04/19/2012,00:26:30,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 1925 hours. Currently, the ROV is on deck and we are conducting multibeam mapping operations south of the Mississippi River Delta.  The ROV is scheduled to dive at 0800. The water depth at our position is approximately 1200m. Our present heading is 305° at a position of 28° 40'N, 088° 41'W. 04/19/2012,01:50:07,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 2050 hours. Currently, the ROV is on deck and we are conducting multibeam mapping operations south of the Mississippi River Delta.  The ROV is scheduled to dive at 0800 tomorrow morning. 04/19/2012,03:41:05,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 2240 hours. Currently, the ROV is on deck and we are conducting multibeam mapping operations south of the Mississippi River Delta.  The ROV is scheduled to dive at 0800 tomorrow morning. 04/19/2012,08:04:41,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0302 hours. Currently, the ROV is on deck and we are conducting multibeam mapping operations offshore of South Pass of the Mississippi River.  The ROV is scheduled to dive at 0800. 04/19/2012,11:43:59,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0643 hours. Currently, the ROV is on deck and we are secure from multibeam mapping operations offshore of South Pass of the Mississippi River.  The ROV is scheduled to dive at 0800. 04/19/2012,13:25:22,kelleyelliott,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Kelley Elliott speaking. The local EX time is 0825 hours. We are currently preparing to deploy the ROV for a dive on a shipwreck referred to as site 359.  04/19/2012,13:32:05,santiagoherrera,what is todays dive number? 04/19/2012,13:32:24,Erin Becker,Today is Dive 07 04/19/2012,13:34:04,santiagoherrera,thank you 04/19/2012,13:38:12,Jamie Austin,This is the Okeanos Explorer. Vehicles are in the water, for Dive 07. We will be diving on a shipwreck today, in approximately 400 m of water east of the Mississippi Canyon. A beautiful day, and we anticipate an exciting dive, Join us! 04/19/2012,13:38:17,santiagoherrera,WHOI started recording EX1203_DIVE07_20120419_1 04/19/2012,13:43:47,danwarren,did we lose I 1 feed 04/19/2012,13:44:08,danwarren,disregard, I have it back 04/19/2012,13:46:30,Jamie Austin,Vehicles are passing 200 m. 04/19/2012,13:51:49,Jamie Austin,Vehicles are passing 300 m. 04/19/2012,13:54:49,Jamie Austin,Currents pushing the vehicles to the S. 04/19/2012,13:56:00,Jamie Austin,Visual of the seafloor - Little Herc. 04/19/2012,13:58:29,Jamie Austin,Assessing visibility. Generally smooth seafloor. 04/19/2012,13:59:02,Jamie Austin,Small burrows, small fish. 04/19/2012,13:59:08,danwarren,seafloor is flat and featureless in this area based on geophysical data 04/19/2012,13:59:11,Erin Becker,acn 04/19/2012,14:00:07,Erin Becker,lots of fish 04/19/2012,14:00:35,Erin Becker,compared to the deeper sites we visited earlier in the cruise 04/19/2012,14:00:57,Jamie Austin,The vehicles are ~20 m SW of the site, assessing current and visibility. Depth of Little Herc is 398 m. 04/19/2012,14:03:05,robertcarney,squid 04/19/2012,14:03:12,michaelvecchione,yes please 04/19/2012,14:05:10,robertcarney,temperature? 04/19/2012,14:05:35,Jamie Austin,We will move the ship down-current (to the S), then approach the site with the vehicles facing NE. 04/19/2012,14:05:57,danwarren,how much current? 