2013,19:17:04,eleanorbors,(numerous Clavularia here) 08/09/2013,19:17:07,Andrea Quattrini,several large CORP 08/09/2013,19:17:16,Catalina Martinez,Many participants from that cruise on eventlog 08/09/2013,19:17:24,eleanorbors,URC 08/09/2013,19:17:32,eleanorbors,patch of Clavularia 08/09/2013,19:17:35,eleanorbors,CTE red 08/09/2013,19:17:41,RHIAN WALLER,and a good cruise it was too 08/09/2013,19:17:54,RHIAN WALLER,Wow - look at the diversity on that underhang! 08/09/2013,19:17:56,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia, white morph and pink morph 08/09/2013,19:18:03,RHIAN WALLER,COR Primnoa 08/09/2013,19:18:07,eleanorbors,COR Cup 08/09/2013,19:18:09,Andrea Quattrini,FSH 08/09/2013,19:18:42,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,19:19:19,RHIAN WALLER,Good base on that bubblegum! 08/09/2013,19:19:33,eleanorbors,high diversity on this outcropping 08/09/2013,19:19:37,eleanorbors,many SHI on this CORL 08/09/2013,19:19:42,RHIAN WALLER,Hey - there's the Lophelia! 08/09/2013,19:19:45,RHIAN WALLER,Pretty! 08/09/2013,19:19:45,eleanorbors,Depth 742 08/09/2013,19:20:13,eleanorbors,4 SHI on this CORL 08/09/2013,19:20:34,Andrea Quattrini,URC Echinus? 08/09/2013,19:20:40,eleanorbors,Paragorgia with closed up polyps 08/09/2013,19:20:45,eleanorbors,URC near base 08/09/2013,19:21:12,RHIAN WALLER,Very rough edge to the holdfast 08/09/2013,19:22:32,eleanorbors,CORP here 08/09/2013,19:23:13,eleanorbors,cool geological feature here 08/09/2013,19:23:25,RHIAN WALLER,COr primnoa 08/09/2013,19:23:30,eleanorbors,small outcrops with coral on them 08/09/2013,19:23:31,eleanorbors,CORL 08/09/2013,19:23:39,eleanorbors,ACN, large pink 08/09/2013,19:24:39,eleanorbors,COR primnoa?? 08/09/2013,19:24:43,eleanorbors,SAL Chain 08/09/2013,19:24:49,eleanorbors,SHI on Primnoa 08/09/2013,19:24:49,RHIAN WALLER,COR primnoa! 08/09/2013,19:24:56,RHIAN WALLER,Afraid I have to tune out here - AWESOME dive - thank you so much, and good luck on the rest of the dive! See you tomorrow! 08/09/2013,19:25:00,eleanorbors,SHI x2 I think here 08/09/2013,19:26:04,eleanorbors,COR Acanella 08/09/2013,19:26:16,eleanorbors,is that a SHI on it? couldn't tell 08/09/2013,19:26:38,jasonchaytor,lots of pebble sized debris on the sediment surface 08/09/2013,19:27:02,marthanizinski,41 03.9399 N 66 23.4062 W 758 m 08/09/2013,19:27:12,eleanorbors,CORP, several 08/09/2013,19:27:28,eleanorbors,ZOA on CORP 08/09/2013,19:27:35,eleanorbors,SQD 08/09/2013,19:27:43,eleanorbors,(Bobtail) 08/09/2013,19:27:51,eleanorbors,COR Acanella 08/09/2013,19:28:37,eleanorbors,so much in the second camera (platform) 08/09/2013,19:28:52,eleanorbors,many APH and jellies in that feed 08/09/2013,19:29:38,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia 08/09/2013,19:29:44,eleanorbors,SPOHEX 08/09/2013,19:29:50,eleanorbors,SAL Chain 08/09/2013,19:30:04,eleanorbors,If we're not trying to make tracks too fast, we'd always appreciate some zooms on these Corals. 08/09/2013,19:30:13,eleanorbors,high diversity on this ROC 08/09/2013,19:30:17,Andrea Quattrini,Acanella 08/09/2013,19:30:24,eleanorbors,looks like COR Acanthogorgia, Acanella, and CORP, 08/09/2013,19:30:27,eleanorbors,as well as SPOs 08/09/2013,19:30:58,eleanorbors,zoom on putative bamboo coral "white sticks" 08/09/2013,19:31:04,eleanorbors,SHI 08/09/2013,19:31:11,eleanorbors,HYD? 08/09/2013,19:31:15,eleanorbors,FSH 08/09/2013,19:31:19,Andrea Quattrini,we saw these before, maybe SPO? there was a ? 08/09/2013,19:31:27,Andrea Quattrini,FSH hake 08/09/2013,19:32:02,leswatling,not bamboo... 08/09/2013,19:32:21,leswatling,I like white sticks though... 