04/14/2012,00:20:53,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 1920 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 149°. Position is 28° 39'N, 088° 27'W. 04/14/2012,01:26:55,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 2025 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 327°. Position is 28° 38'N, 088° 27'W. 04/14/2012,02:46:37,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 2145 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 150°. Position is 28° 42'N, 088° 30'W. 04/14/2012,03:53:53,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 2255 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 148°. Position is 28° 38'N, 088° 27'W. 04/14/2012,05:09:36,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Stephanie Farrington speaking. The local EX time is 0027 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 317°. Position is 28° 38'N, 088° 26'W. 04/14/2012,06:16:08,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0115 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 329°. Position is 28° 42'N, 088° 30'W. 04/14/2012,07:23:14,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0220 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 148°. Position is 28° 40'N, 088° 28'W. 04/14/2012,08:52:57,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0852 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 322°. Position is 28° 37'N, 088° 26'W. 04/14/2012,09:27:18,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0925 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 327°. Position is 28° 39'N, 088° 28'W. 04/14/2012,10:42:13,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0542 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome mapping natural seeps.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 149°. Position is 28° 42'N, 088° 29'W. 04/14/2012,11:42:22,okeanosexplorer,This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 0642 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome transiting to today’s dive site.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1400m. Our present heading is 330°. Position is 28° 39'N, 088° 27'W. 04/14/2012,13:13:13,tomweber,good morning. nice looking methane bucket. 04/14/2012,13:35:24,Jamie Austin,This is the Okeanos Explorer. Vehicles are in the water for Dive 03. This is a return to Biloxi Salt Dome - site A. We are returning to a designated area of gas/bubble escape from the seafloor, designated Seep 2. Our primary objective is to sample some of this gas/some of these bubbles. We expect (although we do not yet know) that this gas will form hydrate, upon entering our sampling device, a clear cylinder of 8335.771 cu. cm, which has been affixed to the front of Little Herc in a rigid frame. An additional light is also now fixed to the left of the frame next to the cylinder, fitted with a blue filter which we will experiment with to see if visibility of bubbles escaping the seafloor will be enhanced using it. After we have filled the cylinder to ~10% of its volume, we will rise at ~10 m/min to a water depth of ~300 m, to watch change of the hydrate to gas (if hydrate forms), or expansion of the gas, as we rise. We will attempt to estimate the volume of the gas that we have collected. This collection/ascension and expansion process will be repeated, if time allows. Vehicles are now passing 300. We estimate the seafloor in approximately 45 min. 04/14/2012,13:37:23,Catalina Martinez,Good morning folks. Internet 1 is not working. Folks at the ISC are troubleshooting. . .stay tuned 04/14/2012,13:48:12,Jamie Austin,Vehicles are passing 600 m. 04/14/2012,13:56:03,Jamie Austin,Vehicles re passing 800 m. 04/14/2012,14:03:13,Jamie Austin,Vehicles are passing 1000 m. 04/14/2012,14:10:44,Jamie Austin,Vehicles are passing 1200 m. On the bottom in approximately 5 minutes. 04/14/2012,14:14:39,Jamie Austin,Little Herc is ~100 m off the seafloor. The ROV is south of Seep 2. Seirios is 15-20 m SW of the seep, Sector scanning from Seirios shows a target that could be gas. 04/14/2012,14:17:33,Jamie Austin,We are on the seafloor. Depth is 1346 m. 04/14/2012,14:21:20,Jamie Austin,Smooth seafloor. Camera panned down a bit. Shadows from the frame in front of Little Herc that is holding our gas collection bucket are creating shadows on the seafloor. 