04/19/2012,14:06:39,michaelvecchione,I have seen probable hatchetfish, viperfish and myctophids 04/19/2012,14:06:52,Erin Becker,Temp = 23.2 degrees C 04/19/2012,14:07:59,Erin Becker,sorry, that is external temperature 04/19/2012,14:08:29,Erin Becker,wait that is correct. 04/19/2012,14:08:42,Erin Becker,I'm used to reading the temperature from the realtimedata 04/19/2012,14:09:01,Erin Becker,seems warm 04/19/2012,14:09:13,cordeslab,wow, that is pretty warm 04/19/2012,14:09:22,cordeslab,sure that's at 400m? 04/19/2012,14:10:42,Erin Becker,ROV CTD temp is 11.1 degrees C 04/19/2012,14:10:44,Erin Becker,final answer 04/19/2012,14:11:14,Erin Becker,the other must have been the air temp 04/19/2012,14:12:15,Jamie Austin,Little Herc loses visibility of the seafloor at slightly more than 4 m off the seafloor. We can see Little Herc from Seirios at a separation of ~15 m. 04/19/2012,14:16:46,Jamie Austin,We are picking up the wreck on Little Herc sector scanning sonar. Moving to the south of the wreck, to establish the vehicles down-current for an up-current approach. 04/19/2012,14:17:33,danwarren,Rigging is in the area we are approaching based on other data 04/19/2012,14:17:37,michaelvecchione,SQUID Enoploteuthid 04/19/2012,14:19:14,Catalina Martinez,FYI - all I1 feeds look great from the ISC 04/19/2012,14:25:00,kelleyelliott,Welcome to the dive, Doug! 04/19/2012,14:25:31,Jamie Austin,About 7 m from one end of the wreck. Bow or stern? 04/19/2012,14:25:42,danwarren,can we get a screen grab off the sector scanning sonar please 04/19/2012,14:27:31,danwarren,We think bow but this is the first time had a real good look at this site so we need to confirm 04/19/2012,14:29:33,Jamie Austin,Approaching the hull with Little Herc. 04/19/2012,14:30:42,Erin Becker,anyone know for sure what these fish are? 04/19/2012,14:30:42,Jamie Austin,Wreck visible. 04/19/2012,14:32:39,danwarren,doug how is your visibility My I 1 feed is not clear 04/19/2012,14:32:48,danwarren,I2 betters 04/19/2012,14:33:15,Erin Becker,squat lobster - Eumunida 04/19/2012,14:34:38,Erin Becker,acn venus flytrap anemones 04/19/2012,14:34:44,Erin Becker,acn white 04/19/2012,14:34:45,Jamie Austin,Woods structure rising from the seafloor to a height of ~5 m, with cabling from a horizontal platform above the wood structure. Scanning this part of the wreck. 04/19/2012,14:35:25,danwarren,‎OKex audio is low on conference line 04/19/2012,14:36:07,Erin Becker,checking 04/19/2012,14:36:18,michaelvecchione,viperfish 04/19/2012,14:36:31,Catalina Martinez,We are seeing jittery image on feed 1 and it's coming 'in' to the URI network this way - checked the backdoor. Ruling out our CDN, but techs believe it's potentially a sat issue that we can't control 04/19/2012,14:36:48,Erin Becker,increased the level going to the conference call 04/19/2012,14:37:48,catrionamunro,FSH 04/19/2012,14:38:18,catrionamunro,lots of white ACN here 04/19/2012,14:39:07,Erin Becker,so, was that the bow? 04/19/2012,14:40:03,danwarren,The amount of rigging appears to support that it is at the moment 04/19/2012,14:41:46,michaelvecchione,FSH Hake 04/19/2012,14:42:22,catrionamunro,pink venus fly trap ACN 04/19/2012,14:44:17,Jamie Austin,Trend of the long axis of the hull is ~070 degrees. 