07/18/2013,01:11:07,kelleyelliott,Update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The ROV is currently secured on deck. A CTD cast was conducted overtop of the dive site following ROV recovery. No water samples were collected. The ship is now conducting mapping and subbottom profiler operations to the west of Alvin canyon. The subbottom profiler will be secured at 2200, and multibeam mapping operations will be conducted overnight to develop shallow water coverage of the continental shelf to the west of Alvin canyon. An ROV dive is planned for tomorrow morning in Alvin canyon to characterize benthic biodiversity and habitats and collect information about canyon geomorphology. ROV launch is planned for 0830. 07/18/2013,10:22:19,iscwatch,Hey Okeanos, are you guys putting anything out on stream 3 right now? 07/18/2013,11:29:46,Catalina Martinez,Good morning. Feed 3 needs to be restarted on the ship. Feeds 1 & 2 look good on I1. 07/18/2013,11:39:00,Andrea Quattrini,Good morning! 07/18/2013,11:39:37,Tim Shank,Good morning 07/18/2013,11:40:26,Andrea Quattrini,Another beautiful day out here. Calm Seas. Our location is 39.8376N −70.4604W 07/18/2013,12:01:40,Andrea Quattrini,15 min to ROV launc 07/18/2013,12:02:15,Tim Shank,D2 Dive 10; 2nd Dive in Alvin Canyon 07/18/2013,WP1 07/18/2013, 39.83813176 07/18/2013,‐70.46654087 07/18/2013,1057.19m 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,WP2 07/18/2013, 39.83994612 07/18/2013,‐70.4669943 07/18/2013,1044.17m 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,WP3 07/18/2013, 39.84154718 07/18/2013,‐70.4677415 07/18/2013,1029m 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,WP4 07/18/2013, 39.84258783 07/18/2013,‐70.46878216 07/18/2013,1020m 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,WP5 07/18/2013, 39.84328139 07/18/2013,‐70.46843506 07/18/2013,1010.43m 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BASE 07/18/2013,WPT 07/18/2013, 39.84185776 07/18/2013,‐70.47027921 07/18/2013,1098m 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,12:02:46,Tim Shank,BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 07/18/2013,USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 07/18/2013,STR - mucus string 07/18/2013,FEC - Fecal (matter) 07/18/2013,EGG - Egg (case) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Taxa 07/18/2013,MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 07/18/2013,FOR - Foraminiferan 07/18/2013,GRO - Gromiid 07/18/2013,XEN - Xenophyophoran 07/18/2013,SPO - Sponge 07/18/2013,BRA - Brachiopod 07/18/2013,BRY - Bryozoan 07/18/2013,TUN - Tunicate 07/18/2013,SAL - Salp 07/18/2013,LAR - Larvacean house 07/18/2013,ECN - Echiuran (or radial feeding trace) 07/18/2013,CTE - Ctenophore 07/18/2013,CNI - Cnidarian 07/18/2013,    HYD - Hydroid 07/18/2013,    JFH - Jellyfish 07/18/2013,    ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 07/18/2013,    ZOA - Zoanthid 07/18/2013,    COR - Coral 07/18/2013,        CORA - Antipatharian 07/18/2013,        CORL - Lophelia 07/18/2013,        CORM - Madrepora 07/18/2013,        CORG - Gorgonian 07/18/2013,        CORP - Paramuricea 07/18/2013,        CORS - Stylasterid 07/18/2013,        CPEN - Pennatulacean 07/18/2013,        CORW - Whip coral 07/18/2013,Echinoderm 07/18/2013,    ASR - Asteroid 07/18/2013,    HOL - Holothurian 07/18/2013,    CRI - Crinoid 07/18/2013,        CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 07/18/2013,        CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 07/18/2013,        CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 07/18/2013,        CRIANT - Antedonidae 07/18/2013,        CRIZEN - Zenometridae 07/18/2013,        CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 07/18/2013,        CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 07/18/2013,        CRITHA - Thalassometridae 07/18/2013,    OPH - Ophiuroid 07/18/2013,    URC - Urchin 07/18/2013,ART - Arthropod 07/18/2013,    PYC - Pycnogonid 07/18/2013,    COP - Copepods 07/18/2013,    CRA - Crab 07/18/2013,        CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 07/18/2013,        CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 07/18/2013,        CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 07/18/2013,    LOB - Lobster 07/18/2013,    SQA - Squat Lobster 07/18/2013,    PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 07/18/2013,    SHI - Shrimp 07/18/2013,    BAR - Barnacle 07/18/2013,    APH - Amphipod 07/18/2013,    ISO - Isopod 07/18/2013,MOL - Mollusk 07/18/2013,    MUS - Mussels 07/18/2013,    NUD - Nudibranch 07/18/2013,    OCT - Octopus 07/18/2013,    SQD - Squid 07/18/2013,    GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 07/18/2013,    LIM - Limpets 07/18/2013,    CHI - Chiton 07/18/2013,    CLA - Clams 07/18/2013,    PTE - Pteropod 07/18/2013,FSH - Fish 07/18/2013,    FCHN - Chondrichthyes 07/18/2013,    FCOD - Codlets 07/18/2013,    FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 07/18/2013,    FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 07/18/2013,    FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 07/18/2013,    FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 07/18/2013,       FLAT -  Flatfish 07/18/2013,WOR - Worm 07/18/2013,    POL - Polychaete 07/18/2013,    SCA - Scale (worm) 07/18/2013,    TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 07/18/2013,    SER - Serpulid worm 07/18/2013,    RIF - Riftia 07/18/2013,    SPA - Spaghetti Worms 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Geology 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BUR - Burrow 07/18/2013,COB - Cobble 07/18/2013,MUD - Mud 07/18/2013,ROC - Rock 07/18/2013,RUB - Rubble 07/18/2013,SAD - Sand 07/18/2013,SED - Sediment 07/18/2013,WAL - Wall 07/18/2013,WOD - Wood 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Lava Morphology 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,TAL - Talus 07/18/2013,PIL - Pillow 07/18/2013,ENT - Entrail 07/18/2013,LOB - Lobate 07/18/2013,SHE - Sheet 07/18/2013,FOL - Folded 07/18/2013,JUM - Jumbled 07/18/2013,HAC - Hackly 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Sediment Cover 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,LIG - Light 07/18/2013,POC - Partial/Pockets 07/18/2013,HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 07/18/2013,BLA - Blanket 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Feature 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ASG - Axial Summit Graben 07/18/2013,AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 07/18/2013,CAR - Carbonate 07/18/2013,CLI - Cliff 07/18/2013,COL - Collapse 07/18/2013,CON - Contact 07/18/2013,FAU - Fault 07/18/2013,FIS - Fissure 07/18/2013,HAY - Haystack 07/18/2013,HYX - Hydrothermal 07/18/2013,PIL - Pillar 07/18/2013,SCP - Scarp 07/18/2013,SEP - Seep 07/18/2013,12:20:09,Brendan Roark,ROV preparing to launch 07/18/2013,12:21:22,Brendan Roark,ROV in the water 07/18/2013,12:26:11,Andrea Quattrini,Good morning. We are currently diving on the east wall of Alvin Canyon. This is our second dive in Alvin canyon where our objectives are to characterize the geomorphology and benthic habitats at depths of ~1100-1000 m. Our target depth is 1030 m. 07/18/2013,12:26:34,Andrea Quattrini,*1070 m* 07/18/2013,12:29:40,Brendan Roark,Seirios in the water 07/18/2013,12:30:46,Brendan Roark,rov 07/18/2013,12:31:35,Brendan Roark,ROV D2 leaving the surface going 1076 M 07/18/2013,12:35:36,Brendan Roark,ROV Holding at 50 m 07/18/2013,12:38:58,Brendan Roark,ROV leaving 50 m to 1076 M 07/18/2013,12:47:36,Andrea Quattrini,40 min from bottom 07/18/2013,12:49:01,Brendan Roark,ROV passing 300 m\ 07/18/2013,12:50:39,Scott France,Good morning seafarers! 07/18/2013,12:53:39,Taylor Heyl,Good morning All! 07/18/2013,12:55:44,jasonchaytor,morning all 07/18/2013,13:00:18,Brendan Roark,ROV passing 605 m 07/18/2013,13:01:07,michaelvecchione,snipe eel 07/18/2013,13:01:12,Andrea Quattrini,Good morning!! 07/18/2013,13:01:12,Tim Shank,Shanklab: Tim Shank, Taylor Heyl, Kerry McCulloch, and Kelly Williams 07/18/2013,13:01:18,Andrea Quattrini,thannks. 07/18/2013,13:02:08,Andrea Quattrini,Does Kerry have a log-in? I see Kelly on the chat. 07/18/2013,13:04:05,ingevandenbeld,Goodmorning 07/18/2013,13:04:11,Tim Shank,Kerry is often "Shanklab". 07/18/2013,13:04:34,Tim Shank,Good morning (afternoon for you) Inge. 07/18/2013,13:04:51,Brendan Roark,ROV passing 715M 07/18/2013,13:06:54,ajturner,good morning all 07/18/2013,13:07:16,Andrea Quattrini,Good morning AJ~ 07/18/2013,13:08:00,Andrea Quattrini,breaking up Tim~ 07/18/2013,13:08:25,Brendan Roark,ROV passing 800 m 07/18/2013,13:08:26,kellywilliams,Good morning everyone 07/18/2013,13:10:52,Andrea Quattrini,maybe building by 6-8 on Sunday.... 07/18/2013,13:12:57,ajturner,www.google.com 07/18/2013,13:13:15,michaelvecchione,FSH eel 07/18/2013,13:13:46,michaelvecchione,Chaetognath 07/18/2013,13:15:46,michaelvecchione,ink 07/18/2013,13:16:16,michaelvecchione,FSH 07/18/2013,13:18:33,michaelvecchione,APH Phronima 07/18/2013,13:19:06,Brendan Roark,ROV passing 970 m 07/18/2013,13:21:35,Taylor Heyl,WHOI RTS down 07/18/2013,13:22:00,michaelvecchione,my first research cruise was 1976 07/18/2013,13:23:04,Andrea Quattrini,:} 07/18/2013,13:23:22,Taylor Heyl,WHOI RTS unit back up 07/18/2013,13:23:25,Andrea Quattrini,passing 1050 m 07/18/2013,13:25:10,Brendan Roark,bottom in sight 07/18/2013,13:25:24,Andrea Quattrini,FSH midwater 07/18/2013,13:27:19,Andrea Quattrini,FELO X3 cutthroat 07/18/2013,13:27:19,michaelvecchione,also a snake mackerel 07/18/2013,13:27:22,Andrea Quattrini,FSH grenadier 07/18/2013,13:27:27,Andrea Quattrini,FSH gempylid 07/18/2013,13:27:32,Tim Shank,BUR 07/18/2013,13:27:36,Brendan Roark,on bottom Lat 39d50.3202 N lon 70d28.0303 W 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,13:27:42,Tim Shank,SHI mysids in water column 07/18/2013,13:27:48,Andrea Quattrini,red midwater shrimp genus? 07/18/2013,13:27:50,Brendan Roark,Depth 1089 m 07/18/2013,13:28:04,Brendan Roark,temp 4.5 c 07/18/2013,13:28:07,Tim Shank,circular BUR 07/18/2013,13:28:14,Tim Shank,mottled SED 07/18/2013,13:28:22,Andrea Quattrini,red mysids? 