2010-07-01 01:42:17 kelleyelliott Can someone please identify the dive number? 2010-07-01 02:07:39 Okeanos Explorer EX1004L2-ROVdive-3 is what we're calling it here, however suggestions for changes to the naming convention are welcomed 2010-07-01 02:07:45 Okeanos Explorer ROV is in the water 2010-07-01 02:12:41 verenatunnicliffe Could you please also give us the unique Lil Herc dive number too? 2010-07-01 02:13:10 verenatunnicliffe We have no time code on the video stream. Do you? Is there an overlay for the video? 2010-07-01 02:22:17 Okeanos Explorer there is no timecode overlay at the moment, it would need to be created 2010-07-01 02:24:27 Okeanos Explorer there is a time code on the ultiviewer that can be transmitted back to shoe 2010-07-01 02:24:45 Okeanos Explorer but it would have to replace channel 2 or 3 2010-07-01 02:24:52 Okeanos Explorer multiviewer 2010-07-01 02:27:01 Okeanos Explorer I'm told the only dive number we have is EX1004_Leg2_ROV-03 2010-07-01 02:27:22 Okeanos Explorer please disregard the first posted dive number, i is incorrect 2010-07-01 02:29:00 Okeanos Explorer Also, there is a timecode on channel 3 on the hypack ROV NAV display 2010-07-01 02:29:34 Okeanos Explorer it is on the left side, upper table 2010-07-01 02:30:51 Okeanos Explorer ROV is currently at a depth of 335m, descending towards 4d 40.10' N, 125d 15.25'E 2010-07-01 02:37:20 Okeanos Explorer Rov is at a depth of 490m 2010-07-01 02:40:48 timothyshank Event log check- T. Shank online 2010-07-01 02:41:02 Okeanos Explorer Welcome Tim 2010-07-01 02:42:44 santiagoherrera from the WHOI Shank Lab, this is Santiago Herrera, Jill McDermott, Catriona Munro and Elizabeth Sibert -online 2010-07-01 02:44:25 santiagoherrera ECC Seattle, could you please call us to 508-2893761? 2010-07-01 02:44:50 Okeanos Explorer preliminary plan is to start at 4d 40.10' N, 125d 15.25'E, progress to top of nearest peak at a depth of approximately 900m and then to transit to the NE along the ridge to the next, slightly higher peak at a depth of approximately 880m. Horizontal distance between these peaks is aproximately 600m 2010-07-01 02:47:51 Okeanos Explorer current ROV depth is 730m 2010-07-01 02:48:30 Okeanos Explorer depth of target is approximately 905m 2010-07-01 02:54:50 santiagoherrera ECC Seattle, could you please call us at WHOI. 508-2893761 2010-07-01 02:56:23 Okeanos Explorer current ROV depth is 890m 2010-07-01 03:01:52 Okeanos Explorer performing white balance for cameras 2010-07-01 03:04:37 Okeanos Explorer we have reached the bottom 2010-07-01 03:05:21 kristinekosinski GEFN0001 start 2010-07-01 03:05:42 kelleyelliott GEFN number designations like the above are being recorded for Seattle ECC Operational purposes. 2010-07-01 03:06:03 PMEL ECC depth 901m basalt talus with light-colored sediment coating 2010-07-01 03:06:40 timothyshank Broken pillow talus; no observed fauna 2010-07-01 03:06:56 Okeanos Explorer current heading is 1.0 2010-07-01 03:08:17 timothyshank Which direction is the current pushing the vehicle? 2010-07-01 03:08:29 verenatunnicliffe Thin ?pelagic sediments over broken pillow/talus. 2010-07-01 03:09:06 verenatunnicliffe Depth 899m; Hdg 10 deg 2010-07-01 03:10:57 timothyshank "Okeanos Explorer" - which direction was/is the current pushing the vehicle? 2010-07-01 03:12:11 Okeanos Explorer the current appears to be going S-SE, directly at us at the moment 2010-07-01 03:12:26 santiagoherrera ECC Seattle, could you please call us at WHOI. 508-2893761 2010-07-01 03:13:07 timothyshank jumbled talus blocks with light sediment (continuing; no staining visible) 2010-07-01 03:13:13 Okeanos Explorer we are proressing to the top of a peak to our west 2010-07-01 03:18:02 Okeanos Explorer we are then planning to lateral to the NW downslope about 0-30m to progress along to the northeastern peak 2010-07-01 03:19:22 verenatunnicliffe Flying midwater to transit 2010-07-01 03:20:19 Okeanos Explorer current dpeht is 881m, heading of 327 2010-07-01 03:20:39 santiagoherrera "okeanos explorer"could you please create a folder for the still images of this dive in the ROV folder? 