2010-07-08 00:31:15 verenatunnicliffe Hi Cherisse! 2010-07-08 00:32:21 cherissedupreez Hi Verena. 2010-07-08 00:37:12 verenatunnicliffe John: I think that I have missed something. Have we moved the dive target from the deep dive? 2010-07-08 00:39:51 okeanosexplorer YEs Verena 2010-07-08 00:39:57 davebutterfield We had a discussion last night about dive targets in the NE box. Part of this was target D (where we are now) versus target C on the north central part of this NE box. Jim pointed out that the first dive we did in the NE was close to target C, so for geographic variation, and depth variation, target D was preferred. 2010-07-08 00:41:05 okeanosexplorer Also, given the camera troubles on the last dive, the ROV team was more comfortable with a shallower dive 2010-07-08 00:41:54 davebutterfield Target D is a steep local high on the north-south trending ridge, which is deep toward the south and shallower toward the north 2010-07-08 00:42:35 verenatunnicliffe Yes, I see it on the ppt that John sent. I lost Jim's email explaining the move. 2010-07-08 00:42:51 okeanosexplorer we are approaching it from the west 2010-07-08 00:43:14 davebutterfield This feature for today's dive has steep topography with a summit near 1540 meters, intermediate between the ridge further north (900m) and the eastern area (2500m?) 2010-07-08 00:45:41 davebutterfield We have been forced to listen to the chatter on the Nautilus from the Black Sea. I know this has been discussed on the ship. Is there a way to get them to stop broadcasting? 2010-07-08 00:46:03 okeanosexplorer Is thi still happening Dave? 2010-07-08 00:46:16 okeanosexplorer we have not heard the chatter for the past 40 minutes or so 2010-07-08 00:46:54 davebutterfield Not at this moment, but I don't know if that means they have stopped. We were hearing it 5 minutes ago. 2010-07-08 00:47:42 okeanosexplorer Ok we'll see what we can do from here 2010-07-08 00:49:32 verenatunnicliffe We are hearing nothing here. Are your audio streams on? 2010-07-08 00:50:02 verenatunnicliffe Dave: do you have a dive target product? Either a .tiff or a Fledermaus file - I don't see on on Plone. 2010-07-08 00:53:25 okeanosexplorer I would create one Verena but the mapping team is busy with the software right now 2010-07-08 00:54:09 okeanosexplorer Jim had told me to pick a target along the western or northern ridge 2010-07-08 00:54:38 verenatunnicliffe no problem - I'll wait. 2010-07-08 00:54:44 okeanosexplorer I told the ROV navigator to start the dive 100-150 vertical metres down one of these ridges 2010-07-08 01:00:37 okeanosexplorer It appears we are landing only 50 vertical metres downslope on the western ridge 2010-07-08 01:01:53 okeanosexplorer we may want to consider whether we want to climb straight up or lateral around at this depth 2010-07-08 01:04:25 timothyshank ECC Seattle, would you please call 508-289-3761 to join in the pre-dive science discussion? 2010-07-08 01:15:48 okeanosexplorer you would like to start deeper Tim, is that correct? 2010-07-08 01:16:02 okeanosexplorer we are starting approximately 1585m, 50 below the summit 2010-07-08 01:16:31 okeanosexplorer about 300m horizontal to summit 2010-07-08 01:16:57 verenatunnicliffe Yes - I agree - deeper better 2010-07-08 01:18:11 okeanosexplorer we have put another potential target on thenav screen 2010-07-08 01:18:17 okeanosexplorer a number of them actually 2010-07-08 01:20:27 okeanosexplorer t clarify it sounds like we are going to keep our landing target 50m below the summit, and then proceed downslope from there to the north 2010-07-08 01:20:48 okeanosexplorer is this correct? 2010-07-08 01:22:15 timothyshank My understanding is that we would start 100m below the summit, head approx. 050 to to the southern summit high, then turn north to cover the ridge/peaks that appear to be on the bathy map 2010-07-08 01:23:15 okeanosexplorer ok Tim, so that would mean changing our current landing arget to move it 50 vertical metres downslope correct? 2010-07-08 01:26:14 timothyshank that was the consensus I have from the conversation. I just waited to hear if someone else would chime in. 2010-07-08 01:28:18 okeanosexplorer I understand, Dave Lovalvo was under the impression we were not moving it 2010-07-08 01:28:39 okeanosexplorer we are now looking at how the ROV is moving from the ship to determine ho we can move deeper 2010-07-08 01:31:32 timothyshank Okay, great. Hope it is possible. 2010-07-08 01:32:29 okeanosexplorer we are starting a ship move now Tim, we will be 50 metres depper and approximately 300 horizontal metres farther from the summit 2010-07-08 01:33:12 okeanosexplorer we are moving directly down the southwest trending ridge and will put the nav back on channel 3 shortly with the new launch target 2010-07-08 01:34:35 timothyshank I think this will serve us well. 2010-07-08 01:35:26 okeanosexplorer agreed, I knew 10o vertical metres would be a good target and should have double-checked the final coordinates last night 2010-07-08 01:35:50 okeanosexplorer thank you for clarifying 2010-07-08 01:36:08 okeanosexplorer this event log may be more useful for future science meetings 2010-07-08 01:36:53 timothyshank I agree. It would be nice to have the final science and dive plan stated in this event log. 2010-07-08 01:38:19 okeanosexplorer Good point Tim, we will start doing that now 2010-07-08 01:41:32 okeanosexplorer This is dive # EX1004_Leg2_ROV-08 2010-07-08 01:41:37 timothyshank Thank you, and thanks for your help with making these discussion efficient. 2010-07-08 01:41:59 okeanosexplorer We are landing at a site 100 vertical metres, 550 horizontal metres to the southwest of the summit peak 2010-07-08 01:42:32 okeanosexplorer it will take approximately 9 minutes at 0.2 knots without stopping to move from our initial landing site to the top of the summit 2010-07-08 01:43:08 okeanosexplorer After reaching the summit we plan to descend down the northern slope of the summit and along another ridge 2010-07-08 01:44:33 okeanosexplorer After today's dive we plan to leave the EX1 box and map a parallel line to the south of the line we mapped between the EX2 and EX1 boxes 2010-07-08 01:45:12 okeanosexplorer we will make a urn as we approach the northern tip of Kawio Island and continue to map in the shallow region north of Kawio Island 2010-07-08 01:46:27 okeanosexplorer A dive target for tomorrow's dive will need to be chosen sometime tomorrow morning EX time, evening Pacific time, the latest deadline a target can be chosen is currently unknown and will be clarified later 2010-07-08 01:47:26 okeanosexplorer current depth is 152m, we are in the middle of a ship move to the southwest 