07/18/2013,13:28:41,michaelvecchione,Lophogastrids 07/18/2013,13:28:41,Andrea Quattrini,or shrimp that produce the biolum spew? 07/18/2013,13:28:51,Tim Shank,WHOI Recording EX1304L1_ROV10_1 07/18/2013,13:29:20,Taylor Heyl,SHI 07/18/2013,13:29:56,Tim Shank,FSH witch FLA 07/18/2013,13:30:01,Taylor Heyl,FLAT 07/18/2013,13:30:30,Taylor Heyl,SQD 07/18/2013,13:30:31,Tim Shank,SQD? 07/18/2013,13:30:40,Tim Shank,yes 07/18/2013,13:30:45,Taylor Heyl,FELO cut throat eel 07/18/2013,13:30:47,michaelvecchione,zoom on sqd? 07/18/2013,13:31:38,Taylor Heyl,SHI 07/18/2013,13:31:40,michaelvecchione,SQD Mastigoteuthis magna 07/18/2013,13:31:47,Taylor Heyl,FSH Halosaur 07/18/2013,13:31:47,jasonchaytor,BUR 07/18/2013,13:31:55,michaelvecchione,Lophogastrid beside it 07/18/2013,13:32:07,Tim Shank,Ambush position? 07/18/2013,13:32:08,michaelvecchione,zoom on Lopho? 07/18/2013,13:32:55,michaelvecchione,definitely lophogastrid 07/18/2013,13:33:53,Tim Shank,1090m 07/18/2013,13:34:10,Tim Shank,2.5m altitude imaging lophogastrid * 07/18/2013,13:34:35,michaelvecchione,Good. PS not SHI. Lophogastrids are the sister group to mysids. 07/18/2013,13:35:38,Andrea Quattrini,NOAA imaging 07/18/2013,13:35:45,michaelvecchione,thanks 07/18/2013,13:35:54,Taylor Heyl,BIO - Biology (Unspecified) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,MUC - Unidentified mucus structure 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,USO - Unidentified Sessile Object 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,STR - mucus string 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FEC - Fecal (matter) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,EGG - Egg (case) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Taxa 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,MAT - Bacterial (Mat) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FOR - Foraminiferan 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,GRO - Gromiid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,XEN - Xenophyophoran 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SPO - Sponge 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BRA - Brachiopod 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BRY - Bryozoan 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,TUN - Tunicate 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SAL - Salp 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,LAR - Larvacean house 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ECN - Echiuran (or radial feeding trace) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CTE - Ctenophore 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CNI - Cnidarian 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,HYD - Hydroid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,JFH - Jellyfish 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ACN - Actinaria (anemone) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ZOA - Zoanthid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,COR - Coral 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORA - Antipatharian 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORL - Lophelia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORM - Madrepora 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORG - Gorgonian 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORP - Paramuricea 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORS - Stylasterid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CPEN - Pennatulacean 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CORW - Whip coral 07/18/2013,Echinoderm 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ASR - Asteroid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,HOL - Holothurian 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRI - Crinoid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIHYO - Hyocrinida 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIBAT - Bathycrinidae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIBOU - Bourgeuticrinidae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIANT - Antedonidae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIZEN - Zenometridae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIPNT - Pentametrocinidae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRIATE - Atelecrinidae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRITHA - Thalassometridae 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,OPH - Ophiuroid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,URC - Urchin 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ART - Arthropod 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,PYC - Pycnogonid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,COP - Copepods 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRA - Crab 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRAKC - King crab (family Lithodidae) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRARED - Red Deep Sea Crab (Chaceon quinquedens) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CRASPI - Spider crabs (family Majoidea) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,LOB - Lobster 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SQA - Squat Lobster 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,PAG - Pagurid (hermit) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SHI - Shrimp 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BAR - Barnacle 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,APH - Amphipod 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ISO - Isopod 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,MOL - Mollusk 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,MUS - Mussels 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,NUD - Nudibranch 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,OCT - Octopus 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SQD - Squid 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,GAS - Gastropods (not limpets) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,LIM - Limpets 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CHI - Chiton 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CLA - Clams 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,PTE - Pteropod 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FSH - Fish 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FCHN - Chondrichthyes 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FCOD - Codlets 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FREF - Reeffish (grouper, tilefish, AJs, snapper) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FANT - Anthiins (fancy bass) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FELO - Elongate (eels, brotulids) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FOVO - Ovoid (roughys, boarfish, dories) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, FLAT - Flatfish 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,WOR - Worm 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,POL - Polychaete 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SCA - Scale (worm) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,TUB - Tubeworms (not Riftia) 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SER - Serpulid worm 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,RIF - Riftia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SPA - Spaghetti Worms 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Geology 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BUR - Burrow 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,COB - Cobble 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,MUD - Mud 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ROC - Rock 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,RUB - Rubble 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SAD - Sand 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SED - Sediment 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,WAL - Wall 07/18/2013,WOD - Wood 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Lava Morphology 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,TAL - Talus 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,PIL - Pillow 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ENT - Entrail 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,LOB - Lobate 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SHE - Sheet 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FOL - Folded 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,JUM - Jumbled 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,HAC - Hackly 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Sediment Cover 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,LIG - Light 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,POC - Partial/Pockets 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,HEA - Heavy/Coalescent 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,BLA - Blanket 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,Feature 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,ASG - Axial Summit Graben 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,AVR - Axial Volcanic Ridge 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CAR - Carbonate 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CLI - Cliff 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,COL - Collapse 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,CON - Contact 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FAU - Fault 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,FIS - Fissure 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,HAY - Haystack 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,HYX - Hydrothermal 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,PIL - Pillar 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SCP - Scarp 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,SEP - Seep 07/18/2013,13:37:34,Taylor Heyl,White balancing on D2 07/18/2013,13:43:03,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,13:43:04,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,13:43:06,Taylor Heyl,BUR 07/18/2013,13:43:33,Taylor Heyl,Traversing over soft sediment with many burrows, eels, no red crab sightings yet 07/18/2013,13:43:38,Tim Shank,depth still 1090m 07/18/2013,13:43:47,Tim Shank,No REDCRA yet 07/18/2013,13:43:55,Tim Shank,FSH zoarcid??? 