04/16/2015,10:12:04,briankennedy,Goodmorning we are on station preparing to launch 04/16/2015,10:13:10,Andrea Quattrini,Set to launch at 0630. Beautiful day again here. We are now off the southern coast of Puerto Rico. Diving in Guayanilla Canyon. We will be targetting the west wall from 2150-1700 m, surveying biology and geology. This dive at the approximate location of the intersection of the canyon with the Investigator Fault. A primary objective is to investigate the wall geology of the canyon and look for deformation related to movement along the fault. 04/16/2015,10:21:23,mikecheadle,Good Morning Everybody 04/16/2015,10:24:36,Andrea Quattrini,15 min to Launch 04/16/2015,10:24:39,Andrea Quattrini,morning mike 04/16/2015,10:25:13,mikecheadle,mornin' Andrea 04/16/2015,10:40:01,Andrea Quattrini,D2 in water 04/16/2015,10:40:46,iscwatch,Hi! Looking forward to todays dive. 04/16/2015,10:45:59,okexnav,LAT :17.75910, LON : -66.76414, DEPTH :m, TEMP : C, SAL : PSU, DO : mg/L 04/16/2015,10:51:00,okexnav,LAT :17.75971, LON : -66.76383, DEPTH : 64.5982m, TEMP : 26.73802C, SAL : 36.26517 PSU, DO : 6.26107 mg/L 04/16/2015,10:53:55,mikecheadle,mornin Jason... Excited? 04/16/2015,10:56:00,okexnav,LAT :17.75996, LON : -66.76377, DEPTH : 220.3608m, TEMP : 19.74025C, SAL : 36.78250 PSU, DO : 5.39695 mg/L 04/16/2015,10:57:17,mikecheadle,250m 04/16/2015,11:01:00,okexnav,LAT :17.76002, LON : -66.76340, DEPTH : 378.2034m, TEMP : 16.33374C, SAL : 36.25226 PSU, DO : 5.42963 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:03:43,mikecheadle,mornin Tin 04/16/2015,11:03:53,mikecheadle,Tim even 04/16/2015,11:04:56,mikecheadle,500m 04/16/2015,11:05:15,Tim Shank,Good morning Mike 04/16/2015,11:05:18,Tim Shank,Good morning all 04/16/2015,11:05:27,Tim Shank,passing 500m 04/16/2015,11:06:00,okexnav,LAT :17.76009, LON : -66.76301, DEPTH : 531.5594m, TEMP : 12.18379C, SAL : 36.41898 PSU, DO : 2.95507 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:06:50,Andrea Quattrini,GOod morning TIm 04/16/2015,11:08:01,jasonchaytor,good morning all 04/16/2015,11:08:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76013, LON : -66.76283, DEPTH : 589.6297m, TEMP : 10.62482C, SAL : 35.27103 PSU, DO : 3.91100 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:08:44,Tim Shank,Good morning Andrea 04/16/2015,11:09:04,Tim Shank,Looking forward to a great canyon dive today 04/16/2015,11:13:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76031, LON : -66.76239, DEPTH : 771.3077m, TEMP : 7.38952C, SAL : 34.92175 PSU, DO : 4.13475 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:18:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76038, LON : -66.76200, DEPTH : 929.2116m, TEMP : 6.15119C, SAL : 34.91332 PSU, DO : 4.87552 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:19:50,Andrea Quattrini,mike I will be right there to relieve you 04/16/2015,11:23:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76042, LON : -66.76159, DEPTH :1087.3152m, TEMP : 5.08698C, SAL : 34.96071 PSU, DO : 5.89557 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:24:30,mikecheadle,JFH at about 11:15 (sorry logged out) 04/16/2015,11:24:46,mikecheadle,& Larv at 10:10 04/16/2015,11:28:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76047, LON : -66.76117, DEPTH :1245.0385m, TEMP : 4.54026C, SAL : 34.97051 PSU, DO : 6.35680 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:33:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76056, LON : -66.76086, DEPTH :1410.1585m, TEMP : 4.36556C, SAL : 34.97388 PSU, DO : 6.47495 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:38:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76066, LON : -66.76052, DEPTH :1574.5411m, TEMP : 4.26981C, SAL : 34.97450 PSU, DO : 6.54118 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:43:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76075, LON : -66.76038, DEPTH :1739.3649m, TEMP : 4.21548C, SAL : 34.97494 PSU, DO : 6.59664 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:48:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76082, LON : -66.76038, DEPTH :1898.3140m, TEMP : 4.16784C, SAL : 34.97663 PSU, DO : 6.68370 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:53:04,Tim Shank,WHOI video 1 start 04/16/2015,11:53:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76095, LON : -66.76049, DEPTH :2063.0396m, TEMP : 4.15627C, SAL : 34.97783 PSU, DO : 6.74140 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:53:38,Tim Shank,80m off 04/16/2015,11:56:29,Andrea Quattrini,not a lot of particulates in H20 column 04/16/2015,11:56:48,Andrea Quattrini,bottom is in sight 04/16/2015,11:57:22,okexnav,LAT :17.76093, LON : -66.76047, DEPTH :2135.5723m, TEMP : 4.14645C, SAL : 34.97796 PSU, DO : 6.77707 mg/L 04/16/2015,11:57:40,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Seirios 04/16/2015,12:00:39,okexnav,LAT :17.76072, LON : -66.76011, DEPTH :2138.0722m, TEMP : 4.14897C, SAL : 34.97839 PSU, DO : 6.78885 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:02:53,Tim Shank,DET scattered on SED 04/16/2015,12:05:39,okexnav,LAT :17.76078, LON : -66.76004, DEPTH :2137.1400m, TEMP : 4.15385C, SAL : 34.97789 PSU, DO : 6.79304 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:05:40,Tim Shank,HOL Benthodytes abyssicola? 04/16/2015,12:07:31,Tim Shank,Could someone please mute their audio- a lot of feedbacsk 04/16/2015,12:07:43,Tim Shank,DET sargassum 04/16/2015,12:07:53,Tim Shank,PTE shells 04/16/2015,12:07:57,Tim Shank,SER POL 04/16/2015,12:08:59,Tim Shank,CU on Jelly JFH 04/16/2015,12:09:35,mikeford,wow - what a great time to turn on the feed 04/16/2015,12:10:16,mikeford,medusa, hydromedusa, trachymedusa 04/16/2015,12:10:36,mikeford,really dark manubrium 04/16/2015,12:10:39,okexnav,LAT :17.76085, LON : -66.76000, DEPTH :2135.8597m, TEMP : 4.15073C, SAL : 34.97789 PSU, DO : 6.77462 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:11:20,Tim Shank,FSH zoom 04/16/2015,12:11:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76090, LON : -66.75995, DEPTH :2135.4076m, TEMP : 4.15731C, SAL : 34.97792 PSU, DO : 6.78518 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:13:02,Tim Shank,see distinction trails in the SED 04/16/2015,12:13:10,Tim Shank,large one to the left 04/16/2015,12:13:16,Tim Shank,more DET 04/16/2015,12:13:28,Tim Shank,did not see parasites on that FSH 04/16/2015,12:13:54,gracielagarcia-moliner,Buenos dias! 04/16/2015,12:13:56,Tim Shank,HOL Benthodytes abyssicola? 04/16/2015,12:14:07,okexnav,LAT :17.76087, LON : -66.75990, DEPTH :2134.3647m, TEMP : 4.15182C, SAL : 34.97781 PSU, DO : 6.78619 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:14:08,Tim Shank,CPEN? 04/16/2015,12:15:35,Tim Shank,white COR all oriented in the same way on the face of this ROC wall- 04/16/2015,12:15:41,Tim Shank,SPO encrusting here 04/16/2015,12:15:42,Andrea Quattrini,looks like it 04/16/2015,12:15:59,Tim Shank,CRI cromatulid 04/16/2015,12:16:10,Tim Shank,CRI stalked covered with HYD 04/16/2015,12:16:14,gracielagarcia-moliner,COR 04/16/2015,12:17:40,Andrea Quattrini,COR STY? Coralium? 04/16/2015,12:18:24,Tim Shank,HOL Benthodytes abyssicola 04/16/2015,12:18:25,Tim Shank,? 04/16/2015,12:18:27,Tim Shank,? 04/16/2015,12:18:43,Tim Shank,COR Coralium? 04/16/2015,12:18:44,okexnav,LAT :17.76086, LON : -66.75960, DEPTH :2128.9645m, TEMP : 4.14946C, SAL : 34.97893 PSU, DO : 6.78268 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:19:23,gracielagarcia-moliner,URC 04/16/2015,12:20:17,Tim Shank,URC Phorosoma like - ROC moving quickly 04/16/2015,12:20:27,Tim Shank,wood 2122m 04/16/2015,12:20:30,Tim Shank,setting up on wood 04/16/2015,12:20:46,okexnav,LAT :17.76092, LON : -66.75924, DEPTH :2120.8656m, TEMP : 4.15577C, SAL : 34.97785 PSU, DO : 6.76708 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:20:56,Tim Shank,SHI red x2 and CRI associated with Wood 04/16/2015,12:21:10,Tim Shank,SER POL many 04/16/2015,12:21:17,Tim Shank,BIV? 04/16/2015,12:21:33,Tim Shank,different SHI morning than we have seen 04/16/2015,12:21:35,Andrea Quattrini,Phormosoma 04/16/2015,12:21:37,Tim Shank,red small 04/16/2015,12:22:00,Tim Shank,URC Phormosoma 04/16/2015,12:22:28,Andrea Quattrini,wood fall 04/16/2015,12:22:34,gracielagarcia-moliner,HOL 04/16/2015,12:22:38,Tim Shank,scattered DET 04/16/2015,12:23:41,okexnav,LAT :17.76088, LON : -66.75916, DEPTH :2119.8613m, TEMP : 4.15769C, SAL : 34.97743 PSU, DO : 6.76645 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:24:29,Tim Shank,URC Phormosoma with POL associate- cu video* 04/16/2015,12:25:35,Tim Shank,FSH 04/16/2015,12:25:51,okexnav,LAT :17.76093, LON : -66.75907, DEPTH :2117.0100m, TEMP : 4.16104C, SAL : 34.97772 PSU, DO : 6.76390 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:26:04,gracielagarcia-moliner,URC 04/16/2015,12:26:48,Andrea Quattrini,tam-o-shanter, according to Chris Mah's blog 04/16/2015,12:26:57,Tim Shank,OKay- yes 04/16/2015,12:27:53,Andrea Quattrini,ANT 04/16/2015,12:27:55,Tim Shank,ANT metal? 04/16/2015,12:28:06,Tim Shank,SER on sheet metal 04/16/2015,12:28:10,Tim Shank,CRI too 04/16/2015,12:28:32,Tim Shank,ACN on there as well 04/16/2015,12:28:42,okexnav,LAT :17.76090, LON : -66.75868, DEPTH :2097.8351m, TEMP : 4.15561C, SAL : 34.97795 PSU, DO : 6.75872 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:29:27,Tim Shank,SHI red on SED 04/16/2015,12:30:49,okexnav,LAT :17.76092, LON : -66.75858, DEPTH :2095.9855m, TEMP : 4.15643C, SAL : 34.97862 PSU, DO : 6.75661 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:31:53,Tim Shank,OPH on SED 04/16/2015,12:31:54,Andrea Quattrini,FSH same as before 04/16/2015,12:32:18,Tim Shank,HOL Benthodytes like 04/16/2015,12:32:26,Tim Shank,ANT? more metal? 04/16/2015,12:32:36,mikecheadle,Catch up Cool outcrops at 2127 & 2122m... thinly bedded, sub horizontal with strong cleavage 04/16/2015,12:32:48,Tim Shank,no a leaf 04/16/2015,12:33:01,Tim Shank,Metal- with SHI red 04/16/2015,12:33:12,Tim Shank,HOL tracks 04/16/2015,12:33:38,mikecheadle,very finely laminated layers & 30 cm thick massive layers... can't be the volcanic basement???? 04/16/2015,12:33:56,mikecheadle,more outcrop 04/16/2015,12:34:08,Tim Shank,ASR white 04/16/2015,12:34:26,Tim Shank,zoom on ASR 04/16/2015,12:35:02,Andrea Quattrini,CORO bamboo 04/16/2015,12:35:09,Tim Shank,OCTO bamboo 04/16/2015,12:35:40,Tim Shank,ASR cookie star 04/16/2015,12:35:49,okexnav,LAT :17.76100, LON : -66.75807, DEPTH :2081.1173m, TEMP : 4.16148C, SAL : 34.97647 PSU, DO : 6.76184 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:35:51,mikecheadle,good serioos view 04/16/2015,12:35:58,Tim Shank,ASR Ceramaster like 04/16/2015,12:36:03,Tim Shank,cu on CORO bamboo 04/16/2015,12:36:29,Tim Shank,don't see any branching- several indiv here 04/16/2015,12:37:19,Tim Shank,whip with ASR associate 04/16/2015,12:37:34,Andrea Quattrini,asking them to slow down 04/16/2015,12:37:48,Andrea Quattrini,moving to quickly 04/16/2015,12:37:57,Tim Shank,up over wall now on SED 04/16/2015,12:38:20,Tim Shank,URCs, red SHI, scattered DET, HOL tracks 04/16/2015,12:38:35,Andrea Quattrini,tan o shanter on the move! URC 04/16/2015,12:39:16,Tim Shank,swimming HOL 04/16/2015,12:39:45,Tim Shank,large SPO hex 04/16/2015,12:39:47,mikecheadle,Bedded meta seds... less cleavage slightly steeper dip 5 m scarp 04/16/2015,12:39:50,Tim Shank,on boulder 04/16/2015,12:40:34,gracielagarcia-moliner,URC 04/16/2015,12:40:49,okexnav,LAT :17.76100, LON : -66.75757, DEPTH :2059.7180m, TEMP : 4.15786C, SAL : 34.97758 PSU, DO : 6.75692 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:41:20,Tim Shank,HOL white? different. looked Scotoplanes like 04/16/2015,12:41:22,Andrea Quattrini,area more affected by human actiivities 04/16/2015,12:41:22,mikecheadle,back to mud 04/16/2015,12:41:31,gracielagarcia-moliner,Many URC 04/16/2015,12:41:52,Tim Shank,HOL FEC 04/16/2015,12:42:38,mikecheadle, more outcrop looked more fractured   more sed covered 04/16/2015,12:44:19,mikecheadle,more masive outcrop... some weak indication of bedding 04/16/2015,12:44:19,Tim Shank,SQA Munidopsis 04/16/2015,12:44:25,Andrea Quattrini,Munidopsis sp. 04/16/2015,12:45:49,okexnav,LAT :17.76100, LON : -66.75704, DEPTH :2035.9798m, TEMP : 4.15270C, SAL : 34.97830 PSU, DO : 6.74816 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:47:40,okexnav,LAT :17.76096, LON : -66.75689, DEPTH :2024.2544m, TEMP : 4.15073C, SAL : 34.97808 PSU, DO : 6.74806 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:48:34,gracielagarcia-moliner,HOL 04/16/2015,12:48:43,gracielagarcia-moliner,ASR 04/16/2015,12:49:42,Tim Shank,ASR Neomorphaster? like 04/16/2015,12:50:29,okexnav,LAT :17.76096, LON : -66.75684, DEPTH :2018.5738m, TEMP : 4.14990C, SAL : 34.97871 PSU, DO : 6.76478 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:52:13,gracielagarcia-moliner,FSH 04/16/2015,12:54:14,okexnav,LAT :17.76101, LON : -66.75679, DEPTH :2013.7013m, TEMP : 4.16181C, SAL : 34.97750 PSU, DO : 6.75521 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:55:08,gracielagarcia-moliner,HOL 04/16/2015,12:55:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76090, LON : -66.75652, DEPTH :2002.7251m, TEMP : 4.14711C, SAL : 34.97826 PSU, DO : 6.77416 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:55:36,jasonchaytor,DET 04/16/2015,12:55:40,jasonchaytor,seagrass 04/16/2015,12:55:57,jasonchaytor,we are in the ECC at WHOI! 04/16/2015,12:55:59,Tim Shank,URC and DET 04/16/2015,12:56:26,gracielagarcia-moliner,FSH 04/16/2015,12:57:23,Tim Shank,HOL swimming 04/16/2015,12:57:46,okexnav,LAT :17.76093, LON : -66.75631, DEPTH :1994.6601m, TEMP : 4.15243C, SAL : 34.97866 PSU, DO : 6.74891 mg/L 04/16/2015,12:58:24,Andrea Quattrini,another ship move but going to move much more slowly 04/16/2015,12:58:27,Andrea Quattrini,sorry that was too quick 04/16/2015,12:58:36,Andrea Quattrini,pilot change 04/16/2015,13:01:46,gracielagarcia-moliner,HOL 04/16/2015,13:02:41,jasonchaytor,fuzzy sediments with pretopods 04/16/2015,13:02:43,jasonchaytor,PTE 04/16/2015,13:02:47,okexnav,LAT :17.76103, LON : -66.75625, DEPTH :1993.3729m, TEMP : 4.15451C, SAL : 34.97955 PSU, DO : 6.74284 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:03:30,amandademopoulos,CU on HOL with clear image of gut with fine sediments 04/16/2015,13:03:52,mikecheadle,mornin Uri 04/16/2015,13:04:05,mikecheadle,outcrop 04/16/2015,13:04:32,Uri,Morning Mike, What was the maximum depth of the Karst you encountered yesterday? 