2010-07-08 01:47:34 okeanosexplorer *1520m 2010-07-08 01:48:31 timothyshank WHOI is restarting it's computer and video recording- having screen quality issues 2010-07-08 01:51:33 santiagoherrera Santiago Herrera remotely from WHOI tonight 2010-07-08 01:51:41 kelleyelliott the camera platform video feed has frozen in Seattle and at WHOI 2010-07-08 01:52:23 verenatunnicliffe It is fine here, Kelley 2010-07-08 01:52:41 kelleyelliott back online in Seattle 2010-07-08 01:54:22 okeanosexplorer approximately 15 minutes until we reach our adjusted landing target 2010-07-08 01:55:03 okeanosexplorer All sill images have now been transerred off the ship and shold be arriving on shore soon 2010-07-08 01:55:12 okeanosexplorer *still images 2010-07-08 01:56:21 verenatunnicliffe Thanks for silly images, John.:) 2010-07-08 01:56:47 okeanosexplorer science lead needs a new keyboard ;) 2010-07-08 01:56:57 okeanosexplorer it's on the list 2010-07-08 01:57:00 verenatunnicliffe Kelley - are can I call into Seattle? 2010-07-08 01:57:45 cherissedupreez Hi Verena. They're going to try call you. 2010-07-08 01:58:27 verenatunnicliffe 250 721-6193 2010-07-08 02:01:53 okeanosexplorer we will be switching to high resolution video feed just before we reach the bottom, video and audio feeds will be temporarily lost 2010-07-08 02:02:40 verenatunnicliffe I hit the wrong button aaaargh. Pls call again. 2010-07-08 02:08:35 verenatunnicliffe Sad, John, you cut the audio line so I can't hear the pilots any more. 2010-07-08 02:09:04 davebutterfield John, please call Seattle to talk to Verena when you can 2010-07-08 02:11:19 kristinekosinski GEFN0001 start (SD3) 2010-07-08 02:11:40 verenatunnicliffe On bottom at1610 m 2010-07-08 02:12:51 verenatunnicliffe SP: glass sponge with comatulid crinoid 2010-07-08 02:19:29 okeanosexplorer moving off bottom toward landing target 2010-07-08 02:19:40 okeanosexplorer temp is 2.58 degC 2010-07-08 02:21:52 kristinekosinski GEFN0001 stop 2010-07-08 02:25:45 timothyshank WHOI is now video recording 2010-07-08 02:27:06 santiagoherrera on hard drive INDEX ROV08 2010-07-08 02:27:12 okeanosexplorer Verena: are we done with the control room feed? 2010-07-08 02:28:23 dustinschomagel Hi John, Dustin here. 2010-07-08 02:28:42 okeanosexplorer Hi Dustin, glad you could make it 2010-07-08 02:28:55 okeanosexplorer on the bottom again 2010-07-08 02:28:56 dustinschomagel me too. Can you please change to the Nav screen? 2010-07-08 02:29:07 kristinekosinski GEFN0002 start 2010-07-08 02:29:21 santiagoherrera back on bottom 2010-07-08 02:29:48 okeanosexplorer depth is 1624m 2010-07-08 02:29:53 okeanosexplorer heading is 66 2010-07-08 02:30:10 okeanosexplorer temp is 2.61deg C 2010-07-08 02:31:08 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 02:31:23 okeanosexplorer leaving lasers on as we transit 2010-07-08 02:31:53 okeanosexplorer they will be turned off for video purposes from time to time 2010-07-08 02:32:19 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1632 Hdg 80 deg 2010-07-08 02:32:30 okeanosexplorer moving at 0.1 knots up steep clff 2010-07-08 02:32:51 okeanosexplorer then adjusting speed once we reach less steep terrain 2010-07-08 02:33:48 okeanosexplorer I have asked if the ROV team's OKEX talk button can be latched down 2010-07-08 02:34:23 santiagoherrera COR isidid? 2010-07-08 02:34:57 santiagoherrera COR isidid? 2010-07-08 02:35:55 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1640 Hdg 69 deg 2010-07-08 02:36:11 verenatunnicliffe Bare basalt with small broken flows; abundant tree corals abut one every sq metre 2010-07-08 02:36:32 santiagoherrera COR Antipatharians? 2010-07-08 02:37:43 santiagoherrera can we look at any of those corals please? COR 2010-07-08 02:37:45 verenatunnicliffe Lots of marine snow 2010-07-08 02:38:49 okeanosexplorer we're going to try to zoom in on coral 2010-07-08 02:38:52 okeanosexplorer may be shaky 2010-07-08 02:39:03 santiagoherrera understood, thank you 2010-07-08 02:39:12 okeanosexplorer we are hovering and unable to set down due to the number of tall corals beneath us 2010-07-08 02:39:34 santiagoherrera COR Isidid Keratoisis? 2010-07-08 02:40:21 santiagoherrera close up on COR 2010-07-08 02:40:23 okeanosexplorer color issues, out of the light 2010-07-08 02:40:24 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1639 Hdg 76 Waiting 2010-07-08 02:41:03 okeanosexplorer camera sled has caught up, continuing to move upslope 2010-07-08 02:41:14 santiagoherrera what about the messy looking ones? any change to get a shot? 2010-07-08 02:41:41 santiagoherrera COR isidid skeleton 2010-07-08 02:41:45 verenatunnicliffe Many broken corals 2010-07-08 02:41:50 santiagoherrera yes 2010-07-08 02:42:10 okeanosexplorer we will look for a target shortly 2010-07-08 02:42:23 okeanosexplorer looking for a suitable place to set down to view 2010-07-08 02:42:34 okeanosexplorer continuing to move upslope 2010-07-08 02:42:37 verenatunnicliffe CR first comatulids 2010-07-08 02:42:46 okeanosexplorer depth is 1634m, heading is 47 2010-07-08 02:43:01 santiagoherrera ok, thank you 2010-07-08 02:43:25 santiagoherrera COR large isidid with ophiuroids 2010-07-08 02:43:30 okeanosexplorer close up of sponge 2010-07-08 02:43:36 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 02:43:40 okeanosexplorer adjusting color and light 2010-07-08 02:44:55 okeanosexplorer shrimp swimming by 2010-07-08 02:45:19 okeanosexplorer very nice use of its pleopods 2010-07-08 02:45:50 okeanosexplorer quite graceful 2010-07-08 02:46:11 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1630 Hdg 69 deg 2010-07-08 02:46:59 santiagoherrera lots of COR Antipatharians? 2010-07-08 02:47:11 santiagoherrera COR Isidid 2010-07-08 02:47:23 santiagoherrera COR Isidid 2010-07-08 02:47:56 santiagoherrera COR weedy-looking antipatharians? 2010-07-08 02:48:09 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiids 2010-07-08 02:48:18 santiagoherrera COR isidid 2010-07-08 02:49:55 santiagoherrera COR weedy-looking antipatharians?? 