2010-07-01 03:20:49 Okeanos Explorer umbilical cord between ROV and camera platform is tangled 2010-07-01 03:21:55 Okeanos Explorer all still images will be timestamped and deposited in the "imagery" folder on the ftp site 2010-07-01 03:24:36 santiagoherrera OK, I was just trying to follow the instructions in the "Creating Frame grabs from ROV dives using VLC" posted today in the portal 2010-07-01 03:26:29 Okeanos Explorer OK, I thought you were referring to the still imagery we take on ship, for the framegrabs we will create a folder 2010-07-01 03:26:58 Okeanos Explorer some kind of fish 2010-07-01 03:27:59 verenatunnicliffe Benthic angler fish 2010-07-01 03:28:41 Okeanos Explorer strong current 2010-07-01 03:28:51 Okeanos Explorer trying to steady the ROV 2010-07-01 03:28:56 timothyshank Which direction? 2010-07-01 03:28:57 santiagoherrera thank you 2010-07-01 03:29:32 Okeanos Explorer stand by, pilot is busy 2010-07-01 03:29:42 timothyshank Stills taken on the ship- you mean topside? Are the "framegrabs" including those captured during the dive as well as post dive (I assume some are being captured postdive- is this true??) Thank you. 2010-07-01 03:30:52 Okeanos Explorer all still imagery on the ship are being taken post dive by the video team, they will be posted on the ftp site after they ffhave finished going through an entire dive 2010-07-01 03:31:21 Okeanos Explorer framegrabs are an additional capability for thioe on shore to be able to take stills and see things right away as we proceed through the dive 2010-07-01 03:31:33 Okeanos Explorer *for those 2010-07-01 03:31:46 Okeanos Explorer keyboard is poor quality, I apologize for all the spelling mistakes 2010-07-01 03:32:09 Okeanos Explorer a new folder is now available on the ftp site in the ROV folder 2010-07-01 03:32:25 timothyshank Thank you. Just saw small galatheid crab, I think. 2010-07-01 03:35:14 kristinekosinski GEFN0001 stop 2010-07-01 03:35:21 timothyshank Red benthic shrimp. 2010-07-01 03:35:30 kristinekosinski GEFN0002 start 2010-07-01 03:36:33 Okeanos Explorer current depth is 885m, heading of 334 2010-07-01 03:37:11 Okeanos Explorer temp is 4.87 degC 2010-07-01 03:39:00 Okeanos Explorer continuing to progress upslope in search of peak 2010-07-01 03:39:58 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 03:40:27 Okeanos Explorer rocks are getting smaller 2010-07-01 03:40:56 Okeanos Explorer depth is 877m, heading is 200, we are at the top 2010-07-01 03:41:39 santiagoherrera red shrimp 2010-07-01 03:43:55 marzamarzuki Jakarta ECC enter to event log 2010-07-01 03:44:43 timothyshank May have missed something, but don't think I've observed any sessile fauna from during the traverse to the top of at the top 2010-07-01 03:46:05 Okeanos Explorer setting a course for the peak 600 horizontal metres to the NE 2010-07-01 03:48:26 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 03:49:24 Okeanos Explorer red staining under rocks 2010-07-01 03:49:36 Okeanos Explorer setting down to take a look 2010-07-01 03:50:22 santiagoherrera there might be barnacles 2010-07-01 03:54:35 santiagoherrera pagurid crab 2010-07-01 04:00:12 santiagoherrera with corals or anemones on top of shell? 2010-07-01 04:02:33 santiagoherrera diameter ~15cm 2010-07-01 04:03:06 Okeanos Explorer a veritable walking deep-sea reef 2010-07-01 04:05:12 kristinekosinski GEFN0002 stop 2010-07-01 04:05:32 kristinekosinski GEFN0003 start 2010-07-01 04:08:23 verenatunnicliffe EXCELLENT imagery of what appears to be a hermit crab (Paguridae) with a likely soft coral (Alcyonacea or Zoanthid) of surprising symmetry. Crab asymmetrical with chelae apparently covered with "fur" which I think is encrusting sponge. 2010-07-01 04:10:11 verenatunnicliffe Fuzz on the rocks (closeup) are hydroids. 