04/16/2015,13:04:34,amandademopoulos,lumpy humocky substrate 04/16/2015,13:04:42,jasonchaytor,semi-consolidated? 04/16/2015,13:05:23,mikecheadle,nahhh solid rock 04/16/2015,13:05:46,mikecheadle, bdded? more dipping than earlier more massive 04/16/2015,13:06:41,mikecheadle,but very mud covered 04/16/2015,13:07:47,okexnav,LAT :17.76091, LON : -66.75608, DEPTH :1975.2532m, TEMP : 4.15528C, SAL : 34.97854 PSU, DO : 6.72461 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:08:35,jasonchaytor,uri, karstic morphologies down to around 600 m 04/16/2015,13:08:47,jasonchaytor,erosional-karstic 04/16/2015,13:09:40,okexnav,LAT :17.76092, LON : -66.75592, DEPTH :1965.1216m, TEMP : 4.15660C, SAL : 34.97735 PSU, DO : 6.71235 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:11:33,Tim Shank,CRI x 2 cromatulid on this "ROC" 04/16/2015,13:11:43,jasonchaytor,mike, the karst discussion was about yesterdays dive 04/16/2015,13:12:50,amandademopoulos,CU of BRY? 04/16/2015,13:13:14,okexnav,LAT :17.76097, LON : -66.75590, DEPTH :1963.7089m, TEMP : 4.16131C, SAL : 34.97836 PSU, DO : 6.71031 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:13:40,gracielagarcia-moliner,how far from shore? 04/16/2015,13:13:54,Andrea Quattrini,15 mi south 04/16/2015,13:14:04,gracielagarcia-moliner,gracias 04/16/2015,13:14:12,Andrea Quattrini,de nada 04/16/2015,13:14:59,Andrea Quattrini,ASR earlier Zoroaster fulgens from C. Mah 04/16/2015,13:15:07,Andrea Quattrini,PAG 04/16/2015,13:17:04,jasonchaytor,SHI 04/16/2015,13:17:15,Tim Shank,SHI- red swimming by quickly 04/16/2015,13:17:28,okexnav,LAT :17.76092, LON : -66.75586, DEPTH :1960.6865m, TEMP : 4.16943C, SAL : 34.97763 PSU, DO : 6.69541 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:17:54,Tim Shank,CORA bathypathes like 04/16/2015,13:18:08,Tim Shank,orange polyps at base of axis 04/16/2015,13:18:14,Andrea Quattrini,looks like Bathypathes to me~ 04/16/2015,13:18:27,Tim Shank,associate POL? on the central axis- can you see it? dark in color 04/16/2015,13:18:43,Tim Shank,almost looks like a FSH 04/16/2015,13:19:49,okexnav,LAT :17.76099, LON : -66.75586, DEPTH :1959.9225m, TEMP : 4.16718C, SAL : 34.97893 PSU, DO : 6.70990 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:20:17,Andrea Quattrini,COR? what the heck is it STY? Corallium? 04/16/2015,13:21:02,Andrea Quattrini,SHI?? 04/16/2015,13:21:20,Chris Kelley,COR looks like opposite branching or close to opposite branching 04/16/2015,13:21:51,jasonchaytor,fractured outcrop 04/16/2015,13:21:56,jasonchaytor,boulder? 04/16/2015,13:22:21,jasonchaytor,layering/crust 04/16/2015,13:22:30,jasonchaytor,think it is outcrop 04/16/2015,13:22:59,jasonchaytor,if outcrop it is arched 04/16/2015,13:23:11,amandademopoulos,this crust looks less crusty/rough than yesterdays crust :) 04/16/2015,13:23:23,amandademopoulos,CRI 04/16/2015,13:23:52,jasonchaytor,heavy bioerosion...possibly a significant % of carbonate in the rock 04/16/2015,13:24:04,amandademopoulos,PAG 04/16/2015,13:24:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76091, LON : -66.75561, DEPTH :1943.3823m, TEMP : 4.16274C, SAL : 34.97840 PSU, DO : 6.69159 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:25:16,amandademopoulos,similar bioerosion to what we observed in canyons along the NE US Atlantic (canex) 04/16/2015,13:25:44,Andrea Quattrini,lots of boring, pits, boring 04/16/2015,13:25:49,amandademopoulos,very boring 04/16/2015,13:25:53,amandademopoulos,:) 04/16/2015,13:25:56,jasonchaytor,pity 04/16/2015,13:25:59,Andrea Quattrini,sorry...ha 04/16/2015,13:26:45,Michelle Schärer,hola! 04/16/2015,13:27:56,mikecheadle,hola Michelle 04/16/2015,13:27:57,Chris Kelley,Back to the white COR, took a capture and was studying it. I agree, could be Corallium but a weird one, not kishinouyei (spelling is wrong 04/16/2015,13:28:09,amandademopoulos,wood? 04/16/2015,13:28:20,amandademopoulos,FSH Bathysaurus 04/16/2015,13:30:00,okexnav,LAT :17.76083, LON : -66.75539, DEPTH :1931.7236m, TEMP : 4.16767C, SAL : 34.97773 PSU, DO : 6.68678 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:33:01,Michelle Schärer,Those pelvic fins are really wide apart, adapted to lay on the ground? 04/16/2015,13:33:01,amandademopoulos,CU bathysaurus with ectoparasite gnathiid 04/16/2015,13:33:08,michaelvecchione,Tim -- They are top-level predators 04/16/2015,13:33:56,michaelvecchione,Stable isotopes indicate level 7 (yes 7) in the deep food web, according to Tracey Sutton. 04/16/2015,13:34:10,Michelle Schärer,7 of 10? 04/16/2015,13:34:41,michaelvecchione,7, counting up from 1 (primary producers). 04/16/2015,13:35:01,okexnav,LAT :17.76090, LON : -66.75528, DEPTH :1927.1095m, TEMP : 4.17656C, SAL : 34.97732 PSU, DO : 6.68056 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:35:18,Michelle Schärer,is there any more above 7 (for scale)? or we are talking top of the top! 04/16/2015,13:35:23,amandademopoulos,CORO Umbellula 04/16/2015,13:36:10,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Ipnopidae 04/16/2015,13:36:22,Andrea Quattrini,Bathypterois 04/16/2015,13:36:47,Chris Kelley,FSH Bathyterois grallator 04/16/2015,13:37:14,Andrea Quattrini,not grallator 04/16/2015,13:37:19,Andrea Quattrini,has long pectoral fins 04/16/2015,13:37:29,Andrea Quattrini,likely phenax or quadrifilis 04/16/2015,13:37:50,Chris Kelley,agree don't know those species 04/16/2015,13:38:06,Andrea Quattrini,yea, its identified wrong all over the web... 04/16/2015,13:38:38,Andrea Quattrini,how many tripod species do you have off Hawaii 04/16/2015,13:39:10,Andrea Quattrini,COR 04/16/2015,13:39:12,Chris Kelley,Sorry, I had it backwards anyway, thought it looked most like our atricolor, not grallator, forgot which was which 04/16/2015,13:39:29,amandademopoulos,Jason is talking in my ear 04/16/2015,13:40:01,okexnav,LAT :17.76100, LON : -66.75511, DEPTH :1918.6646m, TEMP : 4.16734C, SAL : 34.97869 PSU, DO : 6.67670 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:40:09,Andrea Quattrini,STY? Corallium? These white branching morph corals are confusing me… 04/16/2015,13:40:15,Andrea Quattrini,SQA 04/16/2015,13:40:22,Andrea Quattrini,Munida? 04/16/2015,13:40:46,Chris Kelley,We just have the two species in Hawaii, grallator and atricolor, but we also have 1 more ipnopid, Bathytyphlops 04/16/2015,13:41:09,Andrea Quattrini,ok. we just saw a Bathytyphlops too, not sure what species. 04/16/2015,13:41:48,Chris Kelley,Darn missed it. I draw the line at getting up earlier than 3 am 04/16/2015,13:42:13,michaelvecchione,We also saw Ipnops in the GoMex. 04/16/2015,13:42:42,Andrea Quattrini,oh yea-that was super cool… 04/16/2015,13:42:43,Tim Shank,SQA at 1918m 04/16/2015,13:42:49,Taylor Heyl,GAS shell 04/16/2015,13:43:04,Andrea Quattrini,Hey Mike V-did Tracey do stomach contents on the Bathysaurus as well as isotopes? 04/16/2015,13:43:07,Taylor Heyl,small round SPO on ROC 04/16/2015,13:43:12,Tim Shank,SQA smooth dorsal carapace 04/16/2015,13:43:17,Tim Shank,compressed 04/16/2015,13:44:12,Andrea Quattrini,plan is continue on heading due east until 1840 m, then track N-NE to catch up with the original dive track 04/16/2015,13:45:01,okexnav,LAT :17.76103, LON : -66.75496, DEPTH :1913.8031m, TEMP : 4.16625C, SAL : 34.97717 PSU, DO : 6.68281 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:45:26,amandademopoulos,based on the bathy/slope map, 1840ish will still be steep for several hundred meters North 04/16/2015,13:45:34,mikecheadle,loose blocks 04/16/2015,13:45:43,amandademopoulos,we have followed a contour in the past-is this an issue today because of currents? 04/16/2015,13:46:20,Andrea Quattrini,I think we see this in the GOM 04/16/2015,13:46:21,Michelle Schärer,FSH 04/16/2015,13:46:25,mikecheadle,Nav just is worried about topograhy... really does n't want to "contour" 04/16/2015,13:47:01,mikecheadle,Hence why I wanted to start heading there now.. :-) 04/16/2015,13:47:15,Andrea Quattrini,FSH B. mollis 04/16/2015,13:47:24,amandademopoulos,Sorry-i know this sounds argumentative-but we did this throughout the canyons-so i'm not sure what the issue is-maybe Brian K can weigh in-must be something I'm not aware of 04/16/2015,13:47:33,michaelvecchione,Yes. That looks like the GoMex macrourid species that I initially misIDed as a snailfish. 04/16/2015,13:47:57,Andrea Quattrini,FSH Macrouridae? I cant get the genus name right now…starts with an S 04/16/2015,13:47:59,Andrea Quattrini,ha 04/16/2015,13:48:14,Chris Kelley,wow, macrourid?! Never seen anything like it out here. 04/16/2015,13:48:27,Andrea Quattrini,yea, its a weird one. 04/16/2015,13:48:39,mikecheadle,I just wanted to keep the the steeper contours... because one objective is to try to find an e-w steeply dipping fault.. that's why the dive track is diagonal 04/16/2015,13:49:37,jasonchaytor,sed chute 04/16/2015,13:49:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76108, LON : -66.75488, DEPTH :1903.8808m, TEMP : 4.16674C, SAL : 34.97758 PSU, DO : 6.66922 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:49:49,Andrea Quattrini,Squalogadus modificatus FSH 04/16/2015,13:50:29,jasonchaytor,roc with FeMn coating-partial 04/16/2015,13:50:34,amandademopoulos,I understand you, Mike, I'm not understanding the Nav issue with following a contour, but that is something we can talk about during the post dive call if need be. 04/16/2015,13:50:46,amandademopoulos,CORA 04/16/2015,13:51:11,Tim Shank,CORA Bathypathes like 04/16/2015,13:51:12,Taylor Heyl,Coral rubble at base of rock 04/16/2015,13:51:17,amandademopoulos,CRA 04/16/2015,13:51:19,Tim Shank,CRA decorator 04/16/2015,13:51:39,Tim Shank,COR covered with material DET 04/16/2015,13:52:25,Chris Kelley,Anyone have any clue? Not me. 04/16/2015,13:52:34,Tim Shank,no 04/16/2015,13:52:35,okexnav,LAT :17.76102, LON : -66.75475, DEPTH :1897.6751m, TEMP : 4.16861C, SAL : 34.97850 PSU, DO : 6.67905 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:53:15,Taylor Heyl,No associates visible on this CORA Bathypathes 04/16/2015,13:53:30,Tim Shank,cu video* CORA 04/16/2015,13:53:32,Chris Kelley,Can you see if its alternate or opposite branching? 04/16/2015,13:53:48,Chris Kelley,Looks alternate 04/16/2015,13:54:53,Taylor Heyl,SPO 04/16/2015,13:55:01,Tim Shank,OPH small large disc - arms maybe regenerating 04/16/2015,13:55:02,Taylor Heyl,tiny OPH, 3 arms regenerating 04/16/2015,13:55:36,Chris Kelley,Don't know these SPOs 04/16/2015,13:56:29,amandademopoulos,CRI stalked 04/16/2015,13:57:06,Michelle Schärer,Some scientists think it is coming from west Africa… not the Sargasso Sea in NAtlantic 04/16/2015,13:57:44,okexnav,LAT :17.76099, LON : -66.75470, DEPTH :1896.1427m, TEMP : 4.17146C, SAL : 34.97737 PSU, DO : 6.68430 mg/L 04/16/2015,13:59:29,amandademopoulos,DET 04/16/2015,13:59:37,amandademopoulos,DET Thalassia 04/16/2015,13:59:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76103, LON : -66.75468, DEPTH :1889.3524m, TEMP : 4.17721C, SAL : 34.98156 PSU, DO : 6.66962 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:00:07,Michelle Schärer,I think they are working on that, but the expert is Jim Franks who is at USM reporting site – pls remember that site in case anyone interested in reporting sargassum http://www.usm.edu/gcrl/sargassum/index.php 04/16/2015,14:00:46,okexnav,LAT :17.76106, LON : -66.75464, DEPTH :1887.1373m, TEMP : 4.16734C, SAL : 34.97815 PSU, DO : 6.67659 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:01:49,Tim Shank,CRI cromatulids here small SPOs 04/16/2015,14:01:56,Tim Shank,many CORO Anthamastus? 04/16/2015,14:02:09,Tim Shank,Alcyonacea 04/16/2015,14:02:29,jasonchaytor,possibly carbonate, FeMn coating 04/16/2015,14:02:35,jasonchaytor,fine layering? 