2010-07-08 02:50:25 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 02:50:33 okeanosexplorer more pelagic sediment on rocks now 2010-07-08 02:50:43 okeanosexplorer depth is 1619m, heading is 56 2010-07-08 02:50:50 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1619 Hdg 56 deg 2010-07-08 02:50:54 okeanosexplorer temp is 2.58 degC 2010-07-08 02:51:22 santiagoherrera CRI Crinoid 2010-07-08 02:51:39 santiagoherrera CRI comatulid crinoid 2010-07-08 02:52:37 santiagoherrera close up 2010-07-08 02:53:15 marzamarzuki Video delay issue resolved in Jakarta ECC. Unplugging and restarting system seemed to work. 2010-07-08 02:54:29 okeanosexplorer moving on 2010-07-08 02:55:38 okeanosexplorer SPO large white sponge 2010-07-08 02:55:39 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 02:55:44 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1616 Hdg 72 deg 2010-07-08 02:56:33 okeanosexplorer zooming on sponge with crinoids 2010-07-08 02:56:47 santiagoherrera SPO large white sponge with yellow CRI comatulid crinoids 2010-07-08 02:57:31 timothyshank ophuiroid on sponge 2010-07-08 02:58:28 kristinekosinski GEFN0002 stop 2010-07-08 02:58:41 verenatunnicliffe CRI: close on purple previously: bare arms about 1/4 way up arm; compare to smaller yellow 2010-07-08 02:58:43 kristinekosinski GEFN0003 start 2010-07-08 02:59:03 okeanosexplorer terrain is less steep now 2010-07-08 02:59:16 okeanosexplorer SPO Dr. Seuss sponge ahead 2010-07-08 02:59:20 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 03:00:32 santiagoherrera stalked SPO 2010-07-08 03:00:46 okeanosexplorer big rock in the way 2010-07-08 03:00:48 santiagoherrera hexactinellid? 2010-07-08 03:00:54 okeanosexplorer stopping ship 2010-07-08 03:01:25 okeanosexplorer dept is 1611m, heading is 134 2010-07-08 03:01:28 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1611 Hdg 180 deg 2010-07-08 03:02:29 okeanosexplorer going to try to hover for a zoom 2010-07-08 03:02:42 okeanosexplorer several rcks in the way 2010-07-08 03:02:48 okeanosexplorer rocks 2010-07-08 03:03:55 timothyshank opuiroid 2010-07-08 03:04:08 verenatunnicliffe SPO: super close-up; tiny yellow zoanthids 2010-07-08 03:04:21 santiagoherrera close up on the SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 03:04:36 marzamarzuki Great video EX, please pass the word. 2010-07-08 03:04:44 verenatunnicliffe Hmmm maybe not zoanthids 2010-07-08 03:05:16 okeanosexplorer moving on 2010-07-08 03:05:33 cherissedupreez Interesting orientation of the osculum and stalk. 2010-07-08 03:05:48 santiagoherrera SPO white stalked hexactinellid 2010-07-08 03:05:50 verenatunnicliffe Are the sponges all oriented the same way? 2010-07-08 03:06:06 santiagoherrera ASR asteroid on rock 2010-07-08 03:06:13 santiagoherrera can't tell 2010-07-08 03:06:32 santiagoherrera ASR asteroid on rock 2010-07-08 03:07:18 okeanosexplorer another SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 03:07:20 santiagoherrera SPO white stalked hexactinellid 2010-07-08 03:07:34 okeanosexplorer appears to be oriented in the same direction 2010-07-08 03:07:59 okeanosexplorer heading of about 280 2010-07-08 03:08:40 okeanosexplorer close up beauty shot for video 2010-07-08 03:10:24 cherissedupreez Verena: I was thinking about Jacson's work with sponge morphology and bottom water flow regime. 2010-07-08 03:10:36 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1608 Hdg 171 deg 2010-07-08 03:11:36 okeanosexplorer fewer corals up here then below 2010-07-08 03:11:47 okeanosexplorer mostly sponges 2010-07-08 03:11:53 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting sponges on rocks? 2010-07-08 03:12:26 santiagoherrera CRI Crinoid 2010-07-08 03:13:27 santiagoherrera close up CRI 2010-07-08 03:14:16 verenatunnicliffe "You guys are awesome" 2010-07-08 03:15:21 dustinschomagel thanks 2010-07-08 03:15:23 santiagoherrera COR Anthomastus? 2010-07-08 03:15:27 okeanosexplorer resettling for better shot 2010-07-08 03:17:32 verenatunnicliffe Talus blocks about 30 cm size 2010-07-08 03:17:35 santiagoherrera is an Anthomastus 2010-07-08 03:18:54 santiagoherrera close up on Anthomastus COR polyps retracted 2010-07-08 03:19:43 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1610 Hdg 72 deg 2010-07-08 03:22:05 timothyshank sponge decorated with crinoids and ophuiroids 2010-07-08 03:22:06 cherissedupreez Demo sponge? 2010-07-08 03:22:22 santiagoherrera looks like a sponge growing on a isidid skeleton 2010-07-08 03:22:44 santiagoherrera with crinoids and ophiuroids on it 2010-07-08 03:22:44 verenatunnicliffe Every crinoid has its friend ophiuroid 2010-07-08 03:23:09 santiagoherrera COR SPO CRI OPH 2010-07-08 03:24:30 santiagoherrera close up, nice imagery 2010-07-08 03:25:08 timothyshank amphipod? 2010-07-08 03:25:39 okeanosexplorer little baby crinoid 2010-07-08 03:25:43 santiagoherrera I think so 2010-07-08 03:25:48 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1610 Hdg 236 deg 2010-07-08 03:26:09 santiagoherrera APH amphipod? 2010-07-08 03:26:56 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 03:27:46 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting sponges 2010-07-08 03:28:02 santiagoherrera SPO white stalked hexactinellids 2010-07-08 03:28:16 santiagoherrera can we look at that coral please? 2010-07-08 03:28:24 okeanosexplorer zooming on coral 2010-07-08 03:28:24 santiagoherrera the bushy looking one 2010-07-08 03:28:56 santiagoherrera COR Chyrosogorgiid 2010-07-08 03:29:10 kristinekosinski GEFN0003 stop 2010-07-08 03:29:19 kristinekosinski GEFN0004 start 2010-07-08 03:29:54 santiagoherrera SQA Chyrostelid crab on COR Chrysogorgia sp? 2010-07-08 03:30:50 santiagoherrera correction, Chirostylid, sorrry about that 2010-07-08 03:31:06 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1609 Hdg 171 deg 2010-07-08 03:32:20 santiagoherrera SPO stalked white sponge 2010-07-08 03:32:25 okeanosexplorer terrain has leveled out 2010-07-08 03:32:27 santiagoherrera SPO large white sponge 2010-07-08 03:32:31 verenatunnicliffe Area with much lower abundance of corals but now more large sponges. 2010-07-08 03:32:55 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 03:32:59 okeanosexplorer CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:33:13 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 03:33:18 okeanosexplorer CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:33:28 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 03:34:02 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:34:04 okeanosexplorer more CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 03:34:19 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge with CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 03:34:20 okeanosexplorer CRI crinoid on an SPO hexactinellid sponge 2010-07-08 03:34:30 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 03:34:49 okeanosexplorer depth is 1607m, heading is 173 2010-07-08 03:34:51 santiagoherrera SPO "ear" white sponge 2010-07-08 03:34:55 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:35:02 okeanosexplorer approximately a 5 degree slope over the next 200m 2010-07-08 03:35:03 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 03:35:13 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 03:35:33 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 03:35:48 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 