04/19/2012,14:45:19,danwarren,looks to be the bow . Not sure what is above that the cables are extending up to 04/19/2012,14:46:51,danwarren,I1 not very good 04/19/2012,14:47:07,Jamie Austin,We will begin work our way down the length of wreck, looking at it, while swinging from side to side, to sense the local environment. We will be looking at the south side, or down-current, side of the wreck first. 04/19/2012,14:49:07,Erin Becker,cor - gorgonian? 04/19/2012,14:49:33,catrionamunro,COR paramuricea? 04/19/2012,14:49:37,Catalina Martinez,Update on feed 1 - Our CDN is fine so our techs think it's coming from the satellite - mpeg missing a few frames causes the odd jitters 04/19/2012,14:49:50,danwarren,Can we get the lasers on please 04/19/2012,14:50:11,catrionamunro,SER tubes? 04/19/2012,14:50:24,catrionamunro,looks like a CRA to the right 04/19/2012,14:50:58,kelleyelliott,Hi folks - when you are not talking over the RTS intercom unit, or over the teleconference line, please mute your phone and intercom unit. 04/19/2012,14:51:09,kelleyelliott,This will prevent the feedback you are currently hearing on the party line. 04/19/2012,14:52:56,kelleyelliott13926,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HfLbI06Ww 04/19/2012,14:53:01,danwarren,seeing anemones as in the vk wrecks 04/19/2012,14:53:28,kelleyelliott13926,Stream 2 on YouTube Live 04/19/2012,14:54:56,kelleyelliott13926,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkaPIowF0wY&list 04/19/2012,14:55:12,kelleyelliott13926,Stream 1 on YouTube Live 04/19/2012,14:55:50,catrionamunro,ACN 04/19/2012,14:55:52,catrionamunro,SPO 04/19/2012,14:55:53,catrionamunro,CRA 04/19/2012,14:57:54,danwarren,extensive timber debris here 04/19/2012,14:59:39,dougjones,I've been on the phone with Jack so haven't been listening to the audio for several minutes. Can someone give me an idea of where we are on the wreck? 04/19/2012,15:00:22,danwarren,southern probably port side heading west to east 04/19/2012,15:01:20,dougjones,what is the bottom left screen on video feed 3? 04/19/2012,15:03:18,dougjones,Thanks Dan 04/19/2012,15:03:41,catrionamunro,several venus flytrap ACN 04/19/2012,15:03:44,catrionamunro,CRA 04/19/2012,15:04:09,catrionamunro,is that an OPH? 04/19/2012,15:04:23,catrionamunro,looks like some CORL in the center 04/19/2012,15:04:25,Erin Becker,if it is, it is rather stiff, eh? 04/19/2012,15:04:48,kelleyelliott,Hi folks - it sounds like the live feed on the Nautilus Live feed is better. Check it out at: http://www.nautiluslive.org/live/okeanos 04/19/2012,15:06:27,catrionamunro,clusters of SPO 04/19/2012,15:07:28,Jamie Austin,Scanning down the side of the ship. Vertical ribs are visible. This part of the wreck look more encrusted than the bow(?) section. 04/19/2012,15:08:27,danwarren,possible scupper tube? and chain plate remnants. Can we get a virtual marker here 04/19/2012,15:09:55,Jamie Austin,We will put a virtual marker here. It will be W1. 04/19/2012,15:09:56,danwarren,Doug on your feed are seeing the possible chain plate 04/19/2012,15:10:17,danwarren,we may be near top deck level 04/19/2012,15:11:48,dougjones,Dan, yes I could see that too 04/19/2012,15:12:05,michaelvecchione,salp 04/19/2012,15:14:44,michaelvecchione,I think the salp is genus Thetys (maybe you don't want to know the species name.). 