04/16/2015,14:02:51,Chris Kelley,agree COR Anthomastus 04/16/2015,14:02:55,amandademopoulos,several small colonies of CORO Anthomastus 04/16/2015,14:03:55,Michelle Schärer,was that a white TUN or SPO? 04/16/2015,14:03:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76108, LON : -66.75454, DEPTH :1883.1806m, TEMP : 4.17228C, SAL : 34.97769 PSU, DO : 6.67105 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:04:07,Chris Kelley,I think TUN 04/16/2015,14:04:13,Michelle Schärer,thx 04/16/2015,14:05:01,Chris Kelley,COR isidid 04/16/2015,14:06:37,amandademopoulos,CORO bamboo 04/16/2015,14:07:13,jasonchaytor,different overall morphology of this outcrop compared to what we have seen below 04/16/2015,14:07:37,Tim Shank,ASR Evoplosoma sp feeding on this bamboo whip coral 04/16/2015,14:07:41,mikecheadle,agreed.. different rock 04/16/2015,14:07:56,Tim Shank,can see the outstretched tube feet 04/16/2015,14:08:14,Tim Shank,great video of "Evolplosoma 04/16/2015,14:08:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76098, LON : -66.75436, DEPTH :1864.0969m, TEMP : 4.16674C, SAL : 34.97793 PSU, DO : 6.66306 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:09:27,cherylmorrison,We have seen that often on Primnoa pacifica in the Gulf of Alaska 04/16/2015,14:10:36,Tim Shank,There are many species of Evolplosoma but somehow they all seem to love feeding on bamboo whip corals 04/16/2015,14:10:52,Chris Kelley,Almost looks like the tissue contracted up in response to the seastar predation 04/16/2015,14:10:56,Andrea Quattrini,do you think the polyps are moving? bunching up? 04/16/2015,14:11:46,cherylmorrison,Not sure of seastar species in Alaska, but predation was fairly frequent 04/16/2015,14:12:01,amandademopoulos,CORO Umbellula 04/16/2015,14:12:39,Michelle Schärer,If you focus on the vesicles of the Sargassum we can tell the spp. 04/16/2015,14:12:49,Andrea Quattrini,roger will do 04/16/2015,14:13:01,amandademopoulos,DET Sargassums 04/16/2015,14:13:13,Tim Shank,APH* associate on CORO Umbellula - very interesting.. 04/16/2015,14:13:25,Tim Shank,red APH associate 04/16/2015,14:13:50,Tim Shank,DET blades and round pneumatocysts * great image 04/16/2015,14:13:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76095, LON : -66.75422, DEPTH :1855.4790m, TEMP : 4.16751C, SAL : 34.97827 PSU, DO : 6.66642 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:13:58,Michelle Schärer,vesicles without points 04/16/2015,14:14:18,randysinger,hi everyone! nice to see we are on the bottom already 04/16/2015,14:14:34,Michelle Schärer,this would suggest Sargassum fluitans 04/16/2015,14:14:35,amandademopoulos,morning randy 04/16/2015,14:14:55,Tim Shank,zoom on sargassum 04/16/2015,14:15:52,Tim Shank,APH* x2 on CORO Umbellula- "different' color morphs 04/16/2015,14:16:27,Tim Shank,wood fall branch 04/16/2015,14:16:28,Taylor Heyl,WOD 04/16/2015,14:16:42,Michelle Schärer,Algae expert Dr. Héctor Ruiz has confirmed the Sargassum sp. is fluitans! 04/16/2015,14:16:48,Tim Shank,HOL tracks 04/16/2015,14:17:10,Tim Shank,Thank you Michelle 04/16/2015,14:17:47,Tim Shank,FEC 04/16/2015,14:18:00,Tim Shank,OPH red 04/16/2015,14:18:02,Michelle Schärer,sure ;) 04/16/2015,14:18:05,Taylor Heyl,OPH on sediment 04/16/2015,14:18:12,Taylor Heyl,PTE shells 04/16/2015,14:18:29,Tim Shank,zoom on -ophiocanthid like arms- angular disc little to no dentition 04/16/2015,14:18:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76111, LON : -66.75396, DEPTH :1838.8693m, TEMP : 4.17212C, SAL : 34.97714 PSU, DO : 6.65939 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:20:09,Michelle Schärer,Has there been any current down there? on top it is usually E to W most of the time! 04/16/2015,14:21:35,Michelle Schärer,North or South? 04/16/2015,14:21:45,Michelle Schärer,aren't we facing up/N? 04/16/2015,14:22:06,Michelle Schärer,From North, right... 04/16/2015,14:22:14,Michelle Schärer,perfect 04/16/2015,14:22:15,Michelle Schärer, thanks 04/16/2015,14:22:38,Michelle Schärer,HOL 04/16/2015,14:23:04,jasonchaytor,mottled sediment 04/16/2015,14:23:43,Michelle Schärer,HOL 04/16/2015,14:23:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76111, LON : -66.75378, DEPTH :1829.6563m, TEMP : 4.16850C, SAL : 34.97827 PSU, DO : 6.64929 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:24:11,Michelle Schärer,Dark HOL 04/16/2015,14:24:56,Chris Kelley,HOL possible different Benthodytes 04/16/2015,14:24:57,Tim Shank,HOL Benthodytes morph 04/16/2015,14:25:27,Taylor Heyl,SHI 04/16/2015,14:27:00,Chris Kelley,broken piece of bamboo 04/16/2015,14:27:11,Chris Kelley,that is bamboo coral 04/16/2015,14:27:32,Michelle Schärer,shells 04/16/2015,14:27:40,Chris Kelley,Ok I take that back 04/16/2015,14:27:49,Chris Kelley,No I'm not 04/16/2015,14:28:24,randysinger,looking through earlier stills on facebook 04/16/2015,14:28:30,randysinger,sad I missed the Bathysaurus! 04/16/2015,14:28:49,randysinger,loks like mollis 04/16/2015,14:28:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76116, LON : -66.75365, DEPTH :1822.9687m, TEMP : 4.17020C, SAL : 34.97783 PSU, DO : 6.65583 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:29:49,Andrea Quattrini,answering AMA questions…so biology help for MIke please~ 04/16/2015,14:30:05,Andrea Quattrini,CPEN 04/16/2015,14:30:14,Taylor Heyl,ASR on sediment 04/16/2015,14:31:03,Tim Shank,APH white * associate at the based of CPEN 04/16/2015,14:31:08,randysinger,im on reddit also to help 04/16/2015,14:31:10,randysinger,:D 04/16/2015,14:31:14,Chris Kelley,CPEN possible Protoptiidae 04/16/2015,14:31:32,Michelle Schärer,You have a lot of question to answer Andrea! 04/16/2015,14:31:45,Chris Kelley,misspelling Protoptilidae, but its a pure guess 04/16/2015,14:32:24,Andrea Quattrini,could be... 04/16/2015,14:32:39,Andrea Quattrini,or Anthoptilum? 04/16/2015,14:32:39,Tim Shank,back at the base and seeing APH; hunkered down 04/16/2015,14:33:37,amandademopoulos,sediment trace 04/16/2015,14:33:44,Chris Kelley,Could be but our Anthoptilum has a large foot. Not sure if other species in that genus don't. This one didn't have foot. 04/16/2015,14:33:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76104, LON : -66.75357, DEPTH :1818.9173m, TEMP : 4.16877C, SAL : 34.97754 PSU, DO : 6.64074 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:34:17,Michelle Schärer,URC 04/16/2015,14:34:41,Michelle Schärer,fast moving urc 04/16/2015,14:34:52,amandademopoulos,DET seagrass syningodium 04/16/2015,14:35:03,Michelle Schärer,lasers? 04/16/2015,14:35:06,Michelle Schärer,perfect 04/16/2015,14:35:12,Chris Kelley,URC Phormasomatidae 04/16/2015,14:35:35,Chris Kelley,Darn misspelled again. Phormosomatidae 04/16/2015,14:35:41,Michelle Schärer,showing underside for ID! 04/16/2015,14:36:30,Chris Kelley,Don't know how many members in this family but could be Phormosoma genus 04/16/2015,14:36:51,Tim Shank,Yes, think so. 04/16/2015,14:37:17,Andrea Quattrini,AManda and Jason look at Hypack. the new targets are in, did you want to move downslope before up? 04/16/2015,14:37:17,randysinger,FSH 04/16/2015,14:37:27,Chris Kelley,FSH Bathyterois 04/16/2015,14:37:36,Chris Kelley,yes tripod fish 04/16/2015,14:37:37,randysinger,tripod fish 04/16/2015,14:37:38,Michelle Schärer,Tripod? 04/16/2015,14:37:51,randysinger,missing tendrils on caudal? 04/16/2015,14:37:54,jasonchaytor,I think we have time to do that, correct? 04/16/2015,14:37:59,Tim Shank,cu of tripod FSH 04/16/2015,14:38:21,amandademopoulos,Hi andrea-i think we have time to go downslope first, then up, correct? 04/16/2015,14:38:45,randysinger,Bathypterois phenax 04/16/2015,14:38:52,jasonchaytor,PTE 04/16/2015,14:38:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76102, LON : -66.75351, DEPTH :1818.1902m, TEMP : 4.17107C, SAL : 34.97830 PSU, DO : 6.65016 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:39:54,Andrea Quattrini,not really amanda 04/16/2015,14:40:09,Andrea Quattrini,but we can try! 04/16/2015,14:40:26,amandademopoulos,u guys have covered a lot of ground 04/16/2015,14:40:32,Andrea Quattrini,more difficult to traverse 04/16/2015,14:40:57,jasonchaytor,dealers choice :-) 04/16/2015,14:40:59,Andrea Quattrini,kinds of have to move over a hump, and downslope 04/16/2015,14:41:07,Andrea Quattrini,ok…wpt C then 04/16/2015,14:42:47,jasonchaytor,could we go up into the water and go over to the deeper sit, then come back down? 04/16/2015,14:42:53,jasonchaytor,10 m up or so? 04/16/2015,14:43:06,jasonchaytor,*site 04/16/2015,14:43:27,amandademopoulos,FSH 04/16/2015,14:43:33,randysinger,FSH 04/16/2015,14:43:34,randysinger,halosaur 04/16/2015,14:43:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76120, LON : -66.75362, DEPTH :1818.1908m, TEMP : 4.16883C, SAL : 34.97783 PSU, DO : 6.65813 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:45:52,Andrea Quattrini,final way point is still 1300 m away 04/16/2015,14:46:14,Andrea Quattrini,if we make the move to point B, we wont make the endpoint 04/16/2015,14:46:34,Andrea Quattrini,your call 04/16/2015,14:47:44,Chris Kelley,COR is ceriantharian 04/16/2015,14:48:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76106, LON : -66.75366, DEPTH :1826.6855m, TEMP : 4.16976C, SAL : 34.97792 PSU, DO : 6.64945 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:49:41,Chris Kelley,Can we zoom the songge 04/16/2015,14:50:59,Tim Shank,HOL clear 04/16/2015,14:51:04,Tim Shank,SPO case zooming in 04/16/2015,14:51:09,Tim Shank,SPO hex 04/16/2015,14:51:16,Tim Shank,material inside 04/16/2015,14:51:19,Michelle Schärer,what's inside? 04/16/2015,14:51:31,michaelvecchione,APH residents in SPO 04/16/2015,14:51:35,Scott France,APH in SPO 04/16/2015,14:51:41,Scott France,Two amphipods 04/16/2015,14:51:54,Chris Kelley,SPO I think Euplectella 04/16/2015,14:53:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76139, LON : -66.75368, DEPTH :1825.7270m, TEMP : 4.17464C, SAL : 34.97714 PSU, DO : 6.66370 mg/L 04/16/2015,14:55:34,Michelle Schärer,or a leatherback turtle! 04/16/2015,14:56:11,Andrea Quattrini,?? 04/16/2015,14:57:01,Michelle Schärer,They are nesting in Guanica and may be hanging around! 04/16/2015,14:57:21,Andrea Quattrini,sweet! 04/16/2015,14:58:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76137, LON : -66.75360, DEPTH :1804.5853m, TEMP : 4.19372C, SAL : 34.97674 PSU, DO : 6.61051 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:01:59,Michelle Schärer,SHI 04/16/2015,15:02:07,gracielagarcia-moliner,really I missed a turtle???? 04/16/2015,15:02:27,amandademopoulos,SHI 04/16/2015,15:02:33,Michelle Schärer,no chica relax, we are looking out for one 04/16/2015,15:02:43,michaelvecchione,nice closeup of sergestid SHI 04/16/2015,15:03:44,gracielagarcia-moliner,Michelle resumen en espanol q estaba fuera de la oficina - por favor 04/16/2015,15:03:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76136, LON : -66.75379, DEPTH :1805.4090m, TEMP : 4.19925C, SAL : 34.97613 PSU, DO : 6.59797 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:05:46,Michelle Schärer,GG I'm on another call right now, sorry 04/16/2015,15:06:15,Santiago Herrera,good morning everyone! 04/16/2015,15:06:52,michaelvecchione,JFH 04/16/2015,15:06:53,Scott France,JFH 04/16/2015,15:08:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76168, LON : -66.75379, DEPTH :1808.5936m, TEMP : 4.20117C, SAL : 34.97721 PSU, DO : 6.58976 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:09:37,amandademopoulos,was that a larvacean house? 04/16/2015,15:09:42,michaelvecchione,LARV 04/16/2015,15:09:45,Scott France,POSSIBLY 04/16/2015,15:09:47,michaelvecchione,yes 04/16/2015,15:09:52,Scott France,oops - possibly 04/16/2015,15:10:16,amandademopoulos,don't shout Scott :) 04/16/2015,15:10:21,amandademopoulos,i have sensitive ears 04/16/2015,15:10:53,Scott France,I'm just passionate. 04/16/2015,15:11:04,Scott France,About deep sea biology, I mean... 04/16/2015,15:12:15,michaelvecchione,MUC 04/16/2015,15:12:20,mikeford,MUC 04/16/2015,15:12:38,randysinger,man this AMA is overwhelming 04/16/2015,15:12:43,randysinger,soooo many questions 04/16/2015,15:13:01,randysinger,I guess the ones at the top are upvoted so theya re the ones people want the most answers to 04/16/2015,15:13:05,randysinger,right? 04/16/2015,15:13:58,okexnav,LAT :17.76196, LON : -66.75379, DEPTH :1811.5196m, TEMP : 4.21071C, SAL : 34.97661 PSU, DO : 6.57601 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:14:35,okexnav,LAT :17.76199, LON : -66.75388, DEPTH :1811.2552m, TEMP : 4.21148C, SAL : 34.97668 PSU, DO : 6.58891 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:15:06,michaelvecchione,APH 04/16/2015,15:15:11,randysinger,hey mike! 04/16/2015,15:15:32,michaelvecchione,which Mike 04/16/2015,15:16:59,mikeford,cool - midwater all day! 04/16/2015,15:17:07,okexnav,LAT :17.76208, LON : -66.75380, DEPTH :1811.2321m, TEMP : 4.20912C, SAL : 34.97744 PSU, DO : 6.58639 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:17:13,amandademopoulos,surprise bonus, Mike F 04/16/2015,15:18:08,michaelvecchione,SINKER 04/16/2015,15:19:44,michaelvecchione,SHI 04/16/2015,15:21:31,okexnav,LAT :17.76241, LON : -66.75394, DEPTH :1812.1793m, TEMP : 4.21115C, SAL : 34.97725 PSU, DO : 6.59133 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:23:13,randysinger,FSH 04/16/2015,15:23:24,randysinger,its a stomiiform 04/16/2015,15:23:30,randysinger,yay! 04/16/2015,15:23:38,michaelvecchione,Cyclothone? 