03:36:16 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:36:30 santiagoherrera SPO brown sponge 2010-07-08 03:36:49 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:37:35 santiagoherrera EX can you please confirm the end time of the dive? 2010-07-08 03:37:41 santiagoherrera dive 2010-07-08 03:37:58 santiagoherrera CRI small crinoid 2010-07-08 03:38:21 santiagoherrera HAIR! 2010-07-08 03:38:47 okeanosexplorer aproximate time to leave the bottom is 15:15 local EX time 2010-07-08 03:38:48 santiagoherrera close up on small CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:39:07 santiagoherrera thanks 2010-07-08 03:40:32 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge on rock 2010-07-08 03:40:37 santiagoherrera SHI shrimp 2010-07-08 03:41:10 santiagoherrera looking at the "hair" 2010-07-08 03:41:56 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 03:42:30 santiagoherrera USO unidentified sessile object ("hair") 2010-07-08 03:43:02 santiagoherrera Paragorgiid? 2010-07-08 03:44:00 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia with ZOA Zoanthids and OPH ophiuroids Asterochema? 2010-07-08 03:44:45 santiagoherrera Paragorgia coralloides? 2010-07-08 03:44:49 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1606 Hdg 78 deg 2010-07-08 03:45:38 santiagoherrera and the red bulbs on the branches please 2010-07-08 03:46:23 santiagoherrera close up on COR Paragorgia 2010-07-08 03:46:29 santiagoherrera definitively not P arborea 2010-07-08 03:49:15 okeanosexplorer small white OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 03:51:29 santiagoherrera back to the USO 2010-07-08 03:53:22 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1606 Hdg 183 deg 2010-07-08 03:55:43 santiagoherrera mystery hairy USO 2010-07-08 03:57:38 santiagoherrera Poriferan or Mammal? 2010-07-08 03:58:29 okeanosexplorer science lead watch change, Xerandy is on watch 2010-07-08 03:58:55 kristinekosinski GEFN0004 stop 2010-07-08 03:59:09 kristinekosinski GEFN0005 start 2010-07-08 03:59:46 santiagoherrera can we please look at the coral on the left, in the back? you will see it if you zoom out 2010-07-08 04:00:18 santiagoherrera yes, right there 2010-07-08 04:00:42 santiagoherrera more to the left 2010-07-08 04:00:50 santiagoherrera a bigger one 2010-07-08 04:01:11 santiagoherrera that is not a bubblegum coral Tim 2010-07-08 04:01:42 santiagoherrera I don't know 2010-07-08 04:02:26 santiagoherrera that coral, right there 2010-07-08 04:02:30 santiagoherrera to the left 2010-07-08 04:03:15 okeanosexplorer Ok, pilot tried to set up a proper point of view 2010-07-08 04:03:29 santiagoherrera thank you very much 2010-07-08 04:04:57 santiagoherrera COR, looks like a small isidid 2010-07-08 04:05:14 santiagoherrera with an associated CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:06:44 timothyshank hermit crab 2010-07-08 04:07:25 santiagoherrera PAG pagurid (hermit crab) 2010-07-08 04:08:36 santiagoherrera COR Chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 04:08:56 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:09:03 santiagoherrera CRI comatulid crinoid 2010-07-08 04:10:40 okeanosexplorer current depth is is 1609 m and the heading is 322 deg 2010-07-08 04:11:00 santiagoherrera SQA Chyrostylid in COR 2010-07-08 04:12:03 santiagoherrera close up 2010-07-08 04:14:58 santiagoherrera SPO white large sponge 2010-07-08 04:15:59 santiagoherrera COR small isidid? 2010-07-08 04:16:29 santiagoherrera close up on CRI red crinoid 2010-07-08 04:17:21 santiagoherrera SPO small yellow sponge 2010-07-08 04:18:16 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1609 Hdg 351 deg 2010-07-08 04:19:35 santiagoherrera COR chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 04:20:32 santiagoherrera COR small isidids with CRI crinoids on top 3x 2010-07-08 04:20:42 santiagoherrera COR chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 04:21:43 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1609 Hdg 51 deg 2010-07-08 04:22:28 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:22:51 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 04:23:20 santiagoherrera SPO sponges 2010-07-08 04:24:11 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting sponges 2010-07-08 04:24:19 santiagoherrera COR crysogorgiid 2010-07-08 04:24:37 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1600 Hdg 113 deg 2010-07-08 04:25:20 santiagoherrera SPO large white sponge with CRI comatulid crinoids (yellow and red) 2010-07-08 04:26:23 santiagoherrera hairy stuff at the base of sponge 2010-07-08 04:26:50 santiagoherrera most likely like the "HAIR" we were seeing before 2010-07-08 04:26:52 cherissedupreez Half of the sponge is dead and we can only see the spicules (brown). 2010-07-08 04:27:11 santiagoherrera mystery solved 2010-07-08 04:28:05 cherissedupreez Too bad, "big foot" finding would have generated alot of media. 2010-07-08 04:28:34 kristinekosinski GEFN0005 stop 2010-07-08 04:28:47 kristinekosinski GEFN0006 start 2010-07-08 04:29:06 santiagoherrera we could argue that this evidence is not conclusive and still get a lot of media 2010-07-08 04:29:57 santiagoherrera close up of SPO sponge 2010-07-08 04:32:08 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1600 Hdg 130 deg 2010-07-08 04:32:26 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 04:34:07 santiagoherrera large white SPO sponge with CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 04:34:13 santiagoherrera stalked SPO sponge 2010-07-08 04:34:23 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 04:35:36 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 04:35:43 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1595 Hdg 17 deg 2010-07-08 04:36:25 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 04:36:28 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:36:44 okeanosexplorer Temperature is 2.62 celcius deg 2010-07-08 04:37:46 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid in SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 04:40:46 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1596 Hdg 310 deg 2010-07-08 04:41:32 santiagoherrera Paragorgid 2010-07-08 04:41:57 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia with ZOA zoanthids and OPH ophiuroids Asterochema? 2010-07-08 04:42:15 santiagoherrera thank you 2010-07-08 04:43:07 santiagoherrera BAR large barnacles? 