07/18/2013,13:44:17,Brendan Roark,moving upslope 07/18/2013,13:45:00,Tim Shank,ACN venus 07/18/2013,13:46:04,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,13:46:07,Taylor Heyl,BUR 07/18/2013,13:46:39,Taylor Heyl,zooming in on FSH 07/18/2013,13:47:15,Taylor Heyl,FSH Antimora rostrata 07/18/2013,13:47:40,Taylor Heyl,BUR x3 07/18/2013,13:48:46,Taylor Heyl,Zooming in on rock with encrusting sponge, ACN and COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,13:48:49,Taylor Heyl,SER worms 07/18/2013,13:48:52,Taylor Heyl,SPO 07/18/2013,13:49:05,Andrea Quattrini,COR Cup 07/18/2013,13:49:39,Scott France,CORO "recruit" on ROC 07/18/2013,13:49:42,Taylor Heyl,HYD 07/18/2013,13:49:50,Scott France,Anthomastus? 07/18/2013,13:50:17,Tim Shank,Yes, think so. 07/18/2013,13:50:33,Tim Shank,Did you see a white URC on the other side of that ROC? 07/18/2013,13:50:41,Andrea Quattrini,no i will look 07/18/2013,13:50:48,Andrea Quattrini,yes, i think that was Anthomastus 07/18/2013,13:51:01,Tim Shank,Strange behavior? in this ophidiid? 07/18/2013,13:51:08,Tim Shank,on it's side? 07/18/2013,13:51:17,Tim Shank,Lights? 07/18/2013,13:51:23,Andrea Quattrini,FSH brotuluid/ophidiidae 07/18/2013,13:51:56,Andrea Quattrini,also looks diseased? 07/18/2013,13:52:07,michaelvecchione,orienting dorsally toward lights 07/18/2013,13:53:35,Tim Shank,CRARED? BURs here. 07/18/2013,13:54:27,Brendan Roark,Depth 1086 m 07/18/2013,13:54:40,jasonchaytor,boulder 07/18/2013,13:55:36,jasonchaytor,sonar is showing an excellent image of the transition zone from the sediment to rubble to cliff 07/18/2013,13:56:12,Andrea Quattrini,XEN 07/18/2013,13:56:21,Andrea Quattrini,dead cup coral rublle 07/18/2013,13:56:22,Taylor Heyl,white SPO on wall, Cup COR rubble at base of wall 07/18/2013,13:57:10,robertcarney,ROC dark cobble in front of light face w/ horz dark lines 07/18/2013,13:57:24,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1083 m 07/18/2013,13:57:46,Andrea Quattrini,Solenosmila/Lophelia 07/18/2013,13:57:46,cherylmorrison,COR Solenosmilia portion dead on sediment surface. fell off wall 07/18/2013,13:57:54,Scott France,MYsid? 07/18/2013,13:58:31,Tim Shank,yes 07/18/2013,13:58:36,cherylmorrison,good morning! 07/18/2013,13:58:47,Tim Shank,SHI mysid on Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,13:59:08,Tim Shank,not seeing other associates 07/18/2013,13:59:26,Tim Shank,thank you 07/18/2013,14:00:35,jasonchaytor,horizontal layering in wall 07/18/2013,14:00:47,Taylor Heyl,SHI 07/18/2013,14:00:49,Brendan Roark,DVL01 01 Base wall Depth 1084 m 07/18/2013,Lat 39d50.3247 N 70d28.0112 W 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,14:00:55,Taylor Heyl,moving laterally along layered wall 07/18/2013,14:00:59,Taylor Heyl,CRARED at base 07/18/2013,14:01:04,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,14:01:08,robertcarney,ROC/SED junction climbs here 07/18/2013,14:01:09,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,14:02:03,jasonchaytor,differential erosion across different layers 07/18/2013,14:02:27,Taylor Heyl,WHOI RTS unit down 07/18/2013,14:02:43,Tim Shank,See the corals? 07/18/2013,14:02:55,Tim Shank,Audio down. calling in. 07/18/2013,14:02:57,Andrea Quattrini,Pulling arms out of ROV 07/18/2013,14:03:03,Scott France,CORO 07/18/2013,14:03:12,Andrea Quattrini,to get better light. then will go in to zoom corals 07/18/2013,14:03:34,robertcarney,ROC/SED junction continues to climb up face...may be variable through time 07/18/2013,14:03:39,Taylor Heyl,WHOI joining in on conference call 07/18/2013,14:04:35,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,CORO Anthothela 07/18/2013,14:07:51,michaelvecchione,FSH Macrourid 07/18/2013,14:08:24,Tim Shank,SHI banded abdomen 07/18/2013,14:08:27,cherylmorrison,COR Desmophyllum several some dead 07/18/2013,14:08:31,robertcarney,GAS 07/18/2013,14:08:34,Taylor Heyl,GAS at base of COR CUP 07/18/2013,14:08:39,Andrea Quattrini,zoom shrimp 07/18/2013,14:08:47,Tim Shank,on acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,14:09:07,Andrea Quattrini,NOAA imagnig 07/18/2013,14:09:14,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthothela below Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,14:09:25,Taylor Heyl,ACN x2 07/18/2013,14:09:32,Taylor Heyl,SPO 07/18/2013,14:09:35,Scott France,Thought I saw Solenosmilia below Acantho 07/18/2013,14:09:39,robertcarney,GAS on rock as well 07/18/2013,14:09:45,Andrea Quattrini,i think I saw Soleno too 07/18/2013,14:10:03,Taylor Heyl,is there another associate behind the shrimp on the Acanthogorgia? 07/18/2013,14:10:25,leswatling,The shrimp is definitely a pandalid, but I have been struggling these past few days to determine the species. It seems that the banding pattern is variable within a species so might not be useable for taxonomy. 07/18/2013,14:10:27,cherylmorrison,COR Solenosmilia small colony 07/18/2013,14:10:30,robertcarney,ROC extensively bored most holes appear empty. some POL and ACN emerging 07/18/2013,14:11:23,Scott France,SPO to left 07/18/2013,14:12:36,Tim Shank,Agreed Les. Seems to vary by size as well. Been trying to get close up of the rostrum on each… 07/18/2013,14:12:59,Tim Shank,depth is 1083 07/18/2013,14:13:09,Tim Shank,heading is almost due east 085 07/18/2013,14:13:12,cherylmorrison,COR Solenosmilia small colony on wall 07/18/2013,14:15:11,cherylmorrison,COR nDesmophyllum several 07/18/2013,14:15:37,robertcarney,MUCUS 07/18/2013,14:16:55,Tim Shank,did not see associates on Solenosmilia... 07/18/2013,14:17:49,Brendan Roark,Depth 1082 m 07/18/2013,14:18:22,kellywilliams,SHI zoom 07/18/2013,14:18:28,Taylor Heyl,SHI banded 07/18/2013,14:18:48,Andrea Quattrini,are the small cup corals different size class of Desmophyllum or something different? 07/18/2013,14:20:47,Taylor Heyl,Moving laterally on wall, seeing COR cup, SPO, ACN. 07/18/2013,14:21:06,cherylmorrison,Haven't seen anything that looks different than several size classes of Desmophyllum 07/18/2013,14:21:55,Scott France,APH caprellid 07/18/2013,14:22:07,Andrea Quattrini,thanks cheryl~ 07/18/2013,14:22:17,Andrea Quattrini,NOAA imaging 07/18/2013,14:22:54,Taylor Heyl,ACN 07/18/2013,14:23:48,leswatling,nice view of the caprellid. I think we collected this dude on the seamounts in 04 and 05 so we should be able to say who it is.... caprellids with this long body shape are rare, i.e., not too many species... 07/18/2013,14:24:44,Scott France,What is amazing to me is that these caprellids are in the same suborder as cyamid whale lice. Such different body shapes (though, of course, both share similarities). 07/18/2013,14:26:11,Taylor Heyl,ACN associate 07/18/2013,14:26:20,leswatling,notice how they move like inchworms 07/18/2013,14:28:15,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013,14:28:20,Brendan Roark,depth 1082 Heading 94 ° 07/18/2013,14:28:31,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,14:28:39,Scott France,HYD 07/18/2013,14:28:41,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus next to COR CUP? 07/18/2013,14:29:48,Andrea Quattrini,shore side any zoom requests? 07/18/2013,14:30:16,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,14:30:17,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,14:30:27,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,14:30:35,Taylor Heyl,SER worms 07/18/2013,14:30:59,robertcarney,GAS 07/18/2013,14:31:19,Taylor Heyl,behind Anthomastus 07/18/2013,14:32:06,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,14:32:54,Scott France,Are others experiencing freezing and pixelation of stream 1 today? 07/18/2013,14:33:00,ingevandenbeld,Yes, I do 07/18/2013,14:33:19,Scott France,Yes - internodal branching 07/18/2013,14:33:19,Taylor Heyl,see POL in pit in rock? 07/18/2013,14:33:27,Andrea Quattrini,just stream 1? 07/18/2013,14:33:33,Taylor Heyl,OPH 07/18/2013,14:34:52,Andrea Quattrini,lost auto function 07/18/2013,14:36:08,briankinlan,I am also experiencing the freezing and pixelation, on stream 1 of the internet 1 (i1) feed 07/18/2013,14:36:29,briankinlan,streams 2 and 3 of i1 seem fine. I am not connected to internet 2 07/18/2013,14:37:19,Brendan Roark,Depth 1084 m 07/18/2013,14:37:30,Scott France,May be in particular during zooming in or out, or "fast" panning across this complex ledge. 07/18/2013,14:37:33,robertcarney,I-2 FINE HERE 07/18/2013,14:37:39,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,14:37:59,Scott France,OPH 07/18/2013,14:38:03,robertcarney,ASR 2nd to rt on wall 07/18/2013,14:38:14,Taylor Heyl,zoom on ASR 07/18/2013,14:38:22,Scott France,Sorry - not OPH. ASR 07/18/2013,14:40:37,Andrea Quattrini,SPO 07/18/2013,14:40:43,Scott France,Audio on I-1 sounds fine to me. 07/18/2013,14:41:19,shanklab,ASR 07/18/2013,14:41:25,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 07/18/2013,14:41:40,Taylor Heyl,I2 feed is fine at WHOI. 07/18/2013,14:41:51,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1086 meters, Hdg. 105 07/18/2013,14:43:08,Taylor Heyl,really nice view of this wall from serios 07/18/2013,14:43:20,Taylor Heyl,orange encrusting SPO on rock at base of wall 07/18/2013,14:44:00,robertcarney,ROC smooth brownish cobble in front of lighter all 07/18/2013,14:44:08,robertcarney,GAS 07/18/2013,14:44:27,kellywilliams,COR anthomastus 07/18/2013,14:44:28,robertcarney,GAS 4 or more 07/18/2013,14:46:00,leswatling,that orange brownish sponge we saw the other day. I am doubting that it is a sponge. The nearest thing I can some up with is a Palythoa, a zonathid with a continuous tunic in which the polyps are embedded.... 07/18/2013,14:47:04,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013,14:47:10,leswatling,In Hydrographer canyon there was also a zonathid with a nearly transparent tunic, so this could a whole new group. 07/18/2013,14:47:34,Andrea Quattrini,interesting~ 07/18/2013,14:47:52,kellywilliams,ASR 07/18/2013,14:48:01,kellywilliams,white 07/18/2013,14:48:08,Andrea Quattrini,moving up the cliff 07/18/2013,14:48:15,Brendan Roark,depth 1081 m going up 07/18/2013,14:48:25,Andrea Quattrini,no "white lines" today so far 07/18/2013,14:48:36,kellywilliams,COR cup under ledge 07/18/2013,14:48:57,kellywilliams,CRARED 07/18/2013,14:49:33,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,14:50:14,Taylor Heyl,white SPO, COR Clavularia, COR Bamboo, encrusting orange SPO 07/18/2013,14:50:28,Taylor Heyl,COR solenosmilia 07/18/2013,14:50:44,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1074 meters 07/18/2013,14:50:57,Taylor Heyl,HYD on dead COR 07/18/2013,14:50:59,Scott France,Is that a HYD? 07/18/2013,14:51:22,Taylor Heyl,APH many 07/18/2013,14:51:24,leswatling,large paramuricea looking thing might be a hydroid. 