04/16/2015,15:23:43,randysinger,highly possible 04/16/2015,15:23:56,Michelle Schärer,left 04/16/2015,15:26:31,okexnav,LAT :17.76295, LON : -66.75392, DEPTH :1821.9821m, TEMP : 4.20528C, SAL : 34.97728 PSU, DO : 6.59637 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:26:54,michaelvecchione,muc 04/16/2015,15:31:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76336, LON : -66.75390, DEPTH :1850.3554m, TEMP : 4.20797C, SAL : 34.97713 PSU, DO : 6.59466 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:34:24,amandademopoulos,larvacean house 04/16/2015,15:35:29,Scott France,Bottom in sight 04/16/2015,15:36:01,jasonchaytor,sediment bottom 04/16/2015,15:36:03,jasonchaytor,tracks 04/16/2015,15:36:07,jasonchaytor,mottled 04/16/2015,15:36:15,amandademopoulos,ASR 04/16/2015,15:36:27,Michelle Schärer,Eagle has landed! 04/16/2015,15:36:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76359, LON : -66.75386, DEPTH :1910.2300m, TEMP : 4.19706C, SAL : 34.97691 PSU, DO : 6.61703 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:37:16,Michelle Schärer,lasers please 04/16/2015,15:37:32,Tim Shank,ceramaster like cookie star 04/16/2015,15:38:12,amandademopoulos,ROC 04/16/2015,15:38:33,amandademopoulos,FSH 04/16/2015,15:38:35,randysinger,FSH 04/16/2015,15:38:39,michaelvecchione,Ipnops 04/16/2015,15:38:47,Michelle Schärer,lasers pls 04/16/2015,15:38:49,michaelvecchione,Speak of the devil. 04/16/2015,15:39:17,Tim Shank,FSH we have seen this FSH more before in the NE canyons… 04/16/2015,15:39:48,randysinger,looked like Ipnops 04/16/2015,15:39:48,michaelvecchione,Somewhere earlier in todays discussion I mentioned that we had seen Ipnops in the GoMex 04/16/2015,15:40:21,randysinger,only one species of Ipnops (murrayi) 04/16/2015,15:41:27,Scott France,ASR brisingid 04/16/2015,15:41:28,Taylor Heyl,ASR brisingid x2 04/16/2015,15:41:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76372, LON : -66.75380, DEPTH :1902.9119m, TEMP : 4.18736C, SAL : 34.97819 PSU, DO : 6.62714 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:41:35,Scott France,CRI stalked 04/16/2015,15:41:51,Tim Shank,Large BAR 04/16/2015,15:42:12,Scott France,Mike - you were right the first time. Brisingids are asteroid seastars, not brittle stars 04/16/2015,15:42:20,jasonchaytor,FeMn coasted roc...not sure if it is in situ 04/16/2015,15:42:25,Tim Shank,ASR brisingid cu 04/16/2015,15:42:55,Taylor Heyl,CER anemone 04/16/2015,15:42:59,Taylor Heyl,SPO 04/16/2015,15:43:29,Tim Shank,BAR on stalk; cu 04/16/2015,15:43:52,Tim Shank,BAR attached to CORA skeleton I think 04/16/2015,15:44:23,Taylor Heyl,CRI stalked with HYD 04/16/2015,15:45:32,Scott France,Nice close-up - the "fuzziness' you see are the tube feet sticking out of grooves in the arms 04/16/2015,15:45:47,Scott France,In the CRI I mean. Too slow typing! 04/16/2015,15:46:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76370, LON : -66.75377, DEPTH :1902.8512m, TEMP : 4.18593C, SAL : 34.97763 PSU, DO : 6.62238 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:46:33,Taylor Heyl,cu of BAR 04/16/2015,15:47:06,Scott France,CRI comatulid below on rcok face 04/16/2015,15:49:14,Scott France,Too small to really make out... 04/16/2015,15:49:22,Scott France,Was it a HYD/STY? 04/16/2015,15:49:32,Scott France,At first I thought SPO… 04/16/2015,15:49:46,jasonchaytor,spalling failure off face of outcrop 04/16/2015,15:50:49,jasonchaytor,detached block? 04/16/2015,15:50:53,amandademopoulos,FSH 04/16/2015,15:51:03,randysinger,FSH halosaur 04/16/2015,15:51:10,randysinger,mike you are a closet ichthyologist! 04/16/2015,15:51:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76373, LON : -66.75365, DEPTH :1889.8193m, TEMP : 4.19004C, SAL : 34.97737 PSU, DO : 6.62535 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:51:34,amandademopoulos,we have a lot of converted geologists around here 04/16/2015,15:51:47,gracielagarcia-moliner,FHS 04/16/2015,15:51:50,amandademopoulos,converted to biologists 04/16/2015,15:52:12,Michelle Schärer,Is there any current??? 04/16/2015,15:52:26,Andrea Quattrini,standy 04/16/2015,15:52:27,randysinger,FSH cusk eel 04/16/2015,15:52:29,Andrea Quattrini,standy 04/16/2015,15:52:37,Andrea Quattrini,standby….jeez 04/16/2015,15:53:08,jasonchaytor,isn't a standy a cardboard cutout of a person? :-) 04/16/2015,15:55:22,jasonchaytor,bioeroded carbonate?, couldn't tell exactly 04/16/2015,15:55:24,jasonchaytor,chute 04/16/2015,15:55:34,amandademopoulos,FSH 04/16/2015,15:55:42,randysinger,Ipnops? 04/16/2015,15:55:44,michaelvecchione,Ipnops 04/16/2015,15:55:51,randysinger,FSH Ipnops murrayi 04/16/2015,15:56:14,michaelvecchione,The big disk on the head is modified eyes. 04/16/2015,15:56:15,randysinger,amazing hwo reflective that head plate is 04/16/2015,15:56:18,randysinger,I did not know that 04/16/2015,15:56:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76392, LON : -66.75359, DEPTH :1887.1616m, TEMP : 4.19991C, SAL : 34.97679 PSU, DO : 6.59321 mg/L 04/16/2015,15:56:38,amandademopoulos,CU on the FSH Ignops 04/16/2015,15:56:51,randysinger,Ipnops doesnt have eyeys 04/16/2015,15:56:52,michaelvecchione,It is basically a big photoreceptive disk, with a reflective "tapetum" 04/16/2015,15:56:53,randysinger,*eyes 04/16/2015,15:56:58,randysinger,like mike said 04/16/2015,15:57:04,randysinger,its jsut a photoreceptor 04/16/2015,15:57:46,randysinger,im blown away by the color 04/16/2015,15:58:14,randysinger,has that been published about? its incredible 04/16/2015,16:00:37,Michelle Schärer,Error with extream-full-res viewer here... 04/16/2015,16:01:14,Michelle Schärer,Only youtube working now 04/16/2015,16:01:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76384, LON : -66.75370, DEPTH :1887.8845m, TEMP : 4.20989C, SAL : 34.97798 PSU, DO : 6.60546 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:01:56,mikecheadle,working on it now 04/16/2015,16:01:59,Scott France,I am seeing the exstream-full-res viewer in Louisiana 04/16/2015,16:02:28,Michelle Schärer,must be the island internet service then... 04/16/2015,16:02:29,Scott France,Occasional slight break-up but pretty stable overall, and haven't lost the feed. 04/16/2015,16:02:56,randysinger,unfortunately guys I have to step away for a meeting. ill be back in an hour or so 04/16/2015,16:03:33,Scott France,Ah meetings… ;-) 04/16/2015,16:06:22,iscwatch,Nothing here at Inner Space Center that indicated a full-res stream failure 04/16/2015,16:06:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76393, LON : -66.75361, DEPTH :1888.0816m, TEMP : 4.20150C, SAL : 34.97781 PSU, DO : 6.61686 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:06:50,iscwatch,FWIW if the full-res science feed is out, YouTube would normally go out in 30 seconds - troubleshooting fun 04/16/2015,16:07:25,mikecheadle,thanks iscwatch 04/16/2015,16:08:16,Michelle Schärer,Extream OK, sorry 04/16/2015,16:08:42,jasonchaytor,carbonate outcrop and displaced blocks 04/16/2015,16:09:01,Michelle Schärer,FSH 04/16/2015,16:09:06,iscwatch,I am noticing some inbound satellite feed pixelation on the raw multicast every few minutes - nothing major that would drop feeds for anyone 04/16/2015,16:09:28,gracielagarcia-moliner,I'll be back later 04/16/2015,16:09:28,Michelle Schärer,Ipnops murrayi 04/16/2015,16:09:44,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,16:11:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76385, LON : -66.75353, DEPTH :1881.0083m, TEMP : 4.20293C, SAL : 34.97516 PSU, DO : 6.62103 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:11:32,Scott France,CRI 04/16/2015,16:11:45,Scott France,Possible tube worm tube 04/16/2015,16:13:43,Scott France,Not sure what that is... 04/16/2015,16:14:00,Scott France,The color and texture reminds me more of colonial tunicate than SPO, but could be SPO 04/16/2015,16:14:11,Taylor Heyl,mottled sediment 04/16/2015,16:14:33,Scott France,CORO Metallogorgia! 04/16/2015,16:14:35,Tim Shank,CORO Metallogorgia x2 04/16/2015,16:14:43,Scott France,That is exciting! 04/16/2015,16:14:50,Tim Shank,OPH on center 04/16/2015,16:15:09,Scott France,Naturally there is an OPH in center! ;-) 04/16/2015,16:16:04,Scott France,The one on the right is younger as evidenced by small branches on lower stalk 04/16/2015,16:16:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76396, LON : -66.75340, DEPTH :1877.1194m, TEMP : 4.19257C, SAL : 34.98292 PSU, DO : 6.61409 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:16:41,Scott France,You can see the tissue overlying the skeleton is extremely thin allowing a view of the golden skeleton 04/16/2015,16:16:58,mikeford,why so many loops around the coral branches by the OPH? 04/16/2015,16:17:54,Scott France,The arms are actually draped on the branch... 04/16/2015,16:18:03,Scott France,Not so much entirely looped or wrapped... 04/16/2015,16:18:31,mikeford,thanks - that's interesting 04/16/2015,16:18:43,Michelle Schärer,HOL on sediment 04/16/2015,16:18:58,jasonchaytor,partially FeMn coated rocks (carbonates?) in the background 04/16/2015,16:19:05,Scott France,You are looking into the mouth of the brittle star 04/16/2015,16:19:14,Scott France,or were! 04/16/2015,16:19:35,Scott France,Tripod FSH? 04/16/2015,16:19:38,amandademopoulos,zoom on the fish if you can please 04/16/2015,16:19:45,Scott France,ISO in watre column 04/16/2015,16:19:57,Scott France,Isopod 04/16/2015,16:20:06,michaelvecchione,Munnopsid isopod 04/16/2015,16:20:06,Taylor Heyl,ISO holding on to something 04/16/2015,16:20:08,Andrea Quattrini,k i am back 04/16/2015,16:20:35,Michelle Schärer,FSH 04/16/2015,16:20:47,Scott France,I think the fish was a tripod fish 04/16/2015,16:20:54,Andrea Quattrini,what was it? 04/16/2015,16:20:59,amandademopoulos,not sure about the fish, i didn't look closely 04/16/2015,16:21:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76385, LON : -66.75318, DEPTH :1865.0844m, TEMP : 4.17146C, SAL : 34.97811 PSU, DO : 6.63974 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:22:11,jasonchaytor,slope channels/chutes 04/16/2015,16:22:15,amandademopoulos,SPO 04/16/2015,16:23:05,Scott France,JFH on bottom? 04/16/2015,16:23:06,Tim Shank,OPH very small; white arms, purple disc 04/16/2015,16:23:20,jasonchaytor,heavy bioerosion of exposed roc 04/16/2015,16:23:32,amandademopoulos,POL 04/16/2015,16:25:27,Taylor Heyl,FSH 04/16/2015,16:25:34,okexnav,LAT :17.76398, LON : -66.75326, DEPTH :1861.7849m, TEMP : 4.17338C, SAL : 34.97723 PSU, DO : 6.63672 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:25:36,michaelvecchione,Halosaur 04/16/2015,16:25:52,jasonchaytor,some sediment transport in the chute 04/16/2015,16:26:01,Taylor Heyl,FSH 04/16/2015,16:26:18,Taylor Heyl,Shell debris in chute 04/16/2015,16:26:26,michaelvecchione,another halosaur 04/16/2015,16:27:17,Taylor Heyl,DET 04/16/2015,16:27:29,okexnav,LAT :17.76396, LON : -66.75318, DEPTH :1857.7525m, TEMP : 4.16702C, SAL : 34.97785 PSU, DO : 6.64882 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:27:42,Taylor Heyl,cu Halosaur 04/16/2015,16:27:56,Michelle Schärer,lasers? 04/16/2015,16:28:22,Taylor Heyl,PTE shells on sediment 04/16/2015,16:29:29,Taylor Heyl,WHOI video change 04/16/2015,16:30:07,Tim Shank,WHOI video 7 04/16/2015,16:30:38,Taylor Heyl,moving up a steep slope now, soft sediment 04/16/2015,16:31:39,Andrea Quattrini,soft sediment drape over hard bototm? 04/16/2015,16:32:01,jasonchaytor,hey now, everyone is doing my job! 04/16/2015,16:32:19,jasonchaytor,and doing it better it seems 04/16/2015,16:32:29,okexnav,LAT :17.76400, LON : -66.75299, DEPTH :1840.2941m, TEMP : 4.17003C, SAL : 34.97797 PSU, DO : 6.63309 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:34:17,Andrea Quattrini,off bottom time 1730 local 04/16/2015,16:34:23,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,16:34:25,Taylor Heyl,HOL 04/16/2015,16:34:39,Scott France,First one today 04/16/2015,16:34:44,Tim Shank,don't think seen on today's dive 04/16/2015,16:34:45,Scott France,this spp 04/16/2015,16:35:39,okexnav,LAT :17.76401, LON : -66.75299, DEPTH :1838.4531m, TEMP : 4.17881C, SAL : 34.97681 PSU, DO : 6.63679 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:36:12,Michelle Schärer,Do we expect so see associates on HOL? 04/16/2015,16:36:27,Michelle Schärer,I know in shallow water they are good habitat for SHI... 04/16/2015,16:37:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76419, LON : -66.75283, DEPTH :1830.7028m, TEMP : 4.16482C, SAL : 34.97774 PSU, DO : 6.64480 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:38:14,Scott France,Lots of CRI on a… 04/16/2015,16:38:20,Scott France,SPO stalk? 