2010-07-08 04:44:47 santiagoherrera FIS fish 2010-07-08 04:45:19 cherissedupreez snail fish? 2010-07-08 04:45:34 santiagoherrera 360deg view of the bubblegum COR 2010-07-08 04:46:11 santiagoherrera another large sponge SPO with crinoids 2010-07-08 04:46:11 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1592 Hdg 105 deg 2010-07-08 04:46:16 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 04:47:01 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:47:26 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia with ZOA Zoanthids 2010-07-08 04:47:32 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroids? 2010-07-08 04:47:58 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid on rock 2010-07-08 04:48:12 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:48:32 santiagoherrera large SPO sponges 2010-07-08 04:48:45 santiagoherrera ASR asteroid 2010-07-08 04:49:09 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge with CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:49:45 verenatunnicliffe CRI: comatulid on sponge; stalked in background 2010-07-08 04:50:27 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgiid? 2010-07-08 04:50:44 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1594 Hdg 67 deg 2010-07-08 04:50:53 santiagoherrera SPO white large sponge 2010-07-08 04:50:57 santiagoherrera ASR asteroid 2010-07-08 04:51:12 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:51:22 santiagoherrera COR Antipatharian? 2010-07-08 04:51:28 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:51:35 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:51:37 okeanosexplorer The temperature is 2.62 C 2010-07-08 04:51:45 santiagoherrera COR PAragorgia 2x 2010-07-08 04:51:58 santiagoherrera COR Paratipathes? 2010-07-08 04:52:05 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponges 2010-07-08 04:52:13 santiagoherrera COR crysogorgiid 2010-07-08 04:52:29 santiagoherrera ASR asteroid 2010-07-08 04:52:33 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:52:39 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:53:45 santiagoherrera SPO, white sponge 2010-07-08 04:54:08 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia? 2010-07-08 04:54:35 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia? with ZOA zoanthids 2010-07-08 04:55:13 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:55:26 santiagoherrera SPO brown sponge with crinoid CRI 2010-07-08 04:56:28 santiagoherrera CRI comatulid crinoid 2010-07-08 04:58:23 verenatunnicliffe ROV Depth 1595 Hdg 20 deg 2010-07-08 04:58:26 santiagoherrera SPO yellow sponge 2010-07-08 04:58:28 kristinekosinski GEFN0006 stop 2010-07-08 04:58:35 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia 2010-07-08 04:58:41 kristinekosinski GEFN0007 start 2010-07-08 04:58:44 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 04:59:16 okeanosexplorer Current depth is 1594 m and heading is 330 deg 2010-07-08 04:59:30 santiagoherrera can we zoom quickly on these corals please? 2010-07-08 05:00:10 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia with ZOA Zoanthids and OPH ophiuroids 2010-07-08 05:01:27 santiagoherrera COR crysogorgiid (Chrysogorgia sp?) 2010-07-08 05:02:41 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 05:02:45 santiagoherrera thank you EX 2010-07-08 05:03:12 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 05:03:25 santiagoherrera dead SPO stalked sponge? 2010-07-08 05:03:54 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1591 Hdg 45 deg 2010-07-08 05:04:31 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 05:05:13 santiagoherrera COR chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 05:05:42 santiagoherrera COR Iridogorgia? 2010-07-08 05:05:45 timothyshank COR metalogorgia coral? 2010-07-08 05:06:17 santiagoherrera a chrysogorgiid for sure 2010-07-08 05:06:34 santiagoherrera COR Crysogorgiid 2010-07-08 05:06:39 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia 2010-07-08 05:06:42 verenatunnicliffe Broken talus, small blocks and rubble; no major outcrop 2010-07-08 05:06:43 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:06:50 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:07:22 santiagoherrera COR Antipatharian? 2010-07-08 05:07:23 timothyshank COR black coral? 2010-07-08 05:07:28 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia 2010-07-08 05:07:37 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge yellow large 2010-07-08 05:07:54 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:08:16 santiagoherrera SPO ophiuroids in sponge (heaps) 2010-07-08 05:09:48 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1589 Hdg 265 2010-07-08 05:09:51 santiagoherrera SPO large yellow stalked sponge OPH ophiuroids on spong 2010-07-08 05:09:54 santiagoherrera SHI shrimp 2010-07-08 05:11:01 timothyshank What is the width of the front end of Lil' Herc? 2010-07-08 05:11:36 santiagoherrera close up on the SPO OPH 2010-07-08 05:12:36 santiagoherrera note, SPO stalked sponge ~50cm wide 2010-07-08 05:14:26 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia 2010-07-08 05:14:29 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:14:40 marzamarzuki Question from Jakarta: Are the brittle stars eating the sponge or is the sponge providing the brittle stars a good place to feed on passing particles? 2010-07-08 05:14:43 santiagoherrera COR coral 2010-07-08 05:15:24 santiagoherrera most likely the second, but not 100% sure, Tim? 2010-07-08 05:15:48 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 05:15:54 santiagoherrera off bottom 2010-07-08 05:16:25 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1585 Hdg 66 deg 2010-07-08 05:17:00 timothyshank It is doubtful (there is little evidence if any) that the ophiuroids are eating the sponge- providing harbor and elevated substrate 2010-07-08 05:17:56 santiagoherrera COR chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 05:18:07 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:18:18 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:19:05 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:19:08 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:19:32 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:19:37 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:19:39 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:19:50 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 05:19:55 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:20:01 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:20:12 santiagoherrera COR crysogorgiid 2010-07-08 05:20:19 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2x 2010-07-08 05:20:24 timothyshank old grotty geological contact 2010-07-08 05:20:51 verenatunnicliffe Now on outcrop: old massive flow 2010-07-08 05:20:58 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1571 Hdg 61 deg 2010-07-08 05:21:02 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:21:17 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 4x 2010-07-08 05:21:29 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids ~6x 2010-07-08 05:21:45 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids abundant 2010-07-08 05:22:11 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:22:38 santiagoherrera CRI abundant crinoids 2010-07-08 05:23:19 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:23:27 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 05:23:37 santiagoherrera Octopus? 