04/14/2012,14:22:30,michaelvecchione,I just joined but am getting nothing on the I1 feed. 04/14/2012,14:23:02,kelleyelliott,Hi folks - our Ocean Explorer Internet1 feeds are down. Feed one and two are still working at: http://www.nautiluslive.org/live/okeanos 04/14/2012,14:24:42,kelleyelliott,You can join the telecon by dialing 1-866-617-5860 , passcode 1233796#. 04/14/2012,14:24:49,Jamie Austin,Vehicles now west of the seep 2 location. 04/14/2012,14:25:26,Jamie Austin,Some bacterial staining. This has been indicative of proximity of gas escape in the past. 04/14/2012,14:26:35,Jamie Austin,Sector scanning on Seirios shows evidence for target at approximate expected location of seep 2. Gas in the water column? 04/14/2012,14:27:32,Jamie Austin,Arrival at seep 2. 04/14/2012,14:29:09,Jamie Austin,No viisible bubble escape as yet. 04/14/2012,14:37:55,Jamie Austin,Doing a close inspection of the side of the ridge associated with what we think of Seep 2. 04/14/2012,14:38:06,Jamie Austin,Bubbles viisble. 04/14/2012,14:41:12,tomweber,nice short of lasers on carbonate formation at bubble source 04/14/2012,14:41:28,Erin Becker,We've found the exact same place where we saw the two bubble streams on Dive 01 that we called Seep 2 04/14/2012,14:41:36,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67543, -88.46928 04/14/2012,Depth: 1361.5m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 1.5m 04/14/2012,Heading: 51.9 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.3749 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67538, -88.46945 04/14/2012,Depth: 1348.0m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 16.2m 04/14/2012,Heading: 55.4 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.37942 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,14:42:23,tomweber,hydrate on bottom of carbonate 04/14/2012,14:43:25,tomweber,methane bucket top is open 04/14/2012,14:46:15,tomweber,nice zoom on bubble source 04/14/2012,14:47:07,Erin Becker,Bubble release at a rate of about 1 every 5 seconds 04/14/2012,14:47:18,tomweber,lasers on bubble source 04/14/2012,14:47:21,Erin Becker,Looks like two discrete sources 04/14/2012,14:48:16,Erin Becker,one on the left near the smaller rock and one on the right coming out from under the lip of the carbonate 04/14/2012,14:49:07,Erin Becker,with both sources together, the rate is about 1 bubble every 2-3 seconds (every 5 seconds for each source alone). 04/14/2012,14:49:42,Jamie Austin,Positioning the vehicle for optimal video viewing of bubble streams. Lasers are on. We are seeing two discreet sources of gas, from under the lip of a carbonate hardground outcrop. Bubble size on each stream appears similar. Faster than the other day? 04/14/2012,14:51:10,Erin Becker,Bubble streams about 10 cm apart. The diameter of the bucket is about 15cm, so we may be able to capture both bubble streams at once 04/14/2012,14:55:25,Erin Becker,Moving Little Herc to a different heading so that we can see the bubbles and the bucket from the side in the Seirios view 04/14/2012,14:56:36,Erin Becker,Looks like 3 discrete streams from this angle 04/14/2012,14:57:03,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67542, -88.46926 04/14/2012,Depth: 1362.5m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.4m 04/14/2012,Heading: 357.7 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.3682 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67535, -88.46938 04/14/2012,Depth: 1348.1m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 59.3 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.37882 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,14:58:59,Erin Becker,Diameter of cylinder is 15.2 cm, but there is a flared edge, at least another few centimeters 04/14/2012,15:00:25,Jamie Austin,Therre are 3 discrete streams. Two to the left, one from the lip of the carbonate hardground to the left, a hole in front of that lip to the left, and from under the lip of the same hardground to the right. Width of escaping gas is ~10 m. 04/14/2012,15:00:39,Erin Becker,guessing about 20 to 25cm in diameter for the bottom of the flare 04/14/2012,15:06:01,Jamie