04/16/2015,16:39:02,Taylor Heyl,SHI in there too 04/16/2015,16:39:17,Scott France,Yes, agree with previous call - CRI on SPO stalk 04/16/2015,16:39:21,Taylor Heyl,GAS white on there? 04/16/2015,16:39:28,Tim Shank,SHI red and white 04/16/2015,16:39:37,Scott France,Yes Amanda - 2x GAS 04/16/2015,16:39:45,Taylor Heyl,Crinoid apartments 04/16/2015,16:40:14,Tim Shank,SHI red and white on CRI/SPOstalk 04/16/2015,16:40:16,Scott France,Looked like a sponge at base 04/16/2015,16:41:15,Tim Shank,SHI looks a little Heterocarpus like…didn't see telson 04/16/2015,16:42:04,Taylor Heyl,good serios view - moving up linear lines 04/16/2015,16:42:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76405, LON : -66.75269, DEPTH :1813.4566m, TEMP : 4.15912C, SAL : 34.97821 PSU, DO : 6.64604 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:43:24,amandademopoulos,mucus house 04/16/2015,16:43:36,jasonchaytor,reminiscent of the walls of the Grand Canyon 04/16/2015,16:43:50,okexnav,LAT :17.76400, LON : -66.75261, DEPTH :1807.1251m, TEMP : 4.15873C, SAL : 34.97785 PSU, DO : 6.65617 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:43:54,jasonchaytor,stronger rock outcrop separated by sediment/debris slopes 04/16/2015,16:44:01,jasonchaytor,SHI 04/16/2015,16:44:06,Tim Shank,SHI red on SED 04/16/2015,16:44:38,Michelle Schärer,FSH floated in Seirios view 04/16/2015,16:44:48,amandademopoulos,HOL\n 04/16/2015,16:44:56,Taylor Heyl,Viewing outcrops - cu 04/16/2015,16:45:09,jasonchaytor,bioerosion - pitting, boring, scratches 04/16/2015,16:45:23,Scott France,I'd guess this rock is much less stable given the absence of any sessile fauna... 04/16/2015,16:45:35,okexnav,LAT :17.76418, LON : -66.75255, DEPTH :1802.9076m, TEMP : 4.15873C, SAL : 34.97771 PSU, DO : 6.64740 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:46:37,jasonchaytor,some confined sediment transport down the slope 04/16/2015,16:47:48,jasonchaytor,sediment laden water abrading the surface 04/16/2015,16:47:52,Taylor Heyl,DET 04/16/2015,16:47:54,Taylor Heyl,SQA 04/16/2015,16:47:57,Michelle Schärer,ASR 04/16/2015,16:48:07,Taylor Heyl,SQA in hole 04/16/2015,16:48:25,Tim Shank,ASR white 04/16/2015,16:48:42,Michelle Schärer,Condo habitat 04/16/2015,16:48:59,Taylor Heyl,Swimming HOL 04/16/2015,16:49:33,Taylor Heyl,CRI in hole 04/16/2015,16:49:45,Taylor Heyl,cu of pitted roc 04/16/2015,16:50:35,okexnav,LAT :17.76419, LON : -66.75242, DEPTH :1801.9263m, TEMP : 4.16691C, SAL : 34.97662 PSU, DO : 6.65355 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:50:37,Tim Shank,That ASR was likely a Nymphaster sp. 04/16/2015,16:51:01,Taylor Heyl,SQA long arms 04/16/2015,16:52:39,Taylor Heyl,amazing Serios view 04/16/2015,16:53:05,Taylor Heyl,Amphitheater 04/16/2015,16:53:10,jasonchaytor,thanks Taylor 04/16/2015,16:53:36,amandademopoulos,please don't leave yet 04/16/2015,16:53:55,Taylor Heyl,layered ROC here 04/16/2015,16:55:55,Scott France,Saw possible POL peeking out of one hole in face 04/16/2015,16:57:27,okexnav,LAT :17.76423, LON : -66.75234, DEPTH :1792.1526m, TEMP : 4.16087C, SAL : 34.97818 PSU, DO : 6.64109 mg/L 04/16/2015,16:58:37,Andrea Quattrini,FSh Seioris 04/16/2015,16:59:27,Scott France,HOL swimming 04/16/2015,17:00:39,Andrea Quattrini,copy that 04/16/2015,17:00:52,amandademopoulos,thanks A :)\n 04/16/2015,17:01:03,amandademopoulos,sediment trace 04/16/2015,17:02:28,okexnav,LAT :17.76448, LON : -66.75229, DEPTH :1778.3889m, TEMP : 4.15670C, SAL : 34.97828 PSU, DO : 6.64781 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:03:40,Scott France,Interesting to compare these pitted canyon walls to those we saw during CanEx at same depths... 04/16/2015,17:04:39,Taylor Heyl,DET 04/16/2015,17:05:02,Scott France,Looked like possible fresh burrowing amid that detrituys 04/16/2015,17:05:11,Scott France,Detritus 04/16/2015,17:06:06,Michelle Schärer,FSH 04/16/2015,17:07:28,okexnav,LAT :17.76416, LON : -66.75229, DEPTH :1778.7386m, TEMP : 4.15830C, SAL : 34.97749 PSU, DO : 6.64409 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:07:46,Andrea Quattrini,ophidiid? 04/16/2015,17:07:48,Michelle Schärer,So there IS current?! 04/16/2015,17:07:53,Scott France,To this invertebrate guy, this FSH looks different from the previous we have seen 04/16/2015,17:07:59,Michelle Schärer,No idea on FSH, sorry 04/16/2015,17:08:05,Scott France,Can't say much beyond that. 04/16/2015,17:08:14,Andrea Quattrini,new for me... 04/16/2015,17:11:30,Scott France,CORA? 04/16/2015,17:11:45,Scott France,HYD 04/16/2015,17:12:15,Scott France,I'm not sure I've ever seen one of these on a vertical face... 04/16/2015,17:12:28,okexnav,LAT :17.76419, LON : -66.75245, DEPTH :1795.1458m, TEMP : 4.15989C, SAL : 34.97815 PSU, DO : 6.64553 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:12:37,Andrea Quattrini,eggs inside? 04/16/2015,17:12:38,Scott France,Thick gonadal material around hypostome... 04/16/2015,17:12:57,Andrea Quattrini,gravid? 04/16/2015,17:13:06,jasonchaytor,bioerosion is not very well developed, very small holes, not very deep 04/16/2015,17:13:12,Scott France,I think the bright orange is the hypostome/mouth, and the duller purple around that are gonadal... 04/16/2015,17:13:27,randysinger,im back! 04/16/2015,17:13:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76426, LON : -66.75246, DEPTH :1794.8257m, TEMP : 4.15764C, SAL : 34.97783 PSU, DO : 6.64750 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:16:23,okexnav,LAT :17.76431, LON : -66.75236, DEPTH :1794.9864m, TEMP : 4.16433C, SAL : 34.97670 PSU, DO : 6.65335 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:16:58,Scott France,For giant hydroid, likely Family Corymorphidae 04/16/2015,17:17:24,randysinger,Andrea how are you enjoying Reddit? overwhelming eh? 04/16/2015,17:17:30,randysinger,(same to Mike) 04/16/2015,17:17:30,christopherkelley,Just got on again, did anyone venture a guess to family or genus on the HYD. Didn't catch the audio 04/16/2015,17:17:59,Scott France,Hi Chris. I suggested likely Family Corymorphidae 04/16/2015,17:18:18,christopherkelley,I agree and that was what I was going to suggest also. Thanks 04/16/2015,17:18:36,okexnav,LAT :17.76420, LON : -66.75240, DEPTH :1792.8377m, TEMP : 4.17146C, SAL : 34.97807 PSU, DO : 6.65354 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:20:07,Scott France,Just like the one we saw earlier! 04/16/2015,17:20:27,Amy Baco-Taylor,not an urchin? 04/16/2015,17:20:32,okexnav,LAT :17.76415, LON : -66.75233, DEPTH :1796.7513m, TEMP : 4.17009C, SAL : 34.98847 PSU, DO : 6.65258 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:20:33,Scott France,If these are really JFH, why are they sitting on a vertical surface... 04/16/2015,17:20:39,Scott France,One okay, but 3? 04/16/2015,17:20:58,Andrea Quattrini,ACN? weird 04/16/2015,17:21:02,Scott France,Perhaps Amy is right - were we seeing very long tube feet that were interpreted as tentacles? 04/16/2015,17:21:11,Scott France,Can we look closer later? 04/16/2015,17:21:34,Andrea Quattrini,later? 04/16/2015,17:21:41,Scott France,Now?! 04/16/2015,17:21:49,Andrea Quattrini,Scott did you see a PYC eating a HYD last year? 04/16/2015,17:21:54,Scott France,I meant as we passed by if we are going back and forth on wall. 04/16/2015,17:22:12,Scott France,Yes, I saw a PYC feeding on gonads of a Corymorphid 04/16/2015,17:22:18,Scott France,It was fantastic!! 04/16/2015,17:22:31,Amy Baco-Taylor,not for the corymorphid 04/16/2015,17:22:32,Scott France,Art will attest to my exciotement. 04/16/2015,17:22:43,Scott France,haha Agreed Amy. 04/16/2015,17:22:48,Amy Baco-Taylor,:) 04/16/2015,17:23:17,Scott France,Definitely not an URC 04/16/2015,17:23:36,Scott France,Cnidarian of some kind... 04/16/2015,17:24:55,okexnav,LAT :17.76393, LON : -66.75225, DEPTH :1797.1724m, TEMP : 4.16071C, SAL : 34.98055 PSU, DO : 6.64765 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:25:12,jasonchaytor,bedding plane? 04/16/2015,17:25:42,Andrea Quattrini,are we looking at n oral or aboral side? 04/16/2015,17:26:36,Scott France,Greta imaging. Wish I could ID it! 04/16/2015,17:26:47,Amy Baco-Taylor,wild 04/16/2015,17:26:48,Scott France,I keep going back and forth... 04/16/2015,17:27:14,Scott France,Upside down JFH…? 04/16/2015,17:27:32,Andrea Quattrini,that would be my first guess. 04/16/2015,17:27:36,Andrea Quattrini,like a cassiopea? 04/16/2015,17:28:56,Amy Baco-Taylor,pretty small, maybe the benthic phase of a jellyfish life cycle? 04/16/2015,17:29:18,Andrea Quattrini,very smalll…. 04/16/2015,17:29:56,okexnav,LAT :17.76408, LON : -66.75242, DEPTH :1796.2763m, TEMP : 4.15402C, SAL : 34.97809 PSU, DO : 6.64584 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:30:19,Michelle Schärer,Can it be the medusae phase of the cnidarian we saw earlier that was similar in color? 04/16/2015,17:30:40,Scott France,Hooray! 04/16/2015,17:30:50,Scott France,CORO bamboo whip 04/16/2015,17:31:28,Scott France,This colony is out here all alone… 04/16/2015,17:31:40,Scott France,What are its chances for reproduction…? 04/16/2015,17:32:03,Andrea Quattrini,we saw one earlier... 04/16/2015,17:32:06,Scott France,Tall thin polyps 04/16/2015,17:32:19,Andrea Quattrini,somehwere on this feature, being preyed upon by a seastar Evolopsoma 04/16/2015,17:32:32,Scott France,Re: saw one earlier. Sure, but unlikely for gamete exchange. 04/16/2015,17:33:07,Scott France,Prominent intertentacular needle-sclerites. Wonderful imaging. 04/16/2015,17:33:18,Scott France,Mysid 04/16/2015,17:33:38,Scott France,Often see mysids hanging around bamboos in Bahamas... 04/16/2015,17:33:53,Scott France,Pretty thick axial skeleton... 04/16/2015,17:34:00,Scott France,We'd call "heavy bones." 04/16/2015,17:34:48,Scott France,Rock must have been there long enough for this coral to get so tall. 04/16/2015,17:34:56,okexnav,LAT :17.76390, LON : -66.75238, DEPTH :1799.3112m, TEMP : 4.15484C, SAL : 34.97756 PSU, DO : 6.65162 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:35:00,Scott France,Kudos to ROV/video crew. That was beautiful. 04/16/2015,17:35:53,Scott France,Perhaps several other bamboo coral larvae have settled on exposed rock but not been so fortunate to have such a stable site. 04/16/2015,17:37:23,Uri,moving around the corner of the slide it appears that the layers are steeply dipping. 04/16/2015,17:38:05,okexnav,LAT :17.76406, LON : -66.75233, DEPTH :1790.9352m, TEMP : 4.15753C, SAL : 34.97810 PSU, DO : 6.65055 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:39:38,okexnav,LAT :17.76423, LON : -66.75239, DEPTH :1791.7051m, TEMP : 4.16104C, SAL : 34.97755 PSU, DO : 6.65337 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:41:02,Andrea Quattrini,PYC? 04/16/2015,17:41:08,jasonchaytor,yes PYC 04/16/2015,17:41:14,jasonchaytor,this is amanda 04/16/2015,17:41:30,Andrea Quattrini,another weird JFH 04/16/2015,17:42:59,Scott France,This one even smaller. 04/16/2015,17:43:23,randysinger,I remember that! 04/16/2015,17:43:25,randysinger,it was amazing 04/16/2015,17:43:39,Scott France,Amazing indeed! 04/16/2015,17:43:57,Scott France,I still plan to write a note on that observation. 04/16/2015,17:45:05,okexnav,LAT :17.76403, LON : -66.75241, DEPTH :1792.1639m, TEMP : 4.15731C, SAL : 34.97982 PSU, DO : 6.65543 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:45:41,Andrea Quattrini,oops…i didnt give it away did I? 04/16/2015,17:46:10,Scott France,Andrea: are you asking me? 04/16/2015,17:46:18,amandademopoulos,FSH Halosaur 04/16/2015,17:46:35,randysinger,Aldrovandia? 04/16/2015,17:47:50,okexnav,LAT :17.76412, LON : -66.75237, DEPTH :1792.2187m, TEMP : 4.15270C, SAL : 34.97755 PSU, DO : 6.64889 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:48:31,amandademopoulos,DET Sargassum 04/16/2015,17:49:25,Andrea Quattrini,tiny parasite on ventral side below dorsal 04/16/2015,17:49:56,randysinger,I'm here too in chat 04/16/2015,17:50:08,Scott France,I can call in if needed. 04/16/2015,17:50:33,Andrea Quattrini,sure if you would like.... 04/16/2015,17:51:07,randysinger,Halosaur saying hellow 04/16/2015,17:51:34,Scott France,Benthic SIP 04/16/2015,17:51:40,Scott France,Dandelion SIP 04/16/2015,17:51:45,Amy Baco-Taylor,siphonophore 04/16/2015,17:52:05,Scott France,Benthic siphonophore! 04/16/2015,17:52:10,mikeford,sweet 04/16/2015,17:52:26,Scott France,"Cabled" or thethered to bottom with tentacles. 