08/09/2013,19:32:28,eleanorbors,OPH 08/09/2013,19:33:08,Andrea Quattrini,SPO? 08/09/2013,19:33:56,eleanorbors,Cerpulid (?) APH (Skeleton Shrimp) 08/09/2013,19:33:58,Andrea Quattrini,FSh paralepeddid 08/09/2013,19:34:01,eleanorbors,ACN 08/09/2013,19:34:22,eleanorbors,small CORP 08/09/2013,19:34:31,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Acanella 08/09/2013,19:35:05,jasonchaytor,large blocks to the right, beeding plane orientations very different than those exposed in wall...displaced blocks 08/09/2013,19:35:51,eleanorbors,COR paragorgia white morph 08/09/2013,19:36:01,eleanorbors,along with COR paragorgia, primnoa, acanella 08/09/2013,19:36:06,eleanorbors,Lovely 08/09/2013,19:36:14,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/09/2013,19:39:02,eleanorbors,yum, shrimp 08/09/2013,19:39:15,Andrea Quattrini,FSH cutthroat feeding 08/09/2013,19:39:39,Andrea Quattrini,on SHI 08/09/2013,19:40:24,eleanorbors,small CRI in SED 08/09/2013,19:40:53,eleanorbors,OPH moving in SED 08/09/2013,19:40:53,peterauster,FSH synaph consuming prey 08/09/2013,19:41:03,eleanorbors,BUR 08/09/2013,19:41:13,eleanorbors,SQD and SAL chain 08/09/2013,19:42:32,Andrea Quattrini,FSH hake 08/09/2013,19:42:39,peterauster,FSH LFhake 08/09/2013,19:42:48,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Urophycis I think 08/09/2013,19:43:40,eleanorbors,CORP here, several 08/09/2013,19:44:11,marthanizinski,41 03.9542 N 66 23.4001 W 08/09/2013,19:44:38,Andrea Quattrini,corals numerous on inside of wall. What direction is that wall facing? 08/09/2013,19:44:53,marthanizinski,785 m 08/09/2013,19:45:07,jasonchaytor,quite the eroded part of the wall 08/09/2013,19:45:13,eleanorbors,SPO HEX 08/09/2013,19:45:15,eleanorbors,SQD 08/09/2013,19:45:20,eleanorbors,CORP with ZOA 08/09/2013,19:45:26,Andrea Quattrini,FSH 08/09/2013,19:45:28,eleanorbors,That's a good coral, might we zoom on that? 08/09/2013,19:45:30,Andrea Quattrini,SQD 08/09/2013,19:45:36,eleanorbors,nevermind, we're moving on 08/09/2013,19:45:46,Andrea Quattrini,CORP with ZOA 08/09/2013,19:46:01,Andrea Quattrini,CORP large with associates 08/09/2013,19:46:06,michaelvecchione,I'm back. SQDs were Illex. 08/09/2013,19:46:15,amandademopoulos,ROV at 180 looking at wall 08/09/2013,19:46:29,eleanorbors,CORP with ZOA below 08/09/2013,19:46:32,Andrea Quattrini,CORP with Anthothela and ZOA 08/09/2013,19:46:40,Andrea Quattrini,CORP with ACN ring anemones 08/09/2013,19:46:41,eleanorbors,Zooming on CORP with small ACN and SHI (upper left) 08/09/2013,19:46:53,eleanorbors,small COR Acanella 08/09/2013,19:47:02,eleanorbors,numerous ACN on these corals 08/09/2013,19:47:28,peterauster,FSH ... yet another synaph 08/09/2013,19:47:35,eleanorbors,Another CORP with several ACN 08/09/2013,19:47:39,James Austin,Very complex slope. Large spalling talus blocks. Caverns in the wall. 08/09/2013,19:47:43,eleanorbors,SAL chain 08/09/2013,19:48:03,eleanorbors,COR Clavularia below this CORP I think 08/09/2013,19:48:30,Andrea Quattrini,polyps may be retracted 08/09/2013,19:48:58,James Austin,Multiple chutes in the wall, partially sediment filled. 08/09/2013,19:49:12,eleanorbors,some variation in the coloration on those upper branches 08/09/2013,19:49:23,eleanorbors,BAR clump on this CORP 08/09/2013,19:49:25,leswatling,this one has anastomosing branches as well... 08/09/2013,19:49:27,eleanorbors,Depth 791 08/09/2013,19:49:36,eleanorbors,OPH at base of this CORP 08/09/2013,19:50:06,eleanorbors, more OPH in nearby coral 08/09/2013,19:50:08,Andrea Quattrini,Acanthogorgia? 08/09/2013,19:50:10,eleanorbors,COR acanthagorgia 08/09/2013,19:50:23,eleanorbors,BAR on the Acanthogorgia 08/09/2013,19:50:53,Andrea Quattrini,2 CORG Acanella 08/09/2013,19:51:11,eleanorbors,CRA hauling it downslope 08/09/2013,19:51:15,eleanorbors,ACN 08/09/2013,19:51:23,eleanorbors,many CORP 08/09/2013,19:51:37,eleanorbors,Seems like we've moved past the paragorgia area and into CORP area. 08/09/2013,19:52:08,leswatling,a little deeper makes a difference? 