Austin,Correction - preceding comment from me should have been ~10 CM. 04/14/2012,15:09:40,Erin Becker,Since Tom has estimated that it will take about a half hour to fill a quarter of the bucket, the ROV pilots have suggested that we sit down to stabilize during collection 04/14/2012,15:10:40,Erin Becker,The danger being sediment in the water obstructing the view and perturbing the flow 04/14/2012,15:11:37,Erin Becker,We were thinking about turning the HMI lights off and using the blue light mounted on the bucket frame to get better color balance, but the pilots have decided that we can see well enough with the HMI lights 04/14/2012,15:20:09,tomweber,view of bubbles from side, good lighting from Seiros 04/14/2012,15:23:01,Jamie Austin,Beginning bubble capture attempt,. 04/14/2012,15:23:41,tomweber,tube is still open 04/14/2012,15:24:01,Erin Becker,Trying to capture all three bubbles 04/14/2012,15:24:45,tomweber,capturing gas 04/14/2012,15:24:52,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67545, -88.46921 04/14/2012,Depth: 1362.7m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 344.0 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.3638 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67540, -88.46933 04/14/2012,Depth: 1354.9m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 68.4m 04/14/2012,Heading: 51.1 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.36652 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Now capturing gas 04/14/2012,15:24:59,Jamie Austin,We are now capturing gas. 04/14/2012,15:26:47,kelleyelliott,http://www.nautiluslive.org/live/okeanos 04/14/2012,15:27:09,robertcarney,I-2 great at LSU 04/14/2012,15:27:53,robertcarney,The nautiluslive feed works great too 04/14/2012,15:28:07,tomweber,little herc is 'hovering' 04/14/2012,15:28:38,tomweber,incredible hob holding position 04/14/2012,15:28:42,Erin Becker,but the front of the frame is nudged up against the rock 04/14/2012,15:28:46,kelleyelliott,Internet1 is still down on the Oceanexplorer website, so we're redirecting folks to the Nautilus live link where feed 1 and 2 are still working. 04/14/2012,15:28:54,tomweber,hob = job 04/14/2012,15:29:23,tomweber,zoom on cylinder 04/14/2012,15:33:36,tomweber,are we sitting on the forward part of the skids? 04/14/2012,15:34:41,tomweber,nice zoom on seirios 04/14/2012,15:34:45,Erin Becker,or actually the flare on the cylinder is nudged onto the rock, but it does seem to be moving a tiny bit relative to the rock 04/14/2012,15:35:00,Erin Becker,nav start time for the beginning of bubble capture is 15:24:20 04/14/2012,15:35:21,Erin Becker,Science (Jamie Austin) also started a stopwatch 04/14/2012,15:35:45,Erin Becker,Hydrate forming on the top left of the cylinder, to the right of the left measuring tape 04/14/2012,15:36:38,tomweber,odd shape floating up to hydrate on top left of cylinder 04/14/2012,15:37:17,tomweber,very large bubble? 04/14/2012,15:41:13,robertcarney,bumping? 04/14/2012,15:41:18,tomweber,nice zoom on bubbles near bottom half of cylinder 04/14/2012,15:47:39,tomweber,still hearing an echo over the audio - is anyone else hearing this? 04/14/2012,15:48:10,Erin Becker,I had heard it only once 04/14/2012,15:48:18,kelleyelliott,Anyone who is not speaking should put their phone on mute to prevent the echo. 04/14/2012,15:48:37,Jamie Austin,We are now 24 minutes into the hydrate/gas collection phase. Hydrate is forming in a cone-like structure along the left flank of the cylinder. 04/14/2012,15:48:46,Erin Becker,i wasn't sure if that was maybe bill is watching the video so that we are hearing the delay through his mic 04/14/2012,15:58:02,tomweber,bubble missed 04/14/2012,15:58:07,tomweber,another bubble missed 04/14/2012,15:59:33,robertcarney,shadows on rock give a frame of reference for movement 04/14/2012,16:01:52,Jamie Austin,We are now 37 minutes into the bubble collection phase. 04/14/2012,16:06:37,robertcarney,? How much accumulation can there be before Lt Herc buoyancy is modified? 04/14/2012,16:09:22,robertcarney,spilling bubbles on rt 04/14/2012,16:14:14,tomweber,escaping bubble - large one 04/14/2012,16:14:29,tomweber,escaping bubble 04/14/2012,16:16:39,Bill Kiene,Question: If the tube was not there, under normal conditions would the bubbles turn to ice as they rise through the water column? 