04/16/2015,17:52:43,mikeford,serious web of tentacles 04/16/2015,17:52:51,okexnav,LAT :17.76398, LON : -66.75241, DEPTH :1792.7647m, TEMP : 4.16148C, SAL : 34.98111 PSU, DO : 6.65561 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:52:52,Amy Baco-Taylor,I had only heard of these at vents… 04/16/2015,17:53:05,Andrea Quattrini,cool! 04/16/2015,17:57:51,okexnav,LAT :17.76399, LON : -66.75255, DEPTH :1796.0915m, TEMP : 4.15610C, SAL : 34.97883 PSU, DO : 6.64481 mg/L 04/16/2015,17:59:52,Michelle Schärer,URC 04/16/2015,18:00:52,amandademopoulos,CU of URC 04/16/2015,18:01:07,Scott France,Phormosoma URC 04/16/2015,18:01:27,Michelle Schärer,uh oh 04/16/2015,18:02:14,Michelle Schärer,Q-tips! 04/16/2015,18:03:31,Scott France,My pleasure. I like Michelle's analogy to Q-tips. 04/16/2015,18:04:17,okexnav,LAT :17.76426, LON : -66.75238, DEPTH :1798.4150m, TEMP : 4.15588C, SAL : 34.97935 PSU, DO : 6.64042 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:05:55,amandademopoulos,DET Sargassum 04/16/2015,18:06:07,Michelle Schärer,Look under white ledge a little closer 04/16/2015,18:09:18,okexnav,LAT :17.76423, LON : -66.75245, DEPTH :1803.3449m, TEMP : 4.15830C, SAL : 34.97900 PSU, DO : 6.66076 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:10:24,Michelle Schärer,Are we stabilizing or on move? 04/16/2015,18:11:14,Michelle Schärer,so lateral only? 04/16/2015,18:11:44,Scott France,I have no preference in the direction of teh dive. 04/16/2015,18:13:14,okexnav,LAT :17.76433, LON : -66.75256, DEPTH :1804.7746m, TEMP : 4.15714C, SAL : 34.97922 PSU, DO : 6.65895 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:14:14,jasonchaytor,rock debris 04/16/2015,18:14:36,randysinger,amazing topography here 04/16/2015,18:14:46,randysinger,looks like chimaera habitat they love hills 04/16/2015,18:15:55,jasonchaytor,westward apparent dip 04/16/2015,18:16:14,Michelle Schärer,underside of ledge 04/16/2015,18:17:12,Scott France,SQA 04/16/2015,18:17:33,Scott France,Tubes of POL emerging from SQA hole...? 04/16/2015,18:18:14,okexnav,LAT :17.76455, LON : -66.75270, DEPTH :1804.3046m, TEMP : 4.16005C, SAL : 34.97812 PSU, DO : 6.64009 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:19:06,Michelle Schärer,can we pan along the ledge once this is completed? 04/16/2015,18:19:18,amandademopoulos,to the right, michelle? 04/16/2015,18:19:24,Michelle Schärer,sure... 04/16/2015,18:20:43,Scott France,Clearly lots of "stuff" in the sediments below the ledge - tubes etc. 04/16/2015,18:20:45,Scott France,CRI 04/16/2015,18:21:41,okexnav,LAT :17.76458, LON : -66.75255, DEPTH :1805.0006m, TEMP : 4.15287C, SAL : 34.97832 PSU, DO : 6.63604 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:21:44,Michelle Schärer,where could the iron come from? 04/16/2015,18:22:23,Michelle Schärer,Saharan dust? 04/16/2015,18:22:49,Scott France,FSH small head down in water column 04/16/2015,18:23:02,Scott France,HOL ?purple above right 04/16/2015,18:23:09,Scott France,No worries 04/16/2015,18:23:17,Scott France,Just recording for eventlog posterity 04/16/2015,18:23:40,jasonchaytor,the iron and manganese (and other minerals) that make up the coatings are sources from hydrothermal vents and landmasses. These coatings accumulate very slowly, except close to hydrothermal sources 04/16/2015,18:23:53,Scott France,Wheres the SEPOKE?! 04/16/2015,18:24:55,Scott France,;-) 04/16/2015,18:26:01,mikeford,Yeah, let's use the SEPOKE 04/16/2015,18:26:30,mikeford,no more IDs until we use the SEPOKE 04/16/2015,18:26:43,mikeford,:) 04/16/2015,18:26:58,Scott France,I leave that choice to others - I'm happy to follow your lead. 04/16/2015,18:27:05,okexnav,LAT :17.76482, LON : -66.75271, DEPTH :1802.5822m, TEMP : 4.16197C, SAL : 34.98043 PSU, DO : 6.64659 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:27:34,amandademopoulos,CORO Umbellula 04/16/2015,18:27:35,Scott France,CORO CPEN 04/16/2015,18:27:43,Scott France,Umbellula 04/16/2015,18:27:49,Scott France,Nicely done Amanda! 04/16/2015,18:27:59,amandademopoulos,thanks, learned from the best, Scott 04/16/2015,18:29:12,okexnav,LAT :17.76488, LON : -66.75269, DEPTH :1803.1964m, TEMP : 4.15243C, SAL : 34.97823 PSU, DO : 6.66750 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:29:44,amandademopoulos,CORO with APH 04/16/2015,18:31:09,Michelle Schärer,Are they always facing into the predominant current? 04/16/2015,18:31:42,okexnav,LAT :17.76487, LON : -66.75271, DEPTH :1802.9526m, TEMP : 4.16373C, SAL : 34.97493 PSU, DO : 6.65295 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:32:22,Scott France,Michelle - I think they would be oriented downcurrent… 04/16/2015,18:32:37,Scott France,Sorry I didn't see your question while I was "narrating." 04/16/2015,18:32:41,Michelle Schärer,interesting... 04/16/2015,18:32:43,Michelle Schärer,thx 04/16/2015,18:33:10,amandademopoulos,DET syringodium 04/16/2015,18:33:30,Scott France,My impression is the current is "blowing" them over somewhat, and they can take advantage of eddies to capture swimming prey 04/16/2015,18:34:30,Scott France,Can someone who is not on the confernce call tell me if I am speaking loud enough (when I'm on!) to be heard clearly on the video. 04/16/2015,18:34:34,okexnav,LAT :17.76487, LON : -66.75256, DEPTH :1790.6570m, TEMP : 4.15341C, SAL : 34.97755 PSU, DO : 6.66630 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:34:47,Michelle Schärer,Came in loud and clear! 04/16/2015,18:35:21,Scott France,Thanks Michelle. I mute the video before getting on the call so not sure how it comes out! 04/16/2015,18:37:34,amandademopoulos,everyone sounds like they have a cold 04/16/2015,18:38:03,Scott France,Spring allergies! It is a [sub] tropical rain forest down here this week. 04/16/2015,18:38:32,Michelle Schärer,FSH> 04/16/2015,18:38:46,Michelle Schärer,not FSH 04/16/2015,18:39:06,randysinger,amen to that Scott 04/16/2015,18:39:20,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,18:40:29,Scott France,HOL swimming 04/16/2015,18:42:08,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,18:42:31,Scott France,Interesting that there aren't more seapens about… 04/16/2015,18:43:27,randysinger,FSH 04/16/2015,18:43:28,Michelle Schärer,good job! 04/16/2015,18:43:50,okexnav,LAT :17.76521, LON : -66.75239, DEPTH :1785.3341m, TEMP : 4.15627C, SAL : 34.97787 PSU, DO : 6.64729 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:44:05,amandademopoulos,DET loads 04/16/2015,18:44:15,randysinger,different species from last 04/16/2015,18:44:23,Michelle Schärer,make him turn! 04/16/2015,18:44:35,randysinger,lets see that caudal! 04/16/2015,18:45:07,randysinger,4 tripods if I recall 04/16/2015,18:45:12,randysinger,on this trip ya 04/16/2015,18:45:36,randysinger,looks like Bathypterois phenax again? 04/16/2015,18:45:42,okexnav,LAT :17.76508, LON : -66.75250, DEPTH :1782.4423m, TEMP : 4.15100C, SAL : 34.97770 PSU, DO : 6.63828 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:46:24,Michelle Schärer,there is a white patch in background to check out 04/16/2015,18:46:31,randysinger,Bathypterois phenax 04/16/2015,18:46:42,amandademopoulos,was that white ANT trash 04/16/2015,18:48:20,Andrea Quattrini,Larvacean? 04/16/2015,18:48:25,Scott France,COPRO CPEN Umbellula 04/16/2015,18:48:31,Scott France,CORO 04/16/2015,18:48:40,amandademopoulos,CU of mucus hous 04/16/2015,18:48:54,Scott France,You can see the 2 pre-filters in the mucus house 04/16/2015,18:49:04,Scott France,They were a slightly different color 04/16/2015,18:49:26,Scott France,Something at the base 04/16/2015,18:49:50,Tim Shank,Aren't those URCs? 04/16/2015,18:50:05,Tim Shank,Maybe with a zoom 04/16/2015,18:50:33,Tim Shank,Yes URC 04/16/2015,18:50:37,Tim Shank,:-) 04/16/2015,18:50:42,okexnav,LAT :17.76528, LON : -66.75196, DEPTH :1775.2441m, TEMP : 4.15341C, SAL : 34.97759 PSU, DO : 6.64966 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:51:03,Tim Shank,nice pair of URC - long spines compared to test size 04/16/2015,18:51:13,Andrea Quattrini,you have better vision than me, and i have to wear glasses now 04/16/2015,18:51:17,Tim Shank,seeing more of those URCs now 04/16/2015,18:51:30,Tim Shank,SHI mysid like on stalk 04/16/2015,18:51:34,Scott France,These are not the same thing I was referring to from Oct cruise. 04/16/2015,18:51:39,Tim Shank,CPEN stalk 04/16/2015,18:51:45,Tim Shank,we are good to go 04/16/2015,18:51:48,Scott France,Good to go 04/16/2015,18:51:54,Andrea Quattrini,yea, i saw those on your cruise... 04/16/2015,18:52:17,Scott France,I think they were also much smaller than these cidaroids 04/16/2015,18:52:43,Andrea Quattrini,i was following that dive…thought they were the same! 04/16/2015,18:52:53,Andrea Quattrini,shoreside- 04/16/2015,18:53:45,okexnav,LAT :17.76500, LON : -66.75187, DEPTH :1773.2948m, TEMP : 4.15484C, SAL : 34.97740 PSU, DO : 6.65662 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:54:13,Scott France,There is a good joke in there, re: only 1 minute... 04/16/2015,18:54:27,Scott France,Another CPEN Umbellula 04/16/2015,18:55:34,Scott France,This is another CPEN Umbellula 04/16/2015,18:55:54,Scott France,So at least 4 or 5 in last 30 min 04/16/2015,18:55:58,Scott France,or so 04/16/2015,18:56:15,randysinger,FSH 04/16/2015,18:56:31,okexnav,LAT :17.76507, LON : -66.75200, DEPTH :1770.0759m, TEMP : 4.17228C, SAL : 34.96244 PSU, DO : 6.65712 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:56:35,Scott France,Could these be feeding scars - the little troughs I mean… 04/16/2015,18:56:41,randysinger,Aldrovandia 04/16/2015,18:56:50,Scott France,…from beaked whales? 04/16/2015,18:57:21,okexnav,LAT :17.76507, LON : -66.75183, DEPTH :1768.8637m, TEMP : 4.15890C, SAL : 34.97945 PSU, DO : 6.63980 mg/L 04/16/2015,18:59:19,Scott France,The depressions are quite linear... 04/16/2015,19:00:21,Michelle Schärer,sorry gotta go to another CC, see you later 04/16/2015,19:00:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76528, LON : -66.75164, DEPTH :1765.2271m, TEMP : 4.15040C, SAL : 34.97753 PSU, DO : 6.64022 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:00:41,Scott France,Hi everyone! 04/16/2015,19:00:49,Scott France,You look great! 04/16/2015,19:00:54,amandademopoulos,hi everyone! 04/16/2015,19:01:05,Scott France,Art is trying to lean out of frame... 04/16/2015,19:01:16,Tim Shank,so cute Hi all 04/16/2015,19:01:44,amandademopoulos,depression with DET sargassum 04/16/2015,19:02:43,okexnav,LAT :17.76530, LON : -66.75173, DEPTH :1763.4867m, TEMP : 4.14946C, SAL : 34.97860 PSU, DO : 6.63858 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:03:59,Scott France,Stalked something... 04/16/2015,19:04:06,amandademopoulos,CPEN? 04/16/2015,19:04:07,Scott France,Several HOL, at least 2 spp 04/16/2015,19:04:12,Scott France,FSH 04/16/2015,19:04:29,Scott France,Yes CPEN 04/16/2015,19:04:33,amandademopoulos,sweet 04/16/2015,19:04:53,Scott France,With benthic ctenophore!!! 04/16/2015,19:04:54,amandademopoulos,what are the orange? 04/16/2015,19:05:08,Scott France,Platyctenid ctenophore I think, on CPEN 04/16/2015,19:05:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76545, LON : -66.75178, DEPTH :1763.2252m, TEMP : 4.14914C, SAL : 34.97773 PSU, DO : 6.63536 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:05:25,Scott France,GThink I saw the tentacles arising from CTENO 04/16/2015,19:05:39,Scott France,Try toi get good CU 04/16/2015,19:05:43,Tim Shank,CTE I Think so. was looking for that. Was hard for me to see. 04/16/2015,19:05:47,Scott France,If possib;le ;-) 04/16/2015,19:06:41,Tim Shank,HOL morph - white/transluscent -not common on this dive 04/16/2015,19:08:18,Andrea Quattrini,CPEN 04/16/2015,19:08:22,Andrea Quattrini,Anthoptilum? 04/16/2015,19:10:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76559, LON : -66.75175, DEPTH :1763.2333m, TEMP : 4.15166C, SAL : 34.97783 PSU, DO : 6.64983 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:12:19,Scott France,Once again I find myself complimeting the ROV crew and the terrific imaging. Well done! 04/16/2015,19:12:24,randysinger,here here 04/16/2015,19:12:28,Scott France,That was asmall critter to image. 04/16/2015,19:12:47,Scott France,Not legend! 04/16/2015,19:13:03,Scott France,:-) 04/16/2015,19:13:17,randysinger,I have seen fishes digging depressions for either food hunting or for hiding 04/16/2015,19:13:35,randysinger,we saw a few on the 2014 trip too 04/16/2015,19:13:44,Andrea Quattrini,sure…but beaked whales? 04/16/2015,19:14:02,randysinger,that sediment is like pudding right? 04/16/2015,19:14:10,randysinger,doesnt take much to make a depression 04/16/2015,19:14:36,Scott France,Beaked whales is what I have heard. Let me check with my marine mammal wife (she isn't a marine mammal, but rather studies them) to see if she knows of other papers. 04/16/2015,19:14:49,randysinger,well she would be if she was swimming in the ocean 04/16/2015,19:15:01,Tim Shank,There are two papers I know of that measured depressions and beak length. One in the Med and one in the Gulf of Mexico, I think. 04/16/2015,19:15:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76550, LON : -66.75154, DEPTH :1759.1296m, TEMP : 4.15358C, SAL : 34.97809 PSU, DO : 6.64337 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:15:14,amandademopoulos,CPEN Umbellula 04/16/2015,19:15:39,Scott France,Checking on sperm whale question... 