04/19/2012,15:18:01,michaelvecchione,FSH scorpeinid 04/19/2012,15:19:14,Erin Becker,CORP - Paramericea 04/19/2012,15:19:32,Erin Becker,COR 04/19/2012,15:20:50,michaelvecchione,SQD looks like an onychoteuthid 04/19/2012,15:20:51,Erin Becker,Several Paramericea, and some pieces of Lophelia, but no large half-dome-like colonies of Lophelia 04/19/2012,15:22:28,danwarren,virtual marker please 04/19/2012,15:23:55,Jamie Austin,No evidence for external metal sheathing. A lot of evidence for extensive fastening of a wooden hull. This will be marked as W2. 04/19/2012,15:24:13,michaelvecchione,In addition to the large salps, there appear to be some small salps with Phronima inside them 04/19/2012,15:25:19,michaelvecchione,Cutlassfish 04/19/2012,15:25:35,danwarren,look at the size do those frames. 04/19/2012,15:26:13,danwarren,frank who else is with you in silver springs 04/19/2012,15:26:37,Erin Becker,CORP with OPH 04/19/2012,15:27:05,santiagoherrera,lots of salps in the water column 04/19/2012,15:27:36,santiagoherrera,couple of large CORP colonies with asteroschema ophiuroids 04/19/2012,15:28:04,santiagoherrera,serpulid worms SER 04/19/2012,15:28:43,santiagoherrera,lots of plankton and small nekton in the water column 04/19/2012,15:28:52,Erin Becker,some pretty large Paramericea with ophiuroids 04/19/2012,15:28:53,santiagoherrera,ACN venus flytrap 04/19/2012,15:29:01,michaelvecchione,Phronima 04/19/2012,15:29:14,michaelvecchione,SQD 04/19/2012,15:29:24,Catalina Martinez,http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog Check us out on the White House Blog! Unsure if the potential spike in viewers from this post is impacting the CDN hosting our I1 stream. Doesn't appear to be the case, and the CDN was forewarned, but still assessing. . . 04/19/2012,15:29:25,santiagoherrera,more abundant CORP on the edge of the ship 04/19/2012,15:29:51,santiagoherrera,FSH 04/19/2012,15:31:17,santiagoherrera,SPO 04/19/2012,15:32:04,santiagoherrera,port side of the ship 04/19/2012,15:32:19,santiagoherrera,SQA Munidopsis 04/19/2012,15:32:24,santiagoherrera,ACN cerianthid 04/19/2012,15:33:14,frankcantelas,We are also on YouTube Live - http://www.youtube.com/user/oceanexplorergov?feature=mhee 04/19/2012,15:34:28,santiagoherrera,curly OPH with very long arms 04/19/2012,15:34:56,danwarren,virtual marker here please 04/19/2012,15:35:07,santiagoherrera,nice Paramuricea colonies 04/19/2012,15:37:11,santiagoherrera,incredible abundance of sessile and pelagic organisms 04/19/2012,15:37:47,santiagoherrera,likely vertical migrators 04/19/2012,15:38:02,santiagoherrera,more CORP Paramuricea 04/19/2012,15:38:33,santiagoherrera,CORL small colony 04/19/2012,15:38:45,santiagoherrera,SPO 04/19/2012,15:38:56,danwarren,lophelia 04/19/2012,15:39:30,Jamie Austin,The third virtual marker was W3. 04/19/2012,15:41:11,santiagoherrera,SQA 04/19/2012,15:41:26,santiagoherrera,CORP 04/19/2012,15:41:31,santiagoherrera,CORP 04/19/2012,15:41:42,santiagoherrera,CORL 04/19/2012,15:42:10,michaelvecchione,Pyrosome 04/19/2012,15:42:46,Jamie Austin,Cables trailing from the wreck towards the seafloor. 04/19/2012,15:42:59,santiagoherrera,more Paramuricea here at the base of the wreck 04/19/2012,15:43:14,santiagoherrera,with OPH 04/19/2012,15:44:25,michaelvecchione,The long fishes may be trichiurids and/or gempylids 04/19/2012,15:45:50,santiagoherrera,CORL and CORP more abundant at the edge of the ship 04/19/2012,15:45:55,santiagoherrera,larger colonies 04/19/2012,15:47:35,santiagoherrera,net 04/19/2012,15:49:03,santiagoherrera,CROP with OPH 04/19/2012,15:51:27,santiagoherrera,reached the bow 04/19/2012,15:51:38,santiagoherrera,colonized by CORL 04/19/2012,15:51:40,Jamie Austin,We have reached the other end of the hull. Bow or stern? 