2010-07-08 05:23:51 santiagoherrera OCT Octopus 2010-07-08 05:24:21 santiagoherrera and CRI crinoids of course 2010-07-08 05:24:32 santiagoherrera close up on OCT 2010-07-08 05:24:40 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1559 Hdg 9 deg 2010-07-08 05:27:05 marzamarzuki We'd like to see the scale by the octopus 2010-07-08 05:27:18 marzamarzuki Laser scale 2010-07-08 05:27:57 marzamarzuki Terima kasih 2010-07-08 05:28:11 cherissedupreez Do you think Graneledone boreopacifica octopus? 2010-07-08 05:28:25 okeanosexplorer Jakarta : terima kasih kembali 2010-07-08 05:29:16 santiagoherrera SPO small white sponge 2010-07-08 05:29:30 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids on background 2010-07-08 05:29:43 kristinekosinski GEFN0007 stop 2010-07-08 05:30:00 kristinekosinski GEFN0008 start 2010-07-08 05:30:34 santiagoherrera more of the same OCT 2010-07-08 05:31:44 okeanosexplorer temperature is 2.5 deg 2010-07-08 05:33:29 marzamarzuki Jakarta speaking..Cloe to octopus is it crinoid? 2010-07-08 05:33:35 santiagoherrera close up on CRI next to the OCT 2010-07-08 05:34:34 dustinschomagel Yes Crinoid is next to Octopus 2010-07-08 05:34:59 dustinschomagel ROV depth 1558 Hdg 79 deg 2010-07-08 05:35:03 okeanosexplorer Current depth is 1558 m and heading is 105 deg 2010-07-08 05:35:04 santiagoherrera SPO large white sponge with CRI 2010-07-08 05:35:10 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:35:16 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 05:35:22 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:36:12 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 05:36:58 santiagoherrera SPO 2010-07-08 05:37:02 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:37:20 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:37:26 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting sponges 2010-07-08 05:37:38 santiagoherrera COR Paragorgia? 2010-07-08 05:37:50 santiagoherrera SPO white large sponge 2010-07-08 05:38:06 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:38:28 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 05:38:37 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1544 Hdg 12 deg 2010-07-08 05:38:40 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:38:54 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:38:59 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:39:08 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:39:32 santiagoherrera COR dead coral base? 2010-07-08 05:39:43 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:40:10 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1543 Hdg 44 deg 2010-07-08 05:40:30 santiagoherrera COR chrysogorgiid 2010-07-08 05:40:48 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 05:40:53 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:40:59 verenatunnicliffe Talus slope with sparse corals although lots of very small epifauna; crinoids fairly abundant 2010-07-08 05:41:11 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:41:35 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:41:59 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:42:06 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 05:42:14 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:42:53 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:43:17 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:43:28 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1547 Hdg 55 deg 2010-07-08 05:45:08 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:45:37 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:45:45 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:45:52 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 05:46:05 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:46:19 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting spomges 2010-07-08 05:46:35 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:46:52 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1546 Hdg 31 deg 2010-07-08 05:47:13 santiagoherrera SPO brown sponge 2010-07-08 05:47:23 santiagoherrera BAR barnacle? 2010-07-08 05:47:39 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:47:53 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:48:09 santiagoherrera Paragorgia COR 2010-07-08 05:48:15 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:48:28 santiagoherrera COR Iridogorgia? 2010-07-08 05:48:37 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 05:49:07 santiagoherrera SPO stalked white sponge 2010-07-08 05:49:14 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:49:25 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:49:38 santiagoherrera SPO white sponges 2010-07-08 05:50:05 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 05:50:06 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1536 Hdg 1 deg 2010-07-08 05:50:21 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:50:25 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:50:30 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:50:44 santiagoherrera SPO sponge hair 2010-07-08 05:50:50 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:51:00 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:51:12 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:51:30 santiagoherrera ASR asteroid? 2010-07-08 05:51:42 marzamarzuki Jeremy: Dr. Sugiarta would like to know if INDEX-SATAL can be added to the label in the top corner (i.e., Okeanos Explorer INDEX-SATAL 2010). 2010-07-08 05:52:23 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:52:46 verenatunnicliffe OK but I would like to see the writing smaller so it does start dominating the image 2010-07-08 05:53:28 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:53:41 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 05:54:09 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:54:27 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:54:36 santiagoherrera OPH ohiuroid 2010-07-08 05:54:53 santiagoherrera ophiuroid 2010-07-08 05:55:29 santiagoherrera SPO brown sponge 2010-07-08 05:56:50 santiagoherrera SPO brown / white with CRI crinoids, OPH ophiuroids, SHI shrimp 2010-07-08 05:57:10 santiagoherrera BAR barnacle? 