04/16/2015,19:15:50,Scott France,as well as beaked whales… 04/16/2015,19:15:58,Tim Shank,Looking to :-) 04/16/2015,19:15:58,Scott France,We'll see how busy my wife is! 04/16/2015,19:16:01,Scott France,;-) 04/16/2015,19:16:17,Andrea Quattrini,ask her if she thinks its a myth? 04/16/2015,19:16:25,Scott France,I'd call her but I'm on conference call. 04/16/2015,19:16:45,randysinger,mike will know! 04/16/2015,19:16:58,Tim Shank,toothed whales down to 2000m 04/16/2015,19:17:02,Scott France,SHI 04/16/2015,19:17:02,Tim Shank,SHI red 04/16/2015,19:17:39,Tim Shank,cu on SHI red nematocarcind like 04/16/2015,19:18:10,Tim Shank,not full length red legs; no white segments 04/16/2015,19:18:53,randysinger,Zoarcids, Macrourids, Synaphobranchids etc definitely digs "foxholes" trying to work with Peter Auster to publish it 04/16/2015,19:19:08,randysinger,good footage and stills from Okeanos etc 04/16/2015,19:19:16,Andrea Quattrini,priorities for next two hours. 800 m from the top 04/16/2015,19:19:19,Andrea Quattrini,we could go there 04/16/2015,19:19:25,Andrea Quattrini,at .2 kts 04/16/2015,19:19:32,Andrea Quattrini,get there in 2 hours 04/16/2015,19:19:32,randysinger,also like we saw yesterday some "puff" water to scare out inverts 04/16/2015,19:19:55,amandademopoulos,swimming HOL 04/16/2015,19:20:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76565, LON : -66.75142, DEPTH :1756.0179m, TEMP : 4.15720C, SAL : 34.97803 PSU, DO : 6.65018 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:20:19,randysinger,sounds solid 04/16/2015,19:20:31,randysinger,FSH in water column? 04/16/2015,19:20:35,randysinger,left side 04/16/2015,19:20:43,Scott France,I am flexible to the desires of others. 04/16/2015,19:21:35,Tim Shank,SQA in SED 04/16/2015,19:21:48,randysinger,her mit crab 04/16/2015,19:22:01,Scott France,HER with anemone on back... 04/16/2015,19:22:12,Tim Shank,partially mostly buried- PAG hermit crab, large claw with an ACN on it's back 04/16/2015,19:22:43,Tim Shank,Looks like that PAG was trying to bury that ACN! 04/16/2015,19:22:56,Andrea Quattrini,big claws for eating or for attracting mates? 04/16/2015,19:23:49,randysinger,wicked cool 04/16/2015,19:23:51,Scott France,Could this be Sympagurus? 04/16/2015,19:24:27,randysinger,SHI red 04/16/2015,19:25:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76577, LON : -66.75145, DEPTH :1753.4428m, TEMP : 4.15040C, SAL : 34.97799 PSU, DO : 6.64723 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:26:14,Scott France,RE: the odd red JFH we saw on bottom earlier. Got an ID from Steve Haddock, who says a trachymedusa, Ptychogastria. A nice description can be found here: http://jellieszone.com/hydromedusae/ptychogastria/ 04/16/2015,19:27:09,randysinger,Halosaur partry 04/16/2015,19:27:12,randysinger,*party 04/16/2015,19:27:21,randysinger,FSH Aldrovandia 04/16/2015,19:27:26,amandademopoulos,FSH Halosaur x 2 04/16/2015,19:27:41,randysinger,did we catch them in the act of courtship? 04/16/2015,19:27:44,randysinger,we may neve rknow 04/16/2015,19:30:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76609, LON : -66.75126, DEPTH :1751.5419m, TEMP : 4.15517C, SAL : 34.97777 PSU, DO : 6.63979 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:31:24,Andrea Quattrini,ribbon worm? 04/16/2015,19:31:40,randysinger,wow cool 04/16/2015,19:31:46,Scott France,Odd place for a ribbon worm, but it does look like that 04/16/2015,19:32:19,randysinger,man mike so many geology questions on reddit I keep passing them off to you 04/16/2015,19:32:47,michaelvecchione,Yes. It was a pelagic nemertine. 04/16/2015,19:32:53,mikecheadle,Are they still coming????? 04/16/2015,19:33:06,randysinger,yes :) 04/16/2015,19:33:07,michaelvecchione,We catch them in midwater trawls. 04/16/2015,19:33:22,Scott France,Thanks Mike V 04/16/2015,19:33:30,Scott France,So many Mikes… 04/16/2015,19:33:31,amandademopoulos,thanks mike-way bigger then anything I look at :) 04/16/2015,19:33:31,randysinger,trending in the top 20 on reddit is a HUGE deal 04/16/2015,19:34:05,randysinger,greta publicity for NOAA, whoever thought about doing the AMA is a genius 04/16/2015,19:34:08,randysinger,*great 04/16/2015,19:34:10,mikecheadle,I think we're done.. but I'll check 04/16/2015,19:34:44,Scott France,Possible "dead" sea pen... 04/16/2015,19:34:49,Scott France,the stalk 04/16/2015,19:34:59,Andrea Quattrini,FSH seirois 04/16/2015,19:35:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76601, LON : -66.75131, DEPTH :1752.8098m, TEMP : 4.15056C, SAL : 34.97834 PSU, DO : 6.64415 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:35:30,Andrea Quattrini,FSH seirois with Parasite...isopod? 04/16/2015,19:35:53,amandademopoulos,wow, wonder what the fish was 04/16/2015,19:36:16,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,19:36:19,randysinger,I dont have serios view for some reason I think I missed out on how to view it 04/16/2015,19:36:24,randysinger,I just see D2 04/16/2015,19:36:44,Scott France,SHI 04/16/2015,19:36:53,mikecheadle,Randy... I just checked with Kasey & Brian.. They are very pleased.. We got something like 700 questions 04/16/2015,19:37:04,michaelvecchione,SHI looks crangonid 04/16/2015,19:37:05,Scott France,Zoom! 04/16/2015,19:37:23,Scott France,Agree Mike V. Heavier exoskeleton 04/16/2015,19:37:46,mikecheadle,Apparently we we're 4th on their list of most pop web sites for quite a while... 04/16/2015,19:38:07,Tim Shank,Just saw SHI - Crangon -like 04/16/2015,19:38:21,randysinger,FHS? 04/16/2015,19:38:24,randysinger,*FSH 04/16/2015,19:38:33,randysinger,or is that plant matter 04/16/2015,19:38:51,Andrea Quattrini,i think DET 04/16/2015,19:39:51,randysinger,k 04/16/2015,19:39:52,jasonchaytor,mottled, bioturbated seafloor 04/16/2015,19:40:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76616, LON : -66.75124, DEPTH :1744.7506m, TEMP : 4.15703C, SAL : 34.97686 PSU, DO : 6.63898 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:40:45,Andrea Quattrini,white transuscent HOL elasiopod, re: C Mah 04/16/2015,19:41:51,randysinger,the facebook group that posts all the screen grabs etc went from 200 members to 600 04/16/2015,19:41:54,randysinger,from teh AMA 04/16/2015,19:42:03,randysinger,thats where I go for all the good screen grabs its awesome 04/16/2015,19:42:25,randysinger,an army of people capping images and video for us all citizen scientists basically 04/16/2015,19:43:06,Scott France,bamboo 04/16/2015,19:43:40,Scott France,GAS 04/16/2015,19:43:44,dandistel,can we see a close up on the bamboo 04/16/2015,19:43:45,Scott France,? 04/16/2015,19:44:13,Andrea Quattrini,had to go 04/16/2015,19:44:26,Scott France,Closer look I don't think the white blob on sed was a GAS 04/16/2015,19:45:10,okexnav,LAT :17.76639, LON : -66.75117, DEPTH :1759.8179m, TEMP : 4.15594C, SAL : 34.97715 PSU, DO : 6.62659 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:45:39,Andrea Quattrini,ship has stopped 04/16/2015,19:45:47,Andrea Quattrini,waiting to get in a better configuration 04/16/2015,19:47:18,Tim Shank,bamboo 04/16/2015,19:47:24,Tim Shank,PTE on SED 04/16/2015,19:47:43,Andrea Quattrini,Foram? or HYD on SED?? 04/16/2015,19:47:47,Tim Shank,small SER 04/16/2015,19:48:58,dandistel,most definitely 04/16/2015,19:49:07,amandademopoulos,stop/start WHOI ECC video 04/16/2015,19:49:13,dandistel,there are small burrow openings apparent 04/16/2015,19:49:30,dandistel,also maybe the valves of a burrower near the left end 04/16/2015,19:49:35,Tim Shank,WHOI vid 6 04/16/2015,19:50:10,Tim Shank,DET scattered, pretty much all day… 04/16/2015,19:50:13,Tim Shank,HOL swimming 04/16/2015,19:52:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76654, LON : -66.75107, DEPTH :1758.6621m, TEMP : 4.15517C, SAL : 34.97777 PSU, DO : 6.64651 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:53:02,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,19:53:10,Scott France,Purple HOL swimming 04/16/2015,19:53:17,Tim Shank,a different swimming HOL than we have seen 04/16/2015,19:53:28,Andrea Quattrini,diff sp of Benthodytes? 04/16/2015,19:53:33,Scott France,No dorsal fins/hood on this one 04/16/2015,19:55:10,Tim Shank,Don't know Andrea. quick look up - Not seeing this in Pawson's review 04/16/2015,19:55:14,Tim Shank,hovering... 04/16/2015,19:55:28,Scott France,Good strategy for finding the bottom again... 04/16/2015,19:56:10,Tim Shank,the HOL eagle has landed 04/16/2015,19:56:26,Scott France,Might be worth noting here for viewers that this is a very close cousin of sea stars although they don't look like them 04/16/2015,19:56:50,Tim Shank,ASR white 04/16/2015,19:57:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76689, LON : -66.75112, DEPTH :1762.4065m, TEMP : 4.15506C, SAL : 34.97817 PSU, DO : 6.64171 mg/L 04/16/2015,19:58:16,Scott France,It does look ACN ish 04/16/2015,19:58:20,Scott France,;-) 04/16/2015,19:58:39,Andrea Quattrini,weird its in sed 04/16/2015,19:59:06,Scott France,Texture = bundles of nematocysts 04/16/2015,19:59:11,Scott France,on tentacles 04/16/2015,19:59:29,Scott France,Must be some small pebble or some such under there 04/16/2015,19:59:31,Andrea Quattrini,corallimorph or something else? 04/16/2015,19:59:50,Andrea Quattrini,fani said some cup corals could have bulbous tips too.... 04/16/2015,19:59:55,Scott France,Not sure. I think anemone cause those tips aren't very bulbous relative to tentackles 04/16/2015,20:00:18,Scott France,Some anenomes also have bulbous tips 04/16/2015,20:00:21,Andrea Quattrini,definitely not a cup 04/16/2015,20:01:44,michaelvecchione,I am always reassured when an expert says "we don't know". 04/16/2015,20:02:03,michaelvecchione,CTE black 04/16/2015,20:02:22,Tim Shank,CTE nice rows 04/16/2015,20:02:28,randysinger,telepresence is teh future of biology 04/16/2015,20:02:29,Scott France,Here is a swimming CTE to compare to earlier benthic one 04/16/2015,20:02:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76707, LON : -66.75105, DEPTH :1759.7225m, TEMP : 4.15643C, SAL : 34.97810 PSU, DO : 6.64354 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:03:42,Scott France,But Chris is always excited by any seastar… ;-) 04/16/2015,20:03:47,Taylor Heyl,DET on soft sediment 04/16/2015,20:03:49,Taylor Heyl,HOL 04/16/2015,20:03:50,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,20:03:51,Taylor Heyl,purple 04/16/2015,20:04:06,randysinger,did chris mah say when it was originally described? 04/16/2015,20:04:11,randysinger,the sea star we saw 04/16/2015,20:04:17,Scott France,He said late 19th century 04/16/2015,20:04:25,Scott France,CPEN Umbellula 04/16/2015,20:04:25,Andrea Quattrini,okeanos will likely be collecting in the Pacific~ Next expedition!! 04/16/2015,20:04:46,randysinger,GREAT NEWS 04/16/2015,20:05:37,randysinger,FSH center 04/16/2015,20:05:38,Taylor Heyl,FSH 04/16/2015,20:05:42,Taylor Heyl,URC on SED? 04/16/2015,20:05:45,randysinger,halosaur 04/16/2015,20:05:54,randysinger,Aldrovandia 04/16/2015,20:07:07,Taylor Heyl,SHI attacked the Halosaur 04/16/2015,20:07:13,Taylor Heyl,:-) 04/16/2015,20:07:40,Taylor Heyl,HOL 04/16/2015,20:07:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76744, LON : -66.75112, DEPTH :1761.7342m, TEMP : 4.15972C, SAL : 34.97785 PSU, DO : 6.62458 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:08:10,Scott France,Again sea pens fairly sparse. 04/16/2015,20:08:20,Taylor Heyl,Mounds 04/16/2015,20:09:16,Taylor Heyl,ANT can 04/16/2015,20:09:24,Taylor Heyl,paint can 04/16/2015,20:09:42,Scott France,CRI on bucket 04/16/2015,20:09:48,Scott France,SHI 04/16/2015,20:09:52,Taylor Heyl,CRI and SHI associated with bucket 04/16/2015,20:10:04,Scott France,Inside bucket as well 04/16/2015,20:10:17,Andrea Quattrini,ACN? 04/16/2015,20:10:19,Scott France,Can't tell if it is a CRI inside 04/16/2015,20:10:29,Scott France,Don't see pinnules on "arms" 04/16/2015,20:10:39,Scott France,Must be ACN inside 04/16/2015,20:10:43,Scott France,agree Andrea 04/16/2015,20:10:59,Andrea Quattrini,SHI 04/16/2015,20:11:14,Taylor Heyl,small translucent HOL on left of can 04/16/2015,20:11:23,Andrea Quattrini,Hormathiidae ACN> 04/16/2015,20:11:24,Taylor Heyl,orange ACN at top 04/16/2015,20:11:29,Scott France,ACN hormathiid perhaps 04/16/2015,20:11:44,Tim Shank,Conclusion: put more buckets down - get more colonization :-) 04/16/2015,20:11:54,randysinger,artificial "bucket reef" 04/16/2015,20:12:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76754, LON : -66.75094, DEPTH :1759.7850m, TEMP : 4.16817C, SAL : 34.98465 PSU, DO : 6.62229 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:13:19,Andrea Quattrini,sea lilly? HYD? 04/16/2015,20:13:21,mikecheadle,Starting to find carbonate clasts in the mud 04/16/2015,20:13:23,Andrea Quattrini,on side, left 04/16/2015,20:13:46,randysinger,SHI red 04/16/2015,20:14:57,Scott France,OPH under rock... 04/16/2015,20:15:11,Scott France,SPO 04/16/2015,20:15:28,Scott France,Terrific view of the SPO 04/16/2015,20:15:46,Scott France,Can't see any evidence of trapped prey embedded 04/16/2015,20:16:22,Scott France,POL 04/16/2015,20:17:40,Scott France,Amphipod tubes? 04/16/2015,20:17:44,Scott France,POL tubes? 