04/19/2012,15:52:00,Erin Becker,good shot of some Lophelia colonies 04/19/2012,15:52:02,santiagoherrera,not as much Lophelia as we have seen in other wrecks 04/19/2012,15:52:11,santiagoherrera,SQA 04/19/2012,15:52:19,Erin Becker,hard to see where they are attached exactly 04/19/2012,15:52:20,santiagoherrera,ACN venus flytrap 04/19/2012,15:52:44,santiagoherrera,CROP here as well 04/19/2012,15:53:59,danwarren,is that part of the rudder head 04/19/2012,15:55:19,cordeslab,Actinostolid anemones? 04/19/2012,15:58:24,Erin Becker,netting 04/19/2012,16:05:37,Jamie Austin,We have dropped three more virtual markers - W4 - cables down the side of the hull, W5 - view of the side of the ship, W6 - end (stern?) of the hull. 04/19/2012,16:06:55,Jamie Austin,We will plan to hop up and over the stern(?) of the wreck, then work our way up the other side. First, we will inspect the end of the ship. 04/19/2012,16:11:21,Jamie Austin,A red pintel/gudgeon (part of the rudder assembly?) in view. This will be WP7. Confirmation that this is the stern of the ship. 04/19/2012,16:13:09,Jamie Austin,The rudder is nowhere in view - it appears to have been removed. 04/19/2012,16:15:18,Jamie Austin,The gudgeon is viewed as being bronze, which may suggest an age of the wreck slightly earlier than initially thought. 04/19/2012,16:21:59,cordeslab,Andrea here 04/19/2012,16:22:06,Jamie Austin,We will drop a virtual target, W7, for perceived beams on the seafloor near the stern. 04/19/2012,16:22:49,cordeslab,large phycid hakes 04/19/2012,16:27:53,cordeslab,FSH hoplostethus 04/19/2012,16:29:09,Jamie Austin,Good view of ribs, starboard side near the stern. 04/19/2012,16:29:47,cordeslab,SQA E picta 04/19/2012,16:32:08,Jamie Austin,Looking at rib debris. 04/19/2012,16:34:51,Jamie Austin,Another virtual target dropped, W8, for debris. 04/19/2012,16:39:15,Jamie Austin,Blow-out of the starboard flank ending, as we move forward along the starboard side. Good view of more intact vertical ribs. 04/19/2012,16:46:31,catrionamunro,COR paramuricea? 04/19/2012,16:46:38,catrionamunro,with OPh 04/19/2012,16:46:57,catrionamunro,SQA x2 04/19/2012,16:50:07,Jamie Austin,Good view of planking; some of it remarkably intact. 04/19/2012,16:50:54,michaelvecchione,I just received a question: Can the pilot cam be put onto Stream2? 04/19/2012,16:54:37,danwarren,welcome back kim 04/19/2012,16:56:01,michaelvecchione,Thanks for the pilot cam 04/19/2012,16:56:36,Erin Becker,what kind of fish is that? 04/19/2012,16:56:40,Erin Becker,the vertical skinny one 04/19/2012,16:57:42,michaelvecchione,Probably trichiurid (cutlassfish) 04/19/2012,16:58:10,Erin Becker,ok, thanks 04/19/2012,16:58:13,Catalina Martinez,Just know that the ISC records the feeds for the dives in their entirety and if you switch to pilot cam, that means we don't record Seirios. . just want to be clear. 04/19/2012,16:59:05,kimfaulk,Great looking wreck 04/19/2012,17:01:25,michaelvecchione,SQD 04/19/2012,17:01:55,Erin Becker,Correct, we are not recording seirios, but at this point we are not getting much value from the seirios camera 04/19/2012,17:02:03,Erin Becker,visibility is very low 04/19/2012,17:02:58,Erin Becker,we do have it up on one of the monitors here and we can't even see the wreck 04/19/2012,17:05:13,danwarren,see the fastener holes 04/19/2012,17:05:15,kimfaulk,are those fastener holes? 