2010-07-08 05:58:32 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 05:58:33 kristinekosinski GEFN0008 stop 2010-07-08 05:58:51 kristinekosinski GEFN0009 start 2010-07-08 05:59:13 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:59:28 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 05:59:54 santiagoherrera SPO sponge 2010-07-08 06:00:01 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 06:00:46 santiagoherrera COR paragorgia 2x 2010-07-08 06:00:56 santiagoherrera SPO white sponge 2010-07-08 06:01:13 santiagoherrera COR large chyrsogorgiid 2010-07-08 06:01:18 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 06:01:34 santiagoherrera SPO stalked sponge 2010-07-08 06:01:42 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 06:01:50 okeanosexplorer To Marzamarzuki : This is Jeremy. Xerandy passed Dr. Sugiarta's message along to me. I'll be sure to speak to the crew after the dive is complete. Thanks! 2010-07-08 06:02:07 santiagoherrera EX can we please look at the red "corals on the right? 2010-07-08 06:02:40 santiagoherrera turn right 2010-07-08 06:03:04 santiagoherrera they are somewhat large 2010-07-08 06:03:13 santiagoherrera keep going right 2010-07-08 06:03:17 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1538 Hdg 58 deg 2010-07-08 06:04:14 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid 2010-07-08 06:04:29 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroid on rock 2010-07-08 06:06:30 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 06:06:33 santiagoherrera off bottom 2010-07-08 06:08:38 santiagoherrera COR crysogorgiids (before) 2010-07-08 06:08:43 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 06:08:50 santiagoherrera SPO sponges 2010-07-08 06:09:20 okeanosexplorer Current depth is 1526, and heading is 25.6. We are currently moving to to north-northeaster, little bit upslope 2010-07-08 06:09:49 santiagoherrera small sessile fauna on rocks (styasterids?) STY 2010-07-08 06:10:25 santiagoherrera EX can we zoom in into any of those small white corals 2010-07-08 06:10:28 marzamarzuki Thanks Jeremy - Jim (aka Marza) 2010-07-08 06:10:28 santiagoherrera please 2010-07-08 06:10:43 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1527 Hdg 352 deg 2010-07-08 06:11:20 santiagoherrera SPO large white sponge 2010-07-08 06:11:40 santiagoherrera close up into white COR 2010-07-08 06:12:26 santiagoherrera don't know 2010-07-08 06:12:52 santiagoherrera what do you think? 2010-07-08 06:13:58 okeanosexplorer don't know what it is..the small white coral 2010-07-08 06:14:15 santiagoherrera maybe a branching sponge? 2010-07-08 06:14:44 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 06:14:48 cherissedupreez Stylaster? 2010-07-08 06:14:59 santiagoherrera maybe, looks weird 2010-07-08 06:15:11 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting sponges 2010-07-08 06:15:26 santiagoherrera lets call them stylasterids for now 2010-07-08 06:15:35 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1524 Hdg 30 deg 2010-07-08 06:15:43 santiagoherrera STY small white stylasterids? 2010-07-08 06:16:07 verenatunnicliffe On summit: very large blocks with abundant sponges - look glassy; surprisingly few corals. 2010-07-08 06:17:13 santiagoherrera many small white STY stylasterids? 2010-07-08 06:17:58 santiagoherrera white sponges SPO 2010-07-08 06:18:37 santiagoherrera basket star? 2010-07-08 06:18:51 santiagoherrera OPH 2010-07-08 06:19:03 santiagoherrera EX can we please look at that coral? 2010-07-08 06:19:10 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1526 Hdg 81 deg 2010-07-08 06:19:10 santiagoherrera on the bottom of the sceen? 2010-07-08 06:20:05 okeanosexplorer Is that the coral? 2010-07-08 06:20:11 santiagoherrera the long sticks we saw before 2010-07-08 06:20:21 santiagoherrera we just passed over them 2010-07-08 06:20:49 santiagoherrera there should be behind us now 2010-07-08 06:20:56 santiagoherrera they 2010-07-08 06:22:02 timothyshank OPH 2010-07-08 06:22:24 santiagoherrera is this a sponge, or tunicates? 2010-07-08 06:22:36 santiagoherrera I vote sponge 2010-07-08 06:22:44 okeanosexplorer Ok, let us take this figure a moment before we set up to move backward 2010-07-08 06:22:46 cherissedupreez sponge 2010-07-08 06:22:51 santiagoherrera ok, thank you 2010-07-08 06:23:08 santiagoherrera alright, 2 votes sponge 0 tunicate 2010-07-08 06:23:17 santiagoherrera SPO it is 2010-07-08 06:23:26 santiagoherrera EX that is the coral! 2010-07-08 06:23:36 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1526 Hdg 48 deg 2010-07-08 06:23:42 santiagoherrera on the bottom left corner of the screen 2010-07-08 06:25:06 cherissedupreez re: the sponge/tunnicate above. It looks very similar to a Hexactinellida sponge called Farrea occa. 2010-07-08 06:25:08 okeanosexplorer Ok,..we spot it, wait a moment 2010-07-08 06:25:23 santiagoherrera thank you EX 2010-07-08 06:26:10 santiagoherrera great, so previous sponge SPO is a Hexactinellid cf Farrea occa with OPH ophiuroid 2010-07-08 06:26:48 santiagoherrera COR Isidid (Keratoisis?) 2010-07-08 06:27:01 santiagoherrera EX, could we please get the lasers on? 2010-07-08 06:27:49 santiagoherrera thank you 2010-07-08 06:27:59 santiagoherrera SHI shrimp on COR 2010-07-08 06:28:40 kristinekosinski GEFN0009 stop 2010-07-08 06:28:56 kristinekosinski GEFN0010 start 2010-07-08 06:28:56 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1529 Hdg 340 deg 2010-07-08 06:29:34 santiagoherrera ACN Actinarians? on Isidid 2010-07-08 06:30:01 santiagoherrera BAR barnacle? 2010-07-08 06:30:09 santiagoherrera on COR 2010-07-08 06:30:34 santiagoherrera COR isidid colony ~1.5m wide 2010-07-08 06:30:48 santiagoherrera CRI crinoid on COR isidid 2010-07-08 06:30:57 santiagoherrera thank you EX 2010-07-08 06:31:52 santiagoherrera STY small white stylasterids 2010-07-08 06:32:02 santiagoherrera SPO white encrusting sponges 2010-07-08 06:32:06 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 06:32:40 santiagoherrera are those sponges on cracks? 2010-07-08 06:32:42 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1522 Hdg 80 deg 2010-07-08 06:33:28 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 06:33:28 timothyshank yes sponges in the cracks 2010-07-08 06:33:33 santiagoherrera interesting 2010-07-08 06:34:29 okeanosexplorer On the summit...probably, the current depth is 1521 and the heading is 72 deg 2010-07-08 06:35:23 santiagoherrera CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 06:35:32 santiagoherrera SPO crack sponges 2010-07-08 06:36:00 santiagoherrera STY, small white stylasterids? 2010-07-08 06:36:28 santiagoherrera SPO Farrea? 