07/18/2013,14:51:33,robertcarney,ROC apparent large clear tube extending from ROC 07/18/2013,14:52:04,Andrea Quattrini,see indiviudal polyps, but looks like covered with sediment and hydroids. Or is this onelarge hydroid? 07/18/2013,14:52:31,Brendan Roark,DVL 02 Basewall2 lat 39d50.3119N lon 70d28.0079 W 07/18/2013,14:52:38,Scott France,HYD colony, or possibly even a bryozoan? Tentacles didn't look right for HYD 07/18/2013,14:52:54,Scott France,It definitely is not an CORO 07/18/2013,14:53:02,Brendan Roark,Depth 1074 m temp 4.5C 07/18/2013,14:53:04,leswatling,yeah, pretty sure, but my memory is having trouble coming up with the genus. We collected one like this in HI that was a meter tall. 07/18/2013,14:54:06,Taylor Heyl,COR swiftia? 07/18/2013,14:54:14,Taylor Heyl,next to COR Bamboo 07/18/2013,14:54:15,Scott France,CORG Swiftia 07/18/2013,14:54:20,Taylor Heyl,CTE 07/18/2013,14:54:26,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013,14:54:37,robertcarney,XEN 07/18/2013,14:55:15,robertcarney,lots of smooth rock to rt 07/18/2013,14:55:21,leswatling,Genus is Solanderia. a very large hydroid. and the first seen here I think... 07/18/2013,14:55:29,Taylor Heyl,CHI 07/18/2013,14:55:32,Taylor Heyl,on wall 07/18/2013,14:55:32,robertcarney,CHI 07/18/2013,14:55:36,Taylor Heyl,could we zoom on the CHI? 07/18/2013,14:56:40,robertcarney,CHI possibly with clean grazed patch 07/18/2013,14:57:13,leswatling,agree with the grazed patch, and notice the rock is harder and not bored. 07/18/2013,14:57:43,jasonchaytor,sandstone 07/18/2013,14:57:51,leswatling,nice 07/18/2013,14:58:00,jasonchaytor,may have less carbonate in it 07/18/2013,14:58:05,Andrea Quattrini,SPO Farrea 07/18/2013,14:58:40,leswatling,maybe it was a storm deposit a few million years ago... 07/18/2013,14:59:47,Taylor Heyl,OPH x2 on large white SPO 07/18/2013,14:59:52,Taylor Heyl,do not see any crabs in there 07/18/2013,15:00:15,Taylor Heyl,OPH arms go inside SPO 07/18/2013,15:01:19,Scott France,Dead skeleton overgrown... 07/18/2013,15:01:31,Taylor Heyl,HYD on that skeleton 07/18/2013,15:02:14,Taylor Heyl,live coral polyps on the skeleton 07/18/2013,15:02:17,Taylor Heyl,APH 07/18/2013,15:02:40,Brendan Roark,pilot change 07/18/2013,15:04:11,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:04:55,michaelvecchione,FSH Gempylid 07/18/2013,15:05:19,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:05:25,michaelvecchione,cutthroat eel 07/18/2013,15:05:41,kellywilliams,ASR white on wall 07/18/2013,15:06:05,kellywilliams,it seems to me the ASR we've seen today are much larger than before 07/18/2013,15:06:23,Tim Shank,depth 1074m 07/18/2013,15:06:54,Scott France,CORG Bamboo 07/18/2013,15:06:55,robertcarney,SQA 07/18/2013,15:07:38,Scott France,CORG Swiftia 07/18/2013,15:07:42,Taylor Heyl,WHOI recording EX1304L1_ROV10_2 07/18/2013,15:07:51,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013,15:07:54,Taylor Heyl,small orange SPO multiple 07/18/2013,15:08:03,robertcarney,AMP caprellid sticks 07/18/2013,15:08:38,michaelvecchione,APH 07/18/2013,15:08:42,Taylor Heyl,ACN x2 on CORG Swiftia 07/18/2013,15:08:51,Taylor Heyl,PYC on ACN 07/18/2013,15:09:11,Taylor Heyl,white APH associates also 07/18/2013,15:09:48,jasonchaytor,I will be out for ~ 30 mins on another conference call... 07/18/2013,15:11:01,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:11:13,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,15:11:49,kellywilliams,ASR orange 07/18/2013,15:12:13,Taylor Heyl,SER worms on ROC 07/18/2013,15:12:19,Taylor Heyl,many small white SPO 07/18/2013,15:12:36,robertcarney,ASR w/ large marginal plates 07/18/2013,15:12:45,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis x2 07/18/2013,15:13:08,michaelvecchione,shark 07/18/2013,15:13:30,Taylor Heyl,banded layer on rock wall 07/18/2013,15:14:27,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013,15:14:34,Taylor Heyl,zooming on banded layer with HYD, SPO, COR Bamboo 07/18/2013,15:14:49,Scott France, CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis also on base of purple holdfast 07/18/2013,15:15:04,robertcarney,\mud tubes extending fron sed cover on roc 07/18/2013,15:17:00,Scott France,These Keratoisis bamboo corals are more common here than on previous dives. 07/18/2013,15:17:32,kellywilliams,COR cup 07/18/2013,15:18:50,kellywilliams,so much bioerosion in the rock face today 07/18/2013,15:19:53,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis small 07/18/2013,15:23:03,Scott France,The pixelation and jerkiness we had earlier seems to be gone now on stream 1 on I-1. 07/18/2013,15:23:25,robertcarney,OPH legs from roc 07/18/2013,15:23:39,Scott France,CORP 07/18/2013,15:24:35,Tim Shank,Seeing aplacophoran APL on on CORP 07/18/2013,15:24:51,Tim Shank,OPH arma coming out of holes 07/18/2013,15:25:04,Tim Shank,OPH arms 07/18/2013,15:25:16,Taylor Heyl,scale worm at bottom? 07/18/2013,15:26:04,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013,15:26:05,Taylor Heyl,moving laterally along this wall 07/18/2013,15:26:08,Taylor Heyl,ASR under ledge 07/18/2013,15:26:16,Taylor Heyl,multiple white SPO 07/18/2013,15:26:18,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,15:26:23,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo x2 07/18/2013,15:26:27,Taylor Heyl,no visible associates 07/18/2013,15:26:32,Taylor Heyl,HYD above Bamboo 07/18/2013,15:26:44,Scott France,APH caprellid on wall 07/18/2013,15:26:59,Taylor Heyl,ACN x2 07/18/2013,15:27:16,Taylor Heyl,ASR large at top of screen 07/18/2013,15:27:23,Taylor Heyl,ACN x 5 orange 07/18/2013,15:27:33,Taylor Heyl,COR cup several on overhanging 07/18/2013,15:27:38,Taylor Heyl,SPO white and orange 07/18/2013,15:27:52,Taylor Heyl,rock more bioerroded here 07/18/2013,15:28:24,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,15:28:35,Taylor Heyl,CHI 07/18/2013,15:28:38,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,15:29:19,briankinlan,when you get a chance can you zoom back out on the little cave? thought there was something bushy in the background inside 07/18/2013,15:29:46,Taylor Heyl,Swiftia? 07/18/2013,15:30:21,briankinlan,just pan down real quick for a sec 07/18/2013,15:30:46,briankinlan,just to right of white patch, inside 07/18/2013,15:31:21,briankinlan,could be pixelation from shadows....? we can move on 07/18/2013,15:31:26,michaelvecchione,FSH Synaphobranchid 07/18/2013,15:31:52,Taylor Heyl,purple POL in pit on left 07/18/2013,15:31:54,Taylor Heyl,?? 07/18/2013,15:32:03,Tim Shank,OPH arms out of SED in small cave 07/18/2013,15:32:15,robertcarney,SED dusting even back inside "cave" 07/18/2013,15:32:22,briankinlan,yes, sorry, the shadows look like swaying bushy things in the pixelated low res feed 07/18/2013,15:32:23,Tim Shank,APH swimming in cave 07/18/2013,15:33:50,Tim Shank,COR cups along ledge edge 07/18/2013,15:34:09,Tim Shank,white shear face 07/18/2013,15:34:16,Taylor Heyl,zooming in on whiter face of wall 07/18/2013,15:34:18,Taylor Heyl,SPO 07/18/2013,15:34:42,robertcarney,ROC freshly broken face suggests bioerosion extends 20-30cm? into face 07/18/2013,15:34:49,Tim Shank,depth 1075m 07/18/2013,15:35:27,Tim Shank,ASR white 07/18/2013,15:35:33,Taylor Heyl,ACN on small rock off vertical wall 07/18/2013,15:35:48,kellywilliams,ASR white 07/18/2013,15:36:31,robertcarney,ROC vert fissure 07/18/2013,15:36:48,Taylor Heyl,SER worms? 07/18/2013,15:36:50,Taylor Heyl,SPO 07/18/2013,15:36:52,robertcarney,ROC brown stained face 07/18/2013,15:37:04,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly traop 07/18/2013,15:37:11,Taylor Heyl,orange encrusting SPO 07/18/2013,15:37:24,Taylor Heyl,COR Swiftia 07/18/2013,15:37:33,Taylor Heyl,Bamboo below? 07/18/2013,15:37:42,Tim Shank,FSH synaphobranchid eel 07/18/2013,15:37:43,Taylor Heyl,Clavularia 07/18/2013,15:37:44,Scott France,CORG Swiftia 07/18/2013,15:37:50,Taylor Heyl,nice ledge 07/18/2013,15:38:02,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,15:38:12,robertcarney,SQA 07/18/2013,15:38:33,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,15:38:42,Taylor Heyl,COR cup Desmophyllum 07/18/2013,15:38:45,Scott France,CORO Clavularia on left has polyps retracted, and on right extended 07/18/2013,15:38:58,Taylor Heyl,FSH skate 07/18/2013,15:39:25,Scott France,ACN Venus flytrap Actinoscyphia aurelia 07/18/2013,15:39:40,Taylor Heyl,SHI 07/18/2013,15:40:02,Taylor Heyl,COR bamboo under ledge 07/18/2013,15:40:30,robertcarney,CRARED 07/18/2013,15:40:33,Tim Shank,CRARED 07/18/2013,15:41:25,shanklab,ASR pink 07/18/2013,15:41:36,Tim Shank,ASR Goniasteroid? 07/18/2013,15:41:40,Scott France,Not to sound like a broken record, but the patchiness of the sessile fauna is remarkable. 07/18/2013,15:41:50,Tim Shank,ACN venus x2 07/18/2013,15:42:08,michaelvecchione,FSH 07/18/2013,15:42:12,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:42:14,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,15:42:30,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:42:40,robertcarney,ASR brisingid 07/18/2013,15:42:41,Taylor Heyl,ASR Brisingid 07/18/2013,15:43:05,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 07/18/2013,15:43:07,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,15:43:13,Taylor Heyl,COR Acanthogorgia? 07/18/2013,15:43:16,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,15:43:17,robertcarney,ASR another RT 07/18/2013,15:43:20,Taylor Heyl,orange SPO 07/18/2013,15:43:25,Taylor Heyl,small orange ACN 07/18/2013,15:43:26,Tim Shank,heading 067 07/18/2013,15:43:30,Tim Shank,depth 1071m 07/18/2013,15:43:51,Tim Shank,small COR left? 07/18/2013,15:44:31,briankinlan,I can't hear Brendan, can only hear pilots 07/18/2013,15:44:33,robertcarney,CHI 07/18/2013,15:45:03,briankinlan,Brendan now back. But occasionally cutting out to where I can only hear pilots. 07/18/2013,15:45:12,Taylor Heyl,JFH 07/18/2013,15:45:18,Tim Shank,BAR on ROC 07/18/2013,15:45:20,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,15:45:46,Scott France,The explorer audio is coming through on I-1 over Brendan and pilots. 