04/19/2012,17:05:25,kimfaulk,nice - Dan - simultaneous thinking 04/19/2012,17:07:01,kimfaulk,rigging? 04/19/2012,17:07:15,danwarren,possible knee at bottom left 04/19/2012,17:08:02,dougjones,Dan, agreed -- I was just looking at that too. 04/19/2012,17:10:36,danwarren,I cannot see the lasers well, can anyone get the size of the timbers 04/19/2012,17:11:57,kimfaulk,I can't see it either Dan. I think Doug might have the better feed 04/19/2012,17:12:11,Erin Becker,I noticed that they weren't easy to see but they were visible on the farther timbers when we were up over the top 04/19/2012,17:13:30,michaelvecchione,FSH roughys 04/19/2012,17:17:27,Jamie Austin,WP 12 - possible hawsepipe. 04/19/2012,17:19:16,cordeslab,They are not orange, but same genus 04/19/2012,17:19:18,michaelvecchione,western roughy 04/19/2012,17:22:00,Jamie Austin,Looking at stays and a piece of the stem-post holding the bowsprit, or the bowsprit itself. 04/19/2012,17:25:30,Jamie Austin,Maneuvering to look down the center-line of the ship, from the bow. 04/19/2012,17:26:11,kimfaulk,the top of the stem post looks very intact - and free of colonization 04/19/2012,17:29:40,Jamie Austin,Close-up of the cable near the bow confirms that it is braided wire rope. Prevailing wisdom from the beach suggests that this evidence, in concert with the bronze gudgeon at the stern, confirms a late 19th-early 20th century age for the ship. 04/19/2012,17:39:50,Jamie Austin,Getting ready to look inside the wreck, near the bow. 04/19/2012,17:40:37,santiagoherrera,large CORP colony 04/19/2012,17:42:01,dougjones,Can we get a virtual marker please if not done already 04/19/2012,17:43:04,santiagoherrera,several more CORP colonies with OPH 04/19/2012,17:43:06,Jamie Austin,Looking at metal features that could be a bollard and a capstan. There may be displacement of these features. 04/19/2012,17:44:04,Erin Becker,Several Paramuricea around the metal feature 04/19/2012,17:45:57,Erin Becker,CORP with OPH 04/19/2012,17:53:27,Jamie Austin,View of what may be a water tank sitting on the starboard side of the bow area. 04/19/2012,17:55:11,Jamie Austin,Riveting of the tank consistent with construction up to WWI. 04/19/2012,18:09:07,danwarren,What is the plan? When we finish here can we continue aft in the interior of the wreck 04/19/2012,18:09:11,Jamie Austin,Back outside the starboard side forward, waiting for a ship move. 04/19/2012,18:10:35,robertcarney,per tubes can you zoom on ends at some point? 04/19/2012,18:14:23,Jamie Austin,Good view of the inner side of the outer hull, port side. 04/19/2012,18:14:26,robertcarney,tubes here are feather duster worms...not versimentiferans 04/19/2012,18:14:28,santiagoherrera,the tube worms looked like serpulids to me 04/19/2012,18:14:37,santiagoherrera,right 04/19/2012,18:14:54,Erin Becker,cool, thanks. i will get a zoom when we are looking straight at some of them 04/19/2012,18:26:44,danwarren,i would like to go back and get more detail in the area around virtual marker 1 to take a look at potential scuppers 04/19/2012,18:27:14,kimfaulk,agreed Dan 04/19/2012,18:31:58,Jamie Austin,Beam lying inside the hull with notches in it. 04/19/2012,18:32:38,robertcarney,burrows acn burrowing etc in mud...no color mottling 04/19/2012,18:33:39,robertcarney,daviT? 