EX1708_3 summary report

overview cruise track (where UHDAS was run)   cruise track (where UHDAS was run)   nav_plot_all_topo.png
======= start of report for /home/data/EX1708_3 =====


raw:               cnav      1 files  (ex2017_257_56246 - ex2017_257_56246)
raw:               gyro      1 files  (ex2017_257_56246 - ex2017_257_56246)
raw:              posmv      1 files  (ex2017_257_56246 - ex2017_257_56246)

adcp:  wh300            .raw     1 files  (ex2017_257_56246 - ex2017_257_56246)
adcp:  wh300        .raw.log     1 files  (ex2017_257_56246 - ex2017_257_56246)
adcp:  wh300    .raw.log.bin     1 files  (ex2017_257_56246 - ex2017_257_56246)
adcp:   os38            .raw     0 files 
adcp:   os38        .raw.log     0 files 
adcp:   os38    .raw.log.bin     0 files 



No ztimefit found
No "heading" directory found
gbin: INFO This cruise was probably originally processed using Matlab
gbin: INFO Must regenerate gbins to use CODAS Python processing

------ database time ranges --------

proc:     os38bb   No database found
proc:     os38nb   No database found
proc:      wh300   No database found
---------- end of report for /home/data/EX1708_3--------------

processed ADCP
======= start of report for /home/data/EX1708_3 =====
==================ADCP calibrations ==================

cal: wh300   BT  none

cal: wh300   WT  none

cal: os38nb   BT  none

cal: os38nb   WT  none

cal: os38bb   BT  none

cal: os38bb   WT  none

---------- end of report for /home/data/EX1708_3--------------

raw ADCP

============ /home/data/EX1708_3 =============

#------------  os38 -----------
no files found

#------------  wh300 -----------
no files, or no data in files


raw ADCP
======= start of report for /home/data/EX1708_3 =====

======= wh300 settings: chunked by configuration  =========

index num  startdday  enddday      BT  (ping, nbins,binsize, blank, pulse) (...)
---- ---   --------- --------     --- 
 0  1    257.651010  257.661380   off   (bb, 70, 2.0, 10.0, 2.0)
no files found with /home/data/EX1708_3/raw/os38/*.raw
---------- end of report for /home/data/EX1708_3--------------

UHDAS settings ADCP CODAS processing settings EX1708_3_proc.py.txt
UHDAS settings UHDAS serial acquisition settings EX1708_3_sensor.py.txt