07/18/2013,15:46:07,Scott France,Nice CORG bamboo 07/18/2013,15:46:35,Taylor Heyl,CRA leg! 07/18/2013,15:47:28,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:47:32,Scott France,To clarify: 07/18/2013,The Exploration Now interview audio is coming through on I-1 over Brendan and pilots 07/18/2013,15:47:43,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,15:47:53,Taylor Heyl,zooming in on CRA leg and COR CUP 07/18/2013,15:48:00,Taylor Heyl,SER worms 07/18/2013,15:48:33,Taylor Heyl,HYD 07/18/2013,15:48:50,Taylor Heyl,APH in COR CUP Desmophyllum 07/18/2013,15:48:53,robertcarney,OPH leg behind CORO spiny 07/18/2013,15:49:02,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,15:49:02,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,15:49:38,Taylor Heyl,encrusting yellow SPO 07/18/2013,15:50:14,Taylor Heyl,FLAT flounder 07/18/2013,15:50:22,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 07/18/2013,15:50:30,Taylor Heyl,SPO white 07/18/2013,15:50:53,Brendan Roark,DVL 03 topwall02 lat 39d50.2898 N lon 70d28.0023 W 07/18/2013,15:51:14,Taylor Heyl,multiple bamboos 07/18/2013,15:51:19,robertcarney,ROC large dissolution pits laterally into face common here 07/18/2013,15:53:26,Taylor Heyl,ACN multiple orange 07/18/2013,15:53:38,Taylor Heyl,SHI 07/18/2013,15:54:20,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,15:54:57,Taylor Heyl,OPH 07/18/2013,15:55:01,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis appeared branched - upper branch stripped of tissue with overgrowth, lower branch looked healthy 07/18/2013,15:55:39,Taylor Heyl,COR CUP multiple 07/18/2013,15:55:47,Taylor Heyl,GAS up 07/18/2013,15:56:02,Taylor Heyl,COR clavularia 07/18/2013,15:56:04,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 2x very small colonies 07/18/2013,15:56:22,Taylor Heyl,CRA 07/18/2013,15:56:26,Taylor Heyl,SHI mysid 07/18/2013,15:56:30,Taylor Heyl,OPH on left 07/18/2013,15:56:42,Taylor Heyl,SER worms 07/18/2013,15:57:02,Taylor Heyl,translucent SPO 07/18/2013,15:57:17,Taylor Heyl,tunicates? 07/18/2013,15:58:07,Andrea Quattrini,hi! I am back!! 07/18/2013,15:58:33,shanklab,FELO 07/18/2013,16:01:03,Andrea Quattrini,comms are down righ tnow... 07/18/2013,16:01:55,kelleyelliott,Is the intercom to shore down? Can WHOI test their intercom? 07/18/2013,16:01:58,michaelvecchione,Everything seems to be working on I1 feed 07/18/2013,16:02:30,kelleyelliott,Thanks! 07/18/2013,16:04:30,Tim Shank,Great! Sounds pomising. 07/18/2013,16:04:59,shanklab,FELO 07/18/2013,16:05:05,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Synaphobranchid 07/18/2013,16:06:48,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,16:07:46,Tim Shank,SPO vase 07/18/2013,16:07:52,Tim Shank,SHI on seafloor 07/18/2013,16:09:05,Tim Shank,thank you. looks like a nematocarcind 07/18/2013,16:09:18,Tim Shank,not moving though…interesting. 07/18/2013,16:09:49,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,16:11:28,Tim Shank,Where is all the colonization by larger sessile organisms? 07/18/2013,16:11:57,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,16:12:19,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,16:12:21,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,16:12:33,Taylor Heyl,x2 07/18/2013,16:12:37,Andrea Quattrini,same area? 07/18/2013,16:13:21,Taylor Heyl,OPH 07/18/2013,16:14:32,Taylor Heyl,purple disc 07/18/2013,16:15:35,Tim Shank,Zoom on OPH* 07/18/2013,16:16:51,shanklab,FELO 07/18/2013,16:16:57,Scott France,Nice explanation of driving the ROV! 07/18/2013,16:17:06,michaelvecchione,FELO cutthroat 07/18/2013,16:17:56,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 07/18/2013,16:17:57,Tim Shank,ASR on wall 07/18/2013,16:18:00,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 07/18/2013,16:18:04,Taylor Heyl,orange encrusting SPO 07/18/2013,16:18:07,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 07/18/2013,16:18:08,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,16:18:14,Tim Shank,depth 1069m 07/18/2013,16:18:32,Taylor Heyl,Moving toward WP2 07/18/2013,16:18:38,Taylor Heyl,black dropstone rocks 07/18/2013,16:18:41,Tim Shank,black ROCs 07/18/2013,16:19:06,Taylor Heyl,BIV shell 07/18/2013,16:19:07,michaelvecchione,BIV shell Limidae 07/18/2013,16:19:09,Tim Shank,Zoom on BIV* 07/18/2013,16:19:17,Scott France,CORO young bamboo 07/18/2013,16:19:23,jasonchaytor,rocks may come from a higher stratigraphic unit 07/18/2013,16:19:26,Taylor Heyl,SHI on right 07/18/2013,16:19:36,robertcarney,BIV both valves but disarticulated 07/18/2013,16:20:32,robertcarney,ROC black cobble 07/18/2013,16:20:46,kellywilliams,ACN white/transulcent on cobble 07/18/2013,16:21:00,Tim Shank,zoom on black ROC* 07/18/2013,16:21:14,robertcarney,ROC 2nd blck cobble 07/18/2013,16:21:41,Tim Shank,SER POL 07/18/2013,16:21:49,robertcarney,POL Sabellid tubes 07/18/2013,16:22:05,Andrea Quattrini,very small pink ASR 07/18/2013,16:22:07,Tim Shank,ASR "Goniasteroid"? 07/18/2013,16:22:16,Tim Shank,very very small on black ROC 07/18/2013,16:22:19,Scott France,CORO reruit on ROC 07/18/2013,16:22:21,Andrea Quattrini,the pink "billowy ones"? 07/18/2013,16:22:48,michaelvecchione,FCHN black dog 07/18/2013,16:23:00,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Black Dogfish 07/18/2013,16:23:37,Tim Shank,Wall of solitary corals- we have been in this area before 07/18/2013,16:23:42,Andrea Quattrini,correct 07/18/2013,16:23:48,Tim Shank,ASR 07/18/2013,16:24:19,michaelvecchione,JFH 07/18/2013,16:24:49,Tim Shank,ANT plastic 07/18/2013,16:26:28,Tim Shank,CRARED base of WAL 07/18/2013,16:26:58,Tim Shank,line? 07/18/2013,16:27:00,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,16:27:01,robertcarney,line 07/18/2013,16:27:05,Taylor Heyl,line with ACN venus fly trap 07/18/2013,16:27:07,Tim Shank,image line please? 07/18/2013,16:27:12,Taylor Heyl,BAR on FSH 07/18/2013,16:27:21,amandademopoulos,parasitic copepod 07/18/2013,16:27:26,michaelvecchione,parasitic copepod 07/18/2013,16:27:36,Tim Shank,agreed 07/18/2013,16:27:40,Tim Shank,great shot 07/18/2013,16:28:02,Walter Cho,great shot! 07/18/2013,16:28:04,Andrea Quattrini,thanks amanda~ 07/18/2013,16:28:11,Andrea Quattrini,and mike and TIm~ 07/18/2013,16:28:13,Tim Shank,several patches of line 07/18/2013,16:28:37,amandademopoulos,:) 07/18/2013,16:28:43,michaelvecchione,shark 07/18/2013,16:28:52,Andrea Quattrini,FSH black dogfish 07/18/2013,16:29:30,Tim Shank,CRARED under ROC 07/18/2013,16:29:38,robertcarney,CRARED 07/18/2013,16:31:07,Tim Shank,zoom on monofilament line with CORO GAS 07/18/2013,16:31:09,Taylor Heyl,GAS and CORO 07/18/2013,16:31:22,Scott France,CORO on line - stoloniferous? 07/18/2013,16:31:25,Taylor Heyl,black something at the base 07/18/2013,16:31:40,Taylor Heyl,APH on CORO 07/18/2013,16:31:50,Taylor Heyl,HYD associates also 07/18/2013,16:32:09,Taylor Heyl,GAS on line 07/18/2013,16:33:01,Taylor Heyl,tiny anthomastus polyp on line also? 07/18/2013,16:33:11,Taylor Heyl,catshark egg case 07/18/2013,16:33:19,Tim Shank,black egg case 07/18/2013,16:33:28,Scott France,Looks "huge relative to these puny corals 07/18/2013,16:33:32,Taylor Heyl,correction: skate egg case 07/18/2013,16:33:47,Tim Shank,COR cup dead 07/18/2013,16:36:12,robertcarney,Note on lines ... possibly lines intentionally tossed oveboard 07/18/2013,16:36:12,Scott France,COR Solenosmilia? 07/18/2013,16:36:50,Scott France,COR Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,16:37:09,Tim Shank,CRARED 07/18/2013,16:37:55,robertcarney,ROC convergent dark beds 07/18/2013,16:37:59,Scott France,Cool view on stream 2 07/18/2013,16:38:15,michaelvecchione,FSH Antimora 07/18/2013,16:38:59,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia on Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,16:40:24,robertcarney,ROC fractured surface minimal bioerosion w? cup corals in small overhangs 07/18/2013,16:40:28,Tim Shank,Scott noting that we see Acanthogorgia perhaps preferentially growing on other corals 07/18/2013,16:40:30,Taylor Heyl,WHOI watch change: Kelly Williams being relieved by Kerry McCulloch 07/18/2013,16:41:05,Taylor Heyl,BIV next to Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,16:41:30,briankinlan,I'd vote for picking up speed just a tiny bit (0.15 knots)? and also trying to program each subsequent ship move before the previous one finishes so the ship never actually stops, as we discussed on the call a few days ago 07/18/2013,16:41:42,Taylor Heyl,FELO Halosaur 07/18/2013,16:41:44,Taylor Heyl,HYD 07/18/2013,16:41:45,michaelvecchione,FSH Cyclothone 07/18/2013,16:42:01,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia HYD COR Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,16:42:11,Andrea Quattrini,yes, agree brian.. not sure why there was that stop 07/18/2013,16:42:11,Taylor Heyl,BAR 07/18/2013,16:42:16,Taylor Heyl,SER worms 07/18/2013,16:42:50,Tim Shank,HYD Large (as seen before) 07/18/2013,16:43:19,Taylor Heyl,FLAT flounder 07/18/2013,16:43:27,Taylor Heyl,no, ROC 07/18/2013,16:43:32,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 07/18/2013,16:43:37,Taylor Heyl,OPH 07/18/2013,16:44:32,Taylor Heyl,CRARED WAY UP THERE 07/18/2013,16:44:45,Taylor Heyl,HA. nice alcove 07/18/2013,16:45:02,Scott France,Can we go back to HD2 on stream 2? 07/18/2013,16:45:10,Taylor Heyl,TWO? 07/18/2013,16:45:22,Taylor Heyl,awesome little spot 07/18/2013,16:45:50,Tim Shank,GREAT SHOT 07/18/2013,16:45:54,Scott France,Thanks for stream 2 change 07/18/2013,16:46:06,Andrea Quattrini,CORS Javania 07/18/2013,16:46:11,Tim Shank,CRARED mating position 07/18/2013,16:46:25,Tim Shank,Zoom on CRARED* 07/18/2013,16:46:53,robertcarney,CHI 07/18/2013,16:46:58,Taylor Heyl,CHI 07/18/2013,16:48:30,Tim Shank,SPO with ACN 07/18/2013,16:49:21,kerrymcculloch,orange acn 07/18/2013,16:49:29,Andrea Quattrini,COR dead Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,16:50:02,Taylor Heyl,SQA 07/18/2013,16:50:05,Taylor Heyl,HYD 07/18/2013,16:51:23,Tim Shank,ACN venus 07/18/2013,16:53:49,Brendan Roark,lat 39d50.3594 N lon 70d28.0244 W 07/18/2013,16:53:53,Andrea Quattrini,URC Echinus 07/18/2013,16:53:57,Brendan Roark,Depth 1070 m 07/18/2013,16:54:29,robertcarney,URC 07/18/2013,16:54:44,Brendan Roark,temp 4.5 C 07/18/2013,16:54:56,Tim Shank,COR swiftia 07/18/2013,16:55:02,Tim Shank,zoom on URC* 07/18/2013,16:55:15,Andrea Quattrini,COR Swiftia 07/18/2013,16:56:34,Tim Shank,ASR 07/18/2013,16:56:46,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 07/18/2013,16:58:17,Scott France,BIV 07/18/2013,16:58:26,Tim Shank,Zoom on BIV limids 07/18/2013,16:58:55,Taylor Heyl,Clavularia 07/18/2013,16:58:55,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,16:59:03,cherylmorrison,COR Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,16:59:12,Taylor Heyl,Clavularia growing on COR CUP 07/18/2013,16:59:17,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 07/18/2013,17:00:33,Scott France,On of the ledges broke off 07/18/2013,17:00:49,jasonchaytor,agreed 07/18/2013,17:01:32,jasonchaytor,doesn't appear to have any critters on it though and the ledge above it appears from of colonization 07/18/2013,17:02:17,Scott France,But were we seeing the upper side? Most colonization is under the ledge, so may have been hidden from view 07/18/2013,17:02:42,Scott France,on backside 07/18/2013,17:03:35,jasonchaytor,true 07/18/2013,17:03:42,briankinlan,what is the current pace? 0.2 knot? 07/18/2013,17:04:04,Andrea Quattrini,current pace is 0.1 knot. problem is ship moves. 