04/19/2012,18:33:49,robertcarney,good otter board 04/19/2012,18:34:04,frankcantelas,drop a target here 04/19/2012,18:36:42,michaelvecchione,FSH scorpaenid 04/19/2012,18:41:43,Jamie Austin,Heading for the stern. Going to look at the gudgeon. 04/19/2012,18:46:09,Jamie Austin,Close-up of the gudgeon. The gudgeon hole is about 10 cm across. 04/19/2012,18:48:15,kimfaulk,the gudgeon looks very similar to one in St. Augustine at LAMP 04/19/2012,18:48:21,kimfaulk,same dimensions 04/19/2012,18:55:42,Erin Becker,some imagery of lophelia on a net. difficult to tell where it is attached 04/19/2012,18:56:16,Erin Becker,time 18:54:19 shows possible attachment 04/19/2012,18:59:05,michaelvecchione,EEL probably conger 04/19/2012,19:02:02,kimfaulk,looks like there might have been an iron bolt there in the past 04/19/2012,19:02:24,kimfaulk,looks like rust around the hole 04/19/2012,19:02:57,kimfaulk,looks like a scarf 04/19/2012,19:03:01,kimfaulk,scarph 04/19/2012,19:03:12,kimfaulk,looks like there is one to the right as well 04/19/2012,19:06:17,kimfaulk,i am not seeing any at all 04/19/2012,19:09:20,Jamie Austin,Moving back towards the bow to look at metal fittings there. 04/19/2012,19:21:44,Jamie Austin,test 04/19/2012,19:23:49,kimfaulk,is that a metal fitting to the left? 04/19/2012,19:23:53,kimfaulk,bottom left? 04/19/2012,19:25:45,kimfaulk,nevermin 04/19/2012,19:28:45,Jamie Austin,Zooming into the hawsepipe for a closer look. 04/19/2012,19:29:20,kimfaulk,looks like chain to the upper left 04/19/2012,19:29:29,kimfaulk,two or three links coming off the left 04/19/2012,19:29:45,Jamie Austin,There may be a link of chain within the upper part of the hawsepipe. Scanning lower to see if we can see more. 04/19/2012,19:29:49,danwarren,about 10-12cm per link 04/19/2012,19:32:30,kimfaulk,looks like the hawse pipe was pulled through the hull 04/19/2012,19:32:36,Jamie Austin,Looks like thew hawsepipe has been pulled clear of the hull. 04/19/2012,19:33:13,kimfaulk,is that the end of the hawse pipe to the left? 04/19/2012,19:35:01,kimfaulk,looks like a square fastener 04/19/2012,19:35:07,kimfaulk,to the left of the lasers 04/19/2012,19:36:32,Jamie Austin,Going to the other side of the bow. 04/19/2012,19:40:00,Jamie Austin,Knee frame(?), port side of the bow. 04/19/2012,19:40:35,kimfaulk,looks cupric 04/19/2012,19:40:46,kimfaulk,i would say barrel hoops, but not made of copper 04/19/2012,19:42:09,kimfaulk,what is the roundish item in the center of the screen? 04/19/2012,19:42:26,kimfaulk,very disarticulated timber 04/19/2012,19:42:40,kimfaulk,i thnk that is a breast hook Jack 04/19/2012,19:43:27,kimfaulk,to the left 04/19/2012,19:44:31,kimfaulk,look lower please 04/19/2012,19:45:03,kimfaulk,zoom bottom center on rounded object please 04/19/2012,19:45:17,kimfaulk,too far 04/19/2012,19:46:02,kimfaulk,it looks geared at the top 04/19/2012,19:46:28,kimfaulk,could be a capstan or a windless drum 04/19/2012,19:51:51,Jamie Austin,Going to go for another look at suspected bollard/capstan/windlass. 04/19/2012,19:53:35,danwarren,maybe the other hawse pipe too 04/19/2012,19:54:45,kimfaulk,what are the dimensions? 04/19/2012,19:54:50,Jamie Austin,Back at the suspected bollard/capstan. 