04/14/2012,16:17:04,tomweber,escaping may not be the right word- they may just be occasionaly coming from a different spot on the seafloor 04/14/2012,16:24:22,Jamie Austin,We are now 1 hour into the bubble collection phase. 04/14/2012,16:26:56,Bill Kiene,Great discussion about the bubbles and ice formation. Explains a lot! Thanks! 04/14/2012,16:27:18,robertcarney,hydrate souffle 04/14/2012,16:39:17,tomweber,missed bubble? 04/14/2012,16:42:54,Bill Kiene,Is the methane saturation of the water within the tube likely rising compared to outside the tube? How might this effect how the hydrate forms and how it will dissolve as the tube rises through the water column? 04/14/2012,16:43:56,Jamie Austin,We are now 1 hour 17 minutes into the bubble collection phase. Hydrate has now collected along one side of the cylinder to a maximum extent of between the .2 and .3 divisions on one side, and the other side to between the 0 and .1 divisions. We will end the collection phase at 1 hour 30 minutes. 04/14/2012,16:47:30,Bill Kiene,Thanks. It will be interesting to see. 04/14/2012,16:51:33,robertcarney,Suggestion to extent possible re-video collection points before ascent. 04/14/2012,16:52:46,Jamie Austin,The EK60 is now being sent out on the quad. We will be comparing EK60 data while we are collecting gas from this seep, with data from this echo-sounder after we remove the cylinder and head to the surface. We will also position the vehicles beneath the ship, when we release the gas from the cylinder somewhere above the 500 m water depth, to view any differences in EK60 data at that time. 04/14/2012,16:56:47,Erin Becker,About to rise off of the site 04/14/2012,16:57:16,Erin Becker,Some big bubbles every once in a while 04/14/2012,16:57:18,tomweber,large bubble surrounded by small ones came up a few seconds ago - it will be interesting to see if it fragmented or rose as a group 04/14/2012,16:57:22,Erin Becker,Coming up 04/14/2012,16:57:44,tomweber,1 hour 33 minute duration on gas collection 04/14/2012,16:57:51,Erin Becker,Collected for about 1 hour and 33 minutes 04/14/2012,16:57:54,Jamie Austin,Total gas collection time 1 hour 33 minutes. 04/14/2012,16:58:10,Jamie Austin,Temperature 4.36 C. 04/14/2012,16:58:19,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67548, -88.46926 04/14/2012,Depth: 1359.7m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 3.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 68.8 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.3662 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67546, -88.46937 04/14/2012,Depth: 1344.6m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 64.4 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.36827 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,16:59:16,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67542, -88.46927 04/14/2012,Depth: 1356.1m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 6.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 215.8 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.3691 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67543, -88.46933 04/14/2012,Depth: 1338.5m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 17.4m 04/14/2012,Heading: 65.0 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.36991 04/14/2012,16:59:52,Erin Becker,Dislodged some bubbles that were trapped in the cone at the bottom 04/14/2012,17:00:30,Erin Becker,Went into the cylinder 04/14/2012,17:02:08,tomweber,bubble escape 04/14/2012,17:02:28,Erin Becker,Saw that, probably also from the cone? 04/14/2012,17:02:55,tomweber,another? 04/14/2012,17:03:16,robertcarney,bubble forming lft edge cone ? 