07/18/2013,17:04:31,michaelvecchione,I vote for midwater. 07/18/2013,17:04:32,Scott France,Jump to promontory/ridge, IMHO 07/18/2013,17:04:40,Andrea Quattrini,not sure if we can bump it up to 0.2 knots 07/18/2013,17:04:43,Andrea Quattrini,checking... 07/18/2013,17:04:45,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,17:05:35,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,17:05:39,briankinlan,we've explored a good portion of this ridge including the highest slope area. 07/18/2013,17:05:41,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,17:05:42,Tim Shank,SPO vase 07/18/2013,17:05:47,briankinlan,I agree, let's jump to promontory 07/18/2013,17:05:58,Andrea Quattrini,we can go faster along the slope... 07/18/2013,17:06:14,jasonchaytor,spalling failure off to the left 07/18/2013,17:06:27,jasonchaytor,sea star?? on it 07/18/2013,17:07:28,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 07/18/2013,17:07:42,briankinlan,then again, just for the sake of discussion, I'm showing 400m from our present position to waypoint 4, which we could do in 65 minutes at 0.2 knot 07/18/2013,17:07:51,briankinlan,on bottom, that is 07/18/2013,17:08:01,Taylor Heyl,nice view of spalling failure and ASR in view now 07/18/2013,17:09:52,jasonchaytor,failure may occur just beyond the depth of the bioerosion?? 07/18/2013,17:10:26,Scott France,Lets see how 0.2 knorts works before we decide to leave bottom 07/18/2013,17:10:38,Taylor Heyl,SPO on edge just north of spalling failure 07/18/2013,17:11:03,Andrea Quattrini,going to try 0.2 knots to wpt 2 07/18/2013,17:11:16,briankinlan,ok, sounds good to me 07/18/2013,17:13:19,Tim Shank,ASR 07/18/2013,17:13:23,Tim Shank,ACN venuc 07/18/2013,17:13:58,Taylor Heyl,solitary HYD 07/18/2013,17:14:03,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis x3 07/18/2013,17:14:03,Taylor Heyl,zooming in on HYD 07/18/2013,17:15:17,Andrea Quattrini,another small CORG bamboo on right 07/18/2013,17:15:26,Andrea Quattrini,CORS cup coral 07/18/2013,17:15:30,Scott France,HYD maybe Branchiocerianthus 07/18/2013,17:15:42,Brendan Roark,DVL 04wall03 lat 39d50.3903 N 70d28.0324 W 07/18/2013,17:15:45,Andrea Quattrini,CORS Javania 07/18/2013,17:16:01,Brendan Roark,Depth 1067 m 07/18/2013,17:16:33,michaelvecchione,what was at top right? 07/18/2013,17:16:38,leswatling,solitary hydroid is genus Corymorpha. 07/18/2013,17:17:03,Scott France,Thanks - Corymorpha is what I IDed as earlier in week and couldn't find name again! 07/18/2013,17:17:08,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Neocyttus 07/18/2013,17:17:42,kerrymcculloch,OCT 07/18/2013,17:17:48,michaelvecchione,Graneedone verrucosa 07/18/2013,17:18:06,Tim Shank,Was the HYD bilateral? If so, then Branchiocerianthus. 07/18/2013,17:18:14,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 07/18/2013,17:18:14,michaelvecchione,I spelled it wrong 07/18/2013,17:18:16,Taylor Heyl,FLAT 07/18/2013,17:18:19,Taylor Heyl,wtich flounder 07/18/2013,17:18:23,leswatling,this one is being more feisty than the others.... maybe it has a crab gene... 07/18/2013,17:18:48,Brendan Roark,temp 4.5 c 07/18/2013,17:18:49,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,17:19:07,lenaickmenot,Hello, these walls are impressive, looks like carbonate, maybe it has been said already but I am wondering how they were formed 07/18/2013,17:20:18,michaelvecchione,nice catch 07/18/2013,17:20:48,Scott France,ASR below ledge 07/18/2013,17:20:54,Andrea Quattrini,FSH cottunculus thomsonii 07/18/2013,17:21:47,jasonchaytor,there is a very good chance that they do contain a significant amount of carbonate in the form of cement or are possibly even authigenic limestones 07/18/2013,17:22:15,Tim Shank,CRARED x 2 07/18/2013,17:22:56,jasonchaytor,the carbonate cements could have entered unconsolidated sediments as a solution at sometime after deposition 07/18/2013,17:23:09,michaelvecchione,CTE cydippid 07/18/2013,17:23:28,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,17:23:30,lenaickmenot,ok, thanks 07/18/2013,17:23:35,Scott France,SPO 07/18/2013,17:23:56,Andrea Quattrini,seems like this is a good speed 07/18/2013,17:24:16,Tim Shank,yes 07/18/2013,17:24:32,Scott France,Agreed - good to cover some ground. 07/18/2013,17:24:48,jasonchaytor,age of the rocks is also an unknown, the continental margin here has a very long history, at times being shallow (there are Triassic/Jurassic reef deposits in places that were deposited shortly after break up from Africa) 07/18/2013,17:25:06,Andrea Quattrini,little to much for brian, would rather do 0.15 knts 07/18/2013,17:25:16,Andrea Quattrini,0.2 is too fast for this topography 07/18/2013,17:25:35,Scott France,CORO whip - bamboo? 07/18/2013,17:25:42,Tim Shank,ASR Goniasteroid type 07/18/2013,17:25:43,michaelvecchione,ASR X2 07/18/2013,17:25:47,Tim Shank,CRARED 07/18/2013,17:25:54,Tim Shank,COR cup 07/18/2013,17:26:13,lenaickmenot,so could be an old reef platform? 07/18/2013,17:26:22,briankinlan,can we get our time to waypoint 4 at 0.15 knots? 07/18/2013,17:26:42,Andrea Quattrini,lets check 07/18/2013,17:26:43,Tim Shank,COR swiftia 07/18/2013,17:26:55,Tim Shank,ACN on swiftia 07/18/2013,17:27:15,cherylmorrison,COR Javania 07/18/2013,17:27:16,Brendan Roark,WP 4 at 0.15 knots is about an hour 07/18/2013,17:28:13,jasonchaytor,Given our location, my current feeling is that we are above the reef facies, in Eocene to Cretaceous age units. I haven't seen any framework carbonates/limestone that more strongly suggest reef environment. 07/18/2013,17:29:33,Scott France,CORG bamboo likely same Keratoisis as seen earlier but not yet branched 07/18/2013,17:29:39,kerrymcculloch,CRARED x2 07/18/2013,17:30:08,Tim Shank,Great images of steps down.. 07/18/2013,17:32:06,Tim Shank,SQA under rock 07/18/2013,17:32:31,Scott France,Can clearly see a node near lower part of colony 07/18/2013,17:33:04,Brendan Roark,ship speed increments are 0.1 eg ship moves are either 0.1 or 0.2 Brian will do the best speed they can but curved path is harder 07/18/2013,17:34:46,Tim Shank,CRARED x3 07/18/2013,17:36:05,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Corphanoides 07/18/2013,17:37:06,Scott France,CORG Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,17:37:13,Andrea Quattrini,CORO Acanthogorgia 07/18/2013,17:37:14,jasonchaytor,andrea/brendan, could we pan up to look higher along the wall for a few seconds? 07/18/2013,17:37:33,cherylmorrison,COR Desmophyllum 07/18/2013,17:37:35,Tim Shank,Acanthogorgia with no associates 07/18/2013,17:37:36,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,17:37:48,Andrea Quattrini,1066 m 07/18/2013,17:37:59,Tim Shank,XEN 07/18/2013,17:38:03,Andrea Quattrini,CRARED 07/18/2013,17:38:06,cherylmorrison,ACN fly trap 07/18/2013,17:38:27,jasonchaytor,thanks 07/18/2013,17:41:08,briankinlan,brendan when you get a chance can we get a lat long before we start cruising? 07/18/2013,17:41:50,Brendan Roark,lat 39d50.4201 N lon 70d28.0432 W 07/18/2013,17:42:16,Andrea Quattrini,variation in strength in rock types 07/18/2013,17:42:18,Brendan Roark,Depth 1068 M 07/18/2013,17:42:37,leswatling,agree with the current audio discussion. I think the substrate is governing everything. Most octocorals live for very long times, 80-800 years, black corals longer, so the substrate might not be stabel enough to develop good coral communities. 07/18/2013,17:43:44,Tim Shank,wall of COR Desmophhyllum 07/18/2013,17:43:50,Tim Shank,depth 1080m 07/18/2013,17:44:07,Tim Shank,looking at wall heading 070 07/18/2013,17:44:27,Tim Shank,ASR 07/18/2013,17:44:35,Tim Shank,ACN venus 07/18/2013,17:44:36,michaelvecchione,FSH oreo and cutthroat X2 07/18/2013,17:44:54,Andrea Quattrini,SQD 07/18/2013,17:45:00,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,17:45:05,Tim Shank,COR colonial scleractinitan 07/18/2013,17:46:45,Taylor Heyl,trash - cylinder 07/18/2013,17:47:12,Taylor Heyl,JFH 07/18/2013,17:47:17,Brendan Roark,DVR 05Wall04 at lat 39d50.4201 N lon 70d28.0432 07/18/2013,17:47:20,Taylor Heyl,FSH x2 07/18/2013,17:47:39,Andrea Quattrini,FSH ophidiidae 07/18/2013,17:47:49,Brendan Roark,DVR target start of move bottom transect to bottom of wp 4 07/18/2013,17:48:08,Taylor Heyl,ANT paint can 07/18/2013,17:48:22,Taylor Heyl,green paint 07/18/2013,17:48:37,Taylor Heyl,FSH cut throat eel 07/18/2013,17:48:37,Taylor Heyl,small white SPO 07/18/2013,17:48:40,Andrea Quattrini,ha i was going to say that! 07/18/2013,17:48:46,leswatling,the importance of substrate... haha... 07/18/2013,17:49:08,Taylor Heyl,yes, looks like wood 07/18/2013,17:49:16,jasonchaytor,a couple of different types of rock in this area 07/18/2013,17:49:21,Taylor Heyl,dead coral clumps on seafloor 07/18/2013,17:49:41,Andrea Quattrini,CORS rubble solenosmilia 07/18/2013,17:49:47,Taylor Heyl,BIV shell in sediment 07/18/2013,17:49:54,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1095 meters, Hdg. 140 07/18/2013,17:51:27,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Oreo Neocyttus 07/18/2013,17:52:11,Andrea Quattrini,"tire tracks" 07/18/2013,17:52:14,robertcarney,XEN 07/18/2013,17:54:26,Scott France,Tumbled ledge fragment? 07/18/2013,17:54:29,Taylor Heyl,ACN venus fly trap 07/18/2013,17:54:34,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,17:54:46,robertcarney,SED sloping mud bottom bioturbation sculpted, crab burrows 07/18/2013,17:55:06,robertcarney,XEN 07/18/2013,17:56:16,michaelvecchione,different from earler sp??? 07/18/2013,17:56:33,Taylor Heyl,WHOI recording EX1304L1_ROV10_3 07/18/2013,17:56:37,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Dicrolene? ophidiida 07/18/2013,17:57:03,Andrea Quattrini,FELO different 07/18/2013,17:57:53,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,17:57:57,Andrea Quattrini,FSH may have been Dicrolene introngra? 