04/19/2012,19:56:32,Jamie Austin,No spoke holes visible. Probably not a capstan. 04/19/2012,19:59:02,Jamie Austin,Moving both Seirios and Little Herc to the port side of the bow of the vessel. 04/19/2012,20:07:04,Jamie Austin,About to investigate bow machinery/fittings, with both vehicles in position on the port side. 04/19/2012,20:09:41,kimfaulk,looks like iron staining on the hull/ceiling planking in front of you 04/19/2012,20:09:50,kimfaulk,potentially fasteners in those locations? 04/19/2012,20:10:33,kimfaulk,the texture looks like a product of the wood degrading - similar to what you see in freshwater 04/19/2012,20:13:53,kimfaulk,these timbers are in remarkably good shape for being as disarticulated as they are 04/19/2012,20:17:18,kimfaulk,is that an anchor fluke to the left 04/19/2012,20:17:46,Jamie Austin,Anchor is visible. Fluke to the right? 04/19/2012,20:17:52,kimfaulk,looks like it 04/19/2012,20:18:03,kimfaulk,much better angle 04/19/2012,20:18:25,kimfaulk,this bow is completely smashed in 04/19/2012,20:18:58,kimfaulk,it could be a spare bower 04/19/2012,20:19:06,frankcantelas,folding stock anchor 04/19/2012,20:21:23,danwarren,how much time left on dive 04/19/2012,20:21:38,frankcantelas,can we plan to take another look at the item that looks like an engine 04/19/2012,20:21:46,kimfaulk,yes please 04/19/2012,20:23:46,kimfaulk,bells are also known for being put on different ships after serving their time on a particular vessel - they can be a red herring 04/19/2012,20:25:00,danwarren,after looking at possible engine would like to also look at virtual marker 1 area if there is time 04/19/2012,20:27:26,kimfaulk,looks like the base for a binnacle, but it is the wrong place 04/19/2012,20:28:30,danwarren,how much time do we have left on the dive? 04/19/2012,20:29:59,Erin Becker,half hour 04/19/2012,20:31:19,Erin Becker,correction: 45 min - 1 hour 04/19/2012,20:32:34,Jamie Austin,Windlass visible. 04/19/2012,20:35:20,Jamie Austin,Windlass horizontal, with two chains visible coming from it, headed forward. 04/19/2012,20:37:51,Jamie Austin,Dropping a marker at what could be engine apparatus related to anchor chain/line handling capability on the ship. M13. 04/19/2012,20:38:21,Jamie Austin,Correction - W13. 04/19/2012,20:40:38,danwarren,pan down and right please 04/19/2012,20:40:38,frankcantelas,hard to tell from this angle. we have not seen a boiler but there was a curious boiler like structure near the tank - mostly buried 04/19/2012,20:43:56,Jamie Austin,One engine. Looking at evidence for others - perhaps driving the anchor windlass and bollard/capstan, which is still installed on deck. 04/19/2012,20:44:50,Jamie Austin,Proceedint to visual marker 1 - to look for chain plate. 04/19/2012,20:59:47,Jamie Austin,Scanning the outer hull ,ports side forward. Evidence for double planking, with ribs between. 04/19/2012,21:00:21,Jamie Austin,Scupper pipe? 04/19/2012,21:00:36,kimfaulk,sure looks like a scupper hole 04/19/2012,21:03:39,Jamie Austin,Perhaps made of lead. 04/19/2012,21:05:20,Erin Becker,Good lophelia shot 04/19/2012,21:08:00,danwarren,probably the arm of the anchor 04/19/2012,21:10:19,dougjones,frank mentioned a partially buried boiler type object near the tank. Do we have time to look there 04/19/2012,21:11:17,kimfaulk,1700 works for me 04/19/2012,21:11:46,kimfaulk,nice dive!