08/09/2013, 08/09/2013,19:52:59,leswatling,video completely frozen again after behaving itself for the last hour or two... 08/09/2013,19:53:20,eleanorbors,What was the call on this coral species? 08/09/2013,19:54:23,leswatling,I'm back...but choppy 08/09/2013,19:54:27,eleanorbors,could it be Keratoisis bamboo coral? 08/09/2013,19:54:56,eleanorbors,HYD on bare skeleton 08/09/2013,19:55:13,eleanorbors,PYC on HYD on COR 08/09/2013,19:55:14,eleanorbors,CRI 08/09/2013,19:55:17,eleanorbors,BAR 08/09/2013,19:55:21,Andrea Quattrini,bamboo 08/09/2013,19:55:23,eleanorbors,*CRI and BAR both ON the COR 08/09/2013,19:55:26,leswatling,a bamboo but hard to say which one 08/09/2013,19:55:29,eleanorbors,OPH on COR 08/09/2013,19:55:53,leswatling,maybe a very old Keratoisis... 08/09/2013,19:56:40,leswatling,a few nodes are visible on the old skeleton 08/09/2013,19:56:45,eleanorbors,BUR in rock face 08/09/2013,19:57:39,leswatling,I might revise my assessment. I think there was a triple junction near the base, so likely was Eknomisis. 08/09/2013,19:57:50,eleanorbors,more CORP here 08/09/2013,19:58:24,eleanorbors,COR bamboo between two CORP 08/09/2013,19:59:37,eleanorbors,very little attached fauna right here 08/09/2013,19:59:45,eleanorbors,another bamboo colony to right 08/09/2013,20:00:40,eleanorbors,SHI on COR bamboo 08/09/2013,20:00:44,eleanorbors,Depth 811 08/09/2013,20:01:25,eleanorbors,PYC on bamboo COR 08/09/2013,20:01:38,eleanorbors,nice zoom on base, polyps 08/09/2013,20:02:17,eleanorbors,BAR on the bamboo COR 08/09/2013,20:02:36,marthanizinski,41 03.9561 N 66 23.3931 W 811m 08/09/2013,20:02:55,peterauster,Great dive today!! Gotta go .... Thanks all! 08/09/2013,20:03:18,eleanorbors,many SPO along wall 08/09/2013,20:03:19,amandademopoulos,Thanks Peter! 08/09/2013,20:03:23,leswatling,Its hard to tell who this is without seeing it from the side... 08/09/2013,20:03:24,eleanorbors,COR acanthogorgia with ZOA 08/09/2013,20:03:41,eleanorbors,OPH on wall 08/09/2013,20:04:02,eleanorbors,OPH on this COR 08/09/2013,20:04:18,eleanorbors,second OPH (different sp) as well on this COR 08/09/2013,20:05:47,eleanorbors,This is a nice "rewind" reminder as we pan up. 08/09/2013,20:05:59,eleanorbors,Neat to see the changing species as we go back up the wall 08/09/2013,20:06:13,Andrea Quattrini,large bamboo on left 08/09/2013,20:06:25,Andrea Quattrini,CORP CORG Primnoa? 08/09/2013,20:06:28,eleanorbors,therea re some CORP with ACNs 08/09/2013,20:06:31,jasonchaytor,no, thank you! 08/09/2013,20:06:35,Andrea Quattrini,CORP abundant 08/09/2013,20:06:42,eleanorbors,Great dive, everyone! That was so much fun! 08/09/2013,20:06:48,leswatling,lots of zoas but always the yellow one... 08/09/2013,20:07:00,eleanorbors,FSH 08/09/2013,20:07:06,eleanorbors,(can't stop logging...) 08/09/2013,20:07:16,Andrea Quattrini,CORO abundant on edge 08/09/2013,20:07:20,eleanorbors,many SPO along the edges here 08/09/2013,20:07:24,marthanizinski,430 conf call 08/09/2013,20:07:33,leswatling,great dive everyone! thanks for the great work, especially with the balky video... 08/09/2013,20:07:41,Andrea Quattrini,FSH hake 08/09/2013,20:07:52,eleanorbors,COR Paragorgia in a clump of high diversity ! 08/09/2013,20:07:55,eleanorbors,CTE red 08/09/2013,20:07:59,eleanorbors,CPOHEX 08/09/2013,20:08:02,eleanorbors,CRARED 08/09/2013,20:08:03,Andrea Quattrini,ZOA 08/09/2013,20:08:06,Andrea Quattrini,CORP 08/09/2013,20:08:09,Andrea Quattrini,CORG Primnoa 08/09/2013,20:08:19,Andrea Quattrini,fewer corals on top 08/09/2013,20:08:25,eleanorbors,Goodbye seafloor! 08/09/2013,20:08:29,amandademopoulos,Thanks everyone-great dive today! 08/09/2013,20:08:34,Andrea Quattrini,743 m 08/09/2013,20:08:50,eleanorbors,Have a great Friday night everyone. 08/09/2013,22:55:36,briankennedy,The weather for tomorrows dive is forecasted to be borderline for ROV operations. we will make the call at 0600 if we are diving or not.