2010-07-01 04:17:31 Okeanos Explorer science lead watch change, Xerandy is on watch 2010-07-01 04:19:12 Okeanos Explorer The current ROV depth is 886 and the ROV heading is 355 2010-07-01 04:27:04 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 04:27:59 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 04:33:59 PMEL ECC more ochre deposits/"nontronite" chimneys, larger than the previous site 2010-07-01 04:34:23 Okeanos Explorer ROV keep transiting to north east, the current depth is 912 meters, the seafloor change from bulky stone to sand and scatering gravel 2010-07-01 04:35:16 kristinekosinski GEFN0003 stop 2010-07-01 04:35:32 kristinekosinski GEFN0004 start 2010-07-01 04:41:00 Okeanos Explorer ROV is about 45 minutes to the top 2010-07-01 04:44:27 Okeanos Explorer The current depth is 925 meters, heading 46, the local time is 1:45 2010-07-01 04:48:51 PMEL ECC look! broken rocks! 2010-07-01 04:50:59 santiagoherrera anemone 2010-07-01 04:51:00 verenatunnicliffe Flytrap anemone 2010-07-01 04:53:38 Okeanos Explorer Reach the bottom between two uphills, 2010-07-01 04:55:11 verenatunnicliffe Transiting over rubble draped with sediment - mostly looks pelagic. 2010-07-01 04:55:16 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 04:58:39 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 05:00:37 Okeanos Explorer Moving upslope, 220 meters to the target 2010-07-01 05:05:20 kristinekosinski GEFN0004 stop 2010-07-01 05:05:41 kristinekosinski GEFN0005 start 2010-07-01 05:05:48 verenatunnicliffe Amemone; rubble piles with less sediment 2010-07-01 05:07:15 santiagoherrera anemone 2010-07-01 05:09:13 santiagoherrera anemone 2010-07-01 05:10:31 santiagoherrera shrimp and another pagurid with coral/anemone on top 2010-07-01 05:12:45 santiagoherrera anemone and shrimp 2010-07-01 05:12:54 santiagoherrera stylasterid? 2010-07-01 05:13:29 Okeanos Explorer The EX time is 13:10, still moving upslope, with the rock and stone on the bottom 2010-07-01 05:14:24 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 05:16:57 santiagoherrera red shrimp 2010-07-01 05:17:51 santiagoherrera cup coral? 2010-07-01 05:18:06 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 05:18:39 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 05:20:25 santiagoherrera chrysogorgiid skeleton covered with hydroids 2010-07-01 05:22:11 santiagoherrera most likely Iridogorgia sp. 2010-07-01 05:26:53 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 05:27:00 santiagoherrera asteroid 2010-07-01 05:28:41 verenatunnicliffe Looks a lot like a Hippasterias 2010-07-01 05:30:00 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 05:31:06 verenatunnicliffe Siphonophore 2010-07-01 05:31:45 santiagoherrera squid 2010-07-01 05:33:33 verenatunnicliffe Yup Santiago is right - a squid. 2010-07-01 05:33:43 santiagoherrera very weird squid 2010-07-01 05:34:38 santiagoherrera Paramuiricid? 2010-07-01 05:35:26 verenatunnicliffe Crab with a small coral 2010-07-01 05:35:27 kristinekosinski GEFN0005 stop 2010-07-01 05:35:48 kristinekosinski GEFN0006 start 2010-07-01 05:36:30 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 05:36:33 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 05:36:37 santiagoherrera cup coral 2010-07-01 05:43:17 Okeanos Explorer Local EX time is 13:40. The ROV reach the summit and start commencing to north west downslope 2010-07-01 05:47:12 santiagoherrera asteroid 2010-07-01 05:48:27 verenatunnicliffe Synaphobranchid eel (spelling?) 2010-07-01 05:48:52 santiagoherrera jellyfish 2010-07-01 05:49:32 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 05:50:29 Okeanos Explorer Rocks and stone on the sea floor 2010-07-01 05:51:07 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 05:52:35 santiagoherrera eel 2010-07-01 05:53:14 santiagoherrera gorgonian 2010-07-01 05:53:35 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 05:53:37 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 05:56:16 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 05:57:20 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 06:02:19 santiagoherrera Isidid skeleton covered with hydroids 2010-07-01 06:02:44 santiagoherrera barnacle on it 2010-07-01 06:05:12 kristinekosinski GEFN0006 stop 2010-07-01 06:05:24 kristinekosinski GEFN0007 start 2010-07-01 06:06:52 santiagoherrera small live Isidids? 