07/18/2013,17:58:55,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,17:58:57,Andrea Quattrini,SQD 07/18/2013,17:59:32,michaelvecchione,There have been a few more SQD in the distance 07/18/2013,17:59:58,Taylor Heyl,CRARED x2 07/18/2013,18:00:02,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,18:00:35,Taylor Heyl,traversing over soft sediment with several burrows and red crabs 07/18/2013,18:00:42,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1009 meters, Hdg. 314 07/18/2013,18:00:49,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1109 meters 07/18/2013,18:00:54,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,18:00:59,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,18:02:04,michaelvecchione,zoom on squids if possible 07/18/2013,18:02:22,Taylor Heyl,zooming on SQD 07/18/2013,18:02:46,Andrea Quattrini,FSH snubnose synaphobranchids 07/18/2013,18:02:57,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Dcrolene 07/18/2013,18:03:22,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,18:03:58,Taylor Heyl,SHI 07/18/2013,18:04:03,robertcarney,SHI crangonid? 07/18/2013,18:05:07,Tim Shank,very nice Crangon 07/18/2013,18:05:18,Taylor Heyl,beautiful image 07/18/2013,18:05:31,Tim Shank,similar off of chile 07/18/2013,18:05:35,michaelvecchione,Thanks. Possibly a Gonatus fabricii (a boreal species we sometimes see when deep water is moving down from Canada). 07/18/2013,18:06:10,Andrea Quattrini,NOAA imaging 07/18/2013,18:06:37,michaelvecchione,Not Crangon 07/18/2013,18:06:39,robertcarney,curious has very reduced pair of legs 07/18/2013,18:07:50,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,18:07:55,leswatling,definitely not crangon, need to see the claw to know if it is crangonid. that is was the big claw subchelate or not. 07/18/2013,18:08:22,Tim Shank,now want the framegrab 07/18/2013,18:08:50,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Zoarcidae 07/18/2013,18:09:38,michaelvecchione,Neolithodes grimaldii? 07/18/2013,18:09:39,Taylor Heyl,CRAKC 07/18/2013,18:09:55,leswatling,could be dead or a shed exoskeleton 07/18/2013,18:10:48,michaelvecchione,shark 07/18/2013,18:11:15,Andrea Quattrini,FSH black dogfish 07/18/2013,18:11:15,Brendan Roark,temp 4.5 C 07/18/2013,18:11:26,Andrea Quattrini,SQD 07/18/2013,18:11:30,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Dicrolene 07/18/2013,18:11:46,Brendan Roark,lat 39d50.4312 N lon 70d28.1159 07/18/2013,18:11:55,robertcarney,XEN 07/18/2013,18:12:32,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Maurolicus? 07/18/2013,18:13:18,Taylor Heyl,Traversing over soft sediment with little attached fauna 07/18/2013,18:13:24,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1099 meters, Hdg. 278 07/18/2013,18:13:28,Taylor Heyl,BUR 07/18/2013,18:13:31,Taylor Heyl,FSH 07/18/2013,18:13:51,michaelvecchione,zoom SQD? 07/18/2013,18:14:00,jasonchaytor,it is 07/18/2013,18:14:01,robertcarney,XEN 07/18/2013,18:14:36,Taylor Heyl,BUR 07/18/2013,18:14:42,Taylor Heyl,FSH 07/18/2013,18:14:44,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,18:15:52,michaelvecchione,JFH 07/18/2013,18:16:05,Scott France,You can see the pink gonads nicely in that jelly 07/18/2013,18:16:13,michaelvecchione,Thanks for midwater video 07/18/2013,18:16:31,Taylor Heyl,algal material 07/18/2013,18:16:34,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,18:17:03,kerrymcculloch,CRA RED 07/18/2013,18:18:09,kerrymcculloch,FSH 07/18/2013,18:18:50,Andrea Quattrini,FSH cusk eel 07/18/2013,18:19:16,kerrymcculloch,CRARED 07/18/2013,18:19:32,Andrea Quattrini,FSH cusk eels 07/18/2013,18:19:33,kerrymcculloch,FSH 07/18/2013,18:20:21,kerrymcculloch,BUR 07/18/2013,18:20:54,kerrymcculloch,BUR 07/18/2013,18:21:20,michaelvecchione,JFH 07/18/2013,18:21:40,kerrymcculloch,Depth 1095m 07/18/2013,18:21:57,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,18:22:12,kerrymcculloch,transversing over soft sediment with burrows and small mounds, heading towards wp 4 07/18/2013,18:22:25,Andrea Quattrini,monofilament 07/18/2013,18:22:25,kerrymcculloch,ANT 07/18/2013,18:22:38,kerrymcculloch,fishing line wire, plastic 07/18/2013,18:22:46,kerrymcculloch,OCT 07/18/2013,18:22:47,michaelvecchione,OCT 07/18/2013,18:22:53,kerrymcculloch,SHI 07/18/2013,18:24:23,michaelvecchione,FSH 07/18/2013,18:24:25,kerrymcculloch,algae 07/18/2013,18:24:38,michaelvecchione,SHI 07/18/2013,18:24:46,kerrymcculloch,Depth 1095m 07/18/2013,18:25:27,michaelvecchione,FELO cutthroat 07/18/2013,18:25:36,kerrymcculloch,XEN 07/18/2013,18:25:53,michaelvecchione,another 07/18/2013,18:26:22,kerrymcculloch,CRARED multiple 07/18/2013,18:28:09,kerrymcculloch,BUR 07/18/2013,18:28:46,kerrymcculloch,XEN 07/18/2013,18:28:48,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Dicrolene 07/18/2013,18:28:58,Andrea Quattrini,? 07/18/2013,18:29:14,michaelvecchione,XEN 07/18/2013,18:30:08,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,18:30:23,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,18:31:02,michaelvecchione,FSH cusk eel 07/18/2013,18:31:13,michaelvecchione,XEN 07/18/2013,18:31:29,kerrymcculloch,FLAT 07/18/2013,18:31:33,Andrea Quattrini,FSH witch 07/18/2013,18:31:34,michaelvecchione,FLA 07/18/2013,18:32:47,kerrymcculloch,CRARED 07/18/2013,18:33:08,kerrymcculloch,ANT 07/18/2013,18:33:26,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Cyclothone 07/18/2013,18:34:14,kerrymcculloch,CRARED 07/18/2013,18:34:27,Taylor Heyl,many BURs 07/18/2013,18:34:45,Brendan Roark,End of bottom transect moving up slope from Base wp 07/18/2013,Lat 39d50.5156 N lon70d28.2017 N 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,18:39:28,michaelvecchione,FSH halosaur 07/18/2013,18:40:44,Taylor Heyl,BUR 07/18/2013,18:42:15,Taylor Heyl,SQS 07/18/2013,18:42:17,Taylor Heyl,SQD 07/18/2013,18:42:24,michaelvecchione,SQD 07/18/2013,18:42:30,michaelvecchione,zoom? 07/18/2013,18:43:42,michaelvecchione,Nice. Thanks. I am pretty sure they are Gonatus fabricii (boreal armhook squid). 07/18/2013,18:44:12,michaelvecchione,XEN 07/18/2013,18:44:32,michaelvecchione,cuttlefish have an internal calcareous shell 07/18/2013,18:46:23,michaelvecchione,Cuttlefish taste great. 07/18/2013,18:46:44,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,18:46:49,Taylor Heyl,XEN multiple 07/18/2013,18:47:49,michaelvecchione,JFH 07/18/2013,18:48:10,michaelvecchione,FSH cusk eel 07/18/2013,18:48:21,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Dicrolene 07/18/2013,18:48:48,michaelvecchione,JFH 07/18/2013,18:48:54,Scott France,Nice transition! 07/18/2013,18:49:08,michaelvecchione,thanks 07/18/2013,18:49:09,Scott France,Hydromeduae? 07/18/2013,18:49:35,michaelvecchione,shark 07/18/2013,18:49:46,Andrea Quattrini,FSH black dogfish 07/18/2013,18:49:50,Brendan Roark,depth 1064 m 07/18/2013,18:50:39,Taylor Heyl,Vertical wall in view, Depth 1069 meters 07/18/2013,18:50:47,Taylor Heyl,Horizontal layers in wall 07/18/2013,18:50:54,Scott France,For JFH, from Claudia Mills website: trachymedusa Voragonema (was Benthocodon). This species is usually found near the bottom in very deep water and may be worldwide in distribution. 07/18/2013,18:50:55,robertcarney,ROC/SED junction at an angle 07/18/2013,18:52:36,robertcarney,CHUTE 07/18/2013,18:52:55,michaelvecchione,CTE Bathocyroe 07/18/2013,18:53:06,Brendan Roark,DVL 05wall05 39d50.5385 N 70d28.1499 W 07/18/2013,18:53:15,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Coryphaneoides 07/18/2013,18:53:28,Brendan Roark,Depth 1056 m 07/18/2013,18:53:36,robertcarney,ASR 3 07/18/2013,18:54:10,michaelvecchione,more snow in te water here 07/18/2013,18:54:12,robertcarney,ASR several 07/18/2013,18:54:30,shanklab,scattered slabs around wall 07/18/2013,18:54:35,shanklab,CRARED x2 07/18/2013,18:54:42,shanklab,FSH skate 07/18/2013,18:55:30,robertcarney,CHI on slab 07/18/2013,18:55:38,Brendan Roark,temp 4.5 C 07/18/2013,18:55:53,shanklab,SPO yellow on slab? 07/18/2013,18:56:26,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,18:56:54,Scott France,CORO stoloniferous 07/18/2013,18:57:08,Andrea Quattrini,CORO Solenosmilia 07/18/2013,18:57:17,michaelvecchione,shark 07/18/2013,18:57:22,Scott France,CORO Clavularia 07/18/2013,18:57:31,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Cottunculus 07/18/2013,18:57:44,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,18:58:13,Scott France,CORG Thouarella 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,18:58:19,Scott France,x2 07/18/2013,18:58:56,Scott France,Lots of octocorals here! Just like we predicted, right Tim! ;-) 07/18/2013,18:59:17,michaelvecchione,FSH Cyclothone 07/18/2013,18:59:22,Scott France,CORG Thouarella 07/18/2013,18:59:54,Scott France,Temperature here? 07/18/2013,19:00:23,robertcarney,OPH small red 07/18/2013,19:01:08,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:01:11,robertcarney,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:01:21,Scott France,Many CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013,Many CORG Thouarella 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:01:28,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,19:01:50,michaelvecchione,ACN 07/18/2013,19:01:50,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,19:01:54,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 07/18/2013,19:02:27,Taylor Heyl,SER worms 07/18/2013,19:02:33,Scott France,Looks like dead CORA Parantipathes perhaps 07/18/2013,19:03:45,Taylor Heyl,HYD on Parantipathes 07/18/2013,19:03:49,Taylor Heyl,COR Swiftia 07/18/2013,19:03:56,Taylor Heyl,COR Bamboo 07/18/2013,19:03:57,Walter Cho,no, that's okay 07/18/2013,19:04:24,Andrea Quattrini,CORO abundant here 07/18/2013,19:04:30,Andrea Quattrini,FSH skate 07/18/2013,19:04:31,Taylor Heyl,many bamboo in the distance and Thouarella in the foreground 07/18/2013,19:04:45,Taylor Heyl,Zooming in on Thouarella with OPH 07/18/2013,19:04:52,Taylor Heyl,OPH on Swiftia 07/18/2013,19:05:01,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1050 meters 07/18/2013,19:05:05,Taylor Heyl,Hdg. 49.7 07/18/2013,19:05:31,Scott France,HYD on THouarella dead parts 07/18/2013,19:05:48,Taylor Heyl,encrusting SPO 07/18/2013,19:06:01,Taylor Heyl,tiny white OPH 07/18/2013,19:08:15,Taylor Heyl,many COR bamboo 07/18/2013,19:09:01,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:10:08,Taylor Heyl,FSH 07/18/2013,19:10:34,Andrea Quattrini,Gadiropsaurus ?ensis 07/18/2013,19:10:57,Brendan Roark,DVL 07 DSC lots of bamboo medium size 07/18/2013,Lat 39d50.5447 N 70d28.1457 W 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:12:14,leswatling,very beautiful bamboos! 