04/16/2015,20:17:59,okexnav,LAT :17.76761, LON : -66.75109, DEPTH :1759.6279m, TEMP : 4.16532C, SAL : 34.97865 PSU, DO : 6.62160 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:18:07,Scott France,Can see something in the center tube in the erect cluster 04/16/2015,20:18:14,Taylor Heyl,shells and small sponges on sediment 04/16/2015,20:20:22,randysinger,Amphipod 04/16/2015,20:20:25,randysinger,swam by camera 04/16/2015,20:21:40,Taylor Heyl,DET on sediment 04/16/2015,20:21:54,Taylor Heyl,Coconut 04/16/2015,20:22:08,jasonchaytor,drop nut 04/16/2015,20:22:27,okexnav,LAT :17.76754, LON : -66.75096, DEPTH :1755.7285m, TEMP : 4.16817C, SAL : 34.97859 PSU, DO : 6.61549 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:24:01,Scott France,COR cup 04/16/2015,20:24:43,Andrea Quattrini,cup? i didnt see septa... 04/16/2015,20:24:44,Andrea Quattrini,you? 04/16/2015,20:25:41,Tim Shank,Didn't see 04/16/2015,20:25:43,Scott France,Sorry - I only had a quick look so may have miscalled an ACN. I was typing an email to you and Mike re the whales 04/16/2015,20:25:49,randysinger,another high topography maybe well see a chimaera (fingers crossed) 04/16/2015,20:27:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76777, LON : -66.75091, DEPTH :1745.0805m, TEMP : 4.20161C, SAL : 34.97785 PSU, DO : 6.57699 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:27:51,randysinger,whats our off bottom time today/ 04/16/2015,20:27:55,Scott France,HOL 04/16/2015,20:28:20,jasonchaytor,carbonate - erosion channels cut into wall (parallel) 04/16/2015,20:28:50,jasonchaytor,some edge failure along bedding plane/channel intersection 04/16/2015,20:29:21,Tim Shank,1747m 04/16/2015,20:29:32,Tim Shank,time to climb 04/16/2015,20:30:56,Scott France,CERI 04/16/2015,20:31:16,Scott France,x2 04/16/2015,20:31:26,amandademopoulos,stopping whoi video 04/16/2015,20:31:54,amandademopoulos,starting whoi video 04/16/2015,20:32:10,Scott France,Good size 04/16/2015,20:32:25,Andrea Quattrini,possible that the dead "tube" structures below may have been from anemones? 04/16/2015,20:32:37,okexnav,LAT :17.76764, LON : -66.75064, DEPTH :1734.5921m, TEMP : 4.20928C, SAL : 34.97687 PSU, DO : 6.55963 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:32:49,Taylor Heyl,nice Serios view 04/16/2015,20:32:50,Scott France,Those tubes were too rigid and thick for CERI tubes. 04/16/2015,20:33:08,Scott France,if we're talking about the ones by the rock a while ago. 04/16/2015,20:33:40,Andrea Quattrini,yea…pol tubes then? 04/16/2015,20:34:02,jasonchaytor,bedding planes 04/16/2015,20:34:37,Scott France,Another CERI tube anemone 04/16/2015,20:34:43,Scott France,side view 04/16/2015,20:35:07,randysinger,digging the tech talk about the ROV 04/16/2015,20:35:23,Scott France,Especially the part about "Bling" 04/16/2015,20:35:27,randysinger,indeed 04/16/2015,20:36:02,Tim Shank,CER* cu video 04/16/2015,20:36:28,Andrea Quattrini,great view in seirious 04/16/2015,20:37:38,okexnav,LAT :17.76781, LON : -66.75058, DEPTH :1722.1619m, TEMP : 4.21098C, SAL : 34.97654 PSU, DO : 6.55506 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:37:43,Scott France,The Serios view provides much better context for the vast space being explored. 04/16/2015,20:37:57,Scott France,and how little we get to see up close 04/16/2015,20:38:10,amandademopoulos,creator of the trace... 04/16/2015,20:38:15,Andrea Quattrini,a lot more light from it this year 04/16/2015,20:38:18,Taylor Heyl,HOL 04/16/2015,20:38:21,Taylor Heyl,swimming 04/16/2015,20:38:22,Scott France,And we have lift off... 04/16/2015,20:38:33,Scott France,Now we know why the traces end… without a trace of the HOL. 04/16/2015,20:38:41,Michelle Schärer,LOL 04/16/2015,20:38:42,amandademopoulos,nice Scott 04/16/2015,20:38:42,Tim Shank,ha 04/16/2015,20:38:53,Scott France,Thanks. I'll be here all week. 04/16/2015,20:39:00,Scott France,No cover charge. 04/16/2015,20:39:08,Andrea Quattrini,oh jeez.... 04/16/2015,20:39:17,amandademopoulos,oh dear 04/16/2015,20:39:18,Scott France,Yeah, it IS getting late in the day. 04/16/2015,20:39:27,randysinger,haha 04/16/2015,20:39:29,amandademopoulos,DET 04/16/2015,20:39:36,Michelle Schärer,narcosis setting in? 04/16/2015,20:39:40,Scott France,haha 04/16/2015,20:39:48,amandademopoulos,coffee wearing off 04/16/2015,20:39:56,randysinger,I hear that amanda 04/16/2015,20:40:16,randysinger,beena really amazing day for Okeanos though 04/16/2015,20:40:42,okexnav,LAT :17.76773, LON : -66.75051, DEPTH :1719.5860m, TEMP : 4.17727C, SAL : 34.97805 PSU, DO : 6.58859 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:42:27,Tim Shank,Have to run all (getting too punchy in here…not really). Thank you for a very interesting dive; can see some real value comparing this dive to others at the same depth- canyons and seamounts from previous years. Talk to you later. Thank you. 04/16/2015,20:42:40,randysinger,see you Tim 04/16/2015,20:42:50,amandademopoulos,bye tim 04/16/2015,20:42:59,Scott France,See you Tim. Sorry to drive you off with my cornball comments. 04/16/2015,20:43:05,Taylor Heyl,bye tim 04/16/2015,20:43:31,randysinger,I suppose I should head out too have some things I need ot wrap up in the collection. See you guys next dive! 04/16/2015,20:43:38,Scott France,I too will have to leave in a few minutes for a seminar. What time do you anticipate post-dive call? 04/16/2015,20:43:49,randysinger,cheers all 04/16/2015,20:43:50,Scott France,Seminar will end at 6 pm EST 04/16/2015,20:43:56,okexnav,LAT :17.76787, LON : -66.75055, DEPTH :1713.5288m, TEMP : 4.21274C, SAL : 34.97678 PSU, DO : 6.55177 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:43:59,amandademopoulos,post dive call 1745 04/16/2015,20:44:01,Scott France,Thanks. 04/16/2015,20:44:01,randysinger,:( 04/16/2015,20:44:04,jasonchaytor,I'm not going anywhere 04/16/2015,20:44:19,jasonchaytor,ROV scar 04/16/2015,20:44:20,amandademopoulos,nope 04/16/2015,20:44:23,Scott France,Hopefully beginning tomorrow I can be more involved in planning and post-dive. 04/16/2015,20:44:30,amandademopoulos,always 04/16/2015,20:44:45,amandademopoulos,DET in pit 04/16/2015,20:45:21,amandademopoulos,mixed DET sargassum macroalgae and syringodium seagrass 04/16/2015,20:45:36,Andrea Quattrini,great thanks~ 04/16/2015,20:46:28,amandademopoulos,HOL 04/16/2015,20:46:39,Andrea Quattrini,another HOL, seen before? 04/16/2015,20:46:43,Andrea Quattrini,earlier today 04/16/2015,20:47:03,amandademopoulos,yes, we saw this earlier today 04/16/2015,20:47:22,Michelle Schärer,Any associates? 04/16/2015,20:47:26,Taylor Heyl,FEC on SED 04/16/2015,20:48:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76800, LON : -66.75033, DEPTH :1712.2681m, TEMP : 4.17179C, SAL : 34.97743 PSU, DO : 6.59346 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:49:00,Taylor Heyl,JFH 04/16/2015,20:49:13,Scott France,The next beep you hear is me hanging up on conference call! 04/16/2015,20:49:57,Scott France,Certainly a hydromedusae of some kind 04/16/2015,20:50:06,amandademopoulos,lasers pretty please 04/16/2015,20:51:36,Andrea Quattrini,k 04/16/2015,20:51:38,Andrea Quattrini,thanks 04/16/2015,20:52:19,amandademopoulos,ANT? 04/16/2015,20:52:19,jasonchaytor,ANT bottle 04/16/2015,20:52:37,Taylor Heyl,covered in HYD or sediment 04/16/2015,20:52:43,Taylor Heyl,HOL 04/16/2015,20:52:46,Scott France,Later explorers! 04/16/2015,20:52:51,amandademopoulos,thanks Scott! 04/16/2015,20:52:55,Michelle Schärer,bye scott 04/16/2015,20:52:55,jasonchaytor,bye! 04/16/2015,20:53:26,Taylor Heyl,Bye scott! 04/16/2015,20:53:28,amandademopoulos,FSH 04/16/2015,20:53:35,Taylor Heyl,FSH Halosaur 04/16/2015,20:53:36,amandademopoulos,FSH Halosaur 04/16/2015,20:53:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76817, LON : -66.75002, DEPTH :1708.1318m, TEMP : 4.18527C, SAL : 34.97661 PSU, DO : 6.58020 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:54:38,amandademopoulos,FSH tripod 04/16/2015,20:55:04,Taylor Heyl,HOL swimming 04/16/2015,20:55:33,Andrea Quattrini,brian b driving 04/16/2015,20:57:01,Andrea Quattrini,FSH B phenax 04/16/2015,20:57:07,Andrea Quattrini,see subcaudal notch 04/16/2015,20:57:17,Taylor Heyl,I have to take off for today....see you all tomorrow. 04/16/2015,20:57:23,amandademopoulos,so that is distinctive for which species, Andrea? 04/16/2015,20:57:30,amandademopoulos,i haven't been listening ;)\n 04/16/2015,20:57:38,Andrea Quattrini,phenax 04/16/2015,20:57:59,Andrea Quattrini,did i not say it out loud? 04/16/2015,20:58:11,Michelle Schärer,is this current or ship drag? 04/16/2015,20:58:56,amandademopoulos,u did-a little while ago-just didn't remember for the log, Andrea 04/16/2015,20:58:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76842, LON : -66.74984, DEPTH :1703.0569m, TEMP : 4.18769C, SAL : 34.97713 PSU, DO : 6.57928 mg/L 04/16/2015,20:59:09,Andrea Quattrini,oh ok…ha 04/16/2015,20:59:13,Michelle Schärer,thx 04/16/2015,20:59:14,amandademopoulos,synaphobranchid? 04/16/2015,20:59:36,Michelle Schärer,Andy any idea on these long pits? mammal feeding?? 04/16/2015,20:59:55,Andrea Quattrini,parasite? 04/16/2015,20:59:57,amandademopoulos,FSH Synaphobranchidae 04/16/2015,21:00:08,amandademopoulos,not sure, A 04/16/2015,21:00:28,amandademopoulos,looks like "scar" 04/16/2015,21:00:37,Andrea Quattrini,ha michelle! We have discussed that all day. could be 04/16/2015,21:01:22,amandademopoulos,OCT dumbo 04/16/2015,21:01:26,Andrea Quattrini,what about the eyes on this? 04/16/2015,21:01:57,amandademopoulos,CU of OCT 04/16/2015,21:02:25,amandademopoulos,phew 04/16/2015,21:03:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76867, LON : -66.74959, DEPTH :1700.1123m, TEMP : 4.18862C, SAL : 34.97482 PSU, DO : 6.58568 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:06:31,mikecheadle,lots of mud.. 04/16/2015,21:07:28,amandademopoulos,ISO? swimming 04/16/2015,21:07:38,amandademopoulos,HOL\n 04/16/2015,21:08:03,Andrea Quattrini,thanks manda 04/16/2015,21:08:31,Michelle Schärer,ANT 04/16/2015,21:08:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76859, LON : -66.74933, DEPTH :1695.2738m, TEMP : 4.19783C, SAL : 34.97733 PSU, DO : 6.57362 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:08:57,amandademopoulos,i dont remember these things about the fishes, so nice to hear it 04/16/2015,21:09:15,Andrea Quattrini,oh i thought you were prompting me for discussion! Which I will take any time!! 04/16/2015,21:09:25,amandademopoulos,i was...sure that is it 04/16/2015,21:09:39,amandademopoulos,HOL 04/16/2015,21:09:46,Andrea Quattrini,HOL Enypniastes 04/16/2015,21:10:18,Andrea Quattrini,pilots love to video HOL! 04/16/2015,21:12:32,amandademopoulos,when there arent any octopods that is 04/16/2015,21:13:18,Andrea Quattrini,HOl and SHI ;) but they are so good at it! 04/16/2015,21:13:43,amandademopoulos,agreed 04/16/2015,21:13:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76885, LON : -66.74949, DEPTH :1695.8078m, TEMP : 4.20369C, SAL : 34.97725 PSU, DO : 6.55806 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:14:08,amandademopoulos,pit with Sargassum 04/16/2015,21:14:46,Michelle Schärer,gotta go, see U all later 04/16/2015,21:15:00,amandademopoulos,depressions on the seafloor are major depocenters for organic material, including phytodetritus 04/16/2015,21:18:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76885, LON : -66.74889, DEPTH :1691.3333m, TEMP : 4.18829C, SAL : 34.97725 PSU, DO : 6.57655 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:19:19,amandademopoulos,pit with DET Sargassum and Thalassia and Syringodium 04/16/2015,21:19:49,gracielagarcia-moliner,eel grass 04/16/2015,21:21:57,amandademopoulos,pit with DET SPO 04/16/2015,21:23:37,amandademopoulos,HOL x many 04/16/2015,21:23:48,amandademopoulos,SHI 04/16/2015,21:23:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76899, LON : -66.74881, DEPTH :1689.0707m, TEMP : 4.22068C, SAL : 34.97647 PSU, DO : 6.52105 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:25:00,Andrea Quattrini,another HOL! 04/16/2015,21:27:10,Andrea Quattrini,more SHI in water 04/16/2015,21:28:29,amandademopoulos,what??? I missed a HOL 04/16/2015,21:28:52,Andrea Quattrini,what about a 1800 dive call? too late? 04/16/2015,21:28:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76908, LON : -66.74837, DEPTH :1687.4883m, TEMP : 4.21706C, SAL : 34.97678 PSU, DO : 6.54054 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:29:31,amandademopoulos,we have to get somewhere, if we could do 1745 it would be better 04/16/2015,21:29:39,Andrea Quattrini,k 04/16/2015,21:29:47,amandademopoulos,sorry 04/16/2015,21:29:52,Andrea Quattrini,how about right after the dive? 04/16/2015,21:30:11,amandademopoulos,that's fine, if ur up for it 04/16/2015,21:30:50,Andrea Quattrini,yea, there was a request to push it to 6 cause of dinner... 04/16/2015,21:31:12,Andrea Quattrini,what is that? 04/16/2015,21:32:26,Andrea Quattrini,1687 bottom depth 04/16/2015,21:32:30,Andrea Quattrini,off bottom 04/16/2015,21:33:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76909, LON : -66.74879, DEPTH :1685.3861m, TEMP : 4.22671C, SAL : 34.97647 PSU, DO : 6.51304 mg/L 04/16/2015,21:38:57,okexnav,LAT :17.76891, LON : -66.74896, DEPTH :1569.9759m, TEMP : 4.24533C, SAL : 34.97634 PSU, DO : 6.52437 mg/L