04/14/2012,17:06:01,Erin Becker,100 minutes to 300 m depth and 110 min to 200 m depth 04/14/2012,17:07:42,robertcarney,?So if primarily gas the volume should double by 700m? 04/14/2012,17:08:18,tomweber,unless the hydrate rind prevents it 04/14/2012,17:09:05,robertcarney,can't image the skin is stong enough to prevent pressure-drop expnaison 04/14/2012,17:09:05,Bill Kiene,Is the tube sealed now at the bottom, or still open? 04/14/2012,17:09:55,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67528, -88.46946 04/14/2012,Depth: 1279.0m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 20.2m 04/14/2012,Heading: 220.2 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.4234 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67545, -88.46936 04/14/2012,Depth: 1254.9m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 56.8 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.48732 04/14/2012,17:09:58,robertcarney,or expanding bubble will create more haydrate skin and grow smaller 04/14/2012,17:10:34,tomweber,we're all wearing our lab coats here at UNH 04/14/2012,17:17:48,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67525, -88.46950 04/14/2012,Depth: 1193.7m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 20.5m 04/14/2012,Heading: 199.2 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.5567 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67543, -88.46933 04/14/2012,Depth: 1178.8m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 53.6 04/14/2012,Temperature:  4.59009 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,17:18:52,Erin Becker,Can see the vehicles leaving the bottom on the EK60 04/14/2012,17:20:31,Erin Becker,the lines look fairly linear, so we can assume the vehicles are rising at a constant rate 04/14/2012,17:20:43,Erin Becker,Going to begin recording the EK60 04/14/2012,17:23:26,robertcarney,bubbles shifting 04/14/2012,17:32:52,tomweber,little herc: 1050 m 04/14/2012,17:33:17,Erin Becker,temp 4.9 deg C 04/14/2012,17:33:36,robertcarney,extra bubble came up 04/14/2012,17:34:07,tomweber,small bubble rising just left side of cylinder? 04/14/2012,17:34:34,tomweber,right side, sorry 04/14/2012,17:35:32,tomweber,hydrate formation appears to be extended a bit further down 04/14/2012,17:36:30,robertcarney,agree point was inline with panel behind when started, now extends below a bit 04/14/2012,17:37:56,robertcarney,extra bubble rising in cyl 04/14/2012,17:38:34,Erin Becker,About 70 min to 300 m 04/14/2012,17:38:42,tomweber,couldn't tell if it was inside or outside, but it went up so fast that it seems like it must have been inside 04/14/2012,17:39:11,robertcarney,another within 04/14/2012,17:43:28,Erin Becker,Looking at a frame grab from before the ascent and we can see that indeed the bottom of the formation was just at the edge of the back panel and is now extended downward. Also the right side is extended further right 04/14/2012,17:44:51,robertcarney,another within 04/14/2012,17:46:07,robertcarney,,aybe...just maybe the mass is becoming more opaque white 04/14/2012,17:46:44,robertcarney,aexta bubble rising within 04/14/2012,17:47:46,robertcarney,another 04/14/2012,17:48:51,robertcarney,another 04/14/2012,17:48:57,Erin Becker,Looks like there are bubbles escaping from under the lip on the pilot cam 04/14/2012,17:49:04,Erin Becker,which is pointed at the top of the cylinder 04/14/2012,17:49:44,Erin Becker,Now recording the pilot cam 04/14/2012,17:50:49,kevinjerram,a few more bubbles escaping from the cylinder lid 04/14/2012,17:52:19,robertcarney,bubble within 04/14/2012,17:53:15,tomweber,seems to be less hydrate on the upper left 04/14/2012,17:53:19,robertcarney,2 bubbles within...hydrate hidden in funnel may be decomposing 04/14/2012,17:54:43,robertcarney,bubble within 04/14/2012,17:54:48,tomweber,830 m 04/14/2012,17:55:56,robertcarney,another 04/14/2012,17:56:14,robertcarney,several 04/14/2012,17:56:20,robertcarney,must be about 6 C 04/14/2012,17:56:35,tomweber,5.9 deg C 04/14/2012,17:56:58,tomweber,decomposing, or exapnding and dislodging? 04/14/2012,17:57:02,robertcarney,fsh 04/14/2012,17:57:06,robertcarney,jelly fish 04/14/2012,17:57:18,robertcarney,2 more 04/14/2012,17:57:48,tomweber,nice view from seirios 04/14/2012,17:58:14,robertcarney,another 04/14/2012,17:58:21,robertcarney,another 04/14/2012,17:58:29,tomweber,several 04/14/2012,17:58:29,robertcarney,several 04/14/2012,17:59:13,Erin Becker,Video is clipping out bubble releases 04/14/2012,17:59:23,robertcarney,good 04/14/2012,18:00:16,robertcarney,bubbles within seem to rize faster than when captured...or my confusion...no skin 04/14/2012,18:02:33,tomweber,that will be an interesting clue - a bubble with an imobile surface should rise at a different speed than one with a free surface 04/14/2012,18:02:54,robertcarney,nice inadvertant experiment 04/14/2012,18:04:05,robertcarney,we are passing external bubbles! 