07/18/2013,19:12:22,leswatling,nice shot of the base 07/18/2013,19:12:36,Taylor Heyl,HYD 07/18/2013,19:12:45,Taylor Heyl,live polyp clump 07/18/2013,19:14:02,leswatling,I think those are bamboo polyps. 07/18/2013,19:14:27,leswatling,We have seen similar clumps of polyps on primnoids that have been disturbed in some way. 07/18/2013,19:14:41,Scott France,I agree - but are they remnants of what was on that branch, or newly settled larvae strating to regrow over branch... 07/18/2013,19:14:48,Scott France,I think remnants. 07/18/2013,19:15:01,leswatling,agree with remants 07/18/2013,19:15:09,jasonchaytor,wild geology hypothesis time - it think what we are seeing here, with slabs of the rock breaking up and sitting on top of wide ledges which are also in places undercut to the point where they lose the support and breaking in a tabular fashion is a snapshot of the mechanism by which these canyons grow wider. Rather than being continuely modified via catastrophic wall failures, the mechanism may be progressive and quite slow 07/18/2013,19:15:37,Taylor Heyl,SHI red 07/18/2013,19:15:42,Scott France,CORG bamboo Acanella 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:15:52,michaelvecchione,SHI 07/18/2013,19:16:03,leswatling,I like that, especially since the walls her are primarily carbonate. 07/18/2013,19:16:09,Taylor Heyl,No visible associates on Acanella 07/18/2013,19:16:29,Scott France,Holdfast extended in "fingers" over bottom 07/18/2013,19:17:12,leswatling,Scott you must be getting the video about 6-8 seconds before me... 07/18/2013,19:17:27,Scott France,Come one - I'm just a faster typist! ;-) 07/18/2013,19:17:40,Scott France,But obviously not a better typist... 07/18/2013,19:17:53,jasonchaytor,these potentially carbonate rich layers seem to have become the locus of erosion (by whatever means that erosion is carried out) 07/18/2013,19:18:01,leswatling,yeah but I didn't see the fingers until after you had mentioned them.... signal is taking the long way to Maine... 07/18/2013,19:19:30,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,19:19:33,Taylor Heyl,x2 07/18/2013,19:19:54,kerrymcculloch,XEN 07/18/2013,19:20:01,Taylor Heyl,COR Swiftia 07/18/2013,19:20:28,Taylor Heyl,skate egg case on seafloor 07/18/2013,19:21:01,Taylor Heyl,COR Acanthagorgia x2 07/18/2013,19:21:06,Taylor Heyl,COR CUP 07/18/2013,19:21:09,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 07/18/2013,19:21:13,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,19:21:49,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,19:22:08,Taylor Heyl,OPH in Acanthagorgia 07/18/2013,19:22:51,cherylmorrison,CORO Anthomastus 07/18/2013,19:23:21,michaelvecchione,ASR 07/18/2013,19:23:23,Scott France,CORG bamboo Acanella 07/18/2013,19:23:38,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:23:50,Taylor Heyl,HYD on Acanella 07/18/2013,19:23:55,Taylor Heyl,purple POL 07/18/2013,19:24:19,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:24:40,Taylor Heyl,field of CORG bamboo 07/18/2013,19:24:45,Taylor Heyl,on edge of ledge 07/18/2013,19:24:47,Taylor Heyl,FELO 07/18/2013,19:25:57,michaelvecchione,FSH oreo 07/18/2013,19:27:04,Scott France,OCT on wall? 07/18/2013,19:27:22,Taylor Heyl,CORO Acanella 07/18/2013,19:27:24,Taylor Heyl,white SPO 07/18/2013,19:27:25,Taylor Heyl,on wall 07/18/2013,19:27:41,Taylor Heyl,no associates on Acanella 07/18/2013,19:28:25,Andrea Quattrini,CORO Swiftia X2 07/18/2013,19:29:15,Taylor Heyl,zooming in on white object in center of Acanella 07/18/2013,19:29:26,Scott France,Yes - CORG bamboo Acanella 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:30:16,leswatling,there is a scale worm in the Acanella 07/18/2013,19:30:17,Taylor Heyl,orange ACN in center? 07/18/2013,19:30:32,Taylor Heyl,ACN above 07/18/2013,19:30:36,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1041 meters, Hdg. 72 07/18/2013,19:30:47,Brendan Roark,depth 1041 m 07/18/2013,19:31:00,Taylor Heyl,Thank you Les. Couldn't tell what that was... 07/18/2013,19:31:07,leswatling,the scale worm has a bit of bluish hue because the scales on its dorsal side are mostly smorth. 07/18/2013,19:32:20,Taylor Heyl,FSH skate 07/18/2013,19:32:22,Scott France,FSH skate 07/18/2013,19:32:24,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:32:29,Taylor Heyl,COR Swiftia 07/18/2013,19:32:31,Taylor Heyl,x2 07/18/2013,19:32:49,kerrymcculloch,ACN orange 07/18/2013,19:32:53,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Skate 07/18/2013,19:33:19,Taylor Heyl,can only see one eye on that skate 07/18/2013,19:33:27,Taylor Heyl,oh, there's the other one :-) 07/18/2013,19:33:30,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Skate different? 07/18/2013,19:34:01,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,19:34:33,leswatling,why would a skate bury itself in the seds where it is dark all the time? ambush predation I suppose... 07/18/2013,19:35:22,kerrymcculloch,CTE 07/18/2013,19:35:51,Taylor Heyl,FSH rattail 07/18/2013,19:36:09,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis tucked away under ledge 07/18/2013,19:36:35,jasonchaytor,any idea of current speed and direction here? 07/18/2013,19:36:46,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:36:53,Taylor Heyl,COR swiftia x3 07/18/2013,19:36:59,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,19:37:02,michaelvecchione,ASR 07/18/2013,19:38:50,Taylor Heyl,HYD on this COR Swiftia 07/18/2013,19:39:06,Taylor Heyl,XEN at base of bamboo 07/18/2013,19:39:58,michaelvecchione,ASR 07/18/2013,19:41:10,Brendan Roark,did you get that on the coms JAson 07/18/2013,19:41:21,jasonchaytor,sure did, thanks 07/18/2013,19:42:21,Scott France,CORG bamboo ?Keratoisis 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:42:35,Scott France,CORG Swiftia 07/18/2013, 07/18/2013,19:42:40,Taylor Heyl,FSH witch flounder 07/18/2013,19:43:50,Taylor Heyl,object on the seafloor - possibly wood? 07/18/2013,19:44:31,robertcarney,XEN 07/18/2013,19:44:41,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1031 meters, Hdg. 70 07/18/2013,19:45:00,Taylor Heyl,rock with manganese covering 07/18/2013,19:45:01,robertcarney,ASR 07/18/2013,19:45:16,Brendan Roark,Depth 1030 m 07/18/2013,19:45:32,Taylor Heyl,COR Thouarella 07/18/2013,19:45:38,Taylor Heyl,CORO bamboo 07/18/2013,19:45:45,Taylor Heyl,ASR x2 07/18/2013,19:45:53,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 07/18/2013,19:46:44,Taylor Heyl,SHI x3 associates 07/18/2013,19:46:57,Scott France,SHI mysids 07/18/2013,19:47:45,Andrea Quattrini,FSH skate lakre 07/18/2013,19:47:48,Andrea Quattrini,large 07/18/2013,19:48:27,Taylor Heyl,large white SPO on wall 07/18/2013,19:48:42,Taylor Heyl,zooming in on SPO 07/18/2013,19:48:47,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 07/18/2013,19:48:53,Taylor Heyl,Skate egg case 07/18/2013,19:48:54,Andrea Quattrini,EGG skate 07/18/2013,19:49:09,Taylor Heyl,white eggs in SPO 07/18/2013,19:49:44,Taylor Heyl,COR Anthomastus 07/18/2013,19:49:47,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:49:52,Brendan Roark,Depth 1023 m 07/18/2013,19:49:56,Taylor Heyl,CORO bamboo x3 07/18/2013,19:50:31,Taylor Heyl,Zooming inside BUR in wall 07/18/2013,19:50:39,Taylor Heyl,Depth 1022 meters, Temp. 4.6 C 07/18/2013,19:50:47,Taylor Heyl,small orange ACN 07/18/2013,19:50:57,Brendan Roark,temp 4.6 C 07/18/2013,19:51:33,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,19:52:06,Taylor Heyl,FSH skate 07/18/2013,19:52:10,Taylor Heyl,ASR 07/18/2013,19:52:13,Taylor Heyl,x2 07/18/2013,19:52:19,Taylor Heyl,ACN orange 07/18/2013,19:52:34,Andrea Quattrini,several egg cases here. need to get an ID on skates, maybe J. McEachran 07/18/2013,19:52:44,Taylor Heyl,CRARED 07/18/2013,19:55:03,Taylor Heyl,ISO on FSH 07/18/2013,19:55:55,Andrea Quattrini,parasitic? 07/18/2013,19:55:56,Taylor Heyl,Tim is commenting that we dont' see eyelashes on this skate 07/18/2013,19:56:40,amandademopoulos,parasitic isopod 07/18/2013,19:56:42,Taylor Heyl,yes, please get good images of isopod if we can... 07/18/2013,19:57:07,Taylor Heyl,CRARED coming down to visit skate 07/18/2013,19:58:00,leswatling,isopod is probably an aeglid or cirolanid.... 07/18/2013,19:58:10,Brendan Roark,DVL 08top of wall preparing to leave bottom 07/18/2013,Lat 39d50.5457 N lon 70d28.1165 W 07/18/2013,Depth 1010 m 07/18/2013,19:59:27,Scott France,Looks like a cirolanid isopod 07/18/2013,19:59:54,Scott France,Fish lice! 07/18/2013,20:00:02,Taylor Heyl,XEN 07/18/2013,20:03:27,Taylor Heyl,D2 leaving bottom 07/18/2013,20:03:53,Taylor Heyl,Thank you All....another great dive! 07/18/2013,20:04:26,cherylmorrison,Yes, thanks all! 07/18/2013,20:04:38,amandademopoulos,great job, very interesting dive 07/18/2013,20:04:42,lenaickmenot,thanks for this dive 07/18/2013,20:04:51,Andrea Quattrini,corny 07/18/2013,20:05:04,kellywilliams,Thanks for a great dive :) 07/18/2013,20:06:01,Andrea Quattrini,Thanks everyone~Call in at 16:30, 1-866-617-5860, passcode: 1233796 . Great dive today 07/18/2013,20:15:08,michaelvecchione,JFH Solmissus 07/18/2013,20:15:22,michaelvecchione,JFH 07/18/2013,20:16:55,michaelvecchione,FSH Cyclothone 07/18/2013,20:20:56,michaelvecchione,FSH Gempylid 07/18/2013,20:21:18,michaelvecchione,or Serrivomer 07/18/2013,20:21:23,michaelvecchione,CTE 07/18/2013,20:23:14,michaelvecchione,SHI 07/18/2013,20:23:45,michaelvecchione,CTE 07/18/2013,20:58:34,kelleyelliott,Update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The ROV is currently being recovered. Once it is secured on deck, we will conduct CTD operations overtop of todays's dive site and collect water samples. Following CTD operations, we'll conduct multibeam mapping operations in the area overnight until arriving on site for tomorrow's dive at Block Canyon. ROV deployment is planned for 0830. 07/18/2013,21:42:13,iscwatch,hey please switch the feed when you get the chance