2010-07-01 06:08:15 santiagoherrera more small Isidids 2010-07-01 06:08:22 santiagoherrera shrimp 2010-07-01 06:14:00 verenatunnicliffe Depth 913m; hdg 277; water a bit murkier 2010-07-01 06:14:26 verenatunnicliffe Broken talus with lots of small rubble 2010-07-01 06:22:43 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 06:22:54 santiagoherrera eel 2010-07-01 06:24:22 verenatunnicliffe Collapsed face with exposed blocky basalts. 2010-07-01 06:24:26 santiagoherrera jellyfish 2010-07-01 06:26:02 santiagoherrera fish 2010-07-01 06:28:02 santiagoherrera cup coral 2010-07-01 06:28:08 santiagoherrera gorgonians 2010-07-01 06:30:13 santiagoherrera perhaps isidids 2010-07-01 06:31:48 Okeanos Explorer The seafloor looks like a steep downslope 2010-07-01 06:32:46 Okeanos Explorer The current depth is 941 meters, the heading is 38 deg, moving down slope to the north east 2010-07-01 06:33:19 Okeanos Explorer The EX time is 14:30 2010-07-01 06:34:22 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 06:35:14 kristinekosinski GEFN0007 stop 2010-07-01 06:35:37 kristinekosinski GEFN0008 start 2010-07-01 06:45:07 santiagoherrera eel? 2010-07-01 06:47:02 santiagoherrera can we please get the lasers? 2010-07-01 06:48:19 verenatunnicliffe Massive flow structure 2010-07-01 06:48:20 Okeanos Explorer 14:45, like eels appear 2010-07-01 06:48:39 santiagoherrera thank you 2010-07-01 06:49:48 santiagoherrera eel ~1m long, 2-3cm wide 2010-07-01 06:50:33 santiagoherrera small gorgonians 2010-07-01 06:51:38 PMEL ECC looks like columnar massive flow tilted 2010-07-01 06:52:24 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 06:53:58 santiagoherrera same eel 2010-07-01 06:54:01 PMEL ECC there is talus all the way up to the summit, and this appears to be a tilted block, suggesting the whole feature "R" may be a tectonic structure 2010-07-01 06:54:02 Okeanos Explorer The EX time is 984 m, and th heading is 150 def 2010-07-01 06:54:40 verenatunnicliffe Possibly check Venefica tentaculata as a possible species id on the eel 2010-07-01 06:57:14 santiagoherrera small gorgonian 2010-07-01 06:57:57 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 07:00:02 santiagoherrera small gorgonians 2010-07-01 07:01:43 santiagoherrera zoom on the shrimp; long walking appendages 2010-07-01 07:02:11 santiagoherrera body ~8cm long 2010-07-01 07:04:02 santiagoherrera small white gorgonian 2010-07-01 07:05:32 kristinekosinski GEFN0008 stop 2010-07-01 07:05:46 kristinekosinski GEFN0009 start 2010-07-01 07:07:52 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 07:11:07 Okeanos Explorer The current depth is 994 m, the ROV heading is 104 deg 2010-07-01 07:17:43 Okeanos Explorer The ROV is moving upslope right no, right to the east. The local time is 15:15 2010-07-01 07:23:22 Okeanos Explorer Large outcrop rock 2010-07-01 07:28:10 santiagoherrera whip coral 2010-07-01 07:28:38 santiagoherrera cup coral 2010-07-01 07:30:48 santiagoherrera disregard the cup coral entry 2010-07-01 07:35:20 kristinekosinski GEFN0009 stop 2010-07-01 07:35:34 kristinekosinski GEFN0010 start 2010-07-01 07:38:40 santiagoherrera eel 2010-07-01 07:39:04 santiagoherrera small white gorgonians 2010-07-01 07:39:10 Okeanos Explorer The current depth is 953m and the headingis 98 degree 2010-07-01 07:39:53 verenatunnicliffe Probbably a zoarcid 2010-07-01 07:40:22 santiagoherrera more small white gorgonians 2010-07-01 07:40:44 verenatunnicliffe Dive ending 2010-07-01 07:41:40 santiagoherrera red benthic shrimp 2010-07-01 07:41:42 Okeanos Explorer The today's dive will end on 16:00, by then the ROV still transit upslope 2010-07-01 07:42:28 santiagoherrera anemone? 2010-07-01 07:42:40 kristinekosinski GEFN0010 stop (card full)