04/14/2012,18:04:29,tomweber,are we capturing any? 04/14/2012,18:05:43,tomweber,seems like same odds as a lottery ticket 04/14/2012,18:06:44,tomweber,nice shot of bubble outside of cylinder 04/14/2012,18:07:27,tomweber,expecting bubble rise speeds to be 15-20 cm/s or so 04/14/2012,18:07:44,tomweber,a bit faster than Little Herc's ascent rate 04/14/2012,18:10:50,robertcarney,at 6.7 and this depth you are close to instability byr colder in cylinder 04/14/2012,18:11:27,Erin Becker,Still bubbles being released around the valve, but it is still not clear whether those are coming from inside the cylinder or were bubbles captured around the valve under a lip 04/14/2012,18:15:09,tomweber,640 m, 7 degC 04/14/2012,18:16:32,tomweber,lot of bubbles coming off the top 04/14/2012,18:18:31,tomweber,gas appears to be coming from funnel 04/14/2012,18:20:47,robertcarney,"boiling" away from funnel now 04/14/2012,18:21:07,tomweber,580 m, 7.8 degC 04/14/2012,18:22:48,tomweber,steady stream of bubbles from top 04/14/2012,18:28:07,robertcarney,volume of hydrate hidden in funnel must be substantial 04/14/2012,18:30:02,tomweber,I never really saw much coming up on the right side while we were filling, so it wouldn't be surprising to have a similar sized chunk of hydrate down there 04/14/2012,18:30:26,robertcarney,tomorrow leave the funnel off 04/14/2012,18:30:53,tomweber,i think its ok not to see it, we're still capturing it, apart from leaky top 04/14/2012,18:32:23,tomweber,445 m, 9.7 degC 04/14/2012,18:33:07,robertcarney,boiling even more 04/14/2012,18:34:50,robertcarney,you can see perculation within mass on lft 04/14/2012,18:35:15,robertcarney,at cylinder wall extreme lft 04/14/2012,18:36:22,tomweber,424 m, 10.1 degC 04/14/2012,18:36:24,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67547, -88.46890 04/14/2012,Depth: 423.6m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 92.8 04/14/2012,Temperature: 10.1358 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67546, -88.46919 04/14/2012,Depth: 404.7m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 321.7 04/14/2012,Temperature: 10.53131 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,18:36:39,robertcarney,ink 04/14/2012,18:38:43,robertcarney,valve on top certainly seems to have a wide open path 04/14/2012,18:40:01,tomweber,chunks of hydrate floating up in cylinder 04/14/2012,18:43:06,robertcarney,Overnight engineering..relatively easy to have small things flown out to any active nearby rig and pick it up. 04/14/2012,18:44:13,Erin Becker,Fewer (or no) bubbles coming up from the base now 04/14/2012,18:46:16,Erin Becker,Less gas escaping from the top also 04/14/2012,18:46:39,Erin Becker,approaching 300 m 04/14/2012,18:46:47,Erin Becker,12.6 degrees C 04/14/2012,18:48:09,Erin Becker,very few bubbles coming from anywhere now 04/14/2012,18:49:01,Erin Becker,Little Hercules: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon: 28.67558, -88.46889 04/14/2012,Depth: 302.7m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 68.8 04/14/2012,Temperature: 13.2413 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,Seirios: 04/14/2012,Lat/Lon:28.67546, -88.46918 04/14/2012,Depth: 284.8m 04/14/2012,Altitude: 0.0m 04/14/2012,Heading: 229.5 04/14/2012,Temperature: 13.79461 04/14/2012, 04/14/2012,18:49:03,Erin Becker,stopped now 04/14/2012,18:49:06,tomweber,about to open top lid 04/14/2012,18:50:13,Erin Becker,nevermind, leaving lid closed 04/14/2012,18:50:31,tomweber,not going to open lid, going to assess the valve after recovery 04/14/2012,18:50:40,Erin Becker,so that the ROV engineers can assess the degree to which it was sealed 04/14/2012,18:51:52,tomweber,this was a very cool dive! 04/14/2012,23:11:39,okeanosexplorer, This is a live update from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This is Rick Nadeau speaking. The local EX time is 1810 hours. The ROV is on deck and we are presently acquiring multibeam mapping data around the Biloxi Dome.  The water depth at our position is approximately 1600m. Our present heading is 180°. Position is 28° 37'N, 088° 27'W.