2010-07-08 06:36:39 santiagoherrera COR isidid 2010-07-08 06:37:03 santiagoherrera SPO sponge growing on coral skeleton? with CRI crinoids 2010-07-08 06:38:32 okeanosexplorer This is EX. The pilot tries to set up an impresive shot while moving up to summit, get everything in closer shot 2010-07-08 06:38:39 santiagoherrera SHI shrimp 2010-07-08 06:39:23 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1522 Hdg 94 deg 2010-07-08 06:39:28 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroids 2010-07-08 06:39:56 cherissedupreez I think that white sponge may just have an awesome morphology, no coral skeleton needed. 2010-07-08 06:40:40 santiagoherrera that would be interesting, you have any idea of who it might be? 2010-07-08 06:41:49 cherissedupreez thinking... 2010-07-08 06:42:25 davebutterfield rocks are more massive at the summit, but still worn down. 2010-07-08 06:43:02 santiagoherrera large COR crysogorgiid 2010-07-08 06:43:31 santiagoherrera STY small white stylasterids 2010-07-08 06:43:32 davebutterfield all rocks throughout have had rounded edges, dull surface, thin sediment film, and of course lots of sponges, corals, and crinoids. 2010-07-08 06:43:46 santiagoherrera SPO large white sponge 2010-07-08 06:43:54 santiagoherrera SPO white crack sponges 2010-07-08 06:44:03 davebutterfield dead sponges seem to leave dark patches around some of the rocks 2010-07-08 06:44:10 santiagoherrera OPH ophiuroids 2010-07-08 06:44:27 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1520 Hdg 130 deg 2010-07-08 06:45:06 santiagoherrera off bottom 2010-07-08 06:45:08 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 06:46:51 okeanosexplorer The local EX time is 14:45. the current depth is 1520 m, the heading is 161 deg, and temperature is 2.8 deg 2010-07-08 06:47:16 santiagoherrera STY small stylasterids 2010-07-08 06:47:48 santiagoherrera same shot as before 2010-07-08 06:50:25 santiagoherrera off bottom 2010-07-08 06:50:27 santiagoherrera moving on 2010-07-08 06:50:44 santiagoherrera haha, thanks! 2010-07-08 06:51:15 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1517 Hdg 353 deg 2010-07-08 06:52:32 kristinekosinski GEFN0010 stop 2010-07-08 06:56:49 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1520 Hdg 31 deg 2010-07-08 06:57:52 santiagoherrera back on bottom 2010-07-08 06:58:06 santiagoherrera COR Isidids 2010-07-08 06:58:20 santiagoherrera STY small white 2010-07-08 06:58:50 santiagoherrera EX can we look at that coral please? 2010-07-08 06:59:00 santiagoherrera the weedy-looking one 2010-07-08 06:59:22 santiagoherrera yes, those right there 2010-07-08 07:00:06 okeanosexplorer approximately 10 minutes left on bottom 2010-07-08 07:00:14 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1539 Hdg 140 deg 2010-07-08 07:01:41 santiagoherrera COR "weedy-looking" = Isidid 2010-07-08 07:02:16 santiagoherrera BAR barnacles on COR 2010-07-08 07:03:07 santiagoherrera can we please get the lasers EX? 2010-07-08 07:03:23 okeanosexplorer lasers on 2010-07-08 07:03:34 santiagoherrera thank you 2010-07-08 07:03:56 santiagoherrera actually can we look at that coral on the left? 2010-07-08 07:04:01 santiagoherrera next 2010-07-08 07:04:46 marzamarzuki laser on please 2010-07-08 07:05:26 okeanosexplorer which coral Santiago? 2010-07-08 07:05:31 santiagoherrera now on the right of the screen 2010-07-08 07:05:43 santiagoherrera right behind the one we were just looking at 2010-07-08 07:05:43 okeanosexplorer between the rocks 2010-07-08 07:05:44 okeanosexplorer ? 2010-07-08 07:06:05 santiagoherrera looks like a feather 2010-07-08 07:06:12 okeanosexplorer copy that 2010-07-08 07:06:17 santiagoherrera that in the middle of the screen 2010-07-08 07:06:46 okeanosexplorer may not be able to set down 2010-07-08 07:07:08 santiagoherrera ok, just if you can, a quick zoom 2010-07-08 07:07:13 okeanosexplorer this will be the last shot 2010-07-08 07:07:16 santiagoherrera perfect 2010-07-08 07:07:17 okeanosexplorer leaving bottomafter this 2010-07-08 07:07:40 okeanosexplorer depth is 1540, heading is 210 2010-07-08 07:07:50 okeanosexplorer time is 1507 EX time 2010-07-08 07:08:05 santiagoherrera COR Antipatharian 2010-07-08 07:08:44 santiagoherrera thank you very much EX 2010-07-08 07:08:51 okeanosexplorer leaving bottom 2010-07-08 07:08:56 santiagoherrera COR several isidids 2010-07-08 07:09:00 santiagoherrera aboundant 2010-07-08 07:09:15 santiagoherrera also some COR chrysogorgiids 2010-07-08 07:09:41 marzamarzuki this is selvi 2010-07-08 07:09:48 santiagoherrera off bottom 2010-07-08 07:10:07 okeanosexplorer are you looking for Xerandy Selvi? 2010-07-08 07:10:09 dustinschomagel ROV Depth 1535 Hdg 136 deg 2010-07-08 07:10:20 marzamarzuki wanna ask..I see that the rock a lot of sedimentations like clay..is it? 2010-07-08 07:10:26 okeanosexplorer thanks for the headings Dustin 2010-07-08 07:10:39 dustinschomagel no problem 2010-07-08 07:10:55 marzamarzuki Is there somebody can explain more about the rocks? 2010-07-08 07:11:09 okeanosexplorer possibly someone in Seattle? 2010-07-08 07:11:41 santiagoherrera end of dive 2010-07-08 07:11:43 marzamarzuki Ya..It will be glad someone from Seatle 2010-07-08 07:12:13 okeanosexplorer this concludes dive # EX1004_Leg2_ROV-08 2010-07-08 07:12:43 okeanosexplorer tomorrow's dive will be a shallow dive starting at 0815 2010-07-08 07:12:45 timothyshank I don't think these are clays on the rocks. These rocks look andesitic and old to me. 2010-07-08 07:13:28 santiagoherrera WHOI video on HD INDEX ROV08 stopped 2010-07-08 07:15:49 marzamarzuki Thank you very much for explain it more about the rocks.. 2010-07-08 07:17:43 santiagoherrera thank you all, it was a great dive 2010-07-08 07:24:02 santiagoherrera WHOI offline 2010-07-08 07:35:12 okeanosexplorer Jakarta, are you still there Bu selvi? 2010-07-08 07:44:07 davebutterfield Seattle ECC clear. Good night. 2010-07-08 09:02:47 okeanosexplorer This is okeanos explorer. The current EX time is 17:00 . We have just started our way to the south for mapping operation. Current depth is 1727 m and the heading is 180 deg 2010-07-08 19:36:01 okeanosexplorer This is okeanos explorer. The current EX time is 04:30. Currently, we are conducting multibeam mapping on the line bridging the two survey areas in west and north east side. For tonight mapping, our target is to cover the blank area, which was not mapped due to Multibeam power problem. Current depth is 1079m and heading is 77 deg 2010-07-08 20:54:19 okeanosexplorer This is an update from Okeanos Explorer. The local EX time is 04:50. We are heading to 247 deg and the current depth is 500 m. We are conducting multibeam mapping operation on the line interconecting between west and north east survey area.