ADCP Navigation: SMOOTHR reference_file: a_ex.nav refabs_output: a_ex.ref output: filter_hwidth= 0.020800 min_filter_fraction= 0.500000 max_gap_ratio= 0.050000 max_gap_distance= 50.000000 max_gap_time= 30.000000 ensemble_time= 300.000000 max_speed= 5.000000 min_speed= 1.000000 iterations= 5 fix_to_dr_limit= 0.000500 Rejected refabs at time 98.927337 with ratio = 0.927941 Rejected refabs at time 100.895762 with ratio = 0.920437 Rejected refabs at time 100.899196 with ratio = 0.916494 Rejected refabs at time 100.902008 with ratio = 0.930511 Rejected refabs at time 100.913030 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 100.916502 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 100.919974 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 100.923446 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 100.926918 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 100.930390 with ratio = 0.200000 Rejected refabs at time 100.933862 with ratio = 0.200000 There are 1 segments for position integration. Optimization iteration 1 of 5 Segment 1 of 1 Time range: 98.84994 to 98.92734 Index range: 2 through 24 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 24 0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.003 -1.58 2.17 12 16 2 24 -0.002 0.001 0.000 -0.005 0.001 -2.07 2.15 9 12 Optimization iteration 2 of 5 Segment 1 of 1 Time range: 98.84994 to 98.92734 Index range: 2 through 24 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 24 -0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.003 -1.58 2.17 12 16 2 24 -0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.003 0.003 -2.07 2.15 9 12 Optimization iteration 3 of 5 Segment 1 of 1 Time range: 98.84994 to 98.92734 Index range: 2 through 24 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 24 0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.003 -1.58 2.17 12 16 2 24 -0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.003 0.003 -2.07 2.15 9 12 Optimization iteration 4 of 5 Segment 1 of 1 Time range: 98.84994 to 98.92734 Index range: 2 through 24 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 24 0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.003 -1.58 2.17 12 16 2 24 0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.003 0.003 -2.07 2.15 9 12 Optimization iteration 5 of 5 Segment 1 of 1 fix time dx dy (1.e-5 degrees) Segment 1 of 1 Time range: 98.84994 to 98.92734 Index range: 2 through 24 Statistics for fix (scaled by 0.010000) x, y N MEAN STD DEV SEM minimum maximum min/sd max/sd imin imax 1 24 0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.003 -1.58 2.17 12 16 2 24 0.000 0.001 0.000 -0.003 0.003 -2.07 2.15 9 12 seg i0 i1 n nfix 1 2 25 23 24 seg t0 t1 x0 x1 y0 y1 stdx stdy n_fix 1 98.84994 98.92734 -88.5762 -88.5762 30.3392 30.3392 1 1 24